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May 1, 2010, 10:05:41 AM5/1/10
i learned last night that Stephen Hawking ain't so smart after all.
He can't be very smart -- obviously lacking in a respect for
undeniable physical evidence and, of course, short of common sense --
when he was quoted on "Larry King Live" thusly:
"If aliens ever visit us," he stated via his robotic machine, "I
think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first
landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native
Hey, Einstein Personified, what's with the word IF?
YOU, among anyone, should be smart enough to know that
extraterrestrials have been visiting earth for centuries, if not eons.
Evidence of this is monumental, especially so over the past few
To claim, "IF" they ever visit us, mankind would be annihilated is
rather assine on your part.
You're so isolated in your astrophysicist pipe dream
that you can't see the forest for the trees.
You should be ashamed of making ridiculous comments to a world-wide
You, of anyone, should admit that all of the evidence
proves, beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt,
that the aliens -- at least those who have been visiting us with
consistent frequency over the past
60-70 years -- mean us NO harm.
You see, Professor Hawking, they certainly have a stake in our well-
being, although they undoubtedly have been very disappointed weith the
direction we've been headed.
As for Larry King, he's still an Old Fart.
The son-of-a-bitch cut off Dan Aykroyd, the only truly honest open-
minded member of your four-man panel.
Aykrod attempted to explain some of the incredibly cobnvincing cases
of documented extraterrestrial contact -- Barney and Betty Hill or
Trevor Walton -- , and the "Wise Old Owl" in suspenders cut him off at
the pass.
Hell, there for a second, I thought I was watching Fox News or
listening to Bigmouth Limbaugh.
As for the factless, facetious rhetoric by Hawking and so many of of
his brainwashed astrophysical, astronomical and evolutionist
colleagues -- the Big Bang, a prime example -- they should be blowing
balloons at the country fair.
They're so filled with hot air.
Ed Conrad
Plane Appears Out of Nowhere, Nose
Goes through South Tower
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of Physical Anthropology
Acoustical Society of America
American Anthropological Association
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Association of Cereal Chemists
American Association of Engineering Societies
American Association of Physics Teachers
American Association of University Professors
American Association of University Women
American Astronautical Society
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society
American College of Dentists
American Dental Association
American Economic Association
American Educational Research Association
American Ethnological Society
American Fisheries Society
American Geological Institute
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Institute of Chemists
American Mathematical Society
American Medical Association
American Meteorological Society
American Nuclear Society
American Oil Chemists' Society
American Physical Society
American Physiological Society
American Phytopathological Society
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
American Society for Cell Biology
American Society for Engineering Education
American Society for Horticultural Science
American Society for Information Science
ASM International
American Society for Microbiology
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
American Society for Quality Control
American Society of Aesthetics
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Society of Agronomy
American Society of Animal Science
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society of Plant Physiologists
American Society of Zoologists
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
American Statistical Association
American Vacuum Society
Association of American Geographers
Association of Research Libraries
Association of Southeastern Biologists
Association for Women in Science
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Biophysical Society
Crop Science Society of America
Ecological Society of America
Entomological Society of America
FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)
Geological Society of America
History of Science Society
Industrial Research Institute
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.(IEEE)
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Institute of Navigation
Instrument Society of America
International Association for Impact Assessment
International Communication Association
International Society for Measurement and Control
International Society for Systems Sciences
Marine Technology Society
Mathematical Association of America
Medical Library Association, Inc.
Microscopy Society of America
National Association for Research in Science Teaching
National Association of Biology Teachers
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Geographic Society
National Science Teachers Association
National Society of Black Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
National Speleological Society
Optical Society of America
Planetary Society
Rural Sociological Society
School Science and Mathematics Association
Sigma Delta Epsilon/Graduate Women in Science
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
Society of American Foresters
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Economic Botany
Society for Industrial Microbiology
Society for Social Studies of Science
Society of Women Engineers
Soil Science Society of America
Speech Communication Association
Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA)
The Wildlife Conservation Society

(Information Classified. Don't Tell a Soul.)
Here's a map showing a spectacular cross-section of coal veins
Mahanoy City, Pa. It reveals the impact of an asteroid, meteor or
comet having struck the earth and offering the undeniable physical
evidence of a catastrophe.
< "Oh, the Humanity"
< (Click on the map to enlarge it.)
Latest FBI File Photo of The Ignorant Prick


May 1, 2010, 10:17:59 AM5/1/10
And this from a Nutjob who takes up 11K of space to say absolutely
nothing ... nice going, Ed "dumber than coal" Conrad ... really nice ..

"Intrepid" <> wrote in message


May 1, 2010, 12:38:16 PM5/1/10
On May 1, 10:17 am, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> And this from a Nutjob who takes up 11K of space to say absolutely
> nothing ... nice going, Ed "dumber than coal" Conrad ... really nice ..
> "Intrepid" <> wrote in message
> >
> ...
> read more »

Conrad nailed it right on the head. Aykroyd was the only one with
anything valuable to say. Hawking with his "aliens should be left
alone" statement is old news. He said that years ago and it's only
coming to the forefront because of this new documentary. Larry Kings
show was the same old government party line bullshit hashed over and
over again. Everyone on the panel knows what's going on. To deny the
fact that we are being visited and exploited by our extraterrestrial
visitors just tells me that the scientific community is bought and
paid for, just like the media. Boreing..... except for Aykroyd.




May 1, 2010, 3:40:08 PM5/1/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

On May 1, 10:17 am, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> And this from a Nutjob who takes up 11K of space to say absolutely
> nothing ... nice going, Ed "dumber than coal" Conrad ... really nice ..

< snip Ed's Bullshit >

Conrad nailed it right on the head. Aykroyd was the only one with
anything valuable to say. Hawking with his "aliens should be left
alone" statement is old news. He said that years ago and it's only
coming to the forefront because of this new documentary. Larry Kings
show was the same old government party line bullshit hashed over and
over again. Everyone on the panel knows what's going on. To deny the
fact that we are being visited and exploited by our extraterrestrial
visitors just tells me that the scientific community is bought and
paid for, just like the media. Boreing..... except for Aykroyd.


Of course you Liberals would think that we are being visited ... you
always need a boogeyman to cover up your miserable failure at
achieving and or running ... anything. So, to me it really wasn't that
much of a stretch that your next Nemesis would be the imaginary
little green men in their gleaming SOL spaceships, who flew for
light-years for the sole purpose of sticking objects up Liberal's
poopers and mutilating downer cattle. You poor misguided Loons
think that the movie E.T. was a re-enactment.
PS: Dan Akroyd is a comedian ... google the word and find out
what it is comedians do for a living ....


May 1, 2010, 4:59:06 PM5/1/10

Comedians happen to be the political satirist and philosophers of our
time. More sense comes out of their mouths than any politician
excluding Obama. I can understand your lack of understanding or denial
of the UFO phenomena. Too many falls riding that Harley of yours
without a helmet. You know, one more fall on that thick head of yours
and it could be fatal or reduce you to a babbling idiot. Scratch
that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....



