MSNPC Andarys Ohain: Consequences

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da leggere,
4 set 2018, 15:19:4504/09/18
a UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Constitution-B
(( Ohain office ))

:: Andrays sat in his office.  The room had a faint light coming from the glowpoints set into the wall, a familiar relaxing light unlike the bright lights of the federation starship.  He stared at the screen waiting for the familiar bleep of a incoming message but still nothing. He had sent over 100 messages over the last few days to so many different people trying to get the government to release the data to him but had not received a single message back. ::

:: Andrays looked up staring at brightly coloured tapestry that hung from his wall showing the lava fields of the Moorcan valley.  It was a long way from where he had grown up in the cold mining plains where poverty was rife.  He remembered the scheduled and unscheduled black outs, the begging and the food shortages.  He wanted to change to that make the life of his people better, he wanted the next generation not to suffer like he had. ::

:: Andray looked up as there was a rustle of the brightly coloured sheet that covering the entrance way and a familiar man entered. ::

Nilen: May the darkness be eternal.  :: Nodding in greeting. ::

:: Andrays smiled happy to see his old friend. ::

Ohain: Bright stars and warm stones :: Returning the greeting with a bow of the head and gesturing for the man to take the seat in front of him. ::

Nilen: I am here about your work with the egg shells and your data requests.

Ohain: Finally.  When will it be transferred?

:: Andrays was desperate to continue the work.  They’d come so close and based on the sample they brought back the estimates from his scientists were the energy output was even higher than expected. ::

Nilen: I’m sorry Andray but it is not good news.  :: He took a deep breath. :: They want you to resign.

:: Andrays was shocked. ::

Ohain: What? Why?

Nilen: Your work doesn’t look good for the government.  Killing baby space creatures, endangering lives isn’t good for publicity when an election is coming up.

Ohain: So politics and they sent you here to persuade me.

:: Andray gave a disapproving stare.  He hated politics why hadn’t he just stayed in science. ::

Nilen: I volunteered to come.  I thought it would be best if I broke the news to you.

Ohain: I won’t go easily.  I have important work to do and I’m not going to let image get in my way. :: A determination in his voice. ::

Nilen: It is not just that the Federation have arranged a hearing on the matter.

Ohain: So the government is pandering to Federation.

Nilen: The federation has helped us a lot.

Ohain: We can do this by ourselves, be an independent power.

Nilen: Andray, we are no longer a single planet we are part of a much bigger group and we must play by there rules whether we agree or disagree with them.

:: Andrays grunted. ::

Nilen: You could face charges you put a lot of lives in danger, someone died.

:: Andrays ignored him. ::

Nilen: This could mean time on a Federation penal colony if you are found guilty.  What would happen to Mayshe :: Andrays wife :: and your family?  The government is offering you a way to keep them safe and looked after.

:: He thought for a minute about them.  But there was so much more at stake. ::

Ohain: But what about my research?

:: The gravity of the situation was starting to dawn on Andrays. ::

Nilen: It will continue but in a different way.  I know how important is was to you.

Ohain: How?

:: Andrays wanted to hear more.  Nilen sighed, he knew Nilen hadn’t wanted to tell him more but Nilen knew his friend won’t let this go with out more information. ::

Nilen: Neela will be promoted to scientist minister and she will head up a team to work jointly with the Federation to communicate with the new life form and negotiate to the use of their egg shells. Starfleet are going to send a partly crewed scientific vessel.  It will be a joint mission.

Ohain: But the creatures aren’t sentient. :: Determination in his voice. ::

:: He’d already had this argument with a young Starfleet ensign. ::

Nilen: We now think they are.  Telepathic members of the Constitution crew communicated with the creature for a brief time.  This scientific mission will have a telepaths on board to try that method again.

Ohain: They really could be sentient?

Nilen: Yeah.  

:: Andray swore in Linaran, he was shocked. ::

Nilen: Times have changed Andrays, we are no longer one world on our own we need to accept help.  The government values the work you’ve done in the past and are giving you a nice way out.  Take it.

:: Andrays nodded finally admitted defeat and feeling a guilt for what he was willing to do to a creature that could be sentient being. ::

MSNPC Andarys Ohain
Senior Representative
Ministry of Science


Lieutenant Yito Seja

Assistant Chief of Security

USS Constitution-B

ID number: E239306LB0

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