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The violation of inertia with a new design rail gun in motor mode

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Arindam Banerjee

Nov 9, 2023, 8:44:55 PM11/9/23
The violation of inertia with a new design rail gun in motor mode
Arindam Banerjee,
HTN Research Pty Ltd. Melbourne
10 Nov 2023
(All rights reserved)

(Given the impossibility I have found of publishing my revolutionary new work in fundamental physics in any physics journal, I took the novel step of publishing them with photos, texts and videos in the online medium of Facebook. Texts, videos and graphs were presented in about 8 postings. Minor edits have been made to the texts published online, below. Prior to the Facebook posts, my work has been published in YouTube and Usenet. Those links are also presented here, for completion. For elaboration and defence of my new ideas and approaches, I would request the reader to visit the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics, and search the postings there for the last 25 years or so, using my name as one of the keywords.)
Violation of Inertia 1 – Chart 1 shows movement of the armature of the rail gun
This is the first of 6 graphs which I have made about my recent rail gun experiments, in motor mode, that I have published in my Facebook timeline. It shows what happens in about 2 - 3 seconds. The spring action moves the armature (heavy roller, about 3 Kg) forward on the rails. The electric current accelerates it till it goes past the rails and hits the stops. There is a time when the whole thing is at rest with respect to the ground, for momentum is being transferred from the moving heavy armature to the whole system. When that is transferred the whole system keeps on moving forward at a steady pace affected only by the ground friction. Had there been no friction or stop it would have kept on going for ever, violating the first law of motion, that is, inertia. (24 Oct. 2023)
I had posted the below chart earlier, but there had been some discrepancies like not putting in the copyright and author statement. In this age of AI, this could be attributed to some other Arindam Banerjee, quite a lot of them around online these days! I am also attaching the 2-second video from which this graph has been drawn. After I have published all the graphs I will show how the data underlying the graph was obtained. (26 Oct. 2023)

Violation of Inertia 2 – Chart 2 shows movement the rail gun in motor mode
This graph shows on a 3-40 millisecond basis the movement of the entire assembly (closed geometrically, with no exhaust nor any friction drive or external pushback, just a closed body which could be in deep outer space). My PhD research in RMIT Melbourne (2013-2016) was about the nature of recoil in rail guns. Two US Navy officers in 2007 and 2009 had made a "static" railgun that indicated there was no reaction to the bullet's force, but overall there could be no violation of inertia as the power supply was on the ground so that could absorb the reaction. In this case the power supply is on the gun, which is of a radically new and far superior design (heavy armature, low voltage, light, efficient by a factor of at least 10) and of course a working model instead of a static system. I did not get my PhD for the panel at the final viva could not think I had made a new design rail gun then, so they rejected my thesis. Well, whether I had or not made a working model of a rail gun is also shown in this post! Viewers can make up their minds!

About the graph, it shows the recoil of the gun, and then how it comes back into a motor mode when the heavy bullet hits the end of the barrel. (Like blocking the barrel of a gun, catching the bullet in it.) Well that is dangerous of course, but here the speed is not great, the design is robust enough although at the collision between the armature and the arrestors at the bow of the gun, a light part did fly off to stop the motor a bit prematurely. Still, that did not impact upon the experimental results which show that without friction and such impact the motor would have gone on for ever, thus violating inertia, the most sacred principle in both classical and modern physics. (27 Oct 2023)

Violation of Inertia 3 – Chart 3 shows movement of the centre of mass of the system
This graph shows what is impossible by classical and modern physics - the movement of matter by internal force, thus violating the principle of inertia, the bedrock of classical and modern physics. The conservation of energy laws, the notion of entropy, the big bang theory, relativity theories with the law of conservation of mass and energy, quantum theories - these are all upset by this simple 2 second experiment. But what is the centre of mass?
Take two balls of 1 Kg each and place them 1 m apart. The centre of mass is midway as they are of same mass. Now take one ball and move it away by 1 m. The centre of mass is still halfway, but it has moved by 50cm. Point is, that and external force is needed to change the centre of mass. When we walk, we press upon the ground to move forward, and the force from ground is the external force. On slippery ice, say, where we cannot move, our centre of mass remains unchanged. Internal force simply cannot change the centre of mass - even when a missile explodes. Then the constituent parts go off in different directions, but the centre of mass follows the earlier trajectory as per physics texts. All correct so far.

