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Murderous Vampiring Psychic Attacks by Roger Gonnet and l. ron hubbard - fastest remedy of - {FPP 20151216}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 16, 2015, 12:38:52 AM12/16/15
Murderous Vampiring Psychic Attacks by Roger Gonnet and l. ron hubbard
- fastest remedy of

16 December 2015
{FPP 20151216}



What was the fastest remedy I happened to find out, was, to create
some Beauty Energy.

Myself, I currently I do that with my photo camera:

to create a beautiful photo, requires the creation of
some Beauty Energy.

Interestingly, you see this phenomenon at work in art or music therapy
- even though those engaged in or providing it, have no understanding
of WHY it works.

But now you know - or explained further below, you will know - why
that works,

but also how you can remedy the infliction otherwise

- BECAUSE YOU UNDERSTAND, what it is, throwing away all the
"explanations" that the Sociopaths provide, to PREVENT an
understanding of what they do and how Life works.



Their Psychic Attack

(which means simply - in terms of Fine Particle Physics
you can describe these things correctly and in an easily
understandable manner - a Psychic Attack)

consists simply of their creation and their directed projection of
very Harmful (harmfully altered) Life Energy Particles.

In lay terms, you would say, 'they are very intent on creating harm
to someone' - 'they exert a tremendous mental effort, for intending
harm to someone' - 'they concentrate all their attention, and seek
mentally to connect to others who also desire to create harm onto
a particular person, to join their mental effort to that effect.'
Thoughts, however, are PARTICLES, Life Energy Particles.


(see also 'Angel-Killers ...' - HRI-Note 20151201)*


The particular type of Particles that they throw - that they inflict -

Black Energy and Ugliness Energy PARTICLES

- which are Life Energy Particles that they ALTERED,
to become "un-Life Energy Particles,"

to become Life Energy that destroys - by which the
Sociopaths destroy - Life.

You might consider that a flaw in The Creation, but
that is, as it is. Apparently it was not anticipated,
that someone (would decide to be a Sociopath, and) would
want to feel joy in destroying people's lives and
ability to be happy. (see [HRO])
{extended definition}

The Black Energy blocks connection and thus Perception (feeling,
sensing, who and what people are).

And the Ugliness Energy provides a repelling layer, to prevent
penetration and thus to prevent remedy and resolution by you or
by others, of the inflicted condition (the Black and Ugliness
Energy PARTICLES projected around you).



Of course there are many other ways to break through the inflicted
harm, but it happened to be so, that creating some of my Beauty
Energy with some physical objects, appeared to be a very fast, almost
instant remedy to the infliction by the mentioned, extremely violent

Their INTENTION is, to assassinate or otherwise to ruin (me and
people similar to me).

You might not realize that, but their (above-mentioned) Psychic
Attack - their infliction of Black and Ugliness Energy Particles

is actually a part ALSO of their physical assassination attempt
or their attempts at physically ruining (my or similar people's)

That is easy to understand, because the Black and Ugliness
Energy prevents you from sensing what it going on, and
prevents others from even sensing that you are there, let
alone sensing any physical threat to your life.

And as any violent Sociopath does, so also the mentioned
Sociopaths do throw FALSE ACCUSATIONS to others, of what
they actually do themselves (murderous Vampiring, Psychic

Sociopaths accuse OTHERS of that, in order to divert
public attention AWAY from the fact, that THEY are the
ones doing it.

Thus Sociopaths vehemently attack people (like me) who
tend to discover that THEY are doing that.

And a category of Sociopaths therefore also tries
vehemently to DENY even the existence of souls and
of Life (Life Energy) itself.



Wholly their opposite,

and arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful,
and most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(*) 'Angel-killers show up at "Mafia funeral"'
- Definition of 'Angel' and 'Angel-killer'
{HRI Note 20151201} [ANKIL]
(1 December 2015 - Version 2.0 at 15 Dec 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/s1Y22FgPtTM


[HRO-V3.4-Intro] 'l. ron hubbard motivated by RAGING Jealousy
and VIOLENT Hate - introducing Version 3.4 of [HRO] #1
{Intro HRO 20081017-V3.4} (enclosed) [HRO-V3.4-Intro]
(23 November 2014)!topic/alt.religion/5dEBLYoljNg

[HRO] 'Natural Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the
individual, Scientology founder)'
(optimized for foreign-language students)
{HRO 20081017-V7.0} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 7.0 on 4 June 2015)!topic/soc.rights.human/ri0gX0TzkAM

{Fine Particle Physics} {FPP}

read, for instance, with:

[FPPUP]'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2} [FPPUP]
(27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)!msg/

(enclosed below):

[RRGLC] 'How rabid Roger Gonnet became less violently Criminal and
Insane, recently, for a month only'
{note 20141007-V1.1} [RRGLC]
(7 October 2014 - Version 1.1 on 4 Nov 2014)!topic/soc.rights.human/gLMwnSKd9_s



Copyright 2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it) who
passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who
might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle" Sociopaths, because
these vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate, and
to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves, about any
organizations or individuals.




I wrote earlier, on these individuals who are locked together in Evil:


How Roger Gonnet ('xenufrance') of Lyon, has become (slightly) less
violently Criminal and Insane, recently, for a month only

7 October 2014
{note 20141007-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
of 4 Nov 2014)

(Version 1.1 adds session details
published previously as Addition)




I know, that you all - being true 'skepdicks' - are scientifically
and rationally convinced, that

"the Earth ends at the horizon."

