help needed: in पदच्छेद (parsing)

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RamanaMurthy Bathala

5 jul 2017, 11:32:1205-07-2017
aan samskrita

Dear sir.

Here is a sloka from Atma Bodha.

वपुस्तुषादिभिः कोशैर्युक्तं युक्त्यवघाततः ।

आत्मानमन्तरं शुद्धं विविच्यात्तण्डुलं यथा ॥१६॥

Can you please provide the पदच्छेद (parsing) for “युक्त्यवघाततः”with meaning and identification of case and number.


Ramana murthy


5 jul 2017, 13:16:5105-07-2017
aan samskrita@googlegroups com
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RamanaMurthy Bathala

6 jul 2017, 10:55:3606-07-2017
aan samskrita

युक्ति + अवघाततः = युक्त्यवघाततः= by the process of shelling of reason;

अवघात(m)=Threshing corn, by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar of the same material.

The word used is अवघाततः and is carrying the instrumental case meaning. I am unable to understand how the word अवघाततः is derived from अवघात.


Could someone shed some light on this problem?



Ramana murthy

Taff Rivers

6 jul 2017, 17:43:4306-07-2017
aan samskrita

  Now that we have a context, this someone (Taff) offers the following resolution:

The तः at the end, is one of those suffixes namely त, used to indicate the abstract 'state or condition of'.
gets changed to तः when it comes at the end of a line, but as to exactly why that happens is a bit of a mystery, to me at least.

The state in question being that of the aforementioned yogic practice that is likened to the metaphoric threshing of the corn.
The work being poetic in nature, not literal text:

For the Wisdom of Self is the one way to Freedom,
leading beyond all other paths,
As cooking cannot be accomplished without fire,
so Freedom cannot be attained without wisdom.

— Ātma-bōdha 2
Anyway, I don''t see where you get your 'instrumental case' from.


7 jul 2017, 00:48:0607-07-2017
aan samskrita
पञ्चम्यास्तसिल् (4-3-7)
The affix tasil is used in the sense of panchamI (which is called ablative in Sanskrit grammars in English).

avaghAta + tasil = avaghAtataH

अवघात + तसिल्  = अवघाततः (after इत् deletion)

It might be easier for you if you switch sooner rather than later to Paninian terminology. :-) My experience is that English terminology gets you off the ground fast, but then limits you rather quickly. 

RamanaMurthy Bathala

7 jul 2017, 01:39:5207-07-2017
aan samskrita
Dear sir,

Thanks for clarification.

Panini is too far to reach for an elementary school student.

Ramana murthy

Taff Rivers

7 jul 2017, 10:37:2007-07-2017
aan samskrita, Eddie Hadley

   This rendering of the Atma Bhoda* has the aim of explaining the meaning of the work in English.

While the Roman transliteration is inaccurate, in terms of its long/short vowels etc.
and the English meaning adds many extra words by way of clarification,
it does help in understanding of the work.

While Paninian rules are largely unambiguous for writing Devanagari, the reading of such writings is another matter altogether as there are so many different uses for each of those words.
And while the authors would have a particular meaning in mind, that information is not available to the reader.

Endless are the commentaries that claim to have read the authors mind.
The only valid useful ones would be those by the original authors themselves, but...

Guru Taff, he say 'Grammarians can but be instrumental in providing means to an end. Following the means, is is up to individual readers of all these words.'




Atma Bhoda 16

Vapus Tushadibhih Kosaih
Yuktam Yuktya Avaghaatatah
Atmanam Antaram Suddham
Vivichyaat Tandulam Yatha.

Just  as  rice  is  obtained  by  pounding
paddy and separating the husk, bran etc., we
can  separate  Pure  Atma  within  from  the
encircling  of  Five  Kosas  through  careful
discrimination. When one clearly realises the
soul to be distinct from the Kosas, he becomes
detached  from  them.  This  detachment  is
followed by knowledge of the


8 jul 2017, 10:56:5808-07-2017
aan samskrita
Elementary school? Was that metaphorical, or are you literally still in school?

In any case, Paninian *terminology* need not be linked to memorizing the Ashtadhyayi. It's just a much better (and simpler, once you get the hang of it) way to talk about Sanskrit grammar.

वपुस्तुषादिभिः कोशैर्युक्तं युक्त्यवघाततः ।

आत्मानमन्तरं शुद्धं विविच्यात्तण्डुलं यथा ॥१६॥

वपुषादिभिः कोशैः युक्तम् अन्तरात्मानं विविच्यात् तुषेन युक्तं यथा तण्डूलम् विविच्यते तथा किन्तु युक्त्याः‌ अवघाततः (अवघातात् इत्यर्थे)‌ |

Seperate the pure, internal soul bound to the sheaths of the body etc., through threshing as rice is bound by chaff is, but with logic. 

Sadagopan V

9 jul 2017, 10:27:2609-07-2017
अवघात + तसिल् = अवघाततः ? Or should we use तसि pratyaya instead ?

-- Sadagopan V
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