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WDJW thought for 01/27/19 ...

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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 6:01:1627/1/19
"Joshua said to them, 'Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be
strong and courageous. This is what the LORD will do to all the
enemies you are going to fight.'" (Joshua 10:25)

This physician ( ) shares that we're
strong & courageous (Joshua 10:25) in our Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) LORD
when we're always saying/writing that we're (Philippians 4:12) in **all** ways
including especially caring to (John
15:12) w/all glory ( ) to GOD -->

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( )." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really
is the birthday of our risen (Luke 24:42) LORD Jesus 'Christ' of
Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)

The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:

So let us be (Philippians 4:12) like
Him, Who is our #1 Example of being wonderfully hungry:

Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the
heart: (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis


no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 7:26:0527/1/19
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote in message

My brother was recently diagnosed with stenosis of the heart, 90 % in the
left chamber, plus other heart damage. The heart doctor told him that he
could not do stents, and that open heart surgery might prolong his life a
bit, but not really the quality. My brother is 74 and opted to do nothing.
My question is, how long can he live like that and what can we as family
expect? He is taking meds, prednisone, plavix, lasix, bp meds, and a
ventolin inhaler. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 15:31:1527/1/19
Cher wrote:
> My brother was recently diagnosed with stenosis of the heart, 90 % in the
> left chamber, plus other heart damage. The heart doctor told him that he
> could not do stents, and that open heart surgery might prolong his life a
> bit, but not really the quality. My brother is 74 and opted to do nothing.
> My question is, how long can he live like that and what can we as family
> expect? He is taking meds, prednisone, plavix, lasix, bp meds, and a
> ventolin inhaler. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Cheri


I am sad to learn about your brother's diagnosis of severe heart
disease and the poor prognosis given to him. Typically, folks with
severe heart disease have around a 50% five year mortality rate and
severe lung disease, which your brother also seems to have, worsens
this mortality estimate and is likely the reason why your brother's
heart doctor isn't optimistic about any improvement in quality of life
with open heart surgery, which doesn't, as a general rule, improve
lung function and may even worsen it.

In the interim, I am nonetheless wonderfully hungry ( ) and hope you, Cheri, also have a
healthy appetite too despite possibly being worried about your
brother's poor medical condition..

So how are you ?

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,


no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 18:03:4427/1/19
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote in message
I am well thank you, and thank you so much for your answer, yes he does have
COPD as well. It's very helpful to the family to have some idea. Thanks


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 18:20:4727/1/19
Cheri wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> I am well thank you, and thank you so much for your answer, yes he does have
> COPD as well. It's very helpful to the family to have some idea. Thanks
> again.

I hope your "well" means you, Cheri, also have a healthy appetite too.

So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
moment, don't you (yes/no) ?


no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 20:59:0927/1/19
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <> wrote in message
I already just had a Cutie orange.


Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
27 de gen. 2019, 23:49:1627/1/19
>>>> So how are you ?
>>> I am well thank you, and thank you so much for your answer, yes he does
>>> have COPD as well. It's very helpful to the family to have some idea.
>>> Thanks again.
>> I hope your "well" means you, Cheri, also have a healthy appetite too.
>> So you do have the ability to eat a piece of healthy fruit at the
>> moment, don't you (yes/no) ?
> I already just had a Cutie orange.

I share with you, Cheri, that it's wonderful knowing through our
proven healthy appetite, which is our proven ability to eat (i.e. the
Cutie orange in your case), that we aren't having a heart attack at
the moment in accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful &
appetite=hunger) and advise that you try to write that you're
"wonderfully hungry" since we've established here that you are: So now
how are you ?

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
28 de gen. 2019, 9:35:3828/1/19
"I want to know Christ -- yes, to know the power of His resurrection
and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death,
and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead."
(Philippians 3:10-11)

This physician ( ) shares that we've the
power of the resurrection (Philippians 3:10-11) of our Wonderful

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
29 de gen. 2019, 12:42:4729/1/19
"So He said to me, 'This is the Word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: "Not
by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the LORD Almighty.'"
(Zechariah 4:6)

This physician ( ) shares that we're
successful by the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6) of our Wonderful (Isaiah


no llegida,
29 de gen. 2019, 13:28:3429/1/19

Are you aware, Cheri, that you are asking advice from a
delicensed physician? Dr Chung's medical license was
revoked by the State of Georgia Composite Medical Board as
he was deemed unable to practice medicine safely as a
result of his mental impairment. His response to your
inquiry is consistent with his delusional belief system.
You would be wise to get a second opinion from a licensed
medical professional.