In this experiment the armature weighs 2.98 Kg and the gun weighs 8.72Kg. At the start, with respect to the scale on the ground, their respective centres of masses are at 67 cm and 75 cm. (The pointer shows 80 cm, and that is used to track the movement of the gun, not the centre of mass.) Thus knowing the masses and positions, the initial centre of mass is about 73 cm. Now, no matter what happens, as per theory, this position with respect to the ground (or any fixed reference) has to remain constant when internal force is applied to the motor via the electric current from the supercapacitors.

The graph and video show that to happen for the first 300 milliseconds - when no current is applied, and when the armature accelerates upon the rails, pushing the gun back. But as the armature continues to accelerate, the pushback upon the gun gets less so the centre of mass moves forward. That is, there is acceleration acting upon the centre of mass! This stops when the armature hits the stops; then the movement of the armature, gun and centre of mass naturally follow the same fashion. After the moving armature hits the stops at the end, the momentum is transferred and the whole system gets acceleration. When the momentum transfer is completed, from the armature to the whole system, the entire system keeps on moving forward steadily! Yes it does get slowed with friction and finally with the part of the stop that had been knocked over. Had there be no friction involved, nor the external interference it would have continued to move for ever.

Now why is this the first graph of its kind? Well, this has been possible because a new equipment - supercapacitors - have been used that generate in this case 4000 amperes of current with little mass or volume involved. This new item causes the discovery that under certain engineering situations, like this rail gun assembly, where a conductor moves and can pass its momentum to the whole system, there is violation of the inertia principle. Then this is a new invention - a very powerful rail gun, at least ten times more efficient as seen from the data of existing military rail guns - of mine, the earliest model which I created back in 2015, for my PhD work. Finally, such is the human condition (when not spiritually inclined we are apes are we not so as apes must ape the alpha apes) that no one dares to question what the great people in great institutions all over the world say with all the money and power and influence behind them.

So, this graph can never be published in any scientific journal as it violates the most fundamental principle, that of inertia, most sacred! And indeed this principle is generally valid. But hanging on to it will confine us to Earth, never take us to the stars. And before that, we cannot have extremely fast and safe travel on Earth, cheap energy available to all, and a far better understanding of the ways of the Universe, with all forces unified as electric and electromagnetic, involving protons, electrons and aether... From this experiment, the universe itself gets straightened out, made infinite, with no beginning nor end. Well, it may take decades or centuries for these new ideas to take hold. Hopefully, much sooner, thanks to Facebook, Usenet, and YouTube. Bypassing journals and learned people ensconced there, may be the best hope for humanity.

In the following graphs, I will present the velocity graphs for the armature, motor and the centre of mass. Finally I will show how the data was obtained. My hope is that all of scientific bent follow what I write. If they cannot perform this experiment, they should at least check the data. (28 Oct 2023)

Violation of Inertia 4 – Chart4 shows the velocity of the armature of the rail gun

In this chart we plot the velocity of the armature (the rolling brass cylinder of mass 2.98 Kg) with respect to time. Each small gridline is a 30millisecond or 40millisecond - typically there are two 30ms slots followed by a 40ms slot. Because we have taken such small time slots, we can see the movement of the armature in an expanded way for better understanding - like, watching a small object through a microscope to find new things.

