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On People Wanting Delusions - And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them

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Koos Nolst Trenite

23. 9. 2002. 17:10:5923.9.02.
On People Wanting Delusions - And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them

21 September 2002
Version 2.0

They WANT to be near (that is, influenced by) the one who provides
the Delusions for them.

'And some people will want the delusions more than anything else.
They want to stay dominated, controlled ...
Your efforts are used by them to be able to better hide and keep
onto the delusions they want to keep.
And they WANT to keep destructive, hateful people as friends,
because these provide the delusions for them whenever they want
to have them.
They also enforce delusions on others, like drug addicts that try
to get others on drugs too.'

from 'Handling Psychosis And Compulsions
- A Definition Of Psychosis - Definition Of Compulsion'
(15 September 2002)


Example - Devotees Of Hubbard
"Feeling Of Truth"
Taking Their Beauty Life Energy
Example - My Mother
Example - 'The First Lady'
Eyes Open By Accident
Opening The Eyes - Verifying Past Lives
Recovering Friends Of Old
Craving For Delusions
Footnote 1 - Delusion Of Being Helped
Footnote 2 - Mundane Facts Of Living
Footnote 3 - Real Understanding Of Criminal Minds
Footnote 4 - What Is Protection Against Criminal Minds

[Example - Devotees Of Hubbard]

The Delusion many in the newsgroup (and
those that are forbidden by Hubbard to read it) want and crave for,
is the Delusion, the "Certainty of Truth" which Hubbard projects at
them, that he, Hubbard, is NOT what he really is - that "he is NOT"
an extremely Ugly and extremely treacherous, most violently
destructive and maliciously lying individual and hidden manipulator
and hidden impersonator.

The Black Magician Hubbard projects, creates, manufactures, and
provides for them the Delusion that "he is not" the one who
destroyed them all, that "he is not" the one who causes their
blindness not only now, but who destroyed them in their past (lives)
so that he now can pretend to help them.

The "Certainty of Truth" - with which Hubbard spices also his
lectures and his 'Fundamentals of (Criminal) Thought,' and his
mafiosi 'Axioms' and his false 'Scales' and his death 'Factors' and
so on - is just a type of Life Energy, which can be used, and is
mis-used by criminal minds, to give you or others the FEELING,
the "Certainty of Feeling Truth."

["Feeling Of Truth"]
Such a "Feeling of Truth" (that particular type of Life Energy -
Golden Life Energy if you want to have it in terms of Fine Particle
Physics) is however entirely separate from truth: Truth simply being
'that what happened.'

So you see the people there acting with the utmost irrationality,
because they are in this - historically called Satanic - grip of
Hubbard, and in the grip of those who support him, in the grip of his
Delusion, his projected "Certainty of Truth."

But truth is that what happened, and not a 'Feeling of Certainty' of
what - from the projected Delusion - you are supposed to feel

(And neither is truth determined by lie-detectors because these react
the same way on Delusions as on truth, sadly enough: They only react
to Life Energy Fluctuations. And the machine does not ask whether
these fluctuations are about truth or about "Certainties of Feeling
That you have to ask by yourself, if you could see through the
Delusions, which you can't for lack of Energy to do so, or because
of the very Energy of layers of Delusions.)

[Taking Their Beauty Life Energy]
He provides for them, by taking much of their Beauty Life Energy and
by holding it out to them as if it is HIS (as if it is not stolen),
Hubbard provides the illusion - which becomes for them a Delusion
because they don't look through it - the Delusion, the "Certainty of
Truth," that it is not they themselves who are, or to be precise,
who once were so Beautiful and Wise and Responsible, but that it is
"Hubbard who is the nice and wise and great guy."***

So they, in Delusion, then give Hubbard Admiration, which are Life
Energy Particles - they give him more of their Life Energy - which
he uses again to make them unaware of his extreme Ugliness and which
he uses to take away from them the Connecting or Awareness type of
Life Energy with which they WOULD be able to see how he destroys and
destroyed them and others in their past lives.*

[Example - My Mother]

This is a very real and apparently very common situation:

My mother wants to be with my father because he takes away from her
the Life Energy with which she else would have seen - felt,
experienced consciously and responsibly - his extreme Ugliness.
And then he uses that very Life Energy he takes from her, in order
to be himself alive and pretend to be responsible for her, and she
wants to be near that... after all it's her own Energy!

