tripurAmba, tripurAshrI, mahAlakShmI

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Ajit Krishnan

Dec 15, 2014, 6:46:42 AM12/15/14

The declensions for अम्बा, श्री and लक्ष्मी have some peculiarities when compared to the declensions for 'standard' words like रमा and नदी. 

I'd like to know the declensions for the following three similar sounding words which appear in some prayoga texts -- (1) त्रिपुराम्बा, (2) त्रिपुराश्री, and (3) महालक्ष्मी. In particular -- 

(1) Is the sambodhana form for त्रिपुराम्बा (a) "त्रिपुराम्बे" or (b) "त्रिपुराम्ब"?

(2) Does the pattern for त्रिपुराश्री (a) follow the pattern for श्री, ह्री etc, or (b) does it follow the pattern for नदी? 

(3) Is the prathamAvibhaktyanta form for महालक्ष्मी (a) "महालक्ष्मी" or (b) "महालक्ष्मीः"? 

If someone can provide some justification (via sutras etc) for the answer, I won't be disappointed :-)



Hnbhat B.R.

Dec 15, 2014, 8:34:02 AM12/15/14
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Ajit Krishnan <> wrote:

The declensions for अम्बा, श्री and लक्ष्मी have some peculiarities when compared to the declensions for 'standard' words like रमा and नदी. 

I'd like to know the declensions for the following three similar sounding words which appear in some prayoga texts -- (1) त्रिपुराम्बा, (2) त्रिपुराश्री, and (3) महालक्ष्मी. In particular -- 

(1) Is the sambodhana form for त्रिपुराम्बा (a) "त्रिपुराम्बे" or (b) "त्रिपुराम्ब"?

It is like अम्बा, अल्ला, अक्का etc.  ending in आ.

त्रिपुराम्ब only and not त्रिपुराम्बे.according to the rule:

"7-3-107 अम्बार्थनद्योः ह्रस्वः" सम्बुद्धौ 

By the same rule, the words like नदी, etc. derived with feminine suffix, take ह्रस्व, like हे नदि. Other than those femine gender words, not derived with femine gender forming suffix, it will not take ह्रस्व.

(2) Does the pattern for त्रिपुराश्री (a) follow the pattern for श्री, ह्री etc, or (b) does it follow the pattern for नदी? 

It follows the pattern of श्रीः and not that of नदी.

हे परमश्रीः, is the vocative. The rest follows like श्रीः, ह्रीः etc.. 
(3) Is the prathamAvibhaktyanta form for महालक्ष्मी (a) "महालक्ष्मी" or (b) "महालक्ष्मीः"? 

महालक्ष्मीः -   
अवी-तन्त्री-तरी-लक्ष्मी-ह्री-धीश्रीणामुणादिषु ।
सप्तानामपिशब्दानां सुलोपो न कदाचन । 

The above never lose सु in the प्रथमैकवचन, as they are not formed by adding to the words feminine ending formation suffixes.

If someone can provide some justification (via sutras etc) for the answer, I won't be disappointed :-)



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Hnbhat B.R.

Dec 15, 2014, 9:40:53 PM12/15/14

Some more clarifications;

It is like अम्बा, अल्ला, अक्का etc.  ending in आ.

त्रिपुराम्ब only and not त्रिपुराम्बे.according to the rule:

"7-3-107 अम्बार्थनद्योः ह्रस्वः" सम्बुद्धौ 

By the same rule, the words like नदी, etc. derived with feminine suffix, take ह्रस्व, like हे नदि. Other than those femine gender words, not derived with femine gender forming suffix, it will not take ह्रस्व.

"डलकवतीनां प्रतिषेधो वक्तव्यः।"  हे अम्बाडे। हे अम्बाले। हे अम्बिके 

These words having the meaning of mother (अम्बा) are declined like रमा and other feminine words in आ suffix. These take only ए in सम्बुद्धि.

