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Venus and Mars and self-efficacy

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Edmond Wollmann

2000年5月31日 03:00:002000/5/31
The planets Venus and Mars are the planets that reflect the idea of
identity and it's validation factors. The feminine (Venus) and
masculine (Mars) functions represent the energy of an idea-that drives
an idea-and its corresponding resource-fullness and reflection in
physicality, respectively.

Venus, the lens of the lights of Taurus and Libra with its heavy
clouds, reflects the light of the Sun brilliantly-and hence symbolizes
the belief in resource-fullness and mind reflected through matter. The
ability to have what we need when we need it (the true definition of
abundance). This reflecting and absorption of the light of the sun
allows this feminine function TO NURTURE and SUPPORT the driving force
of identity in its exploration of itself (Mars). It is self worth and a
feeling (belief) in the unlimited support of the Multiverse that allows
us to creatively extend ourselves and give love with trust (Leo, the
5th and the Sun).

Mars, the rocky and almost ATMOSPHERELESS planet acts as the lens of
the light of Aries, the manifestation of identity definition and
separation from "All That Is" as one of the different ways it has of
expressing itself through each and every one of us. Natural aggression
is the synchronistic, effortless expression of the idea you are at any
given moment WITH TRUST. This trust is a given when the belief in
resource-fullness reflected through Venus and its support of the
identity through mirroring (Libra=an instructive way to view the self)
and the knowingness that the idea we are MUST have its accompanying
support structure and all the "materials" it needs in order to BECOME
the idea that Mars and the identity choose to express. Mars equates to
the driving force or spirit of the Multiverse, and Venus to the
supportive mind as material that perpetuates and actualizes that spirit-
again, the mind/matter mirror.

In a study of a "desire to help", individuals were separated into 2
groups, one group received a cookie before being asked for help, and
another group given nothing. The these groups were asked to help
another individual who needed it for as long as they could. The same
groups were also asked to distract persons or to interfere with
something they were doing.
It was found that the participants who were given something as simple
as a cookie before hand, helped 69 minutes as opposed to those with no
cookie who only offered an average of 17 minutes. But as for
distracting or interfering with another, the group with no cookie
before hand, distracted someone else 64 minutes as opposed to the pre-
cookie group who were only willing to "cause trouble" 20 minutes in

This study reflects the idea of self-empowerment as I have discussed
many times-for when individuals feel (believe) that the Multiverse (in
the form of persons or otherwise) is supportive of them, that they are
validated and worthy, less preoccupied with self limitation, and
generally have the NURTURANCE and support of worth and a sense of
abundance (Venus) then NATURAL aggression as opposed to powerless or
unnatural aggression is more likely to be expressed. There is no sense
of "losing" something, if unlimited resource or positive support is

Venus and Mars reflect this identity validation and feelings of worth
and empowerment as has been described in the idea of integrity;
That every person is as powerful as he/she needs to be to create
whatever they desire in their reality, without having to hurt or malign
anyone else or themselves in order to do so.
All persons, in this writers belief therefore are inherently positive
or "good". And that only through perceived threat and beliefs in
resource-lessness or identity invalidation, do we become less than
helpful or unnaturally aggressive. Allow yourself therefore to believe
that "All That Is" deemed you important enough to create YOU and by
implication would not hold the support of the Multiverse from you and
your expression.
Venus and Mars reflect this universal premise, of action and support of
that action.

"Standing in the hall of the great cathedral, waiting for the transport
to come. Starship 21zedna9, a good friend of mine studies the stars,
Venus and Mars are alright tonight.
Come away on a strange vacation, holiday hardly begun. Run into a good
friend of mine, sold me her sign, reach for the stars, Venus and Mars-
are alright tonight." Paul McCartney "Venus and Mars are Alright

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2000 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603

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Before you buy.

TonySidawayisanAssholeandsois PZ™

2000年5月31日 03:00:002000/5/31

Edmond Wollmann wrote:
> The planets Venus and Mars are the planets that reflect the idea of
> identity and it's validation factors.

You're apostrophe is mis-placed. ;-)


"I am permanently off usenet as of 7/29/99" - Ed Wollmann, pathological liar


2000年6月1日 03:00:002000/6/1
In article <8h3rsf$nfu$>,
Edmond Wollmann <> wrote:

> The planets Venus and Mars are the planets that reflect the idea of
>identity and it's validation factors.

Is that from astrokookology?


2000年6月1日 03:00:002000/6/1
In article <>,
TonySidawayisanAssholeandsois PZ <> wrote:

>You're apostrophe is mis-placed. ;-)


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