16 August 2006
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(Version 5.0
on 1 Nov 2006)
(Suitable for foreign
language students)
'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'
1 Kings 4:30
The reason for life, and the nature of life,
is the tremendous joy that life and living is,
and that it should be, which
does however not apply to those
- to a small part of the population, to those, whose soul has
been mutilated into having NO conscience -
whose 'JOY of life' consists mainly or partly in DESTROYING life.
Much like you give some kids a beautiful toy, and a
particular kid ENJOYS to ruin it, or ENJOYS to use it to
annoy others, or ENJOYS to destroy or to poison the toys
of others. *(7)
So, from that, you get your confusion about what is the simplest
of all truths:
The reason for life IS the JOY of experiencing it, and the
reason for life IS to create and share its tremendous JOY
for and with others,
which - if you throw away all the indoctrination -
YOU KNOW VERY WELL to be your innate, normal, basic
the JOY of experiencing life - your nature of
creating and experiencing its tremendous JOY and
sharing that JOY with others. *(e)
In order to HIDE the condition and nature of those mutilated souls, and
while being encouraged BY those mutilated souls
- who also want to "enjoy life" and who thus want to have their
destruction of life accepted as "normal," or even regarded as
"necessary" -
they, you yourself even, are compelled then, to start to 'synthesize'
those two "joys" - to try and put "sense" into something that has no
sense at all: *(8)
The "sense" becoming, then, that
'people are not anymore there to love, but are there, "to provide
you with experience".'
I would like you to look through that deception, even if
it is the very first time, that you look through it,
like when someone explains a stage "magician's"
trick for you, by which you were deceived and even
admired the deceiver for being able to deceive you.
He claims to known more than you, and again, you
have to admit that "is true" - because you do not
know how he deceived you.
It is not your goal to deceive people, but
it is HIS goal and joy, to deceive people
and even to be admired for it BY the deceived.
The mutilated souls want to experience their joy of ruining and
of deceiving and pestering you and others, and making you
miserable, and sick or dead.
THEY just enjoy THAT - and that, regardless of the
And then they "teach you," that "you are learning from those
And then you have to admit, that, indeed, "you
learned something from it:"
'I did not know, that this person is violently
insane, I thought he or she was a friend, but
now I have learned otherwise.'
And now I know that, till I am made
unaware of it, and then I can "learn"
You see, suddenly you are not living anymore to love
people and to enjoy life,
but "now you are here, as 'entertainment' and 'food'
or as 'toys' for mutilated souls, to provide them
with your suffering and stupidity,"
and THEY "provide the opportunity for you, for you to
learn from the suffering and deceptions they inflict
onto you."
These mutilated souls tell you, that "THAT is life,"
all they want, is their JOY of making or feeling you
suffer and be dead - preferably by self-inflicted denial
and suffering and death, and by your teaching others to do
the same:
Teaching you how to suffer well, really...
This results in a whole set or package of COMPLETELY FALSE 'data,'
that is promoted *(d)
and commonly seen as "a science of the soul" or, in German as
a "Geistes-wissen-schaft," or in modern Latin as a "Theo-sophia,"
or an "Anthropo-sophia," or (from and in India) described by
a host of Sanskrit terms,
in general, their terms - should you penetrate to expose
their use and their intention behind it, you will find,
that their terms - mean THE VERY OPPOSITE of how the very
same words (truth, love, compassion, bliss) are known in
NORMAL language, in ACTUAL life, but THEIR terms are
packages of COMPLETELY FALSE 'data,' *(9) promoted
by its proponents, who - by applying those wholly false data - are
gradually diving into eternal oblivion
- Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, remember, and here
they like to be seen by you as "becoming MORE aware," as
they make themselves and others euphorically LESS AND LESS
aware, LESS AND LESS alive, LESS AND LESS responsible, narrower
and narrower in scope, less and less feeling of and for others,
LESS AND LESS AWARE of the actual condition of life and
of people, of the past and of the future, of others, and
of themselves of course, *(1)(10)(3) (see references also)
moving themselves and others more and more OUT of life,
which is a very, very nasty trick to play on people, because
it pretends
- it is a common trick, and the only really workable trick
it is, as a study of evil easily tells you, that indeed
it pretends -
to be THE OPPOSITE of what it actually IS:
you see that in almost all evil, which intends to
remain undetected, unresolved, and unremedied; and
what they do is,
to make it all be the opposite, to claim an "increase in
- it is simply a cutting off of one's attention, (cutting
off) connection and awareness of almost everyone and
about everyone,
they are cutting off their 'connection-awareness' of
almost all of their own, as well as other's past
and present and future,
and concentrating the then still remaining attention or
connecting perception, onto only one area or even on
nothing at all -
(doing exercises and following demands, that 'work' by
the very method of, and that result in)
an overall and sharp DECREASE of a person's actual, objective
awareness *(3)(10)
(of the 'what and where and when and how and who' of
an endless amount of things and of people, including
even his or her own self)
the deliberate lack of connection to feeling and
understanding those parts of life that others call
(defined as 'What happened and who caused it
with what intention')
Which they deliberately make themselves
because the less you are aware, the more easy it is, to
achieve the euphoria and autistic "understanding of life,"
that some describe as the end product of a successful
meditation session, and
that the practitioner of Buddhism or Hinduism strives for
and wants to experience,
as their "solution to life"
(INSTEAD of creating and experiencing and
sharing with others the tremendous JOY of
life which DOES being about an ACTUAL
understanding of life)
they seek their "understanding" by seeking and
experiencing and being aware of 'NO LIFE,' of
'empty feeling,' and of 'NO CONNECTION to life,'
and so they achieve a complete LACK of understanding life
and reach a refusal to face any evil, let alone that they
would block evil,
and suddenly, "evil becomes necessary - for people to
experience - to make you evolve, to make you 'more'
Suddenly the trap that was set for them, has snapped
closed, because
that, the idea, that "evil is necessary," is in
itself quite the essence of UNAWARENESS, of a
spiraling down into spiritual oblivion and eternal
insanity, *(11)(12)
with a speed of descent largely determined by the degree of
mutilation present in their soul
- propelled exactly by that condition, of "imperfection" etc.,
that they want to remedy in the first place, but are told to
"remedy" by "evolving" - meaning *(3)
(again they use the typical reversal that is the only
effective way to lead people BY THEMSELVES to evil, in
this case to a denial of existing and active evil)
by COMPLETELY DENYING and refusing to investigate the nature of their
their and others' condition of mutilation - of HOW they have
been mutilated or 'made imperfect' -
made so indeed by those who ENJOY to mutilate people.