May 1, 2010, 5:22:01 PM5/1/10
vtcapo wrote:

> Comedians happen to be the political satirist and philosophers of our
> time. More sense comes out of their mouths than any politician
> excluding Obama. I can understand your lack of understanding or denial
> of the UFO phenomena. Too many falls riding that Harley of yours
> without a helmet. You know, one more fall on that thick head of yours
> and it could be fatal or reduce you to a babbling idiot. Scratch

> that.... You�re already a babbling idiot....
> RT

And your proof of UFO's landing here is? Your poof that we are or ever
have been visited by extraterrestrials and that they are exploiting us is?

Do you have one piece of evidence that you can hold in your hand of
extraterrestrial visitors? One clear picture of an extraterrestrial or
their UFO (and I don't mean some photo shopped pic)? A piece of any UFO
or item from that UFO that you an prove did not come from Earth?
Anything that is undisputed proof? And I don't mean links to a bunch of
nut-case web sites. That proves nothing.

"forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama

Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama

"Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)

"We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
certain point you've made enough money."
-Urkel Obama

Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
can't wait".

Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm

Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
liberals...morons electing morons.

Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child porn? Any
or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib judge.


May 1, 2010, 5:24:05 PM5/1/10
Hagar wrote:
> And this from a Nutjob who takes up 11K of space to say absolutely
> nothing ... nice going, Ed "dumber than coal" Conrad ... really nice ..

Stephen Hawking has more scientific knowledge and sense in his little
finger nail that all these UFO nut cases put together. But then again,
so does most everyone else.


May 1, 2010, 5:46:07 PM5/1/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to show
the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
I recognize the source for what it is.


May 1, 2010, 7:22:58 PM5/1/10

“Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
generational thing. That’s how I vent. You should know. You’re an
expert at it.

So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your
kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
trailer park, have the same mama?

Christ, now there’s two of umm…….



May 2, 2010, 1:34:56 AM5/2/10
>> that.... You�re already a babbling idiot....

>> RT
>> ****************************************************
>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
>> good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
>> something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to show
>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
>> Messiah..
>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> �Babbling idiot�, struck a nerve? Don�t take offense; it�s a
> generational thing. That�s how I vent. You should know. You�re an
> expert at it.
> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease� is buzz your

> kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
> trailer park, have the same mama?
> Christ, now there�s two of umm��.
> RT

So produce one shred of physical evidence to support your claims. Just one.


May 2, 2010, 11:06:43 AM5/2/10
> >> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> >> RT
> >> ****************************************************
> >> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
> >> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
> >> good and funny at it.  The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
> >> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
> >> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
> >> something for free, if only you vote for them.  And then, just to show
> >> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
> >> Messiah..
> >> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
> >> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
> >> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
> >> I recognize the source for what it is.
> > “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> > generational thing. That’s how I vent.  You should know. You’re an
> > expert at it.
> > So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> > kin?  Sure sounded like of clone of you.  Do you live in the same
> > trailer park, have the same mama?
> > Christ, now there’s two of umm…….

> > RT
> So produce one shred of physical evidence to support your claims. Just one.
> "forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama
> Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama
> "Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)
> "We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
> certain point you've made enough money."
> -Urkel Obama

> Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
> can't wait".
> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> liberals...morons electing morons.
> Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child porn? Any
> or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib judge.

Only an ignorant fool or someone too lazy to do the research would
contend that we are not being visited by extraterrestrials. Convince
you? Are you new to this site? Been there, done that. I'm to old to
suffer fools. Two words.... "Disclosure Project"

PS Your not buzz I can't dance aldrin????


May 2, 2010, 2:32:57 PM5/2/10
>>>> that.... You�re already a babbling idiot....

>>>> RT
>>>> ****************************************************
>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
>>>> good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to show
>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
>>>> Messiah..
>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
>>> �Babbling idiot�, struck a nerve? Don�t take offense; it�s a
>>> generational thing. That�s how I vent. You should know. You�re an
>>> expert at it.
>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease� is buzz your

>>> kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
>>> Christ, now there�s two of umm��.

So produce one artifact, one piece of physical evidence that prove
extraterrestrial have visited Earth. Just one.

"forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama

Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama

"Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)

"We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
certain point you've made enough money."
-Urkel Obama


May 2, 2010, 3:38:20 PM5/2/10
> >>>> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> >>>> RT
> >>>> ****************************************************
> >>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
> >>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
> >>>> good and funny at it.  The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
> >>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
> >>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
> >>>> something for free, if only you vote for them.  And then, just to show
> >>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
> >>>> Messiah..
> >>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
> >>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
> >>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
> >>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> >>> “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> >>> generational thing. That’s how I vent.  You should know. You’re an
> >>> expert at it.
> >>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> >>> kin?  Sure sounded like of clone of you.  Do you live in the same
> >>> trailer park, have the same mama?
> >>> Christ, now there’s two of umm…….

Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….



May 2, 2010, 7:42:40 PM5/2/10
>>>>>> that.... You�re already a babbling idiot....

>>>>>> RT
>>>>>> ****************************************************
>>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
>>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
>>>>>> good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
>>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
>>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
>>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to show
>>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
>>>>>> Messiah..
>>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
>>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
>>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
>>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
>>>>> �Babbling idiot�, struck a nerve? Don�t take offense; it�s a
>>>>> generational thing. That�s how I vent. You should know. You�re an
>>>>> expert at it.
>>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease� is buzz your

>>>>> kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
>>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
>>>>> Christ, now there�s two of umm��.
> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
> RT

And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.

"forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama

Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama

"Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)

"We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
certain point you've made enough money." -Urkel Obama


May 2, 2010, 7:49:49 PM5/2/10
> >>>>>> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> >>>>>> RT
> >>>>>> ****************************************************
> >>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
> >>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
> >>>>>> good and funny at it.  The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
> >>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
> >>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
> >>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them.  And then, just to show
> >>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
> >>>>>> Messiah..
> >>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
> >>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
> >>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
> >>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> >>>>> “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> >>>>> generational thing. That’s how I vent.  You should know. You’re an
> >>>>> expert at it.
> >>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> >>>>> kin?  Sure sounded like of clone of you.  Do you live in the same
> >>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
> >>>>> Christ, now there’s two of umm…….
> > some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….

> > RT
> And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
> is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
> supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
> of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
> extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.

What about this ancient Egyptian airplane?


Brad Guth

May 2, 2010, 7:54:32 PM5/2/10
> Double-A

That could be a flying fish, although I'd go along with airplane.

~ BG


May 2, 2010, 7:56:29 PM5/2/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> liberals...morons electing morons.

Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.


