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Will the Birthers Forge Ahead?

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Don Kirkman

2011年4月28日 凌晨1:29:362011/4/28
Can we expect a flood of new releases from some of the birthers,
documents like grannie's memories, aunty's affidavits, Kenyan doctors
patient records, and doctored copies of Australian birth certificates?
Don Kirkman

John Smith

2011年4月28日 凌晨2:53:272011/4/28
On 4/27/2011 10:29 PM, Don Kirkman wrote:
> Can we expect a flood of new releases from some of the birthers,
> documents like grannie's memories, aunty's affidavits, Kenyan doctors
> patient records, and doctored copies of Australian birth certificates?

My favorite news article for today:

And, more to follow ...



2011年4月28日 凌晨3:05:132011/4/28
On Apr 28, 2:53 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 4/27/2011 10:29 PM, Don Kirkman wrote:
> > Can we expect a flood of new releases from some of the birthers,
> > documents like grannie's memories, aunty's affidavits, Kenyan doctors
> > patient records, and doctored copies of Australian birth certificates?
> My favorite news article for today:

> And, more to follow ...

See? You get your birth certificate and you're still acting like an

Government Shill #2

2011年4月28日 凌晨3:32:122011/4/28


For months it's been "Where's the birth certificate?"

Now the goalposts have been shifted, in true kOOker style, and it's "So what if
he has a birth certificate?"


Shill #2
Ears on the loon go round and round, round and round, round and round...

Kurgan Gringioni

2011年4月28日 凌晨4:15:492011/4/28

"Government Shill #2" <> wrote in message

>>See? You get your birth certificate and you're still acting like an
> Yep.
> For months it's been "Where's the birth certificate?"
> Now the goalposts have been shifted, in true kOOker style, and it's "So
> what if
> he has a birth certificate?"
> kOOkers!

The thing that's the most stupid about this is his mom is from Kansas. She
is indisputably American. Any child she had would be an American citizen, no
matter where the child was born. Since citizenship is guaranteed, the only
reason you'd want to fake having your child born in the USA is if you were
sure he was going to run for POTUS 45 years later.

The odds of that are about zero, especially at that time. When half-black
Barack Obama was born, the Civil Rights Act still hadn't been passed yet.
The last thing his parents were thinking about was this baby's gonna be
President of the United States. The KKK was still lynching people in
Mississipi at that time.



2011年4月28日 清晨5:35:182011/4/28
On Apr 28, 4:15 am, "Kurgan Gringioni" <> wrote:
> "Government Shill #2" <> wrote in

Not So!

The Law says a Child recieves his Fathers Nationality,at the time of
birth,not his mothers no matter where its born.

If his father was realy Barrack Hussien Obama Sr (which I think
not)means he was born with his fathers nationality(kenyan African).as
his dad was here on a temporary scholarship. Then this means he is a
British Subject not American! Dual citizen ship is not legal to be

There is a difference between a common citizen and a natural born
citizen. POTUS requires a natural born citizen only. Under the 14th
amendment there are two stipulations for being a citizen, 1. Be born
here in the US, and 2. You have to be under US jurisdiction.

For example, you can be born here in the US and still not be a US
citizen. In the famous ELK case, Elk was ruled NOT a US citizen even
though he was born in America. At the time of his birth, his parents
were members of an Indian tribe, and thus NOT under US jurisdiction.
This stipulation in the 14th amendment also applies to people
temporarily in the US and foreign diplomats.

Obama Sr. was a British Subject. He maintained a DOMICILE in Kenya,
where he his children lived. DOMICILE is a legal term. You can have
only one under the law. If you are domiciled in Kenya, then you can
only be in the USA temporarily and Obama Sr. was here in the US
temporarily on a scholarship. At no time did he go through
naturalization or renounce his status as a British Subject. He married
Ann. Under both American and British laws at the time, any baby so
born would have been born a BRITISH SUBJECT regardless of where the
baby was born. The nationality of the baby is derived from the father
in a marriage and Obama Sr. gave Obama Jr. the gift of being a British
Subject from the moment of birth.

Brenda Ann

2011年4月28日 清晨6:27:532011/4/28

"joeturn" wrote in message

On Apr 28, 4:15 am, "Kurgan Gringioni" <> wrote:
> "Government Shill #2" <> wrote in


Not So! The Law says a Child recieves his Fathers Nationality,at the

time of birth,not his mothers no matter where its born.

If his father was Barrack Husien Obama Sr means he was born with his

fathers nationality(kenyan African).as his dad was here on a temporary

visa. Then this means he is a British Subject not American!



From :

Born Abroad to One American Parent and One Alien Parent in Wedlock:

The parent who is a U.S. citizen must qualify to transfer citizenship to his
child. The parents must have been married at the time of birth. The American
parent had to have physically resided inside the United States prior to the
birth. The residence must have been for five years with two of those years
coming after their fourteenth birthday. The child is the genetic offspring
of both parents.