The practitioners of Hinduism and Buddhism, and of their New Age or
earlier off-shoots, *(d) want you to believe, that
"I am here on Earth to learn and to experience and to evolve - so that
I then can leave again,"
BUT the sole and only reason that I AM here, is, that I love you very
They are refusing simply to look at life, to look at
how much they have been harmed spiritually or
how much they have been made to "voluntarily" cut
themselves off from
their original ability to tremendously enjoy life, to look at
how much their basic ability to connect to life and to
(meaning, one's Energy of WANTING to feel the joy
of life, AND one's Energy with which one then
actually also connects to life and feels its
tremendous joy)
has been blocked and is now being blocked, and how much it
has been damaged or mutilated
- and how much it will be blocked and damaged and
mutilated in the future -
a very simple observation, that would start a sane person
to want to understand it:
understanding it in order to find ways to defend
yourself and others, isn't it.
The result of the mental contortions that are made, to hide (past,
present and future) evil, is Hinduism, and its various off-shoots.
While they do practice the belief of being born again and again,
they deliberately do NOT call life, what it is:
'The eternal joy of life.'
They deliberately do NOT say, what being alive again and again,
'The eternal desire to experience the tremendous joy of
life, of being alive.'
But in Hinduism and Buddhism, they claim, that it is only
"the endless cycle of birth and SUFFERING and death and
rebirth, which you should escape."
That is not a joke, you can read it in any
encyclopedia or dictionary.
They give this non-existent suffering a name, in order to make
it seem actual, and they call it 'Samsara,'
AND they demand - "kind as they are to you" - that "you must be
released from that suffering;"
not enough with that, they "release you - for the rest of
eternity even - from your suffering"
- as if you are a 'spiritual dog,' you must be
'released from your spiritual suffering' -
by making you (your soul) totally extinct; for which
equally non-existent state, they also have created a name,
- they REFUSE to look at any suffering and at the
causes of suffering (at Criminal Minds) and
instead they claim, like Criminal Minds do - that
"all suffering is caused by the desire to live," their claim being
entirely contrary to your own nature and entirely contrary to
the nature of The Creation
(I am addressing the advanced reader, now:
The Creation which they then ALSO claim "does not exist"
but "is an illusion,"
for which they then of course had to invent a new word,
again, as none existed, they created a non-existent
a 'nothing' that is not actual *(c)
- except indeed as an empty spot created inside
the soul of Criminal Minds, resulting in these
having no conscience for instance,
which they also want to hide, and so they claim,
that "the Black Void that is inside their soul, IS
the nature of the universe")
and their claims are entirely contrary to all evidence found and
available in abundance on the subject, in particular from the
very vast amount of data released in past life regression of
reliable individuals.
But in Hinduism,
"The particulars of an individual's wanderings in Samsara
[the qualities prevailing in his various life times] are
determined by Karma." (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2006)
Criminal Minds do like to "see" (to consider) you (to be) - and
they want, that you do "see" yourself and others -
as "spiritual dogs,"
as "Pavlov-ian, as stimulus-response spiritual dogs,"
where they ALSO had to create a word for THAT,
to describe that, what was non-existent,
and what is non-existent, and what will always be
the spiritual 'stimulus and the response,' which they claim to
exist by
giving it the name 'Karma,'
yet another one of their claims
(the "existence," "necessity" and "working" of Karma)
that is entirely contrary to all evidence found, and
that opposes all data available in abundance, about past
lives and from past life regression.
Once again, it is merely another cog wheel in their
mechanism for DENYING the existence and the nature of
Criminal Minds.
