On 2017-09-04 00:06, 'Bastian Greshake Tzovaras' via openSNP:
development & operation wrote:
> Hey Philip,
> Thanks for getting in touch with us! We've moved the most of our
> communications to Gitter:
Ah . . excellent!
> And the GitHub issues are another place where much is happening. I've
> seen that you found those already.
> Either way is fine for getting in touch. Whatever works best for you!
> Thanks to Helge the website is up again.
Yes, thanks Helge too!
> I'm at a wedding today, that's why any detailed discussions on my
> part will have to wait for tomorrow.
No urgency, I imagine I will involved with this project for some time .
> Have a great Sunday!
Well mine's just over (Sydney time) and it was a good day but your
Sunday probably has some way to go so enjoy yours now!
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Philip Rhoades
PO Box 896
Cowra NSW 2794