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l. ron hubbard's ONLY Purpose for Creating Scientology 'To Supply Endless ADMIRATION Energy for Himself (and for any other Sociopaths)' - {HRI Note 20130611-V2.0.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jun 15, 2013, 6:58:24 AM6/15/13
l. ron hubbard's ONLY PURPOSE for creating 'Scientology:' To Supply
endless ADMIRATION Energy for Himself (and for any other Sociopaths)

11 June 2013
{HRI Note 20130611-V2.0.1}

(Version 2.0.1
on 15 June 2013)

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As you might know by now, Admiration is any
Sociopath's SUBSTITUTE for actual Love:

(Also "Well-Adjusted") Sociopaths are incapable
of Love:

So they either Hate someone or they OVERRIDE
their Hate for someone, by means of creating
Admiration and by projecting that type of Life
Energy to him or her.

Certain - old - professions are
specializing in creating and inflicting
such Admiration Energy

onto those who pay for it and who wish
to be debilitated by it and who don't
mind having their Life Energy sucked
away or contaminated thereby - as long
as it is giving the feeling of "being


If you do NOT know about Life Energy (the 'carrier'
Particles of Feelings and Thoughts),

if Fine Particle Physics is UNKNOWN to you,

then you might be made to feel and believe, that a
"Well-Adjusted" Sociopath who is greatly Admiring
you, "does actually like you"

or even "does Loves you," or "has fallen in
Love with you," MEANING:

has picked and chosen you, to inundate
and suffocate and drown you with his or

And such a "Well-Adjusted" Sociopath demands
"unconditional Admiration" in return from you
(they demand, that you will not actually look,
at who they are nor at their intentions)

- while they "suck your juices away," MEANING:

They vampire on your soul's Life Energies and
on your body's Life Energies.


I have paid a lot to find this out - AND to acquire
a working understanding of this - and so I made it
available to you (for free),

solely because of my ACTUAL Love for you,
without which I would not even have been
able to get at this and many other pieces
of exceedingly valuable understanding,

and that is NOT PRETENDING, but is ACTUALLY
being far beyond anyone else in understanding

BECAUSE of my Immense Love for people,
which, with my Beauty and Intelligence
to join in measure and protecting it,
is vital in

acquiring the NECESSARY depth, of
understanding Life on Earth.

(introduction - end)




The PURPOSE of l. ron hubbard

- him working for nearly a whole life time, to steal things
together and to create 'Scientology' with it by mixing
his own malice and that of others into it -

the overall PURPOSE for him having done that,

is to have people ADMIRE him, l. ron hubbard(*) unconditionally and

to trick others into giving him Admiration Energy - no matter
how perverted that Admiration is:

'Energy is Energy, and can be felt.'



He wants to be Admired - to the maximum amount possible (as by
billions of people, by a "Cleared Planet"), and

he wants to be Admired by people - for as long as possible
(obliging his followers to do so, with a "one billion year
'contract'" 'to Clear the whole Universe for him').



Him wanting to be Admired is one thing.

But telling people, that "he, l. ron hubbard, now wants others to be
aware" and "to not be criminal" and "to be peaceful"

WHILE training people into doing the very opposite, and actually

is quite another thing.

Considering that he, l. ron hubbard, is the hidden Source of
Harm, of Strife and Unawareness, of Suffering and Insanity, of
Immorality and Deceit,

and considering what has been researched and confirmed [HRO]
and exposed:

l. ron hubbard - the identified soul, that is - in history
was the Source of all existing Sociopathy, he "created"
as he calls it, Sociopaths - in fact he did not create
anything, but managed to DESTROY beautiful people to
forever be disconnected from the Source of Life. [HRO]

THAT individual, is now suddenly claiming very noisily, that "he has
become 'the good guy',"

and it is fitting his doctrines, "that this is possible:"

Following his own Satanic "philosophy," of simply DECIDING
"to be an Evil or a Good person" "as it may please one
to be, for the moment, or for a life time:"

to assume the "Beingness and Doingness and Havingness" of

him "NOW being the most caring and most intelligent individual on
Earth," and assuming then, in 1965, "to be far superior to anyone in
the whole Universe, in knowledge and care." [LEUMPM]

That - unfortunately - is NOT how life works. If it were,
you then would be able to empty all prisons and other
institutions to keep the severely Insane,

by Mr Yamamoto putting some water with good Life
Energy, into the prison cell of a mass murderer,

or by "simply getting them to decide, that 'now they are
good and sane'," by meditation or in chanting affirmations
to themselves.

