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(rev 4.1) What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths? - {HRI 20120606-V4.1-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jun 20, 2012, 2:13:38 AM6/20/12
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What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?

6 June 2012
{HRI 20120606-V4.1-t}
{FPP Note 20120606-V4.1-t}

(Version 4.1
on 20 June 2012)

(view summary by
indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)


It is not difficult to guess, that 'Energetic Violence' is the
infliction of Harmful Energies on you and on others:

Drugged Euphoria Energy, Ugliness Energy, Unawareness Energy and
Hate-Pain Energy, [DPFI]

are the basic Energies to create havoc

in you and/or in your body, *(f)

resulting in you lacking in defense against, or in your
compliance with attacking Energetic Violence, and

resulting in mishaps, in small or big accidents, as from
failure to stay properly connected to your environment

(EXCEPT staying "connected" to your environment or
"perceiving" the environment, in such a way,

as the Energetic Violence or ENERGY of Sociopaths,
would approve of or dictates

- and in the example chosen, it is Energetic
Violence from the most hideous, the most
insidious, and the most persistent and
malevolent Sociopath on Earth, that I know
of, [HRO]

the Energetically very VIOLENT Sociopath
l. ron hubbard, who intends anyone to
"perceive" others, and to "connect" to the
environment, only as he would approve of it
or dictate it)

and it is resulting in failure to connect as really

- it results in a failure to fully be 'you being
you,' you thinking and feeling and acting

and it is resulting in failure, correctly and sufficiently
to connect to other people:

to feel how these are doing and what these are
thinking or intending, that is relevant to your
own and to their life. *(e)

The infliction of Energetic Violence befalls
children too, of course, resulting also for
them, in considerable travails,

or "stress" as the current word in use,

as it does not offend any Sociopaths and
that you are thus allowed to use,

so as never to mention, let alone to
actually define, what Energetic Violence
is inflicted on you by whom.

Now what a delight would it be for children,
if their parents actually could understand
what befalls them, *(g)

not to mention the satisfaction it would
bring to parents, to understand the daily
(and also the nightly) travails of their own




And as regards Energetic Violence inflicted ON YOUR BODY, it is
not difficult to understand

- and really impossible NOT to feel -

that such Violence results in the typical bodily discomforts of
your daily and nightly life, or when you get up in the morning,
but also

eventually and then with a sudden breakdown somewhere in your
body's Life Energy structures - rupturing in some area - [TPAT]

such Energetic Violence inflicted repeatedly or with great
Violence, results in failure of your body to stay healthy in
some respect

(whatever parts or organs of the body 'gave way' to the
accumulation of Energetic Violence, *(b)

inflicted repeatedly and persistently by Sociopaths,
on and into your body).

Maybe the simplest example is, when a Sociopath, and
that from any distance, inflicts Energetic Violence

- which consists of PARTICLES - when someone
does manage to inflict such Harmful, extremely
irritating Particles of Energy

BEHIND your eyes in particular, or inside your nose
or throat, *(d)

and you or your body does not manage to push
these out again sufficiently and immediately,

then an instant sneeze or sneezes and corresponding
loss of a considerable amount of your Life Energy,
are the result - which usually is the motive of the
Sociopath for inflicting Violent Energy on someone,
on you for instance.


After all, Truth is absolute, and is necessary for
resolving the matter. When an observation seems only
personal, or appears to be contradictory between
observers, then it is

merely the DEGREE of Perception taking place, that makes
Truth SEEM "relative" or even "conflicting," as observed
from person to person.



And further, there is the Infliction of Energetic Violence in
the form of Emotions

(Emotions equally are Life Energy PARTICLES, that can
engulf you and that you can become immersed in, [LIP]

'engulfed in emotion'

- but, knowing this, you can differentiate between, on
the one hand those Emotions etc. that are normal and
that are your own,

and Emotions that are INFLICTED ON YOU, that are
inflicted in particular as Energetic VIOLENCE) inflicted
by Sociopaths on you from any distance and at any, even
the most inconvenient time,

to make you "want to" do certain things, that you normally would
not want to do at all,

which are known as compulsions, addictions, and panic

or equally inflicted Emotions, by which Sociopaths intend to
PREVENT you from doing the things that you AS YOURSELF normally
(and compassionately - but as yourself) would pursue and would
pursue in alignment with your own conscience.