सम्बुद्धौ च ७।३।१०६|

(2) Does the pattern for त्रिपुराश्री (a) follow the pattern for श्री, ह्री etc, or (b) does it follow the pattern for नदी? 

It follows the pattern of श्रीः and not that of नदी.

हे परमश्रीः, is the vocative. The rest follows like श्रीः, ह्रीः etc.. 

In the above quoted rule you might have noticed नदी also, included in the rule "अम्बार्थ-नद्योर्ह्रस्वः। where the word नदी does not take only the word नदी, but all the word in feminine gender, ending with ई and ऊ suffixes  called as नदी. In the above case, the word श्री is not ending with feminine form with the suffix ई, as the word itself ends with ई, श्री, without any suffix. That is the difference. And in declension also it takes a different set of rules. than नदी. 

(3) Is the prathamAvibhaktyanta form for महालक्ष्मी (a) "महालक्ष्मी" or (b) "महालक्ष्मीः"? 

महालक्ष्मीः -   
अवी-तन्त्री-तरी-लक्ष्मी-ह्री-धीश्रीणामुणादिषु ।
सप्तानामपिशब्दानां सुलोपो न कदाचन । 

The above never lose सु in the प्रथमैकवचन, as they are not formed by adding to the words feminine ending formation suffixes. The above also is नदी, and the follows the rules for declension of other words designated as नदी. But only in the सु, it does not take loss of the सु, as it doesn't take loss as per the rule since it does not end with feminine suffix.

I have not given the complete derivational process for saving time.


Shivosha Vyasan

Dec 16, 2014, 1:30:16 PM12/16/14
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Hnbhat B.R. <> wrote:

It is like अम्बा, अल्ला, अक्का etc.  ending in आ.
अल्ला, अक्का are ghost words in samskrita language. I had read it somewhere in recent past, with evidence. Since, it cannot be located at this moment, excuse me for mentioning it barely.

Hnbhat B.R.

Dec 16, 2014, 9:18:25 PM12/16/14
अल्ला, अक्का are ghost words in samskrita language. I had read it somewhere in recent past, with evidence. Since, it cannot be located at this moment, excuse me for mentioning it barely.

Please do not guess. These are given as examples in सिद्धान्तकौमुदी, as the words meaning mother.   "हे अम्ब। हे अक्क। हे अल्ल।" This is recorded in Apte's Dictionary also.

1. अल्ला [L=4339] [p= 0175-b] (Ety.?) 1 A mother (Voc. 
अल्ल) P. VII. 3. 107. — 2 The Su- 
preme Goddess.

2. अक्का [L=102] [p= 0005-b] [अक्-क, अच्यते इत्यक्, अंच् क्वि- 
प् गतिः तस्यै कायति, कै-क वा Tv.] A 

and other Sanskrit dictionaries. 

अल्ला, स्त्री, (अल्यते इत्यल्, क्विप्, अलें भूषायै
लाति गृह्णाति, ला + क ।) नाट्योक्तौ माता ।

अक्का, स्त्री, (अकं दुःखं कायति गृह्णाति इति
कै शब्दे ।) माता । इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥

These are Sanskrit - Sanskrit Dictionaries, giving the above meaning.

[L=99] [p= 0041] अक्का¦ स्त्री अक--क, अच्यते इत्यक् अन्व--क्विप् गतिः तस्यै कायति कै क वा । मातरि जनन्याम् ।

[L=4707] [p= 0415] अल्ला¦ स्त्री अल्यते इत्यल् क्विप् अले भूषायै लाति गृह्णाति
ला--क ४ त० । १ मातरि । अलतीति अल् पर्य्याप्तः सन्
लाति सर्व्वानत्ति गृह्णाति जानाति वा ला--क ।

Ajit Krishnan

Dec 17, 2014, 3:42:21 PM12/17/14

Thank you very much for the prompt detailed response. 




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