JP – Lt. Robin Hopper & Ensign Nathan Richards: In Other Words (Part 4)

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Robin Hopper

Nov 3, 2022, 3:06:08 AM11/3/22
to Amity Outpost

((Some Time Later, Wet Goods…))

Nathan and Robin had both returned to a high-top table for more drinks, and to cool off a little bit. All that dancing had definitely broken a sweat.

Richards: ::To the server:: Thank you very much.

As the server cleared their table of empty glasses, Robin’s shoulders swayed back and forth with the song being performed, absent-mindedly. Her flowing brown hair wrapped around her fingers as she curled and played with it, while Nathan spoke – occasionally finding that she’d missed something, distracted by his chiseled jaw or the stray thought of being pinned against the wall as he kissed her neck.

She sipped her old fashioned and looked at the queue, displayed to the side of the stage.

Hopper: You know, pretty sure I’m up next.  ::Laughing lightly::  I think you’re going to like this one. It’s another ‘oldie’ – but maybe you’ll enjoy getting to see a different side of me.

Richards: ::Raising an eyebrow:: After all that dancing, I thought I'd seen just about every side of you.

She reached across the table, giving him a gentle playful push on the shoulder before getting up from her seat and walking towards the stage. As she went, she looked over her shoulder with a coy grin. Reaching the top of the short stairs, she took the mic in hand and looked back at Nathan directly.

Hopper: ::Into the mic::  This is for a boy I know who needs some proof I’m a farm girl at heart.

Richards: ::Wide smile:: Let's see it, farm girl!

The first hints of Robin’s chosen song came in the form of steel string guitar and soulful viola, before the drums, bass guitar, and piano joined them. She had discovered her love of disco and pop after ‘spreading her wings’ and traveling to Earth for school… but growing up in a small frontier town, full of generational colonist families – miners, farmers, freight haulers – it wouldn’t have been possible for her not to feel a connection to country music. Nathan didn't quite recognize the tune, but he felt like he liked it already.

Hopper: ::Singing::  Who doesn't know what I'm talking about

Who's never left home, who's never struck out

To find a dream and a life of their own

A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone…

As she sang, she pictured the dust floating in the air of the Paydirt saloon as gold light streamed through the tinted windows – an ancient jukebox in the corner bringing life to the tired workers as they toasted another day of freedom on the edge of Federation territory.

Nathan watched in awe as Robin really got into her singing. The country song was more than enough ‘proof’ to him.

Hopper: ::Singing::  Many precede and many will follow

A young girl's dreams no longer hollow

It takes the shape of a place out West

But what it holds for her, she hasn't yet guessed…

As a girl, she’d never imagined that life would take her so far afield. So many of her friends and classmates had expected to take on their family trade – or seek adventure amongst the other outer territories. Some among them had even joined the infamous Fenris Rangers. But Robin’s path had led her to her own ‘place out West’ – California, Starfleet, and now the Delta Quadrant.

Hopper: ::Singing::  She needs wide open spaces

Room to make her big mistakes

She needs new faces

She knows the highest stakes…

This song had always held a special place in her heart. She remembered listening to it, over and over, driving her sister crazy, as she’d considered the offer letter from UC Berkeley – trying to decide if she understood the high stakes that following that path would mean for her. In the end, her yearning for wide open spaces – the freedom to discover for herself who she was, rather than following someone else’s path – had pushed her to go.

Nathan had been lost in thought as he listened to Robin sing. She had a beautiful singing voice, and she sang from her heart. As she neared the end of the song, he thought about the lyrics she was singing, thinking back to the conversation they had earlier that day, down in the shuttle. They were both pretty clear on what they wanted. What they expected. Nathan was having fun with her, and wanted this to continue, but he needed to know something first before he could make any real decision. He looked down at his glass. Maybe he wasn't in the right position to be making decisions.

As Robin’s eyes caught Nathan’s, she was surprised to see a rather distant look in his gaze – as if he were deep in thought as he listened. Shaking it off, she focused on finishing the song, and as the music faded, she slid the microphone back into its stand and let out a deep sigh, her chest heaving. She grinned, soaking in the brief applause, before making her way down the stairs towards Nathan.

