What have YOU done with Tasker?

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Oct 18, 2011, 4:26:01 PM10/18/11
to Tasker, crai...@live.co.uk
Hi All,

I am trying to find some other cool uses for Tasker. Has anyone done
anything fun, cool or outrageous with Tasker that I could try?

Obviously there are 'Turn On WiFi at Home' step throughs and the
'Power Saving' tasks but I wanted something new to try...

I currently have the following profiles setup on my HTC Desire:

- Turn on GPS for GPS Apps
(This auto turns on GPS when you open an App that requires it -
i.e.'GoogleMaps' or 'Zombie, Run')

- Music App Popup on Headphone Plugin
(This auto opens my music application when you insert headphones into
the phone)

- Anniversary SMS
(This automatically sends a text message to my girlfriend on our

- Silent Mode at Work
(This automatically puts my phone on silent when I am within 200
metres of work and turns silent mode off when outside
of work)

- Airplane Mode at Night
(This turns off all mobile data between 23:00 and 7:00 - Saving
battery and keeping my sleep uninterrupted)

- WiFi On at Home
(This turns WiFi on when I am within 50m of home and my router signal
is detected)

- Facedown Powersave
(This auto turns screen brightness down, system volume to silent, wifi
off, bluetooth off and GPS off when I place my
phone face down)

- Low battery Powersave
(This turns off various power munchers when battery is 30% or less
helping it to last longer)

- Weekly Football SMS
(This sends an SMS every sunday to everyone who plays football with
us, checking if they can play that coming week) D

Does anyone have any other USEFUL or INTERESTING uses for Tasker


Oct 18, 2011, 4:29:36 PM10/18/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
I bet you can't beat this one in terms of usefulness: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tasker/j1sT-9o4w7w/b8pkavJMMBAJ ;-)


Calvin Lawrence

Oct 18, 2011, 10:29:09 PM10/18/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com

I am completely lost and not sure how to get started... Beginners guide?


V Oz

Oct 19, 2011, 3:44:58 AM10/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
hmm what about ...
- run Grocery list app in usual shop
- open map in key points of usual route (if You by car) or points of new route (POI, traveling and so on)
- Notify with special text (context depended) when You are near some point. (Location Notify)
- Say messages or something else when screen is off
- .....

all above must be power safe (I hope Your profiles are yet?) Power Usage


Oct 19, 2011, 4:01:02 AM10/19/11
to Tasker
This is brilliant! If only...

A volume down would work for this too.


Oct 19, 2011, 4:01:45 AM10/19/11
to Tasker
Ah yes, another practical, yet time saving use!
> all above must be power safe (I hope Your profiles are yet?) Power Usage<http://tasker.dinglisch.net/userguide/en/power.html>


Oct 19, 2011, 12:09:57 PM10/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
- Anniversary SMS
(This automatically sends a text message to my girlfriend on our

Personally, I'd rather be genuinely forgetful than turn over my heartfelt messages for a computer to do the work. But if you lock Tasker so she can't ever dig into the guts of that profile to see you're not sending the message yourself, you're probably OK ;)

My two most-useful sets of Tasker profiles/tasks right now are: 
- Alarm clock - On all weekdays except those where there's an all-day calendar event called Vacation, Holiday, or Day Off, my phone says "Adam wake up" on a loop, getting louder after a few loops, adding in "It's Wednesday, time to wake up for work" in a nice computery british accent. I can snooze or acknowlege the alarm; if I acknowledge but don't unplug, my phone gives me ten minutes then warns me to wake up. I have a Zoom widget that lets me disable the alarm or add a note to read.

- Driving - If I'm driving at night, dim the display. If I receive a Google Talk, SMS or Google Voice notification, it speaks the message aloud. 

Adam Lopresto

Oct 19, 2011, 2:21:03 PM10/19/11
to Tasker
In addition to all the standard ones (reading SMS and autoreplying
while driving, media menu, wifi on at work, etc), I've got a few that
I haven't seen others mention:

%LIGHT < 100 (used instead of a the Light Level condition, because on
my phone, that doesn't have enough granularity): display a permanent
notification that, when tapped, turns on TeslaLED. Makes it very easy
to use the phone as a flashlight, but only when it's actually in the

A whole set of reminder tasks tied to other profiles, so that I can
(from a task shortcut) set a message to be spoken to me the next time
I arrive at work, get near home (just in time to remind me that I need
to go by the grocery store first), leave driving mode (don't forget
the ice cream in the trunk!), etc. Basically, a way to set reminders
for myself that go off exactly when I need to be reminded.

Max Hodgson

Oct 19, 2011, 2:36:43 PM10/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
My torch comes on if I shake my phone. Saves the hassle of entering
the pin(umber).


Oct 19, 2011, 8:24:42 PM10/19/11
to Tasker
I'd love to have a look at those reminder tasks - they doing amazingly useful. Here's a few things I've got so far:

I've got a generalised wifi-on, that automatically adds cell-id's while wifi is connected, so "learns" where hotspots are over time.

A set that send a text to my wife when I'm on the train home, telling her when and where to pick me up from, since it varies each day.

A notification each morning, which when clicked says my appointments for that day from google calendar.

A profile turns off mobile connection underground, and provides a notification that can be clicked to turn it back on.

Adam Lopresto <adamlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>A whole set of reminder tasks tied to other profiles, so that I can
>(from a task shortcut) set a message to be spoken to me the next time
>I arrive at work, get near home (just in time to remind me that I need
>to go by the grocery store first), leave driving mode (don't forget
>the ice cream in the trunk!), etc. Basically, a way to set reminders
>for myself that go off exactly when I need to be reminded.

[ cruise / casual-tempest.net / wytedragon.net / quantum sufficit ]


Oct 20, 2011, 5:33:59 AM10/20/11
to Tasker

How are you detecting the underground part? Or are you manually
triggering it?


On Oct 19, 8:24 pm, cruise <cru...@casual-tempest.net> wrote:
> A profile turns off mobile connection underground, and provides a notification that can be clicked to turn it back on.


Oct 20, 2011, 8:50:44 AM10/20/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
If %CELLSRV doesn't match "service/emergency"

TomL <toml...@gmail.com> wrote:
>How are you detecting the underground part? Or are you manually
>triggering it?

[ cruise / casual-tempest.net / wytedragon.net / quantum sufficit ]


Oct 20, 2011, 9:12:51 AM10/20/11
to Tasker
Ah! And I thought you were doing some altitude check, like if below
sea level or something. :)


On Oct 20, 8:50 am, cruise <cru...@casual-tempest.net> wrote:
> If %CELLSRV doesn't match "service/emergency"

V Oz

Oct 20, 2011, 9:20:31 AM10/20/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
For ex. Moscow lies on 156 m ASL. :)

What about places with weak Cell coverage? High buildings, country area so on.

Adam Lopresto

Oct 20, 2011, 3:28:22 PM10/20/11
to Tasker
Given the recent addition of parameters to tasks, I'd probably design
it differently now (though I haven't actually looked at the details),
but what I've got is a set of variables,

%Message (the message to remind myself of, when whatever happens later
%MsgAfternoon (shortly before I usually leave work)
%MsgNearHome (cell near home, which happens to trigger in time to
remind me to go by the grocery store instead of going home on
%MsgLunch (just before lunch)
%MsgMorning (right before leaving for work)
%MsgWork (arriving at work)
%MsgParking (exiting driving mode)
others would be easy

and a couple of tasks.

"Set Reminder" (usually called from a shortcut) first does a Variable
Query to set %Message (defaulting to the current value of %Message, if
I want to reuse that; this is also a convenient way to make the
reminder go off at different times, say both when I park and when I
connect to the wifi network at work), and then runs a menu task "Which
Reminder". "Which Reminder" is a menu task, with the scenarios as
labels ("Home", "Parking", etc) and each having an action to set the
proper variable (%MsgHome, %MsgParking) for when to remind me.

"Say Message" first checks whether %Message is set, and if not, skips
the rest. Then it pauses BeyondPod, does a Say on %Message, and
finally a Notify Vibrate (so I can see the message itself).

Then I added two actions to each of the profiles that I cared about.
So my Driving mode has in its exit task Perform Task "Say Message" if
%MsgParking is defined, then an action to clear %MsgParking
(unconditionally; if it wasn't set before, no harm in clearing it, and
if it was, then the message has been delivered now).

Some of the profiles also use the Astrid plugin to check if I have
todo list items tagged appropriately, but with that I can only get it
to read to me that I have tasks, not what they are.

On Oct 19, 7:24 pm, cruise <cru...@casual-tempest.net> wrote:
> I'd love to have a look at those reminder tasks - they doing amazingly useful. Here's a few things I've got so far:
> I've got a generalised wifi-on, that automatically adds cell-id's while wifi is connected, so "learns" where hotspots are over time.
> A set that send a text to my wife when I'm on the train home, telling her when and where to pick me up from, since it varies each day.
> A notification each morning, which when clicked says my appointments for that day from google calendar.
> A profile turns off mobile connection underground, and provides a notification that can be clicked to turn it back on.


Oct 20, 2011, 4:00:53 PM10/20/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
* Tasker is my alarm clock and talks me awake at different times based on my Google calendar (weekend? special wakeup call set? on vacation?)  If I don't wake up fast enough and coherently enough to pull down the notification bar and tap the alarm to stop it, it gets really obnoxious.

* I have a "Driving mode" icon that I tap whenever I get behind the wheel.  It puts apps I might need to access while in the car in my notification bar for fast access (acar, GasBuddy), sets up an "I'm currently driving" autoreply to any SMS message I receive from friends or family and reads aloud any SMS message I receive, turns off the keyguard/PIN, and starts BeyondPod where I left off.  When I arrive, I stop BeyondPod, pull down the notification bar and tap the "Driving mode" icon to cancel and return my phone to normal operations.

* I have an egg timer set up for me and a separate egg timer for my husband (because he likes runny yolks and I don't even like thinking about that).  It verbally counts down as well as updates the notification bar for how much time is left.

* I have a "Shopping mode" icon that I tap whenever I get to the store.  It changes my display timeout to 10 minutes, puts my Fooducate app in the notification bar, and launches ColorNote so I can open my shopping list(s).  When I'm done shopping, I tap the icon in the notification bar and everything goes back to normal.

* I have a "Meeting mode" and an "Appointment mode" set up that function similarly but look for different calendar entries in different Google calendars.  Display timeout goes to 10 minutes so I can take notes in ColorNote, phone goes into silent mode.  When my meeting or appointment is over, I pull down the notification bar and tap the icon to return my phone to normal.  I set it up this way because my meetings and appointments are so unpredictable in length that I wanted to control when my phone came out of silent mode.

