Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center | Common Questions to Ask Your Gynaecologist

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Dr. Priya Mishra

Mar 3, 2022, 3:16:33 AM3/3/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center
While it’s crucial for a woman to see your gynecologist regularly, most of the women find excuses to avoid the appointment and some gather the courage only to speed up the process and get out of the door as soon as possible. Taking an appointment with a gynecologist is not something women love to do. However, if you are sexually active, then it becomes way more important to visit your gynaecologist in Bilaspur twice a year.

On the way to the appointment, you have a number of questions but as you sit in front of the doctor, you are all blank and clueless. This happens to a lot of women and it's absolutely fine. Your gynecologist may provide you with all the information regarding your reproductive health but there are some of the questions that remain unanswered because you don't ask. So in case you don't know from where to start, here are some of the most common questions that women must ask from their gynecologist.

Why do I experience heavy bleeding during my menstrual cycle?

Heavy bleeding is every woman's worst nightmare. Not only you have to double up pads, but also so you might leave blood stains on the place you sit. It is important that you address this issue in front of your gynecologist as there could be an underlying health issue that can go unnoticed. So, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

What options do I have when we talk about birth control?

Today, there are a number of options available in terms of birth control and are absolutely safer than ever. You can easily opt out for a birth control measure that perfectly suits your condition. Your gynecologist is the only one who can help you out in providing the best advice.

When it is the best time to conceive?

It doesn't matter if it's your first time or not, but getting your gynecologist’s advice can help you in avoiding complications like miscarriage. Based upon your situation and evaluation, your doctor will tell you about whether or not if your reproductive system is healthy enough.

What causes my menstrual cycle to be a regular?

While your lifestyle have a considerable influence on your menstrual cycle. If you are into consuming poor diet and also take lot of stress, then it can delay your menstrual cycle by some days or even a month. Some of the reasons may include PCOS or PCOD which means attention of Gynecologist in Bilaspur as soon as possible. Chances are that it could be due to birth control pills too.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Mar 15, 2022, 1:22:14 PM3/15/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Why Results Matter while Choosing a Test Tube Baby Centre?

In this fast paced world, we tend to have quite a detrimental effect on our health. In the long list of diseases that affect people now days, one most common issue that borders most of the couples is fertility. If we talk about India, infertility is another growing health concern which comes in the way of the couples planning to get pregnant. There are a number of options available for treating infertility but IVF or test tube baby is one of the best treatment options that helps couples in fulfilling their dreams of starting a new family. The whole process of IVF needs a fair bit of guidance and preparation and given the end result depends upon it. And if you are a couple, and are considering to go for IVF, then you must begin this journey by choosing the right test tube baby centre in Korba.

The test tube baby process could be challenging for couples but a good IVF or test tube baby specialist can make this process a whole lot easier. Here are some of the reasons which will tell you why you must be thoughtful while choosing a test tube baby centre.

·      Expertise: Well, the test tube baby procedure is a tried and tested method of assisted reproduction. However, an expert test tube baby specialist still plays an important role in the whole process of treatment. It is a complex process that involves the expertise of experienced IVF specialist and a good specialist can make a huge difference in the chances of getting a successful pregnancy. The best test tube baby centres have a team of doctors that have great experience in handling many successful IVF cases.

·      Correct diagnosis: If you are the one who have been suffering from infertility, then correct diagnosis should be done. It can only be done by identifying underlying condition that's causing infertility. A good IVF specialist will recommend you the right tests which will help you in identifying the reason behind infertility. Based upon the reports, you will get a treatment plan that suits you the best.

·      Managing complications: Some of the pregnancies could be quite complicated and therefore, one needs high quality test tube baby specialist to manage that kind of pregnancy and to carry out a successful test tube baby procedure. To rule out the complications, a capable IVF doctor would be able to guide the patients throughout the journey.

For the couples suffering with infertility issues, test tube baby is one of the most promising options available. It has become a preferred choice for assisted reproduction and for a successful procedure, you need to contact the best test tube baby centre in Chhattisgarh.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Apr 14, 2022, 8:49:59 AM4/14/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

9 Signs You Should See Your Gynecologist

Are you noticing any particular changes in your reproductive health? As your life after marriage taken a turn? Knowing exactly went to see the best gynaecologist in Chhattisgarh can help you in preventing and managing issues with your genitals. Each and every women needs to see gynaecologist at least once in a year. But most of the women are there fear to visit the gynaecologist. They fear being judged or feel embarrassed in discussing intimate parts of their body. Well, all these concerns are normal but you need to see a gynaecologist before things take a U-turn for the worst.