This does however not stop ME from seeing beyond, no matter how
violent the ostracism and the throwing of stones, by the Sociopaths
and by their "friends," to ENFORCE, that

whatever the Sociopaths want you to NOT see or to NOT know

"is invisible and does not exist."


They waged and wage vicious, violent campaigns, to enforce, that

"I do not exist," or else "I must be destroyed utterly and
completely," amounting once again, to "I do not exist."

They (ALL!) try convulsively to comply with "I do not exist,"
and order others to act as if "I do not exist," to NEVER mention
my name, to NOT read my writing,

and if mentioning it or me at all, then, in order apply the
Sociopaths' ridicule and omissions.

Such is the vicious nature of the Sociopaths - while THEY are
bigmouthing about themselves and other Sociopaths, "how sane
and caring and responsible and knowledgeable THEY are."

And like sheep or dogs do, like social animals, you
COMPLY with their projections, with their Energies,
with their demands, with their (implied) threats.


Looking BEHIND the horizon, will be ridiculed, and what you see, will
be easily discounted, and DENIED by the Sociopaths, as "unprovable."

And it is no use whatsoever, to prove anything to them to be true:

Even if you make black stones (coal) burn in front of them, they
will assert, that it is a trick - or hallucination of the brain.
They OPPOSE truth - but they burn themselves nevertheless.

(Introduction END)



So I am and my body is being attacked by l. ron hubbard projecting his
Energies ANYWAY, REGARDLESS OF whether the Sociopaths allow you to
believe or know, that anything of it exists.

And I am ANYWAY defending my self and my body (not to mention my
defending others) against l. ron hubbard's constant, insidious and
often intricate Harmful Energy Particle attacks, and against his
vampiring on also my Life Energy and on also my body's Life Energy.


In that process of defending myself and others from his harm, at one
time I accidentally hit upon some of Roger Gonnet's Harmful Energy
projections and past life crimes, that he had perpetrated in
collusion with l. ron hubbard, against me.


The use of a LEF meter, is the only effective way, currently,
to face l. ron hubbard (Satan) and his comrades in spirit.

This happened in a session of 3 Sept 2014, and the electronic
output of this session I stored, with the following file name:

20140903 start2047--Hubbard's violent,Drugged Hate, vampiring\
knockouts - soon Roger Gonnet's EXTREMELY WIDE Shudders and\
Extreme Drops-Rises 'helping Hubbard to kill me'.txt

legenda for the file name (explanation of its parts):

a. 20140903 start2047
= UTC +02:00

b. Hubbard's violent,Drugged Hate, vampiring knockouts
= subject to look at.

c. soon Roger Gonnet's EXTREMELY WIDE Shudders and Extreme\
Drops-Rises 'helping Hubbard to kill me'
= LEF meter patterns and result, occurring during session.

['to kill me' = earlier life times, but the intention carries on,
which is amply evidenced and voiced by both, in this life time]

d. .txt
= text file of recorded values on the LEF meter, plotted
against time.

Session duration: 3 mins


My finding and looking at this, had the effect, that some part of the
existing Evil Energy CONNECTION (the colluding, criminal Energy
connection - their mutual 'egging each other on') between l. ron
hubbard and Roger Gonnet, severed (was cut) at that moment.

This then resulted in Roger Gonnet becoming slightly less rabid and
slightly less violently Criminal and Insane, recently, for some time.


After reading this little piece of data - unworthy as it is, of
being added to your already all-knowing, all-encompassing, and
unshakably vast intelligence and knowledge -

you can revert to comfortably observe the horizon, and in peace
of mind, 'being in the now,' you can revert to knowing, that

"nothing really happens beyond your horizon, that could or does
affect you."


Wholly the opposite,

and arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful
and most Intelligent and Truthful spirit
on Earth and well beyond,

I do remain yours faithfully etc. etc. etc.,

KNT hrp&p



About the cause of Roger Gonnet's VIOLENT Criminality and Insanity:

[PLDHD] 'Are 'Past Life Deniers' similar to 'Holocaust Deniers'?
Yes, they are extremely mean and malicious to people'
{HRI 20131006-V1.2} [PLDHD]
(6 Oct 2013 - Version V1.2 on 6 Jan 2014)!topic/

[PLDRS] 'The Sociopaths use Satan's ridiculous Scientology lies,
to prove past life deniers right - Andreas Heldal-Lund
{note 20140717} [PLDRS]
(17 July 2014)!topic/alt.religion.scientology/0gSMkjtkUx0

'The case for Past Lives - Are Violent Past-Life Deniers
resorting to Crime, like Roger Gonnet 'xenufrance,' etc.,
past-life (mass) murderers?'
{note 20120815-0}
(15 August 2012)

'Roger Gonnet 'xenufrance' profiled as being a criminal, violent
Past-Life Denier - adds More Severe Criminal Libel, driven by
Manic Psychopathy (with stalking) - recorded for legal process'
{note 20120813}
(13 August 2012)

'The Rights of Potential Murderer Roger Gonnet and Similar
Sociopaths' (encl. 'The Rights of Criminal Minds')
{HRI note 20090626-V1.1}
(26 June 2009 - Version 1.1 on 29 June 2009)

Etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum.


References showing Roger Gonnet's VIOLENT Criminality and Insanity:

Etc. etc. etc., ad infinitum.

Actually, Roger Gonnet has already been convicted for criminal
libel, in Lyon, France. He likes to deny or hide that, too.


Copyright 2014,2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

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