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(rev 2.3) THE Road to Total Domination: Scientology's Billion Year Reich ...shows signs of 'metal fatigue' - {HRI Note 20120213-V2.3}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 16, 2012, 1:46:50 AM2/16/12
THE Road to Total Domination: Scientology's Billion Year 'Reich'
...shows signs of 'metal fatigue'

(plus Definition of 'Super Criminal Mind')

13 February 2012
{HRI Note 20120213-V2.3}

(Version 2.3
on 16 Feb 2012)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(view Summary
by skipping
indented text)


'This is one of the many reasons why decent people must stay in
communication and stay connected to each other - to bring about
an understanding of Evil, and thus to protect each other.' *(5)


I am so annoyed of having to explain twenty times,
even the most basic things about life:

Imagine teaching a class of senior and juvenile
delinquents, who take PRIDE in making and keeping
each other - and also themselves - *(1)

AS Stupid about Life, AS they can get away with
in order to make each other - and themselves -
feel "comfortable" with each other.


To remedy that, I am NOW going say something,
that 'I NEVER TOLD YOU BEFORE, not twenty times
and not a hundred times:'

'Criminal Minds have everything in reverse.'

And more with that:

When you DO notice someone consistently wanting from
people and for themselves, to see or to "understand" or
to feel or to "know" things of importance, IN REVERSE,

then you have a Criminal Mind *(n) or his servant
(a Destructive Coward *(n)) on your hands.

I never told you that, but there has to
be a first time, to break this - for some
certainly "unpleasant" - knowledge, to you.



She - for decades she was the 'Captain' of 'Scientology' - she has a
very strong intention to HIDE EVIL,

in this case, hiding Evil that she experiences in 'Scientology,'
with the following justification now:

hiding it from ANYONE, "because" THAT

(the Evil she sees and suffers herself, and that she
condones and spreads and commits - or in the past did so -
herself in and with 'Scientology')

"is not 'Scientology'," and THAT "is not what l. ron hubbard
('Scientology') intended..." *(n)

- or in German: "Wenn das der Fuehrer wusste..." - *(2)

because she, Debbie Cook, has been hypnotized to believe, that
l. ron hubbard

- whose Evil she can not face AT ALL, and who has fully
hypnotized her as a very willing victim - for her to
be totally convinced, that "her beloved and kind"
l. ron hubbard

MEANS the lofty verses that he writes - "sweet phrases," that
he writes - he, l. ron hubbard,

a strong drug user in order to disconnect himself from
the reality of what he himself is, and a strong drug user
to replenish the force of his tantrums, he is writing and

out of a deep-seated, very intense covert hostility for
anyone and for Life,

and so he writes "lofty verses" "about clean hands and

"about his goals," and "about himself," and "about Life,"

verses that she - Debbie Cook - REALLY believes.

She naively BELIEVES, she is convinced, that he, l. ron
hubbard, also "means, what he writes and says,"

and she closes herself off completely from seeing the very

being hypnotized as she is, by him - with Training
Routines of 'Scientology' - she is hypnotized into
thinking, she is convinced, that

"she CAN see..."

in other words, she REFUSES to see Evil or to have Evil at all


Her lawyer *(n) does bring that up in a news conference, as a main
characteristic of hers, of Debbie Cook, 'The Captain of Scientology,'

that she is extremely reluctant to divulge Evil she observed and
underwent, Evil she was "not wanting others to know about"

- a true 'Mafia bride,' you might be inclined to call
such a Destructive Coward - *(n)

and she then admits that intention, *(n) and she illustrates that

She felt it to be 'Treasonous' ("betraying" 'Scientology' and
"betraying the betterment of people")

if she would tell EVEN her own husband (also a 'Scientologist'),
about unspeakable Evil and torture that she HERSELF had been
subjected to, BY her fellow 'Scientologists.' *(n)

And she had hid the Evil even from him, from her husband.

Read Jung Chang's book 'The Hidden Story of Mao'

- which shows the "flavor" of such group torture and
treachery and violence, as it was ordered by Mao in
China, including, as in 'Scientology,' Insane self-
incrimination in front of the group.