Hopper: Hey – you’re up!

Richards: ::snapping out of his thoughts:: Huh?...Oh, right.

As he stood and began making his way towards the stage, she caught his arm gently, looking at him with questioning eyes.

Hopper: You okay?

Nathan stopped, his arm grew warmer under her touch. He turned back to her. He looked into her eyes for a moment before stepping up to her. He raised his hand, placing it softly on her cheek and leaning in. Their lips met briefly before he stepped back, giving her a warm smile. 

Hopper: Oh!

The kiss caught Robin by surprise – but it was hardly unwelcome. He turned again without a word, and headed to the stage. As he stepped away, she felt her cheeks flushing and raised a hand to cover her befuddled grin. She crossed her other arm, as if to support her elbow, but in reality it was an instinctual reaction to the butterflies she felt in her stomach.

After taking a moment to process, Robin re-took her seat, a little stunned. She took another sip of her old fashioned, the ice now rather melted, and tried to decide just what she had felt in that brief kiss. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time – it was not the drunken make out session she had been expecting from this evening. It felt… tender.

Nathan moved across the stage toward the piano, taking a seat on the creaky bench and adjusting the microphone that sat nearby. 

Richards: ::into the mic:: I guess farm girl showed me, huh?

His comment was met with cheers and applause from the other patrons. Robin looked up at him, drawn back into the moment, and smiled half-heartedly, still trying to figure out what it was that she was feeling. She sat quietly, waiting to see what he was going to perform.

Richards: I don't know if I can really follow that ::winking at Robin across the room:: but I will sure give it my best.

Nathan placed his hands on the keys, feeling the ivory under the fingers of his left hand. He was still getting used to his new, permanent prosthetic, and smiled at feeling the keys with his right. His fingers began to dance along the keys as the sounds of his song choice filled the room.

Richards: ::Singing:: We'll do it all


                 On our own…

                 We don't need


                 Or anyone…

Nathan smiled, looking out across the room at Robin.

Richards: ::Singing:: If I lay here…

                 If I just lay here….

                 Would you lie with me and, Just forget the world?

                 I don't quite know…

                 How to say…

                 How I feel…

                 Those three words…

                 Are said too much…

                 They're not enough…

Those words…those three little words. They held so much meaning and emotion. Nathan could feel those words. He understood what they meant. He understood where they would lead…

Richards: ::Singing, eyes closed:: If I lay here…

                 If I just lay here…

                 Would you lie with me, and Just forget the world…

Nathan opened his eyes and looked towards Robin. He couldn't quite read her expression, but could see that her eyes weren't leaving him as he sang. He watched her for the rest of the song, finally bringing it to a close. He stood to the applause, even a couple of whistles from further in the back. He stepped back down the stairs and walked back over to their table.

Hopper: I didn’t know you could play...

Nathan sat on the stool next to Robin, placing his arms onto the table. He looked down for just a moment before turning his attention to Robin's deep blue eyes.

Richards: ::half-hearted smile:: I don't know if I can do this…

A long silence lingered between the two of them, the only sounds those of the bar and the next karaoke singer wailing in the background. Robin felt the butterflies in her stomach die. Her mouth hung open just a little, in shock. Finally, she closed her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

Hopper: Okay…  ::Opening her eyes again::  ..Uh, why? I mean, what..  ::Flustered::  What changed? I.. I thought things were going pretty well.

Richards: We talked about what we wanted and our expectations. You were pretty adamant on what you wanted…

Robin nodded, then took another drink, larger this time. She could see where the conversation was going – or at least, she felt like she could. But she wanted to hear it clearly from him. Things were rarely better left ambiguous.

Hopper: Right.  ::A pause::  So what changed? I thought we were on the same page here. Weren’t we?

She asked the question simply enough… but after that kiss something had changed. She had sensed it then, but couldn’t put a finger on it. Now she wondered if he had felt something more there as well. Something which, unaddressed, would certainly complicate things.

