JP: Lt. TK Cabrillo, Ensign Lhandon Nilsen, Ensign Josh Herrick, Nurse Rox: Remnant of Chaos Pt. 6

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Sep 29, 2023, 3:53:34 PM9/29/23

((Foxy Lady, Nilsen and Cabrillo))


Cabrillo and Nilsen first meeting was today, HCO’s tend not to find themselves in engineering. Salo’s guidance to make more friends still rang in his ears but it was easier said than done. Lhandon was working on the comms array and had been making progress while Cabrillo was busy fixing up Roxy’s Shuttle. Lhandon was still a little seething from the altercation with Rox


But Cabrillo had nothing to do with that and Nilsen certainly regretted what happened, but still…bringing his mother into this? How dare she?


As soon as Rox and Josh were off TK headed back into the freighter and back into the engine compartment to try and do what he could. He enjoyed a challenge when it came to fixing things like this old freighter and given the facilities on the ‘Oumuamua he would have turned this into a tinkers project for sure. Sitting out here on this unknown floating island in the middle of chaos land was not were he wanted to be tinkering at all. In fact this was not ideal for the team and in so many ways was probably sending goosebumps up V’Airu’s neck right at the moment.


Nilsen: Hey erm, sorry you had to deal with that.


TK turned around to look at Lhandon. 


Cabrillo: She got to you pretty easily back there. 


Nilsen: Yeah I guess (beat) I’m sorry about that sir I'm a bit of a mama's boy.


Cabrillo: You should probably keep that more to yourself and focus on the issue at hand. 


Nilsen: But if she’s gonna…yeah I guess you're right. I suck at engineering, I know better than to get in your people’s way while working, and I don’t suppose fixing up late 20th century cars is that helpful today. ::Laughs::


TK turned back to the repair he was making and simply kept a focus on his task. 


Cabrillo: Engineering for the most part is straightforward Mr. Nilsen. Technology may have changed from your 20th century cars to now but the principle is still the same. Diagnose the problem. Cross reference the interlinked systems and trace the faulty equipment. Replace and move on to the next issue.


Nilsen: You make it sounds easy ::laughs::


Cabrillo: Stick with the Coms system. You should be more familiar with that than the engines back here. We need the Coms just as badly as we need these engines.


Lhandon had made progress with the comms 


Stepping to the forward compartment TK had bad news but hoped that Rox and Herrick might be having better luck.

Nilsen: I think I got it. We should be able to get a short message out and erm hook that to the distress call, but when you’ve done with ‘he engines I’l can hook up the main power to this ::gesturing to the beacon:: and we can go full comms.  


Cabrillo: See if you can raise Rox or Herrick first and check on their status.


Nilsen: On it. =/\= Nilsen to Herrick, come in? =/\=


TK flipped open his tricorder and scanned the transmitter. Lhandon had affected the repairs correctly, based on the scans the unit was working properly.


Cabrillo: Could there be interference from the ::gesturing to the sky and all the floating formations:: chaos out there with the Coms?


Nilsen: Maybe, it’s not unheard of. What them things made off?


The answer was not music to their ears. TK closed his tricorder and holstered it on his belt. That really only left two options. Sit and wait or go after them and leave the ship and safety behind. TK looked around the freighter's cockpit and rolled his eyes. 


Cabrillo: Let’s give them half an hour and then we will go after them. In the meantime let's see if there are any phasers aboard this heap.


Nilsen: I’m with you on that, who knows what’s out there? 


If only they landed on farmland, Lhandon would have been right at home. Lhandon found his way back into the cabin and goes for the obvious place to look, a storage locker about the size of a medicine cabinet. He opens it and found that there was indeed a place for a handful a phasers. Sadly, that’s all it was, a place for them to go. There was a note in the place of the pistol, Lhandon reads it out.


Nilsen: Dear Rox, I used parts of your disruptor to fix the replicator, will return them soon. 


Cabrillo: ::furrowing his brows:: Of course he did.


Nilsen: Hold on. 


Lhandon took to his knees and started crawling around under the seats. 


Cabrillo: What are you doing?


Nilsen: See Gault is peaceful, we trade with everyone but sometimes, particularly cos we’re the backwater of the federation, and we’re so close to Klingon space, you need a back up 


Lhandon found what he was looking for, both were taped to the underside of the chairs at the helm. 


Nilsen: And often you are sitting on it. ::Laughs:: no one looks here. 


Lhandon takes both pistols from under the chairs and handed one to Carbillo. Non-standard issue, Lhandon didn’t recognise the design.


Nilsen: There we go sir. 


TK was not sure if he should be impressed by Nilsen or mad that he, himself had not thought to look under the seats.


Cabrillo: Good call Nilsen and ::beat:: I will have to remember that about you.


Nilsen: Remember what? 


Then unexpectedly, a small thud on the hull. Like something had landed on the hull.


