Ens Hiro Jones - Turning Turtle

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Feb 9, 2023, 10:34:24 AM2/9/23
to USS Excalibur-A – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Deck 10, Astrometrics, USS Excalibur-A))

Cleaned, dressed, fed, and watered, Hiro walked leisurely down the corridor of Deck 10. It was about 0830, and the Excalibur had yet to dock with DS-224, so Hiro was doing some onboard sight-seeing. He remembered the previous shore leave when a few of them had accompanied Commander Niac on a lovely walk along the exterior hull of the Excalibur. It had resulted in a rather harrowing untethered jump from the ship to the space station, but Hiro remembered two things more keenly than the fear: The VIEW and Ensign Jovenan's invitation to visit Astrometrics sometime.

Why not now?

He stepped just inside the room, not wanting to disturb anyone, and looked around. The room looked like a fair amount of repair work had been and was still being done. He supposed the nanobots had target sensor equipment pretty heavily, but this looked like something else had happened here. Behind one workstation, a Vulcan male Hiro hadn't met was doubled over, adjusting ... something, but standing at the opposite workstation was Jovenan. She turned toward the door, and called out when she recognized him.

Jovenan: Hi, Jones! Nice to see you again! Can I help you with something?

Jones: I actually came to take you up on your offer of a tour! ::looking back toward the Vulcan repairing the other station:: If now's a good time of course.

Jovenan: Really? Welcome to the astrometrics lab, then! ::extends her arm to show around the room::

Taking in the scope of the room, Hiro felt like he was in a large greenhouse ... but in space. If he hadn't known better, he would have sworn this room was in a glass bubble sticking off the side of the ship.

Jones: It's impressive! I feel like I'm standing on the hull again. Glad we don't need EVA suits this time though.

Jovenan turned, holding up a finger to pause him. He hoped he hadn't said something stupid.

Jovenan: Just a moment.

The blonde ensign bent her knees and jumped. What went up ... didn't come down. She just hung there in the room - seemingly in space, smiling down at him. Hiro supposed this was the microgravity she'd mentioned, but sometimes knowing about a thing is a far cry from actually witnessing the thing itself. She looked like a superhero flying overhead. It looked like a LOT of fun.

Jovenan: Want to join me?

Jones: Can I? It looks like a blast!

Jovenan: Response

Hiro bent his own knees and pushed off. It wasn't quite like it had been leaping from the Excalibur to DS-224. For one thing, Hiro had no fear of leaping into the endless abyss of empty space. For another, his movement was completely unhindered by a bulky EVA suit. The sensation was ... magical. He couldn't suppress a giggle of child-like glee as he floated toward his shipmate.

Jones: This is amazing! Why do you ever land?

Jovenan: Response

Jones: Sure. I guess that makes sense. Still ...

He twisted backward, performing a clumsy backflip. The Vulcan had paused in his repairs momentarily to look up at the two Ensigns. Unbeknownst to either, he raised an eyebrow at the illogical acrobatics display before returning to his task.

Jones: It is cool. How does it help your work?

Jovenan: Response


Ensign Hiro Jones, MD
USS Excalibur-A, Medical
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius

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