[JP] Lt. JG G. Xerix, Lt. S. Neathler - The Clash For Victoire (Part V)

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Ghant Xerix

Jan 1, 2020, 9:22:11 AM1/1/20
to UFOP: StarBase 118: USS Gorkon
(( The Next Morning - Betazoid Government Council, Rixx, Betazed ))

Ghant, Samira, and Jovari arrived at the entrance to the massive dome of the Government Council building. Standiford had remained at home with Victoire, Ghant being determined that the girl ought not see the fight for her custody.

The helmsman was clad in black with an emerald green serape pinned in place by a nacre-coated brooch. His clothing starkly contrasted his father’s dark grey and white attire. He took a deep breath of the humid spring air before entering the building.

Xerix: Sami, I really appreciate you coming with me. It was quite a lot to ask of you, and I intend to return the favor whenever you want.

Neathler: ::She shrugged, not even knowing what she could even ask in return, not that she would ask something anyway.:: You’re welcome.

She briefly looked sideways towards Ghant. While spending time at the Xerix Estate she had seen how much Ghant loved Victoire and the other way around. She had seen another side of the man, a caring side. A side he hasn’t shown on the Gorkon so far, if all the rumors she had heard on the ship were true.

Neathler: I’ve seen the way you look at Victoire and how she looks up at you. ::She added a bit more softly.:: I hope you win the case.

They passed through security and into the Council chambers. A brief pause as the case before them finished.

Jovari: Whatever happens today, I’m sure your mother would be very proud of you. As would Choupette.

Ghant merely nodded at his father. The truth was, neither woman would have rested until they had secured Victoire’s future. He privately worried that something had changed, but pushed those thoughts of anxiety aside and contrived to make as his facial expressions as he caught sight of Olympé and Mara Seastri, wearing smug expressions.

He averted his gaze, not allowing himself to give them the haughty looks he wanted to. Instead, he paid attention to the Proclaimer, who stepped forward to announce the case

Proclaimer: Moderator Barue, fourth on the day’s docket is the custody of Victoire Marchionne Xerix, of the Third House. Claimants are Ghant Xerix, Son of the Third House, and Olympé Seastri, Daughter of the Fourth House.

His gaze flicked to the shrewd-looking Moderator, who seated herself. His last meeting with the woman was one that gave him a thread of hope in a desperate situation. He would have cultivated a friendship with the woman, had her station not expressly forbid fraternization between herself and any member of the nobility.

Once seated, the Moderator nodded in deference to the Proclaimer, who then gestured for everyone to take their seats or remain standing in the gallery. Barue took up the panel in front of her, stiff features stiffening more so under the harsh glow of the lights. A case she remembered, and not one fondly recalled either.

Barue: We will resume with the question put to the court in the recent matter. The child, Victoire, was to remain on Betazed with the family of Xerix. What recent developments need to be brought forth?

Ghant stood more upright, looking the woman in the eyes as he spoke.

Xerix: Moderator, I have just come from meeting Akis Seastri, Victoire’s father.

He felt shock and anger from Olympé upon hearing this, but kept his eyes on the Moderator and his expression neutral.

Xerix: It is his will, as this ::He held up a PADD.:: document shows, that full custody of Victoire be granted to me.

The Proclaimer stepped forward to retrieve the PADD. Olympé’s voice rang out in protest

Seastri: This is outrageous! My son would never sign such a document! I doubt Ghant has even seen Akis! What proof is there?

Never been in a council room like this before, and not familiar with the Betazoid’s customs Samira stood in the back. Even though she supported Ghant, it wasn’t her turn to speak nor did she want to disturb the court case, which was something the other side could use in their advantage. The last thing she wanted was to be thrown out of the room by the Moderator because she spoke out of turn, like Seastri was doing right now. Barue, in any case, looked almost bored of the ravings coming from Seastri already, the edges of her eyebrow catching as though the bones in her face visibly twitched.

Barue: Mister Xerix, have you brought substantial proof of this arrangement to the court? Does this PADD have the required proof?

Xerix: It does, Moderator. And it was filled out before a witness.

The Proclaimer placed the PADD on the Moderator’s bench, turning it around so that the woman could read it. With a gentle sniff, she sat back in the chair and steepled her fingers, a shrewd look overtaking her eyes as she looked from one man to the other.

Barue: The information contained therein does lend to the arrangements made between the child’s father and Mister Xerix. A contestation to this evidence is noted for the court. ::She settled a little further into the chair and crossed her legs beneath the desk.:: Now, for the proceedings from this. What is the conclusion sought by both parties?

Xerix: Full custody, Moderator.

Seastri: Full custody, and I dispute the validity of that document.

Samira shook her head, while Akis had been easy going and didn’t even want to know the child, his mother was something else. She could only wonder what was the reasoning behind the woman’s intend. It probably had something to do with the houses, Victoire being of the third house and the Seastri family only being fourth. She briefly looked at where Jovari was, maybe it was something she could ask him once they were out of the room.

Not for the first time, the Moderator steepled her fingers and sat back in the seat. What started as a simple question of the rights of custody ownership between two houses had become convoluted, bogged down with the incessant declarations from one side, like a rolling stone gathering no moss on the other. Quietly contemplating the answer she was about to give, Barue leaned forward slightly and tapped a slender finger on the PADD.

Barue: The statement provided by Akis Seastri and presented by Mr Xerix is accepted into evidence. ::Placing her palm down on the device, she looked up to the men in question.:: The Court finds that there is no factual basis for the plea presented by Mrs Seastri, and of the decision made by Mr Akis Seastri, the Court finds in favour of the Third House. This concludes the proceedings here, today.

Ghant felt the emotions of the room erupt in response to the Moderator’s decision. Pure hatred from the Seastri women. He, Jovari and Samira quietly exited the chamber. And just like that Ghant had won the case. Frowning lightly Samira looked around the room before she left. Only one question on her mind. Was Ghant ready to raise Victoire on his own?


Lieutenant JG Ghant Xerix
HCO Officer
USS Gorkon


Lieutenant Samira Neathler
Assistant Chief of Security&Tactical
USS Gorkon


Moderator Barue

Simmed by
Lt. Commander Jocelyn Marshall
First Officer
USS Gorkon
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