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Review of evidence for the existence of God, eternal soul, another

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Dec 13, 2007, 1:45:48 AM12/13/07
On a different thread, namely on
I tried to discuss constructively one commonly known item of evidence
for the existence of God, which representatives of biological sciences
typically conceal from their students. Let us now review the entire
list of these items of evidence for the existence of God, soul,
another world, etc., about which representatives of biological
sciences usually know jolly well, but also do NOT inform neither the
society nor they do not teach their students about it. Most vital
examples of this evidence are as follows:

1. Genetic code. As we already know jolly well, genetic code is
a kind of language. In turn every language can be formed only if it is
formulated by some intelligence. However, genetic code could not be
formed and steadily used by anyone but God himself. Thus the existence
of genetic code is a direct proof for the existence of God.
Incidentally, this code was already used by the philosophy of totalizm
as a basis for formulation of the formal scientific proof for the
existence of God, completed with methods of mathematical logic. Both,
descriptions of this proof, as well as more information about genetic
code, are contained in item #B3 of the web page about God - see the
web page named "god.htm", and also in subsection I3.3.4 of the
monograph [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine
persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical
bodies (brain). However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is
contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul. Of course,
the reason for this persistent telling is clear - the medicine does
NOT want to admit that human soul does exist. The wealth of evidence
which unambiguously indicates that memory is NOT contained in physical
bodies (i.e. brain), but in our souls, includes so-called OBE ("out of
body experiences"), NDE ("near-death experience"), multiple
personalities, memories of previous reincarnations, etc. But
biologists sabotage research on these phenomena and lie to the society
regarding interpretations of outcomes. More on this subject is
explained in item #C1.1 of the web page about nirvana - see the web
page named "nirvana.htm", and also in subsection I5.4 of monograph
[1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

3. The need for a couple of creatures (i.e. a female and a
male) to multiply. A natural (i.e. purely random) evolution which is
promoted by biologists, is at most able to explain origins of a single
new creature. The probability that completely at random in exactly the
same time as many as two new creatures mutate and that they will be a
male and a female, is impossible to occur in a random manner. So
couples of all creatures could only be created by God. However, this
fact biologists conceal from people. More about the creating pairs of
all creatures by God is explained in item #B6.2 of the web page about
evolution - see the web page named "evolution.htm", and also in
subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page
named "text_1_5.htm".

4. Communication between people and animals and vegetation.
Empirically we know jolly well that people can communicate with
animals and with vegetation, and that they do this without the use of
speech. In turn the existence of this communication is an evidence
that there is an universal language (ULT), and also a kind of speech
(telepathy) which allows non-physical communication in that language.
But in order such a language was heard with the use of telepathy,
there must exist the counter-world (i.e. this another world in which
God lives and to which our souls should go after the death). So no
wonder that biologists collaborating with serpents-UFOnauts do not
want to inform people about these possibilities of direct
communication between people and animals and vegetation, nor want
research this communication. For more information about the ULT
language - see item #B4 of the web page about telepathy - see the web
page named "telepathy.htm", and also subsection I5.4.2 of monograph
[1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

5. Supernatural capabilities of bodies (healing, synthesis of
missing chemical elements, fire-walking, blade-walking, levitation,
etc.). Souls contained in bodies of living creatures are able to give
extraordinary abilities to bodies of these creatures. For example cats
when see an illness in their masters, tend to lie on an ill area and
with their "purring" try to return the health - similar like human
healers do it. Some animals and vegetation are able to carry out the
synthesis of lacking chemical elements - e.g. hens can synthesize
missing calcium from mica. Flounders grow normal fish eyes at both
sides of their sculls, if at young age are deprived an access to the
bottom of sea. All probably heard that some people can walk on fire or
razor blades without hurting their feet. There are people who can
levitate. None of these supernatural capabilities of the body would be
possible exclusively in a physical world that is deprived God, soul,
another world, etc. For more information on these subjects see
subsections I7 and KB3 from volumes 5 and 10 of monograph [1/5] - see
the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

6. Hypnosis. Hypnosis on several manners confirms the existence
of another world, soul, God, etc. The first of these manners is the
mechanism of hypnosis. Namely, hypnosis depends on switching our
awareness from the physical world to the counter-world. (Our awareness
is similar to a "cursor" on a computer screen. It also can switch from
one "window" to another one.) The counter-world is almost an exact
copy of our physical world. Therefore hypnotized people after
switching their awareness to the counter-world still see over there
the same objects which exist in the physical world. But in the counter-
world instant shifting in time and space is possible. Thus hypnotized
people can shift in there to any place and to any time.

