Best of 2020 and the Wish-list of 2021

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Mohammad Rahmani

Dec 17, 2020, 9:57:21 AM12/17/20

Dear all,

  The year 2020 is gradually coming to end and a new year 2021 will start soon!
  I would like to ask you to share the best of 2020 and your wishlist of 2021.

  Tiddlywiki gets more powerful and resource rich and now we have many tools

Best wishes

p.s: Josiah normally sends out this post.

David Gifford

Dec 17, 2020, 1:25:55 PM12/17/20
to TiddlyWiki
Best of 2020 for me personally: Editor autolists by Saq Imtiaz. I can't live without it now! Saq was also a huge help to me with his Stories plugin for Stroll.
Wishlist for 2021: the CovidVaccinePlugin :-)

David Gifford

Dec 17, 2020, 1:28:54 PM12/17/20
to TiddlyWiki
Pointing out Saq's help requires me to do the same for the many other people who helped me. So, the other best for me in 2020 was the TiddlyWiki community: all the people who posted patient, fast and kind responses to all my many requests this year.

arun babu

Dec 17, 2020, 4:51:07 PM12/17/20
to TiddlyWiki
I started using TW 6 months back. Although i have tried other note taking tools like remnote, obsidian, dendron, logseq etc, TW best suited my needs.

I will list the best plug ins of "2020" which i use daily

1. crazko's Krystal plug in - this is the backbone of my wiki........I also like using a set up with saq's stories plug in, side-by-side mode from Drift and jd's white space theme since it appears much more spacious than Krystal. But i had to stick with Krystal since the floating search box of command palette plug in was getting partly hidden behind one of the stories in the two story mode. Hope this gets fixed in the future

2. saq's Streams plug in- another backbone of my wiki. Before finding TW, i was using remnote for some time. What i liked most in remnote was the outliner capabilities. Streams was helpful is that aspect. Instead of making a single large tiddler, using streams i can arrange the contents in an easily readable and understandable way.

3. souk's Command palette plug in - i have made many custom commands for command palette to create tiddlers of various custom templates (with tags, fields auto-populated). This has made my note taking much faster.

4. linonetwo's Copy on select plug in - this makes copying text super fast.

5. HCHaase's TOC Generic plug in - this one I use for backlinks. For me this has the best UI among the plug ins which handle backlinks. Before finding this plug in, i was using the reference plug in of tiddlyresearch which too is good and is configurable.

6. saq's editor autolist from Goodies for Stroll - like streams this one always make text entry super fast. I had to change the keyboard shortcuts because of conflict with keyboard shortcuts of Streams plug in.

7. nico's Projectify plug in - i use this to track my daily todos. The recent updates have made this even more desirable.

8. flibbles's Relink Titles plug in - newly released supplemental plug in of Relink plug in has made renaming of streams tiddlers headache free.

9. saq's UI tweaks for editing fields.

I will list the other plug ins which i use daily but was released prior to 2020 - danielo's Context, kookma's Refnotes, Shiraz, Trashbin, snowgoon's Edit-comptext, tobibeer's ibox macro, Twaddle's richlinks for embedding tweets, wikilabs edit-tabs. Patelles by jd (BrownOne, C8Dark, CoolMint, Neonize), Dracula palette, Thomas Elmiger's penguin palette, adithyb's SolarizedDark palette are worth mentioning.

I think 2020 was one of the best years of TW with many good plug ins getting released and core being developed actively. I follow TW google group, reddit, twitter, github, and discord almost daily to keep myself updated and to incorporate good ideas from the discussions happening here into my wiki. Myself being a doctor, i don't have much technical knowledge in coding  and i regret the fact that i can't contribute much to TW other than liking and sharing posts related to TW at present.