As soon as he is away from her for a week or so, she suddenly is a
rather beautiful and somewhat responsible woman again, but feeling
(and telling me) she misses him so much.

What does she miss? HE provides for her the illusion, the Drugging
Life Energy, which makes it seem that the extreme Ugliness that she
experiences in Life, and from him, "does not exist."

That's what SHE gets out of it, that's what SHE wants. But also he
has - from earlier activities in which such individuals practiced
spiritual enslavement by pulling away the Life Energy of others -
he already has a lot of her Beauty Energy to begin with.
So without having the faintest idea about that - and he is not going
to tell her - she is also attracted to him because of that (because
of being attracted to her own stolen Beauty Energy). He already had
a big chunk of it when they met this life time, and so she wanted
to be together with him.

And this is how I felt attracted to some people too - they had my
own Beauty Energy, stolen from me in earlier life times.

[Example - 'the First Lady']

It's the same with Stephanie (referred to in my writing as 'The First
Lady') and her daughter Tiffany.

Stephanie does not want to experience the extreme Ugliness of her
daughter, how much her daughter Tiffany Hates and Envies her Beauty
and wants to keep her mother destroyed spiritually.

This, destroying Stephanie, she did too in her previous life time as
Stephanie's "best friend" Cheryl, who committed suicide just to show
that Stephanie's is a weak person, that even the greatest output
of Stephanie's Love and the most intense power of Stephanie's music
is "too weak," "too small," is "incapable of keeping even a
'perfectly healthy, and best friend' - Cheryl - from wanting to and
managing to destroy herself by committing suicide. Which Cheryl did,
which was intended by Cheryl, to break and which indeed did break
Stephanie's heart for good, and which made Stephanie even easier
prey for other "friends."

That's life how it is lived here on Earth and in certain other

And there were life times before that, where this "best friend
Cheryl," shortly thereafter reborn as "beautiful daughter Tiffany,"
there were earlier life times, much earlier, when this "best friend"
inflicted the most grueling, extremely Ugly torture onto her who is
now her mother Stephanie.

Stephanie WANTS the Delusion that it is all not so, so that she does
not have to face the extreme Ugliness of it, the extremely Ugly lies
about it, and so that she does not have to act upon such knowledge.
She wants the "Certainty of Truth" - that the Delusion provides -
to replace the truth.

And her daughter, Tiffany, fulfills that wish for her, by smashing
the Beauty Energy of Stephanie, her mother, away, and by using it on
herself, putting it around herself, like a mask.

So Stephanie has what she wants: A beautiful daughter who "is like
herself," and who is her "best friend" ...once again.

This is called 'human tragedy.'

Her "beloved daughter" does what her mother Stephanie wants: She
prevents her mother from seeing the extreme Ugliness and extreme
Hate and extreme Envy - of not only her own daughter, but also that
of Hubbard and of others.

[Eyes Open By Accident]
But one time her daughter and Stephanie's boyfriend Mark, with some
other Dark individuals, caused her a nearly fatal car accident (in
1990 or thereabouts).
And that got Stephanie out of the Drugging Energy that her daughter
had kept her in, and for the first time she saw her own daughter,
Tiffany, as she really was.
There had been internal bleedings in Stephanie's head, so that she
had to move out of her head, which also caused partial paralysis
of her body that cost her months of physiotherapy to recover from.

But she saw... her perception had returned, she saw her daughter as
she really was: A cold, spiritually dead and deadly person.
Stephanie really could see - she could and did describe to the
doctors exactly how the cavities and structural damage and bleeding
in her head looked, and indeed, was.

But Tiffany was quick on the uptake: Reversing the truth that her
mother saw, Tiffany projected the lie that "her mother was not who
she was anymore," not who she had been all her life, but that "her
mother had changed," that is, "had left the body completely, and that
the derelict body was now taken by another person altogether."