Nilsen: What were that?


TK looked up and to the side of the freighter. Either someone was throwing something at them, something had landed on them or the sky was dropping pieces of floating islands at them. None of which was really helpful to their efforts given the current circumstances.


Cabrillo: Nothing useful I would imagine.


Lhandon looked out of the window and saw what might be described as the underside of a bird who had decided to make the Foxy Lady its perch. 


Nilsen: urgh, birds. 


Cabrillo: Birds…that was a rather good thud for a bird.


The two went outside of the shuttle and saw the bird sitting there and soon the bird was joined by a dozen or so friends. 


Nilsen: Well erm. ::To the birds:: Urm…Hi


Lhandon was lost for words.


TK was not an expert on wildlife by any means. These were unlike any bird he had ever seen but that was not surprising given they were on an alien world at the edge of the galaxy in a zone of what he could only describe as chaos. TK noted that predator shaped talons on the birds as well as snouts that seemed to be lined with small bony ridges, possibly teeth but he could not tell too well from ground level.


Cabrillo: ::gripping his pistol a little tighter:: Maybe we should wait inside just to be on the safe side.


Nilsen: Agreed.


The two moved back inside the Foxy Lady and TK closed the hatch again just to be safe. Thus proved that they would be the ones to survive in a horror holonovel oO Too bad we didn’t bring along an ornithologist. Oo 


Nilsen: erm right. :::Putting the beacon on the chair:: Lets see what we can do here. What did them scans say about that radiation?


Cabrillo: ::looking out the window at the odd birds:: You mean the crazy tachyons? You tell me kid. I don’t think this place follows the laws I follow.


Nilsen: So thats…erm…I should know this one. 


Cabrillo: If you want to impress the chief, yeah you should know this.


Nilsen: Which means that radiation only affects subspace. What if that’s our problem? 


At that moment, Lhandon’s brain seems to switch from pilot mode to engineer from 1984. Just like Carbillo described, a problem has been identified, Interlinked systems have been cross referenced and none of the comms equipment on the foxy lady is actually faulty. 


Cabrillo: Which means what?


Nilsen: Our normal comms rely on subspace, we can’t do anything about that radiation ::Pointing upwards:: Tap your badge, it’s functioning, it’s sending a signal but the radiation is blocking it from even entering subspace. 


Cabrillo: Bingo, subspace interference or subspace dampening is a by-product.


Nilsen: But we can do something about what we send out. You’re from earth right?


TK was totally lost at the moment on Nilsen’s train of thought. Where was this kid going with the earth comment?


Cabrillo: Yeah, what about Earth fits this chaos?


Nilsen: End of World War Two and World War Three. Atomic bombs were used, they let all kinds of radiation but one thing could always get through. Radio. At that time there were two widely used types, FM with was better but needed more power while AM had much longer range.


Cabrillo: ::turning from the window to look at Nilsen:: Simple but genius. Should have thought of that myself. ::beat:: Ok so we can tie a radio signal right into the standard coms transmitter. 


Nilsen: Exactly, If you get some power sent my way, I can have the smallest bit of metadata attached to the signal, it would be enough to chirp the combadge and turn them on instantly. It would be one way, Just like an old radio show.  but we could talk. 


Cabrillo: Just as long as we can find out if they are ok and not getting into trouble.


Nilsen: How far would they have gotten at this point?


That was a good question and TK did not know the terrain beyond what they had seen before landing. It had not looked too rough to trek through on foot and the fact you could see the city  from the shuttle meant on a fairly level plain meant that there should not be too much in their way.


Cabrillo: They should have made it to the city by now.


Nilsen: That means (beat) somewhere between 30 and 50 kilowatts for a local transmission. The more the better though. ::picking up a tricorder:: I’ll get the metadata setup for when we broadcast.(beat)  And if it works I can apply a similar principle to this bad boy ::Gesturing to the beacon::


Cabrillo: OK, the impulse reactor should supply more than enough power. I will have to just make a couple of small power re-directs and we’ll be in business. 


Nilsen: Just one thing, anyone with any kind of radio receiver will be able to hear us though. If there are others here, they would erm…


Lhandon stopped there, not sure who to finished. The erm communicated everything that needed to be said. 


Cabrillo: OK, give me a few minutes to get the impulse reactor grip open and linked to the coms.Then you should be able to try and transmit that message.


TK headed for the aft compartment one more time and found the power grid he needed to access. It was not long before TK had the grid connected to the coms and Nilsen would be able to send his message.




Lieutenant jg TK Cabrillo

Engineering Officer

USS Oumuamua




Nurse - Crewman 2nd class

USS Oumuamua NCC-81226


He/Him (player)

She/Her (character)




Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen 


USS Oumuamua


He/Him/His (Both player and character)




Ensign Josh Herrick

Engineering Officer

USS ‘Oumuamua


he/him/his (player/character)


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