And there is the Infliction of Energetic Violence by Sociopaths
on you and others, in the form of Thoughts or Ideas

(Thoughts or Ideas equally are Life Energy PARTICLES {FPP}

and in this case these are inflicted on you by Sociopaths
TO PUSH AWAY YOUR OWN Thoughts and Ideas from your mind;
the foreign Thoughts are inflicted on you) Violently or so well Camouflaged or so well Grafted onto
your own Thoughts, or to match events so well, that you think
and feel "these must be your own thoughts"

- as "your own thoughts" about yourself and about your
failures (or victories) and

as "your own thoughts" about other people and about
their victories (or failures). [FALEV],[SLOHR],[FLOHR]


The Buddhists have a whole slew of terms for these
phenomena, which were then chewed over by Sigmund
Freud, to make the confusion complete and to make it
impenetrable, and unhandleable:

rather than understanding

how Sociopaths are messing with your thoughts,
with your ideas about yourself and others,

and are messing with your emotions and desires,
and are messing with your Perception, including
your Perception of memories,

instead of understanding that,

the Buddhists are FOLLOWING the Energetic Violence
inflicted by Sociopaths also on them,

Energetic Violence that is equally inflicted
on the gurus of other schools of India's
"knowledge" about life.

Understanding the Energetic Violence, THAT would be
real 'Dharma' or Truth,

but they want Truth (Dharma) to be defined as

'What you should know and look at, IN ORDER NOT TO
have to find out and NOT to have to understand Life'
...A REVERSE "definition of Truth or Knowledge."


Such is one of the many poisonous "gifts" *(h)
from India... [EOB]

In the same way, in India, the gurus, since
thousands of years REVERSED the Definition of
Peace, [DOP],[NOW]

and they still worship and adore a Sociopath
as "the Father of the Nation" of India, and as
"the bringer of Peace." *(h), *(2)(3)(4)(5)

Such is the Energetic VIOLENCE inflicted on
the people of India.



This is COMPLETELY HIDDEN, by the way, by those people who are
"AGAINST VIOLENCE" or who claim to be "Non-Violent" *(h)

(by which they refer to physical-violence-only - ALREADY
THEREBY hiding the actual, real violence inflicted, which
is the Energetic Violence -

with tremendous, fierce Energetic Violence, they
enforce on you and on themselves, that "there is no
Evil" and that "there are no Evil people:"

That "Duality" - as they then call it in the twists
of their mind: that "Duality (of there being Good
and Evil)" - "does not exist," *(a)[ODE]

and that already proves their abject cowardice, and their
intention, that

YOU MUST COMPLY with Energetic Violence and you must
comply with those - with the Sociopaths - who inflict it)


these want you to believe, that violence "is ONLY physical" *(h)
(you know their proverb, 'ONLY sticks and stones
may break your bones' - a most Ugly lie of theirs,
as so many other proverbs are popular lies, too) -

because they DENY the actual, the real, the Life-strangling
VIOLENCE, which is Energetic Violence

- denying it to exist, denying the existence of Energetic
Violence most obviously, when they themselves DO use it,
using it insidiously -

Energetic VIOLENCE that "nobody must look at or mention"
but that is nevertheless,

existing everywhere, and is most fiercely being exerted on you
and on anyone by Criminal Minds (by Sociopaths).


I remind you, with Fine Particle Physics, that Life Energy
knows NO DISTANCE; meaning:

Energetic Violence occurs, it is projected, it is inflicted
on you and on anyone, INSTANTLY and from any distance, no
matter how far,

from wherever a Criminal Mind (or Criminal Soul) might be.


Also THAT is hidden by the "most intelligent scientists
on Earth," who - 'relatively' speaking of course - want to
measure Life by means of PHOTONS and MOLECULES. (!)

I never told you this, but Criminal Minds have
everything IN REVERSE.

Now you know.