Unfortunately, that is NOT how Sociopaths 'tick,' nor how
"well-Adjusted" Sociopaths are by nature.

And these souls are ALSO not changed by the New Age
"we are all good" ideas, nor by any religion or
philosophic practice or therapy or 'Unconditional

and also not by "creating your own reality," or by
"expanding awareness with drugs."

This was all deliberately DENIED by l. ron hubbard: "He could
simply DECIDE "to assume the Beingness" (to by force steal the
Life Energy needed for him maintaining the MASK and MASKING
activities) of being NOW "a very good and civilized person,"

as opposed to the mass-murderer and cruel torturer that
the nature of his soul and past show him to be. [HRO]


And so l. ron hubbard - himself an avid and regular psychedelic drug
user - announced to himself (and to the world at large, starting
with his Dianetics book) that he - the deepest Black soul ever to
have inflicted Unawareness and Hate onto people and civilizations -
that now

"he has become a GOOD guy:"

(you better understand this... because ANY dictator does
exactly the same, telling the world about himself)

that "he has become 'THE good guy,' now"

- "l. ron hubbard is a very good person, now suddenly,"
simply "because he had decided to be so."

and then he did that again later, now having acquired a
crowd of followers (in 1965), as these would swallow
any lie he proclaimed about himself:

He proclaimed himself 'The Savior of the Universe,'
having risen (with drugs and Scientology) "above all
aberrations and irrationality," and "having given
God-like abilities to himself."


This was of course met by them with tremendous SPIRITUAL RELIEF:

The TREMENDOUS JOY of 'not anymore having to face the
insidious Evil and Suffering caused by this individual:'

"He has become a good and helpful man, now." [FSELRH]

That really feels like a tremendous JOY to one's spiritual
awareness, when one is slightly aware of the past and future,
and thus seeks some form of relief of it:

"The Suffering Of The Past, Is Over, Now" -

"The Infliction Of Suffering Will Now Come To An End,

"...when we do now, as l. ron hubbard tells us
to do."

And on a much higher level of Awareness, some will
feel it like this:

"HE knows, what unspeakable Evil he has inflicted on
us, in our distant past,

so HE could also know, how to undo it..."

"And now he has (decided to) become a good person,
which proves once again, that 'people are basically

Sociopaths unfortunately DO NOT BECOME GOOD, but they can
pretend "to be good,"

for which they take (smash away, vampire upon) the Life
Energy of others,

and with the vampired or stolen Life Energy - presenting
it AS "THEIR OWN" - they can make you sense it and make
you FEEL, that "THEY ARE like that Life Energy,"

that they in fact took from others: They make you
feel and sense, that "they ARE their Energy Mask."



l. ron hubbard - or historically and spiritually seen, the Source of
Evil and being the very severe Sociopath that he is, and remains no
matter WHAT "Beingness" he assumes or decides upon for himself -

he did set out, to make an 'Admiration Pyramid Scheme' for himself in
order to soothe and expand his Evil soul and that of his Soul Mates,

creating and setting up the Admiration Pyramid Scheme called


Those people at the base of the 'Scientology' Admiration Pyramid
- freshly introduced, new 'Scientologists' - were made to feel
by l. ron hubbard, that they

...compared to 'Non-Scientologists,' compared to normal
people, compared to you and me, THEY

"do know endlessly more than others about (understanding and
then also) handling life and people;"

and "all 'Non-Scientologists' are by definition very

"burdened (already since birth) as these are, with a
Hypnotic Subconsciousness called a 'Reactive Mind',"

"that 'Scientologists' however, can and should remove from
anyone - by making everyone 'Cleared of Irrationality' or
making everyone 'Clear'," [SOS]

as part of l. ron hubbard's Admiration Pyramid Scheme.