(This is a standard action of these criminal minds:
'If you see me, I will pronounce you, or make you accept, that YOU
are the one who is insane.'
They reverse the truth, as I have been telling you for years,
telling you with the 'Understanding Suppression Series.')

Stephanie had not at all abandoned her body, not at any time, not for
one second, neither during nor after the car accident. But according
to the intensely evil Tiffany, her mother "was not anymore the same
person" - a lie that Tiffany projected to 'handle the situation,' the
"situation" that her mother saw, and had experienced the truth about
Tiffany's real condition, the "situation," that her mother had
gotten a glimpse of Tiffany's soul.
And indeed, it was true enough that her mother 'had changed': Her
ability to perceive had changed, had drastically increased. A whole
chunk of Life Energy with which her perception had been blocked, had

But Stephanie, according to Tiffany now, "was someone else," was a
'walk-in soul' as they call it in the jargon - and that possibility
exists in very rare occasions under certain circumstances where a
body is alive but derelict, abandoned, or in coma.

And Stephanie had been already so debilitated by Tiffany and other
New Age, yoga and ex-Scientology but Hubbard-dominated past and
present "friends" of hers, that she 'bought' the reversal of truth -
she was so shocked by seeing for the first time the naked spirit of
her daughter, that she bought the reversal of the truth that her
eyes finally saw the true condition of her daughter, which, reversed,
becomes, and became: "She herself had become insane," or she "was
another person now."
(A pretty horrible thing to do to another, don't you think so too?)

And Stephanie really 'bought' it, she even assumed Drunvalo - the
Californian New Age Black Magician - to be "her great friend" and a
"source of truth." (Drunvalo, the imposter par excellence, claims
to be a 'walk-in.')

[Opening The Eyes - Verifying Past Lives]
In that condition, Stephanie came to me - with all these syndromes and
disorders, and with falsely assumed past lives and with correct past
lives heavily invalidated and denied by her above-mentioned
"friends" and family.

That was Stephanie NOW, the same one (the same individual, the same
soul) who - once upon a time - in distant past and far forgotten
places - was a great friend, a companion musician, a consort, an
ethical being, then.

Now a confused and debilitated, cowered 'American' girl, secretly a
coward, but boasting, confused about reality, and dominated to the
point of insanity by her daughter.
('American' meaning not creating her own cultural feelings, but
taking the cliches in language and social conduct from the lowest
common denominator of life in America - not taking the care to
create her own life as she really is and wants it.)

She had been told by "friends" - who well concealed and camouflaged
their Hate and Envy, about "her past lives" - even "as animals" -
that she indeed never had.

The truth looked quite differently: In actual fact, she had been
buried for twenty thousand years under the sands of Egypt - as a
mummy, after having been made 'eternally dead' by that procedure:
She had been secretly poisoned, taken away to be "treated for her
'stroke'" caused by the hidden poison, but in fact abducted to be
mummified while still alive and conscious - not only to get rid of
her when she had found out too much about the priests - but also
for them to extract and squeeze out of her - not only out of her body
but also out of her soul - all of her Life Energy, including the Life
Energy necessary to be aware of existing.

Not just to pronounce her dead forever, but to actually really make
it so, to really make her UNABLE to ever awaken and again reincarnate
...till some archeologists happened to come along and shook her
coffin, only two hundred years ago, and woke up her soul.

Now if you can't classify this as a super crime on her, on anybody,
then your own heart has been ripped out too many times to have any
feeling or sense of justice.

Talking about murderers, you know!

[Recovering Friends Of Old]

How do I know? Stephanie came to me a wreck of 'New Age' and clair-
voyant confusion. But I tend to help those whom I love, I have a
weakness of helping those who once were my friends - and to be
honest, who wasn't? - no matter what condition they are in now.

I know them from long ago, I can see their soul, how once they were.

'Greatly love we did so many,
so much Joy and Beauty once there was...'

But you know what happened then.

'Nothing is more frightful than to have the Light of Day
be pulled away from you,
or see it blotted out,
to leave you groping in the Dark.'

Some are beyond help, they have been ruined too thoroughly.