And so it comes about, that someone, who has been studying for
years in the Buddhist teaching community of Ashoka, in India,
where he was "blessed with the experience of having
one arm torn off," of having to live since then with
one arm, which he was made to consider a blessing,
now, out of the blue, without any OWN knowledge of
reincarnation or past lives at all, and violating any and
all evidence, nevertheless he
writes very authoritatively, that "Karma makes sure, that 'you
will always incarnate (be born in a place, socially) at the
level that corresponds with your soul's development':"
His self-criticism is so completely erased from his mind
by his friends, that - by way of illustration - he might
as well have been told and taught by them,
that "he is an expert oceanographer" - and he would then
feel compelled,
to inform Mankind and write THE authoritative text
on "The Biological Transformation of the Deep Sea
Octopus into Today's Sperm Whale."
That's what HE does, figuratively speaking, about the
non-existent subject of 'Karma.'
There IS NO transformation from an octopus into a
To give you an opposite example, which happens to
include whales:
I do not know, why many mammals can dive very deeply
into the ocean, as opposed to humans who can not,
and so I am certainly not going to write a textbook,
or lecture you, 'to explain how it works,'
because I do not know how that works. I do
know, that I do not know that.
On the other hand, where I see, that you ARE
being given endless amounts of completely false
and harmful data, and nobody corrects it,
then I feel the obligation (the desire, the
necessity, the love) to inform you, about what
I DO know, what I
- often under enormous strain and with
spiritual efforts, that you quite
probably would not be able to
withstand - I
feel obliged and caring and loving you enough,
to share with you in some understandable form;
I have given many thousands of hours
of reincarnation therapy, as some of you
know, and
I have extensively studied such work and
publications of others too.
And also thereby I know, that Buddhism
or Hinduism is the very opposite, of what
what it claims to be. And nobody points
that out to you,
and, though many feel it and have
expressed or published their
feelings and observations, for
instance about the complete lack
of morality in Hinduism and
people have been unable to
penetrate all the false data
and confusion, hidden as it was,
so the choice for me to do that, is not 'to
get fame and recognition'
- I have been blessed with that more
than anyone else on Earth,
through my work in various life times,
to stay on the subject -
in the same way, as you do love and would try
to protect me as well.
You see, that the whole subject of
"gaining experience" and "evolving"
is completely contrary to loving and
protecting people, and those are indeed
the ideas of someone who has no love at
all for people, but only derision and
hidden contempt.
They try to tell you - with an arrogance that kills or
denies your love, and that opposes your care, and that
violates your conscience, and that hurts or destroys your
true feelings -
that "you are not aware - or not 'evolved' - enough
to know it correctly." Isn't it...
It is the typical arrogance, of someone who claims
knowledge that is not anchored in and based on Love,
Beauty and Truth,
the arrogance of someone who wants INTELLIGENCE as a
substitute for Love, Beauty and Truth, replacing
these with the enforcement, that "you know less
about the subject," "you are not evolved." *(7)
Even so, even when you are "not an authority on the subject," you
can look around you,
and I very emphatically DEMAND, that you do look
around you, and do look beyond blindness compelled
onto you,
then you see very caring and very decent people born in
poverty or worse, or getting sick and dying,
and on the other hand, you can see, that some of the
greatest Criminals have been born in wealth and high
social status, and you can see, that some stayed healthy
up to their natural death at a respectable age.
I am not mis-interpreting what the devotees of Hinduism and of
Buddhism say, think, believe and experience - not at all:
THEY are INTENTIONALLY mis-interpreting what exists,
and THEY do so, in order to deny and avoid the
confrontation with Criminal Minds, *(1)
and it is merely the intention of those, that they
follow the intention of Criminal Minds (who thus
CREATED Buddhism, as well as Hinduism before it) which is:
"People must be guided to 'end life' and even 'to strive for total
extinction, forever'."
And they then substitute the truth of what they are hiding,
they then hide their true intention, with a package of very
intelligent lies,
so that also you, being of good will and kind disposition,
will politely listen to them when they are telling you
"how they 'see' the world," and "how they 'see' you."
They like to "see" you - and they want, that you also consider
yourself and and "see" others - as "spiritual dogs," once again,
as 'Darwinian spirits,'
"evolving," according to most, "from the lowliest insect
(sometimes the vegetable and mineral kingdoms are included)"
"evolving - and if you behave well, or do whatever it takes, then
you are automatically evolving eventually to god-hood" *(3)
- this idea is supported not so much in Buddhism, as
it is in Hinduism, which has an endless supply of
gods -
a "spiritual evolution" that is once again entirely contrary to
any evidence found and available in abundance on the subject of
past lives or reincarnation,
data which neither the Hindu-adept not the Buddhist finds
it necessary to examine the content of, because that is
not THEIR goal.
And - this is for the advanced reader - "if you do not appease
and give some of your Life Energy to those who are (who claim
to be and that you agree, are) 'spiritually senior to you',"
then "these - now being spiritually stronger than you -
might take ALL your Life Energy away from you, if they
happen to get angry with you," so, that - alas! -
"you then, with ALL your Energy taken away, you have to
start all over again (at the bottom of 'Samsara') in
gathering Energy for your soul, maybe even starting as
low as being an insect 'again',"
which shows to you ('facts,' that express) a total
REVERSAL, or more precisely, an inversion,
and (thus it is hiding any) understanding,
of certain things of an evil nature,
such as extremely evil forms of hypnotism
forced upon a captive soul, by means you
might not like to remember, and
which may well include a person being
made to feel "he is an animal," or
worse, "an insect," "an object," or
"a plant,"
which might have been evil inflicted BY
Criminal Minds on captives, an intense
that the devotees of Hinduism or Buddhism are
however not at all aware of, do not even
suspect and certainly do not allow the
examination of, of things
that might, spiritually and by very evil means, have
very well been INFLICTED onto or 'tortured into' the
soul of some people,
NOT INFLICTED BY 'SENIOR' people or beings, or
'God,' of course,
has no conscience, and who has no respect for
life at all, but only contempt:
BY a Criminal Mind.