'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' [DPFI]
(Check for publication of a newer version of it, probably soon)




What logically follows, then, is (as a subject):

I only mention here briefly two of the most common
approaches that almost everyone uses, and that COMPLY
actually with the Energetic Violence inflicted. *(6)

Defense against (the Energetic Attacks coming from) Sociopaths,

and in this example, Energetic VIOLENCE coming from and inflicted
by the most persisting, the most insidious and devious, and the
most malevolent Source of Energetic Violence: l. ron hubbard, as
you already may have been informed. [HRO]


Defense against (the Energetic Attacks coming from) Sociopaths, and
defense against the mentioned Sociopath:

1. "He does not exist" (or, "he is dead," by which they mean
the same) - is not a good defense, in most circumstances;

yet it is most commonly used, by almost anyone, as
a "defense" and as a justification for not at all
looking at what Energetic Violence is inflicted on
you or on your body.

It is a "handling" of your problems - denial as a form of
"handling" - which does not even classify as a defense,

as what we normally mean with 'defense.'

It certainly does not defend others.


2. 'Disconnecting from him (from Energetic Violence inflicted
by a particular source or individual, on you and others),
in this example, disconnecting from l. ron hubbard),

severing all Energetic (feeling, thoughts and ideas) type
connection with a source of Malice and Ugliness,

is a rather similar "handling"

- rather similar to (1.) "He does not exist" -

but at least it does somewhat recognize the Source of

and it states also, that you do not want to have anything
to do with his (or her) actions or ideas, with him (with
l. ron hubbard in this case).

But again, that does not really classify as actual
defense, in case he attacks you - attacks you also with
or even only with Energetic Violence, or attacks others,
or attacks you via others

- which he certainly does, and will do -

and to then pretend, that "nobody hates you," etc.,
and that "nobody has any reason to attack you," is
not a defense against it; [POLA]

and in any case, he attacks you via the society as a
whole, and via those - who OTHERWISE would have been your
friends, but - who instead, are being kept under the
influence of Energetic VIOLENCE,

in this example the Energetic Violence inflicted on
them by l. ron hubbard and his co-Sociopaths.



Actual defenses against Energetic Violence inflicted, are many, of
See [DPFI] (under References) for a recent and most
comprehensive yet concise summary of the subject of
actual Defense, in a Human Rights Issue (HRI)

that you should really know by heart, so that WHEN YOU
NEED IT, you have the data, the knowledge, instantly at
hand, in your mind.

Again: Actual defenses against Energetic Violence inflicted, are many,
of course.

Not looking at it, however, and looking away from it, or denying
it to exist, or denying the source of the Violence to exist,
does not really classify as defense.


While I am probably far more than anyone else under constant
attack of Energetic Violence, [POLA]

I do nevertheless prefer to stay healthy, and I recommend the
same to you,

no-matter-how great and intricate and frequent or
insidious, the Energetic Violence inflicted on you
may be, and possibly is.


People generally like to help, so, tell them

let normal, kind people - let even me, if you like,
in your thoughts - know that you are being hurt,

that you have been hurt by Energetic Violence
inflicted on you and on your body, by someone,

also if you do not know, which Sociopath(s) inflicted it,
and also if you do not know, how they did inflict it.


Truth is absolute, you see:

To set you free from inflicted Energetic Violence,
you need absolute Truth, and NOT "feel-good truth."


It means looking at the real, actual Harmful Energy
inflicted, and - most efficient, it is also - to
look at who, at which Sociopath (living or deceased)
did and does inflict Energetic Violence on you, or
at and into your body. *(i)
{extended definition}


People DO like to give help very much, you know - the
problem is however created BY Sociopaths, by DENYING
Energetic Violence even to exist!

Hence, the Licensed Medical Profession plays a
most gruesome and very dark role... [MDSF]

As discussed elsewhere, both Western and
Eastern medicine do propagate that Darkness

- and that since thousands of years,
which does however not make it less
Dark and not less horrendous -

that they are propagating that Darkness

to their clients and to their students alike.

That's on the subject of Energetic Violence - the most
important subject there is anyway, meaning on Earth.