What is evident is that there is nearly constant acceleration while the armature is on the rails, drawing current on the average about 4000 amps. This heavy current causes a large magnetic field at the edge of the rails and the armature, which with the current through the armature causes the so-called Lorenz force accelerating it, from the formula F=B*i*L (B is the magnetic field strength, i the current and L the conductor length over which these two act). The formula suggests that there should be no reaction to this force - and if true, that validates Maxwell’s electrodynamics which has aether (relates to the Hindu notion of Aum) as the medium for the propagation of electric and magnetic fields. As opposed to the earliest Newton-Ampere action-at-a-distance mathematical formulations where two currents were involved, thus providing inertia balance; and Einsteinian quantum electrodynamics, where we have energy particles going around the circuit much like water in pipes, thus causing no violation of inertia. The theoretical and metaphysical implications are thus profound, from this simple 2-second video of the experiment. With Maxwell’s electrodynamics as opposed to Einsteinian, the notion of space-time goes away, along with big bang, black holes, expanding universe, nothing moving faster than light, etc. The universe thus becomes de-warped, straightened and infinite. The latest telescopes (Webb, Hubble) do not find any limit to the universe, which again proves the point about infinitely small aether pervading the infinitely large universe.

The armature reaches a peak speed of 2.88m/sec at the end of the rails. With its weight of 2.98Kg, that gives peak momentum of 8.58MKS units. The most powerful rifle bullet weighs 1.9gm and has a velocity of 1422m/s or has a momentum of 2.7 MKS units. So as a gun this has more than 3 times the momentum of the most powerful rifle bullet! Actually, had the recoil been blocked the exit velocity of the armature would have been 3.57m/s making it about 4 times more powerful! So I have actually made the most powerful gun ever, going by momentum of the exiting projectile. This happens because this is a new invention, a low-voltage heavy armature design which is at least 10 times superior to the railguns used by the US military. But that is another story. I am mentioning this because had I not made such a powerful railgun, I could not have shown the violation of inertia so clearly with my graph.
The exit or impact velocity would have been about 3.57m/s as opposed to the present 2.88m/s had the armature been sliding instead of rolling, for then the treadmill action pushing the gun back would have been avoided. This sliding cannot happen with this design, for with the same surfaces exposed, 4000Amps of current would cause welding - the armature could not move.

What of practical motors, then? The answer is that it would need technology beyond my scope. What is needed is very good contact between surfaces to make the contact resistance in the order of less than micro-ohms, like a continuous contact really. That would need excellent machining with very high tolerances, adequate surface coating, maybe a mercury lining, etc. Well beyond my scope, but not for that of any standard research organisation that is well funded. (1 Nov 2023)


Violation of Inertia 5 – Chart 5 shows velocity of the rail gun in motor mode

In every graph I put in the 2-second video of the railgun as motor experiment, to solidify the new idea that inertia can be violated with very positive results for energy and motion. That, is what my one-person company, HTN Research Pty Ltd is all about - Intellectual Propery relating to energy, motion, modelling of complex non-linear systems with accurate predictions causing immediate gains... Well, the last was my career for over 40 years now, spanning areas from antennas and microwaves to databases and call centre telephony quality of service.

In this graph we plot the motion of the entire system. It goes back when the armature accelerates, in tune with the acceleration of the armature. After that there is a drop in velocity when the armature no longer accelerates. Then as the armature hits the arrestors, the whole gun stops for a little while, and then, totally contrary to the laws of physics, it starts to move forward!

What is happening is that there is more action than reaction. So there is a net gain in momentum. The reaction is NOT caused electrically, as it is for the action force causing the armature velocity. It is caused by the rolling of the armature pushing back on the rails. Had the armature been SLIDING instead of rolling, this pushback would not have occured. The performance would have been more efficient.

To get into figures - with respect to the ground, the maximum velocity of the armature was 2.88m/s and as its mass is 2.98 Kg the momentum was 2.88*2.98=8.34Kg-m/s. There is no name for the momentum unit, so I hope they will call it Arindam one day. Well, I do hope my friends here will indulge me when I say that as per this experiment the momentum of the armature was 8.34Arindams!