Whatever they say or claim about you or your nature,
in Hinduism or Buddhism,
it is always and in any case a grave insult of your
person, of any person,
and it is always their denial of what really IS
happening, what IS going on in life, as I explain
more of, below.
Such is the nature of their lies; and by recognizing, THAT
those are lies, and by thus removing Energies that block your
finding out, that it is an extremely vicious lie, to
make you believe, that "you have not evolved yet," or
the typical, most malicious lie of any Criminal, that
"your suffering is caused by yourself - by evil you must
have done yourself at some time," and by "your desire
to experience life and thus to evolve,"
looking through such very typical lies from
Criminal Minds at you and others,
invented and used in order effectively to cover
and hide themselves and to have their evil
neither investigated nor stopped or remedied,
you may experience a sudden - and possibly tremendous - release
of some of your native but dormant, repressed spiritual
including 'direct vision,' 'direct feeling,' 'direct
communication,' and the like, which are NATIVE to you.
There is no 'evolution' of you at all: You ALREADY
HAD those abilities, but they are repressed, and
they kept on being repressed, and will continue
to be repressed, to be pushed down indeed by them:
By their claim, that those abilities do not (yet) exist
in you,
they not only DENY and so try to prevent your using
your spiritual abilities,
they ALSO deny, that these have been and are being
and thereby they are hiding the intention of Criminal
Minds to repress your spiritual abilities,
and their lies are only means, very effective means,
to bring that repression about in you and others,
to make you not look further at blocking Energies
inflicted by them now, and in the past and in the
So, as soon as you regain - possibly considerable -
spiritual abilities, merely by recognizing, maybe even
for the first time realizing
the truth
(that their lies ARE lies, are MALICIOUS lies,
and indeed are INTENTIONALLY destructive to
you and to everyone else)
you nevertheless now have only very temporarily won some of
your native abilities back, because
THEIR INTENTION TO REPRESS your abilities still continues
to exist now and in the future, it continues to be exerted
on you,
and they will try and find other ways and means, to
make you lose your natural abilities,
if "need be," even via the Medical Trade or
through various "sciences" and "political
systems," to get you medicated or imprisoned
or otherwise harassed,
THEY - Criminal Minds - want to "remain 'senior' to
you and to others:"
They like to keep Earth as a place where they
can ENJOY to be as evil as they please, and to
use their abilities to the fullest to hide
themselves and to dominate and be in charge
of as many others as possible, and to be able
to extinguish and destroy others at will - the
"Dream" of any Criminal Mind.
One percent of Earth's living population
consists of very, very severely Criminal
Minds - regardless of race, nationality,
religion, gender, age, education, wealth
or social status.
You may have seen, as indeed 'primitive' (meaning,
as SUBDUED) people would agree, that they completely
falsely "define"
'senior,' and 'being senior' - or 'power,' and 'having
they define it NOT as 'having the ability to
help and coordinate your activities,' BUT as
'having the ability to hurt or kill you physically or
spiritually' - and here we talk about 'spiritually' -
THEN they are 'senior to you' and THEN they are
'better than you'
(a lie, you still find openly practiced
in most martial arts and in various
other sports)
they DEFINE (in their spiritual life) someone to be
"senior," or as "having power,"
whose efforts and attacks to take (your life, or, in
this case, some or much of) your Life Energy, can
not successfully be opposed or resisted by you.
Which IS, however, the definition of a '"senior"
Do you get it?
Already recognizing that lie,
your realizing that THEY ARE NOT SENIOR TO YOU
AT ALL, but very far below you indeed,
as I said, may return a tremendous amount of
your spiritual abilities (your Energy) to you.
Abilities ARE spiritual, of course, are
contained in your Energies.
The false "definition" of 'senior,' gives you an
understanding of the 'deity worshiping' that India
for instance is still soaked with, and you find this
also in other cultures.
Knowing that they operate on that
"definition" of 'senior,' you can now
understand better, how terrified they
are (they would feel) if they would
(have to) stop 'appeasing the deities:'
Their 'lingam' statues and their
'Stupa' buildings have very strong
meaning for them,
which they themselves - if at all -
can only partly (and can never
correctly) explain to you.
