Capt. Shayne: Have Some Cloth

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Dec 30, 2022, 4:14:59 PM12/30/22

((Private Hall, Raft-One, USS Arrow)) 

Shayne: Commanders R’Ariel, Collins and MacKenna, and Mr. Dewitt to the front please.

He waited patiently as they made their way forward. Each of his officers had performed admirably, but there weren’t too many awards to specifically grant them. On top of that, where was the dividing line between performance and exceptional performance? He’d know it if he saw it, but the simple fact was that he had been asking more than he had a right to since they’d arrived here. In the end, he’d followed his gut. 

Shayne: Ladies, gentlemen, your efforts to repel our enemies last mission in your assorted manners saved lives and preserved our mission objectives. Considering the circumstances, I am pleased to award you each the Silver Star for your courage under fire. Congratulations. 

R’Ariel/Collins/MacKenna/Dewitt: Response 

He’d never been good at shaking up routine, though it seemed that routine was to be shaken up on him. Maybe next leave would see a presentation that was more unique. 

Shayne: Messrs. Serinus, Jacin and Ar’Gorvalei, step forward. 

One of these days, he’d figure out a way to not look awkward as he waited for their approach. 

Shayne: Ladies, gentlemen, your help in deciphering the mysteries of Pankot III was both inspired and remarkable. If for no other reason that you reminded me of the magic that we’re capable of finding out here, thank you. I’m pleased to award you each the Innovation Ribbon. Congratulations. 

Ar’Gorvalei/Serinus/Jacin: Response 

As they returned to their seats, Shayne followed up. 

Shayne: In addition, all hands are to be awarded the Explorer’s Ribbon.

He led a final round of applause, and let it die down before he continued. 

Shayne: And now to the matter of personnel changes. Many of you were present for our previous leave with the starship Excalibur, at which time you might have encountered some of their senior staff. As such, I am sure that a warm round of applause is in store for Commander Karrod Niac, who will be assuming the role of first officer for the foreseeable future. 

He tapped his commbadge.

Shayne: =/\= Computer, recognize and verify Captain Randal Shayne. =/\=

The computer chirped responsibly. 

Computer: =/\= Verified. =/\=

Shayne: =/\= Per Starfleet order, Commander Karrod Niac is now first officer of the Starship Arrow. Transfer relevant command codes. =/\=

Another chirp, this one longer and more complex. 

Computer: =/\= Acknowledged and verified. First officer, USS Arrow, is now Commander Karrod Niac. =/\=

With that done, Shayne extended a welcoming hand to the first officer. 

Shayne: The stage is yours, Commander- a few words? 

Niac: Response 


Captain Randal Shayne

Commanding Officer

USS Arrow
NCC 69829

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