The "lowest 'Scientologists'" are thus required to give intense
Admiration, to those 'Scientologists' who are "Higher up on the
Admiration Pyramid or 'Scientology Bridge to Total Admiration'."

This Pyramid Scheme of Admiration is called "The Bridge"
in Scientology,

based on the very fake but well-presented claim (and in
fact the REVERSE, and malicious, claim), that

"the higher on Scientology's 'Awareness and Gradation
Chart' someone is certified," (has certificates for
'Scientology' Indoctrination parts completed),

"the more aware and the more capable one is." [ASRJS]


That Chart - spelled out as being "The Scientology Bridge To
Total Freedom" - is very impressive when you see it for the
first time [ASRJS]

- till you find out the Secret (which is much easier
nowadays, with the Internet, to find out), the Secret,

that at the very top of 'The Bridge,' of 'the Admiration
Pyramid' - people are real 'jerks' and are real stupid
and mean and exceedingly UNAWARE and FALSELY "Aware"
(INCLUDING l. ron hubbard himself)

and that in fact, those at the top are suffering from a
vast array of problems, "which - according to that Chart
- should have since long been 'Cleared' out of them:"

problems and pains and feelings and diseases, that
according to their 'Chart towards Total Freedom,'
they are supposed to have gotten rid of forever.

No kidding!

But also that is made to be Secret: "You must NOT talk
with others about your problems or your past, because
that upsets people" and "that hinders THEIR progress up
'The Bridge',"

and of course, divulging the truth, also ENDANGERS
YOUR getting your share of Admiration from the
Pyramid Scheme, from the 'Scientologists' of a
lower level:

if you would tell them your ACTUAL spiritual
condition, they would not anymore look up to
you and 'Higher Scientologists' in general.


So the lower 'Scientologists' are being demanded to Admire those
'Scientologists' who are 'higher up on The Bridge,' who are to
be given Admiration Energy FOR

their being "spiritually better" (more rational, more
capable, "higher up the Bridge")

"higher" than those who are "not yet so free of
irrationality, etc. because they are 'lower on The

- i. e. 'lower, in the Admiration Pyramid Scheme.'



SUCH tricks seem always to work, in any "spiritual improvement"
setting - or even in Celebrity settings - by means of (should it
interest you, else just skip this)

a 'Universal Truth' (any statement that is always true
AND that is deliberately taken out of context for hypnotic
purposes (for so-called "rhetoric purposes"),

used by Sociopaths, hypnotically to obtain your agreement on
anything - in this case, by using the 'Universal Truth,'

that "There are things you don't know," and that "There
are things you can't do," [SOS]

to which YOU CAN'T HELP BUT AGREE spiritually - because,
of course, "that is true".'

THE INTENTION, with which that 'Universal Truth' is used on you
- 'to force you, spiritually to agree' - THAT INTENTION IS NOT
MENTIONED TO YOU, but is deliberately hidden by the Sociopath
who uses such a 'Universal Truth' on you.




I say the following, because people DO NOT KNOW IT about him
- confused as they are by statements of his PRETENDED "goals" -

l. ron hubbard's SOLE PURPOSE for creating 'Scientology,' is NOT,
"to make people more aware or more able" or "to bring peace, etc."

- he does very much the contrary, in fact -

but the only purpose of him

(for stealing various parts together from others,
and then adding his malice, and perverting what
he stole, to suit his Evil mind)

for putting together the 'Scientology' practices and
doctrines and organizations, for his 'Standard Tech' -


to create and maintain an endless supply of ADMIRATION Energy for

and for any other Soul Mate of his entirely Evil ilk also

- Admiration is the Sociopath's SUBSTITUTE for Love
(because Admiration does not need any Truth in it
at all) -

the PURPOSE of 'Scientology' is, to set up and keep
getting an unending stream of Admiration Energy towards

from a FORCEFULLY hypnotized crowd of 'Grateful and Enthusiastic


That is the ACTUAL hypnotism of 'Scientology,' by l. ron hubbard and
his soul mates.