Haha ... Urkel ... how apropos! In case you don't get that, retired math
brainiac, it means the same as "when the foo shits ...".
So , let's talk about the pyramids. The layout is within 0.01" of
tolerance, the North-South alignment is slightly off, but matches the North
Star alignment of 6,000 years ago. Any student of math of the period would
have had the required skills to lay out and level the foundation to the
dimensions of that era. Which is probably why you have such a big problem
with it, since YOU are the one teaching math to today's kids ... they can
barely find their way home from the mall, much less create something
There are shafts that point vaguely in the direction of the belt of Orion's
belt and a load of other coincidences have been published, which can be
taken with a grain of salt as just that, or, obviously by Loons like you, as
definite proof of Aleeun intervention. I am also very much interested in
that stuff, but, in the end, logic prevails. Now you can babble on about
11different dimensions, string theories and multiple universes ad nauseam,
but lacking ANY evidence of Aleeun materials, artifacts, writings, parts
which fell off their spacecraft, there is NOTHING you or anyone else has to
prove your stark raving lunatic notions of Aleeun visitations. If you do
have proof, other than reams of fuzzy pictures and page after page of "I saw
and I swear ... bla, bla, bla", you have nothing, nada, zero, zilch to prove
that Aleeuns, for instance had a hand in building the pyramids. There id no
proof, other than conjecture, that Aleeuns had a hand in the Nazca lines, or
in the tooth fairy or the fairy godmother or Santa Claus or the Easter
Bunny. You Liberal fucktards just can't give humanity credit for being
innovative, just because you yourselves are too stupid to replicate it, in
fact you're hard at it to destroy mankind's achievements, simply because you
had no part in their invention and success. People like you are leeches and
your claim to fame is that you fucked up the brains of countless students
with your Aleeun drivel, when you should have taught them the principles of
mathematics ... but then, you probably haven't grasped the them yet

Brad Guth

May 2, 2010, 7:56:45 PM5/2/10
> >>>>>> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> >>>>>> RT
> >>>>>> ****************************************************
> >>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
> >>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
> >>>>>> good and funny at it.  The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
> >>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
> >>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
> >>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them.  And then, just to show
> >>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
> >>>>>> Messiah..
> >>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
> >>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
> >>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
> >>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> >>>>> “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> >>>>> generational thing. That’s how I vent.  You should know. You’re an
> >>>>> expert at it.
> >>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> >>>>> kin?  Sure sounded like of clone of you.  Do you live in the same
> >>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
> >>>>> Christ, now there’s two of umm…….
> > some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….

> > RT
> And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
> is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
> supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
> of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
> extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.
> "forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama
> Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama
> "Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)
> "We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
> certain point you've made enough money." -Urkel Obama
> Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
> can't wait".
> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> liberals...morons electing morons.
> Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child porn? Any
> or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib judge.

But it could be worse, much worse if Dick Cheney and Kissinger were in

~ BG

Brad Guth

May 2, 2010, 7:58:58 PM5/2/10
On May 1, 7:17 am, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> And this from a Nutjob who takes up 11K of space to say absolutely
> nothing ... nice going, Ed "dumber than coal" Conrad ... really nice ..

So why did you quote everything?

~ BG


May 2, 2010, 8:25:44 PM5/2/10

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

~ BG
It would do well on Venus, GuthBall ... especially since it seems to be made
from Gold ... immune to acid ... however, it might just melt upon landing.


May 2, 2010, 9:02:40 PM5/2/10
"Double-A" <> wrote in message



Looks like a fancy, artistic rendition of a moth to me.

happy days and...
starry starry nights!

Indelibly yours,
Paine Ellsworth

P.S.: "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me."
> William Shakespeare



May 3, 2010, 12:11:29 AM5/3/10

Buzz, Hagar,
Artifacts......there are many but the pyramids are the most telling of
all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn’t rocket science but
it’s not about the math. It’s about the construction. You don’t think
it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they’re not that
good. No one is.

Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
that comprises the roof of Khufu’s burial chamber.

I’m waitng……….. I knew I would regret this.



May 3, 2010, 6:05:23 AM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

Conrad nailed it right on the head. Aykroyd was the only one with
anything valuable to say. Hawking with his "aliens should be left
alone" statement is old news. He said that years ago and it's only
coming to the forefront because of this new documentary. Larry Kings
show was the same old government party line bullshit hashed over and
over again. Everyone on the panel knows what's going on. To deny the
fact that we are being visited and exploited by our extraterrestrial
visitors just tells me that the scientific community is bought and
paid for, just like the media. Boreing..... except for Aykroyd.

Aliens visiting the Earth is just another religion for
weak-minded fools.


May 3, 2010, 7:30:35 AM5/3/10

It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with the multitude of
evidence. In case you skipped over my reply to buzz, two words...
"Disclosure Project"



May 3, 2010, 10:08:57 AM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Aliens visiting the Earth is just another religion for
> weak-minded fools.

It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with the multitude of
evidence. In case you skipped over my reply to buzz, two words...
"Disclosure Project"


They have disclosed a grand total of ZERO evidence.

Testable, falsifiable evidence.

Not stories, not anecdotes, REAL evidence.

Alien visitation of Earth is just another religion
that weak-minded fools fall for, same thing with
ghosts......It's all bullshit.

PS- There is FAR more 'evidence' for religious
belief than there is for aliens. (IE: none)

PPS- Tell Barbara I said hello.


May 3, 2010, 10:21:09 AM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

*** So, if no one is ... aha, it just MUST have been the Aleeuns. Of course
they didn't leave one shred of evidence behind ... but you loons know for a
fact it was that Aleeun magic that did it.

Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.

*** Apparently you never have witnessed 6 guys working for Bigge, the
countries premier heavy equipment movers, onlod a 60 ton power transformer
from a flatbed railroad car and move it onto a concrete pad with only wooden
beams of various sizes, levers, jacks and come-alongs.

I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.


*** you see, most humans, if they encounter something they don't understand,
will not admit that they just don't know and just live with it. No, they
have to justify their not knowing by invoking Gods or Aleeuns as their
explanation, thus removing themselves from the equation ... after all, Gods
and Aleeuns are much smarter than humans.
I call it RELIGION and unfortunately most of humanity still believes in that


May 3, 2010, 1:24:07 PM5/3/10

Hagar, HVAC, buzz and all other cretin non-believers,
Cut the bullshit, quit dodging the issue and answer my question.

Still waiting......
PS Keep my wife out of this before I start ranting on yo mama.
Besides, Barbara thinks we're all crazy.....


May 3, 2010, 2:06:06 PM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

Still waiting......

OK, I'll bite ... put it out for a bid, and if you have the money, someone
will find the know-how to do it again, with the same precision.
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much of a call for Pyramids in the past
5000 or so years (500 or less if you include the Incan step Pyramids).

And even though I agree with your assessment of the precision in which the
blocks of stone are fitted together (ditto for Central/South America), there
is NO proof of Aleeun intervention. You show me one single piece of
evidence to the contrary, something not photo-shopped or cooked up in an
alchemist's kitchen, and I'll declare you to be "Da Man".
Alas, you can't. And all your fantasies about gravity defying transports and
laser beam rock cutting machines will remain just that, namely fantasies.
Ever thought about starting your own religion ??? you could make CCR's "It
fell out of the sky" as your theme song. You'd probably get a shitload of
Scientologist to switch sides.
PS: I bet you also think the statues at Easter Island were made by the same
Aleeuns, once they got tired of building pyramids ...