The infamous Dr. Andrew B Chung, well known on this and
other newsgroups for his unbreakable fixation on the two
pound diet as well as his religious delusions, eventually
come to the attention of the Georgia Composite Medical
Board. His license to practice medicine was suspended in
June of 2016 and he was ordered to submit to a
comprehensive mental and physical examination by a
competent physician. At the time he claimed to be running
for President.


Then, on March 9, 2017, Andrew had his license

Fill in the appropriate fields with the following

Last name: Chung
License number: 040347
City: Mableton
Provider type: Physician

click "search" and in the results view "Public Board
Orders" PDF of the revocation.

Update: As of today Mr Chung's license is listed as
"lapsed" and the state of Georgia Composite Medical Board,
in the interest of protecting doctors from the consequences
of their own actions has now removed the PDF of Chung's
revocation. It is fortunate that I downloaded and saved a
copy of this document. I would provide a copy of this PDF
to anyone who is interested in seeing it.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
29 de gen. 2019, 13:40:2829/1/19
someone eternally condemned and tormented wrote:
> HeartDoc Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote in the subject line:
> "* Again exposing the tragedy of Dexter being eternally condemned and ever more cursed by GOD on 01/19/18 ..."
> I can copy and paste just as well as you can. The
> difference is that I'm posting facts.


(See evidence below)


> The infamous Dr. Andrew B Chung, well known on this and
> other newsgroups for his unbreakable fixation on the two
> pound diet


Stopping the overeating (i.e. deadly Adam&Eve sin of gluttony) is
**not** a diet (i.e. worrying about what to eat).

Stopping sin is **not** the same as sinning.

It is written that the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD commands us to
not worry.

This does mean that we are to

> as well as his religious delusions,


The Holy Spirit is **not** a religious delusion.

Anyone who claims that those of us who are in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, suffer from a religious delusion,
blasphemes against the Holy Spirit in a two-fold manner:

(1) It is written that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of a sound mind,
which means He keeps us from having delusions. To say/write otherwise
is to, in fact, blaspheme against Him.

(2) Moreover, lying before those of us, who are in the Holy Spirit,
Who is the Spirit of truth, is also blaspheming against Him. It is
written that blaspheming against Him will never be forgiven (Mark

> has finally
> come to the attention of the Georgia Composite Medical
> Board.


"June of 2016" is **not** "has finally come to the attention of the
Georgia Composite Medical Board." Indeed, it is more than 1.5 years

Four (4) proven lies in a row.

> His license to practice medicine was suspended in
> June of 2016 ...

All glory ( ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly admit the 4th LIE.

LIEs are **not** facts.

The reason why you are a proven pathological liar here is because
there's no truth in you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) by


Someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD wrote:

> I could personally utter **those words** but that
> wouldn't make them true, except in your fevered imagination.

**emphasis** added.


Actually, you can't even write **Jesus is LORD** much less say the
sentence with your mouth or you would have done so already as in the
cited example of David Silverman (aka Arch Rationalist on YouTube and
Sanity's Little Helper on alt.atheism).

Laus DEO !

While in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD
continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned
(Mark 3:29), more than ever by ever extending & increasing His curse
on you **and** your entire extended household more than ever in the
name (John 16:23) of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! !

"It is being done." -- Holy Spirit (John 16:23)

Laus DEO !!!

This is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop being (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in danger
of losing their salvation, thereby becoming eternally condemned (Mark
3:29) just as had happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more
contemporaneously to Bob Pastorio.

The LORD did strike down on Fool's day just
9+ years ago:

Again, this is done ... (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
30 de gen. 2019, 10:04:5230/1/19
"The LORD is my strength and my defense ; HE has become my salvation.
HE is my GOD, and I will praise Him, my father’s GOD, and I will exalt
Him." (Exodus 15:2)

This physician ( ) shares that we exalt
(Exodus 15:2) our Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) LORD when we're always

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
31 de gen. 2019, 12:23:3031/1/19
"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If GOD is for us,
who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

This physician ( ) shares that we're
invincible (Romans 8:31) in our Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) LORD when we're

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
1 de febr. 2019, 11:57:441/2/19
"Many are saying of me, 'GOD will not deliver him.' But You, LORD, are
a shield around me, my glory, the One Who lifts my head high. I call
out to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down
and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear
though tens of thousands assail me on every side." (Psalm 3:2-6)

This physician ( ) shares that we're safe
(Psalm 3:2-6) in our Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) LORD when we're always

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

no llegida,
2 de febr. 2019, 11:12:252/2/19
"Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the
lap of fools." (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

This physician ( ) shares that we stop
being (h)angry (Ecclesiastes 7:9) like Esau (Genesis 25:32), whom our
Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) LORD hates (Malachi 1:2-3), when we're always
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