Richards: We are…I just…I don't know if I can just "go with it". I don't think that I'm that kind of guy. ::Finishing his drink in one go:: I really like you. I like what we have…this chemistry. But I know that if we keep going…I don't know if I could keep myself from…falling in love. ::Holding up his hands:: I really thought that I would be able to keep it casual. But…I don't know.

Robin let out the brief, frustrated, pitiful laugh of someone receiving bad news that they’d half-expected. She felt… disappointed, a little angry – and in a confusing way, relieved…

Hopper: ::Still somewhat in disbelief::  Really? I mean, Nathan… falling in love?

Nathan flinched slightly. Robin shook her head, but it was not out of judgment. Even if it all seemed hard to believe, she had felt something too – and she knew that following that feeling would more-than-likely lead to at least one of them getting hurt.

Hopper: I mean, you’re right. If that’s what you’re feeling, you’re totally right – we shouldn’t do this… ::Hands on table, looking down at her empty glass::  I mean, I’m glad you’re telling me. Don’t get me wrong, that’s really..  ::sighing::  ..a hard thing to do.

Nathan slowly moved his hand across the table towards Robin's, but stopped. He felt that maybe holding her hand would make the conversation easier, but at the same time it could make it worse.

Richards: I wanted to be honest. I think if we are going to keep working together, we need to be open and honest.

Robin nodded slowly. He certainly wasn’t wrong about that. Sometimes being an open book meant giving up the protection of being closed – and that vulnerability could sting. No night of fun would be worth it at the expense of somebody getting hurt. It still sucked, though.

Hopper: ::Exasperated sigh::  #%&$…

Nathan hesitated a moment, his hand still halfway across the table. He pulled it back, resting it in his lap.

Richards: I'm sorry…

Hopper: Ugh… Yeah… Me too.

She pushed the glass, empty now save the remnants of citrus and quickly-melting ice cubes, away from herself. The rush of adrenaline that came from Richards’ bombshell had made quick work of her synthehol buzz. As she sobered up, she thought about everything that he had said.

Hopper: Look, Nathan, I definitely don't want to screw up a good working relationship.

She decided to confess something.

Hopper: I… It’s been a while — and I was not as careful with your feelings as I should have been… especially as your superior officer.

Richards: I don't think either of us were very careful with all of this. ::Gesturing around them::

Nathan looked over at Robin, scanning her face. His eyes paused on her lips as a series of thoughts flashed through his head. What he wouldn't give… He quickly pushed the thoughts aside and looked back at the table.

Hopper: I think if we’d been thinking a little more clearly… we might have realized from the get-go that this  ::sigh::  was maybe not the smartest, most sensible thing to do.

It had been reckless, actually. She realized that now… Perhaps she hadn’t been thinking clearly since she arrived on Amity. As her disappointment and worry began to fade, she felt herself feeling grateful that Nathan had had the wherewithal to make a sensible choice for the both of them. That alone was enough to warrant high esteem.

Richards: ::Chuckling:: Yeah, the synthehol definitely didn't do us any favors.

She looked at him with sincere and hopeful eyes.

Hopper: I’d like to keep working on the shuttle with you. It’s your project, so that’s your call – but you can think on it if you like. 

Richards: I honestly don't think I can do it without you. ::Warm smile::

Robin laughed genuinely at that – a feeling of relief washing over her.  oO No… He probably can’t… Oo

Hopper: ::Still chuckling:: Hahaha… Oh boy… I don’t think this is how either of us saw this night going. But I do think we definitely shouldn’t continue to test the limits of our better judgment.  ::Chuckling, disappointed still::  I’m definitely cutting myself off with that last drink.

Richards: That's probably a good idea. ::Swirling the ice in his empty glass, under his breath:: Who knows what I would have actually done if I kept going. ::Smirking::

Robin rolled her eyes, but leaned in all the same, putting a hand on his. 

Hopper: Look, I just got here. And I may not be looking for a boyfriend, but I still think you’re fun – and I’d still love someone to grab a drink and a basket of curly fries with after work. Is it cliché or gauche — or  ::amused at her own awkwardness::  some.. other.. French term — to ask if we can still be friends?