May 3, 2010, 2:47:55 PM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

Hagar, HVAC, buzz and all other cretin non-believers,
Cut the bullshit, quit dodging the issue and answer my question.

OK. I'll answer your question.

NO. That was NOT a ghost in that picture.

PS Keep my wife out of this before I start ranting on yo mama.
Besides, Barbara thinks we're all crazy.....


Barbara is partly correct in her assessment.

PS- Send pictures of Barbara.


May 3, 2010, 4:24:44 PM5/3/10

So if I understand you correctly you are convinced that WE have the
know how to do this. Therefore you are saying that the Egyptians had
to be at a minimum as advanced technologically as we are. Well, we
know that’s incorrect. Experts do believe it could be done but it
would take a gang of modern day cranes working in unison to lift the
50-ton block used as the roof not to mention other stone slabs that
weigh up to 70 Tons. However, they could never duplicate the

Show me the tools the Egyptians used to move and cut the stones. If
the only thing you have going for your argument is wooden rollers,
pulleys, levers, chisels, hand saws, slaves and the crack of a whip,
you won’t convince anyone except HVAC and buzz.

It is obvious to the discerning mind that a highly technological race
of beings created the Pyramids. If it wasn’t the Egyptians, then who?
Wake the fuck up…….



May 3, 2010, 4:45:46 PM5/3/10
>>>>>>>> that.... You�re already a babbling idiot....

>>>>>>>> RT
>>>>>>>> ****************************************************
>>>>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
>>>>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
>>>>>>>> good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
>>>>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
>>>>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
>>>>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to show
>>>>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
>>>>>>>> Messiah..
>>>>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
>>>>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
>>>>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
>>>>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
>>>>>>> �Babbling idiot�, struck a nerve? Don�t take offense; it�s a
>>>>>>> generational thing. That�s how I vent. You should know. You�re an
>>>>>>> expert at it.
>>>>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease� is buzz your

>>>>>>> kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
>>>>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
>>>>>>> Christ, now there�s two of umm��.
>>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.

>>> RT
>> And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
>> is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
>> supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
>> of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
>> extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.
> What about this ancient Egyptian airplane?
> Double-A

So these extraterrestrials are so advanced that they can traverse light
years of space and all they have to offer is an airplane?


May 3, 2010, 5:17:43 PM5/3/10
Hagar wrote:
> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>> liberals...morons electing morons.
> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.

There is no doubt that any extraterrestrials capable of traversing light
years of space to arrive on earth would be far far advanced from even us
today. So with all that advancement, skill and knowledge why did it take
years (up to 20 or more) to build the pyramids? Why were they built with
such crude tools? Wouldn't these advanced beings be able to show the
ancient Egyptians how to build advanced tools and do a better, faster job?

Again, no one can offer one shred of physical evidence that
extraterrestrials have ever visited this planet. Not one.


May 3, 2010, 5:26:05 PM5/3/10
vtcapo wrote:
> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
> all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn�t rocket science but
> it�s not about the math. It�s about the construction. You don�t think

> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they�re not that

> good. No one is.
> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.

> I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.

The pyramids were built over many years time, with unlimited slave
labor. The feat could be duplicated today in much shorter time.

As far as precision, I refer you to the Hydron Collider, which lies in a
17 mile long tunnel where alignments have to be with far more accurate
than you will find in the pyramids.

There is no way you can prove that the pyramids were built by anyone
other than ancient people of earth.


May 3, 2010, 5:32:34 PM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

> So if I understand you correctly you are convinced that WE have the
> know how to do this. Therefore you are saying that the Egyptians had
> to be at a minimum as advanced technologically as we are. Well, we

> know that�s incorrect. Experts do believe it could be done but it

> would take a gang of modern day cranes working in unison to lift the
> 50-ton block used as the roof not to mention other stone slabs that
> weigh up to 70 Tons. However, they could never duplicate the
> tolerances.
> Show me the tools the Egyptians used to move and cut the stones. If
> the only thing you have going for your argument is wooden rollers,
> pulleys, levers, chisels, hand saws, slaves and the crack of a whip,

> you won�t convince anyone except HVAC and buzz.

> It is obvious to the discerning mind that a highly technological race

> of beings created the Pyramids. If it wasn�t the Egyptians, then who?
> Wake the fuck up��.
> RT



May 3, 2010, 5:34:51 PM5/3/10
On May 3, 5:26 pm, buzz <> wrote:
> vtcapo wrote:
> > On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> >> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> >>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> >>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> >>> liberals...morons electing morons.
> >> Start with the pyramids PUTZ!  That should keep you busy for quite
> >> some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….
> > all the artifacts.  And yes the math involved isn’t rocket science but
> > it’s not about the math. It’s about the construction. You don’t think

> > it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
> > Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they’re not that

> > good. No one is.
> > Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
> > duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
> > precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
> > that comprises the roof of Khufu’s burial chamber.
> > I’m waitng……….. I knew I would regret this.

> The pyramids were built over many years time, with unlimited slave
> labor. The feat could be duplicated today in much shorter time.
> As far as precision, I refer you to the Hydron Collider, which lies in a
> 17 mile long tunnel where alignments have to be with far more accurate
> than you will find in the pyramids.
> There is no way you can prove that the pyramids were built by anyone
> other than ancient people of earth.

There is no way I can prove it to you because you have a closed mind.
You're right. It was slave labor and axle grease.....



May 3, 2010, 5:37:37 PM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

Ok, oh ever so sage one ... I give up ... you are right !!
Now present your evidence ... what is that ?? you don't have any ?? no
high-speed rock cutting laser beam or stone cutting implement ?? If there
were Aleeuns, at least one UFO, hauling all these huge rocks to and fro,
must have suffered mechanical failure(s), but, alas, no pieces parts. So,
in the end, all you have is whatever your brain wants you to see, plus you
accused the ancient Egyptians of being dumb.

Furthermore, how do you know that we couldn't duplicate a Pyramid today ??
I bet Obama could rally ACORN to furnish the peon labor, provided he can get
the losers off their fat asses and money doesn't seem to be a problem for
him, as long as Conservatives like myself hold down day jobs. But the
question remains "why". In Egypt, those who actually built the structures
did so out of admiration for their pharaohs. Unfortunately, all those who
admire Obama are the weakest and laziest dregs of society and couldn't build
an anthill.


May 3, 2010, 5:38:24 PM5/3/10
vtcapo wrote:
> On May 3, 10:21 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
>>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
>>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
>> all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn�t rocket science but
>> it�s not about the math. It�s about the construction. You don�t think

>> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
>> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they�re not that

>> good. No one is.
>> *** So, if no one is ... aha, it just MUST have been the Aleeuns. Of course
>> they didn't leave one shred of evidence behind ... but you loons know for a
>> fact it was that Aleeun magic that did it.
>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.