Now coming to my wishes for 2021

1. I wish for a better web clipper for TW. buggyj's tiddlyclip is a good one - it can even clip text from pdfs. But I think it can be made better by reducing the steps needed to clip a text. Also I wish it could support streams plug in. Currently all the text clipped from a single webpage or pdf is stored in a single tiddler. And every time we clip a text, a link of that same page also gets saved in that tiddler making the tiddler large. I wish each clipped text from a single webpage to be saved as separate streams tiddler. Also a real time editing of the clipped contents to be supported by opening a side window of TW in the webpage being clipped. Such an implentaion can be seen in remnote web clipper and eloquent webclipper.

2. I am also eagerly waiting for the updates as told in the roadmap of streams, command palette. I am hoping for a floating editor for editing streams tiddlers as discussed here and support for custom templates for streams.  

3. I hope HCHaase's TOC Generic plug in gets updated with inclusion of freelinks and also with support for editable transclusion.

4. Old Muuritouch was one of my favorite storyviews with a long list of keyboard shortcuts. But the keyboard shortcuts in old one were not working with latest releases of TW. But BTC released an updated and slightly trimmed down version of Muuri recently and saq made an interesting implentaion of Muuri in two story layout. I am very much interested in seeing how it turns out to be.

5. Riz's Tekan was another interesting plug in in TW which was not updated as a plug in for so long. I hope that the Tekan plug in gets updated to get similar functionality as the standalone edition and to remove some conflicts with modal as discussed here.

6. I had heard somewhere that saq may update his stories plug in eventually. Wish to see it earlier. 

7. jd's fullscreen editor is also due for an update.

8. A better preview plug in. Currently I use the forked version of tobibeer preview plug in used in tiddlyresearch when needed.

9. I wish to see how the Notation editor as shown by saq in one of the TW hangout video works.

10. diego's Anwiki also deserve an update. Although i dont see much use for myself, there is large student community out there who may find it useful. I know this because i am a member of remnote discord (remnote is an outliner note taking app with in-built flashcard creation and spaced repetition). There aren't much apps which can do note taking and flashcard creation at the same time.

11. A better UI for editing tiddlers. 

12. I wish to see more TW hangout videos in the future in youtube where our great developers and contributors showcase their workflow. Its always better to see and learn than reading the documentation texts.

Finally thanks to the founder, developers and contributors of TW for this great piece of software.

Saq Imtiaz

Dec 18, 2020, 6:34:25 AM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
"I follow TW google group, reddittwittergithub, and discord almost daily to keep myself updated and to incorporate good ideas from the discussions happening here into my wiki. "

@arun that shows, very comprehensive post!


Dec 18, 2020, 7:24:23 AM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Saq

I utterly understand where you coming from. It illustrates well very engaged use by folk like you and folk like arunn ...

If I wish anything from 2021 it is to make it easier to FIND solutions. Right now, unless you are following developments continuously its near impossible to find the actual relevant tools that exist to solve one's issues. Basically what is needed is an evolutionary "meta level" matrix to assist folk (NOT reading here everyday) find solutions.

Best wishes


Dec 18, 2020, 8:22:55 AM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
Mohammad wrote:   
Josiah normally sends out this post.  

Not important. 

My excite in this year was DIVERSITY. And several different real actions to start to diversify CSS and Parsers (especially by PMario) to aid normal visuals. 

FWIW, I tend to really relate to Mark S. solutions because he is a pragmatist. Gives code you then can work from. His innovations in 2020 have been a wonderful learning experience.

It is getting obvious that in 2021 there will be demand to make it EASIER to  access solutions. Fact is we have many, many solutions but still totally LACK any decent meta index of them. That I do not like as it basically means if you do not read here everyday it gets difficult to located solutions. They are not recorded anywhere schematically.