Nathan turned his hand, softly wrapping fingers around her hand. He couldn't help but feel comforted by the contact. It wasn't anything too intimate, just a gesture of understanding. 

Richards: No. I don't think it would be 'French' to still be friends. ::Looking back at Robin, smiling:: I would like that. 

Hopper: ::Shutting her eyes momentarily, scrunching up her nose::  Just… I want to be clear. I think you’re a really awesome guy. But I’m not going to change my mind on the… relationship thing. I don’t want you to feel like I’m leading you on. At all. 

Richards: I completely understand. I don't want you to change how you feel just because I vomited my feelings everywhere. I'm a big boy. ::Puffing out his chest:: I'll be okay.

Robin studied his face, trying to decide if she could trust him – either of them, really – to that. They had only just met, and there was no denying that they had an instant connection; something which she did not want to throw away carelessly… But the last thing she wanted was a confused, messy, painful relationship with one of her colleagues.

What won her over, ultimately, was Nathan’s forward honesty. If she couldn’t trust him to his word, she wasn’t sure she could trust anybody.

Hopper: ::Smiling::  Okay.

She reached across the table to grab a menu PADD.

Hopper: Then in that case - can we order some food? I’m starving and drunk and now things have gotten emotional.  ::Chuckling::  I think we could both use some fried food and ice cream, right?

Richards: That sounds amazing. You did mention curly fries earlier. ::smirking:: My favorite way to fry potatoes. 

Robin grinned. Maybe it was love after all.  oO No! That’s your stomach talking! Oo

Hopper: Great. And I’m buying – because then I won’t feel bad about eating most of them.

Richards: I won't complain there. ::Smiling:: I had all the drinks put on my tab. Looks like you get the cheap part of this date.

She held up a finger in playful correction.

Hopper: This isn’t a date anymore – and I’m your senior officer. ::Smiling::  So you’ll need to accept that redesignation of duties.

Nathan had almost completely forgotten about the difference in Rank.

Richards: ::furrowed brow, nodding:: Right. Sorry, ma'am. ::sly smirk::

As she finished punching in their order, she looked across the table at Nathan, feeling a potent cocktail of different emotions churning within her. Disappointment, frustration, pity, selfish desire, trepidation, hope… Since she couldn’t seem to settle on any one feeling, she decided to just roll with it – their boundaries had been set, and she felt that they were both capable of respecting that boundary, no matter how annoying it was… She just hoped she was judging the situation correctly this time.  oO I’ll definitely have to stop calling him ‘lover boy’... Oo

Hopper: So, Ensign, you didn’t tell me you played the piano... What else is there to know about the enigmatic Nathan Richards…?

Nathan ran his hand through his trimmed facial hair, looking off at nothing in particular.

Richards: What can I say, I'm full of surprises. ::Smiling wildly, winking:: Some things I probably shouldn't share with my superior officer. ::Chuckling:: But, maybe you'll find out someday.

Hopper: Well..  ::brows raised in mock surprise:: aren’t very good at holding things in – so I suspect I will…

((The Next Day – Shuttlebay 4, “The Cellar”, Amity Outpost))

As the turbolift doors opened onto the increasingly-familiar sight of Amity’s “Cellar”, Robin closed the report she’d been working through on her PADD – held in her right hand. In her left, she carried a small tray of drinks. The recent mission to Idrustix had consisted of one disaster after another, and the usual PADDwork had multiplied several times over as she thought of more items to add for Command’s consideration. Somehow though, it all felt simple compared to the previous evening. She just hoped that things wouldn’t be too weird with Nathan…

Hopper: Mr. Richards?

Nathan had been putting the finishing touches on the bio bed, and moved to the open rear hatch at the sound of Robin's voice. The night before hadn't ended quite the way either had planned, but they left on good terms. He was glad for that.

Richards: Hello, Lieutenant. 

Hopper: ::Jokingly::  I took the liberty of replicating an extra uniform for you this afternoon. Just in case.

Richards: How nice of you! ::Smiling:: I hadn't planned on tearing this one today, but now I feel I must.

Hopper: ::Laughing::  Well, my replicator only has the pattern for a skant – I hope you can squeeze into a size 8.