* I have an icon that presents a selection menu for various location options and when I choose one, texts my husband that I'm leaving ____ and headed home.

* Tasker automatically triggers a wakeup call for my husband based on a calendar entry.

* I have a class timer that vibrates at different times through my 30 minute class so when I'm teaching and not wearing a watch I can tell how much time is left and when I need to start wrapping it up to be done on time.  It is icon-based as well, so I trigger it when I start the class and it vibrates once at 15 minutes, pulses at 25 minutes, and goes berserk at 30 minutes.

Nothing earth-shattering here, but I can't imagine my life without Tasker any more and it will always be the FIRST app loaded on every android phone I get.


Oct 20, 2011, 8:07:22 PM10/20/11
to Tasker
Here's a few things I haven't seen people talk about:

I used to run a whole bunch of tasks that would pop up notifications/
sounds reminding me to log in something. When pressed, they would take
in an input and write to a log file. At the end of the week was
another task that would rsync these logs to my computer (wish dropbox
had a tasker hook!) so I could go over them during a gtd style weekly

I had an activity log that popped up every half hour (I freelance so
it helps with time tracking/staying on task), with a menu of
predefined activities (a menu of "variable sets"), as well as an
option to input something else. Upon choosing an activity it would log
the time, pop up another notification that when clicked, would end the
time, do the necessary math for time spent and log it, and would
repeat by asking me what I was doing next.

A simple, hourly, "Are you being productive?" Yes/No prompt that would
+1/-1 to a %DAILYPRODUCTIVITY variable that would get written out at
the end of the day (I always try to strive for at least a +5).

A food log that popped up 3 times a day.

A "Go to sleep!" notification that on click would open up my alarm
clock, log the time and set a new notification to be pressed when I
awoke to log my wake time (freelancer. irregular sleep patterns.)

I also had a Task that on click (using folder organizer), would take
in a comma separated list and create a markdown-style list in a
minimalist text widget. I used this for all sorts of things, daily
todos, shopping lists, etc etc

Now that Tasker has arrays, I plan on someday making an Exercise Log
that will easily log in what exercises I did/ reps & times & stuff (I
tried making this before, but it was getting nightmarishly long).

Unfortunately, my OG Droid isn't really able to keep up with all that
constant Tasker activity, so I currently only use the food & sleep
logs. I can't wait to get a new phone so I can start Time Tracking
again, and create new ways to gather more (useless? overkill?) data!
One day, I'll better integrate this with something on my computer (in
"a more common hades" fashion;) using growl, that one remote
notification app, and who knows what other technologies!

PS: Oh, I also can control my computer's iTunes/Spotify, & even rate
my songs too! Basically anything that can be done with bashscript/
applescript on the computer can be done by Tasker through ssh. That
knowledge opened a lot of doors into my Tasker hacking back in the
early days.


Oct 20, 2011, 8:39:38 PM10/20/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
What uses have people found for the new param/return syntax?

I've got a couple that compare dates and times, returning the difference (in days and minutes respectively) between them.

One that adjusts the media volume a given amount gradually over time to create a nice fade in/out effect.

The most useful currently takes some text to be spoken. If a global variable is set appropriately it will say the text (over call stream or alarm depending on headphone plugged or not) after lowering the media volume with the previous task and then re-raise the volume.

If the second parameter is set, it gets voice, using %par2 as the timeout, and passes anything understood back to the calling task.

This allows me to make my tasks quite "chatty", and easily receive spoken replies if necessary.

Who needs Siri? :p


Oct 24, 2011, 11:15:34 AM10/24/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
On Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:07:22 PM UTC-5, Hagure wrote:
(wish dropbox
had a tasker hook!)

It kinda does.  Search Dropspace in the market and see if that does what you need (you need the app AND the Tasker plugin).

Forest Troll

Oct 24, 2011, 7:16:27 PM10/24/11
to Tasker
My "masterpiece" is a Minimalistic Text widget paired with Tasker and
Screen Filter.

Tapping it toggles screen filter between off, 33 % (key lights on),
and 25 % (key lights off), and the Minimalistic Text widget says
"Screen Filter" and the current Screen Filter percentage..

Oon-Ee Ng

Oct 24, 2011, 8:43:02 PM10/24/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Dropsync also does, and its 'true' sync rather than dropspace's
"one-and-a-half way" sync.


Oct 25, 2011, 5:10:57 PM10/25/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Depends on what you want it to do.  I only wanted to go from my phone up to Dropbox, and not do anything with the file in Dropbox if it wasn't on my phone any more.  (Perfect for syncing photos and file backups off my phone.)  Dropspace was perfect for me because it is set to only sync one way, ignore the file if it is there, and also ignore the file if it has been removed from either the phone or Dropbox.


Oct 28, 2011, 2:15:49 PM10/28/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
My torch comes on if I shake my phone. Saves the hassle of entering
the pin(umber).

Thanks! I've implemented this idea. I find myself using my phone as a flashlight all the time, so this is really handy. 

V Oz

Nov 1, 2011, 9:47:08 AM11/1/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
On my stereo BT headset there is no double click on play/pause button.
Here is Couple of profiles which are grabs clicks and simply flashes. But You can use it for advanced stuff in BeyondPod etc. Delays are too long, but functional and can be reduced.

Profile: OneClick (137)
Event: Variable Set [ Variable:%DOUBLE_CLICK Value:* ]
Enter: Anon (149)
A1: Wait [MS:0 Seconds:3 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0]
A2: Flash [Text:one Long:Off] Flash [ %DOUBLE_CLICK Is Set ]
A3: Variable Clear [Name:%DOUBLE_CLICK Pattern Matching:Off]

Profile: DblClick (73)
Priority: 9 CoolDown: 0
State: Media Button [ Button:Play Held Down:Off Grab:On Stop Event:Off ]
Enter: Anon (103)
A1: Variable Set [Name:%time To:%TIMES Do Maths:Off Append:Off]
A2: If [ %DOUBLE_CLICK ! Set ]
A3: Variable Set [Name:%DOUBLE_CLICK To:%time Do Maths:Off Append:Off]
A4: Else
A5: Variable Set [Name:%diff To:%time-%DOUBLE_CLICK Do Maths:On Append:Off]
A6: Flash [Text:diff is %diff secs Long:On]
A7: Variable Clear [Name:%DOUBLE_CLICK Pattern Matching:Off]
A8: End If


Nov 2, 2011, 2:10:20 PM11/2/11
to Tasker
You really have amazing profiles. Can you share them with us?

How can you turn wifi on when you are near home if, if the wifi is off
your phone won't be able to detect that the router signal is detect ?
Do you leave GPS on all the time?

On 18 out, 18:26, beardedholmes <beardedhol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to find some other cool uses for Tasker.  Has anyonedone
> anything fun, cool or outrageous with Tasker that I could try?
> Obviously there are 'Turn On WiFi at Home' step throughs and the
> usual
> 'Power Saving' tasks but I wanted something new to try...
> I currentlyhavethe following profiles setup on my HTC Desire:
> - Turn on GPS for GPS Apps
> (This auto turns on GPS whenyouopen an App that requires it -
> i.e.'GoogleMaps' or 'Zombie, Run')
> - Music App Popup on Headphone Plugin
> (This auto opens my music application whenyouinsert headphones into
> the phone)
> - Anniversary SMS
> (This automatically sends a text message to my girlfriend on our
> Anniversary)
> - Silent Mode at Work
> (This automatically puts my phone on silent when I am within 200
> metres of work and turns silent mode off when outside
> of work)
> - Airplane Mode at Night
> (This turns off all mobile data between 23:00 and 7:00 - Saving
> battery and keeping my sleep uninterrupted)
> - WiFi On at Home
> (This turns WiFi on when I am within 50m of home and my router signal
> is detected)
> - Facedown Powersave
> (This auto turns screen brightness down, system volume to silent, wifi
> off, bluetooth off and GPS off when I place my
> phone face down)
> - Low battery Powersave
> (This turns off various power munchers when battery is 30% or less
> helping it to last longer)
> - Weekly Football SMS
> (This sends an SMS every sunday to everyone who plays football with
> us, checking if they can play that coming week) D
> Does anyonehaveany other USEFUL or INTERESTING uses for Tasker
> automation?


Nov 2, 2011, 3:33:39 PM11/2/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Use Wifi Near context with Wifi Toggle option checked. This will turn on wifi periodically and scan to check if desired networks are available.


Paul Jaekel

Nov 3, 2011, 3:01:11 AM11/3/11
to Tasker
I have spent many hours setting up my Tasker to do all shorts of crazy
things. Profiles I have set up are:

1.) At Midnight everyday Tasker will check my location and then use
that to look up on the internet my local sunrise, and sunset times.
After that it will create a google calendar entry with the start time
being the sunrise time and the ending time being the sunset time.
Using this calendar entry I'm able to have Tasker set auto-brightness
on in the morning at the right moment it needs to be on, and then if
I'm driving when the sunsets it will set the auto-brightness off and
dims the screen so I'm not distracted with a bright screen when my
phone is in car mode.

2a.) The standard Day mode and Night mode, during the day Silent if
off, notifications are loud. Night mode turns off the auto-brightness
and dims the screen while also silents the phone. I work odd hours so
these times don't match up with the profile I set up for sunrise/set
profile. The screen only dims if I'm driving at night between the
sunset time and 3am, otherwise Tasker will wait until 1am to dim the

2b.) Auto Reply in Night Mode. If my phone is in Night Mode and I
receive a call or text between 1am - 11am (like I said odd hours) it
will send a text message back to the person telling them like
"ZZZZzzzzzzz.... My phone is currently in sleep mode. I will respond
back to you when I wake up in the morning."

3a.) Home made Car Mode. I don't have the money to spend on a desktop
dock, or a car dock, so I have Tasker to set up these modes for me
using other means. If I have my cell phone plugged into the stereo of
my car and also the charger is plugged in it will turn car mode on and
load up a car app I downloaded from the Market, it will also use the
data Tasker collected from sunrise/set to see if it is light or dark
outside and adjust brightness of the screen depending on the time of
the day it is. Auto-Brightness on if it is light out, screen dimmed at
night. It will also automatically start playing the last music track
that was played on Google Music, or resumes play on a podcast I was
listening to earlier with Pocket Cast. It will turn WiFi off, and
Bluetooth on, though I hardly use the bluetooth anyways because my
phone works pretty well plugged into the stereo of the car.