Read more: Ways to Obtain USA Citizenship |

Born Abroad to an American Mother Out of Wedlock:

The mother must have been a U.S. citizen at the time of birth. The mother
must have had a physical residency inside the United States prior to the
child's birth. The time of residency must have been for one continuous year.

Read more: Ways to Obtain USA Citizenship |

Stanley Ann Dunham would qualify either way.


2011年4月28日 上午8:19:462011/4/28
Don Kirkman <> wrote:
> Can we expect a flood of new releases from some of the birthers,
> documents like grannie's memories, aunty's affidavits, Kenyan doctors
> patient records, and doctored copies of Australian birth certificates?

Thanks, we needed another thread on this. We were one short.

I just wish Trump had told Obama he could not reduce spending.

2011年4月28日 上午10:17:382011/4/28
On Apr 28, 1:15 am, "Kurgan Gringioni" <> wrote:
> The thing that's the most stupid about this is his mom is from Kansas. She
> is indisputably American. Any child she had would be an American citizen, no
> matter where the child was born. Since citizenship is guaranteed, the only
> reason you'd want to fake having your child born in the USA is if you were
> sure he was going to run for POTUS 45 years later.
There is no requirement to have been born in the USA, only to be a
natural-born citizen (George Romney was accepted as a legitimate
candidate even though he was born outside the United States, probably
because he was a white Publican). There are only two classes of
citizens: natural-born and naturalized (plus the Zonians like John
McCain who were retroactively granted automatic citizneship by Act of
Congress in 1937). When all other false accusations have been
disproven, the racist Publican birthers will start denying that his
mother was an American.


2011年4月28日 上午10:25:392011/4/28
I think you will see the rise of the "Transcripters"

John Smith

2011年4月28日 上午11:29:512011/4/28
On 4/28/2011 2:31 AM, joeturn wrote:

> ...

Yeah, why not expect us to go hook line and sinker for a tampered and
photoshoped hack?

obama and his gang have as much respect for the American citizens as we
do for the mushrooms sprouting in usenet ...

Why do they have such difficulty understanding, show us the real
original or show us nothing?


John Smith

2011年4月28日 上午11:37:202011/4/28
On 4/28/2011 7:17 AM, wrote:

>> ...

> There is no requirement to have been born in the USA, only to be a
> natural-born citizen (George Romney was accepted as a legitimate
> candidate even though he was born outside the United States, probably
> because he was a white Publican). There are only two classes of
> citizens: natural-born and naturalized (plus the Zonians like John
> McCain who were retroactively granted automatic citizneship by Act of
> Congress in 1937). When all other false accusations have been
> disproven, the racist Publican birthers will start denying that his
> mother was an American.

"I am about to file another law suit against Obama as I believe he is
not ‘natural born’, not ‘naturalized’, but Obama is an ‘illegal alien’
as it appears he returned at age ten [10] to the United States on his
Indonesia Passport and therefore, his term as a U.S. Senator from
Illinois was fraud and Obama should not have been a U.S. Senator and
also, cannot be President."

From here:

Some might be surprised at exactly who Phillip Berg is:


harry k

2011年4月28日 上午11:59:002011/4/28

Exactly like we said 3 years ago. The instant one is produced they
would scream "Fake!" Didn't even take them 24 hours to begin doing

Harry K

harry k

2011年4月28日 中午12:03:112011/4/28
On Apr 28, 1:15 am, "Kurgan Gringioni" <> wrote:
> "Government Shill #2" <> wrote in

> >>See?  You get your birth certificate and you're still acting like an
> >>idiot.
> > Yep.
> > For months it's been "Where's the birth certificate?"
> > Now the goalposts have been shifted, in true kOOker style, and it's "So
> > what if
> > he has a birth certificate?"
> > kOOkers!
> The thing that's the most stupid about this is his mom is from Kansas. She
> is indisputably American. Any child she had would be an American citizen, no
> matter where the child was born. Since citizenship is guaranteed, the only
> reason you'd want to fake having your child born in the USA is if you were
> sure he was going to run for POTUS 45 years later.

??? There is no requirement for the president to be born in the US,
only that he be a "natural born citizen". His mother being one, makes
him one also. US citizen has a kid in a foriegn country, reports to
the Embassy, registers birth. Done - eligble to be president.


Harry K

Larry Whitaker

2011年4月28日 中午12:25:192011/4/28

Wow Harry, do your homework. The reason his place of birth is
important is because his mother was not 19 when he was born. So she
could not convey her citizenship to her baby. IF her husband was not
a US citizen, and IF the baby was not born on US soil, then the baby
is not automatically a US citizen. And then Obama would not be
eligible to be POTUS.

