Lt. Cmdr Robin Hopper: Take Me Home

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Robin Hopper

belum dibaca,
6 Nov 2023, 15.14.3606/11/23
kepadaAmity Outpost (IC)

((Tribunal room, Paak Military Headquarters, Paak, Barossa Nebula))

Robin’s leg bounced slightly, the anxiety of waiting hours for their verdicts, after waiting days in and out of Paak holding cells, gnawing away at her patience and composure. The jitter, which often came up when her nerves were frazzled, now had the unfortunate side effect of aggravating the injury she’d sustained during their last mission – the field ‘surgery’ on her prosthetic leaving her left leg functional but far less resilient. She’d been putting off getting it looked at, worried that the only viable avenue would be replacement, but as the discomfort began to overwhelm her ability to ignore her absent-minded twitch, she closed her eyes and furrowed her brow, trying to still her leg by placing a hand on her knee.

Vataix: Response

Ukinix: ::Half jokingly, arms crossed:: I reckon we should tell the Indy to have the transporters on standby, then warp the hell out of this system and never come back.

Vataix: Response

The brief exchange was a welcome distraction from the monotony. Robin opened her eyes and nodded.

Hopper: ::Quietly::  I’m with Wil on staying away from here. I’m sure our xenobiologists and anthropologists would have a field day with these people… But I’m ready to not hear the word Paa– ahh, you know. For a long time.

She knew that, despite her protestations, unless they were truly unable to reconcile their differences with the Paak and a state of animosity remained between them and the Federation, that the protocols of the Diplomatic Corps would mean prolonged contact with them. After all, even if it had been unwitting and fraught, they had been the first advanced people to welcome the Paak to the wider galaxy. It was therefore their responsibility to continue to support them through that process. At least she could assign a team under Lt. Ch'shraorhaq to return and stay ‘hands-off… Assuming she wasn’t rotting in a prison cell.

Iko/Iovianus/Nadeshiko: Response 

Richards/Gray/Moore: Response

Ukinix: The sooner the better. ::Yawn::  I’m exhausted.

The door to the room opened, and the Paak Magistrate and witnesses began to return to their spots around the room. Robin’s free hand slid across her lap as she reached, as discreetly as possible, to grab hold of Nathan’s, sitting beside her. She looked over and shared a worried, but grateful glance with him, thankful that he was with her. No matter how things were going to turn out, his presence was reassuring. 

As the last of the soldiers entered the room, they moved towards the group from Amity, directing them to stand and move into the center of the circular hall, presumably to hear their judgments. Robin gave Nate’s hand one more quick squeeze before letting go and standing with the others, straightening out the front of her uniform as they made their way towards the middle of the room.

Paak (magistrate): As the magistrate of this Paak, I have consulted with the witnesses, heard the opinions, and I have independently followed up for more information where deemed necessary to be able to determine the appropriateness of the accusations - and where the accusations are found to be fit and accurate, the appropriateness of the punishment as stated at the beginning of this tribunal hearing.  ::Looking at Rivi:: Ambassador Vataix, as the leader of the group of accused, is there anything final you wish to add?

Vaitax: Response

The magistrate bowed towards Rivi, before standing himself.

Paak (magistrate): This is an historic moment for Paak, the people of Paak, in fact the Paak, the Paak and indeed the Paak.  This event in our history is momentous, that is not lost on me.  Deep down, like just about any Paak, I am in awe of living beings, from parts elsewhere of the Paak galaxy, standing in our presence, smashing any concept of who we thought we were.  But my job is to apply the laws and codes of the Paak military, and regardless of these extraordinary circumstances, that is exactly what I am about to do.

He picked up his clipboard that was on his chair and took a moment to read through his notes.

Paak (magistrate): In summary of the witnesses’ contributions to my findings, I will say there was robust discussion from both the military and scientific members of the group.  In fact, this situation initially brought disharmony amongst them making it difficult to arrive at any firm decisions.  However, I instructed the witnesses to break down the scenario into much smaller parts.  This approach was successful. 

The magistrate specifically addressed Rivi as he made the next statement.