3b.) Auto reply to text while driving. If my car is in car mode and I
receive a text Tasker will check if I am currently moving and if I am
going more then 10 MPH it will reply back with a text message saying
something like "[Auto Reply] I'm currently driving right now at
%SPEEDMPH. I will reply back when it is safe for me to do so."
%SPEEDMPH is replaced with the actual speed I'm going.

4.) Movie Toggle. When I'm in a movie I press a widget on my phone and
it will dim the screen so it isn't bright in the theater to bother
others watching the movie, silents the phone, and uses some of the
same settings used in 2b, and 3b to reject calls and reply back to
people who call or text while I'm in the theater telling them I'm
watching a movie, respond back in a couple of hours.

5.) Location Modes. If I'm at home - wifi on. At work - Silent mode is
set to vibrate.

6.) Quick Button. If I hold down the search button at the bottom of
the phone for a couple of seconds by default it will turn the LED on
for use as a flash light, otherwise if it is in car mode it will pause/
play the podcast or music I have currently playing. If the phone app
is loaded and I'm in a call it will start recording the call.

7.) Turn WiFi on/off when some apps are open like Hulu, YouTube,
Netflix, etc.

That is just some of the stuff I have Tasker set up to do. Really the
things you can do with Tasker is limitless and like most people I was
really dumb when I first started using Tasker. In fact it put me off
when i first played around with it because it was really confusing to
use. I actually uninstalled it and went ahead to use PhoneWeaver for
several months until I was getting tired of the limits PhoneWeaver had
and tried Tasker one more time. I'm glad I did. Tasker is amazing.
Best paid app I have ever downloaded.

Wes Stacey

Nov 14, 2011, 5:09:35 PM11/14/11
to Tasker
> How can you turn wifi on when you are near home if, if the wifi is off
> your phone won't be able to detect that the router signal is detect ?
> Do you leave GPS on all the time?

I have one that does this for me as well. Here is how i did it.

There is an option on the location context to use "Network" location
instead of GPS location. This just gets your location from your
network provider who triangulates your position based on your signal
strength to multiple towers. This has it's drawbacks in that it isn't
nearly as accurate and varies in accuracy depending on how many towers
you have in your area. So you'll probably want to put in a range of
1-2 KM from your house in order for it to turn on WiFI when your in
the area instead of just when you walk through the door. But if your
driving then it's usually only a few minutes between when it turns on
wifi and you pull into your drive way.

anyway the details.

Context: Location context - (make sure you disable "GPS" toggle
leaving only the "Net" toggle on) Then change the range to about 1-2
KM In time you may find you can decrease the value or may have to
increase it depending on your area, you'll have to experiment with

Tasks: Enter Task - turn on wifi
exit Task - turn off wifi.

Note: Taasker can only update your location while the phone is awake.
So if you leave it asleep in your pocket it won't activate until you
pull it out. i usually have mine on a car charger with a "car mode" on
that turns off the screen timeout, so i don't usually run into that


Nov 17, 2011, 3:48:49 PM11/17/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Can you tell me more about how you set up the sunset sunrise profiles?  Had a play with them using earthtools.org and can get the data, but having problems going from there. 



Paul Jaekel

Nov 18, 2011, 12:02:35 AM11/18/11
to Tasker

Downloadable profiles can be found on that page and then you can
changed them up if you want to.

Chris Berry

Nov 18, 2011, 4:00:22 PM11/18/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Thanks.  Had forgotten to look there.


Nov 18, 2011, 11:39:31 PM11/18/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
My Tasks are (this is a HTC Desire with AMOLED display):

1) When connected to WiFi:
- Say "Wireless Network Connected"
- Switch off Auto Brightness and set Brightness to 0% // This gets me 2 days out of my battery
Exit Task:
- Say "Wireless Network Disconnected"
- Turn up brightness to 100% and then switch on Auto Brightness

2) When receiving a phone call:
- Check if there is a caller name in the contacts - if so - speak the name - end
- Check if there is a caller number present - if so say "unknown caller" - end
- If no caller name or caller number - REJECT CALL - say "anonymous caller"

3) When a calendar event is active and the word "silentmode" appears somewhere in the description of the current event:
- if a call comes in, reject it and send the caller an SMS apologising that I am currently busy or in a meeting.

....and finally....

When the alarm goes off - wait 5 seconds - mute the alarm - and then do this: (youtube wD7n-ZHnLUY)


Nov 19, 2011, 4:29:16 AM11/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I just recently set up a modular system for controlling different conditions triggering different states of being for my phone. I tried to name things as close to what they actually do as possible. Here's an overview:

I first have a few condition profiles that add to counters that later determine the state of my phone:
in_class: IF: calendar entry with "class" as description (I just add that to any google calendar entry involving class), THEN: adds to WIFI_COUNTER and QUIET_COUNTER. EXIT: subtracts from WIFI_COUNTER and QUIET_COUNTER
in_home: IF: near my home as indicated by cellular tower, THEN: add to WIFI_COUNTER. EXIT: subtract from WIFI_COUNTER
at_night: IF: between 2-8AM, THEN: add to QUIET_COUNTER. EXIT: subtracts from QUIET_COUNTER

Then I have, on a separate page for easy distinction , a list of different states of being that are activated due to certain things. The idea here is to keep this part as separated from the conditions part as possible, so that, in case it is ever necessary, I can add or remove conditions without having to mess with states of being, and vice versa:
sound profiles:
be_normal: this just means set volume to normal, in-pocket settings. if no other sound setting is active, this is. IF: SOUND_COUNTER matches 0, THEN: sets volume to normal mode. EXIT: do nothing (hopefully whatever is causing the volume to no longer be normal will change the volume to whatever it needs to be)
be_headphones: while this is technically a condition, I felt like it really better fit as a state of being because it trumps all other sound conditions. IF: plug in headphones, THEN: set volume to headphones mode, sets HEADPHONES_IN to 1, adds to SOUND_COUNTER (no longer normal mode). EXIT: sets HEADPHONES_IN to 0, subtracts from SOUND_COUNTER
be_quiet: IF: HEADPHONES_IN matches 0 (if I'm not in class at the exact moment it starts, and am listening to music, I don't want the music to go silent all of a sudden) AND QUIET_COUNTER greater than 0, THEN: set volume to silent mode, add to SOUND_COUNTER (no longer normal mode). EXIT: subtract from SOUND_COUNTER (this controls normal mode)
There is a 4th one for being in the car, triggered by a button press. so as follows: IF: button press, THEN: set IN_CAR to 1.
Which then follows: be_car: IF: IN_CAR matches 1, THEN: set volume to car mode. it should be noted that exiting car mode occurs when I've unplugged my phone from the stereo of my car. so it is actually part of the EXIT for be_headphones, but only triggers if IN_CAR is already 1. EXIT: set sound to normal mode IF QUIET_COUNTER matches 0 (just in case I get out of the car and another condition(s) say(s) my phone should be silent right then)

Then I've got 2 wifi states of being. One is for when a condition is met that enables wifi (automated), the other is when I want wifi and no conditions are met (forced). Only one can be active at any given time.
I'll start with the "I want wifi but it's not automatically on right now" one first:
triggered by button press, such that: IF: button press, THEN: set FORCE_WIFI to 1. 
be_forced_wifi: IF: FORCE_WIFI matches 1 AND WIFI_COUNTER matches 0 (remember WIFI_COUNTER is the automated counter): wifi on. I can leave this profile by two means: one is by disabling the forced wifi myself, with another button press. that would set FORCE_WIFI to 0. another would be if I enter a condition in which wifi would automatically be turned on. this would set WIFI_COUNTER greater than 0. at any rate, EXIT: wifi off. set FORCE_WIFI to 0 if WIFI_COUNTER greater than 0 (in other words, if I entered a condition of automatic wifi, make sure FORCE_WIFI is 0 so I can start over next time I leave automatic wifi)
be_wifi: IF: WIFI_COUNTER greater than 0 AND IN_CAR matches 0 (just in case I skip class to go joyriding and wifi really doesnt need to be on in the car), THEN: wifi on, disable button that sets FORCE_WIFI to 1. The second part means when wifi is already on as part of a scripted event I don't even see the button that would force wifi because, well, it's already on! This makes it really easy for me to tell if I need to force my wifi on. Do I see the button? yes? press it. EXIT: wifi off. enable force wifi button.

So yeah that's basically how I've got mine set up. What I really like about this is, even when more than one event triggers, the phone can handle it like a champ. For instance, if I've got my headphones in (add to SOUND_COUNTER and HEADPHONES_IN) and it's class time (add to SOUND_COUNTER and QUIET_COUNTER), then SOUND_COUNTER = 2, but be_normal doesnt care either way because it's not 0. then, when I unplug the headphones to actually listen to class, SOUND_COUNTER is reduced to 1, and be_normal still doesnt care because SOUND_COUNTER isn't 0 yet. also, its very modular, meaning I can add something to it very easily. For instance, if I want to add a custom silent button to the phone, I just need to have a button that runs: IF: button press, THEN: add to SILENT_COUNTER and SOUND_COUNTER. so if my phone is running on be_normal and Im about to enter a movie theater, I press this button and it kicks off be_normal (SOUND_COUNTER greater than 0) and puts on be_silent (SILENT_COUNTER greater than 0). let's say the movie's a long one and Im skipping class to see it, in_class will activate (add to SILENT_COUNTER and SOUND_COUNTER), so both those values are now 2, but the phone doesnt act any differently. Modular!


Nov 19, 2011, 8:02:53 AM11/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Hi. In #3, how do you know the caller is not on a landline and cannot receive SMS messages?



Nov 19, 2011, 10:18:15 PM11/19/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
In the UK all mobile phones begin with 07 so the task begins with:
IF %CNUM ~ 07*

Hope this helps.

(In any case it doesn't matter in the UK anymore as we can send SMS to landlines and BT phones the number and reads out the text using text to speech)

Alex Peters

Dec 10, 2011, 5:30:36 AM12/10/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
On Friday, 21 October 2011 11:07:22 UTC+11, Hagure wrote:
PS: Oh, I also can control my computer's iTunes/Spotify, & even rate
my songs too! Basically anything that can be done with bashscript/
applescript on the computer can be done by Tasker through ssh. That
knowledge opened a lot of doors into my Tasker hacking back in the
early days.

I'd love to know more about how you interface Tasker with SSH.

There don't appear to be any SSH-specific Tasker/Locale plug-ins.  An "execute" plug-in for Locale exists, but it doesn't seem possible to SSH out in an automated fashion using that alone.

The ConnectBot Android app allows the creation of keys to enable logging into remote servers without typing passwords.  There might be a way to automate a setup like that using Tasker...