Best wishes

Dec 18, 2020, 8:56:21 AM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
I got into TiddlyWIki more seriously this year. I've had used it before to manage D&D notes, but back then (a couple of years ago)  I really struggled with making lists using the filter notation.
This year I am using it for my studynotes and to keep track of everything I want to keep track of. Like recipes and bookmarks and the sorts. My highs of this year would be learning some wikitext to adjust TiddlyWiki to my own liking and even to make a recipe plugin. Also, the people that return frequently to this forum to take part in discussions, and answer questions that noobs like me have. It is great to lurk and read the solutions experienced people come up with. I often read them and try if I can follow the logic in the code in order to learn.

My wish for 2021 would be similar to that of TiddlyTweeter. It would be much more convenient to have a third party plugin library curated by the community. This would make stepping into TiddlyWiki a much easier/welcoming experience. To know what plugins there are, one has to shift through this forum to search. This can be very daunting. The Dynalist has been a great help for me, to serve as a selection of what is out there. Currently, most plugin creators host their plugins on GitHub. Maybe a community curated GitHub repository can store copies of plugins that are then bundled in a library (similar to the current official one). So newcomers to TiddlyWiki can just open the library to pick plugins from. When they need more detailed information, they could always follow a link inside the plugin to the original page.

Op vrijdag 18 december 2020 om 14:22:55 UTC+1 schreef TiddlyTweeter:

Dec 18, 2020, 9:11:19 AM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
How is the stability of the command palette plugin? I was really interested in the development, but decided not to install it because of the warning they wrote. If I recall correctly, Souk described it as a prototype not meant for normal use.

Op vrijdag 18 december 2020 om 14:56:21 UTC+1 schreef

arun babu

Dec 18, 2020, 2:58:13 PM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
Saq ....i just looked into the TW set up which i use daily and wrote down my favorites from it...... so that it may be helpful for others who are just starting to use TW. 

Odin.....I use command palette regularly in my wiki which is based on TW 5.1.23. I have never seen any bugs related to it in my set up except of the small problem when using two story layout which i had described in my first post in this thread .

TW Tones

Dec 18, 2020, 11:53:21 PM12/18/20
to TiddlyWiki

There has being a lot of improvements this year, many of which have made my own plans possible. 

My wish list for 2021 basically involves publishing some tools I now have designed to the community.
  • Automatic SMART title generation and serial numbers
  • Improved hackability to allow custom actions to be triggered off any existing trigger such as buttons
  • Publish my HTML snapshot method, to capture the result of complex renders, with a click to refresh. Reducing the time to load the snapshot, and leave it to on demand refresh, or when certain criteria are met, a custom refresh trigger.
  • Serial editing of single file (and node) wikis through a checkout and check in method.
  • With Mario and TT, The release of the work on the customise pragma for custom wikitext.
  • A generic new tiddler from template tool
  • A range of advanced rapid development tools for user to solve real world problems
    • Fields, field types, wiki modes, easy config tools....
  • "Native style" support for lists, quickly add remove items from lists, copy lists, save lists, restore lists - mostly all drag and drop
  • Publish my "advanced search indicators" solution which makes actionable buttons appear according to the content of the search field.
  • Make use of Unicode for objects, symbols and icons along with alternative namespaces to $:/ system
A lot more which I will share later if anyone is interested.


Dec 23, 2020, 11:09:45 AM12/23/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the shoutout of anwiki. I am not a skilled TW or JS developer, but I made this as a rough proof of concept of the power of TW. All it is is an implementation of Anki's basic algorithm in TW, with a rough UI attached.

With all of the beautiful work recently done in TW UIs this can be dramatically overhauled.

In my mind, TW should supersede anki in every way. As my digital brain, it makes sense for me to do me spaced repetition inside TW, where I can complete control over not just the algorithm, but the presentation of the "card".

In my mind, if this could become and official TW plugin, or at least, a well-supported one by on the TW experts in hefe, this would go a long way to bringing people into the tiddlyverse!