The commands of l. ron hubbard are "defining 'Scientology'" however,
for her, for Debbie Cook, for 'Scientologists,'

as "THAT (and only THAT, and the ONLY thing) - which eradicates

and "which eradicates Evil forever in anyone" - he repeats
the lie over and over - so that even I believed it for
some time - he claims it

over and over in all his lectures and writing, PLUS the tricks
"to prove it," *(n)

while blotting out the ability - of those who are demanded by
him to call themselves 'Scientologists' -

to INVESTIGATE those claims, investigation prevented by
the hypnotic

commands of l. ron hubbard, to HATE journalists, to NEVER
INVESTIGATE, to NEVER "talk about one's own case to others

except to a 'Scientology therapist, and that only in a
paid and officially approved session,'

and to NEVER think for oneself about anything at all that has to
do with 'Scientology' and with l. ron hubbard,

other than what he has commanded, and what writing of his,
supports his commands,

and instead of UNDERSTANDING him, to just "duplicate what
he says and writes"

- which is his forceful RE-DEFINITION of the concept
of 'understanding' -

meaning NO UNDERSTANDING and just a precise copy of it,
which he however "DEFINES" as "real understanding," in his
"Scientology study technology."


His spiritually forceful commands

are MUCH stronger, than the desire to search for an ACTUAL, real-life
definition of 'Scientology' - of what it (and he) ACTUALLY is.



Which - the term 'Scientology' - you may find to be really defined,
by real life, as follows:

A very clever way of bringing people onto 'The Bridge of Total
Domination' - and to keep them there well beyond death.

Or in other words, if you like, a True Cult of Satan.

There IS no such thing as "Total Freedom," except in the
Satanic mind, and so he calls 'Scientology'

'The Bridge to Total Freedom.'

I believe I never told you:

Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.



These people - they are hypnotized into calling themselves and each
other 'Scientologists' -

but 'Scientologist' can ALSO be defined in real life, as

'someone who NEVER INVESTIGATES and never will think for himself
about anything at all, that is about Scientology and about
l. ron hubbard.'

Quite ON TOP OF THAT, in real life, about real life and people,

they are SPIRITUALLY BLIND as bats, as you can see also in the recent
videos of the news conference with them

(Debbie Cook and her husband, and their lawyer, and journalists
of the Village Voice (New York) and of the Tampa Bay Times
(Florida).) *(n)


And you may also be able to observe there in those videos, that these
- the 'Scientologists' that is - are not capable of feeling any Love,
or compassion.

Because it has been hammered out of them - BOTH their spiritual
sight AND their Love for people, has been hammered out of them.

And that is, very obviously, a prerequisite to living in their
"religious brotherhood," they call it for reasons of Public
Relation lies, meaning those who live-in, in l. ron hubbard's
'Scientology Sea Org,'

on which they are formally obliging each other to serve
lifetime after lifetime,

for a billion years to be precise, as their written
Contract states it, (no kidding!)

where they can and DO commit any Crime on each other and on
others, and from there, onto the Society, onto Mankind,

that "are necessary for the greatest good of 'Scientology' and
for the greater glory of the 'very kind' *(5) l. ron hubbard."



l. ron hubbard "talks sweet" and does his tricks to back up his
"sweet talk," while AT THE SAME TIME,

he writes in his 'Fundamentals of Thought' book, *(n) that

"Only by lying about something, does that something persist."
And he provides tricks, "to prove it."


And he writes - as being the BASIC, self-evident "truths of Life" -

that "Life is a game of overwhelming others,"

which reflects in all his Directives about 'handling and
"understanding" 'the public' (meaning both the customers
of 'Scientology,' the 'Scientology public,' but also
'handling' the society at large),

and further he writes as basic doctrine, "about life,"

that "the highest purpose of life, is, 'to create and effect',"

that "Beauty and Ugliness do not really exist," and

- probably more difficult for you to understand as being
the OPPOSITE of reality, of real Life: there is his
lie -

that "The Creation 'does not exist' but is solely 'as agreed
upon by people':"*(n)

In other words, "Life Energy does not exist." *(1)

Which is yet another Satanic concept "of Life:"

They work with and want illusions to substitute
real Life.

They inflict illusions - images - which can
only be done with Life Energy, and then they
convince people, that "Life Energy does not
exist" - and what then remains in force, is

the illusion "as real Life." *(3)

So THAT - that negation of Life itself - is indeed his

'The Physical Universe "is brought about by people
agreeing that something exists," and "it must not be
looked at precisely and truthfully, else it will vanish".'

He claims, that "when you and I agree firmly"

- like in hypnotism it can actually cause
'perception' - "when we agree firmly,"

"that 'we see a chair standing in the street,' and
we agree firmly, that 'we will always see that chair
there', then THAT 'creates a chair,' and likewise
we agree THAT 'there is the Physical Universe'."