V Oz

Dec 10, 2011, 7:35:35 AM12/10/11
to tas...@googlegroups.com
With Tasker Your ssh session wont be interactive. If it's OK, try to use identity files instead typing passwords. You can make key-file without pass. Put open key onto server, secure key - in local path
Then use Secure settings plug-in or Run Script action  "ssh -c remote_command -i identity/file/path user@host"


Jan 30, 2012, 9:01:49 AM1/30/12
to Tasker
When I'm walking to the train station to or from work, I'll almost
always have headphones on, listening to music. Tasker will:
- Check the live train departures website, and grab the expected
arrival time of the next train home, and say it to whenever if it
changes (so I know if the train is running late and by how much).
- Read out any SMS messages I get
- Tell me the time every few minutes (before I kept on getting my
phone out to check the time to make sure I wasn't running late)
- Tell me the name of the track whenever the song changes
- I was going to get it to automatically text my wife when I'm on the
train or if the train is running late, but I thought I should probably
take the time to text my wife myself instead of getting my phone to do

Remote control music on my phone via a website! I set up a simple PHP
page on a web server . Tasker checks it every few seconds to see if
there's a new command, and passes along the currently playing track.
If the page is visited with a web browsers you'll see the currently
playing track with play/pause, forward and next links. Each of these
links will store a command that tasker checks for.
I don't actually use this task that much (I can just cross the room to
change track!) , but with a few minor changes it could be quite a
useful general web based remote control. For example I could send text
messages via a computer, or if I was abroad on holiday without mobile
data access I could leave my phone at home and use this to check for
new notifications and control certain aspects of my phone from an
internet cafe.

Markie Mark

May 22, 2012, 7:20:12 PM5/22/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Tasker. I play Xbox Live with Turtle-beach headphones and I often miss important messages and notifications. My goal was to strobe the cameras flash-light when a notification had been received using 'Action Intent' and Tesla's LED app alongside Tasker. I use the Flashlight Alerts app from the marketplace for calls, text messages and Gmails but it doesn't support anything more. I wanted to be notified of more notifications using the flashlight but the strobe is not flashing correctly. See below:

Add - Event - UI - choose an application and append the below task settings...

Action = com.teslacoilsw.intent.FLASHLIGHT
Cat = Non 
Data = <blank> 
Extra (1) = strobe:2
Extra (2) = <blank> 
Target = Service 
If = <unchecked>

Problem is I would like the task to time-out after "##" minutes or even turn intermittent so: "strobe:2" for 1 minute then "off:true" for 5 minutes looped indefinitely until the notification has been picked up. I wonder if anyone would help me complete this task.


V Oz

May 23, 2012, 2:48:05 AM5/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
wow, forgotten thread!
so, BTW, here is self made tracker. An idea was do not use 3-d party services, reduce mobile traffic, simplify usage by integration with well known Maps Apps.
Needed: NAS with http server like Apache (behind router-firewall in LAN or with direct connection to Internet, Tasker on subject of tracking and Google Maps (Or Yandex Maps) on trackers smartphone.
Tasker side: in tracking.txt . Since we're in tracking mode, turn on tracking location (Get Location + Keep tracking). Then each X minutes it sends %LOC to NAS, which receives it with a script.cgi. responses are analyzed. If sending fails 3 times it gave up, else in success if there is message in response it echoed and said.
NAS side: script.cgi . Since there isn't security features in it, Your server must have Auth modules turned on. When Tasker became able to work with digest Auth methods it will be more secure.
Script is all in one - it eats %LOC from Tasker and answers on tracker's requests. For GooMaps it sends simple redirect to geo:0,0?q=%LOC (V.Oz. at %TIME). For Tasker it sends message with code 200 or simply code 200.
Tracker side: Make a bookmark to http://NAS.localnet/cgi-bin/script.cgi?gm . When it redirects You to "geo" say that it should be opened with GooMaps. App find %LOC and place there Point with desription.
Yandex Maps - use voz.zip plug-in for it. You have to know what You have to do with it.

So, we have transparent, configurable, low cost, easy to use, no ads, no user data collection, blah-blah-blah ... feature to say somebody where I was in X minutes.
Descriptions and scripts delivered AS IS and may be changed and used for Your needs. Not supported.


Jul 9, 2012, 7:26:10 AM7/9/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Hi Paul

   I really hope you can help me, I've been searching the tasker forums for months trying to achieve what you mention in point (6). How have you managed to action a "hold" buttton task?

"6.) Quick Button. If I hold down the search button at the bottom of
the phone for a couple of seconds by default it will turn the LED on
for use as a flash light, otherwise if it is in car mode it will pause/
play the podcast or music I have currently playing. If the phone app
is loaded and I'm in a call it will start recording the call."

All I can find is the option to press a button, not hold it down. Please, please can you enlighten me.

Thanks in advance


Jul 9, 2012, 7:31:07 AM7/9/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Context: Event/Hardware/Button: Long search


Jul 9, 2012, 7:44:32 AM7/9/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Ahh.. thanks for the response.

    Its not what i thought it was. I can't add this as a task then, just a context. and it only works for the search button, not "back" or "home". Since I have a galaxy S2 "search" button is useless as their isnt one.

What I'm really looking for is the ability to simulate a long press of the back button in a task so I can use it as a shortcut for "GMD Gesture control" to make a "kill current app" gesture.

I hope Pent has this feature in mind for a future update.

Thanks again


Jul 9, 2012, 10:24:35 AM7/9/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
aha, so you basically want the Input->Button action for rooted device to have an option for long press. That would indeed be useful at times


Jul 9, 2012, 12:41:38 PM7/9/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
The S2 does have a 'Long Press -> Launch Search' button; tap and hold the Menu soft button. Not sure if it counts as a 'hardware' button, though...

EDIT: Just tried a simple Profile that should flash a variable... no variable flashed, and the Tasker permanent notification bizarrely disappeared!

Might be worth making that an event 'unavailable on the S2', Pent ;)


Jul 10, 2012, 4:20:23 AM7/10/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, to achieve pressing the search button, a long press of the menu key is used but this will only be detected in tasker as a long press on the menu key. at most you could receive a short click on search detection, definatley not a long click on search.

but yes, a long press option for "Input->Button" (action). is what im looking for and i'm really suprised its not in there, considering how many options Tasker has for every other action.



Sep 14, 2012, 11:35:51 AM9/14/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
A profile that, during certain time-frame, if battery level is not low, every hour, my task grab current weather information from Yahoo Weather API for a certain location.

Then it parse a csv file and:

- update wellpaper accordingly (configurable and flexible, so that you can associate same wallpaper to different weather conditions). It is done if weather changed from last update only, of course, to save bettery.

- if raise a notification for severe weather conditions (also configurable into .csv file)

Used Yahoo Weather because all other major weather services (AccuWeather, WeatherGov, etc.), unfortunately, seem to be extremely not accurate outside Nort America (huge forecast perimeter used).
Additionally you do not have to go through ZIP codes (a location system usually used in english language countries and the netherlands only).

Main issue I'm facing: 
I'm curently using a fixed yahoo location ID (my home, not my current position).
I'd like to translate Net geo-coordinates into a yahoo location ID, but it seems Yahoo needs to register the application details to do so (need an app. ID), and they need a WEB page where to verify, but... that's a personal app... (why the hell I should build up a WEB page, where I can see what I'm doing just for myself?!?! ;)  )

more info to come


Sep 14, 2012, 11:37:46 AM9/14/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Last issue:

Tasker CPU usage in 2 hours jumped up from 12 seconds to 42 seconds... so I guess I need to find I way to reduce battery usage... not easy to me :(


Sep 14, 2012, 8:02:57 PM9/14/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
hey any of you guys know a way to turn background data on when on wifi and off when im not using wifi. i tired it via dpad, it did not work well for me. im using GB 2.3.5 . any ideas?

On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 4:26:01 PM UTC-4, beardedholmes wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to find some other cool uses for Tasker.  Has anyone done
anything fun, cool or outrageous with Tasker that I could try?

Obviously there are 'Turn On WiFi at Home' step throughs and the
'Power Saving' tasks but I wanted something new to try...

I currently have the following profiles setup on my HTC Desire:

- Turn on GPS for GPS Apps
(This auto turns on GPS when you open an App that requires it -
i.e.'GoogleMaps' or 'Zombie, Run')

- Music App Popup on Headphone Plugin
(This auto opens my music application when you insert headphones into
the phone)

- Anniversary SMS
(This automatically sends a text message to my girlfriend on our

- Silent Mode at Work
(This automatically puts my phone on silent when I am within 200
metres of work and turns silent mode off when outside
of work)

- Airplane Mode at Night
(This turns off all mobile data between 23:00 and 7:00 - Saving
battery and keeping my sleep uninterrupted)

- WiFi On at Home
(This turns WiFi on when I am within 50m of home and my router signal
is detected)

- Facedown Powersave
(This auto turns screen brightness down, system volume to silent, wifi
off, bluetooth off and GPS off when I place my
phone face down)

- Low battery Powersave
(This turns off various power munchers when battery is 30% or less
helping it to last longer)

- Weekly Football SMS
(This sends an SMS every sunday to everyone who plays football with
us, checking if they can play that coming week) D

Does anyone have any other USEFUL or INTERESTING uses for Tasker

Simon Ayling

Sep 14, 2012, 9:05:38 PM9/14/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Have a look at the action auto-sync in the net category...


Sep 14, 2012, 10:47:57 PM9/14/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
im not talking abt autosync, actual background data. autosync works fine but i only want to sync every 1hr so keeping background on will drain battery. so im trying to set up a profile that will go to sync settings and check background data then ill turn autosync on so sync facebook gmail and twitter then after the sync i want everything to turn off.

Simon Ayling

Sep 15, 2012, 5:56:19 AM9/15/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Not sure where that is... on my Galaxy S2 with ICS, turning auto-sync off disable syncing all accounts. I can't see anywhere else to change any sync settings in my phone?

I turn sync off when out and about and not connected to a power source in order to conserve battery, having noted excessive use with autosync on.


Sep 15, 2012, 1:02:04 PM9/15/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
ya ik, background data option is not in tasker but im saying can i configure to turn it on and off manually using dpad.i tired it but did not work

Simon Ayling

Sep 15, 2012, 2:58:58 PM9/15/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

I meant I no longer see it as an option in ICS...


Sep 15, 2012, 10:13:31 PM9/15/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
the dpad? or the background data what option are u not seeing?


Sep 16, 2012, 2:20:18 AM9/16/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
I created a proximity sensor based system for my Phone while I drive and listen to music on my phone.  Phone sits in my cup holder with screen off and music playing via bluetooth to the car.  Here is what I have it setup to do.