Knowing exactly when you need to see your gynaecologist can help you in preventing you to get panic. Read on the blog to know about the signs of when you need to see a gynaecologist.

·   Irregular bleeding: Irregular spotting is one of the most common issues encountered by women who take birth control pills. If you notice that the bleeding last for good number of days and the flow is quite heavy, then you need to contact your gynaecologist. Irregular bleeding could be a sign of pelvic infection and polyps.

·    Itching, swelling and pain: Itching in the intimate areas could be extremely uncomfortable. Swelling and pain could also accompany itching. Swelling, itching and pain could be a result of yeast infection or other health conditions. Do consider contacting your gynaecologist when you feel any of these.

·    Burning sensation during urination: When you visit to the loo, do you experience a burning sensation during urination? Obviously, this isn't welcome and it may impose trouble during urinating. It could be your result of yeast infection, STI or UTI.

·     Abnormal periods: Have you missed your period or have you had multiple periods during this month? If you are experiencing this, then you need to visit the gynaecologist as soon as possible. If you notice any dramatic changes before or during a period, then this is a sign that needs to be concerned about. You need to treat this condition and for that you need to visit to your gynaecologist.

·    Changes in odour and discharge: Each and every woman has a different vaginal odour. It can even be affected by the foods we eat. If you notice any changes in the vaginal odour and along with that you notice any abnormal discharge, then it is the time that you need to see your doctor.

Knowing went to see the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh can greatly help you in becoming more aware of your intimate health. The gynaecologist came rule out and treat conditions related to your pelvic health.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Jul 24, 2022, 6:57:19 AM7/24/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Dr. Priya Mishra

Sep 15, 2022, 4:01:15 AM9/15/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Proven tips on choosing the best IVF centre in Bilaspur

IVF is a process of fertilizing the egg with the sperm outside in a piece of lab equipment. This process involves monitoring and stimulating the female’s ovulatory process, taking away ova from the female’s ovaries, and allowing the sperm to fertilize them in a liquid in the lab. The zygote which is fertilized eggs undergo embryo culture for about 2 days to 6 days and then is transmitted to the uterus of the same female or someone else, with the aim of having pregnancy without any failures. IVF is a reproduction technology that is used for infertility treatment, in which the fertilized egg is implanted into a uterus of a surrogate and the resulting baby is unrelated to the surrogate genetically. However, there are a few countries that have banned IVF but in India, it is not banned and is giving good results. In India, this treatment is accessible because of being successful and affordable. You can find the best IVF centre in Bilaspur if you are the one who needs it. But how to choose a good one is the question that arises. This article will share some guidelines on the selection of a genuine IVF centre. Now let us glance through those.

Types of IVF centres-

There is a range of IVF centres available but now two of them are similar. There are pros and cons to each one of them. The type’s are-

·         Hospital-based clinics

·         Sole practitioners

·         University-based clinics

·         Small practices with 2 to 8 members

·         Fertility networks

·         Large full-service practices

IVF centres rate of success

Almost all IVF centres published the rate of success on their official website. During the time of investigating a centre, you need to ask for a report that can tell you about the success rate and it is always good to compare between different centres. Some may show a subset of their reported stats. At the time of choosing one, you need to ensure that you look for one who is having a rate of success of IVF at least more than the national average.


IVF in India normally ranges from 60,000 to 80,000 Rupees which includes prescribed medicines. On the other hand, many husbands and wives spend 3 lakhs to 5 lakhs on getting IVF treatment. You must pay the right cost to any centre you choose and make sure to maintain the budget. Choose the one who is ready to give you this treatment within your budget line but should promise success.


Consider these simple guidelines and choose the best IVF centre in Bilaspur chhattisgarh as soon as you can.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Dec 16, 2022, 11:34:04 AM12/16/22
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Best Gynecologist in Chhattisgarh- Make an Ideal Selection

It is recommended that ladies should visit a gynecologist regularly once they turned 18 or after they become active sexually. For a female, it is vital to begin having annual checkups by visiting a reliable gynecologist in case you want to get pregnant. Checkups are always essential to your overall well-being. However, many females are there who feel shy and embarrassed visiting a gynecologist. Both, choosing an ideal gynecologist and visiting them are stressful. Here are some tips below mentioned to help you choose the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh.