You are taught by them to actively DENY the
existence of Criminal Minds,
or else, if you do not deny their existence,
to REFUSE to face Criminal Minds, which
amounts to the same thing,
- and which is exactly what Criminal
Minds demand of you - *(1)
and you are taught instead, either to 'appease'
Criminal Minds, including those "seniors,"
not by seeing their evil and not by
calling them evil, but BY CALLING THEM
"NOT EVIL," of course, in almost all
to make these Criminals "well-intentioned
towards you"
(the faithful reader knows, however,
that you can never make a Criminal
Mind 'well-intentioned towards you
or towards anyone,'
because the intention of any
Criminal Mind IS irreparably
ill-intentioned, so he or she
can only PRETEND 'to be cured' or
PRETEND to you to be 'appeased'
and appeasing them violates both
the First and the Second Law of
Human Rights *(13)(14))
and Criminal Minds, and 'deities' of such
a nature, on top of appeasing them, "you
should also ask them, or make them feel
inclined to choose your side in any
- which (choosing a Criminal Mind
to protect you or your group) is
a violation of 'The Nature of
War' - *(6)
and that results, of course, eventually
in your loss.
Or they want you to find and use other methods
than "appeasing" those "seniors,"
those who do not mind at all, to destroy
Other methods and rituals and customs,
including the Stupa buildings and prayer
wheels and papers and flags with prayers,
that flutter in the wind, and the
practice of carrying small boxes with
sacred texts, for instance, on their
as you see it in some other
religions as well,
all in an attempt either to acquire Life
or to not lose too much of it to,
or to not have all, or much of it taken away
by "senior" or "more powerful" persons or
beings or deities.
So you see them actually, in a
hidden way, still practice the
natural concept of good and evil.
They do not quite manage to
eradicate the protection of life
against evil, against Criminal
but in general they try hard and
with great success, to have the
most severely Criminal Minds
revered as the greatest gurus, by
their simple trick of claiming,
that - not you, but - THEY "are
enlightened," "EVOLVED."
That is not nice for you,
in actuality, but the trick
is 'built in' the system,
much like in other systems,
the trick is 'built in,' that
"someone acquiring a lot
of possessions, 'obviously'
must be a good person."
Also there (in Hinduism, and in a host
of spiritual "sciences" derived from it)
- should you like to face that
gruesome reality -
the native and natural concept of good
and evil - conscience - is denied, is
made "relative,"
or made to fit any "reality" that
can of course exist, inside their
artificial Nothing, inside their
Void, their 'Maya' as they call it,
or nowadays, their Matrix or their
'Holographic Universe,' etc.
what they created, or were
forced to create and to
experience and maintain, as
a dark room, INSIDE The
Creation, but cut off from
feeling The Creation, where
any "reality" can of course
because "there is nothing there to
begin with,"
or "there is 'No Duality,' no
good or bad," as some of them
like to call it, in Sanskrit
'a-dvaita' or 'Advaita,'
pointing to a very
intensely Criminal
Mind and Hindu guru
by the name of
Ramana Maharshi, yet
another superb coward,
complying when someone
commands him to die,
only to realize in the
process (how "original"
an idea:) that he, his
soul, will not die, and
then he is pretending,
and teaching others,
that "as long as you
want to die and run
away from life, 'you
are invincible,' and
thus the Criminal Mind "reasons"
very comfortably about conscience,
Criminal Minds want Criminal things and
they create and promote Criminal ideas
and Criminal "philosophies," and thus
conscience is replaced
- should you like to face the
gruesome reality of what they do,
then you will see, that 'the
feeling of what is good and
evil' (conscience) is replaced -
by the 'Code of Thieves:'
"The one who can steal and trick the most
(Life Energy) out of others, is the boss,
the senior ...the 'best' individual,"
in the "survival of the
"who will be worshiped and who will
be appeased, and fawned upon, in
order to obtain his (or her) favor
on your side."
You did not know all that, did you - because THEY are not going
to tell you,
THEY - the Hindu and the Buddhist gurus - want to protect
their REFUSAL to face Criminal Minds.
They know, that Criminal Minds are, indeed, extremely
unpleasant to face, and they are not going to tell you,
that it is very unpleasant to face, but much, much MORE
unpleasant NOT TO FACE.
Others like to "see" you, to look at and talk about you - and
they want, that you do "see" and describe yourself and others
also - as
spirits that all are starting out, as souls who are total
or even as 'severe Criminals, "who are not really
Criminals," but "who do not know better because
they are 'new souls'",'
"everyone starting out as a moron and 'being Criminal
due to ignorance and due to one's ability to feel, still
being un-developed' - being still un-evolved" and thus
"needing bodily life times" for
"living one's share or quota of suffering, including
the infliction of suffering onto others as well,"
"with the purpose 'to evolve as souls',"
"life time after life time, till they become perfect
beings 'who do not need to live anymore'," *(3)
again, entirely contrary to all evidence found and
available in abundance on the subject,
and solely born out of the desire NOT to face Criminal
But they really believe (they really like to be
convinced of) those things. And they preach those
ideas too - in particular via their 'guru' system
of "teaching,"
a 'guru' system, that not only implies, but
also practices, that
"another - who is not at all so and never will
be - is 'spiritually senior to you',"
all done in their effort to DENY the existence of
Criminal Minds, and to DENY what these have done,
and do now inflict and intend to maintain, and what
these intend to bring about:
To BRING ABOUT suffering and to MAKE people,
souls, forever into morons and preferably
into permanently Criminal Minds;
into severely and irreparably mutilated
souls, with - quite literally - 'holes,'
'empty spots,' 'nothing,' shot into
their soul, as was done to themselves,
by means of forceful Injection of
Harmful Energies - or, said in terms
more familiar to you:
The spiritual condition and nature
of Criminal Minds, is based on
very intense, and self-protecting,
and eternal, extremely destructive
hypnotic commands, with hypnotic
perception and hypnotic feeling
and hypnotic thinking; *(2)
the purpose of the torturing
hypnotist NOT ONLY being, to feel
his or her forceful contempt and
insane joy of being able to
ruining another soul, and
to so obtain someone else's Energy,
but also to make others - against
their will and choice - to make
the soul of others obey the
Energies (the hypnotism) he or she
projects at them,
making others actually serve as
his or her slaves, and that for
the remainder of eternity, life
time after life time.
