Ensign Trovek - A Good Death - Don't fail me

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Arys Trova

Nov 9, 2021, 9:52:19 AM11/9/21
to Juneau
((Ihalainen Residence, Rovaniemi, Finland, Earth))

Arys stared out of the open window, pulling the blanket - the one that usually hung over her grandfather’s armchair - closer around her. The house was drowned in an oppressive silence, barely interrupted by the rustling of leaves that the wind carried into Arys’ room. Lukin, she supposed, had probably returned from the Cardassian Embassy by now. She had left him a note with the standard excuse human women were using since the dawn of time - a headache - and if he was back, he had opted not to bother her. 

The day had been a difficult one, and she did not want to discuss the matter before she had a chance to clear her head. Arys glanced at the PADD on her lap, the one that carried Tito’s messages, and decided now was the best time to respond. 

I am sorry for not responding earlier. Things have been a little crazy here on Earth. I hope that the meeting with Sil went as you had imagined it, and that his situation will improve in the near future. I would offer for him to give me a call, but I am sure his ship has a brilliant Counsellor of their own.

I have to say that I am proud of you for resisting the urge to have a drink. We both know it would barely help temporarily and definitely won't serve you in the long run. Seeing your partner and child must have been beyond difficult, but maybe it's the closure you were looking for. 

I myself wish I hadn’t come to Earth. A lot has happened. I am here with Lukin, a Cardassian Ambassador I met just a few days before my assignment to the Juneau. My grandfather is kept in a stasis unit against his wishes, and there is a good chance I will need to end life-extending measures tomorrow, so that isn’t exactly going to be fun. 

Also, I might get charged with assault, though I doubt he has the balls to do that - not anymore, anyway. My ex-fiancé tried to grab me and I kicked him where it hurts. Whenever I get sad I just think about the way she curled up into a ball and started crying. 

Might want to talk to the Counsellor about that. 

Oh, wait. 

Either way, I hope to be done here soon. Should just have gone to Bajor with T’Lea and her expedition. 



((Ihalainen Medical Facility, Helsinki, Finland, Earth))

Tuomas hadn’t moved from his desk ever since his daughter confronted him. The secretary had tried to tidy up around him, and it had taken all his energy to tell her to leave. None of it mattered now, it was all over. All he was now waiting for was someone to tell him that it was. 

There was nothing left to be done. He had lost this battle, and he would lose the war. 
All his efforts would be meaningless once his daughter decided to return and ruin his life. 

His gaze wandered to the liquor cabinet that taunted him with the promise of making him forget. Just when he had made the decision to get up and give in to the sweet release of an intoxicated mind, the console beeped. 

He had been waiting for her call. 

Despite knowing full well that there was no need for it anymore, the Doctor straightened his posture and answered the call.

Tuomas: My darling. 

The woman on the other side of the screen had aged but was still radiant. Sileah looked at the man she had once been married to, her gaze gentle yet alert. 

Sileah: ::worried:: Tuomas. Is there any news? 

Tuomas shook his head but then nodded. He looked at Sileah, his eyes asking for mercy, for pity even, but he would receive neither. 

Tuomas: Arys… she… figured it out. She found him. She.. I believe she will-.. ::his voice breaks off and after several attempts, he gives up::

Sileah frowned and her gaze hardened. Her nostrils flared and she pressed her lips into a thin line. 

Sileah: I see. So it was too much to ask you to keep her away? Can you do anything right?! ::she hissed and looked at her ex-husband in disgust:: I do not care what you have to do, Tuomas, but I need this FIXED. I do not care who you have to bribe. My son will be Kai one day! 

Tuomas nodded weakly. He knew. She had told him several times, she had explained why it was important that her secret was kept safe. He didn’t respond and merely closed his eyes, waiting for it all to be over. 

Sileah: ::reminding him:: Whatever it takes, Tuomas. Otherwise, I see no way to convince Aaron to let you see them, let alone anything else… 

The threat in her voice was a clear one.

Fail, and our arrangement is over. 

Fail, and you will not be forgiven. 

Tuomas: ::nodding:: I will… try. I am so sorry, I-..

Sileah cut him off by ending the call. She had little time for Tuomas’ weakness, and now she had come up with a new plan to keep Aaron's future secured. 

Tuomas got up and staggered towards the liquor cabinet. The only solace he had left. 

Ensign Trovek Arys 
USS Juneau 

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