Lt. Robin Hopper: Me And I (Part 2)

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Lt. JG Kivik

Aug 18, 2022, 2:34:14 PM8/18/22
to Amity Outpost

((OOC -- Part 1:

((Level 21 – Botany (Level 1), Inorganic Chemistry, & Organic Chemistry))

As they stepped out onto Level 21, the sight of greenery through the frosted glass ahead gave Robin’s heart a flutter. The Botany Lab on the Wall Street had been sorely lacking, given the cramped quarters aboard the vessel. Everything on the ship had been downsized, designed for efficient use of space in an effort to fit as many instruments, sensors, and technologies into the ship’s frame as possible. But Amity’s SRC held two whole levels of Botany Lab space!

Kivik: Straight ahead.  ::Smiling::  After yo– oh, and you’re already off.

Robin turned around mid-stride, looking at the J’naii with excitement radiating from her wide eyes. She held her arms out for emphasis.

Hopper: Yeah! What are you waiting for?

Kivik: ::Jogging to catch up::  You know, not every new Science Officer is as eager as you are. Some of them I have to drag around on this tour.

The doors to the Botany Lab slid open and Hopper stepped inside, reveling in the warm humid air. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath once more, this time taking in the familiar and cozy scents of pollen, soil, and herbaceous greenery.

Hopper: ::Eyes still closed, a big grin on her face::  How could anyone be disinterested in a place like this?  ::Opening her eyes and holding her hands to her chest::  Oh, it’s like being home again.

Kivik: Well, believe it or not – it’s true. Some of them just want to get to work, you know?

As if on cue, the turbolift doors opened once more. Kivik turned and Robin peaked around nem. A tall Edosian in Science Blues looked back with an annoyed expression on his face before stepping out.

Ygrix: There you are, Lieutenant.  ::Sigh::  I gather you are showing the new physicist around…?

One of his several hands pointed at Robin and she replied.

Hopper: Hopper, but you can call me Ro–

Ygrix: ::Raising his palm:: Lieutenant Hopper will do fine.  ::Back to Kivik::  I’ve been trying to catch you between decks. I’d like to speak with you about my assignment to Ensign Richards’ personal project.

Robin noted the J’naii’s impish expression as ne tried to appear ‘serious’ and ‘businesslike’ in the dour Edosian’s presence.

Kivik: Oh? Is something the matter, Furahl?

Ygrix: Yes.  ::Holding out a PADD with his leftmost arm::  I am requesting that you remove me from the project effective immediately. Ensign Richards and I have failed to..  ::rolling eyes::  ..synergize.

Kivik: I see.  ::Taking the PADD::  Crewman, you’re going to need to learn to ‘play nice’ if you want to do anything other than sit in your lab pushing numbers around all day.

Ygrix: That is precisely what I wish to do.

Kivik turned around, ostensibly to look at the request laid out on Ygrix’s PADD. In reality, ne gave Hopper a knowing look that seemed to say, “See?” before turning back.

Kivik: Alright, well, I’m not going to force you to work on a project that you have no interest in. It’s a shame though. You’re an excellent programmer when you apply yourself, Crewman.

Ygrix: ::Grumbling::  Yes, well… I’d best get back to work.  ::A taciturn nod to Hopper::  Good day, Lieutenant.

Robin and Kivik watched in silence as Ygrix returned to the lift, the doors whoosing shut behind him. Once he had gone, Kivik turned back to Robin and shook nir head, a bemused expression on nir face.

Hopper: What was that guy’s problem?

Kivik: ::Crossing nir arms::  Oh, that’s just Furahl. I’ll say charitably that he’s both very particular and also very good at his job. I’ve been trying to get him to branch out of solo projects… But I don’t think that’s going anywhere.

Hopper: Well, I take your point. I’m glad to know you don’t think Science is all about the grind.  ::Closing her eyes once again::  Now and then you just have to stop and enjoy the universe a little.

A moment of silence passed. Robin opened her eyes, noting Kivik’s sudden quiet, finding a ponderous look on the J’naii’s face.

Kivik: ::Getting an idea::  You said you’ve got a background in programming, right?

Hopper: ::Lowering her arms, placing her hands on her hips::  Sure. I even minored in it at the Academy.

Kivik: ::Pacing in a small loop::  Would you be open to working on a little ‘interdepartmental’ side project? There’s a junior Engineer – Ensign Richards. He’s working on restoring an old shuttle in The Cellar–

Hopper: The Cellar?

Kivik: ::Chuckling::  The old bays below the SRC. Ambassador Vataix has given it the go-ahead and, between you and me, Commander Carter has indicated that we should provide support if possible. After working with him on some final touches here in the SRC, my personal assessment is that Richards needs the outlet.  ::Stopping pacing and smiling mischievously::  He’s a bit of a scamp.

Hopper: A scamp?

Kivik: The man stuck his finger into a puddle of borg nanoprobes.

Hopper: Oh!

Kivik: Anyways, I think he’s been antsy since our last mission. I gather it was pretty hard on him. Maybe you can go down there and see if there’s any helping him?  ::Shrugging::  I’m not sure it isn’t hopeless if Furahl couldn’t figure it out. But who knows?

Hopper: Yeah, of course. Can’t hurt to try, right? I’ll go down there right after the tour is over – unless you have something else for me?

Kivik: That’s fine for today. We have a meeting tomorrow with Lieutenants Wong from Medical and Reade from Engineering to go over some things. But that can wait – you’ll get filled in on everything you need to know there… Speaking of which, let’s move on! You can come back here any time you like. But for now, let’s start at the top level and work our way down to the bottom, hmm?

Hopper: ::Cheerily:: Whatever you say!

As the pair left the Botany lab, heading towards the turbolift, Robin’s thoughts strayed ahead. She wondered if she’d be able to work out whatever programming issue Richards was having. Kivik’s intriguing description of the man – and mysterious reference to an ill-fated ‘last mission’ had her interest piqued… though she figured it would be inappropriate to pry.

All the same, as they stepped into the lift, she couldn’t resist asking at least one more important question.

Hopper: So… This Ensign Richards… Is he cute?



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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