That is how this "greatest friend of Mankind,"
l. ron hubbard, wants you to accept his
'Universe' of illusions, as "being real life."

Lying is not only their 'way of life,' but "it is a
NECESSITY for anything to survive." *(n)

That's what l. ron hubbard writes and told them, "is self-
evident 'truth'." *(n)

No kidding!

And he gives plenty of examples, of how HE, l. ron
hubbard, "sees Life and people."

The total conviction and extremely repulsive manner
and motives, by which this individual does his very
obvious lying, is quite inconceivable, and it

dwarfs the famous liars of the mere 'Thousand Year
Reich' (which lasted a bit over ten years - while
destroying itself and half the world with it). *(n)


He even goes so far as to state

- not in his writing though, but in what I researched and
published as his 'personal view of life,'

he stated, that "the reason" I do not agree with his
lies and can observe some of his lies and intentions,
the "reason" for that is - that

"he has 'not created me'." In other words, he believes, in his
drug-addled mind, that "he has created people." *(4)

Around the same time he stated to me - I guess now, that
he stated it with some pride - that "I have found out only
'the tip of the tip' of the iceberg, of his Evil."




(I never told you, but I will repeat it anyway:)

Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.

And the more CLEVERLY and the more CONVINCINGLY and the BETTER

THE EVIL is planned and inflicted,

and the better designed to hide the Criminal Mind - the more
capable of disguising or hiding himself and blaming other
sources for the inflictions, instead, and thus to confuse you,

and the better it is, in having others fight for him and protect
him (and his companion Criminal Minds),

the "better" he feels he is, and the more proud the Criminal
Mind is.

Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.

Individuals deeply motivated like the above, and actively
working on it, you might call 'Super Criminal Minds.'


They - Criminal Minds - are VERY PROUD of themselves for
who and what they are, and do:

This you see too, about Criminal Minds who destroy a
country. (Chavez, Putin, Castro, Stalin, Mao, etc.,
etc.) [FIL]

{extended definition}




And then you have their professional supporters:

the Destructive Cowards *(n) who see it as THEIR DUTY, to hide
and protect the Evil,

because hiding Evil "ALWAYS makes people feel good, makes them
trustful, makes them feel they are in safe hands, and then they
allow others - the 'safe hands' - to guide them,"

"for the greatest good of Mankind."

Yes, "Admiration is the Universal Solvent" is even a basic
doctrine of Satan himself

- excuse me, of l. ron hubbard himself, *(n)

to make others, and himself, feel good.


In more down-to-earth wording and thoughts of the Destructive Coward:

"Only by NOT 'stirring up Evil,' will (global dictatorship) get
enough support, AND thus (only THEN it gets) a chance to remedy

In other words:


Debbie Cook - with her very strong native intention to HIDE EVIL - is
the "'Ideal Captain' of 'Scientology'" - and has been so successfully
for decades

(in 'Scientology's "Mecca of Technical Perfection," in
Clearwater, Florida).



Still annoyed that I have to spend my time writing this to you, as I
have very much more important things to do

- why don't you write it yourself! The basic data are all there
already, in the Human Rights Issues -

thus I remain (or 'Je Maintiendrai,' in historic French),

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



I wrote earlier, as 'Leonardo Been,' on 20120211 [slightly edited now
for readability]:

> I was hit by them [on 20120210] with such tremendous and persistent
> HATE Energies, that I feel now like calling them 'Hate People,' and
> 'Soldiers of Hate'
> - which, after all, is not surprising, when you know, WHOM
> they have pledged to work for,
> 'for one billion years' "to save the society,"

> not to save the society FROM him, from l. ron hubbard, but
> to GIVE the society TO him.
> - And it is not surprising, when you know, by WHOM they want
> to be admired, and from WHOM they want to receive and to
> feel approval of what they think and do...
> (see the Human Rights Order - under References, below).
> '
> Imagine... Hating ME! - You must be pretty far down for that, down
> EVEN on their own) that is, [not actually their own, but] always
> l. ron hubbard's many "Scales describing the spectrum of Life," in
> their 'Books of Scales.' *(n)
> In true 'Scientology' style, their co-'Scientologists' do now
> inflict THE SAME suffering on Debbie Cook etc., that Debbie Cook
> etc. THEMSELVES for decades actively inflicted - or very actively
> condoned to be inflicted - on their co-'Scientologists,' for decades...
> [on the 'Road to Total Domination']
> But the very society, our society - that they [all 'Scientologists']
> fully intend to destroy and to replace by a dictatorship -
> our society that they did NOT yet manage to destroy though they
> fully intend to do so with and according to the Directives of
> 'Scientology,' of l. ron hubbard himself - but still
> our society it is - a still functioning society it is - that they
> now appeal to,
> to bail them out and actually to protect them.