And some have become 'Sarumans' (as Tolkien describes them - White
Magi turned into Black Magicians), others have become 'Orcs' (as
Tolkien describes them - Elves turned into destroyers of Life) they
have been destroyed so completely that they can not love anymore, but
they serve Hate and Darkness and lies only, under the pretext of, or
driven by, misguided "survival" and steered by the impulses that they
receive in the form of Life Energy Delusions projected at them.

But guided by my wonted Care and Love, I started to ask Stephanie, in
very many monitored and recorded sessions, to let her tell me and
to let her find out which were projected illusions or assumed
Delusions, and what was now actually true and what did really happen
and who did what to her, and precisely when and truly where.

Simple police detective or Sherlock Holmes work.

Because of the very obvious and recurring confusions of hers
about who she was and wasn't, and because of the many things she saw
clairvoyantly, but could not understand or place or relate to their
sources or proper places in time, I actually had no other choice.

She needed a very logical, mathematical and highly educated person,
who on top of that lacked any Hate or Envy, and who acted out of Love
and Care only - in order to get her to look again at and put all
her observations in time and place, where they belong, and to get her
to assign these to the correct sources or persons.

It's a lot of work, and IT HAS NO ROOM AT ALL FOR all the idiocies and
ideas introduced by "those who know," nor for any religions or belief
systems, nor for New Age "channeling" or Back Magic Drunvalos or
Hubbards or Tiffanies or opinions of former boyfriends, or from

[Craving For Delusions]

All it is, is simple police detective, Sherlock Holmes stuff. It took
about two years of very intense work to sort it all out, and more,
that came up on the way.

She became the most brilliant, most loving and alive and aware person
you can imagine during almost each session** - and after it, for ten
minutes, for an hour, for a few hours, for a day.
That's because I bring out the Beauty in others, that's "what I do."

Why never longer than a day? Why only for an hour, why sometimes not
for more than ten minutes?

It is because Stephanie WANTED the Delusions, she was craving for
the Drugging type of Life Energy that prevents from experiencing
the true condition of people, like her daughter and her mother, and
of those who cover up such individuals.

Stephanie had (or has, to be precise) a most intensely destructive,
violently hateful mother, who took care of destroying, completely, at
a very early age of Stephanie, the intense Joy (a connecting type of
Energy Particles, in case you are interested in Fine Particle
Physics) of experiencing the physical environment and nature. (See
the session 'Opening up the Third Eye of The First Lady' - which
describes it in detail.)

But when these individuals would pound on her by projecting the most
atrocious and most invalidating lies possible, about her and about
her goals and about her desire to Love and to Care, Stephanie rather
went into a psychotic and physically violent self- and other-
destructive fit of mis-directed Hate, than to face the intense and
extreme Ugliness of the lies that were projected at her by a bunch
of severely criminal minds Energetically ganging up on her.

She rather secretly abandoned all responsibility for herself and for
others and for life, than to be responsible for her goal of facing
Hubbard - the ultimate source of all the lies and destruction - and
she rather relinquished all responsibility for her abilities to help

She rather went into a competition with Hubbard - 'Who is better...'
Well, better at what?

You can't go into competition with a criminal, because then you would
have to commit 'better crimes' - which Stephanie ('Tulka' as she
wanted to be called by me, and 'The First Lady' as I referred to her
in my writing) finally did, sadly enough for all of us...

But luckily for all of us, her intense betrayal did not have lasting
effects. The fact that I am still alive, bears witness to that.

She was like a drug addict would - and does - go through the ashtrays
in the morning, to find the cigarette buts and to take out the used
tobacco remains and roll them into a new cigarette ...willing to be
that Ugly in order to stop feeling Ugly - which (the lie that "she IS
Ugly") was the Delusion projected (not voiced, that would give away
the source of the projection - but projected) at her by others, by
the very evil, who project at her the "Certainty of Truth" that "she
IS Ugly and Irresponsible and Hateful," so that she lets go of her
own Beauty Energy.****
They pull the same trick on others, on you, on me - and now you know
how it works, how THEY work!

Well, that's life, folks! That's what's going on all the time.
Aldous Huxley describes it in his famous book 'Brave New World' - and
now you understand the title of his book maybe, because he uses the
word 'Brave' ironically: The 'soma' - the Drug Energy, the Delusion
- is not wanted by the Brave, of course.

