Recruiting/Looking co-founders is forbidden at rug-b + incident report

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Tobias Pfeiffer

12.08.2016, 11:06:0612.08.16
TLDR; Active recruitment/looking for co-founders (e.g. asking a bunch of
people "Hey do you..?") is forbidden at rug-b. If you notice such
behaviour in person or via email please contact the organizers. Devs
looking for jobs is ok, but don't go around and annoy a bunch of people
pls. Always respect our CoC

Hi all,

triggered by an incident at the last rug-b, here is a short re run of
our general rules regarding recruitment/looking for co-founders etc.

## Incident Report
At the beginning of the meetup I made it clear that active recruitment
is forbidden at the meetup. Later on I was alerted by multiple members
of the community to a person asking everyone leaving/coming if they want
to become their co-founders. Some members felt discomforted by this.
I approached that person, informed them of the rules violation and
kindly asked them to leave the premises (as the meetup was over either
way). The person continued to argue with me, yell at me and insult me.
After some time of that they finally left the premises.

My apologies go out to everyone who felt discomforted by this or who was
negatively impacted by this in any way.

## Recruitment at rug-b
Active recruitment/looking for co-founders is forbidden. So is scraping
our website for member emails and mass emailing them (the fact that I
have to point this out is very sad but it happened multiple times...).
If that happens, the offenders will be asked to stop or to leave.

By active recruitment I mean people going around asking lots of people
if they want to join their company/co-found a company or whatever. Of
course, if someone mentions that their job sucks you can tell them how
great your company is ;)

If your main goal attending rug-b is recruiting people PLEASE DON'T COME.

If you notice any such behaviour, PLEASE CONTACT THE ORGANIZERS (or well
mostly me). Even if you feel it's minor, we always have an open ear for
you :)
You can do so:

- in person (I'm the one moderating the thing and mostly with a green shirt)
- via email (see the sender of this email) - I often check my mobile
during the event
- twitter DMs are open (@PragTob)
- you can also tweet @PragTob / @rug_b

By default, we will not disclose the identity of you/the reporter to anyone.

Also, there won't be "company X is hiring" lightning talks or
announcements (no not even for money, yes I've been offered...). To
announce job listings we have the [JOB] tag on this mailing list.

Of course, developers looking for jobs is a different thing as we are a
developer focussed community. Developers are welcome to introduce
themselves on stage and state that they're looking for a job. Other
notable "exceptions" include:

- hosts have a 5 minute slot to introduce themselves and of course
mention that they are hiring (I must add though, that most companies in
recent memory kept that really short or even passed the opportunity on
as they truly worried most about the community. Thumbs up for them.)
- there might be HR people from our respective host running around,
that's of course also ok
- speakers (lightning talk or full length) are allowed to mention their
company and that they are hiring of course in an adequate amount of
time, should it be too much I'll stop the talk

As for the reasons why it is like this, I'm tired of explaining it but
it has been like this for a long time - I "inherited" these rules from
Thilo. The main reasons are:

- there are enough other channels for that (LinkedIn, Xing) over which
most of us receive enough, we don't need another one
- most people want to enjoy, relax, have a good evening and not
experience linkedIn in the real world
- if people would want to become a co-founder (or actively look for a
job), there are founder dating events and others where they might go -
rug-b is not one of those events
- People often tell me that they really like it that rug-b is so
recruiter free as opposed to event XYZ. Never once has a dev approached
me and wished for more recruiters and looking for co-founders.
- I've met people who stopped going to rug-b lots of years ago because
they were annoyed by the recruiters at the event, I don't ever want that
to happen again

And of course, you gotta respect the Code of Conduct or you are out
either way

Thanks, see you at next rug-b.



Johann Quassowski

15.08.2016, 09:19:3515.08.16
an RUG-B
Thanks for taking care of this, Tobi!
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