1.  Upon connecting to Car bluetooth, Music app opens and starts playing the last played song.....and enables all my car-profiles below.
2.  Waving hand over phone will turn phone screen on for 10 seconds and change music track.  Any waves during that 10 second period reset the 10 sec timer and change the music track again.
3.  Hovering/Holding (not waving) hand over phone while the screen is off will permanently turn the phone screen on until I trigger the proximity sensor again with my hand.  Basically, the simple act of picking up the phone from cup holder triggers the screen on action....then simply putting the phone back down triggers the screen off again.
4.  Upon receiving text message while driving, music is lowered to background and text message is read out loud.  Music returns to full volume after message read.
5.  Once Car bluetooth is off, music stops playing, phone goes to home screen, car-profiles are turned off, current GPS location is saved to a variable in case I need it.

Andrea Z.

Sep 18, 2012, 10:14:55 AM9/18/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Basic, simple stuff:
1)home/work profile that turns on wifi, adjusts volumes and set some variable (for other tasks) depending on cell near
2)if some specific app is open (all chat/mail/msgs) is open, phone goes to vibration only. I'm looking on that, no needs to play a sound if a new message is coming. This is also good for camera app to remove the sound played when i do photos :-P
3)battery profiles: if battery goes beyond 20%, lots of stuff to keep more juice (no data, screen brightness very low, vibration only...). Phone returns to normal state if battery goes beyond 20% OR phone is in charging
4)if I insert headphones, music start playing
5)screen always on if I use some apps (browser, maps, clock)
5)at 2.00 in the night, phone reboots
6)if i'm in work hours and days (but not necessary at work place) notify from work email plays a sound and vibrates (stock email app!). Otherwise, it is set to not play and not vibrate.
7)say caller name during phone ringing
8)auto speakerphone profile that goes activated if i use hearplugs OR click on a widget that does the following
8a)when an sms arrives, it reads it, asks me if i want to call the sender or reply, and if i want to reply, i can dictate it
8b)if a call arrives, it goes to speakerphone by itself and answers in 4 seconds. But if I take the phone and put near my ear, speakerphone goes down
8c)whatsapp messages are read too
8d)email sender and subject is read when it arrives
8e)voice control on music, audio clock, read last message, other stuff
9)if screen is on, ringtone is an empty file
10)spy mode that is activated with a click on a widget and does the following
10a)start recording if i put the phone on a flat surface (like a table)
11a)it does photos if the phone is standing up
12)different profiles for wired or bluetooth headset, because get voice does not work with bluetooth (sigh)
13)phone ringing, if i put face down, goes to vibrate only so I can ignore people

Brian Gonzales

Sep 20, 2012, 9:08:54 PM9/20/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I've only been using tasker for a few days. Over the next few days, I'll probably write the following profiles:
  • Ensure my screen is turned off while in my pocket. I guess it will need to detect whether the phone is upside down and in the dark. In that instance, force off the screen. My GN is a great phone, but I often get warm pockets. :-)
  • Titanium backs up my phone at 3am. Shortly afterwards, I'd like to send the backup folder to my hard drive at
  • I run CM10 nightlies. Before each morning's flash, I wouldn't mind backing up with TWRP, then rebooting while I sleep. I'm guessing that one isn't doable.


Sep 22, 2012, 7:27:16 AM9/22/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Love this setup.  Gonna try to do something similar.  Thanks for the idea.

chaim turkel

Sep 22, 2012, 2:08:09 PM9/22/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
1. don't disturb
2. find my phone
3. flip device to disconect call
4. power for car mode
5. missed call - send email


Sep 22, 2012, 9:51:17 PM9/22/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
I consider it my most accomplished piece of work with Tasker.  The overall setup does many other things as well....those are just the highlights.  To get everything to perform properly, it took relentless testing/tinkering.  Every new person in my car has a 'WTF face' when they see me do shit with it though.

Francesco Popio

Sep 23, 2012, 1:13:22 AM9/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Crazy, I love it! I'm new to tasker, but you described exactly what I want to do! When I drive, I'd love to wake the phone with a hand wave and switch tracks just as easily. Is there a way for you to upload your profile?

Francesco Popio

Sep 23, 2012, 1:18:01 AM9/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

I definitely need more time to play with tasker! Would you be around if I have any questions in the next few days?


Sep 23, 2012, 4:13:56 PM9/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com
I really don't think it would be a good idea to upload any of my profiles I used to do this.  I used Secure Settings and other 3rd party applications to get everything working right.  I needed Secure Settings to enable Tasker to turn on the phone screen.  I then used an app called "Proximity Screen Off Pro" to enable Tasker to turn the screen off.  I also used multiple variables I created in Tasker.  I can sort of guide you on how the difficult parts work though.

Create a On/Off variable (1 or 0 or Set/Not Set) that corresponds to when you are in or out of your car.  I tagged this variable to my Car's bluetooth and we'll it %BT_Car.  Once I connect to my Car's bluetooth, this variable is set.  Everything I now talk about should have this variable set as a prerequisite....that way these actions will only fire when you are in your car.

Now here is the meat of the setup--How to setup the whole proximity sensor hand wave action.  There are likely multiple ways this whole function can be done....and I've messed around with many different ways.  The following proved best for me and my phone.  Lets call this profile 'Next Track Proximity'.  Profile context is going to be Proximity sensor and some newly created On/Off (1 or 0) variable....we'll call that variable %Pickup.  %Pickup should be set to 0 for this context.  So upon triggering the sensor with hand wave, I use secure settings to turn the screen on, then I have a wait task for about 500ms.  This wait time is highly subjective and should be tuned to your liking.  The wait time is the difference between a hand wave and your hand held/hovering over the phone for an extended period of time....in other words it is the difference between two sets of actions we want (Skip track or Keep phone screen on to be used).  So after that wait command, I have new binary, on/off, 1 or 0, variable Set I call %BT_Prox_Screen.  The action sets this variable to 1 IF %PACTIVE matches *,Next Track Proximity,*.  In other words, %BT_Prox_Screen will be set to 1 if my hand is held/hovering over the phone for over 500ms.  So after that, the next actions will simply set %Pickup to 1 if %BT_Prox_Screen is 1 and reset %BT_Prox_Screen to 0 and then use an End Task command to end the rest of the stuff...all if %BT_Prox_Screen is set to 1.  Now if I only waved my hand over the screen, %BT_Prox_Screen would be 0 and I would only want to skip music tracks.  In that case, the next actions in the Task are a bit more complicated.  A media control Next action is sent, and another variable I call %BT_Next_Repeat is set to 1.  Following that I have a 10 second wait action.  This is the 10 second window I setup to allow to quickly skip more tracks.  In the settings for this entire Task tree, I set collision handling to 'Abort Existing Task'.  Now make an extra task to the beginning of this entire Task tree.  This extra task should be a Goto command to the action number where your media control Next action is.  Have an IF statement that %BT_Next_Repeat be 1 for that Goto command.  So basically, at this point, as you continue to wave your hand over your phone, the task will just loop over everything and just e sending Skip track commands and wait for 10 seconds for the next hand wave.  Now back to the end of this entire task tree.  After the 10 second wait action you setup, add a Variable Set command that will reset %BT_Next_Repeat to 0.  After that, I use ProximityScreenOff Pro and Tasker to send an action to turn my phone screen off.  That is the end of that profile

Now to setup another profile that will Turn your screen off with a single hand wave after you have already picked it up (Held/Hovered your hand over phone).  This one is simple and goes back to the %Pickup variable.  Since you picked up the phone by hovering your hand over the proximity sensor for the extended period of time, %Pickup should be set to 1 now as described above.  So our profile context will require %Pickup to be 1 and the Proximity sensor to trigger.  The only time those will occur together is when you would like to put your phone down because you are done using it.  The only actions inside this Task are an action to turn the screen off (I use ProximityScreenOff Pro for this) and a Variable Set command to reset %Pickup to 0.  Thats it.

So that is the meat and potatoes of it all.  Overall, my profile for this whole thing has many other variables and little nooks and crannies   For example, I setup variables that consider if I'm in a call or not, whether the phone is in Landscape or Portrait, and whether or not a text message is being read out loud to me or not.....other stuff too.  All that stuff will either allow or disallow all my car-proximity actions.  Also, for the reading text messages out loud bit....I didn't explain how I set that up here cause I figured that one was easy.  As a hint, to get your music to play at the same time a text message is read out loud, just mess around with which audio stream you tell your text to be read out in.  After that, I just messed around with the volume levels of the two streams.  I'm thinking about adding a reply ability where I can speak back a reply to my texts.....but I dunno if I'll do it.


Oct 6, 2012, 7:58:38 PM10/6/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com


Oct 17, 2012, 5:54:38 PM10/17/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
After hearing about people using TTS to say things like "good morning," I came up with the idea of making my own voice library for common phrases.  (I don't care much for the way TTS sounds, and this way, I can have a variety of clips so it doesn't sound the same every time.)  As an anime fan, all my audio clips come from various anime sources.

Each phrase or whatever that I want to use gets its own folder on my SD Card, and I just use the Music Play Dir action with Random=On and Maximum Tracks=1.  I found that I needed to put a Music Stop with Clear Dir=On before that action or sometimes it wouldn't play anything.

Here's what I have set up so far:
- "Ohayou" when I wake up in the morning.
- "Oyasumi" when I go to sleep (I'm already using a sleep tracker app, so the context for this was easy.)
- "Okaeri" when I get home
- "Itterashai" when I'm leaving home (I'm using an NFC tag to activate this task, which also checks my Astrid todo list for things that I need to remember before leaving.)
- "Doko iku no?" when I scan my car NFC tag (I don't have a dock or BT that I can use for the context, so I'm just using NFC for that, which launches Navigation, turns off WiFi, etc.)
- And one that basically says to hurry up and get ready or you'll be late, which activates in the morning if my phone is face up, which means it's sitting on my dining room table.  (If I'm actually doing stuff, it's in my pocket, and not face up.)

As I already mentioned, I'm using Astrid with the Locale plugin, so a lot of my profiles include checking specific Astrid lists, such as Home, Arriving at Work, Leaving Work, At Costco, etc.

Also, a note on NFC tags.  I didn't like the fact that NFC tags won't scan without the screen on and unlocked, although I do understand why that is the case.  I came to the conclusion that if I'm unlocking my screen anyway, scanning the NFC tag doesn't really save me any time, based on what I wanted to do with it (I could just create a widget on my home screen to run the related task.)