I believe the scenario in "Obama Nation" and other books which
explains that his mother went to Kenya while 8 months pregnant, stayed
too long and then was refused return airline passage before the birth.
She had the baby in Mombassa (where his grandmother swears on a signed
affidavit that she witnessed the birth in that hospital). His mother
rushed back to Hawaii with her baby and frantically went from hospital
to hospital trying to find a doctor who would sign a real birth
certificate, making her baby an American Citizen. She failed. She
submitted a birth announcement to the Honolulu newspaper FOUR DAYS
after she got back.

Later when it mattered, Hawaii conspired with the DNC to create a
phony COLB and Birth Certificate. But they have fooled nobody. The
certificate proffered yesterday fails on a dozen levels-- but the
mainstream press doesn't care and won't pursue that. Why should they?
This is the same media who knowingly failed to vet Obama when he was
running for president-- they knew but didn't care that he was not
remotely qualified. They wanted a black president.

Well, they got one--and the US is still in the worst recession since
WWII. And employment and housing prices, the value of the dollar,
etc. will continue to sink until Obama is gone.


Larry Whitaker

2011年4月28日 中午12:32:292011/4/28
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 08:29:51 -0700, John Smith <>

It doesn't matter. The mainstream media were ready to accept withoug
question ANYTHING even remotely like a Birth Certificate. Remember
this media accepted a presidential candidate without doing ANY of the
normal exhaustive checking of credentials and background they normally
do, what they did to McCain and Palin. They were NEVER in Obama's
Chicago house, they ignored the scandalous relationship he had with
Tony Rezko, etc. They didn't ask him to reveal his school
transcripts, his IQ, his medical records, NOTHING!

But Obama is taking himself out. He has NO CHANCE for reelection
because his performance in office has been abysmal-- horrible. This
country remains in a deep recession, 18% unemployment, dropping house
prices, dropping value of the dollar, horrible deficits, falling
confidence in the US Economy around the world, new wars, and much else
while he plays basketball and shucks and jives.


Alan Baker

2011年4月28日 下午2:15:282011/4/28
In article <>,
Larry Whitaker <> wrote:

You are free to produce the U.S. statute that confirms your claim...

...but we'll never see it, will we?

> I believe the scenario in "Obama Nation" and other books which
> explains that his mother went to Kenya while 8 months pregnant, stayed
> too long and then was refused return airline passage before the birth.
> She had the baby in Mombassa (where his grandmother swears on a signed
> affidavit that she witnessed the birth in that hospital). His mother
> rushed back to Hawaii with her baby and frantically went from hospital
> to hospital trying to find a doctor who would sign a real birth
> certificate, making her baby an American Citizen. She failed. She
> submitted a birth announcement to the Honolulu newspaper FOUR DAYS
> after she got back.

1. Honolulu newspapers got their birth announcement data from the
hospital records of the day.

2. He has a valid Hawaiian birth certificate.

> Later when it mattered, Hawaii conspired with the DNC to create a
> phony COLB and Birth Certificate. But they have fooled nobody. The
> certificate proffered yesterday fails on a dozen levels-- but the
> mainstream press doesn't care and won't pursue that. Why should they?
> This is the same media who knowingly failed to vet Obama when he was
> running for president-- they knew but didn't care that he was not
> remotely qualified. They wanted a black president.

It does fail on any level except that you still WANT not to believe it

> Well, they got one--and the US is still in the worst recession since
> WWII. And employment and housing prices, the value of the dollar,
> etc. will continue to sink until Obama is gone.
> Larry

Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia


2011年4月28日 下午2:16:382011/4/28
In article <ipc1of$i6u$>, says...

> On 4/28/2011 7:17 AM, wrote:
> >> ...
> > There is no requirement to have been born in the USA, only to be a
> > natural-born citizen (George Romney was accepted as a legitimate
> > candidate even though he was born outside the United States, probably
> > because he was a white Publican). There are only two classes of
> > citizens: natural-born and naturalized (plus the Zonians like John
> > McCain who were retroactively granted automatic citizneship by Act of
> > Congress in 1937). When all other false accusations have been
> > disproven, the racist Publican birthers will start denying that his
> > mother was an American.
> "I am about to file another law suit against Obama as I believe he is
> not ?natural born?, not ?naturalized?, but Obama is an ?illegal alien?
> as it appears he returned at age ten [10] to the United States on his
> Indonesia Passport and therefore, his term as a U.S. Senator from
> Illinois was fraud and Obama should not have been a U.S. Senator and
> also, cannot be President."
> From here:

BWHAHAHAHA! How does a kid who was born in Hawaii that comes back from
overseas become an alien of any kind?

> Some might be surprised at exactly who Phillip Berg is:
> Regards,
> JS

Phillip Berg is a lunatic, as are you.

BDK- Top of the government shill heap for over 10 years running!


2011年4月28日 下午2:32:272011/4/28
> Harry K- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

We knew already that OBAMA JR admitted he was born in Kenya a video
is worth 10,000 words.

Poll his student audience for confirmation!