All Sociopaths WANT Admiration, and so, also all other
Sociopaths do HIDE that what is going on - (they do not want
to 'endanger' their own sources of Admiration Energy).

And so this is ALSO HIDDEN by those "Well-Adjusted" and
other Sociopaths

who claim to be "exposing the hypnotism of 'Scientology',"

- it is like expecting of Hermann Goering, that he
would "explain the Crimes of the Nazis," or like
expecting of Mike Rinder, that he would "explain
the Crimes of 'Scientology' or of l. ron hubbard."

Sociopaths, including "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths, will
never explain to you what hypnotism is, but they ONLY
PRETEND TO "explain" hypnotism,

much like all "scientific" authors who "explain"
Consciousness and Perception.


Yet the mechanism that IS hypnotism, can very easily be
understood, and IS explained in Fine Particle Physics [FPP]

- so if they do not teach that (Fine Particle Physics),

if they do NOT teach you about the various kinds of
Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles and

about the infliction of these by all Sociopaths and by
hypnotists, too,

if they don't teach that, then they do not explain hypnotism
to you - it's THAT simple.



The 'l. ron hubbard Way' - the framework for making people into
'Scientologists,' into Admiration slaves for his Admiration Pyramid
Scheme - is

(as I wrote already in Version 1.0 for this HRI Note)

to throw some 'bread crumbs' (giving spiritual "wins") to the
pigs (to us, that is)

and so to make the pigs (to make us, that is, to make people)
controllable and dominated, and following and believing him,

making people follow him "for the greater good of all,"
and that, for "a billion years."


l. ron hubbard totally HATES ALL PEOPLE,

with a depth of rancor that you are not likely to
face until you have well advanced

into shedding the overall hypnotism that is
inflicted by Sociopaths on Earth,

and until you are specifically going to study and
look (with an electronic meter) at the intensely
Harmful Life Energy Particle emanations from this
individual, from l. ron hubbard, when

you are looking at his INTENSE HATE for Mankind.

l. ron hubbard totally hates all people, BUT he wants Life
Energy from people

- in particular the perverted Life Energy, of others
creating and FEEDING Admiration to him -

as you can observe it done PROFUSELY at all the
'Scientology' gatherings - that his staff organizes
for all 'Scientologists' - and very strongly amongst
'Scientology' staff internally, too:

a truly Insane gushing of Admiration and clapping of
hands, for him, for l. ron hubbard,

for the BIGGEST Criminal you might remember
or could imagine [HRO]

...'North Korea style' - and he, now a ghoul, LOVES
IT, and thrives on it and expands himself on it,

SO AS TO INFLICT MORE HARM, spiritually, on Earth.



(I wrote further in Version 1.0 for this HRI Note)

The 'l. ron hubbard Way' to accomplish and maintain his Admiration
Pyramid Scheme or 'Bridge' - with him 'forever at the top' - is
further (with the help of his followers, and with the help of all
other Sociopaths, too):

To keep people confused enough about life, and about themselves,
and about Perception and Awareness - so confused,

that people will never find out about it.

l. ron hubbard - and all other Sociopaths, like Stephen
Hawking, etc., etc. - must keep us THAT confused about
the nature of life and people, THAT falsely "informed,"

that we will never find out about what is really inflicted
upon us, and into our bodies, by the Sociopaths:

"Well-Adjusted Sociopaths" (people-haters) "do not

And - following from that - they convince you, that
"Kind persons (you) have no enemies."


The "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths who pretend very loudly to be
'the ones who "expose" 'Scientology,'

do in fact forcefully want to keep anyone confused and stupid
enough about life and people,

that much so, that nobody is able to understand THEM,
the ("Well-Adjusted" ) Sociopaths.


