I dare you to go and stand on main street anywhere in the USA and shout it
What? No freedom of speech in the USA?
They don;t like Arabs. He is one.
John Saffran!
John Safran. Horrid little turd. Calling him a comedian is stretching poetic
licence to its absolute limit.
Each to his own. The old priest was funny, but Safran, nope.
He was OK on the "Race around the world" series, but he seems to think he's
a comedian now.
> --
The one with the KKK was very funny.
All rather stupid, I thought. Did you note the very shallow and unconvincing
way he claimed he ate pork?
I'm afraid I don't care for his type of humour.
Fuck you. These days, Nobody has the balls to stand on the street and
preach loudly the truth about the infestation of our government;
incite the masses. People have been lulled into comfortable fear, and
I for one won't be lulled.
Vile Zionist censorship in this country is pervasive. It still blows
my mind that in some western countries a person can do time for
questioning, not just the occurrence of the holocaust, but, like me,
whether we have all the facts about it. Wh y people stand for this is
I read that John Cusak got a lot of shit while making "MAX"; having
the "audacity" to portray Hitler as anything but a monster from birth.
Of course films like Schindler's List are immune from criticism, even
though such movies, which seem to be rewritten a fewtimes a year, are
simply propaganda:the holocaust industry's fashioning of WWII as ONLY
about the suffering of Jews.
So, then, go out on Main Street and put your money where your mouth is.
I'll sell tickets! <snicker!>
<remaining foaming-at-the-mouth ranting and raving snipped>
Ed, give credit where credit is due - after all Hitler built great roads -
small matter he caused the death of 40 milllion people
It shows you how insane jews are and how they will demonise anyone they
don't like. Anyone with any sense will know that even Hitler was a child
once and from what I know of the man, he appeared to be a normal kid.
But jews are a racist breed and believe people are born a certain way and
gentiles are "goyim" like cattle. They have been spreading this blood libel
for years and it's about time that we began suing them for it. Gelt is
something the jew understands.
[psychotic drivel deleted]
...because he's the lying, frustrated, bitter moron loser of Usenet.
<Drivel snipped>
They have been spreading this
> blood libel for years and it's about time that we began suing them
> for it. Gelt is something the jew understands.
Try it, why don't you?
Waste what little money you have!! LOL
Hitler stands accused by a people that while guilty cannot even
discuss their complicity, HELL, their absolute culpability in the
murder of at least sixty million Christians in Russia under the
camaflouge of Communism, a wholly jewish production. Yet ALL we hear
about is "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler". Germany took it in the ASS because
of Jewish plans to punish Germany from 1916 on. Hitler saw it for what
it was, and he STILL pays for it. The Jews ran England AND the US and
used them to bust it off AGAIN on Germany, to this DAY ya can't say or
do anything "Anti-semitic" or you'll be convicted of a "crime"...! Can
you be convicted of "Anti-Aryanism"/ "Anti-Norwegian"? Gimme a fuckin'
break, these louts have even invented Hate (thought) Crime (police)
laws in AMERICA ! Betcha dinna know they are the only people in the
world that were EVER the victims of any kind of "discrimination",
didja? The perpetual victims... Hmmmm. Well, what with AIPAC and the
clown imoster protestant version of Christianity participating in the
obvious scam, America deserves no better. People GET the government
they deserve, and in this case, we'll be gettin' it alot like the
Russians did. BTW, this heah's the chute to the killin' floor. Whatcha
plan to do when it STOPS?
Yet ALL we hear
> about is "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler". Germany took it in the ASS because
> of Jewish plans to punish Germany from 1916 on.
Hitler saw it for what
> it was, and he STILL pays for it. The Jews ran England AND the US
> used them to bust it off AGAIN on Germany, to this DAY ya can't say or
> do anything "Anti-semitic" or you'll be convicted of a "crime"...!