>> *** Apparently you never have witnessed 6 guys working for Bigge, the
>> countries premier heavy equipment movers, onlod a 60 ton power transformer
>> from a flatbed railroad car and move it onto a concrete pad with only wooden
>> beams of various sizes, levers, jacks and come-alongs.
>> I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.

>> RT
>> *** you see, most humans, if they encounter something they don't understand,
>> will not admit that they just don't know and just live with it. No, they
>> have to justify their not knowing by invoking Gods or Aleeuns as their
>> explanation, thus removing themselves from the equation ... after all, Gods
>> and Aleeuns are much smarter than humans.
>> I call it RELIGION and unfortunately most of humanity still believes in that
>> hocus-pocus..
> Hagar, HVAC, buzz and all other cretin non-believers,
> Cut the bullshit, quit dodging the issue and answer my question.
> Still waiting......

Why don't you cut the BS and provide one shred of physical evidnce that
this earth has ever been visited by beings from another planet. A part
of a craft that came from another planet, a clear picture of an alien
being, any artifact that would offer proof of beings from another
planet. You have nothing, not one.

Still waiting...

John Park

May 3, 2010, 5:52:29 PM5/3/10
buzz ( writes:
> The pyramids were built over many years time, with unlimited slave
> labor. The feat could be duplicated today in much shorter time.

Nitpick--I don't believe the workers were slaves, though they may have been
conscripts. (Nor were they quite unlimited.)

--John Park


May 3, 2010, 5:57:26 PM5/3/10
vtcapo wrote:
> On May 3, 5:26 pm, buzz <> wrote:
>> vtcapo wrote:
>>> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>>>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
>>>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
>>>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
>>> all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn�t rocket science but
>>> it�s not about the math. It�s about the construction. You don�t think

>>> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
>>> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they�re not that

>>> good. No one is.
>>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.
>>> I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.

>> The pyramids were built over many years time, with unlimited slave
>> labor. The feat could be duplicated today in much shorter time.
>> As far as precision, I refer you to the Hydron Collider, which lies in a
>> 17 mile long tunnel where alignments have to be with far more accurate
>> than you will find in the pyramids.
>> There is no way you can prove that the pyramids were built by anyone
>> other than ancient people of earth.
> There is no way I can prove it to you because you have a closed mind.
> You're right. It was slave labor and axle grease.....
> RT

You need to understand that E.T. and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
were just movies.


May 3, 2010, 6:43:37 PM5/3/10
On May 3, 5:32 pm, "MIB" <> wrote:
> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> > So if I understand you correctly you are convinced that WE have the
> > know how to do this. Therefore you are saying that the Egyptians had
> > to be at a minimum as advanced technologically as we are.  Well, we
> > know that’s incorrect.  Experts do believe it could be done but it

> > would take a gang of modern day cranes working in unison to lift the
> > 50-ton block used as the roof not to mention other stone slabs that
> > weigh up to 70 Tons.  However, they could never duplicate the
> > tolerances.
> > Show me the tools the Egyptians used to move and cut the stones. If
> > the only thing you have going for your argument is wooden rollers,
> > pulleys, levers, chisels, hand saws, slaves and the crack of a whip,
> > you won’t convince anyone except HVAC and buzz.

> > It is obvious to the discerning mind that a highly technological race
> > of beings created the Pyramids. If it wasn’t the Egyptians, then who?
> > Wake the fuck up…….
> > RT
> Idiot.

That cinched it for me….. So if one man can do this, what could
thousands of slaves be capable of doing? Good try but Stonehenge is a
far cry from Giza.



May 3, 2010, 7:28:39 PM5/3/10
On May 3, 5:38 pm, buzz <> wrote:
> vtcapo wrote:
> > On May 3, 10:21 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> >> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> >>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> >>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> >>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> >>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
> >>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
> >>> some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….
> >> all the artifacts.  And yes the math involved isn’t rocket science but
> >> it’s not about the math. It’s about the construction. You don’t think

> >> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
> >> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they’re not that

> >> good. No one is.
> >> *** So, if no one is ... aha, it just MUST have been the Aleeuns.  Of course
> >> they didn't leave one shred of evidence behind ... but you loons know for a
> >> fact it was that Aleeun magic that did it.
> >> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
> >> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
> >> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
> >> that comprises the roof of Khufu’s burial chamber.

> >> *** Apparently you never have witnessed 6 guys working for Bigge, the
> >> countries premier heavy equipment movers, onlod a 60 ton power transformer
> >> from a flatbed railroad car and move it onto a concrete pad with only wooden
> >> beams of various sizes, levers, jacks and come-alongs.
> >> I’m waitng……….. I knew I would regret this.

> >> RT
> >> *** you see, most humans, if they encounter something they don't understand,
> >> will not admit that they just don't know and just live with it. No, they
> >> have to justify their not knowing by invoking Gods or Aleeuns as their
> >> explanation, thus removing themselves from the equation ... after all, Gods
> >> and Aleeuns are much smarter than humans.
> >> I call it RELIGION and unfortunately most of humanity still believes in that
> >> hocus-pocus..
> > Hagar, HVAC, buzz and all other cretin non-believers,
> > Cut the bullshit, quit dodging the issue and answer my question.
> > Still waiting......
> Why don't you cut the BS and provide one shred of physical evidnce that
> this earth has ever been visited by beings from another planet. A part
> of a craft that came from another planet, a clear picture of an alien
> being, any artifact that would offer proof of beings from another
> planet. You have nothing, not one.
> Still waiting...

You require tangible evidence. You have to see it, to touch it, to
feel it. You do not possess the patients nor have you the tenacity to
furrow through the body of evidence presented in the archives let
alone the rational skills necessary to discern the first eyewitness

Laziness is a character flaw. I can’t help you….



May 3, 2010, 7:47:55 PM5/3/10
vtcapo wrote:
> On May 3, 5:38 pm, buzz <> wrote:
>> vtcapo wrote:
>>> On May 3, 10:21 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>>> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
>>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>>>>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
>>>>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
>>>>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
>>>> all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn�t rocket science but
>>>> it�s not about the math. It�s about the construction. You don�t think

>>>> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
>>>> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they�re not that

>>>> good. No one is.
>>>> *** So, if no one is ... aha, it just MUST have been the Aleeuns. Of course
>>>> they didn't leave one shred of evidence behind ... but you loons know for a
>>>> fact it was that Aleeun magic that did it.
>>>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>>>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>>>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>>>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.

>>>> *** Apparently you never have witnessed 6 guys working for Bigge, the
>>>> countries premier heavy equipment movers, onlod a 60 ton power transformer
>>>> from a flatbed railroad car and move it onto a concrete pad with only wooden
>>>> beams of various sizes, levers, jacks and come-alongs.
>>>> I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.