Nathan leaned against the frame of the rear hatch, sticking his rear out a bit.

Richards: That should accentuate my womanly figure well. ::laughing::

As she walked across the shuttlebay towards the Targhee, she rolled her eyes and smiled. Things didn’t feel so weird. Actually, they felt pretty comfortable. She raised her left hand, and the drinks she held in it.

Hopper: Coffee? I figured you might have forgotten again today… ::Knowing smirk::  Late night?

Richards: ::Pointing:: You, Lieutenant Hopper, are a godsend. 

Robin set the coffee tray down on a crate and held her hands up and out, as if she was some sort of angelic figure. After a moment’s pose, she lowered her hands, laughing.

Hopper: Don’t you forget it…  ::Handing Richards’ his cup::  Thanks again, by the way. Despite everything… I had a good time.

The smile on Nathan's face wavered slightly.

Richards: Well I'm glad we both had a good time then. ::Fixing his rolled up sleeves::

Hopper: I mean, I’d work on your first date material a little bit. But you know, a solid seven stars.  ::Smiling cheekily::  As for today – I think we can finish up a lot of the Gen 3 systems. That’s your warp field regulation manifolds, targeting systems, deflectors…

Richards: ::Thoughtfully:: So Seven out of Ten? That ain't bad. I've heard worse. ::laughing:: I just finished up with the Biobed, so it's ready to bring back online. ::sighing:: We're almost there.

Nathan sipped his coffee, looking back at the shuttle. He tried to avoid any lingering gazes at Robin. He wanted to avoid those thoughts as much as possible.

Hopper: ::Checking things off on her PADD::  Okay, great. Maybe she’ll be ready for her maiden voyage by New Years! I mean, she’ll still need a coat of paint… Maybe some scrubbing.

Richards: I also took the liberty of cleaning up the interior a bit…I've…been down here for a while.

He walked back up the ramp and into the shuttle before Robin could say anything. The floor was practically immaculate, save for the tools he had been using on the Biobed. There were no longer cables and wiring hanging from the ceiling, and all panels that were present had been reinstalled in their respective places. He hopped up onto the biobed, laying back as he waited for Robin to enter the shuttle.

Hopper: ::Stepping through the door::  Wow! She’s beautiful…

The hatch slid closed behind her.

Hopper: And door automation is functioning well.  ::Hands on hips, in a proud stance::  Gosh, she’s almost like a proper shuttle!

Nathan sat up, looking at Robin with mock disgust.

Richards: I'll have you know, madame, that she is a proper shuttle. Just a little rough around the edges. ::Chuckling::

Hopper: Oh, god, I’m “madame” now?  ::Chuckling::  I’ll let that slide – but just this once.

Robin made her way over to the tactical console, connecting her PADD and letting it bring up the increasingly-familiar backend code. She sipped her coffee and scrolled through the lines, trying to find the next SPOF to conquer.

Hopper: What do you think you’ll do next?

Richards: ::Raising his eyebrow:: What do you mean?

Hopper: Once she’s done. The Targhee I mean. When this project is finished… have you thought about returning to your regular duties in Engineering? How do you feel about that?

Richards: ::Shrugging:: I'm taking pretty well to this new prosthetic. I think maybe another day or two and I'll be golden.

Nathan smiled at his unintended pun. He ran his hand across the smooth metal of his new prosthetic. He had added the gold color as an afterthought to try and match his uniform, and hadn't been disappointed. 

Hopper: ::Smiling::  Well, whatever you need, I’ll be in your corner… Now – Mr. Richards. Let’s get to work, shall we?

Richards: ::smiling warmly:: Thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate it. Now, back to it.

Nathan kept watching Robin as she turned back to her work. He couldn't ignore the pit that had grown in his stomach since last night. He couldn't help his already developed feelings for her. But what he could do was learn to move on from them. He knew it was the right thing to do, and was glad they could walk away from it and still be friends. He smiled to himself and moved his mind back to their work, cleaning up his tools. 


Lt. Robin Hopper

Chief Science Officer

Amity Outpost



Ensign Nathan Richards

Engineering Officer

Amity Outpost


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