Paak (magistrate): It is obvious that the “United Federation of Planets” has a set of laws and codes in the same way that Paak does.  For me, that is pleasing, because it shows that as we begin our journey interacting with new species, we have similar ideals in common.  That fact alone has had an enormous bearing on the decisions that I have ultimately made in regards to the accused.  We are both civilisations that respect and understand the need for laws.

The magistrate looked down at his notes again.

Paak (magistrate): Iovianus, Nadeshiko, Gray, Moore.  You were only attempting to engage our people, concerned for Ukinix’s and Hopper’s welfare.  I have ultimately determined that the evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld.  You are all cleared of your accusations.

Robin breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She wasn’t about to count her chickens before they’d hatched – but the fact that the tribunal at least had enough sense not to uphold accusations or convictions against the most ‘innocent’ among them was a reassuring starting point. How reasonable they would be with the others remained to be seen.

Iovianus/Nadeshiko/Gray/Moore: Responses

Paak (magistrate): Richards. While you did enter restricted areas of this military facility, it was not as if you stormed those areas – upon reviewing footage and testimony of soldiers involved, there was no malice intended.  The evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld, therefore you are also cleared of all accusations.

She refrained, if only barely, from any sort of strong reaction – containing her joy and relief in a hurried nod and reserved smile.  oO Thank god. So far, so good… Oo

Richards: Response

Paak (magistrate): Lieutenant Hopper. 

With her name called up next, Robin stepped forward, her smile quickly fading away. 

Paak (magistrate): The witnesses concluded there is no intent of invasion of Paak.  In fact, based on summaries from analysis of your technology, it is clear that if invasion was the intent of Ambassador Vataix, we would have likely been overwhelmed by your forces by now.  And yet, you stand here, respecting our tribunal process.  You were indeed in possession of advanced technology without government or military oversight, and many of the scientific witnesses are very keen to learn of them.  But I have made it clear that any sharing of technology is a sovereign decision to be made by the United Federation of Planets, lest Paak becomes what the Federation has been incorrectly accused of today.  The evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld, you are cleared of all accusations.

Shutting her eyes tightly and nodding in mixed disbelief and acceptance, Robin felt her stress finally begin to crest like a wave. A soft shuddering breath left her lips before she reopened her eyes and spoke.

Hopper: That is…  oO DAMN STRAIGHT Oo  …good to hear. Thank you, Magistrate.

She held her tongue and stepped back into the group. The knowledge that she’d soon be able to go home, eat a regular meal, take a shower, and change her uniform was already going a long way to improving her mood.

Then, things took a slight turn.

Paak (magistrate): This left me with three difficult decisions; that which were the sources of disharmony I mentioned earlier.  Ambassador Vataix, please step forward.

Vataix: Response

Paak (magistrate): All witnesses recognise you as the lead representative of the United Federation of Planets.  I am sure both the Paak and the Federation would have liked these first moments of communication to have been much smoother.  But circumstances, including difficulties in translation and PAAK have decided otherwise.  Your colleagues have been cleared of their accusations.  But you accepted them, even before your questioning.  As a reminder, your accusation was of interference with Paak military operations, and unauthorised access of a Paak military facility.  I have no choice but to apply a punishment for these accusations.

Robin half-gasped, half-scoffed. Rivi’s gesture of goodwill towards the the Paak’s sensibility wasn’t really going to be penalized, was it? That was outrageous! Fortunately, Rivi herself seemed to be more capable of handling the news than Robin would have been.

Vataix: Response

Paak (magistrate): Due to the unique circumstances, the witnesses have recommended that you attend our standard one cycle course given to non-military Paak that attend this facility.  Only once completed and you are certified will I allow you to meet with leader Paak, who I’ve been assured will respect Paak’s separation of powers and abide by this ruling.

Vataix: Response

Paak (magistrate): Next, Lieutenant Iko.  Please step forward.

Robin chewed her lip nervously, wondering what was in store for Bec – who had actually swung a punch at one of the locals. It had been a stupid, if understandable, move on the Lieutenants part. One which she was sure to face some discipline for on Starfleet’s terms… But Robin couldn’t help but worry that the Paak wouldn’t be nearly so understanding in their prescription of guilt.