I got around this by creating my own lockscreen in Tasker (thanks to an article on Pocketables.)  This means that I only need to turn on my screen to scan an NFC tag, because the Android lockscreen is completely disabled.  Tasker can unlock the screen for me as well, whenever it makes sense (for instance, if I scan my "leaving home" tag and Tasker sees that Astrid popped a notification because I had active tasks.)  I haven't done much else with it, but the lockscreen would be fully customizable, too.

Aside from that, I have a few other random stuff set up:
- Save parking location and keep a notification up, which navigates me back to my car when pressed (runs automatically if I scanned my car NFC tag to activate that profile but I also have a widget for running it manually.)

- If I have bluetooth connected (usually because I'm driving,) TTS the caller name/number, and for incoming texts, read the message as well.

- If I get a text, and I don't have bluetooth connected, turn on bluetooth, and if it connects, then read the message.

- Silence phone when in meeting, sleeping, etc. while allowing whitelisted numbers.

I didn’t go into detail because this post is long enough already.  If anyone wants to know how I set any of this up, I’ll be glad to share.  I hope this helped give some people some ideas.  If anyone expands on what I did, I’d love to hear about it.  I’m always looking for more ways to make my iPhone-using friends jealous.



Oct 19, 2012, 7:20:39 AM10/19/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I've been using Tasker for a couple of years and I recently fell in love all over again when I learned about the integration with Auto Remote.

I frequently wifi tether my Nexus 7 to my phone when I'm not home.  Unfortunately my phone doesn't have the greatest battery life, so I use Tasker & Auto Remote to periodically notify my Nexus 7 of my cell phone's current battery level and charging / discharging state without ever having to pull my phone out of my pocket or backpack.  Right now the info comes up in my Nexus 7's notification bar when I press an icon or when my phone's battery is getting low, but I'm going to experiment (scenes / Zoom)  to see if I can get a widget that will continuously display the information on my tablet rather than the notification bar. I have no experience with that side of Tasker yet.


Oct 21, 2012, 5:34:30 PM10/21/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I'm using it for my Home Automation profiles. I can receive notifications (via AutoRemote) while I'm away or I send my GPS localisation to the box through http request. My Karotz can now tell to my wife I'm near home, and my HA turn on the garage light, open the door, etc etc etc. When I go outside of the range, the garage door close and the light goes off. Happy with this app :D

I'm using it to send the heat "turn on" command in the bathroom when I turn off the alarm on the morning. When I stand up, the bathroom is hot ;)

I'm using Tasker to turn on GPS, turn off WiFi when I launch Waze and stay those on when I got the BT car-radio connected.

I'm using Tasker everydays, I'm just enjoying it :)


Oct 29, 2012, 12:36:48 PM10/29/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Which Home Automation system are you using? Are you in U.S. or do you know if the system you are using available in U.S.? I am very new to the HA thing (just bought my first house). And I don't want to invest heavily in a system before knowing that it has the most potential. One of the main things I am looking for from my HA system is sending command through HTTP request or through EventGhost so that I can control it using Tasker and other tools. Can the HA system you are using set thermostat using HTTP request (e.g. as far as I know Insteon can do lights but not thermostat without using their own app).

Sorry if this is not strictly relevant to the thread, but basically I am trying to reproduce some of what Shaigan is doing.


Oct 29, 2012, 2:41:49 PM10/29/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Latest creation/update

On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:26:01 PM UTC+2, beardedholmes wrote:


Oct 29, 2012, 3:46:37 PM10/29/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I'm french ;)

I'm using a Micasaverde Vera 3 HA box, there is a US version. The protocol used is Z-Wave, a radio link beetwen the appliances and the box. This is a solution supported by more than one brand, I think it can be a robust solution. The box accept HTTP requests and Tasker can send them, the couple is perfect ;)

Hope this help you to see your project more clear


Oct 29, 2012, 5:16:34 PM10/29/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Does it operate on 433.92MHz, Shaigan? If so it's likely very similar to what I use, a Tellstick Net. Works great with Tasker, however I don't think you'll find US gear for it. 


Oct 29, 2012, 10:09:20 PM10/29/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Thanks, I checked out micasaverde vera website. It does look promising. Z-wave devices are a bit on the pricier side but overall it seems what i am looking for. I have seen Andreas' Tellstick article, but Tellstick's not available in US so that was already out.



Oct 30, 2012, 1:41:22 AM10/30/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Nop, it operate on 868 MHz in Europe and on 908 MHz in US. It' similar to the Teelstick net since Tellstick have products in Z-wave, but the 433.92 products dont't provide feedback on the command execution. Z-wave does ;)

Richard Davis

Nov 20, 2012, 5:54:29 PM11/20/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com

I have just completed my camera folders app.  The description is listed below.  I tried to post this to the wiki but for some reason I could not get it to upload. I pretty much got frustrated, quit and decided to post it here. Please give it a try if it interests you. I would be very appreciative of any feedback as I am planning on putting on the play store shortly.

Please feel free to email with questions or comments. Ricp...@gmail.com.  

When you initially install the app it will first bring you to the accessibility settings  page.  You must select camera folders (this allows the app to detect your camera app via the %WIN variable )  then run the app again to finish the installation process. There is a detailed help page in the settings menu.

This application allows you to quickly create folders for  pictures which then become the destination folder for all the pictures from the camera ( in this beta version the pictures are actually copied (NOT MOVED) from the Android camera folder)

It will create a folder called "A Pic Folders/ All pics" on your internal memory or external sd card, then all of the folders you name for your pictures will be placed in there. 

You can then use the File picker to find and view your picture folders.  The file picker uses a very fast Google type Search Engine (for lack of better words) to locate your folders. As you start entering the file name into the file picker it immediately starts searching for folders. The first 2 characters entered will list all files beginning with those characters after the third character is entered it will then show all folders containing those 3 characters anywhere in the file name ("cat" not "c" and "a" and "t")

** If you type in a single  .  this will list all folders**

Your folder names can be as long as you like ( I think) so you should put in as much information as you can that will help find the folder with the Quick Search method. For example.

Christmas 2011 at Mom's house in Florida

The file picker replaces the antiquated folder hierarchy method with the fast search method so in other words you no longer put folders into folders all of your picture folders will be in the 1 folder " A Pic Folders/ All pics



Nov 23, 2012, 1:38:03 PM11/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
The simple stuff first:
  • Put phone into silent mode when its face is down;
  • Rotating wallpaper every 5 unlocks (changes once the screen turns off);
  • Overlaying clock for games.

Some more complicated profiles/tasks:

  • A battery bar with custom colors/simple animations;
  • Auto freeze/defrost Viber on demand (freeze on exit, defrost on start); *
  • Automatically renice game on launch & set governor to performance; restore on exit; *
  • Mobile data monitor (shows mobile data usage); *
  • Automatically change Titanium Backup's settings to make it backup data only for games, and apk + data for the rest (using two Titanium schedules & labels, too); *
  • ButtonLED. *

(*) needs root

And other things, not worth mentioning. :)


Nov 23, 2012, 2:00:14 PM11/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
A lot of great stuff. Could you explain how you did ? I'm really interested with the battery bar :)


Nov 23, 2012, 2:13:48 PM11/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
I won't go into the details, here are the basics:
- Create a scene ("Battery Bar") and place a single rectangle in there; export the scene, edit the XML to change the width to the max (for both landscape & portrait) & the height to 1;
- You'll need one task that tests the scene, creates it if it's not shown, and prepare it. After that's done, it should show the scene.
- Inside the preparation part, you basically want it to check if your phone is in portrait or not, and set the rectangle's width appropriately (e.g. if in portrait, %width = %BATT * 320 / 100; this depends on your phone's resolution). Then just change the scene's rectangle width and set it to %width.
- Next, you want to color the battery bar depending on the level of the battery.
- A few profiles are needed: all of them launch our task. They are: Monitor Start (or Boot Completed), Portrait (to update the battery bar when you change the phone's orientation), Battery Changed, and Power (to set the charging color, and enable animations if you want).

The animation task simply needs to change the %width from its normal value to its max value, back and forth.

If you can't do it, I'll share the project along with any other you might want (I am a planning to write a full tutorial about some of them in a week or so, I'll post them on XDA) :)


Nov 23, 2012, 2:42:38 PM11/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Thx for this short share, now I've got the theory in mind ;)

I'll wait till you post the tuto on XDA to see your other projects, don't waste your time for me ;)


Nov 23, 2012, 2:53:58 PM11/23/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
It's not a waste of time :)


Nov 27, 2012, 6:26:32 AM11/27/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk

Would you like to explain how to monitor the mobile data ?

thx :p


Nov 27, 2012, 7:56:40 AM11/27/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
Run shell, command: busybox echo `grep -i "rmnet0" /proc/net/dev | awk '{print($2+$10)}', user root: yes, store result in: %result
%result contains the amount of data usage, in bytes, since the last interface start (reboot / quick reboot / crash).
The awk command is used to sum the upload and download amount.

That's basically it. You may need to change "rmnet0" to something else (use a root explorer and check /proc/net/dev). I have a few profiles to monitor it monthly (the values are stored & summed to give me my monthly usage; I do it using a %LASTCHECK = %UPTIME after I compare it to the %UPTIME variable; if it's bigger, it means the interface has started again since the last check and the current values are fresh) and tasks set up to notify me, but that would depend on the user.
I can't find the source, but a similar command was shared by another Tasker user, except that it outputted the result to a file.

I just gave you some guidelines.
Again, I can share the full task if you need it, but I would advise figuring it on your own (or wait till I write the tutorial, probably sometime next week).


Nov 27, 2012, 2:59:32 PM11/27/12
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
OMG thx a lot
With the run shekk command, I can get the data. It is located into svnet0 ( I've got an eth0, I can suppose it's the WiFi data usage ? ).
Thanks a lot again :)

Johnathan Wee

Jan 8, 2013, 11:20:12 PM1/8/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk
could you share the profile and task for 8c?