Another manner on which hypnosis confirms the existence of God,
soul, another world, etc., is the function of hypnosis. God gave to
its creations only these capabilities which are needed for something.
Hypnosis is NOT needed by people, although people learned how to used
and abuse it. But it is needed by God for controlling the behaviour of
people in critical moments. As such it also confirms the existence and
operation of God. No wonder that serpents-UFOnauts forbid to people
carrying out research on hypnosis. More about hypnosis is explained in
subsections I5, I5.1, I5.4, and I7 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] -
see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

7. Near-death experience, including NDE, OBE, coming of dead
close ones, review of the entire life, "death flash", the loss of
weight by body immediately after death, etc. Whatever happens shortly
before death and at the moment of death cannot be described
differently as a manifestation of evidence for the existence of soul,
another world, God, etc. No wonder that serpents-UFOnauts who
supervise human scientific research forbid research on these
phenomena. But personally I am disappointed because representatives of
biological sciences rush submissively to obey this forbidding and
refuse to research these phenomena and to inform the society about
their existence. If anyone carries research on these phenomena, he or
she must do it almost in hiding, like it was his or her personal
hobby, and always later has difficulties with publishing the findings.
Instead of this research that are so important for everyone,
representatives of biological sciences spend millions on fruitless
searches for "missing links" or for evidence of the existence of
"natural evolution". On the other hand many believers in God report
that shortly before the death their dead close ones are arriving to
assist a given person to go through this difficult transformation into
another world. Many dying people experience OBE (out of body
experience) and NDE (near death experience) - for which the only
rational explanations are when one acknowledges the existence of soul,
God, another world, life after death, etc. Almost every dying person
goes through a "review of the entire life" which (the review) in the
full extent can take place in a short period of time when someone is
e.g. still falling from a roof, but in which the falling person
relives again every moment from the just finishing life. God
frequently takes part in this review, and with a humour He even
comments some moments from the life of a dying person. In the very
moment of death the body beams a powerful flash of electromagnetic
radiation which usually is called the "death flash". This flash can be
registered with the use of present measuring equipment. Body of a died
person also weights less than a moment earlier when it still was
alive. More about this subject is explained in subsection H7.3 from
volume 4 and in subsection I7 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see
the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

8. ESP, instinct, multiple personalities, and other phenomena
of this kind. These also are not possible to appear if there is no
soul, another world, God, etc. Simultaneously, it is known for sure
that these phenomena do exist. More on their subject is explained in
subsection I8.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page
named "text_1_5.htm".

9. The existence of "animal geniuses". There is no many of
these. But from time to time we learn about animals who know and are
able much more than people do. Their descriptions are provided,
amongst others, in subsection I8.1 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] -
see the web page named "text_1_5.htm". I personally believe that these
animals are "serpents" who secretly occupy our planet, who died in
some accidents, and were reincarnated by God into these animals. (God
treats "serpents" as animals, thus He reincarnates them into animals -
as described in item #C4 of the web page named "bible.htm".) In order
to explain this extraordinary knowledge and intelligence of such
animals, one must consider the existence of soul, another world, God,

10. The perfection of oldest animals on the Earth is equal to
the perfection of newest animals. If one analyses a level of
perfection of living organisms of the oldest animals of our planet,
then it turns out that these animals have equally perfect organisms as
the newest animals. Many of these oldest animals persisted until today
and are equally well off as the newest animals. As an example consider
the "kings crab" which is a "trilobite" but lives in great numbers in
sea waters of Malaysia, or consider crocodiles and lizards, or sharks,
which have NOT changed their organisms for millions of years. In turn
this perfection of oldest organisms documents that they were created
by God. This is because only God could have a plan from the very
beginning how a perfect organism looks like, and then implemented this
plan as He equipped the ecosystem from the physical world into
subsequent animals that were needed in this ecosystem. More on this
subject is explained in item #B6.3 of the web page about evolution -
see the web page named "evolution.htm".