>>>> RT
>>>> *** you see, most humans, if they encounter something they don't understand,
>>>> will not admit that they just don't know and just live with it. No, they
>>>> have to justify their not knowing by invoking Gods or Aleeuns as their
>>>> explanation, thus removing themselves from the equation ... after all, Gods
>>>> and Aleeuns are much smarter than humans.
>>>> I call it RELIGION and unfortunately most of humanity still believes in that
>>>> hocus-pocus..
>>> Hagar, HVAC, buzz and all other cretin non-believers,
>>> Cut the bullshit, quit dodging the issue and answer my question.
>>> Still waiting......
>> Why don't you cut the BS and provide one shred of physical evidnce that
>> this earth has ever been visited by beings from another planet. A part
>> of a craft that came from another planet, a clear picture of an alien
>> being, any artifact that would offer proof of beings from another
>> planet. You have nothing, not one.
>> Still waiting...
> You require tangible evidence. You have to see it, to touch it, to
> feel it. You do not possess the patients nor have you the tenacity to
> furrow through the body of evidence presented in the archives let
> alone the rational skills necessary to discern the first eyewitness
> accounts.
> Laziness is a character flaw. I can�t help you�.
> RT

Let me ask you, are you religious?


May 3, 2010, 8:49:51 PM5/3/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

***You stark raving Loon has the patients, he just doesn't
have the fucking patience. And you, as a former self-proclaimed
teacher, you're trying to lecture us on physics ?? you preposterous fraud.
Again, I challenge you, show us your evidence ... you don't have any.
The Xtians employ the same maneuvers by orating "But it says so in
the Babble", which is just about as phony as your invitation for the
opposition to your pipe dreams to plow through reams and reams of
gobble-de-gook, written by NumbNutz whackjobs.

Laziness is a character flaw. I can�t help you�.

*** No. NumbNutz ... stupidity is a mental flaw and in your case it
is related to that dreaded disease of Liberalism, a proven Mental
Disorder. Now go and pound salt.



May 3, 2010, 8:52:24 PM5/3/10

"buzz" <> wrote in message

> vtcapo wrote:
>> On May 3, 5:26 pm, buzz <> wrote:
>>> vtcapo wrote:
>>>> On May 2, 7:56 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
>>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
>>>>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
>>>>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
>>>>> Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
>>>>> some time. Don�t email me back until you�re through�.
>>>> all the artifacts. And yes the math involved isn�t rocket science but
>>>> it�s not about the math. It�s about the construction. You don�t think

>>>> it was a bunch of Jew slaves rolling logs under those huge stones.
>>>> Jews are some of most resourceful people I know but they�re not that

>>>> good. No one is.
>>>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>>>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>>>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>>>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.
>>>> I�m waitng���.. I knew I would regret this.

>>> The pyramids were built over many years time, with unlimited slave
>>> labor. The feat could be duplicated today in much shorter time.
>>> As far as precision, I refer you to the Hydron Collider, which lies in a
>>> 17 mile long tunnel where alignments have to be with far more accurate
>>> than you will find in the pyramids.
>>> There is no way you can prove that the pyramids were built by anyone
>>> other than ancient people of earth.
>> There is no way I can prove it to you because you have a closed mind.
>> You're right. It was slave labor and axle grease.....
>> RT
> You need to understand that E.T. and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
> were just movies.

RT also thinks that Richard Hoaxland is the reincarnation of Jebus.


May 3, 2010, 9:17:03 PM5/3/10

"HVAC" <> wrote in message
Barbara should put the Putz out of his misery ... the dude's not well.
Failed math teacher syndrome, you know ...
He got his retirement, but no legacy, except "Don't let the door ...."


May 3, 2010, 9:29:03 PM5/3/10

Your psychobabble might fly with your dim-witted friends but it
doesn’t cut it in a worldwide forum. Go do some research and quit
circle jerking each other...



May 3, 2010, 9:48:28 PM5/3/10
On May 3, 9:17 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> "HVAC" <> wrote in message

My legacy.........that's an interesting thought???? What can I leave
for posterity????? Let’s see, if I don’t lose everything on this new
business venture ????....If I croak tomorrow the family is set
financially. Even if the market implodes again. Let’s see, a house
with ocean access on the Treasure Coast (paid for) and an 18-acre farm
up in the Green Mountains with a small mortgage. Not bad for a Middle
School math teacher? Wouldn’t you say?…….Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha…..

PS Honestly I could'nt have done it without Barbara. But isn’t that
what a good marriage is all about? Taking care of your family...


May 4, 2010, 7:12:31 AM5/4/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

Show me the tools the Egyptians used to move and cut the stones. If
the only thing you have going for your argument is wooden rollers,
pulleys, levers, chisels, hand saws, slaves and the crack of a whip,
you won�t convince anyone except HVAC and buzz.


And every other non-kook on the planet...........

Ask Barbara, she'll tell you that aliens didn't do it.


May 4, 2010, 7:22:47 AM5/4/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

That cinched it for me�.. So if one man can do this, what could
thousands of slaves be capable of doing? Good try but Stonehenge is a
far cry from Giza.


So you agree that humans made Stonehenge?

Also, how do you explain the massive amounts of
ledgers dealing with all the mundane details of pyramid
construction? Everything from where the blocks come
from to how much wheat would be allotted to each
worker during the life of the project.

I guess all this was part of a five thousand year old
Egyptian/alien cover up?

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" -Carl Sagan


May 4, 2010, 10:03:41 AM5/4/10

"buzz" <> wrote in message
> vtcapo wrote:

< snip RT crapola >

>> Laziness is a character flaw. I can�t help you�.

>> RT
> Let me ask you, are you religious?

Say, buzz, don't you just love it how they start to "k00k-dance" when
pressed for answers ... high on lip-flapping, but bone-dry on evidence ...
of any kind. They have nothing except the voices in their heads.


May 4, 2010, 10:08:40 AM5/4/10

"vtcapo" <> wrote in message

On May 3, 8:49 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message

OK, Capo: This should be a pretty cut-and-dried challenge:
Put up your proof that Aleeuns built the pyramids..
It does not mean for ME to read reams upon reams of literature that YOU
think proves your Aleeun hypothesis.
Evidence that is indisputable.
If you can't, then SHUT the FUCK UP.

Can't make it any simpler than that ... let the k00k-dancing begin.


May 4, 2010, 12:52:43 PM5/4/10
On May 4, 10:08 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> On May 3, 8:49 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> > "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> OK, Capo: This should be a pretty cut-and-dried challenge:
> Put up your proof that Aleeuns built the pyramids..
> It does not mean for ME to read reams upon reams of literature that YOU
> think proves your Aleeun hypothesis.
> Evidence that is indisputable.
> If you can't, then SHUT the FUCK UP.
> Can't make it any simpler than that ... let the k00k-dancing begin.

Based on all the evidence (and you do have to sort through all the
evidence) what I have to say is very simple.

Who built the Pyramids? Humans under the guiding hand of a Superior
Race of Beings. It was simply too complex an operation for primitive
man to undertake on his own at that period of time. Whether the
designers where Alien or of this earth is still to be determined. As
far as the Egyptians go, they where the pit bosses following a
superior directive. In other words, they were the whip crackers.