Civil rights laws protect all minorities from persecution by assholes
like you. You can say what you want in the USA, but if you do anything
to hurt people, you go to jail and rightfully so.
> you be convicted of "Anti-Aryanism"/ "Anti-Norwegian"? Gimme a fuckin'
> break, these louts have even invented Hate (thought) Crime (police)
> laws in AMERICA ! Betcha dinna know they are the only people in the
> world that were EVER the victims of any kind of "discrimination",
> didja?
Nonsense. The Italians, Chinese and Irish all suffered discrimination
when they first came to the USA and so did Blacks and Hispanics. We
have laws now that protect them from bigoted scum like you.
It was the stinky yids who were at the forefront of the civil rights
movement, b'luto, yet Ersatz israel has one of the poorest records for civil
liberties anywhere in the goddamned world.
How do you explain that, b'luto?
None of this explains why they do not permit anything like civil liberties
in Erstaz israel. It is an ethnocentric, apartheid and terrorist regime
which doesn't even permit it's jews to marry Arabs.
Dershowitz is not a good source of honest commentary. He's quite the liar
this bloke, as the above statement perfectly evidences.
Here's another shot of him lying through his teeth.
Great Idea! ;-p
Ha ha! and here I thought you didn't have a sense of hmour!
It all depends on your perspective - I see civil liberties in the context of
how secure you are. You take a beleaguered country stretched to the limit
anywhere in the world it would be locked up tight - a police state -
The recent war in Lebanon demonstrated just how vulnerable Israel is - the
rockets lobbed over from Gaza another example - any of these could be dirty
bombs or worse, You have to give Israel credit even for the level of
democracy it has developed - and to ask a country with a robust 5th column,
with powerful neighbours sabotaging every peace effort, supporting terrorist
groups at every border, with supply lines of weapons coming across tunnels
from Egypt - ask them to be a beacon for civil liberties in the sense of
Sweden etc . . . . dunno Ben.
> Dershowitz is not a good source of honest commentary. He's quite the liar
> this bloke, as the above statement perfectly evidences.
> Here's another shot of him lying through his teeth.
good stuff I hadn't seen this
The yid's version of democracy is not democracy as defined.
It is ethnocentric. They deny equal rights to the Arab israelis.
A couple of years ago I tried to help an Arab israeli purchase a small
transort business. The yehoodies completely shat on the project. There was
no way known they were going to let an Arab start a new business involving
small vans moving products around their cities.
>> Dershowitz is not a good source of honest commentary. He's quite the liar
>> this bloke, as the above statement perfectly evidences.
>> Here's another shot of him lying through his teeth.
> good stuff I hadn't seen this
A nice companion clip, to prove Dershowitz is lying, is below.
I don't envy those responsible for security within Israel - they might get
nervous now and then - specially after a suicide bombing
>>> Dershowitz is not a good source of honest commentary. He's quite the
>>> liar this bloke, as the above statement perfectly evidences.
>>> Here's another shot of him lying through his teeth.
>> good stuff I hadn't seen this
> A nice companion clip, to prove Dershowitz is lying, is below.
yes he makes good points - (you don't see much of Dershowitz these days)
There goes denise, warming up her old baby burning torch again.
I believe the figure is 50,000,000 but to a schmuck like you know
whom, ten million humans means nothing. All in a day's work.
Arabs transporting stuff around represents a terrorist threat whether
small or large vans. They should be allowed to use camels only because
it's easier to look inside a camel's mouth and rectum than stopping
to inspect moving vans.
Yes about as impartial as the rest of you . . . .<snicker>
What are your credentials in life, Renzetti, besides being a newgroup
That's pretty much all they're permitted.
But there's on apartheid in Erstaz israel, right?
If I were to stack up Dershowitzs' credentials against say . . . yours . . .
I wonder who I would choose as the more credible?
Christ, John. Bugs Bunny has more credibility than Dershowitz.