2011年4月28日 下午2:38:222011/4/28

Alan Baker

2011年4月28日 下午2:46:522011/4/28

Alan Baker

2011年4月28日 下午2:48:032011/4/28
In article
joeturn <> wrote:

Sorry, but I'm not watching an entire video to find your nonsense.


2011年4月28日 下午2:53:012011/4/28
On Apr 28, 6:27 am, "Brenda Ann" <>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> Balderdash!
> From :
> Born Abroad to One American Parent and One Alien Parent in Wedlock:
> The parent who is a U.S. citizen must qualify to transfer citizenship to his
> child. The parents must have been married at the time of birth. The American
> parent had to have physically resided inside the United States prior to the
> birth. The residence must have been for five years with two of those years
> coming after their fourteenth birthday. The child is the genetic offspring
> of both parents.
> Read more: Ways to Obtain USA Citizenship | eHow.com

> Born Abroad to an American Mother Out of Wedlock:
> The mother must have been a U.S. citizen at the time of birth. The mother
> must have had a physical residency inside the United States prior to the
> child's birth. The time of residency must have been for one continuous year.
> Read more: Ways to Obtain USA Citizenship | eHow.com
> Stanley Ann Dunham would qualify either way.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Its the farther that has to qualify not the mother! Obama senior was
DOMICILE to kenya not the USA.

Obama Sr. gave Obama Jr. the gift of being a British Subject from the
moment of birth.

Think of it this way, If YOU went to France, and knocked up a woman,
married her, and then had a baby... that baby wouldn't be a French
citizen, it would be an American citizen born abroad. It would inherit
your gift of American citizenship, but would not be a natural born
American citizen under any stretch of the law.

The US government, as stated in court cases, does NOT recognize dual
citizenship in matters of "natural born citizens." You either are a
natural born citizen or you are not. So all this business about birth
certificates is deception to hide the fact that Obama is NOT eligible
to be POTUS. This is quite clear in the law, the US Constitution,
Vattel's Law of Nations, the 14th amendment, and the British and
American laws on naturalization at the time.

There is also the matter of when he left America and went to Indonesia
where he would have been forced to renounce his citizenship. To re
enter this nation he would've had to have gone through NATURALIZATION,
which by itself would have meant he would be ineligible as POTUS.

What is taking place now is that Obama, Barry Soetoro, a CIA
manchurian candidate and crony of the Bush Crime family, is purposely
lying and deceiving every caring American. This man is NOT your
president, mine, or anyone's. He is an illegal criminal usurper.

John Smith

2011年4月28日 下午3:11:002011/4/28

Yeah, yeah, yeah ... heard it all before. You can't expect the same
rules and laws which apply to the commoners to apply to the ones
imagining themselves royalty!

If we had kept on the ball and imprisoned and/or hung these vile
criminals, as we found them, we would not be having the job of cleaning
them up now ...


Brenda Ann

2011年4月28日 下午6:20:252011/4/28

"joeturn" wrote in message

On Apr 28, 6:27 am, "Brenda Ann" <>


I guess you're incapable of reading the law expressed in plain English. My
quotes plainly state otherwise. Also, a child may have dual citizenship
(US/anywhere else) until age 18, when they are supposed to choose one or the
other. There are, however, even exceptions to this.

As for your "example", I can debunk this one personally. My spouse was born
in France, to a US GI and a French mother. The French government very much
insists that Pat is a French citizen.


2011年4月28日 下午6:47:342011/4/28
On Apr 28, 3:20 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>
- I guess you're incapable of reading the law expressed in plain
English. My
- quotes plainly state otherwise.  Also, a child may have dual
- (US/anywhere else) until age 18, when they are supposed to choose
one or the
- other. There are, however, even exceptions to this.

* * * Then 'The Question' Becomes * * *
Did Obama {Soetaro?} Travel As An Adult Using An
Indonesian Passport ?
- As for your "example", I can debunk this one personally.  My spouse
was born
- in France, to a US GI and a French mother. The French government
very much
- insists that Pat is a French citizen.

Where Is Obama-to-Soetaro Adoption Papers Registered ?
Where Is Soetaro-Back-To-Obama Name Change
Papers Registered ?
Who's Name Is On The Obama {Soetaro?} College Records ?
Did Obama {Soetaro?} Travel Using An Indonesian Passport ?
-read- What If... Prez "BO" {Obama} Releases His
Long Form Hawaiian Birth Certificate : Which Then
Leads To Many More Questions...

2011年4月28日 晚上7:07:542011/4/28
On Apr 28, 3:20 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>
> As for your "example", I can debunk this one personally.  My spouse was born
> in France, to a US GI and a French mother. The French government very much
> insists that Pat is a French citizen.
Don't bother confusing them with the facts. If it does not support
their fallacious argument, they don't care. However, it is a lot of
fun to laugh at them as they voluntarily exhibit their stupidity and


2011年4月28日 晚上7:26:202011/4/28
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:25:19 -0700, Larry Whitaker wrote:

[ bullshit snipped ]

How do you account for the birth announcements printed in the two local
Honolulu papers shortly after Obama's birth? My favorite so far is time
traveling space alien lizard people were behind the whole thing.