If you are comfortable with looking at people who are living,

and should you - with a really caring and by consequence
inquisitive mind - be thus properly inclined, to recognize
and describe Energetic Violence, [IJC]

then you might want to look at any dictator,

and observe a considerable amount of Energetic VIOLENCE

(not to be confused with physical violence, which is an
entirely different thing - but, you might be willing to
look at)

Energetic VIOLENCE emanating from living dictators, such as from
Russia's Vladimir Putin, and from China's Hu Jintao, that these
inflict on others,


(journalism start)

whereby I would like to note, that THE journalists
as well as THE politicians,

STILL now refuse to understand the very simple fact,
that for instance Vladimir Putin

(see also Masha Gessen's extensive biography
on Putin, 'The Man Without a Face - The Rise
of a Street Thug')

to understand the very simple fact

(that Vladimir Putin) IS a Sociopath:

This makes all his utterances and his actions
perfectly understandable and predictable to

you would - as a journalist for instance, you
would - ask him totally different questions,

because you know already beforehand, what he
is going to say to regular accusations - by
his very nature, he feels a REVERSAL of what
is true and false, of good and evil - his
whole mind, as that of any Sociopath, is
"wired" very differently, he has a REVERSE

Try and get the idea, that you are talking to
a Mankind-hating dictator,

and THEN ask relevant questions, that he does
not know how to answer...

(journalism end)


or if you like, look at more obvious and smaller minds,
of Sociopaths such as Cuba's Fidel Castro, or of Iran's
Khamenei, just to name a few.




Wholly their opposite, I do remain (or 'je maintiendrai,' in historic
French, if you like),

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(a) Non-Duality, translated into Sanskrit as 'Advaita' (A-dvaita),

which then (it being a Sanskrit word) - automatically
"proves it (the imagined condition that life is "Advaita")
to be factually existing,

not unlike Western medical terms being concocted
out of Latin and Greek words, into Gobblede-Greek,

to "prove their factuality" and to imply 'scientific
recognition'," [MDSF]

this type of enforcement of "what is accepted as 'true'")

is part of their inflicting Energetic Violence on you:

With fierce Energetic Violence, those individuals enforce on you
- and on themselves too - that, "there IS NO Evil, really,"

and that "there are NO Evil people" (by which they mean to
tell you, that "they themselves can thus also NOT possibly
be Evil") [ODE],[DPFI]

(there are however about a hundred million truly and
irreparably Evil people living on Earth,

and they are so, REGARDLESS of their social position,
wealth, education, religion, gender, race or age

- people are SOULS, remember,

and to elaborate on that further, any soul is
wholly different from the vital Energy of any

which tells you all about current "science" and
of India's "religions' -

as you know or can easily establish; but THEY enforce
ANYWAY, that "there is no Evil"

- by which they simply, and only, want to say:

'DO NOT FACE EVIL PEOPLE or Evil acts' and 'DO NOT

the existence of Good and Evil,

that "Duality" - as they, in the twist of their mind then
call it -

"is only imaginary, is not real," they want to enforce; and they
use great ENERGETIC VIOLENCE to enforce that deadly lie. [ODE]

And an inseparable part of their lie is, that Energetic
Violence itself "does not exist,"

but Energetic Violence, as noted in the text above, and
elsewhere, consists of very distinct, very defined and,
to anybody, very well felt PARTICLES of Harmful Life
Energy - inflicted by Criminal Minds on others (and on
themselves, too).

These PARTICLES have very distinct qualities, very
distinct colors, and produce very distinct effects,
that anyone can establish:

They are not at all "Not-existing..."

But Criminal Minds know, that by means of certain Inflictions of
Energetic Violence, people can and will,

for as long as it lasts (which can be many millennia),

(then people can and will) accept any lie - no matter how
destructive to themselves and to others - they

accept any lie, even with very dire consequences for themselves
and others, as being "true and factual"

- look in the history books, for much and easiest proof.


(b) Whichever parts or organs of the body 'gave way' to the
accumulation of Energetic Violence

- consisting of the mentioned Harmful Energy which are
actual, located Life Energy PARTICLES acting on your
body - Energetic Violence

inflicted repeatedly and persistently, by Sociopaths, at and
into your body, from any distance.


(c) People generally like to help: So, tell them

(but not to any Sociopaths hidden as "friends" or
hidden as "experts" or hidden as professionals,

the health care business by the way - and that on
all levels of the health care industry - is infested
with many who have chosen that (a health care
profession), as

a secure position for "well-adjusted" Sociopaths,
the more easily to inflict Energetic Violence on
the weak and the defenseless and on the not-knowing
who are presenting themselves to be helped:

in this way, the Sociopaths in a hidden manner, as
always - indeed fully trusted and with command of
authority over others, as they desire to be - do
however prey on the Life Energies of those who have
been already hurt badly and

WHO - being weak or otherwise injured - CANNOT
DEFEND THEMSELVES well against Energetic Violence
inflicted on them, [DPFI]

or who may have been put under the influence
of drugs that diminish or distort Perception,

while Perception is, of course, the main
factor in defending yourself from
Energetic Violence inflicted on you.