Hmmm....Law Professor Emeritus at Harvard/Supreme Court Solicitor or
newsgroups troll/child-snatcher...who to deem more credible....tough
choice here.
Where ya bin, Ikey? We've missed your mediocrity.
Every now again I poke my head in just for the fun of it, child-
snatcher. It's always nice to see some consistency in the world. And
you certainly are that.
Yep. Still beating the long nosed ones over the head.
You mean still deluding yourself into thinking--and I use the word
liberally-- that you are, despite all of my footprints on your
Some of our ideologies overlap. That, however, is beside besides the
point. Where do you come off saying that Dershowitz lack credentials
as an authority on anything? That statement itself has a connotation
of authority, which means you are elevating your yourself above him.
So let's hear "The Case For Renzetti".
Kurt had Walgheimer's Disease. He was a nazi, but he forgot!
Far be it from me to argue with the voice of experience.
I didn't ask you to believe anything about Waldheim since I didn't
introduce him into the discussion. Moreover, this wasn't by my
perception an argument about a level of decency--though I do consider
him decent--but rather of credibility. At least that's the point *I*
was addressing.
Every level of jurisprudence in America, from the US Supreme Court on
down, has found him credible. Harvard's Faculty of Law believes him to
be credible enough to bank its sterling reputation on him. So, if you
DON'T find him credible, the floor is yours.
I think his "child-snatch" thingie is about the emotive and largely
exaggerated "stolen generation" thingie.
It's a jacobsOn clone, this thing. Terminally stupid and completely
Much like yourself.
Oh dear. Another yid suffering from delusions of adequacy.
Fuck orf. Nothing at all like jacobsOn, me. He lies, yanno. Quite the
Mere adequacy wouldn't be a delusion, but a mightmare for Yids, and a
cause of massive celebration for the likes of you. You're not "down
under" for no reason.
While I suuuure you're just the paragon of integrity yourself.
Did that make sense to you?
Indeed I am, Ikey. Indeed I am.
Cop this Ikey. In his own words.
Of EITHER statement!
Here's a brilliant example of Dershoshitz lying through his rotten teeth.
The fact that you lying turds attack Gary mercilessly is proof positive he
speaks the truth.
There ya go. That was easy.
As you know, numerous times I've challenged the dyslexic, thick Irish
'c-word' to show an instance of me posting "lies", and invariably it
scuttles back into the woodwork whenever I do.
Oh really now?
Dershowitz never lied about Israel stealing land from "Palestinian"
like you did.
Nor did he ever lie about Israel being an illegal entity like you did.
Dershowitz is a boy scout compared to you!
Indeed it was easy. It easily disproves what Renzetti AND you say
about Dershowitz.
The truth is that criticism of Israeli policy is NOT anti-Semitic,as
long as whomever is criticizing is equally critical of others who are
worse than what Israel does. I have yet to see any of you idiots
criticize Darfur, for example. And believe me, there are newsgroups
that deal with Darfur; I went there and failed to find ANY of the
Israel bashers on there.
So yeah, Cramer, by that one definition, you ARE anti-Semitic since
it's only Israel that is not beyond reproach. Hundreds of thousands
of innocent Sudanese have been slaughtered in Darfur.... and yet not a
peep from you,Renzetti,Gillis, Mirelle, Ocean....
Gee, I wonder why!
That's all it's capable of. Posts a bit of blather and her own lies then
does the cockroach thing.
I assume you mean Teresa Hitler from Yugoslavia. The one who became a
nun in India?
> On Jun 27, 8:21?pm, "Gary Renzetti" <> wrote:
> > "Binyamin Cramer"
> > WHOOPS! We both forgot to include alt.gossip.royalty in our responses!
> > Clumsy of us...
> >
As if we needed any proof to see what a sleazebag it is....
> >
> >
> I assume you mean Teresa Hitler from Yugoslavia. The one who became a
> nun in India?
You are too kind, to both of them.