11. Contribution of services of every living creature for the
good of the rest of physical world. As it turns out, none creature or
vegetation lives just for itself, but it provides a whole range of
services to other creatures and vegetation. Thus all of them fulfill a
"general plan" which could only be created by God.

12. Everything that exists in living creatures is just a
different manifestation of the same "counter-matter". For example,
"bodies" of living creatures are actually structures formed from
counter-matter by appropriate natural programs (see subsection I1.4.1
in [1/5] - the web page named "text_1_5.htm"), memory is actually a
computer-like memory of counter-matter (see subsection I5.4 in [1/5] -
the web page named "text_1_5.htm"), feelings are the flow of natural
programs through this counter-matter (see subsection I5.5 in [1/5] -
the web page named "text_1_5.htm"), etc., etc. This in turn again
confirms the existence of counter-matter and counter-world, and also
the creation of living creatures by God.

13. The work and efficiency of magic, telekinetic healing,
bloodless operations, etc. Their existence also would NOT be possible
if there is no another world, soul, God, etc. But for sure these
phenomena do exist and are practiced in various parts of our planet
(usually in secrecy). More about this subject is explained in
subsections I5.7, I6.1, I3.5 and several others, from volume 5 of
monograph [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".

The above represent just several most important examples of
evidence from the area of biological sciences. This evidence well
documents the existence of God, eternal soul, another world, etc. More
evidence of this type, together with much better explanations, can be
found mainly in volume 5 (and a bit also in volume 4) of my newest
scientific monograph [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm". It
is really pity that teachers and lecturers of biological sciences are
too engaged in telling their students that God, soul, nor another
world do NOT exist, to also be able to inform the students about the
above facts - and thus to accomplish a right balance of views. After
all, if these facts are known to every person on the Earth, then our
civilization would look completely different, while the life of each
one of us (including lives of these atheistic lecturers) would be
incomparably more moral, happy, and peaceful.

Even more extensive information about cases of evidence for the
existence of God, soul, another world, etc. presented above which
typically is concealing by lecturers and teachers of biology and
physics, is provided in items #F2 and #F1 of the web page "bible.htm",
update dated on 9/12/07, or later. The web page "bible.htm" should be
available from following addresses:

It is also worth to know that under each address indicated above all
the web pages of totalizm should be available (unless some of these
web pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to
view descriptions from any other web pages of totalizm, e.g. from web
pages listed in this message, or in other messages from this blog,
then in the above addresses the name " bible.htm " is just enough to
exchange for the name of the web page that he or she wishes to view,
e.g. the web page "evolution.htm", "god.htm", "text_1_5.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "evil.htm", etc.

A similar list of biological evidence is published in message #142E on
blogs of totalizm which should be visible under addresses:

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

Homer Sapiens

Dec 13, 2007, 3:29:05 AM12/13/07
Major snippage of major drivel

> Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

You must think that Criss Angel is the second coming of Jesus Christ
if you actually believe all the nonsense that you posted.
Do you honestly think that people can levitate and communicate with
vegetation? You sir are coo coo for cocoa puffs!


Dec 13, 2007, 4:00:53 AM12/13/07
On 13 Dic, 07:45, wrote:
> On a different thread, namely on

> ,
> I tried to discuss constructively one commonly known item of evidence
> for the existence of God, which representatives of biological sciences
> typically conceal from their students. Let us now review the entire
> list of these items of evidence for the existence of God, soul,
> another world, etc., about which representatives of biological
> sciences usually know jolly well, but also do NOT inform neither the
> society nor they do not teach their students about it. Most vital
> examples of this evidence are as follows:
> 1. Genetic code. As we already know jolly well, genetic code is
> a kind of language. In turn every language can be formed only if it is
> formulated by some intelligence.

The genetic code is a mapping between nucletide codons and aminoacids.
You may consider it a language if you wish, but this doesn't make it
the result of an intelligent process.

> However, genetic code could not be
> formed and steadily used by anyone but God himself.

Or space aliens. Or evolution.

> Thus the existence
> of genetic code is a direct proof for the existence of God.