So, knowing that, and ALSO knowing the gruesome and
truly sickening LACK of understanding - and knowing
about the FALSE "knowledge" - that is the norm in
current medical "science" and practice)

then you RATHER want to

let normal, kind people know - and let even me, if you
like, in your thoughts know - that you are being hurt,
that you have been hurt by Energetic Violence inflicted
on you and inflicted on your body,

also if you do not know, WHICH Sociopath(s) inflicted it,
and also if you do not know, HOW they did inflict it.

Truth is absolute, you know:

To set you free from inflicted Energetic Violence,
you need absolute Truth, and NOT "feel-good truth."


(d) Maybe the simplest example is, when a Sociopath
(from any distance) inflicts Energetic Violence
BEHIND your eyes in particular, or inside your nose
or in your throat, which,

if you can't strongly control your body's
reaction to it and if you can NOT quickly
enough and strongly enough, push or blow the
attacking Particles of the Energetic Violence,
again out of your body, which then

results in an instant sneeze, or sneezes, and in
the corresponding loss of your Life Energy, and in
weakening of your Defenses against such hits.


(e) And - you might be willing to admit (or you
might even be that sane and caring towards
others as to teach or show them, that)

feeling the condition of others IS NOT a
matter of photons or sound waves at all, [IPA]
but IS

a matter of Perception, which - including the
Perception of photons and of sound waves - is
done with your Perception-type Energy.
[DPFI], [iFPP], [IPA]


(f) A true story, that I commented on in order to explain,
what the victim of truly deadly Energetic Violence,
herself NEVER did acquire an understanding of, in her
life time.

Instead, she entered the morass of esoteric "knowledge,"
"to study the subject of Life" but never to face Life and
Evil itself - as you see the New Age people do the same:

to PRETEND to themselves, and to each other, "that THEY DO
face Life" and that "THEY DO know much more about Life,
than others are allowed 'by the society,' to know."


I commented on that episode in her life, of Violet Firth,
or Dion Fortune by her pen-name, I commented upon it in
2004, when my writing style was still mostly consisting
'mathematics type constructs of grammatically
correct sequences of words, indented to make those
constructions more visible to the interested eye.'

which prompted Petra Zuidinga, writer of the
autobiographical book 'De Noordzee-vrouw en andere
herinneringen'*(1) with own past life regressions,

to tell me - a few years earlier already, when I
showed her some of my own writing of that time -
she said about it, in a very kind voice (being very
naturally caring to preclude any possibility of
discouraging my writing activity), she said:

"But (please), PEOPLE have to read it,"

saying it so kindly, that it took me some
time, to decode its meaning, as I simply
felt her intention 'to encourage me doing
more writing.'

So maybe I will find time to write a much better version
of [NLDNUCM]. But you can read it, in what is already
Version 2.7 (written in 2007):

'Normal Life Disaster From Not Understanding A Criminal
Mind' (commenting on a true story of Extraordinary
Energetic Violence inflicted by a Sociopath on someone)
[NLDNUCM] (see under References, below)


(g) But parents generally do not know this consciously, and
parenthood then turns, for many, soon into a mystery about
the seeming lack of logic, the seeming lack of reason and
the seeming lack of responsibility in some children, or
parents are in mystery about the emotions and upsets that
their children might at times display or be mired in.

Then you hear parents cling desperately onto folklore or the
ruminations of the even less knowledgeable, that are published,
with a kind tone of authority - in order to sell well - these
are published in magazines for parenthood, with psychological
(meaning socially easily digestible) observations, and the
conclusions and advice to go with these, about parenting.


(h) They want Truth (Dharma) to be defined, as

'What you should know and look at, IN ORDER NOT TO
have to find out and NOT to have to understand Life'

...A REVERSE "definition of Truth or Knowledge."