01- Referrals-

The easiest, as well as the simplest way of choosing the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh, is via referrals. Many of us begin by asking a general doctor. Often friends or relatives can also give you the best recommendations. Though it may not be easy, you should not feel uncomfortable asking for recommendations. There isn’t any need to go into specific details, many people would take care of your privacy and will not ask you any probing questions.

02- Health insurance-

Your health insurance policy will be the best determining aspect of which gynecologist you have to visit. Some may want you to have a referral from your primary healthcare specialist or may want you to visit a gynecologist who is in their network. Though it is frustrating but will assist you in narrowing down the choices to a more practicable selection.

03- Practice size-

Some gynecologist has a long list of patients and big practice. They may work in numerous offices or with several doctors. Generally, big practices come with more conveniences like long office hours, easy availability of doctors, emergency services, and more care options. Because gynecology is a field of medicine, small practices provide greater comfort. You can find out about the members of the staff and the atmosphere.

04- Gender-

The first worry that hits the mind when choosing a gynecologist is gender. Should your doctor be male or female? All doctors and their practices are not the same. You may feel comfortable with a female but not comfortable with a male. You can choose the best one with whom you feel great. In case it makes not comfortable to have a male doctor which also causes you to feel stressed and panic, it is best to choose the female best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh. Both genders are thoughtful and reverential.

If you follow all these tips, then you will be able to reach the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh. These tips will make your selection easier than you think. There are many best doctors located, choose wisely and get treated to overcome any weakness you are facing.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Jan 11, 2023, 5:38:42 AM1/11/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh- Reasons to visit the one

So much relied upon lady’s organs. Whether you are concerned related to your overall well-being or you and your other half are trying for an infant, everything needs to be in proper working order. Explore some reasons to see the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh, a doctor that specializes in taking care of the reproductive system of a female.

1-   Need the examination of the reproductive area-

To make certain that your reproductive organ stays fit and fine, you must visit the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh to get tested from them. This exam can also add to the test of the breast. All these processes are essential to assist in the early detection of any problems like cancer. It doesn’t take a long time to get examined. If nothing is detected then the lady is not needed to visit the gynecologist until one year.

2-   Want to have an infant-

If you and your partner want to have an infant, it is best to communicate with a professional to see how you can do it. This doctor can assist you to track your ovulation days and suggest kits or other devices let you improve your chances of conception.  Plus, the doctor can tell you whether everything is alright or not with your reproductive organs. All these things are very much important to have a healthy infant.

3-   Need birth control-

If the last thing that you would like to do is get pregnant, you need to save yourself. In addition to condoms, many ladies seek the pill from the gynecologist to ensure that they do not become pregnant. Your best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh will determine the correct pills and dose for you so that you can feel confident enough to not become pregnant until you and your husband is prepared.

4-   Having aches-

Pain in the reproductive organs is a warning sign of many ailments. So, if you have any kind of ache, whether it is major or minor, you should look for the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh who can help you out. This way you will not be able to ignore any serious issue that is there and you are still not aware of. Having too much pain during period days is a bad sign. If you have periods that make you bleed too much and also cause a paralyzing ache, then you have to make inform your doctor about it. This can be a sign of endometriosis that can affect the ability to get pregnant.

Summing up

So, these are all the important reasons to visit the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh. Don’t compromise with anything and stay fit and healthy.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Apr 12, 2023, 1:18:15 PM4/12/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

What Best Gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Can Do for You?

Gynecological problems refer to the diseases associated with the reproductive organs of females. A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in curing reproductive organ diseases. A gynecologist is a doctor concerned with maintaining a lady’s reproductive health. They are proficient in obstetrics which refers to specializing in childbirth and pregnancy. There are concerned with the conditions associated with STDs, catamenial problems, and hormonal disarrays. The primary areas of study of gynecologists include pregnancy care and childbirth, conserving preconception healthcare, and maintaining female general well-being and sexual and reproductive well-being. What your gynecologist can do for you, is the main thing. Here are a few things that the best gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh can do for you.