Now the maximum velocity of the railgun-motor was -0.6938m/s and the mass is 8.72 Kg, so the backward recoil momentum at its maximum was -0.6938*8.72=-6.05Arindams. Momentum is NOT getting conserved! There is a net momentum in the positive direction of the amount 8.34-6.05=2.29Arindams. Now once the armature has hit the stops, it is part of the whole system, which now weighs 2.98+8.72=11.7 Kg. The 2.29Arindams acting upon 11.7 Kg should give a velocity of 2.29/11.7 = 0.196m/s. The experimental result is slightly more, about 0.214m/s which roughly falls in the 10% area of accuracy.

Anyway, the main point is that after the "hit" the whole system in free space would keep on moving at 0.2 m/s. This let me repeat is without the use of rockets or throwing out anything, or pushing back anything, or blowing back anything. Works thus just as any flying saucer should - cleanly and most efficiently.

We now discuss efficiency issues. The kinetic energy it has got after one hit is 0.5mV^2 or 0.5*11.7*0.2^2 = 11.7*.02 = 0.234 joules. That is a small amount, got after we spent a huge amount of electric energy - roughly 4000amperes at 15V average for 0.5s or say 30,000 joules. Very low efficiency - but here I must add that my mathematical modelling shows that as the current magnitude rises, the efficiency figures improve drastically. When we have say one million amperes, the new mathematical formulas I have derived for the rail gun efficiency calculation, shows that the efficiency value goes up to over 80% - but this is a complicated story that I have shown in one of my 2017 YouTube videos relating to the design of space motors using this principle. I would be happy to elaborate the formula relating to railgun motor efficiency in a suitable environment, if indeed there could be found some worthy sponsors. (I have given the key formulas with their mathematical derivations in my 2017 videos, but it will require a trained and intelligent mind to follow them.)

As such this is very inefficient. Let us stretch our imagination a bit. Suppose our capacitors have unlimited energy! In free space, they can repeat the hits ten billion times! Then the speed of the motor would be ten billion times 0.2 meters/sec or 2 billion meters per second or over six times the speed of light! The energy for that spent would be ten billion times 30,000 joules or 3*10^14 joules! But what is the kinetic energy of the motor now? It would be 0.5*11.7*((10^10*0.2)^2) = 5.85*.04*10^20=2.34*10^19 joules - much more than the 3*10^14 joules spent! The law of conservation does not work in this case, when with internal forces the so far sacred law of inertia is violated. With that gone, the laws of thermodynamics need urgent revision. The notion of entropy becomes unnecessary as we no longer deal with obsolete heat engines. The notions of relativity and quantum theory become ridiculous at worst and contrived at best to maintain the entropy and the laws of conservation of energy, or mass and energy.

The above exemplifies the implementation of the formula e=0.5mVVN(N-k) which I had discovered in 1998, and elaborated in 1999 in my book "To the Stars!" published in Jan 2000 in my "adda" website. (Now defunct, but not before international publicity was given to the work, thanks to my late father and his journalist friends, in the global media in 2003.) Since 2003, I have sensed there has been a terrific international conspiracy to suppress this new and challenging work, mainly by personal and professional attacks upon myself; but with the blessings of the Gods and Goddesses, representing the best of spirits in the spiritual world beyond observed reality, I have persevered and carried on the work to this level. (2 Nov 2023)


Violation of Inertia 6 – Chart 6 shows the velocity of the centre of mass of the system

This is the final of my graphs showing violation of inertia, for now. This is about the movement of the centre of mass of the entire body, with respect to time. What is centre of mass? Intuitively, if you find the point of a body, or a set of distributed bodies, such that, at that moment of time, it all balances out with no tilt at any side, then you have found the centre of mass at that point! Thus from the data of the position of the armature with respect to the ground, and the position of the centre of mass of the gun (minus armature) we can find at any time the position of the centre of mass of the total system. Now, as per the First Law of Motion, that can never be shifted by other than an external force. But could it shifted by internal force?

During the period 1998-2000, I used many methods to try to shift the centre of mass by internal force. One idea of mine was to make a sort of raft, which I would hit with a rod to make the raft move, and with that, myself as well. It did not work, The action of pushing it did move the raft, but there was an equal reaction to that, so internal force of that sort did not work. I tried some other devices, with the help of my young daughters, but still no result! No acceleration was possible with internal force! Newton ruled!

