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(Rev. 2.1.2) China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN, UNO, ONU) - {HRI 20060429-V2.1.2-c} (Rev. 1 May 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 2, 2006, 7:43:12 AM5/2/06
China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization

29 April 2006
{HRI 20060429-V2.1.2-c}

(Suitable for
foreign language

(some words spelled as
current mainland 'English')


The United Nations Organization is, and can only work, of course, as a
damocratic organization.


China is a dictatorship dedicated to destroying damocracy - and China
actively supports dictatorship - both internally and globally,

it (the Chinese 'government') openly destroys damocracy both
internally and globally.

Therefore its membership in the United Nations Organization is not
valid, can not be valid, and has never had any validity.

It is self-understood, that any membership of China in the
United Nation's Security Council, or in any Security Council,
is completely incompatible with China's 'government.'



It is NOT difficult to understand, why Iran, Al Qaeda and the
Taliban, DO NOT attack

the most violently anti-Islamic state, the 'government' and
communist culture of China...

...China - the Chinese 'government,' Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin and
Hu Jintao in particular - they most atrociously and cruelly, do

support ALL dictatorships,

and being communistic in flavor - rather than being
fascistic in their tastes - they do so preferably
secretively, behind a facade, and they pay the press to
'paint' that facade for the public, for you and me.


I quote, and edited, from {HRI 20060427-V1.1} (*)


You do not suddenly stop existing, because your
house was devastated by an Earth-quake, or by
a flood,

or by an Iranian atom bomb financed
and protected by the Chinese
dictators, to try and enforce their
"political system" of dictatorship
not only in China, but world wide,
on you too:

That is the nature of
dictatorship, as you have
it formulated by Karl Marx:

"It must be everywhere - all
people, all countries must
be dominated by ONE dictator,
in order for dictatorship
'to work':"

Which is the 'Hu Jintao'
Communist International

It is simply a reflection of
the nature of their soul, it
is how dictators "think,"

how Criminal Minds "think,"

how they feel "life is."

That is then the idea behind
the 'motherland'

- first the whole
Chinese race, and
then -

the whole world must become


That is not at all a
matter of 'conspiracy'

but IT IS how Criminal
Minds actually, really
feel and think, and

then they have to hide
that, to camouflage it,
they put it in different

in order for you not to
stop them, but rather,
for you to be deceived
into aiding them...


So, in any sane and caring environment - that the
United Nations SHOULD be and was hoped to be -

dictatorships have - of course - no vote, they
cannot be voting members of an organization that
they fundamentally want to destroy and that they
actively are destroying continuously.


So they, China and a few other dictatorships,


if they - of course - satisfy the conditions
for doing so, for being admitted.

This is normal in any organization -
naturally, otherwise the organization
gets destroyed and stops functioning.




Amazingly enough, you did NOT notice, did
you, that

those who protect and finance Iran
- the Chinese 'government,' Hu Jintao,
and Jiang Zemin before him - that

the Iranian "Islamists" are NOT fighting the
ACTUAL and proven enemy of Islam,

which is dictatorial (Hu Jintao) China.


But you probably have indeed figured
out already, for yourself, that IRAN

- contrary to its big-mouthing -


that Iran fights for Criminal Minds
being in charge of your life,

and preferably globally.


They have no respect whatsoever for
life - not for your life, not for any

And so, you can not appeal to their
decency, because - very literally -
they do not have any decency,

for you or for anyone to appeal to:

Asking Hu Jintao 'to release
dissidents' might as well
ask him (Hu Jintao) to swallow


Because that is how HE "sees"
people; and that is HIS idea of

Anything that "does not
conform and do as told,"

"must be exterminated,
or re-educated"

"to fit 'the political


In reality, there is indeed not such a thing
as "different political systems"

- those "political systems" are artificial
ideas, invented solely and only to hide
Criminal Minds, and if possible to get
these in a position to dominate people.


But what IS there, is the activity of people
living together,

and there is only one way that people
live together well and get along well,
and that is simply by following THEIR
own nature

and NOT the nature of Criminal Minds,

who comprise (these form) only one
percent of the total population,

and it is only THEY who wish
to destroy any society and to
have everyone dominated and
in fear and lied to.


Again: There are no "different systems"
at all - people just live together as
they naturally do -

but Criminal Minds invent "political
systems" and they preach those,

and sometimes their 'preaching'
is done with a bayonet, and
with Concentration Camps,

because THEY want to ruin life,
THEY want to have Criminal Minds
controlling or 'governing' life, your
life, anyone's life.


That is their CONSTANT intention,

and it will be their continual,
invariable intention and work
and desire - also

in the next hundred years,
and also

in the next thousand years,
and so on,

because - which you do not know
EITHER, it is so, that - Criminal
Minds do not change, they are
irreparable souls.


So you have to plan for that,
and NOT to educate your children
into being morons who have no
idea of the realities of life

other than how a computer
works, how objects work,

while they do not even know,
THAT Criminal Minds exist,

let alone how to recognize these
and how to behave in their
vicinity, and what rights these
have in a normal society. *(1)


Surely, one can hear what a Criminal
Mind says, and they can be cared for

- you can ask a Criminal Mind,
what he or she wants and likes
and does not like,

and possibly he or she may even
tell you some truth,

and you may need the information
in order to care for him (for
Hu Jintao) and for other Criminal
Minds -

but THEY HAVE NO VOTE in deciding, what
you or others should do or not do, or

how to spend community money and what
activities to engage in, for instance
to handle disasters or tragedies or


Therefore, China has NO vote in
any United Nations Organization,
LET ALONE in any Security Council,

and the same applies to any other
dictatorships run by Criminals,

until those countries have
returned to a constitutional
damocracy with ACTUAL
protection of its citizens,
and ACTUAL security for its

again, where Criminal Minds,
as in most civilized societies,


But you refuse to see that, that
Criminals have no right to vote,
let alone that they have no right
to be elected:

So I am explaining to you again,
that they,

Criminal Minds and the Cowards
that they influence, that they

have and execute the goal to destroy
life, that they intend to make things
NOT go well

- which they have shown you
over and over indeed -

so their "vote," their intention,

no matter how Criminal Minds
camouflage it, like "they are
protecting you," "they provide
stability," or "they are securing
your jobs at the Boeing factory,"

camouflaged as their "protecting
your Islamic culture - or earlier,
your Arian-German culture,"

they do that only to deceive you,
which you should know by now;

their vote and efforts

will ALWAYS be, towards destroying
ANY society. But you rather believe
their lies, much like an animal does
not care, that it will be slaughtered
tomorrow as long as it gets food today...



People exist, whether you can see or feel them or not,
they are NOT "illusions,"

and Life is NOT an illusion, not at all. (*)


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
hjuman rlights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(*) Quoted and edited from:

'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth'
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5}
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)


(1) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)


Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - hjuman rlights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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May 2, 2006, 7:57:52 AM5/2/06
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization
Well, if it ain't the Dutch troll from Amsterdam again.

May 3, 2006, 12:03:12 AM5/3/06
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