1-     Give reproductive health education-

If your daughter is reaching adolescence and she asks you questions related to reproductive health and you feel discomfort talking about it and you lack the knowledge, you can take the help of the best gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh. Let your daughter talk to the doctor and find the best answers to the questions that she has. The doctor can give the right advice. They can provide your daughter with the right technical knowledge your daughter needs and support your daughter and help her during this stage of her life.

2-     Vaccinations-

Many females use their gynecologist as their major healthcare specialist and visit them regularly. If this is the case, you can talk about the routine process like vaccinations that may be necessary for you throughout your life. Also, they can give your immunizations like the HPV vaccine and make sure that you stay updated with your vaccination.

3-     Skin issues-

These are the common problems that women face and they can often be linked with reproductive hormones. Whether it is the acne start as a girl passes through puberty or pregnancy-associated skin issues, the best gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh can assist you with a range of skin problems. They can help you with skin issues that aren’t related to hormones. For instance, if you find a mole on your body, take the help of a gynecologist and the doctor will ask you to visit a skin doctor if they have any issues.

4-     Weight management-

A gynecologist is the best doctor to look after weight management. Many ladies visit the best gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh for getting tested and this means that your chart will have the record of your weight history. You and your doctor can use this information to further discuss the changes that took place in your body and the doctor will tell you how to manage those.

For any kind of help, it is good to visit the best gynecologist in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh, and ensure you live a comfortable and healthy life.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Jul 25, 2023, 2:38:10 AM7/25/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Types Of Uterus Removal Surgery in Chhattisgarh Offered To The Patients

Also known as Hysterectomy, uterus removal surgery is a clinical process in which the uterus of a lady is taken away from her body. There are numerous kinds of hysterectomy processes and the duration of this medical treatment may vary based upon the type of clinical condition of the patient and the reason for the uterus removal surgery. Many specialists are there offering uterus removal surgery in Chhattisgarh. Visit the one’s centre and have a discussion about it and then proceed further.

Type of hysterectomy-

1-     Total hysterectomy-

In total uterus removal surgery, the uterus along with the cervix is taken away from a lady’s body. This is the most common uterus removal surgical process.

2-     Partial hysterectomy-

Here in this type of uterus removal surgery, the upper part of the uterus is taken away and only the cervix is left intact.

3-     Radical hysterectomy-

In this type of process, along with the uterus, surrounding tissues is also taken away. Also, the upper portion of the vagina and lymph nodes are taken away. This process is done when a person is suffering from gynecological cancer.

4-     TLH-

Total laparoscopic hysterectomy is a slightly aggressive process. In this, the uterus is taken away with the help of laparoscopic instruments thru tiny cuts in the abdomen.

5-     Robotic assisted Hysterectomy-

Alike TLH, here in this process surgeons make use of a robotic system to control the tools that are going to be used in uterus removal surgery.

6-     Vaginal hysterectomy-

In this process, the uterus is taken away through the vagina and no outside cuts are there.

For numerous reasons, uterus removal surgery is carried out and some of them are-

1-         Cervical cancer

2-         Uterine fibroids which result in bleeding, pain, or other issues

3-         Chronic PID

4-         Endometriosis

5-         Irregular bleeding that never retorts to other treatments

6-         Prolapsed uterus where the uterus descends in and out of the vaginal canal

7-         To prevent hereditary situations

It is vital to make a note that uterus removal surgery is considered a major surgical process and is recommended when other treatments are not effective or are not at all practicable. The choice to take part in uterus removal surgery needs to be made carefully and consulting with the healthcare specialist with whom talking on health issues, risks, available choices, and benefits proves to be good, and then only go for a uterus removal surgery in Chhattisgarh. 

Whosoever you choose, make sure that the practitioner holds experience and knowledge in carrying out uterus removal surgery in Chhattisgarh. Don’t choose anybody randomly or else you will see yourself trapped in more big problems ahead for which maybe you don’t find an appropriate solution.

 For more, information, visit

Dr. Priya Mishra

Aug 28, 2023, 11:00:11 PM8/28/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Complete Information About the Best IVF Centre in Chhattisgarh

In vitro fertilization is the process in which the eggs of a lady and a man’s sperm are combined in a lab by specialists. Normally eggs and sperm are fertilized inside the body of a female. If the eggs inside the lady’s womb continue to develop a baby is born after the period of 9 months which is called unassisted conception. On the other hand, IVF is an assisted reproductive technology which means that special medical methods are used to help a lady attain pregnancy which is less costly. A highly skilled and trained specialist with a whole team at the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh always helps couples to fulfill their desire to become parents without letting them face complications and without charging them money beyond their budget.