And that is the subject of this writing, to clarify:

'And some people will want the delusions more than anything else.
They want to stay dominated, controlled ...
Your efforts are used by them to be able to better hide and keep
onto the delusions they want to keep.
And they WANT to keep destructive, hateful people as friends,
because these provide the delusions for them whenever they want
to have them.
They also enforce delusions on others, like drug addicts that try
to get others on drugs too.'

from 'Handling Psychosis And Compulsions
- A Definition Of Psychosis - Definition Of Compulsion'
(15 September 2002)

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

[Footnote 1 - Delusion Of Being Helped]

* Footnote:
I have myself been deluded by Hubbard, as you know, and I got
out of it, gradually, I gradually got parts of my own Beauty
Energy back and away from him, starting in the fall of 1976,
when I found and got a whole chunk of my Leonardo da Vinci
Energy back - which very considerably returned my ability to see,
so you don't have to tell me anything about it that would deny

The 'dedicated' Scientologists at Saint Hill Manor in Sussex,
especially the various reincarnations of the most famous Nazis
there, did not like this at all by the way - that I had my
Beauty and Freedom returned to me - so they started a Black
Propaganda campaign against me, which they have not withdrawn up
to today.

By itself this was and is already proof enough that they were
and are not at all interested in achieving the goals Hubbard
advertises and pretends to be his own and pretends to be those of
his organizations.
And further it was and is proof that they were not, nor are,
achieving any such goals, or, when by accident it happens in
their bait-and-front-activity of regression therapy, they smash
any accidental result down as fast as possible, in order "to
have nobody higher than Hubbard" - but that's about as low, as
dishonest and as pretending as anyone can get!

[Footnote 2 - Mundane Facts Of Living]

** Footnote:
Many thousands of hours of the most brilliant and uplifting
therapy sessions - as everybody has witnessed by publication of
the recordings of all of them to the Internet - that would have
cost her, Stephanie, once 'The First Lady,' elsewhere a hundred
thousand US dollars and more.

Now that I mention the mundane but not entirely irrelevant
material facts - which some people need to guide or confirm
their feelings - Stephanie did not even pay back, and does not
intend to, up to now, the cross-ocean airplane return-ticket
that I gave her to cut down our thousand-dollar-a-month phone

Not to mention the guitar or the pearls and dresses and
restaurant dinners, that I gave her, and could give her only by
minimizing my own needs.

Not to mention all the intense Love and daily attention and
outings that I provided for her, to towns, to cinemas, to
restaurants and cafes, to concerts and musea, to village fairs,
and into nature, to mountains, to rivers and to lakes, to horse
ranches, to cherry tree orchards, to forests and to meadows.

Not to mention my insisting and getting her back into communica-
tion with old friends of hers and receiving them in my house, or
insisting she keeps in regular phone contact with them, including
her own daughter - and even when her daughter, Tiffany, refused
talk to her mother because Tiffany felt she had been found out
once again and did not want to face admitting her actual
condition to her mother, nor was her mother willing to accept her
with such a condition known, and not hidden, but spoken about, as
her daughter.

[Footnote 3 - Real Understanding Of Criminal Minds]

*** Footnote:
In much the same way, people looked up to Napoleon Bonaparte who
provided "Certainty of Truth" and "Certainty of Life" for them,
plus, of course, a ruined country and a decimated population,
driven insane not unlike the Germans were undergoing the same
projection of Delusions at them only a hundred years later.

Hubbard and Reiss, with Miscavige, now want to "control the
world," not just France or Europe, not just "having to destroy
Russia" - in order to be "the greatest" - but now they
definitely want control of the whole world and indeed they are
that intensely insane that they think they can achieve it.

They want to be 'the greatest' - the 'greatest' what?'

Well, these are very intensely criminal minds, and such
individuals do not change, though they made me believe I could
change them.