David Laville

2011年4月28日 晚上7:52:232011/4/28
On 28 Apr 2011 23:26:20 GMT, Carbon <>

The announcement was printed 10 days after his birth, the address
giving in the announcement was the address of a house his
grandparents, not his parents, were renting and neighbors don't recall
ever seeing a child living there at that time. The announcement
doesn't give a name nor hospital where he was born. All it gives is
his parents names, address of his grandparents, date of the birth and
the word "son".

If this had been Bush we'd still be hearing you leftist crying foul
about it.

David Laville, G.S.E.M.
The Golfing Machine Authorized Instructor

Alan Baker

2011年4月28日 晚上8:07:092011/4/28
In article <>,
David Laville <> wrote:

But you don't respond to trolls, David...

You said only fools do that.


2011年4月28日 晚上8:22:332011/4/28
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 18:52:23 -0500, David Laville wrote:
> On 28 Apr 2011 23:26:20 GMT, Carbon <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:25:19 -0700, Larry Whitaker wrote:
>> [ bullshit snipped ]
>> How do you account for the birth announcements printed in the two
>> local Honolulu papers shortly after Obama's birth? My favorite so far
>> is time traveling space alien lizard people were behind the whole
>> thing.
> The announcement was printed 10 days after his birth, the address
> giving in the announcement was the address of a house his
> grandparents, not his parents, were renting and neighbors don't recall
> ever seeing a child living there at that time. The announcement
> doesn't give a name nor hospital where he was born. All it gives is
> his parents names, address of his grandparents, date of the birth and
> the word "son".

Please tell me you don't take this crap seriously.

Larry Whitaker

2011年4月28日 晚上8:35:502011/4/28

You might as well drop it. The only way anyone anywhere would do
anything about the usurping of the US Presidency is if the US Media
were to turn their attention to it--like they did to the Monica
Sowinski scandal. That is not going to happen. I learned that in the
last few days as Trump nailed him with the facts--and was ignored and

They desperately want Obama to remain in office and be reelected. The
media is heavily invested in him; they created him and their studious
ignoring of glaring problems with his eligibility and qualifications
during the election campaign proves their outrageous bias. Remember
they loved Hillary, but dumped her in his favor, and focused their
wildly partisan "news" to get him elected. That forced Hillary to
admit that the ONLY FAIR news was Fox.

So no matter what we learn about this, they will ignore it.

So forget it and work with me and others to defeat him and undo the
harm he has done in the interim. Support the TEA party as they work
to defund "Obamacare." Support Paul Ryun and Speaker Boehner. When
his vetos are overridden again and again and when he sees Democrats in
congress abandoning him, he will give up and relegate himself to
riding around on AF1 and playing basketball. That's harmless.



2011年4月28日 晚上9:18:482011/4/28

> If his father was realy Barrack Hussien Obama Sr (which I think
> not)means he was born with his fathers nationality(kenyan African).as
> his dad was here on a temporary scholarship. Then this means he is a
> British Subject not American! Dual citizen ship is not legal to be
> Hide
> quoted text -
> There is a difference between a common citizen and a natural born
> citizen. POTUS requires a natural born citizen only. Under the 14th
> amendment there are two stipulations for being a citizen, 1. Be born
> here in the US, and 2. You have to be under US jurisdiction.

The 14th Amendment does not stipulate that to be a citizen of the US you
have to be born in the US. It says that if you were born in the US and
under US jurisdiction then you are a citizen.

: the next generation of web-newsreaders :


2011年4月28日 晚上9:50:322011/4/28

> ....but we'll never see it, will we?

Actually, Larry is correct. The law at the time of Obama's birth (persons
born between December 24, 1952 and November 14, 1986) was that his mother
had to have lived 15 years of her life in the US with at least 5 of the
years being after the age of 14. Obama's mother had not lived 5 years of
her life in the US after the age of 14 when he was born because she was
still 18.

Personally, I'm absolutely convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii, but if
he wasn't, there would be questions about him being a natural born

There's another twist to the story. As you can see, there are separate
rules for citizenship depending on the marital status of the US parent.
It is possible that Obama's parents were not legally married. Obama's
father was already married in Kenya when he married Obama's mother. If
the marriage was legal in Kenya, then the marriage in Hawaii was not
legal. If this is the case, then Obama would have been born out of
wedlock and would qualify as a natural born citizen.

RecGroups : the community-oriented newsreader :


2011年4月28日 晚上10:05:102011/4/28
On Apr 28, 6:20 pm, "Brenda Ann" <>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-----

> I guess you're incapable of reading the law expressed in plain English. My
> quotes plainly state otherwise.  Also, a child may have dual citizenship
> (US/anywhere else) until age 18, when they are supposed to choose one or the
> other. There are, however, even exceptions to this.
> As for your "example", I can debunk this one personally.  My spouse was born
> in France, to a US GI and a French mother. The French government very much
> insists that Pat is a French citizen.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

So your saying this video gives him diplomatic immunity?


