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DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves

Aug 1, 2022, 10:13:09 PM8/1/22
They were moving on two legs [on horizontal tree branches]. Bipedalism is the most ancient human [hominoid] adaptation. It's what happened first.

SP: So walking upright is essentially what made us human?

JDS: Exactly. It set the stage for all the things that happened later, from our language [gibbon song] and our dietary flexibility, to our reliance on technology and tools, to the way we give birth and raise our children [in constructed ground shelters].

DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves

Aug 1, 2022, 10:14:55 PM8/1/22


Aug 2, 2022, 1:23:16 AM8/2/22
DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:

> They were moving on two legs [on horizontal tree branches]. Bipedalism is the most
> ancient human [hominoid] adaptation. It's what happened first.

Why? Monkeys are in trees, they have tails they aren't bipedal so
why evolve away from a perfectly good design that worked for
more than 30 million years?

There's this guy, Marc Verhaegen, who will tell you why: They left
the trees for a new environment.

That's it. What worked in the trees stopped working outside the

Your ideas are as disfunctional as savanna idiocy... "De, um, de
had a great way to, um, to live in da trees and the stopped so
they couldz live in da trees!"

It's self refuting. Apes did NOT evolve into upright walkers because
they lived in trees. They evolved AWAY FROM scurrying, long tailed
monkeys because they STOPPED living in the trees!

And, hate to keep pointing this out to morons but, bipedalism is
older than Chimps. So Chimpanzees evolved AWAY FROM bipedalism
and towards hunched over, dung flinging knuckle walkers BECAUSE
they returned to the trees. They were upright and then as part of
adapting to the trees they became knuckle walkers.

So your stupid ideas fail in logic and they fail in the face of the

-- --

DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves

Aug 2, 2022, 8:23:19 AM8/2/22
Monkeys walk quadrupedally on branches, apes walk bipedally on branches, both wade bipedally.


Aug 2, 2022, 10:27:41 AM8/2/22
DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:


I understand that you are retarded and not just suffering from a number
of crippling mental disorders but, what do you think that means?

What does each letter stand for?

What specifically does each letter map to in this exchange?

You don't know. People have used the term on you in the past, you were
made to feel like a fool and now you prove them right by misapply the
term yourself.

You're saying that, oh, monkeys don't have tails and they don't live in
trees? Or that apes didn't evolve from monkeys? Is that it? It's "Garbage"
to claim that apes evolved from little scurrying tree climbers with tails?

Fascinating. I mean, fascinating that you can be this dysfunctional and
still manage to turn on a computer...

Know what would be better? If you didn't bother.

-- --

DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves

Aug 2, 2022, 5:57:23 PM8/2/22
Monkeys qpal on branches, apes bpal on branches.

Aug 2, 2022, 6:05:14 PM8/2/22
flat feet = wading/swimming


Aug 2, 2022, 9:50:17 PM8/2/22
DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:


Wow, I'd be shocked by your display of typical narcissistic behavior
even if I hadn't already pointed it out and predicted it would be how
you would respond...

Are you intentionally discrediting yourself, or did you forget your
meds again?

-- --

Primum Sapienti

Aug 8, 2022, 1:41:47 AM8/8/22
> Monkeys walk quadrupedally on branches, apes walk bipedally on branches, both wade bipedally.

Not ONE aa-er can say how much time in water is needed for a transition to
obligate bipedfalism...

Going into the water once in a while is not compelling.

Aug 8, 2022, 8:28:29 AM8/8/22
Op maandag 8 augustus 2022 om 07:41:47 UTC+2 schreef Primum Sapienti:
> DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:
> > On Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 1:23:16 AM UTC-4, I Envy JTEM wrote:
> >> DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves wrote:

> >>> They were moving on two legs [on horizontal tree branches]. Bipedalism is the most
> >>> ancient human [hominoid] adaptation. It's what happened first.

The earliest hominoids already became vertical:
wading bipedally + climbing arms overhead in the branches above the swamp (coastal?) forest.
This is obvious: Miocene apes:
- became larger (secondarily reduced in hylobatids),
- lost the tail: very drastic & unexpected for arboreal tetrapods, but not for aquarboreal tetrapods,
- got very wide bodies: pelvis, thorax & sternum (Hominoidea=Latisternalia): lateral arm & leg movements for aquarborealism (& possibly + surface-swimming),
- reduced the lumbar spine, but got "sacralisation" = vertical stabilisation,
- evolved much longer arms: they had to climb in the branches above their heads.

But *why* did they become aquarboreal?
The simplest hypothesis is this:
when the Indian continent approached Eurasia (plate tectonics), island arcs were formed initially,
these islands had plenty of (*only* initially) coastal forests:
the first Catarrhini that reached these islands, had to become aquarboreal (aqua=water, arbor=tree) =
hominoid/cercopith split (or ape/OWM split) c 30 Ma.
But after many mill.yrs, when India went further underneath Eurasia, this automatically split eastern & western aquarboreals
= lesser/great ape split c 20 Ma:
- the hylobatids followed the SE.Asian coastal forests,
- the others colonized the western Tethys coastal forests.
But c 15 Ma, the Western Tethys Ocean split: this Mesopotamian Seaway Closure divided
- the sivapiths-pongids (East): forced the hylobatids higher into the trees,
- the dryopiths-hominids (West): colonized the Tethys=Med.Sea coastal forests,
both branches had inland side-branches along rivers/bais/swamps...

Some hominids colonized the Red Sea Rift, the others died out (climate? MSC?).
When the E.Afr.Rift formed c 8 Ma, these hominids split into
- Gorilla-Praeanthropus: Lucy afarensis->boisei etc.
- Homo-Pan initially remained in the Red Sea (still largely a Rift then?),
but when the Zanclean flood c 5.3 Ma re-filled the Med, it probably also filled the Red Sea, which opened into the Ind.Ocean:
- Homo went left (S.Asian Indian Ocean coasts) -> our Pleistocene littoral ancestors,
- Pan-Australopith.s.s. went right (E.Afr.Ind.Ocean coasts):
Taung africanus->robustus evolved in parallel (allopatrically) with // afarensis->boisei knuckle-walking etc.

Very simple & (bio)logical...

In any case, only incredible imbeciles believe their ancestors ran after antelopes over Afr.savannas.

DD'eDeN aka note/nickname/alas_my_loves

Aug 8, 2022, 7:50:55 PM8/8/22


Aug 9, 2022, 12:33:03 AM8/9/22
Primum Sapienti wrote:

> Not ONE aa-er can say how much time in water is needed for a transition to
> obligate bipedfalism...

Wow! You nested one incredibly retarded "Test" inside of another!

Time? "Time?" What idiot can pretend that we have to know "How much time"
anything takes?

Evolution is about genetic diversity meeting selective pressures. If "Taller" is
an advantage and the population contains "Taller" genes, we could probably
expect to see a population grow taller rather rapidly. And if the genetic
capacity to grow taller doesn't exist within the population, it's going to take a
very long time... may never even happen...

You pulled a fake "Test" out of your ass yet somehow managed to keep your
head up there....

Of course I mean that in the kindest, most flattering & respectful way it can
be read.

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