Such is one of the many poisonous "gifts" to Life,
from India... [EOB]

In the same way, it was also in India, that they REVERSED the
Definition of Peace. [DOP]

And such is the Energetic VIOLENCE inflicted by an
individual there,

that they, in India, and in much of the world still,
revere him - a severe Sociopath, an entirely mendacious
Mankind-hater - as "the Father of the Nation of India,"

exalting him as "the Non-Violent bringer of Peace and
Independence to India," which is as far from the truth
as you can get:

Mohandas "Mahatma" (meaning 'great spirit') Gandhi was
in actuality a man of great Energetic Violence and
Ugliness, motivated with an intense Hate and Contempt
for people, *(2)(3)(4)(5)

he loathed people enjoying being alive for and with each
other. [ODE]


(i) A book by Barbara Brennan about Healing the Life Energy Field
of the Human body, 'Healing Hands' I believe, is the book in
which these drawings appear, it has some very instructive color
pictures drawn by her, and

in one drawing of what she observes, a deceased mother creates
and holds a beam of (she flows) Dark-Red Life Energy Particles
towards the body of her daughter,

who is at that moment being treated by Barbara Brennan's
Healing Hands, to repair some of her body's Life Energy

So there you have a visual representation of a deceased person,
the mother, flowing Hate and Destruction Energy (Dark Red)
Particles towards the body of her (living) daughter.

Barbara Brennan SEES this, and shows it in her drawing of the
event, including the deceased mother as the source of the
inflicted, very Harmful Energy, but Barbara DOES NOT UNDERSTAND

Barbara Brennan, a very nice person, suffers nevertheless from
the 'Fog of Certainty'

- through her studies and contacts that most clairvoyants
seek or are being introduced to, with "knowledge" based
on the spiritual destruction coming from India with
Hinduism, Buddhism, and via Blavatsky, Steiner and more
modern day New Age gurus, to the West -

"SHE KNOWS ABOUT SPIRITUAL THINGS," namely, what she has learned
from the Hindu-to-New-Age strain of extremely false "spiritual"
knowledge about Life.

So reading the text of her book, is a strain on the mind because
for each very useful and correct observation, which I am very
grateful for, there then come two (so to speak, two)
"explanations" or "understandings" of hers which are things
she has not observed herself at all, but which are the
common assumptions by all clairvoyants you might say, and which
is the completely FALSE framework and are the completely FALSE
and highly destructive ideas and "explanations of life's
phenomena," that come from Hinduism etc.!!

That is of course very annoying. And after my working with and
studying many clairvoyants, my conclusion and emphatic advise
is (of course about genuine, real clairvoyants):

Take their data, their observations, but not their
"understanding" or interpretation or life philosophy
about what they observe or that they have concocted
from what they observed.

IF you have the opportunity, then toss all their false
terminology (about spirits etc.) away...

Often they make a living with their clairvoyance, and so
they are ALREADY filtering all data, all observations, and
they hide a lot of data,

in order to stay in business, and "to not lose
friendships or other support," and

so as not to come in conflict with Sociopaths and not to
draw onto them too much of the Sociopaths' ENERGETIC
VIOLENCE (which is the subject of this HRI).

Some police officers are very severe Sociopaths,
and they do not feel kindly about the possibility
of THEMSELVES being exposed by some clairvoyant
perceiving their actual intentions or certain of
their activities.

So you ARE - in their eyes, "a REAL suspect" and a
"REAL danger to society" who should be incapacitated
or put away.

And using their Energetic VIOLENCE, they will get
others to cooperate with him in order to "eradicate
you completely and forever." [BANO]

Anyway, clairvoyants are complying in their Perceptions,
with the general Energetic Violence that is always
present, and they probably also adjust their Perception
in particular, to not anger some Extreme Sociopaths that
they refuse to face and whose Energetic Violence they will
not stand up to, much less, penetrate.

It's all a spiritual world, you see, and THOUGHT
'knows no distance,' so people are likely to be
noticed, when they have a thought or look at
something, that displeases such an Extreme

But, if you have the opportunity, then, in order to find
out "unwanted" truth, you might want to ask them precise
and very down to Earth questions, and even then, they will
try to 'butter around it,' with some detail to evade the
subject further, and simply, to make you satisfied so you
stop asking precisely for what SHOULD be known and what
SHOULD be faced, that IS of real and present value.

On the other hand, you might be asking too detailed a
question, which then misdirects the clairvoyant into not
seeing the correct, big enough picture, but only a very
small part that may thus distort or even give a reverse
"understanding" of what is or was really going on,

which you know by the term 'taken out of context.'