2011年4月28日 晚上10:20:332011/4/28
On Apr 28, 3:35 am, joeturn <> wrote:

> On Apr 28, 4:15 am, "Kurgan Gringioni" <> wrote:
> > "Government Shill #2" <> wrote in
> > >>See?  You get your birth certificate and you're still acting like an
> > >>idiot.
> > > Yep.
> > > For months it's been "Where's the birth certificate?"
> > > Now the goalposts have been shifted, in true kOOker style, and it's "So
> > > what if
> > > he has a birth certificate?"
> > > kOOkers!
> > The thing that's the most stupid about this is his mom is from Kansas. She
> > is indisputably American. Any child she had would be an American citizen, no
> > matter where the child was born. Since citizenship is guaranteed, the only
> > reason you'd want to fake having your child born in the USA is if you were
> > sure he was going to run for POTUS 45 years later.
> > The odds of that are about zero, especially at that time. When half-black
> > Barack Obama was born, the Civil Rights Act still hadn't been passed yet.
> > The last thing his parents were thinking about was this baby's gonna be
> > President of the United States. The KKK was still lynching people in
> > Mississipi at that time.
> Not So!
>  The Law says a Child recieves his Fathers Nationality,at the time of
> birth,not his mothers no matter where its born.

The law says no such thing, of course, WrongTurnJoe. You're just
lying, again.

What the law does say is that regardless of the nationality of EITHER
parent, any child born on US soil except those of diplomats posted
here on assignment is AUTOMATICALLY a natural born US citizen eligible
to be president.

This is not even remotely open to dispute.

> If his father was realy Barrack Hussien Obama Sr (which I think
> not)

So you haven't seen the birth certificate?

> means he was born with his fathers nationality(kenyan African).as
> his dad was here on a temporary scholarship. Then this means he is a
> British Subject not American! Dual citizen ship is not legal to be

Lie of course.

Sux to be on the losing side in each and every argument like you,
don't it, WrongTurn?

> There is a difference between a common citizen and a natural born
> citizen.

No, there is a difference between a natural born citizen and a
naturalized citizen. Those are the only two kinds -- at birth, or
later. No other possibility exists. Obama is at-birth US citizen. Not
in dispute.

> For example, you can be born here in the US and still not be a US
> citizen. In the famous ELK case, Elk was ruled NOT a US citizen even
> though he was born in America. At the time of his birth, his parents
> were members of an Indian tribe, and thus NOT under US jurisdiction.
> This stipulation in the 14th amendment also applies to people
> temporarily in the US and foreign diplomats.

No it does not. Only diplomats. Children of aliens passing through,
even illegally, count as natural born citizens. This is not in
dispute. this is centuries of legal precedence.


2011年4月28日 晚上10:22:002011/4/28
On Apr 28, 9:29 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 4/28/2011 2:31 AM, joeturn wrote:
> > ...
> >
> Yeah, why not expect us to go hook line and sinker for a tampered and
> photoshoped hack?

Because you've done so before?

Hey Johnny KQQK, got somethign for you!



2011年4月28日 晚上10:22:362011/4/28
On Apr 28, 9:37 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 4/28/2011 7:17 AM, wrote:
>  >> ...
> > There is no requirement to have been born in the USA, only to be a
> > natural-born citizen (George Romney was accepted as a legitimate
> > candidate even though he was born outside the United States, probably
> > because he was a white Publican).  There are only two classes of
> > citizens: natural-born and naturalized (plus the Zonians like John
> > McCain who were retroactively granted automatic citizneship by Act of
> > Congress in 1937).  When all other false accusations have been
> > disproven, the  racist Publican birthers will start denying that his
> > mother was an American.
> "I am about to file another law suit against Obama as I believe he is
> not ‘natural born’, not ‘naturalized’, but Obama is an ‘illegal alien’

> as it appears he returned at age ten [10] to the United States on his
> Indonesia Passport and therefore, his term as a U.S. Senator from
> Illinois was fraud and Obama should not have been a U.S. Senator and
> also, cannot be President."
>  From here:
> Some might be surprised at exactly who Phillip Berg is:

No surprise, He, like you, is a nutbag.


2011年4月28日 晚上11:28:542011/4/28
In article <ipce93$3pb$>, says...

And we can't expect a sane comment to come from a birthtardic loon, such
as yourself. You never disappoint.