Take or leave it………



May 4, 2010, 1:05:16 PM5/4/10
On May 4, 10:03 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "buzz" <> wrote in message

You don't want to go there with me, do you? You in particular buzz.
I can understand your skepticism concerning the UFO phenomena. But
for you to delve into religion and its close association with the
paranormal .... You just don't have the constitution for it.........

PS And what would it all prove? That we agree to disagree…..

Brad Guth

May 4, 2010, 2:30:49 PM5/4/10
On May 2, 5:25 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> On May 2, 4:49 pm, Double-A <> wrote:

> > On May 2, 4:42 pm, buzz <> wrote:
> > > vtcapo wrote:
> > > > On May 2, 2:32 pm, buzz <> wrote:
> > > >> vtcapo wrote:
> > > >>> On May 2, 1:34 am, buzz <> wrote:
> > > >>>> vtcapo wrote:
> > > >>>>> On May 1, 5:46 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> > > >>>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> > > >>>>>>

> > > >>>>>> On May 1, 3:40 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> > > >>>>>>> "vtcapo" <> wrote in message
> > > >>>>>> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> > > >>>>>> RT
> > > >>>>>> ****************************************************
> > > >>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what
> > > >>>>>> politicians
> > > >>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and
> > > >>>>>> they are
> > > >>>>>> good and funny at it. The politicians are neither ... like
> > > >>>>>> lawyers, which
> > > >>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the
> > > >>>>>> Earth.
> > > >>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can
> > > >>>>>> get
> > > >>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them. And then, just to
> > > >>>>>> show
> > > >>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected
> > > >>>>>> the
> > > >>>>>> Messiah..
> > > >>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike
> > > >>>>>> (Liberals
> > > >>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit
> > > >>>>>> failed attempt
> > > >>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot"
> > > >>>>>> comment, since
> > > >>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> > > >>>>> “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> > > >>>>> generational thing. That’s how I vent. You should know. You’re an
> > > >>>>> expert at it.
> > > >>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> > > >>>>> kin? Sure sounded like of clone of you. Do you live in the same
> > > >>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
> > > >>>>> Christ, now there’s two of umm…….

> > > >>>>> RT
> > > >>>> So produce one shred of physical evidence to support your claims.
> > > >>>> Just one.
> > > >>>> "forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama
> > > >>>> Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama
> > > >>>> "Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)
> > > >>>> "We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
> > > >>>> certain point you've made enough money."
> > > >>>> -Urkel Obama
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>>
> > > >>>> Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid
> > > >>>> Cool-Aid,
> > > >>>> can't wait".
> > > >>>> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> > > >>>> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> > > >>>> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> > > >>>> liberals...morons electing morons.
> > > >>>> Sex offender? Rapist? Child molester? Pedophile? Deal in child
> > > >>>> porn? Any
> > > >>>> or all of these and not in jail? Thank a lib, especially a lib
> > > >>>> judge.
> > > >>> buzz,
> > > >>> Only an ignorant fool or someone too lazy to do the research would
> > > >>> contend that we are not being visited by extraterrestrials. Convince
> > > >>> you? Are you new to this site? Been there, done that. I'm to old to
> > > >>> suffer fools. Two words.... "Disclosure Project"
> > > >>> RT
> > > >>> PS Your not buzz I can't dance aldrin????
> > > >> So produce one artifact, one piece of physical evidence that prove
> > > >> extraterrestrial have visited Earth. Just one.
> > > >> "forget the truck...everybody can buy a truck."...Urkel Obama
> > > >> Not in your economy Mr. Urkel Obama
> > > >> "Navy corpse-man"...Urkel Obama (three times)
> > > >> "We don't begrudge success. But I do think at a
> > > >> certain point you've made enough money."
> > > >> -Urkel Obama
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> Liberal slogan: "Cool-Aid Cool-Aid, tastes great, Cool-Aid Cool-Aid,
> > > >> can't wait".
> > > >> Barack Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm
> > > >> Send HIM to Pakistan to fight Osama...mmm mmm mmm
> > > >> Simple-minded lying dummycrats (the party that birthed the KKK) and
> > > >> liberals...morons electing morons.
> > > > Start with the pyramids PUTZ! That should keep you busy for quite
> > > > some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….
> > > > RT
> > > And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
> > > is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
> > > supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
> > > of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
> > > extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.
> > What about this ancient Egyptian airplane?
> >
> > Double-A
> That could be a flying fish, although I'd go along with airplane.
>  ~ BG
>             ****************************
> It would do well on Venus, GuthBall ... especially since it seems to be made
> from Gold ... immune to acid ... however, it might just melt upon landing.

Would you and your redneck friends like to attend my Winter Olympics
on Venus?

~ BG

Brad Guth

May 4, 2010, 2:32:28 PM5/4/10
On May 2, 6:02 pm, "Painius" <> wrote:
> "Double-A" <> wrote in message
>        $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> Looks like a fancy, artistic rendition of a moth to me.
> happy days and...
>    starry starry nights!
> --
> Indelibly yours,
> Paine Ellsworth
> P.S.:  "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me."
>                                                  > William Shakespeare
> P.P.S.:

It's another sean relative, as a flying fish.

~ BG

Brad Guth

May 4, 2010, 2:33:29 PM5/4/10
> >>>>>>>> that.... You’re already a babbling idiot....

> >>>>>>>> RT
> >>>>>>>> ****************************************************
> >>>>>>>> You poor, misguided cretin. The only difference between what politicians
> >>>>>>>> do and what comedians do is that the latter lie for a living, and they are
> >>>>>>>> good and funny at it.  The politicians are neither ... like lawyers, which
> >>>>>>>> most of them are unsuccessful lawyers, they are the scum of the Earth.
> >>>>>>>> However, they do seem to convince morons like you that you can get
> >>>>>>>> something for free, if only you vote for them.  And then, just to show
> >>>>>>>> the rest of the world how fucked up you Liberals are, you elected the
> >>>>>>>> Messiah..
> >>>>>>>> PS: I always wear a helmet and I have never dumped my bike (Liberals
> >>>>>>>> FALL off their tricycles). In view of your previous, albeit failed attempt
> >>>>>>>> at intelligent dialog, I'll overlook your "babbling idiot" comment, since
> >>>>>>>> I recognize the source for what it is.
> >>>>>>> “Babbling idiot”, struck a nerve? Don’t take offense; it’s a
> >>>>>>> generational thing. That’s how I vent.  You should know. You’re an
> >>>>>>> expert at it.
> >>>>>>> So, is it now my turn to convince you? Pleeeeeeease… is buzz your

> >>>>>>> kin?  Sure sounded like of clone of you.  Do you live in the same
> >>>>>>> trailer park, have the same mama?
> >>>>>>> Christ, now there’s two of umm…….
> >>> some time. Don’t email me back until you’re through….