TW Tones

Dec 23, 2020, 6:49:17 PM12/23/20
to TiddlyWiki

In my mind, if this could become and official TW plugin, or at least, a well-supported one by on the TW experts in here, this would go a long way to bringing people into the tiddlyverse!  
Integrations and examples of cards for anwiki like solutions exists in TiddlyWiki already, do continue your search. I have ideas somewhat different to anwiki for learning support so I would not limit the power of a solution in TiddlyWiki to following an algorithm in anwiki. However I am no expert in Anwiki, and thus do not know what the detail of the algorithm and methods are. 

So often the work of building a solution starts with a definition of what is required, from a user perspective, with no assumed partial technical solutions, or methods. Just the functional and user requirements, or the algorithm.

It seems to me you have a detailed understanding of what you may want and this may be your expertise, perhaps if you write good requirements, not assuming Anwiki knowledge, it and post it to the community your solution can be developed collaboratively?

My feeling is it could be built on top of standard tiddlers, ie if the card has a back defined in a supporting tiddler, then the view template will provide access to that card "back" (eg using the lookup operator). The more generic a solution the more opportunity for design reuse and shared development efforts.

In keeping with this thread
One of the greatest strengths of TiddlyWiki is its community, and if nothing else a worldwide pandemic has given some a lot more time to be involved. Thus you see lots of ideas, innovation and support for each other from this 2020.



Dec 26, 2020, 10:24:04 AM12/26/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thought I'd give my slightly belated response to this.

Best of 2020

Of course everyone loves this amazing plugin. Streams has massively changed the way I work in TiddlyWiki, allowing me to flesh out and organise ideas much more efficiently. Its a beautiful example of the flexibility of TiddlyWiki. Thank you Saq!

This plugin has solved the problem that many SRS users have of having two disconnected pools of knowledge. Now my personal notes and flashcards can be beautifully intertwingled. Thank you Soren!

This just makes TiddlyWiki that much more pleasurable to use. IIR it was made by a new TiddlyWiki user who seems now to have disappeared. Nonetheless it still works brilliantly and I hope that someone will continue to keep it alive. Thank you Souk21!

Timer Tools is not just an example of a great set of tools, but a great example of how generous, creative and unique the TiddlyWiki community is. I asked a question in the group about creating a simple time-stamp system for tracking my time. As he often does, Eric gave a very helpful answer that solved my problem, but he then went on to develop an entire suite of related tools! Thank you Eric!

Other note-taking tools
I may be breaking the rules slightly here, but I want to mention both Roam and Andy Matuschak's notes. There seems to have been an increased interest in thinking and note-taking tools in the last year or so, and I think that this has done a great job of demonstrating the adaptability of TiddlyWiki. Every time another bit of software introduces a cool new idea (Roam's use of backlinks, Andy's horizontal layout), TiddlyWiki can quickly be tweaked to incorporate it.

2021 Wish List

Tools for importing PDFs, Ebooks and web pages
I think that TiddlyWiki has great potential as a reading tool, especially with the amazing dynannotate plugin (Thank you Jeremy!), and I would love to see more development in this area.

A new multi-story layout
The stories plugin offers this to some extent already, but I would love to see a more flexible version of this. I believe this will soon be possible with some updates to the TiddlyWiki core (something to do with Flexbox?)

Also thanks to Jeremy and every other TiddlyWiki contributor for this great bit of software!

Mohammad Rahmani

Dec 26, 2020, 11:30:18 AM12/26/20
Many thanks to all who answered this question. I like especially to appreciate Si and Arun for their detailed answers. I invite other members to answer. One important benefit of this thread is, it can serve for many of us to see what are the most useful tools from an end user point of view. Also the wish list helps developers to find what are the most requested features.

Happy new year! Wish you all a healthy new year 2021

Best wishes

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arun babu

Jan 5, 2021, 4:14:09 PM1/5/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi diego, 

Today i saw one post in reddit regarding an implementation of SRS plug in TW by  tadeas paule. This is the link for his plug in. I have suggested him to post it in the google group. Thought this might be of interest to you.

