Tiddlywiki on a LAN share/container (Was self-host tiddlywiki)?

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Dec 12, 2019, 6:18:46 AM12/12/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi all

I am a diehard FF user and was using TW together with tiddlyfox for some time.
A few years ago I experienced quite a lot of browser crashes, lost some TW content and after that the possibility of using tiddlyfox ceased to work.

I have missed using TW quite a lot, so much that I'm looking to start using it again.
Recently I installed a Proxmox server to be able to run some virtual machines/containers.
I also run a Nextcloud instance in 1 of my containers but don't know if this is a (good) option for TW.

Therefor my question to you guys: what options do I have to self host TW?

Thanks a lot for your ideas!


Jed Carty

Dec 12, 2019, 6:32:16 AM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
By self host do you mean for use on the same computer that is hosting it, for use on the local network on on a public-facing server?

Because if it is one of the first two there are some newer tools that make it pretty simple, if it is for a public-facing server than it depends on how much privacy or access control you want.

If you are using the single file wikis than there are a number of savers available, I believe that Timimi is a pretty direct equivalent to tiddlyfox that works after the browser security updates that killed tiddlyfox https://tiddlywiki.com/#%22Timimi%22%20Extension%20and%20executable%20by%20Riz
I also made the BobSaver, but if you are only doing single file wikis and only using Firefox than Timimi is probably a simpler solution for you.

If you are using node-based wikis than the easiest solutions are either TiddlyServer or Bob, depending on your needs. I make Bob and Arlen makes TiddlyServer, someone was even kind enough to make a thread about the comparison between the two: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/MtGmV4Fk3bw

If you are looking for use on one computer or the local network than I strongly suggest TiddlyServer or Bob. Given that you have set up Proxmox and Nextcloud I am guessing that you have some experience tinkering with your setup and those two allow a lot of customisations that you may like.

For a public facing server the php saver is probably the easiest to set up https://tiddlywiki.com/#Saving%20on%20a%20PHP%20Server, it sets up a backend that is very similar to what tiddlyspot.com uses.


Dec 12, 2019, 6:50:58 AM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jed, thanks for picking this one up!

I meant using it on my LAN, not publicly.
I did some searches on note taking apps but came back to TW because I primarly liked the style and simplicity of it very much so I would like a way to access it from multiple devices from a browser.

So being able to use a browser to read and add/edit from multiple devices got me to the idea to store centrally.
I love the way containers work and have set up a few to isolate services and being able to access them directly from any device, that's why I mentioned it and the option whether to use Nextcloud or not for this.

I hope this makes it more clear to get some advice.


Michael Wiktowy

Dec 12, 2019, 1:14:50 PM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
There are automatic savers that work with FireFox still. I just set up SaveTiddlers ( https://github.com/buggyj/savetiddlers ) the other day with FF71 and it seems to work properly ... just remember to turn off your "Always ask you where to save files" preference or you will be bombarded with *more* "Save As" dialogs rather than less.

I don't have a NextCloud instance but it seems to provide a WebDAV interface ( https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/15/user_manual/files/access_webdav.html ) and according to the TiddlyWiki site, WebDAV is a build-in option to save ( https://tiddlywiki.com/#Saving%20via%20WebDAV ).


Good luck.


Dec 12, 2019, 3:23:02 PM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Just for consistency if you were hosting on a php server I recommend tw-reciever to edit online. The store php seems fragile


Jed Carty

Dec 12, 2019, 4:47:03 PM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
If it is just on the local LAN that you certainly want to use either Bob or TiddlyServer, Bob is available here: https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-BobEXE/releases just download the version for your system and run it, TiddlyServer is here https://github.com/Arlen22/TiddlyServer, I think other people would be better at helping you set up TiddlyServer than I am.

Which one you want comes down to personal preference I think.


Dec 12, 2019, 4:57:39 PM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
I have been investigating these options but it's not clear to me which one would be suited best for me.
Right now I was looking at webdav and the possibility to use my existing Nextcloud for this.

Anyone who can elaborate why webdav and not smb or nfs


Dec 12, 2019, 6:44:25 PM12/12/19
to TiddlyWiki

Perhaps you need to share more so we can guide you.

smb or nfs are simply file systems. if you have read/write access you still need your browser to be able to save back. You either use Timimi or a saver (various available) so single file wikis can save without always having to "download" to save.

WebDav, Bob/TidedlyServer and node present the wiki at an address such as or the local ip address and saving takes place through the server, not the file system.

See my new topic the kinds of questions to ask about saving and hosting your wiki



Dec 13, 2019, 4:27:36 AM12/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
On Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 10:57:39 PM UTC+1, Nick wrote:
I have been investigating these options but it's not clear to me which one would be suited best for me.
Right now I was looking at webdav and the possibility to use my existing Nextcloud for this.

The last time I did have a closer look at nextcloud and WebDav it didn't work in a way we need it. ... NC WebDav is only used to mount network drives to remote computers. You can't "host" and save TWs with it.
Anyone who can elaborate why webdav and not smb or nfs

SMB and NFS require file system access, which is a big NO-GO in all modern browsers. We need to use HTTP(S) PUT command to save stuff.



Dec 13, 2019, 4:40:47 AM12/13/19
to TiddlyWiki

There has been a GG thread about WebDav and Seafile.
Also see: https://www.seafile.com/en/home/ Community Edition, which you can host on your own server.

WebDav is disabled by default. So you'd need to enable it. But as reported in 2018 it did work. ...So this may be worth a test.



Dec 14, 2019, 10:17:16 AM12/14/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks guys already for thinking with me.

In response to TonyM, here is the situation:
- I want to start using TW again in some way, preferably with the least extra single device dependent settings/tools/software.
- Since TW has already what I need regarding simplicity, ability to run in a browser, I also would like to be able to access the same content from multiple devices, being Windows and Android.
- I do have a server running with Proxmox so I thought of putting the content somehow on it.
- Last week I finanally installed Nextcloud, initially for syncing contacts and calendars on multiple devices.
- I have never used WebDAV before but noticed that TW has an option to use this and NC uses it as well, therefor I thought in that direction.
If that's not an option, which seems so based on a reply here, I can setup a container just for that.

I hope it's more clear now.

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