PNPC Aurora Elliston - "Health and Safety" Insane [TAG: Ayhan]

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Curtis Watson

не прочитано,
3 июн. 2014 г., 10:51:3603.06.2014
– SB118 IC
((Engineering - Embassy))

:: Looking at her padd,she re-read her orders running them over in her head. She hated to overstep or underachieve her mandate.::

oO Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Oo

:: The trader had been transferred to the engineering section, which was run by a mister Ayhan. ::

oO Sounds Vulcan to me. I hate Vulcans Oo

:: She reached the engineering doors, and took one last read before stepping through. Inside was a man sitting at the desk, evidently reviewing some material or some such. Disinterested in anything she had to say he redirected her to a hangar bay where the crews were working on repairs. She followed the directions of the computer on the walls which lead her to a massive steel cavern. Its walls lined with panels and consoles showing diagnostics and analyses from every angle of the ship on the centre. The stern was lowered, providing a ramp into the cargo hold. A vulcan walked emerged from inside::

Ayhan: [TAG]

Aurora ::Handing him the Padd in her hand:: I'm her to conduct a health and safety inspection of the ship in your possession

Ayhan: [TAG]

oO He's pleasant enough... So far Oo

Aurora: Sure, if you want. I don't expect anything to find anything interesting

Ayhan: [TAG]

Aurora: Have you met the Captain?

Ayhan: [TAG]

Aurora: Sounds... Interesting? ::She laughed awkwardly, she had no idea how to talk to Vulcans:: Can you, um well, do you... That is... ::She paused to compose herself:: I'll start over here.

Ayhan: [TAG]

::Turning to the console at her side she began scanning through the inventory looking for anything... health and safety related. Which obviously meant she was to search the hold for any contraband. A few moments later she turned up nothing, or at least nothing official. She pulled out her tricorder and began scanning the mainframe for any hidden or encrypted files. Still nothing. She turned at the call of her Vulcan counterpart::

Aurora: Watcha got?

Ayhan: [TAG]


Master Chief Aurora Elliston
Tactical Officer
USS Thunder

As Simmed By

Simon Arrington
Civilian Trader
FCS Charybdis
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