Glenn Dixon

Jan 5, 2021, 5:05:18 PM1/5/21
to TiddlyWiki
You have a working copy of tiddlyclip? I just tried installing the extension. Firefox reports it to be corrupt.

On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 4:51:07 PM UTC-5 wrote:

arun babu

Jan 6, 2021, 3:01:01 AM1/6/21
to TiddlyWiki

@ Glenn Dixon

I think the attached files are the latest firefox extension ( 0.1.5) and TW plug in(01.14.2pre) of tiddlyclip respectively. Its working in my windows laptop.
bj tiddlyclip 01.14.2pre.json

Glenn Dixon

Jan 6, 2021, 6:02:53 AM1/6/21
to TiddlyWiki
well, now it's installed but the only option I get is 'dock here' - I'll troubleshoot or bug report on github

arun babu

Jan 6, 2021, 6:41:44 AM1/6/21

Hi Glenn

After installation of the firefox extension, you have to open the “TW file with the tiddlyclip plug in installed” as another tab in the same Firefox window. After that right click the mouse in the tab with TW file, a pop up menu with “dock here” option comes up. You have to select dock here. Now you can go to the webpage you want to clip. Select the text and right click the mouse. Again a pop up menu with some options will come. Select snip from it. The select text will now get clipped into your TW file. You can select more text as you need which will get clipped to the same tiddler. This tiddler will be seen in the “Recents” page as the first entry.

As I said in the first post of this thread, this plug in needs some modernization.

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Glenn Dixon

Jan 6, 2021, 9:51:24 AM1/6/21
Finally got that worked out, but yeah - very limited non-intuitive options there.

I think I’m just going back to Notion :(
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Jan 6, 2021, 2:17:18 PM1/6/21
to TiddlyWiki
Wow thats awesome! Im going to try and contact them!


Jan 9, 2021, 6:25:57 AM1/9/21
to TiddlyWiki
I'll just point out that tiddlyclip is designed to be very flexible - you can override the default rules (clipping behaviours) and /or define any number of your own rules - see for a description of how to define your own rules. Tiddlyclip is in constant development, however I have not released any updates for a long time as I am under the impression that only a handful of people use it (it only has 19 stars on github).  I am always open to suggestions for improvements. 



On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 10:51:07 PM UTC+1 wrote:

Jan 9, 2021, 4:53:04 PM1/9/21
to TiddlyWiki
Well, if I could, I'd give tiddlyclip 100 stars! I use it daily and it saves me a lot of effort getting things into my TWs.

Thanks for making it and sticking with it, BJ.

george g.

arun babu

Jan 9, 2021, 5:53:44 PM1/9/21
Hi BJ 

Thanks for the reply. As I said in my first post of this thread, I knew that tiddlyclip in a good web clipper. Although i had read the documentation a little bit before, i hadn't tried to understand it fully at that time. But today I tried to read it a little more deeply and understood that it was much more powerful than what i had thought. I am thinking of how to incorporate it into my workflow.

There were a few points because of which I couldn't incorporate it into my workflow flow previously. I had tried to bring those concerns to your attention in one google group thread regarding tiddlyclip and also in github issue. I am happy to talk to you about that now.

1. My current workflow is predominantly dependent on streams plug in by Saq which gives outliner capabilities for TW. I wish tiddlyclip could support my workflow using streams as described below 
    • Suppose I am reading and clipping contents from a webpage or a pdf article. When I select the title of the webpage or pdf and click on snip, it should create a new tiddler with the title of the webpage or pdf as the tiddler title. This tiddler should be the parent streams tiddler. Whatever text is being clipped at a next instance should be added as the first child node of parent streams tiddler. Next clipped items should be the second child node and so on. Is it possible to update tiddlyclip for such a workflow. 
    • Would it be better to not save the webpage or pdf link every time we clip some text or image from it. Link saving should be restricted to the first clipping from that page.  Or is it possible to hide that link into or under some icon placed adjacent to the snipped text and on clicking the icon, the webpage or PDF will open and scroll to the corresponding text. Some sort of linking.
2. Open a small window of TW with the corresponding streams tiddler on the right or left side of the browser tab in which web page or pdf is being clipped so that we can see and edit (mostly indenting and unindenting the streams nodes) the text being clipped on real time. A similar implementation can be seen in the web clipper of a note taking app called remnote and Eloquent webclipper.