> Incidentally, this code was already used by the philosophy of totalizm
> as a basis for formulation of the formal scientific proof for the
> existence of God, completed with methods of mathematical logic. Both,
> descriptions of this proof, as well as more information about genetic
> code, are contained in item #B3 of the web page about God - see the
> web page named "god.htm", and also in subsection I3.3.4 of the
> monograph [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".
> 2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine
> persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical
> bodies (brain).

Yes, of course medical doctors are all Atheists.

> However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is
> contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul. Of course,
> the reason for this persistent telling is clear - the medicine does
> NOT want to admit that human soul does exist. The wealth of evidence
> which unambiguously indicates that memory is NOT contained in physical
> bodies (i.e. brain), but in our souls, includes so-called OBE ("out of
> body experiences"), NDE ("near-death experience"), multiple
> personalities,

All of which have nothing to do with memory.

> memories of previous reincarnations,

Which were never shown to be reliable.

> etc. But
> biologists sabotage research on these phenomena and lie to the society
> regarding interpretations of outcomes. More on this subject is
> explained in item #C1.1 of the web page about nirvana - see the web
> page named "nirvana.htm", and also in subsection I5.4 of monograph
> [1/5] - see the web page named "text_1_5.htm".
> 3. The need for a couple of creatures (i.e. a female and a
> male) to multiply.

A need that the majority of living organism don't have.

> A natural (i.e. purely random) evolution which is
> promoted by biologists, is at most able to explain origins of a single
> new creature. The probability that completely at random in exactly the
> same time as many as two new creatures mutate and that they will be a
> male and a female, is impossible to occur in a random manner.

Starting with an hermaphrodite organism it's not difficult to imagine
a sequence of mutations that leds some of its offspring to develop
more their male genitalia and other offspring to develop more their
female ones.
Expecially since in some species gender is environmentally determined
and/or changes during the organism lifetime.

> So
> couples of all creatures could only be created by God.

Or space aliens. Or evolution.

> However, this
> fact biologists conceal from people. More about the creating pairs of
> all creatures by God is explained in item #B6.2 of the web page about
> evolution - see the web page named "evolution.htm", and also in
> subsection I1.4.2 from volume 5 of monograph [1/5] - see the web page
> named "text_1_5.htm".
> 4. Communication between people and animals and vegetation.
> Empirically we know jolly well that people can communicate with
> animals and with vegetation, and that they do this without the use of
> speech. In turn the existence of this communication is an evidence
> that there is an universal language (ULT), and also a kind of speech
> (telepathy) which allows non-physical communication in that language.
> But in order such a language was heard with the use of telepathy,
> there must exist the counter-world (i.e. this another world in which
> God lives and to which our souls should go after the death).

No evidence of telepathy.

> So no
> wonder that biologists collaborating with serpents-UFOnauts do not
> want to inform people about these possibilities of direct
> communication between people and animals and vegetation, nor want
> research this communication.

Damn, you busted them!
The Atheist serpents-UFOnauts, actually time-traveling evolved humans
who descend from Richard Dawkins when he reproduced asexually,
conspire with scientists, medical doctors and teachers all over the
world to led people astray from God.
How lucky we are that there are still people like you that can see and
tell the truth!



Dec 13, 2007, 7:10:37 AM12/13/07

<> wrote in message

> On a different thread, namely on
> ,
> I tried to discuss constructively one commonly known item of evidence
> for the existence of God, which representatives of biological sciences
> typically conceal from their students. Let us now review the entire
> list of these items of evidence for the existence of God, soul,
> another world, etc., about which representatives of biological
> sciences usually know jolly well, but also do NOT inform neither the
> society nor they do not teach their students about it. Most vital
> examples of this evidence are as follows:

[snipped awesome list of evidence for God]

You are of course aware that with all that evidence for God, no faith is
required? Why did you dig out all that evidence, was it because you had no

ROFL, Rolf


Dec 13, 2007, 7:25:36 AM12/13/07
On Dec 13, 12:45 am, wrote:
> On a different thread, namely on

> ,
> I tried to discuss constructively one commonly known item of evidence
> for the existence of God, which representatives of biological sciences
> typically conceal from their students.

this is true. because, as we know, the ONLY source of info about god
is from biologists.