On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 22:14:55 UTC+8, Andrea Z. wrote:
Basic, simple stuff:
1)home/work profile that turns on wifi, adjusts volumes and set some variable (for other tasks) depending on cell near
2)if some specific app is open (all chat/mail/msgs) is open, phone goes to vibration only. I'm looking on that, no needs to play a sound if a new message is coming. This is also good for camera app to remove the sound played when i do photos :-P
3)battery profiles: if battery goes beyond 20%, lots of stuff to keep more juice (no data, screen brightness very low, vibration only...). Phone returns to normal state if battery goes beyond 20% OR phone is in charging
4)if I insert headphones, music start playing
5)screen always on if I use some apps (browser, maps, clock)
5)at 2.00 in the night, phone reboots
6)if i'm in work hours and days (but not necessary at work place) notify from work email plays a sound and vibrates (stock email app!). Otherwise, it is set to not play and not vibrate.
7)say caller name during phone ringing
8)auto speakerphone profile that goes activated if i use hearplugs OR click on a widget that does the following
8a)when an sms arrives, it reads it, asks me if i want to call the sender or reply, and if i want to reply, i can dictate it
8b)if a call arrives, it goes to speakerphone by itself and answers in 4 seconds. But if I take the phone and put near my ear, speakerphone goes down
8c)whatsapp messages are read too
8d)email sender and subject is read when it arrives
8e)voice control on music, audio clock, read last message, other stuff
9)if screen is on, ringtone is an empty file
10)spy mode that is activated with a click on a widget and does the following
10a)start recording if i put the phone on a flat surface (like a table)
11a)it does photos if the phone is standing up
12)different profiles for wired or bluetooth headset, because get voice does not work with bluetooth (sigh)
13)phone ringing, if i put face down, goes to vibrate only so I can ignore people


Apr 22, 2013, 5:38:36 PM4/22/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Hi, I like the movies profile can you share how to setup the profile thx

On Thursday, 3 November 2011 02:01:11 UTC-5, Paul wrote:
I have spent many hours setting up my Tasker to do all shorts of crazy
things. Profiles I have set up are:

1.) At Midnight everyday Tasker will check my location and then use
that to look up on the internet my local sunrise, and sunset times.
After that it will create a google calendar entry with the start time
being the sunrise time and the ending time being the sunset time.
Using this calendar entry I'm able to have Tasker set auto-brightness
on in the morning at the right moment it needs to be on, and then if
I'm driving when the sunsets it will set the auto-brightness off and
dims the screen so I'm not distracted with a bright screen when my
phone is in car mode.

2a.) The standard Day mode and Night mode, during the day Silent if
off, notifications are loud. Night mode turns off the auto-brightness
and dims the screen while also silents the phone. I work odd hours so
these times don't match up with the profile I set up for sunrise/set
profile. The screen only dims if I'm driving at night between the
sunset time and 3am, otherwise Tasker will wait until 1am to dim the

2b.) Auto Reply in Night Mode. If my phone is in Night Mode and I
receive a call or text between 1am - 11am (like I said odd hours) it
will send a text message back to the person telling them like
"ZZZZzzzzzzz.... My phone is currently in sleep mode. I will respond
back to you when I wake up in the morning."

3a.) Home made Car Mode. I don't have the money to spend on a desktop
dock, or a car dock, so I have Tasker to set up these modes for me
using other means. If I have my cell phone plugged into the stereo of
my car and also the charger is plugged in it will turn car mode on and
load up a car app I downloaded from the Market, it will also use the
data Tasker collected from sunrise/set to see if it is light or dark
outside and adjust brightness of the screen depending on the time of
the day it is. Auto-Brightness on if it is light out, screen dimmed at
night. It will also automatically start playing the last music track
that was played on Google Music, or resumes play on a podcast I was
listening to earlier with Pocket Cast. It will turn WiFi off, and
Bluetooth on, though I hardly use the bluetooth anyways because my
phone works pretty well plugged into the stereo of the car.

3b.) Auto reply to text while driving. If my car is in car mode and I
receive a text Tasker will check if I am currently moving and if I am
going more then 10 MPH it will reply back with a text message saying
something like "[Auto Reply] I'm currently driving right now at
%SPEEDMPH. I will reply back when it is safe for me to do so."
%SPEEDMPH is replaced with the actual speed I'm going.

4.) Movie Toggle. When I'm in a movie I press a widget on my phone and
it will dim the screen so it isn't bright in the theater to bother
others watching the movie, silents the phone, and uses some of the
same settings used in 2b, and 3b to reject calls and reply back to
people who call or text while I'm in the theater telling them I'm
watching a movie, respond back in a couple of hours.

5.) Location Modes. If I'm at home - wifi on. At work - Silent mode is
set to vibrate.

6.) Quick Button. If I hold down the search button at the bottom of
the phone for a couple of seconds by default it will turn the LED on
for use as a flash light, otherwise if it is in car mode it will pause/
play the podcast or music I have currently playing. If the phone app
is loaded and I'm in a call it will start recording the call.

7.) Turn WiFi on/off when some apps are open like Hulu, YouTube,
Netflix, etc.

That is just some of the stuff I have Tasker set up to do. Really the
things you can do with Tasker is limitless and like most people I was
really dumb when I first started using Tasker. In fact it put me off
when i first played around with it because it was really confusing to
use. I actually uninstalled it and went ahead to use PhoneWeaver for
several months until I was getting tired of the limits PhoneWeaver had
and tried Tasker one more time. I'm glad I did. Tasker is amazing.
Best paid app I have ever downloaded.

Abdullah Alam

Oct 25, 2013, 11:18:59 AM10/25/13
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
Mobile data is always a big battery hog, so I used to tasker to solve that problem.

When the display is off, mobile data turns off. But it turns on every 6 minutes for 30 seconds, cause whatsapp requires data!

When I turn the phone on, it turns on the mobile data for 30 seconds, in case I missed any messages, then turns off again. While the phone is on, mobile data will only turn on when I open an app that requires it, and turn off when I exit the apps. (Note: Mobile data doesnt turn off when I exit Play store, 4shared, or TubeMate, cause it may interrupt downloads)

And all the profiles for this have an extra context %Datasave matches 1.

There is a widget on my homescreen which toggles the value of the %Datasave variable between 1 and 0, thereby enabling or disabling all these profiles at once.

Brian Freund

Jan 6, 2014, 11:26:52 PM1/6/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rob,

I'm trying to set up a community controlled music station for my work and your remote music control via a website sounds like the perfect solution! Could you provide any links or helpful tips on how to set this up? Thanks

On Monday, January 30, 2012 8:01:49 AM UTC-6, Rob wrote:
When I'm walking to the train station to or from work, I'll almost
always have headphones on, listening to music. Tasker will:
- Check the live train departures website, and grab the expected
arrival time of the next train home, and say it to whenever if it
changes (so I know if the train is running late and by how much).
- Read out any SMS messages I get
- Tell me the time every few minutes (before I kept on getting my
phone out to check the time to make sure I wasn't running late)
- Tell me the name of the track whenever the song changes
- I was going to get it to automatically text my wife when I'm on the
train or if the train is running late, but I thought I should probably
take the time to text my wife myself instead of getting my phone to do

Remote control music on my phone via a website! I set up a simple PHP
page on a web server . Tasker checks it every few seconds to see if
there's a new command, and passes along the currently playing track.
If the page is visited with a web browsers you'll see the currently
playing track with play/pause, forward and next links. Each of these
links will store a command that tasker checks for.
I don't actually use this task that much (I can just cross the room to
change track!) , but with a few minor changes it could be quite a
useful general web based remote control. For example I could send text
messages via a computer, or if I was abroad on holiday without mobile
data access I could leave my phone at home and use this to check for
new notifications and control certain aspects of my phone from an
internet cafe.

On Dec 10 2011, 12:35 pm, V Oz <v.ozzzz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With Tasker Your ssh session wont be interactive. If it's OK, try to use
> identity files instead typing passwords. You can make key-file without
> pass. Put open key onto server, secure key - in local path
> Then use Secure settings plug-in or Run Script action  "ssh -c
> remote_command -i identity/file/path user@host"

Francis Opoku

Jan 12, 2014, 4:14:27 AM1/12/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
can you show me how to set up profile (1) on your list below??

On Monday, 25 March 2013 17:50:57 UTC, Paul Turner wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm a new Tasker user (literally a few days) after a friend pointed me to it, so thought I'd add my tuppence to this thread!

1) Read text message via car audio when connected to my own bluetooth - Also turn down playing audio before reading message at full volume, and return audio volume to full afterwards

2) Overnight power saving - Disables Wifi, Bluetooth, Data sync for the wee hours (fairly standard stuff to do that, it appears!)

3) Daytime power saving - Turn off bluetooth if I'm connected to Wifi for more than 5 minutes and bluetooth isn't connected

4) When I have an unread text, my phone plays the notification once, and sometimes I miss it. One profile is to notify me every 3 minutes if I have an unread text, but only when I'm not in the car.


May 8, 2014, 2:58:06 AM5/8/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com

Here are some of my tasker creations i find most useful. A lot of this has probably been mentioned by others before, but hopefully also something new.

1) Turns on Wifi when I arrive at certain locations. (Like home or work)

2) Tasker learns CellTowers automatically while connected to a known wifi.(Don’t need to manually re-scan for Cell Towers).

3) Backup of important files every night. (with FolderSync)

4) Screen brightness is lowered and color temperature is changed when I plug in the charger when I get to sleep. This way I awoid hurting my eyes if I need to use the phone at night. (With Twillight app)

5) When I get up in the morning, Twilight is set to a morning profile, which is perfect to avoid hurting my eyes early in the morning.

6) Wifi and mobile data is deactivated when I’m asleep. (Maybe not very important since my phone is plugged in the charger, but I find it a bit unnecessary that my phone syncs at night when I’m asleep.)

7) Password protection deactivated when I’m connected to home Wifi, (or set to a simpler authentication method).

8) A “Send delayed SMS” function. For example when I want to send someone an SMS at an inappropriate time (late at night for exampel), I can schedule it to be sent the next day instead. This is also useful when other people want me to remind them of something at a later time. I can then just leave tasks like this to my phone.

9) A task that query for a text, and then set this text as a notification. I use this often to quickly add a reminder when I need to remember something. This is an example that very simple things can be very useful.

10) A task that temporarily disables the keyguard (with secure settings). I have one variant that reactivates it after a certain amount of time, and one with a persistent notification that I can click to re-enable.

11) Similar to 10, a task that temporarily disables (or extends) the screen timeout. Useful for instance when I need list to stay open when I’m working on something.

12) A powernap function that queries for number of minutes I want to sleep. It then silence the phone, lower screen brightness, and when the time has passed plays music to wake me up. There is a persistent notification that I can click to stop this task if I need to get up earlier.

13) Tasker reads my calendar, and deactivates the Alarm clock on holidays. My phone no longer wakes me up early the first day of my vacation, or “forgets” to wake me up the first day at work. (I use the Gentle Alarm app for this)

14) To avoid accidental calling, outgoing calls are blocked by default. When I open the phone app, a notification pops up that I can click to temporarily allow outgoing calls. (This is has saved me from accidental calling many times.)