3. While i was experimenting with the tiddlyclip today, i found that i can load local pdf files in my TW using tiddly clip and snip text from that also. Can we build upon this feature and add simultaneous pdf annotation using dynannotate plug in and snipping using tiddlyclip plug in. As I mentioned above, is it possible to create some linking between the snipped text in the tiddler and the corresponding highlighted text in the pdf so that on clicking the link of the snipped text or some icon, the PDF will open and scroll to the corresponding text. Such a feature was implemented in remnote recently. See the first part of this video from 1mt to 3mts.

Thank you.

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arun babu

Jan 10, 2021, 1:51:03 AM1/10/21
to TiddlyWiki
Hi BJ,

Forgot to mention one thing. Currently we have to right click in the webpage of pdf to get the pop up menu and then have to click on the snip, tip, etc. Can you make it like this - on selecting a text automatically the pop up menu will appears and we just have to click and select the option from that menu.



Jan 10, 2021, 12:08:30 PM1/10/21
to TiddlyWiki
Whoo...this is an excellent exercise, and I love the answers on here.

Highlights for me, off the top of my head, are:

Tools - Stroll, Streams, and Drift-type things -- all of which provide inspiration for my own project to organize all the things and thoughts. Mohammad's projects to make TiddlyWiki beautiful and structured. Flibbles' Relink plugin. Muuri.

Learning - Community, by which I mean not only the repeat helpers on this list - I've only asked a few questions, but have learned from the answers to many more - but also resources and notes people have spent time sharing, like Jed's pages, TobiBeer's pages, of course Dave Gifford's pages, and more.

Wish list:

Easier custom tiddler templating - I think more people would "get" TiddlyWiki as a platform if it were easier to present tiddlers with different roles differently in the Story River. Joshua Fontany's PR breaking out templates into components, and the discussion around it, are interesting, I think. I think this is one place we've been held back by the idea of TW as a notebook as its power has grown far beyond that.

Discoverability of tools - in one sense there are so many on David's dynalist that I need to discover fewer, the ones that are maintained and most useful. This thread helps with that.

A personal wish is for me to cooperate more and spend less time rolling my own solutions to fit my preferences exactly. :P I don't actually use most of the tools I admire.

I'm sure I've missed out some highlights.

Like David, I look forward to the CovidVaccinePlugin and anxiously watch for any signs of it starting to influence the overall picture!

Thanks to everyone posting and developing. I hope 2021 brings good news to all.



Jan 10, 2021, 1:33:35 PM1/10/21
to TiddlyWiki

Nicolas Petton

Jan 10, 2021, 5:08:22 PM1/10/21
to BJ, TiddlyWiki
BJ <> writes:

> I have not released any updates for a long time as I
> am under the impression that only a handful of people use it (it only has
> 19 stars on github).

It has one more stars now ;)



Jan 15, 2021, 2:05:19 AM1/15/21
to TiddlyWiki

The right clicking is part of the browser addons api interface.
if I select some text I may (from my own usages of addons)  want translate it (instead of clipping it) so need to select from a number of addons that appear in the popup when I right clip.

coda coder

Feb 1, 2021, 5:44:37 PM2/1/21
to TiddlyWiki
Late to the party, again... :/

WISH: Nested macros.

To be clear, 

<<a-macro-that-takes-a-string "with <<other>> <<macros>> embedded">>

I can dream, right?

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