> >>> RT
> >> And your proof that other than people of this Earth built the pyramids
> >> is? Show one shred of proof that they were built by, or the building was
> >> supervised by extraterrestrials. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence
> >> of extraterrestrials. You cannot produce one artifact that proves
> >> extraterrestrials have ever visited this Earth. Not one.
> > What about this ancient Egyptian airplane?
> >

> > Double-A
> So these extraterrestrials are so advanced that they can traverse light
> years of space and all they have to offer is an airplane?

Sure, why not?

Would you leave behind any of your good stuff?

~ BG

Brad Guth

May 4, 2010, 2:35:21 PM5/4/10

Rednecks never seem to know who's family and who isn't.

~ BG

Brad Guth

May 4, 2010, 2:39:48 PM5/4/10
On May 3, 6:48 pm, vtcapo <> wrote:

Rednecks like our Hagar never seem to know who's family and who isn't.

Within their trailer parks, whereas so often within a few generations
they start looking exactly like one another.

~ BG


May 4, 2010, 3:04:56 PM5/4/10
> Take or leave it���
> RT

Since you claim that mear earth mortals could not possibly have moved
these huge blocks of stone into place, just what equipment did these
extraterrestrials bring with them to move those stone blocks? Oh, I
know, they used their super powers to float them into place, right?
Why aren't there any ancient Egyptian records describing this superior
race of beings and their space ships helping them to build the pyramids?

Again, you have not one shred of physical evidence to back up anything
you say. Not one.


May 4, 2010, 3:12:01 PM5/4/10
vtcapo wrote:
> Show me the tools the Egyptians used to move and cut the stones. If
> the only thing you have going for your argument is wooden rollers,
> pulleys, levers, chisels, hand saws, slaves and the crack of a whip,
> you won�t convince anyone except HVAC and buzz.

Show me the tools or any recorded record of the tools these superior
beings used to move and cut the stones. If these superior beings were so
advanced, don't you think the stones would be cut with great precision,
all exactly the same size with extremely smooth surfaces. Instead it is
plain to see that the stones were cut using crude tools.

> It is obvious to the discerning mind that a highly technological race

> of beings created the Pyramids. If it wasn�t the Egyptians, then who?
> Wake the fuck up��.
> RT

It is obvious to the most casual of observers that the pyramids were
built by normal ancient earth bound humans over a period of many years.


May 4, 2010, 3:33:05 PM5/4/10
Brad Guth wrote:

> Would you and your redneck friends like to attend my Winter Olympics
> on Venus?
> ~ BG

You mean that planet you think is ruled by beautiful women?


May 4, 2010, 4:19:03 PM5/4/10

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

On May 3, 6:48 pm, vtcapo <> wrote:
> On May 3, 9:17 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:

< snip drivel >

Rednecks like our Hagar never seem to know who's family and who isn't.

Within their trailer parks, whereas so often within a few generations
they start looking exactly like one another.

GuthBall, you and your mentally challenged cohorts of the "Morons of the
Obamacalypse" have been harping on this trailer-park-trash-incest-etc theme
for well over a year now. At first I had suspected the topic to be a first
in a series of entertaining and witty postings, that would elicit a grin
from me and some comment like "man, those guys are good".
Unfortunately, you mental midgets never even got out of first gear and it
feels like you collectively are doomed to invent that wobbly old trailer
park wheel over and over and over again. There is nothing more ... you
sorry excuses for humanity are the mentally disabled losers and leeches who
will keep Hussein in power for a long time, since you are mentally
disenfranchised and all you want to hear are his praises for what good
little dummies you are and how you'll get free stuff, from cradle to grave,
if you just keep adoring the Messiah and swallow his daily dose of arrogant
At least I am proud of who I am, as a human being and as an American ... you
dumb-ass losers can't even spell those words.


May 8, 2010, 1:31:16 AM5/8/10
vtcapo wrote:

> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab

> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.

> I�m waitng���..

Gee, there is a company just now that has moved a 100 ton dome in place
over an oil well off the Gulf Coast, and doing it over water to boot. A
50 ton slab shouldn't be any problem.

> I knew I would regret this.


Brad Guth

May 8, 2010, 1:34:29 AM5/8/10

Could be ugly as hell. Does that make any difference?

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:

Brad Guth

May 8, 2010, 1:41:26 AM5/8/10
On May 4, 1:19 pm, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

> On May 3, 6:48 pm, vtcapo <> wrote:
> > On May 3, 9:17 pm, "Hagar" <hagen@sahm,name> wrote:
> < snip drivel >
> Rednecks like our Hagar never seem to know who's family and who isn't.
> Within their trailer-parks, whereas so often within a few generations

> they start looking exactly like one another.
>         ******************************************
> GuthBall, you and your mentally challenged cohorts of the "Morons of the
> Obamacalypse" have been harping on this trailer-park-trash-incest-etc theme
> for well over a year now.  At first I had suspected the topic to be a first
> in a series of entertaining and witty postings, that would elicit a grin
> from me and some comment like "man, those guys are good".
> Unfortunately, you mental midgets never even got out of first gear and it
> feels like you collectively are doomed to invent that wobbly old trailer
> park wheel over and over and over again.  There is nothing more ... you
> sorry excuses for humanity are the mentally disabled losers and leeches who
> will keep Hussein in power for a long time, since you are mentally
> disenfranchised and all you want to hear are his praises for what good
> little dummies you are and how you'll get free stuff, from cradle to grave,
> if you just keep adoring the Messiah and swallow his daily dose of arrogant
> bullshit.
> At least I am proud of who I am, as a human being and as an American ... you
> dumb-ass losers can't even spell those words.

Are you and other redneck trailerpark squatters suggesting that we all
need to come down to your level?

Why can't we care about others, and try to fix our environment in
spite of folks like yourself doing all you can to trash everything?

~ BG


May 8, 2010, 6:35:14 AM5/8/10

"buzz" <> wrote in message

> vtcapo wrote:
>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.
>> I�m waitng���..

> Gee, there is a company just now that has moved a 100 ton dome in place
> over an oil well off the Gulf Coast, and doing it over water to boot. A 50
> ton slab shouldn't be any problem.
>> I knew I would regret this.
> Yep.

That should shut him up..........



May 8, 2010, 6:41:51 PM5/8/10
HVAC wrote:
> "buzz" <> wrote in message
> news:hs2sv4$bla$
>> vtcapo wrote:
>>> Find me one Construction Company any where in the world that can
>>> duplicate this feat. One that can lay the stones with the same
>>> precision as the Great Pyramid of Giza let alone move the 50-ton slab
>>> that comprises the roof of Khufu�s burial chamber.
>>> I�m waitng���..

>> Gee, there is a company just now that has moved a 100 ton dome in place
>> over an oil well off the Gulf Coast, and doing it over water to boot. A 50
>> ton slab shouldn't be any problem.
>>> I knew I would regret this.
>> Yep.
> That should shut him up..........

Naw, people like him that are that delusional never shut up. He is the
second half of dumb and dumber.

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