Kurgan Gringioni

2011年4月29日 凌晨3:01:252011/4/29

"David Laville" <> wrote in message

> On 28 Apr 2011 23:26:20 GMT, Carbon <>
> wrote:
>>On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:25:19 -0700, Larry Whitaker wrote:
>>[ bullshit snipped ]
>>How do you account for the birth announcements printed in the two local
>>Honolulu papers shortly after Obama's birth? My favorite so far is time
>>traveling space alien lizard people were behind the whole thing.
> The announcement was printed 10 days after his birth, the address
> giving in the announcement was the address of a house his
> grandparents, not his parents, were renting


His mom was probably staying with them. In the end, they ended up raising

Kurgan Gringioni

2011年4月29日 凌晨3:03:202011/4/29

"Larry Whitaker" <> wrote in message

> You might as well drop it. The only way anyone anywhere would do
> anything about the usurping of the US Presidency is if the US Media
> were to turn their attention to it--like they did to the Monica
> Sowinski scandal. That is not going to happen. I learned that in the
> last few days as Trump nailed him with the facts--and was ignored and
> ridiculed.
> They desperately want Obama to remain in office and be reelected. The
> media is heavily invested in him; they created him and their studious
> ignoring of glaring problems with his eligibility and qualifications
> during the election campaign proves their outrageous bias.


The State of Hawaii says it's a valid certificate of live birth.

The State of Hawaii is the authority on this issue, not the media.

John Smith

2011年4月29日 上午10:21:512011/4/29
On 4/28/2011 7:05 PM, joeturn wrote:

> ...

> So your saying this video gives him diplomatic immunity?


And, a phoney cut-n-paste birth certificate don't qualify him for public
servant office of president, either!:



2011年4月29日 上午10:27:392011/4/29

You would really love it to be a phony but, sorry to disappoint, you
won't get much more genuine than the one Obama supplied to all you

Dream on!



2011年4月29日 上午10:28:442011/4/29

"Alan Baker" <> wrote in message
So Carbons a troll now?


2011年4月29日 上午10:46:572011/4/29
"MNMikew" <> wrote:
> "Alan Baker" <> wrote in message
>> But you don't respond to trolls, David...
>> You said only fools do that.
> So Carbons a troll now?

Now? Always has been.


2011年4月29日 上午11:13:162011/4/29
On Apr 28, 8:28 pm, BDK <> wrote:
> In article <ipce93$>, says...
? Is Obama That Incompetent !
The Cult of "The Obama"
The-Mark-of-the-Obama© = $6.66 Gasoline
Prez "BO" {Obama} Proves the Original 'Birther' Charges
that the Former Document [V1.0] Was NOT an Actual
Hawaiian "Birth Certificate"
"The Miracle" of the New and Improved Obama 'Birther'
Certificate V2.0 -we-are-so-blessed-by-an-obama-miracle-


2011年4月29日 上午11:14:092011/4/29
> =That's=The=Adult=Indonesian=Citizenship=Question=

> -oops-questions-and-more-questions-never-ending-questions-
>  .
> -
> - As for your "example", I can debunk this one personally.  My spouse
> was born
> - in France, to a US GI and a French mother. The French government
> very much
> - insists that Pat is a French citizen.
> Where Is Obama-to-Soetaro Adoption Papers Registered ?
> =The=Name=Change="To"=Question=

> -oops-questions-and-more-questions-never-ending-questions-
>  .
> Where Is Soetaro-Back-To-Obama Name Change
> Papers Registered ?
> =The=Name=Change="Back-To"=Question=

> -oops-questions-and-more-questions-never-ending-questions-
>  .
> Who's Name Is On The Obama {Soetaro?} College Records ?
> =The=Adult=Legal=Name=Question=

> -oops-questions-and-more-questions-never-ending-questions-
>  .
> Did Obama {Soetaro?} Travel Using An Indonesian Passport ?
> =The=Adult=Indonesian=Citizenship=Question=

> -oops-questions-and-more-questions-never-ending-questions-
>  .
> -read- What If... Prez "BO" {Obama} Releases His
> Long Form Hawaiian Birth Certificate : Which Then
> Leads To Many More Questions...
>  .


John Smith

2011年4月29日 上午11:58:082011/4/29
On 4/29/2011 8:33 AM, wrote:

> It Really Is A RANK PHONY FRAUD FAKE FORGERY! ''They'' can't fool the
> World!!!
> cuhulin

And, how else did you expect him to come up with something which doesn't

Don't worry, from their past record, they will be coming up with another
attempt anytime now ...


Alan Baker

2011年4月29日 中午12:14:542011/4/29
In article <>,
"MNMikew" <> wrote:


David claimed it, not me.

Larry Whitaker

2011年4月29日 中午12:29:482011/4/29
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 08:58:08 -0700, John Smith <>

They don't need to do that because the mainstream media has bought it
wholesale, without question. They don't care that it might be an
outrageous fake. Case settled in every big newspaper and all the big
3 TV channels.

And even Fox and WSJ, etc. are ready to drop it-- because they simply
can't fight the solid agreement of the entire liberal world. They
want Obama and they will destroy anyone and anything that seems to
threaten him. They are so deeply invested in him that they have
nowhere to go if he falls.