[Because WITHIN any 'Scientology' society, there IS NO
justice - neither material nor moral nor social justice
to be obtained, AT ALL -

there it is just "the survival of the most ruthless and
the most forcefully lying," precisely as all the doctrines
and directive of l. ron hubbard say, those that he DOES
mean the way he writes them, about "group Ethics."

So they - Debbie Cook wanting to oppose the l. ron hubbard
organization of 'Scientology' - she and her husband,

they do HAVE to use any proper, civilized legal institutes
in order to protect themselves, as in their current court
case too.]

> '
> Yet their Hate (of civilized and civilizing people] knows no end -
> it knows no end. And unless I or another strongly Loving person
> stops them, in their Hating
> - supposing their soul is not too much destroyed - else
> they will continue to Hate, and betray, and destroy their actual
> friends, BECAUSE they are working for l. ron hubbard
> - who is the Source of Hate (according various Criminology
> research published). *(n)


(1) 'DESTROYING Reason and Science: The Richard Dawkins Foundation
"for Reason and Science" and The Skeptic Society (
as an example'
{HRI note 20120127-V3.1} [RDFDS]
(27 January 2012 - Version 3.1 on 30 Jan 2012)

(2) 'IF the Fuhrer knew... (about the bad things going on, then he
would immediately oppose and forbid those things).'

While originally used by naive people, it later - as so much of
these phrases, these - came to be used sarcastically, as I use
it here, too,

to describe how people naively believe the lofty verses that
l. ron hubbard writes "about his intentions and goals for
Mankind and for people individually."

(3) If you don't understand that easily, don't worry. Einstein, who
in the past century was considered "intelligent," wanted these
things not understood, and instead he invented "Time and Space"
as illusions to replace Life with. [SHEFP]

(4) Criminal Minds once again having everything in reverse: He does
confuse "creation" with destruction.

I am sure you do not know about this, because you are not into

(which is described by the Definition of Truth) [HRO]

researching 'distant history' - you don't even want to know how
to do - but that does not change the facts:

(circumstantial definition of) 'distant history'

He DESTROYED people (their souls) on a large scale.

See the Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard, summarizing the
facts, and giving the Definition of Truth.
(under References, below)

(5) Only a few years back, he, l. ron hubbard, very active as a
ghoul as he is, now, he managed to inflict on me the FEELING,

the Life Energy, which consists of PARTICLES, and which
can thus be and which are inflicted, in this case

containing the significance and FEELING,

that he, l. ron hubbard, "is the nicest, kindest, most
gentleman-like person, you can imagine."

While wondering WHY I suddenly now got this idea plus feelings
to "prove it," it took me something like ten minutes, to connect
this feeling with the facts that I knew to be reality, for me to
connect again with what I had found out and knew about him, and
thus to PUSH AWAY that Energy of his again.

Your "science" - dominated as it is itself by Criminal
Minds, "does not know about this mechanism," "does not
know about Life" - the poor and despicable sods...

But - as the educated student may know - feeling results in
action. So during those ten minutes I actually could have made
a fool of myself, and of course it felt pretty strange - THAT
intense was the infliction of ENERGY by him about "what he is."

This is one of the many reasons why decent people must stay in
communication and connection with each other - to bring about an
understanding of Evil, and thus to protect each other.

They - you and I too - are VERY SEVERELY SEPARATED, though.

(n) (to be added as indicated)


Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard - {HRO 20081017-V3.0})
(see below)

Recent press articles regarding 'Debbie Cook,'
the 'Captain of Scientology,'
in court to defend herself AGAINST 'Scientology.'
(search news: 'Scientology Debbie Cook')


'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V3.0} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil) (SASRJS)'
(incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' (ASRJS)
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)


[FIL] 'The natural First International Law [FIL], in very short form'
{HRI 20091004-V1.2} [FILSF]
(4 October 2009 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2011)

'Explaining the First International Law (FIL)'
{HRI 20070531-V1.3} [EFIL]
(31 May 2007 - Version 1.3 on 1 June 2007)

[SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
which includes
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

[POLA] 'A Poem of Our Love, and Our Adventures' (POLA)
{HRI 20020717-V5.6}
(17 July 2002 - Version 5.6 on 9 Nov 2008)


etc., etc..



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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