> 1. Genetic code. As we already know jolly well, genetic code is
> a kind of language. In turn every language can be formed only if it is
> formulated by some intelligence

protein structure is a language. it conveys information. it is coded
for by DNA. DNA is not intelligent

your argument is wrong.

> 2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine
> persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical
> bodies (brain). However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is
> contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul.

well, he said it so it must be true.

of course, no one knows what this means. what 'empirical facts prove'
that the memory is stored outside of physical bodies?

Of course,
> the reason for this persistent telling is clear - the medicine does
> NOT want to admit that human soul does exist. The wealth of evidence
> which unambiguously indicates that memory is NOT contained in physical
> bodies (i.e. brain), but in our souls, includes so-called OBE ("out of
> body experiences"), NDE ("near-death experience"),'re gonna take, as proof of god, the experience of human extremis...when the body is flooded with chemicals and
experiencing hallucinations.

you saying god's an hallucination?

> 3. The need for a couple of creatures (i.e. a female and a
> male) to multiply. A natural (i.e. purely random) evolution which is
> promoted by biologists, is at most able to explain origins of a single
> new creature. The probability that completely at random in exactly the
> same time as many as two new creatures mutate and that they will be a
> male and a female, is impossible to occur in a random manner.

hell, i'm a chemist and know enough about evolution to know the theory
does not say this.

> 4. Communication between people and animals and vegetation.

creationists...for example...

he's as coherent as any other creationist floating around....


Dec 13, 2007, 7:59:53 AM12/13/07
"On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 22:45:48 -0800 (PST), in article
<>, stated..."

I just want to concentrate on these two points because they share a
certain misunderstanding that I find interesting. A lot of anti-
evolution arguments are based on this misunderstanding: they
don't appreciate that evolution is *not* about individuals, but about

As to (2), you are arguing that there is something non-material about
humans, and that that cannot be accounted for by ordinary science.
If that is the case, then your argument is primarily against sciences
like biochemistry, developmental biology, or reproductive biology.
Evolutionary biology is farther down the waiting line of sciences
that are called into question by your argument.

As to (3), evolution is *not* about the appearance of a single
individual. A new population does not arise with a single individual,
but it is a change taking place over time and generations in a

One standard analogy that has been made is the analogy of changes
in languages. How does a new language arise? How did the first
person who spoke French communicate with people who only
spoke Latin?

---Tom S.
"As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand."
attributed to Josh Billings


Dec 13, 2007, 10:40:44 AM12/13/07

Seriously, this is good stuff, has anyone read the links he provided?
There's a lot of material out there, each part funnier than the rest.

I'm not up on my net-kook history, doesn't this guy qualify as a high-
level kook? To appear to have thought about things like mind/body
duality so much and come up with serpent-UFOnauts and animal geniuses?
Art Bulla seems boring in comparison. Can anyone give me references of
other likewise inspired prophets? this guy made my day....


Robert Carnegie

Dec 13, 2007, 12:16:57 PM12/13/07
I didn't read the whole thing - but, taken at face value, out-of-
body / near death experiences imply that eyesight is not contained in
bodies, either. Nor is hearing. Alternatively, perhaps a spiritual
body is provided on loan for the duration of these experiences - a
courtesy body - which is reclaimed when the physical body is returned
to you, or vice versa. This could be corroborated afterwards if you
also find that your physical body has been valeted in the meantime.

Rupert Morrish

Dec 13, 2007, 4:47:46 PM12/13/07
to wrote:
[snip claptrap]

> 2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine
> persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical
> bodies (brain). However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is
> contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul.

So why do people sometimes lose their memory when hit on the head, but
never when they're hit on the toe?

[snip semi-infinite amount of claptrap]
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Dec 14, 2007, 3:31:54 AM12/14/07

Sorry, I'm not a kookologist.

A C Harper

Dec 14, 2007, 4:57:36 PM12/14/07
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:45:48 -0000, <> wrote:

Small snip of woo

> 2. Operation of the brain and memory. Orthodox medicine
> persists in telling people that memory is contained in their physical
> bodies (brain). However, all empirical facts prove, that memory is
> contained outside of physical bodies, i.e. in human soul.

Dogs can remember things, as can cats, squirrels, rats, mice, worms, and
even sea cucumbers. Does this mean that they have souls too?

Mega snip of woo


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