Any OTHER Sociopaths ALSO want and work hard, with "science" and
as "skeptics," to keep people - us, that is - THAT confused
about the nature of life and people, that we will never find

in fact, so confused and that maliciously "informed," we
are kept by the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths, of "science"
etc., that we CAN'T find out:

"Bricks don't exist, so you can't be hit by these either:"

Life Energy "does not exist!" [CSTC]

Instead: "Go and see your local health care provider
and pay him generously and gratefully, and get
yourself or your Loved Ones drugged to death."


So, it's Sociopaths, "well-Adjusted" Sociopaths - who keep
SERIOUSLY ruining Life - and who have done so forever and who
will try to do so, forever.

But even the people of the 'Institute for Economics and
Peace - Quantifying Peace and its Benefits' also in the
year 2013 REFUSE to mention that - the very key to
countries being at peace - or even to mention

the simple, natural DEFINITION OF PEACE, [DOP]

which - simply and naturally - is HIDDEN by all Sociopaths
including by all "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths.

THEY would not want themselves exposed, now would they... and
they prefer to declare YOU "Insane," "Evil," etc..



Wholly their opposite, and arguably the most Loving and most Beautiful
and most Intelligent and Truthful spirit on Earth and well beyond,
I do remain faithfully yours,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(*) 'l. ron hubbard,' written in all-lower-case,

that you may consider, that all people - everyone, even
any other Sociopath - is in fact (socially and spiritually
seen) far ABOVE and far senior to this individual.

That name, written out WITH name-capitalization, may turn into
'eviL Ron Hubbard' - grammatically showing a 'backbreviation'
if you like that term - 'Backbreviation:'

expanding the 'L.' of l. ron hubbard, to then read 'eviL.'


References: (showing only a very small amount)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')'
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1} [ASRJS]
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[LEUMPM]'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but
hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' '
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t} [LEUMPM]
(11 April 2013 - Version 2.1-t on 16 Apr 2013)

[FSELRH] 'Not ALL independent 'Scientologists' are Evil... but ALSO
THEY FEED the very Source of Evil, l. ron hubbard'
(encloses: 'Becoming a Scientologist, gives you RELIEF from...
having to face l. ron hubbard' - {note 20130602-V1.0.1} )
{HRI Note 20130606-V1.1} [FSELRH]
(6 June 2013 - Version 1.1 on 7 Jun 2013)

[WASAB] 'Naturally, the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths ALSO, do block you
from actually looking at l. ron hubbard as he is'
{note 20130520-V2.0} [WASAB]
(20 May 2013 - Version 2.0 on 23 May 2013

'Studying Sociopaths: They create a FAKE 'reality' - as
'science,' or as 'Scientology' - to replace life, and then
they deny real life, as being 'fake' '
{note 20130604-V1.0.1}
(4 June 2013 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Jun 2013)

'Actor Tom Cruise himself a Violent Life Energy Vampire:
The source of his "talent" - (electronic meter use example)'
{HRI note 20130607}
(7 June 2013)

FHEUM] 'Fighting the Source of Harmful Life Energy Particles by Using
an Electronic Meter'
{FPP 20130502-II-V2.0-t} [FHEUM]
(2 May 2013 Issue II - Version 2.0 on 10 May 2013)
title 'Fighting the Source of any Evil by Using an Electronic Meter':
title 'Using Electronic Meter in Fighting Sources of Destruction':

[SOS] 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V4.1} [SOS]
(19 June 2004 - Version 4.1 on 16 May 2007)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.3} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)

[DOP] 'Natural Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)

[CSTC] 'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Sir Gregory Hall, Esq·

Jun 15, 2013, 5:06:17 PM6/15/13
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in
> l. ron hubbard's ONLY PURPOSE for creating 'Scientology:' To Supply
> endless ADMIRATION Energy for Himself (and for any other Sociopaths)


Did Hubbard ever kill a daughter?

[ars added]

Sir Gregory

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