But the Hindu or Buddhist guru is much
too cowardly even to consider looking
at anything of truly evil nature,
he likes to feel the euphoria of
"being invincible" - by lacking
the feeling for having to defend
anything or anyone:
"I have no possessions, so I have
defeated all robbers and thieves -
that makes me be invincible."
"I give my unconditional love to
Criminal Minds, and I do not mind
if they kill my body or anyone
else, because I am an immortal
soul - I am 'invincible,' now that
I know that, and I have given up my
Their building of lies, or rather, their sky-scraper
of lies about life, about you and me and about
themselves, about the past and about the future,
results in the tremendous, most vicious insult, by
Hinduism and Buddhism, New Age cults, etc.:
"You are a Darwinian spiritual dog,"
"who is not yet evolved into being a proper human:"
INSTEAD of pointing out and uncovering and repairing the
crimes that have been committed onto you, onto your soul -
and maybe even to find those responsible for it, meaning,
those who inflicted the atrocities (onto you, onto your
soul or onto (the souls of) your friends, onto the ones
you loved and cherished most).
But in the tradition of Criminal Minds, they blame
that on yourself - "you caused all evil yourself,
that you experience(d);" *(8)
extremely mean, extremely vicious lies, that however
are the main preachings of Hinduism, Buddhism and of
its New Age offshoots, and that occur also in some
primitive societies,
to make you go down more and more into oblivion
and unawareness, BY CALLING IT "ascending" and
"enlightenment," "opening all your chakras,"
and so on:
Insanity IS the inability or
unwillingness to face evil acts and
evil individuals and evil impulses, *(5)
but these "do not really exist," in
Hinduism, Buddhism, and in New Age
or other cults, including cults
of channeling or of meeting extra-
terrestrials and the like, which
all are based on their very mean,
utterly vicious lies "about you,"
"about others," "about people on
Earth," "about life" and "about
The Creation."
This "endless suffering" - that they, of Hinduism and of Buddhism
alike - claim "life is," and
they are claiming so, in order not to have to face
Criminal Minds (who are the SOURCE of any suffering)
and in order to comply with the wishes of Criminal Minds
to MAKE Life feel like suffering or even to make life BE
the suffering, *(8)(1)
that both Hinduism and Buddhism preach to escape from, by
teaching people to not want to live anymore,
and where living itself is represented, either
as being "the root of all evil,"
or where bodily living is
"only for lowly, un-evolved souls;" (!)
is how a Criminal Mind "sees" and certainly feels Life.
And, if they call the "successful escape from Life," if they
call that "escape" 'Moksha,' then you are talking to a Hindu
or rather, to a 'Hinduist,' *(a)
(they do however not escape anything,
they only, for some time, DENY the basic nature of their
soul and of The Creation,
by forcing it temporarily to be unfelt and
and they damage themselves and others considerably by
doing so, because it is opposed to and destructive
of ALL life,
both physical and spiritual life (if you like
to make that artificial distinction)
and their denial lasts till the feeling of themselves and
of The Creation returns to them, and with it, their joy
of life returning
(and denying now their preceding denial)
- assuming the very, very best scenario, that is,
that they are not encountering conditions, where
Energy is pulled away constantly by Criminal
Minds, to such an extent that they will never
even acquire THAT awareness
similar to if you are kept in a room that is
eternally dark, you would become unaware even
of the fact THAT it is merely a room, a 'Void,'
a 'Maya' inside a very bright and lively world,
that is, INSIDE The Creation)
but if they call that escape - which is not only temporary, but,
no matter how triumphantly Euphoric, also by any definition
entirely insane - dis-connected from life and from feeling life
as it is - if they call it 'Nirvana,' then you are talking to a
Buddhist. *(b)
Should you like to confirm, what you know is true and what you have
experienced as being true
- and like myself, some do appreciate having a confirmation
of what they already know, because it helps them considerably
to stand up to the mental force of the lies of Criminal
Minds - then
I have the pleasure of reminding you, that
correctly practicing the belief of being born again and again,
is simply what it is:
'The eternal joy of life.'
'The eternal desire to experience the tremendous joy of life.'
Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet
'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'
1 Kings 4:29
Note on the Title:
(*) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' {HRI 20060816}
(the HRI you have in front of you now) was originally a
'Textnote' - which is a footnote consisting of extra, and often
longer text by the author, rather than merely a reference or a
quote - this is a Textnote taken from:
'Anecdotes of Koos Nolst Trenite Opposing Crime - What Is 'Zero
Tolerance,' Definition - Mozart Effect to Prevent Crime'
{HRI 20060305-V3.0}
(soon to be issued)
(a) 'Hinduist' - Someone who has been made to believe or who makes
others believe the spiritual data of Hinduism to be
"correct and all-encompassing,"
and, who pursues actively the exercises and practices
of any form of Hinduism, in order for himself or
herself to "gain perfection" at some future but
un-determined time.
Hinduists "explain" much in terms of past and future
lives, yet they have no accurate knowledge at all
about their own past lives, nor about the past of
Earth itself. Instead, their 'knowledge' is mostly
and INTENTIONALLY very false ("knowledge" created and
taught deliberately by Criminal Minds, as "Divine
The actual sources of imperfection (Criminal
Minds) are not recognized at all, but explained
for instance as "evil done BY YOU in your
past life"
- when they see you crippled or
blind This Life Time, then they
REFUSE to suspect that someone
may have blinded or crippled you
in the past, resulting in the
Energy of it still now causing
the condition of your handicap -
while in truth it is 'Evil that has been
done TO YOU,'
in other words, they are
HIDING the Criminal(s) who
inflicted it on you and on
in particular they are hiding
very, very much and extreme evil
that has been done TO YOU, by
Criminal Minds and by Criminal
Minds only,
in previous lives.'
Decent people are decent people, also in their
past (lives), but you may have been tricked
by Criminal Minds to some extent,
as much as people may now and in the
future also be tricked by Criminal Minds
into doing some evil,
and as long as you would allow them NOT
to detect and NOT to recognize and NOT
to understand Criminal Minds,
no matter how "perfect" or "noble" or
"enlightened" they are or may again have
I do not use the term 'Hindu,' because it is a very
general term, that loosely refers to anyone more or
less following the customs and cultural tastes that
prevail(ed) in India.
(b) 'Buddhist' - Someone who has been made openly to believe the lie,
as "Noble Truth," that "life is suffering,"
and while he may agree with the Hinduism lie,
that "suffering is necessary or even vital to
gaining perfection ('developing consciousness,'
as they call it, 'evolving as "Darwinian"
the Buddhist at the same time claims evil to be
"handled" *(3) BY NOT facing the source of it
- Criminal Minds, and only Criminal Minds cause
the suffering, any suffering -
instead, the Buddhist "handles" evil, by gradually
destroying or trying to destroy most of his own Life
Energies - even till one is not even aware of life
existing anymore, nor of who one is, himself -
and further, by
thus leaving others to continue to suffer even more
unprotected (and even more debilitated by false
"knowledge") at the hands of the Criminal Minds,
"proving" their lie even further, that "life is
Some Hinduists (and also Hindus) believe Buddhism to
be 'just a flavor of, or another appearance of
(Source: see Footnote (3))
(c) They REFUSE to look at any suffering and the causes of suffering
(they refuse to look at Criminal Minds)
and instead they claim - like Criminal Minds do - that
"all suffering is caused by the desire to live,"
entirely contrary to your own nature and entirely contrary to
the nature of The Creation,
which they claim "does not exist" but "is an illusion"
they call 'Maya,' a "Void" even, as it indeed seems,
inside their 'spiritual Cave'
with which the Wachowski brothers went off track,
in the second and the third sequel of their 'Matrix'
movies, that
- as opposed to the first 'Matrix' movie which
portrayed the rather severe hypnotism and
rather severe vampiring done on your Life
Energy, that goes on in our society,
(their first 'Matrix' movie) that further
portrays the struggle of each individual to
get out of and free from the enforcement of
harmful Energies that sustain the hypnotism,
in a vicious loop of Energy provided to it
by that vampirism on your Life Energy (as
during your sleep) -
in contrast to that first, original 'Matrix'
movie, their second and third 'Matrix' movies
have lost almost all, if not all connection with
reality, with life, with The Creation,
except in the mind of Stephen Hawking, maybe,
though there is considerable disagreement on whether
he has one,
who likes you to believe, that a nuclear bomb,
especially one of the very loud variety and dating
several billions of years back, did disturb their
'Nothing' (their Black Energy)
- the "Void" of their 'spiritual Cave' which
they want you and everyone to always have
been part of -
and inside their Cave of perception, their nuclear
"did create life" very noisily - with a big and noisy
'Bang!' *(4)
(d) Including many of their channeled or what you might call in
other ways extra-terrestrial sources
- whose conflicting "truths" are swallowed with childish
and euphoric confidence -
'someone who can talk to you or to someone else
telepathically, and who does not identify himself
properly enough and provides no data about himself
to verify and to make any judgment about his past and
present activities, or who flies around in a spaceship
to places and people doing all kind of things he does
not want to tell you about nor show you,'
their followers and 'envoys' claim, that such a 'highly
developed individual'
"does not hide any of his (or her or its) intentions and
activities or past or future from you," and
"would never tell you complete lies, as if these are
(e) It translates into Latin - as some true lovers of life and music
may know - as 'Soli Deo Gratia.' That means:
'Using the possibilities of The Creation
to the best and highest you are capable
of in creating and sharing the joy of life.'
(f) When he comes there in his next life time, they will let both of
his legs be torn off, so that he can experience how that feels to
live without any legs at all...