That violates the fact, that Truth is absolute, by
(intentionally, or through ignorance) wanting to have
the bigger and necessary picture NOT seen, or "NOT

because you have been overwhelmed BY Energetic Violence,
into, let's say, 'the Earth being flat' (but Truth is
absolute), so you get into trouble, when a clairvoyant
sees a satellite in orbit around the Earth,

Thus that is a pitfall, when you ask about a subject that
you know very little of, or that you know many things
VERY WRONGLY about. Your (or not your, but someone else's)
questions get kind of destructive to Truth, to absolute
Truth, even though you do get some details, it feels kind
of artificial.

I mentioned elsewhere - I believe in the First Law of
Human Rights, or in [ADCT] (see References), that the
Intention to Perceive, and the Intention to be Certain
of something, are similar, and easily get intertwined,
in particular in clairvoyants.

So, the Fog of Certainty gets on the way of Perception.

That matches a trait of the Sociopaths, who suffer - you
might say - fully and permanently from

Extreme Certainty Fog (or 'ECF'):

They "KNOW" that Good people "are Evil," and all evidence
to the contrary, is thereby proven "false or entirely

A typical and recent example is someone from
Amnesty International who demanded, that George W.
Bush be arrested by the Canadian Government,

for some intentional mass-murderers, being given
repeatedly the feeling of drowning, in order to get
information to protect the American people from
their organized and mass-murderer-friends.

They no doubt found it very unpleasant to have been
given those feelings against their will:

They rather experienced to create for themselves the
joy of making thousands or if they got the chance,
even millions of innocent people suffer and have
their lives or the lives of family and friends

I did not find out, who the Amnesty International
executive is, whether it is the woman from India,
currently heading Amnesty International, or a deputy
and, whether that person is a Sociopath or merely
immersed in the Energies of Sociopaths,

by which he or she demanded George W. Bush be
arrested by the Canadian Government, "for torturing

Again, it is the typical stance of the Sociopath,
to insist on some small and generalized detail, and
to DELIBERATELY and persistently hammer on that in
order to try and have others take it out of very
much context and to leave out the major part of the
Truth which is 'done out what ACTUAL, and not
pretended, but actual, Absolute-Truth type actual,
INTENTIONS for the actions.

The 'fixate on detail and omit true intentions'
stance is so typical of Sociopaths, that you
might want to keep it very well in memory,

to instantly detect any Sociopaths crossing
your path, who try to implicate you or someone
else and who want to drag you into a very
false conviction and thus in creating havoc to
the society (and to you).



(1) Petra Zuidinga: 'De Noordzee-vrouw en andere herinneringen'
Tasso uitgeverij BV, Amsterdam 1997 (128 pp)

Interestingly, she indeed did manage to follow her dream to live
at the 'Noordzee' beach, running a small hotel in Zandvoort by
the sea, and taking artful sowing commissions for pillows and


(2) "Gandhi was ... professing his love for mankind as a concept,

quoted from:

"Here's what Wall Street Journal's Andrew Roberts had to say
about Gandhi in his review [of the latest biography of Gandhi}:"

"'Gandhi was therefore the archetypal 20th-century
progressive intellectual, professing his love for
mankind as a concept while actually despising people
as individuals.'"

"The [author of the book, the Pulitzer Prize-winning] former
executive editor of New York Times [Joseph Lelyveld], brings us
the latest biography of Mohandas Gandhi, titled Great Soul,
where he lays it all out [in his review of the book].

'20110328 Gandhi's Darkside Revealed in New Book -'

(3) quoting Gandhi himself:

Gandhi: "I cannot imagine a thing as ugly as the intercourse of
men and women."

with sources mentioned by his biographer Lelyveld:

"The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi,
supplementary volume five (volume 95 or 96 in the full set)
contains Gandhi's correspondence with [secret and homosexual
lover, the bodybuilder] Kallenbach.
This was first published in 1994."

"Kallenbach's datebook and diary, which is in the archive
at the Sabarmati Ashram in Amhedabad."

file: '20110329 Book claims german man was gandhi's secret love, News - Cover Story - Mumbai Mirror.html'
file: '20110328 Book Claims Gandhi Was in Love With a Jewish Bodybuilder - The Shmooze -'

(4) "Nine-tenths of the violence and unhappiness in this country,
[India] derives from sexual repression"

quoted from:

"In the words of the Indian writer Khushwant Singh, 'nine-tenths
of the violence and unhappiness in this country [India] derives
from sexual repression.'