Why choose an IVF centre in Chhattisgarh?

1-     They make use of the latest technology-

The best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh is well equipped with the finest labs with cloud monitoring of all 24x7 hours.

2-     They are a trusted fertility chain in the market-

The best one you will find is a highly trusted fertility chain in the market that has been awarded multiple times for offering unmatched quality IVF treatment to patients.

3-     They have a team of experienced fertility doctors-

The doctors at the best IVF centre are highly experienced in their field and thus offer the best quality treatment to whosoever comes to them for attaining pregnancy.

What is included in the IVF treatment packages at the IVF centre?

1-     Injections and stimulations

2-     Embryo transfer

3-     Multiple consultations with the specialist

4-     Semen processing

5-     Multiple follicular monitoring

6-     IVF-ICSI

7-     Ovum pickup

8-     Day care ward rent

9-     OT charges

How is IVF treatment advantageous to all aspiring couples?

-         IVF treatment worlds where all other alternatives fail to work

-         IVF treatment helps to improve the possibilities of baby conception

-         IVF treatment has a very high success rate

What IVF treatments are offered?

1-     Infertility workup-

Some tests are done to make a better plan for the child aspirant couples

2-     Sonography-

It’s a test using high-frequency sound waves to scan the lady’s reproductive part before and after getting IVF treatment.

3-     IVF-

Here fertilization and development of embryo is done in a lab and then is shifted in the body.

4-     ICSI-

Sperm is injected directly inside the egg for fertilization.


At the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh, specialists offer many more treatments like Micro TESE, PGTA, etc. Visit a reliable one and meet your goals with no issues.

Dr. Priya Mishra

Sep 21, 2023, 11:17:20 AM9/21/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Dr. Priya Mishra

Nov 8, 2023, 8:51:39 AM11/8/23
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

Dr. Priya Mishra

Mar 15, 2024, 10:14:35 AMMar 15
to Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center

IVF Treatment- The Best Infertility Treatment for Childless Couples

In the world of infertility, no doubt, IVF or in-vitro fertility treatment is the best and the last option left that most people are not aware of. IVF treatment is the first and the most successful option for many couples who face the issues of infertility. This treatment comes with many great benefits. If you are one of the couples who is facing an infertility issue, you should rush to the reliable infertility centre in Bilaspur and undergo IVF. Below are a few pointers that will tell you why choosing IVF is the best alternative for all infertile husbands and wives. So, dive deep into the benefits and make a better decision.

The benefits of IVF treatment-

01- If all other infertility treatments have failed then IVF will help you-

Before the start of the IVF treatment, patients undergo some therapies which include fertility drugs and so forth. Alternatively, a particular infertility test will force doctors to recommend IVF treatment. Now you don’t have to waste time, visit the best infertility centre in Bilaspur and spend money on this result-assured treatment. Diminished ovarian reserves, blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, etc. are examples of infertility diagnosis.

02- Anybody can undergo IVF treatment-

IVF fertilization isn’t for the expectant, it can be used by gestational carriers or surrogate carriers that broaden the spectrum of the people to have their baby and go into the pregnancy and labor process. This includes ladies who are physically unable to carry the baby single ladies or same-sex couples.

03- Donated sperm and eggs can be used-

A fertility doctor considers making use of donated sperm and eggs in some situations. In some cases, the eggs can be fertilized at the infertility centre in Bilaspur, manually. The resulting embryo can be used further which maximizes the chances of attaining pregnancy in the first or second attempt.

04- Enhance the chances of giving birth to a fit infant-

Genetic screening is an important tool that ensures that your child is fully fit and healthy. You may ensure that the fetuses used in IVF are devoid of genetic makers.

At what age one should go for IVF treatment?

Ladies in their 20s were the most fertile. With ART, the possibilities of a healthy pregnancy diminish. IVF is for those who are more than 35 years of age. Remember that the younger you are, the higher the chances of getting pregnant. As IVF won’t be able to change your egg’s age, you must plan as fast as possible.

Talk to the expert at the infertility centre in Bilaspur and step ahead in the right direction.

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