Around 1999, I came across an interesting discussion in the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics.electromag, which talked about the possible lack of recoil in rail guns. I pounced upon that idea, and worked out that indeed if there was no reaction in that sort of electromagnetic reaction, then the entire physics as we know it would need revision., leading us to faster than light travel among other useful gains in the engineering sense, from a new class of motors! All that information was presented in my book "To the Stars!' published online in my "adda" website (now defunct) in early 2000. (For print publishing it was rejected universally.)

There was not much interest in this work, till my father and mother came to visit me in Melbourne in 2002. My father became keenly interested in my new ideas, and he used his influence with some wonderful journalists to make my new ideas see the light of day in the international press, in 2003. It was hushed up soon enough, with the awesome power of the global media and their sponsors, and since then, I became the subject of ridicule and persecution, on a global scale! Still, I had the support of my close family, so I managed to survive to this day.

We now go back to the graph. The centre of mass does not move with the spring action. And in the earliest phase of electromagnetic action, but after that it gains velocity, meaning there is net acceleration/force acting upon it. Now, instead of the current causing the action with a net internal force, there had been a huge spring instead causing the armature to move equally fast, the centre of mass would not have budged at all. For in that case the railgun-motor would have been pushed back a lot more. To repeat, it is the huge electric current on the rolling armature that is causing such a force imbalance, thus violating inertia.

When the armature hits the arrestors, the whole system stops with respect to the ground; thus the velocity of the centre of mass also stops. But as the momentum of the armature is given to the entire system, there is gain of speed, from that stop state, which reaches a maximum. (To repeat, this simply cannot happen with the current state of physics.) After reaching the maximum speed, due to friction and finally and interference from an external object, the centre of mass finally stops moving. (6 Nov 2023)


The underlying data for the violation of inertia graphs (1 to 6) that I have been presenting recently are shown here.

I would very much like all interested parties to re-do the experiments I have shown. It has taken me many years to come to this stage, but I have no doubt that in only a matter of hours people they can be performed, from scratch, with the most rudimentary skills and equipment. At least, the data that I have presented needs to be checked. The consequences of my experiments are profound.

The two second video film contains all the information. What anyone can do, as an alternative to re-doing my experiment, is to show the video on any computer screen, then use some digital camera to film it. The mp4 video file can be analysed using such a program that advances it frame by frame. I have used Windows Movie Maker. For every frame, the position of the armature with respect to the scale is noted - somewhat roughly I am afraid. Then the position of the gun is also noted, from the pointer and the scale. Knowing the masses of the armature and the gun, the position of the centre of mass for the whole system is calculated.

The below is the raw data. For the graphs the values have been initialised from zero, that is, the first value of time is set to zero, and from the rest of the time values, subtracted. Same process is done for the other columns. Thus the position values for the armature, gun and the centre of mass are obtained with respect to time. The velocity values are obtained knowing the time, the position and the state of the gun following the notes relating to how long the armature was on the rails, when it hit the arrestors, etc.