15) A task that temporarily puts my phone in silent mode (similar to 10). This is extremely useful to me since I often used to put my phone in silent mode, and later forgot to activate sound (and then missing calls and so on).

16) Under certain contitions SMS are sendt automatically to notify people when I arrive at a location.

17) When in Silent mode, Tasker automatically informs people that my phone is silenced, and informs that they can send me a secret code if they absolutely need to get hold on me. If they send me the code, music starts playing on my phone to alert me.

18) A night, when the phone is put to silent, calls from certain people (family members and so on) causes music to play on my phone to wake me up. 

19) Tasker reads my calendar for trash days, and reminds me to take out the trash.

20) If some of the calendar entries contains <silent>, Tasker will mute my phone during that event. (Like when I’m in a meeting)

21) When I plug in the headset, volume settings are adjusted automatically. Media volume up, notifications and ringtones down (I plan to create a pop up menu asking if I want to open certain relevant applications, like youtube or Spotify).

22) Reminds me to charge the phone, when power drops below a certain level.

23) Every night Tasker sets a random wallpaper for the next day.

24) A profile that lets me create a calendar entry from the Android share system (with AutoShare). I can then for instance quickly get the subject and content of an email into a calendar entry, even if my calendar app is not really supporting this. (Note that this is a really simple profile, wich only puts the subject and content of a share into a calendar entry, and then loads the calendar app to let me select, date, time and details for the event)  

25) When browsing on my computer, I can save an url, or set clipboard, to my phone with AutoRemote.

26) If certain people send me a certain code on SMS, Tasker will send them my location. Sadly this is not very useful at the moment because Tasker are not allowed to temporarily change the GPS-status. This only works when I have manually activated the GPS in advance.


May 9, 2014, 2:23:42 AM5/9/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
How did you set up number 14?


May 9, 2014, 5:00:58 AM5/9/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Seems Im not able to export descriptions from Tasker, but i wrote some pseudo code below. 
Basically there are 4 profiles and one Global Variable:

Profile: State: Phone app open AND %AllowCalls = False
-> (Persistent) Notify Title: "Outgoing calls blocked" (Text: Click to allow calls)
        -> Exit task: Notify cancel: "Outgoing calls blocked"

Profile: Event: Notification click "Outgoing calls blocked".
-> Variable set %AllowCalls to True

Profile: Event: Notification click : "Outgoing Calls Allowed".
    ->  Variable set %AllowCalls to False

Profile: Event: Variable Set %AllowCalls, *
-> if %AllowCalls = False :
Call block (all numbers)
Notify cancel "Outgoing Calls Allowed"   
-> Else if %AllowCalls = True : 
Call Revert (all numbers) 
Persistent Notify "Outgoing Calls Allowed" (Text: "Click to block calls")
-> End if.

Note that as long as outgoing calls are allowed there will be a persistent notification that i can click to re-enable blocking.
I have previously tried to make Tasker ask for my confirmation before making a call. This was not successful,
but I'm actually very happy with this solution also. In addition to the profiles i have a named task with shortcut on
my home screen, so that I'm able to allow calls without launching the phone app.


May 9, 2014, 6:25:25 AM5/9/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
Hi Kladden,
thanks for your post, a lot of useful ideas in it!
Could you please explain how do you accomplish function #15: temporary silent mode?
Also #8 (delayed SMS) looks very interesting, but don't wanna bore you too much.
Thanks in advance!


May 9, 2014, 7:26:17 AM5/9/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
Hi Andrea,

The temporary silent is done by something similar to this:

1. Query for number of minutes (store in variable %duration)
2. Silent mode on
3. Wait for %duration minutes
4. Silent mode of

(You might want to add a notification while this task is running)

The way I have currently implemented the delayed SMS is a bit complicated. Don't have time to explain this now. However I want to suggest an alternative/simpler way of achiving this:

Each time you want to scedule an SMS, you can just create a profile like this:

Profile "Sceduled SMS"
When Time = something AND Day = something
 -> Send SMS to Number
 -> Notify: "Scheduled SMS sendt"
 -> Profile status "Sceduled SMS" = off    (not neccessary, but it makes it easier to see if the message has been sendt or not)

Each time you want to scedule an SMS, you can just change time, number and message for this profile, and set the status to on. Or create another profile if you want to scedule more than one at a time. A seperate project for these profiles is probably smart.

Brandon Horwath

May 9, 2014, 9:53:42 AM5/9/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com

To export a profile as description:

1) Disable beginner mode.
Go to menu > preferences > UI tab > Beginner mode and uncheck it.

2) A profile must be named to export
Long press on the profile that you want to name and a menu bar should appear at the top of the screen.
Select the "A" icon to open a dialog to name the profile.
Note: You can change tasker's profile creation sequence to request a profile name when creating a profile with:
menu > preferences > UI > scroll down to Main Screen section and find 'Ask For New Profile Name' and check it.

3) Post the Tasker description of the profile or task that you are having trouble with.
To do that you long press on the profile name (or task name) and then go to menu > export > description to clipboard (don't select export XML). Then paste the clipboard contexts into a post.


May 12, 2014, 2:37:08 AM5/12/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, I was able to export profiles using this method. (However im not able to export an entire project as a description.)
This is my "SMS Later" set up. When running the SMS Later Task it queries for Recipient (number), date to send, time to send,
and text to send.

You can only schedule one message at a time, when entering a new one, the previous will be overwritten. Also note that 
since it queries for number, time and date as text/numbers (not date/time or contact-picker) it is a bit cumbersome 
to use. The number must be copy pasted from the contacts app, and so on. But for my own use its OK.

Profile: DATE to User Variable (153)
Time: 00:05
Enter: Anon (154)
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%TodaysDate To:%DATE Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] 

Profile: Send Delayed SMS (152)
Time: From %SendTime Till %SendTime
State: Variable Value [ %TodaysDate ~ %SendDate ]
Enter: Anon (156)
A1: Send SMS [ Number:%SendRecipient Message:%SendText Store In Messaging App:On ] 
A2: Notify [ Title:Scheduled SMS Sent Text:To %SendRecipient. Icon:cust_email Number:0 Permanent:Off Priority:3 ] 
A3: Variable Clear [ Name:%SendDate Pattern Matching:Off ] 
A4: Variable Clear [ Name:%SendText Pattern Matching:Off ] 
A5: Variable Clear [ Name:%SendTime Pattern Matching:Off ] 
A6: Variable Clear [ Name:%SendRecipient Pattern Matching:Off ] 
A7: Profile Status [ Name:Send Delayed SMS Set:Off ] 

SMS Later (145)
A1: Variable Query [ Title:Recipient number? Variable:%SendRecipient Input Type:Numeric / Integer Default: Background Image: 
Layout:Variable Query Timeout (Seconds):600 Show Over Keyguard:On ]
A2: Variable Query [ Title:Sending Date? Variable:%SendDate Input Type:Normal Text Default:%DATE Background Image: 
Layout:Variable Query Timeout (Seconds):600 Show Over Keyguard:On ]
A3: Variable Query [ Title:Time? Variable:%SendTime Input Type:Numeric / Decimal Default:%TIME Background Image: 
Layout:Variable Query Timeout (Seconds):600 Show Over Keyguard:On ] 
A4: Variable Query [ Title:Text? Variable:%SendText Input Type:Normal Text Default: Background Image: 
Layout:Variable Query Timeout (Seconds):600 Show Over Keyguard: On ]
A5: Profile Status [ Name: Send Delayed SMS Set:On ]
A6: Flash [ Text:Message will be sent to %SendRecipient, date %SendDate at %SendTime. Long:On ]


May 15, 2014, 2:17:02 PM5/15/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
Here are mine!

The obligatory volume control. I have it set to mute when a busy calendar event is active and unmute when not. Also, it mutes when the 15 minute notification for an appointment or work pops up because I'm usually early for those and don't want my sound on.
These profiles also set a variable for volume so another task I have will "protect" it. I constantly hit my volume buttons accidentally so this task checks the ringer volume against the variable and changes it back if it's different.

Wallpaper changer. Changes my wallpaper each hour to a random picture in a folder I filled with cat pictures 😃

Data usage call. On my bill cycle date, my phone will call #3282 overnight so I wake up to a text reminder of my usage.

Auto rotate on when YouTube is open.

Calendar alert. It gives me a notification every night at midnight (I stay up late so I will see it) if I have an appointment in my calendar the next day. That way I know what to set my alarm for!

I have a few logging tasks. Clipboard log to keep everything I've copied, volume log to monitor my volume habits because of those stupid buttons haha, and WiFi log to monitor my connects and disconnects since my home WiFi sometimes sucks.

Forward messages and missed calls. If I send a specific message to my phone, it'll forward the messages and missed call notifications to that phone. Hopefully I'll never need this because I would only use it if I lost my phone.

Recently added the block outgoing calls profile mentioned here earlier by kladden.

Amazon free app notification. Every day I get a notification letting me know the name of the free app and I can click it to get a pop up with the description.

That's all for now, but hopefully I'll get more ideas!


May 15, 2014, 2:42:57 PM5/15/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
Toggle any setting. Apparently you just have to know what the code is. And that's the question. Is there a list of codes for each Android version? How about a list of codes for different models using Android as the base? By "code", I mean a shell script usable string of text that looks something like this...

echo 0 > /sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/negative

I suppose it would be in a software development kit (SDK).


Jun 4, 2014, 6:53:48 PM6/4/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com, crai...@live.co.uk, bearde...@gmail.com
Finally got this working! I just finished a project that replaces the text message notification with one that has options to delete the message or mark it as read. The options are only there when there is 1 unread message. When there are more than 1, it makes a list of them in the following format:
Name1: Body1
Name2: Body2
Name3: Body3
It shows the most recent message in the notification and when expanded, shows all of them. Also, unlike my previous phone, if I get a picture message and expand it in the notifications, this phone doesn't show the picture so I included an action to do that. It was definitely interesting figuring out the SQL statements to get the picture file location, as well as to delete the MMS messages and mark them as read. The SMS SQL statements I found online, at least.
Let me know if anyone wants any of this! It needs AutoContacts to get the contact pics, AutoNotification of course for the notifications, SQLite3 and root for deleting and marking messages as read.
Oh and thanks to Brandon Horwath, Matt R, and nanobrain for their help!

Marta Hintz

Jun 4, 2014, 11:54:52 PM6/4/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
The share would be awesome.


Jun 5, 2014, 12:09:33 AM6/5/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com

Absolutely! The project is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8928053/SMS_Options.prj.xml

On Jun 4, 2014 11:55 PM, "Marta Hintz" <lar...@gmail.com> wrote:
The share would be awesome.

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