But not by treating them very decently, not by loving them, and
not by giving them all the Beauty they want, not by educating
them, and not by giving them therapy, do they change their
mind. Which is no reason to go into wild "solutions," and
often they make good craftsmen or very intelligent computer
programmers, or factory workers. But you must not put them in
charge of any others, or in any position where they can dominate
others or do too much damage to the awareness and health of
others, or, when unsupervised, to property or projects.

And they also do not change by reincarnation, I had to find out,
though it seems so when their mask is well in place.

And then they tell you for instance that "giving them all your
Energy has made them sane." But they mean, in other words, that
it's your fault - of "not giving them enough of your Energy" - if
they appear to have reverted to crime again.
To which they revert anyway - I am talking about the really
criminal minds, not about petty crime - so they say that to you
when you catch them at it.

Nor do they tell you about the fact that they do have methods to
take a lot of your Life Energy anyway, regardless of whether you
want to (are tricked into wanting to) give it or not.

Nor are they "struck with poverty or illness or pains etc.
because of their own past-life evil." Nor are they deterred, by
any such fairy tales, from committing crimes.

Nor are they punished by 'Cosmic Justice' for their past-life or
present evil deeds, (as some people say in order to shy and
shrink away from the responsibility of looking for them and
facing them), and they are also not deterred by making them
believe 'Cosmic Justice' will strike them.

No, they just continue and continue and continue for eternity if
not found out and if not continuously faced.

THEY don't educate, but you do - about them.

They are already very educated about you, you don't have to add
to that.

But you are not educated about them:
They WANT destruction - that's how they are programmed. They,
their souls, have been destroyed in that way, for the rest of
eternity - unless we find a way to undo it, after we CAN defend
ourselves against them.

And to undo their condition - AFTER we have learned to defend
ourselves against them - you first have to understand how their
mutilated mind is maintained, and how it was made so about in the
first place.

Obviously that's what you have to understand - but they will do
and are doing everything possible to make you believe it is not
necessary to understand them thoroughly.
As Francis of Assisi, I thought I did not have to understand
them - "just create an overwhelming amount of Life Energy and
connection to Life." But then I had not yet figured out the Law
of Life, the Definition of Love and Hate. (see References)

Now don't believe the charlatans and the quacks who say they
know, or who say that they know something about that - because
they don't know and it isn't known, it has never been revealed,
not at the highest levels of 'initiation' etc., simply because it
isn't known yet.

It - understanding the criminal mind and how it came about -
is buried too deeply, defended too fiercely, hidden too cleverly,
it's too strongly maintained by the criminals themselves, both on
themselves and on each other.

But you can very well help their victims, if that's what you
feel like doing. And I think this knowledge that I presented to
you, that has never been presented to you before in the last ten
or twenty thousand years and more, will get you in command of
these things, to secure your own life, and maybe that of others

Criminal minds have thoroughly hidden and destroyed this
knowledge, and there is no reason why they now suddenly would
stop doing that. In fact they didn't stop.

So, keep this knowledge well, the safest place is in your mind,
by understanding it.

And relay it to those who are willing and humble enough to admit
that they don't know, and therefore are burning to know this.

[Footnote 4 - What Is Protection Against Criminal Minds]

**** Footnote:
As you know, they do the same to me, but I have enough stability
and knowledge and such a vast amount of Beauty, that they do not
succeed with me. And I am without Hate and without Envy, and I
know truth even when the Life Energy to hold it has been hit

And I know too, now, that these people will never be friends, no
matter what you do for them, no matter how convincing their mask.
They have been mutilated that deeply, and they keep each other
mutilated continuously.
So you, we, have no other choice than to face them, and the
choice has never been otherwise than to face them.


- 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'
(29 July 2002)

- RI-1271i 'Discovery of True History of Mankind - Ninth Issue'
(1 Jan 2002)

- 'The Nature of War and Friendship' (24 Sept 1998)

- 'Religious Tolerance' (01 Nov 1995, revised 22 Oct 1996)

- RI-1194Ai 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard
- FOR YOU to live' (18 Apr 1999)
- RI-1194Bi 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard ...'
- RI-1194Ci 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard ...'
- RI-1194Di 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard ...'
- RI-1194Ei 'The First Lady FACES Demon L. Ron Hubbard ...'

Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge undominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

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