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What dosage of deprenyl should I take?

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Isak Sebastian Lytting

no leída,
12 sept 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.12/9/1996

Hi all!

I am 20 years old, but I have decided to take deprenyl nonetheless. I feel I
could use a number of the beneficial effects I have read attributed to deprenyl.
However, the dosages I have read are from 5 mg per _week_ (!) to 10 mg per day.
How much deprenyl should I take for nootropic and pro-sexual effects? If the 5
mg per week figure is correct, how to divide the 5-mg tablets into 7 equal
parts? I weigh 94 kg, if this has any bearing on the dosage levels I should

I would also appreciate some dosage recommendations for piracetam.


Isak Lytting

Bill Colias

no leída,
14 sept 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.14/9/1996

In <518v40$> (Isak Sebastian

Lytting) writes:
>I am 20 years old, but I have decided to take deprenyl nonetheless. I
feel I
>could use a number of the beneficial effects I have read attributed to
>However, the dosages I have read are from 5 mg per _week_ (!) to 10 mg
per day.
>How much deprenyl should I take for nootropic and pro-sexual effects?
If the 5
>mg per week figure is correct, how to divide the 5-mg tablets into 7
>parts? I weigh 94 kg, if this has any bearing on the dosage levels I

Some of the pro-sexual effects are related to improved dopamine
function, and some are related to a stimulary effect. Since you are in
your 20's, your dopamine metabolism is probably operating at its
optimum level. If you are looking at the simulating effect for a
pro-sexual effect, you would probably be taking more deprenyl than is
recomended for its life extension benefits. I would recomend waiting
till you are in your 30's before taking it.
Your source of deprenyl also effects dosage. The liquid deprenyl you
can get from DEDI is probably the best. You can deliniate the dosage
down to the milligram range (important if you want to take it when you
are young), and it is also known to be the purist form available.
Dosage range can be very individual. If you are feeling agitated or
have trouble sleeping you are taking too much. Rely on someone else to
give you feedback on your agitation (you can't always depend on
yourself to notice).

>I would also appreciate some dosage recommendations for piracetam.

I heard that 10-15mg per pound is a standard rule of thumb. However,
varies greatly with individual metabolism.

-Bill Colias-

Steve Farmer

no leída,
15 sept 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.15/9/1996

Any dosage of deprenyl/selegiline that you take chronically may be
dangerous. The argument that the drug has a general "neuroprotective
effect" - the primary claim of those who used to push deprenyl as a
"life-extending drug" - has been thoroughly debunked by studies
published in 1995 and 1996 by the Parkinson's Disease Research Group
of the United Kingdom and the Parkinson Study Group of the United
States (ref. 1-4). The toxicities of deprenyl/selegiline may be linked
to the drug's l-methamphetamine and l-amphetamine metabolites, which
are known to be neurotoxic in the corpus striatum and related brain
regions (ref. 5-6). It would be tedious to rehash all the evidence on
this question that was raised during the "deprenyl debate," which
involved over 100 posts in from April through July
of 1996. Before you start taking deprenyl/selegiline for any reason,
however, at a minimum you owe it to yourself to check out the studies
listed below.

To recall one key point from the deprenyl debate: The groundbreaking
study published by the Parkinson's Disease Research Group of the
United Kingdom in December, 1995 (ref. 2) found a 60% increase in
death rates over a 5-6 year period in deprenyl-treated patients with
"early, mild Parkinson's disease." The patients in question were
treated simultaneously with levodopa - the most common
anti-parkinsonian drug - but the consensus of experts in
neurodegenerative diseases was that deprenyl/selegiline alone led to
the problem. This finding is especially disturbing since patients with
early parkinsonianism ordinarily have nearly normal life expectancies.
The implication is that the increased death risks may apply to all
patients using the drug for extended periods. Dosages of
deprenyl/selegiline in the British study, which involved patients in
93 hospitals, were the "normal" 10 mg/day used for depression and
Parkinson's disease.

Given this data, it is alarming that many narcoleptic patients are
currently taking 2-4 times the dosages of deprenyl/selegiline given to
Parkinson's patients. I've written a brief review of this question for
the most recent issue of _Narcolepsy & Sleep Disorders_, which is now
in press. I will be happy to e-mail a copy of the review to anyone who
wants to see it.

1. Calne, DB. "Selegiline in Parkinson's disease. No neuroprotective
effect: increased mortality." British Medical Journal (BMJ) 1995; 11:

2. Lees, AJ, on behalf of the Parkinson's Disease Research Group of
the United Kingdom. ³Comparison of therapeutic effects and mortality
data of levodopa and levodopa combined with selegiline in patients
with early, mild Parkinson's disease.² British Medical Journal (BMJ)
1995; 11: 1602-1607.

3. Parkinson Study Group. ³Impact of deprenyl and tocopherol treatment
on Parkinson's disease in DATATOP subjects not requiring levodopa.²
Ann Neurol 1996; 39(1): 29-36.

4. Parkinson Study Group. ³Impact of deprenyl and tocopherol treatment
on Parkinson's disease in DATATOP patients requiring levodopa.² Ann
Neurol 1996; 39(1):37-45.

5. Reynolds, GP, et al. "Deprenyl is metabolized to methamphetamine
and amphetamine in man." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
1978; 542-544.

6. Snyder, KM and Taylor, SH. "Amphetamine: differentiation by d and l
isomers of behavior involving brain norepinephrine or dopamine."
Science 1970; 168: 1487-9.

Alex Roman

no leída,
15 sept 1996, 3:00:00 a.m.15/9/1996
para (Isak Sebastian Lytting) wrote:

>Hi all!

>I am 20 years old, but I have decided to take deprenyl nonetheless. I feel I
>could use a number of the beneficial effects I have read attributed to deprenyl.
>However, the dosages I have read are from 5 mg per _week_ (!) to 10 mg per day.
>How much deprenyl should I take for nootropic and pro-sexual effects? If the 5
>mg per week figure is correct, how to divide the 5-mg tablets into 7 equal
>parts? I weigh 94 kg, if this has any bearing on the dosage levels I should

>I would also appreciate some dosage recommendations for piracetam.

>Isak Lytting

For a person of your age I would not take more than 1-2mg if you are going to take this on a daily
basis for the rest of your life. Secondly, if you are going to take deprenyl make sure your body
is already functioning properly, that is, make sure you are taking a nutritional supplement for all
the essential vitamins and minerals. Also, deprenyl which is part of your hormone cascasde is also
preceded by melatonin, and acetylzed carnitine. These should be supplemented as well.

Of course, if you want to just use deprenyl for one single purpose for a short period of time, you
don't have to do any of the above, but I wonder why anyone would want to just use it periodically.

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