Iko: Response

Paak (magistrate): You with her, Ukinix.

oO Uh oh. Oo  Wil seemed equally concerned.

Paak (magistrate): As previously stated for any accusations you shared with your colleagues, the evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld.  But you both have unique accusations.  Lieutenant Iko, I am aware of the circumstances that led to your assault of the soldiers that harassed you based on your appearance.  I apologise for their behaviour.  I have instructed Paakmi to now open a set of accusations against them, and they will face their own tribunal to answer for their actions.  Unfortunately, Lieutenant, you must answer for yours, as you have admitted to the accusation.

Iko: Response

Paak (magistrate): Commander Ukinix.  Pai’Lak, along with Lieutenant Richards help, explained why you insulted our leader Paak, Paak of the Paak people.  The witnesses have convinced me that you had no intent to do so.  But you *did* have intent to subvert the procedures of this tribunal when you attended without your translation device.  You did prove your point.  But I cannot allow such a precedent to be set.  Any future accused at any Paak military tribunal must follow its rules.  No magistrate will allow contempt, and nor will I.

The elder Paak took a moment to look at his notes again, before continuing.

Paak (magistrate): You are “officers” as you call yourselves within your Starfleet. But you are not citizens of Paak, let alone military personnel.  There was conjecture that both of you had minimal respect for our military officers and processes.  Therefore, Lieutenant Iko, for your assault accusation, and Commander Ukinix for your contempt accusation, you have met the threshold.  Your punishment… is 20 cycles of entry level training for any citizen that becomes a Paak soldier.  You will be assigned a military training soldier, in the Paak military academy.  You will receive the same treatment as any other new Paak soldier.

The tension in the felt as though it had crescendoed and, at long last, been broken at its peak. The punishment was no mere ‘slap on the wrist’ – yet it seemed eminently more fair and palatable than the decades of imprisonment that had been on the line initially. While it was no cause for celebration, the air in the room still felt significantly lighter than it had a minute earlier.

Iko: Response

The magistrate put his hands above his head to form a triangle.

Paak (magistrate): This tribunal is now closed, with love. 

oO Speak for yourself. Oo

As the various witnesses stood from their seats and began milling about – some stomping off in displeasure about the ultimate result, Robin turned her attention to Rivi, Wil, and Bec – the trio of convicts.

Vataix: Response

Hopper: Ambassador… Rivi… I just want to say thank you for coming for us. I’m not sure that Wil or I would have been able to talk our way out of this one on our own.  ::To Iko::  And Bec, you’ll do fine in this ‘training’ they’re going to put you through, I’m sure.  ::To Wil, still slightly miffed at him::  Commander, when you get back to Amity, I will be waiting to fill out a joint report to Starfleet about this ‘incident’...  oO And reviewing the finer details of General Order One and First Contact Protocols with you. Oo  …I’m sure they’ll find it interesting.  

Iko/Iovianus/Nadeshiko: Response

Richards/Gray/Moore: Response

As the others said their peace, Robin made a brief detour to the other side of the room to catch the scientist, Pa’akia, before she left.

Pa’akia: You must be relieved, Lieutenant Commander.

Hopper: Yes. I mean, I’ll admit, I’m still ticked off about this whole thing. But… It could’ve gone worse. So, yes, sure, I’m relieved.  ::Beat::  I meant what I said earlier, by the way. The Federation can help you, help your people, with your plans to explore space. No matter what external interference you’re dealing with.

Pa’akia: We are most grateful. Most of us, at least. I hope you will return to Paak.  ::Forming a triangle over her head::  With love.

Hopper: ::Nodding non-comittally::  Yeeeahhh… We’ll see.  ::Screwing up her face::  Maybe give me a few weeks to, you know, ‘clear my head’. But, in the mean time, I’ll talk to the Ambassador about sending someone who can provide support.

Pa’akia: I understand.

The two scientists parted, Pa’akia offering Robin a slight bow before wandering off to join her colleagues. Robin turned and searched for Nathan, bee-lining for him, wishing she could wrap him in a big hug without making a scene. But she held back.

Hopper: Now, before something else goes wrong, take me home.

Richards: Response?

END Scene / Mission for Hopper


Lt. Commander Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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