(1) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.1}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.1 on 29 Jan 2006)
(2) '01 - From Past To Future Lives - The Wisdom Of King Solomon
- Introduction'
{HRI 20031109-01-V1.0}
(9 November 2003 Version 1.0)
(3) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults'
{HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)
(4) 'Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness,
Time, And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040829-V3.4.3}
(29 August 2004 - Version 3.4.3 on 18 May 2006)
(5) 'Current State of Mental Health Care And Understanding
- Consequences For Decision Makers, Caretakers And Caregivers'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1}
(9 Dec 2002 - Version 3.1 on 27 Sept 2005)
(full text:)
(6) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6 on 7 Nov 2005)
(7) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth
- Opposing The Nature Of The Creation' {HRI 20010829-pi6-V4.1}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 6 Version 4.1 on 22 Sept 2006)
(8) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)
(9) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Denial'
{HRI 20010829-pi3-V1.2}
(29 August 2001 - part issue 3 Version 1.2 on 13 Sept 2006)
(10) 'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004 - Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)
(11) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.2.1}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2.1 on 9 Aug 2006)
(12) 'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)
(13) 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V2.2.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 2.2.2 on 8 Sept 2006)
(14) 'Obviously The Second Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060924}
(24 September 2006)
(15) See 'Books,' below.
(Robert D. Hare)
'Without Conscience - the disturbing world of
the psychopaths among us,' in particular its Chapter 7.,
about 'white-collar Psychopaths.'
By Robert D. Hare, University of British Columbia, 1993.
(New York: Pocket Books, 1995)
(New York: Guilford Press, 1999 - ISBN 1-5730-451-0)
From the back cover of the book:
'Robert Hare makes a strong case for the view that
psychopaths are born, not made. A chilling, eye-opening
report - and a call to action.'
'Of exceptional value to anyone wishing to look behind and
guard against these baffling predators [or parasite- or
virus-personalities] who live amongst us in fearful [in
large] numbers [sixty million of them on Earth].'
(Hervey Cleckley)
'The Mask Of Sanity - the acclaimed study of the
psychopathic personality'
By Hervey Cleckley, Medical College of Georgia, USA.
(St. Louis, MO - USA: Mosby Press Medical Library, 1982)
(New York: New American Library, ISBN 0-452-25341-1)
From the back cover of the book:
'Arrogant, shameless, immoral, impulsive, antisocial,
superficial, alert, self-assured, boastful, callous,
remorseless, charming, irresponsible:
'This is the poisonous mix of traits, that make up the
psychopathic personality. [...]
'Psychopaths also sit in corporate boardrooms [as
directors of companies or institutions] or function
as scientists or physicians [medical doctors] or in
any number of respectable capacities [holding
respected jobs or positions].
'They are all legally competent. [In the legal sense,
they are not insane, because they can talk and
think as brilliantly as a lawyer, to achieve their
'None of them "hears voices" or displays any
psychosis [that a psychiatrist could easily
recognize or could recognize at all, as these can not
and also do not want to define psychosis correctly].
'But they [psychopathic personalities] are all headed
for [causing others] big trouble, in a life-long
string of [causing] disasters [for others], that
could run the gamut [range, the whole spectrum]:
From [causing] financial ruin, to murder.
'Psychiatrists know neither the cause nor the cure of
this disorder [and they can not and do not want to
define 'disorder' either, and they have been working
and will continue to work very hard to hide the
cause of any 'disorder'] which evades [their]
established definitions of either sanity or insanity;
[So, I have defined all these terms, for you,
in the Human Rights Issues {the HRI's}, as none
indeed existed. So it is for the first time in
history, that correct definitions exist and
have been published.]
'indeed, psychiatrists themselves
[and any persons who try to help and to
understand Criminal Minds - any people who
try to help them]
'are at times as helplessly manipulated by the
psychopath, as are the psychopath's other victims.'
'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102}
(2 Jan 2003)
'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults'
{HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)
'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)
'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War'
- Quote from {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature Of War'
(7 April 2006 quote of 7 November 2005 version)
'Justice - Definition of Justice, What is Justice'
{HRI 20051219-V1.2}
(19 December 2005 - Version 1.2 on 24 Dec 2005)
'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004 - Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)
'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth'
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5}
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)
'Intense Joy of Beautiful Hate - Emanating from Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20060629-V4.1}
(29 June 2006 - Version 4.1 on 1 Aug 2006)
'A Common Hollywood Disease: Refusing To Expose Evil
- What Is Conscience - What Is Sin'
(17 August 2006 - Version 2.1 on 18 Aug 2006)
'Awareness Scales and Enlightenment'
(8 Apr 2003)
'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.0}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3)
'Definition Of Religion - (for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-2-V1.0}
(7 Apr 2003 - Issue 2)
'A Definition Of Celibacy'
{HRI 20050617-V1.0.1}
(17 June 2005 - Version 1.0.1)
{HRI 20050617-V1.0.1-UAA}
(Version 1.0.1-UAA on 29 June 2005)
'Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao, A Criminal Mind As Head Of
{HRI 20051120-V5.2}
(20 November 2005 - Version 5.2 on 23 Aug 2006)
(full text:)
Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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