Time armature gun centre of mass notes
Ms cm cm cm
4800 67 80 72.96239316
4870 66 80 72.70769231
4900 65 80 72.45299145
4930 64 81 72.94358974 spark on rail
4970 63 81 72.68888889
5000 62 81.5 72.80683761
5030 61 82 72.92478632
5070 59 82.5 72.78803419
5100 56 83 72.3965812
5130 52 84 72.12307692
5170 48 85 71.84957265
5200 44 86 71.57606838
5230 39 87 71.04786325
5270 35 87.5 70.4017094
5300 31 88 69.75555556
5330 26 89 69.22735043
5370 21 90.5 69.07179487
5400 16 91.5 68.54358974
5430 11 92.5 68.01538462
5470 7 93.5 67.74188034 last spark
5500 5 93.5 67.23247863
5530 4.5 93 66.73247863 hits stop
5570 3.5 92 65.73247863
5600 3.5 92 65.73247863
5630 3.5 92 65.73247863
5670 3.5 92 65.73247863 stop cover flies off
5700 3.5 92 65.73247863
5730 3 91 64.85982906
5770 3 90.5 64.48717949
5800 3 90 64.11452991
5830 3 89 63.36923077
5870 2.5 88.5 62.86923077
5900 2 88 62.36923077
5930 1.7 87.7 62.06923077
5970 1.4 87.4 61.76923077
6000 1.2 87.2 61.56923077
6030 1 87 61.36923077
6070 0.7 86.7 61.06923077
6100 0.5 86.5 60.86923077
6130 0.3 86.3 60.66923077
6170 0.1 86.1 60.46923077
6200 -0.1 85.9 60.26923077 reached the end of scale for armature
6230 -0.3 85.7 60.06923077 armature position from now based on position of pointer( - 86)
6270 -0.5 85.5 59.86923077
6300 -0.7 85.3 59.66923077
6330 -0.9 85.1 59.46923077
6370 -1.1 84.9 59.26923077
6400 -1.3 84.7 59.06923077
6430 -1.5 84.5 58.86923077
6470 -1.9 84.1 58.46923077
6500 -2.1 83.9 58.26923077
6530 -2.3 83.7 58.06923077
6570 -2.5 83.5 57.86923077
6600 -2.7 83.3 57.66923077
6630 -2.9 83.1 57.46923077
6670 -3.1 82.9 57.26923077
6700 -3.3 82.7 57.06923077
6730 -3.5 82.5 56.86923077
6770 -3.75 82.25 56.61923077
6800 -4 82 56.36923077
6830 -4.2 81.8 56.16923077
6870 -4.4 81.6 55.96923077
6900 -4.6 81.4 55.76923077
6930 -4.8 81.2 55.56923077
6970 -5 81 55.36923077
7000 -5.2 80.8 55.16923077
7030 -5.4 80.6 54.96923077
7070 -5.6 80.4 54.76923077
7100 -5.8 80.2 54.56923077
7130 -6 80 54.36923077
7170 -6.25 79.75 54.11923077
7200 -6.5 79.5 53.86923077
7230 -6.75 79.25 53.61923077
7270 -6.9 79.1 53.46923077
7300 -7 79 53.36923077
(7 Nov 2023)


The snapshots of the rail gun experiment, that give us the data posted just now, relating to the violation of inertia - thus causing revision of fundamental physics. (7 Nov 2023)

Facebook home page of Arindam Banerjee

Violation of Inertia Graphs

Photos of gun movement

2 sec video of gun in action

Links to earlier works

Experiments (2022) showing my invention of a new kind of rail gun

Which is improved upon in, and its potential for ejecting matter into near space , and horizontal tunneling shown in

and the following shows how a new class of linear motor violating inertia can be developed by arresting the momentum of the armature and imparting that to the whole system, giving it an increased velocity

Earlier experiments (2017)
IFE - 1 Ground Experiments
IFE - 2 Experimental setups
IFE - 3 Pendulum experiments
IFE - 4 Evolution of spaceship
IFE - 5 Hydrogen Transmission Network
IFE - 6 Spaceship Design
IFE - 7 Anti-Gravity
IFE - 8 New Physics


The way the universe operates:

The cause of gravity

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 1

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 2


Introduction to "A New Look Towards the Principles of Motion"

Section 1
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 1 (contd.)
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 2
The Creation and Destruction of Energy

Section 3
The Structure of Heavenly Bodies

Section 4
The Nature of Explosion

Section 5

Arindam Banerjee

Dec 22, 2023, 11:53:34 PM12/22/23
On Friday 10 November 2023 at 12:44:55 UTC+11, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
> The violation of inertia with a new design rail gun in motor mode

The most significant discovery for dynamics since the discovery of electromagnetics and radio waves.
Its greatness lies in that I did it all by myself, revising all of physics, and against all odds.

Arindam Banerjee

Jan 17, 2024, 3:24:56 AMJan 17
On Friday 10 November 2023 at 12:44:55 UTC+11, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
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