Tiddly disaster recovery

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A Gloom

Mar 5, 2020, 12:16:22 AM3/5/20
to TiddlyWiki
One of Luis' questions made me think of some important disaster recovery techniques-- instead of resorting to emergency backup and potentionally losing current changes that may not be backed up.

2. Your very rich significant other has passed away. You find her(his) testament in a Tiddlywiki file. Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend(his ex-girlfriend) has hidden all controls and buttons to manage the wiki, so you can't read it. What can you do?

TW's Safe Mode


Invoking tiddlers via address bar

Control Panel, Advanced Search or any tiddler can be displayed with reverse permalink-- with another wiki get the permalink for say Control Panel, copy the ending "#%24%3A%2FControlPanel" and paste to the end of the problem wiki's url.  Filters with search operator can be used in the url.  Function button tiddlers-- like Save wiki-- can be brought up this way (outside of their normal location) and clicked for their function.

had to do this when I lost my sidebar after upgrading to 5.1.21, called up Advanced Search through permalink and using Filter tab, entered the name of the currently non-existant state tiddler that was needed to make the sidebar appear-- the filter tab will give a result of an nonexistant tiddler that when clicked on will give the option to create the tiddler

To deal with individual problem tiddlers that may become inaccessible by normal means or are not safe to view or edit-- this utility allows various manipulation without opening or viewing a tiddler



Mar 5, 2020, 3:05:17 AM3/5/20
to TiddlyWiki
A Glom

Thanks for sharing with the community. 
  • You may be interested in making a bookmarklet of your solution for easy application on any tiddlywiki as needed.
  • I will share some similar work eventually because I am building some support tools for using local storage, because this overlaps in functionality.

A related tip if you have the tiddlername is {{tiddlername||$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit}} which I only realised because of your post.

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