"Gandhi isn't singularly to blame for India's deeply problematic
attitudes to sex and female sexuality.
But he fought, and succeeded, to ensure the country would never
experience sexual freedom while his legend persevered."

file: '20100131 | The Art and Culture of the Diaspora | A Repressed Mohandas Gandhi Shaped A Repressed India.html'

(5) "Gandhi was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a
fanatical faddist - one who was often downright cruel to those
around him."

quoted from:

"In the Wall Street Journal, conservative historian Andrew
Roberts writes,

'[The recent Gandhi biography] "Great Soul" also
obligingly gives readers more than enough information
to discern that [Gandhi] was a sexual weirdo, a political
incompetent and a fanatical faddist

- one who was often downright cruel to those around him.'

file: '20110330 Gandhi biography discussing his sexuality is banned in some Indian states - page 2 -'

(6) Even advocated, by the guru who called himself Osho who is
revered in the West by some for his getting off the beaten path
of the typical Hindu guru.

He has a basic "spiritual" exercise however, for his devotees,
by which you must learn to drift WITH (the Energetic Violence
inflicted on you),

INSTEAD OF becoming aware of what it is and understanding it,
and THEN deciding what is the best course of action.

And he has many more ideas, which are definitely not checked by
him towards Absolute Truth, but he does not admit that.


[MLRH] 'The monstrosity l. ron hubbard, and your refusal to face Life
itself' [MLRH]
{HRI note 20120425-V2.0}(draft)
(25 April 2012 - Version 2.0 also on 25 Apr 2012 )

[SCFHU]'The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame
- the 'Hollywood "Underworld" '
{HRI 20090204-V5.0} [SCFHU]
(4 February 2009 - Version 5.0 on 6 Mar 2009)

[ANTIN] 'Earth Condition in a Nutshell: REVERSAL of what is Normal -
the 'Anti-Normal' DEMANDS'
{HRI 20071208-V2.3} [ANTIN]
(8 December 2007 - Version 2.3 on 11 Apr 2012)
(former Title):
'The Anti-Normal: 'The Abnormal Must REPLACE the Normal' '

[EOB] 'Koos Nolst Trenite on the Essence of Buddhism'
{HRI note 20071109-V2.2} [EOB]
(9 November 2007 - Version 2.2 on 11 Apr 2008)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.2} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.2 on 15 Mar 2012)

[TPAT]'The Two Parts Of Any Therapy (incl. Definition of Living Body)'
{HRI 20110703-V1.1.1} [TPAT]
(3 July 2011 - Version 1.1.1 on 4 Jul 2011)

[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent
to each other - in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305-V2.7} [ZTA]
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)

[POLA] 'A Poem of Our Love, and Our Adventures'
{HRI 20020717-V5.6} [POLA]
(17 July 2002 - Version 5.6 on 9 Nov 2008)

[FALEV] 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V4.2} [FALEV]
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.2 on 22 May 2012)

[SLOHR] 'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1} [SLOHR]
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

[FLOHR] 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V3.5} [FLOHR]
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations'
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.2} [MDSF]
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.2 on 18 Oct 2011)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[IDCM]' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1} [IDCM]
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

[iFPP] Introduction to Fine Particle Physics {iFPP}

[NLDNUCM] 'Normal Life Disaster From Not Understanding A Criminal Mind
(A True Story)' (Violet Firth, with alias Dion Fortune)
{HRI 20040927-V2.7} [NLDNUCM]
(27 Sept 2004 - Version 2.7 on 17 Oct 2004)

[LIP] 'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2} [LIP]
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

[DOP]'Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)
(reposted with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)
'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.4} (no tabs layout)
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

[ADCT] 'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future'
{HRI 20040617-V3.8} [ADCT]
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.8 on 29 August 2004)

[BANO] 'Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)'
{HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1} [BANO]
(19 August 2009 - Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009)

[IJC] Introduction to Journalism Course (by the author, and based on a
sequence of HRI's with the slogan
'TOO FAR above THE Journalists, people are not "Anti-American".'


[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011) ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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