So we just need to minimize the damage he does, repeal or defund
Obamacare, fix Medicare and SS, and let his term expire. Then
President Romney or Pawlenty will have to pick up the pieces--with the
help of massive majorities in both House and Senate.


John Smith

2011年4月29日 中午12:38:472011/4/29
On 4/29/2011 9:29 AM, Larry Whitaker wrote:

> ...

> They don't need to do that because the mainstream media has bought it
> wholesale, without question. They don't care that it might be an
> outrageous fake. Case settled in every big newspaper and all the big
> 3 TV channels.
> And even Fox and WSJ, etc. are ready to drop it-- because they simply
> can't fight the solid agreement of the entire liberal world. They
> want Obama and they will destroy anyone and anything that seems to
> threaten him. They are so deeply invested in him that they have
> nowhere to go if he falls.
> So we just need to minimize the damage he does, repeal or defund
> Obamacare, fix Medicare and SS, and let his term expire. Then
> President Romney or Pawlenty will have to pick up the pieces--with the
> help of massive majorities in both House and Senate.
> Larry


We just got them on the run now. There is much, much more to follow ...



2011年4月29日 下午4:29:532011/4/29
On Apr 30, 4:38 am, John Smith <> wrote:

> We just got them on the run now.  There is much, much more to follow ...

Oh dear the net kook is a 'we' now.
It's over. You demanded to see the 'long' form birth certificate.
It has been provided.
Even Trump admits that...
Time you took your racist views of the world to a therapist and
resolved the crap

harry k

2011年4月29日 下午4:33:552011/4/29
On Apr 29, 7:27 am, Krypsis <> wrote:
> On 30/04/2011 12:21 AM, John Smith wrote:
> > On 4/28/2011 7:05 PM, joeturn wrote:
> >> ...
> >> So your saying this video gives him diplomatic immunity?
> >>
> > Nope!
> > And, a phoney cut-n-paste birth certificate don't qualify him for public
> > servant office of president, either!:
> >

> > Regards,
> > JS
> You would really love it to be a phony but, sorry to disappoint, you
> won't get much more genuine than the one Obama supplied to all you
> naysayers.
> Dream on!
> Krypsis- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

If God himself came down and told him the BC was real, JS would call
him a liar. Nothing anything we can say, no matter what proof we
provide, they will still sceam 'fake!'. The racists will never accept
a "person of color" (I know, not PC) as president.

Harry K

John Smith

2011年4月29日 下午4:54:362011/4/29

Even as a troll, YOU SUCK DUDE! ROFLOL


Joe from Kokomo

2011年4月29日 晚上7:51:582011/4/29
On 4/29/2011 4:29 PM, george wrote:

> It's over. You demanded to see the 'long' form birth certificate.
> It has been provided.
> Even Trump admits that...

You say it's over, but whatever happened to that imminent, startling new
information that Trump's detectives were supposed to provide, hmmmm?



2011年4月29日 晚上7:56:302011/4/29

Maybe that animal he has on his head will keep him sane ?


2011年4月29日 晚上8:02:582011/4/29
> Harry K- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Soo this is your hang up you are waiting on a fictional charater to
come down and speak instead of grasping reality!

Joe from Kokomo

2011年4月29日 晚上8:33:072011/4/29

> On Apr 30, 11:51 am, Joe from Kokomo<> wrote:
>> On 4/29/2011 4:29 PM, george wrote:
>>> It's over. You demanded to see the 'long' form birth certificate.
>>> It has been provided.
>>> Even Trump admits that...
>> You say it's over, but whatever happened to that imminent, startling new
>> information that Trump's detectives were supposed to provide, hmmmm?
>> Bwahahahaha...

On 4/29/2011 7:56 PM, george wrote:

> Maybe that animal he has on his head will keep him sane ?

Maybe, but it's not doing a very good job so far.

John Smith

2011年4月29日 晚上11:40:252011/4/29
On 4/29/2011 8:14 PM, wrote:
> Look up those Forensics Experts who studied that RANK FORGERY Birth
> Certificate.Ask them.I am not a Forensics Expert.
> cuhulin

Don't ask the fools here to find out anything for themselves, they are
too stupid.

Let'em bark out crazy rantings which is opposite to all the research and
investigations ... it is fun to watch! ROFLOL


John Smith

2011年4月30日 凌晨12:18:542011/4/30
On 4/29/2011 9:06 PM, wrote:
> Check out the Pixels, and the Letters/Numbers which are not aligned
> properly like they would be on a Real Birth Certificate.I have no Doubt
> those Crooked Ass lawyers are still on 'the payroll' too.
> SCARHEAD MOFO PIMP! has already paid those Crooked Ass lawyers about two
> million dollars to keep the Real Birth Certificate Hidden.How much more?
> The 2012 elections aren't here yet.
> cuhulin

You almost find yourself wishing they had been able to successfully
forge the document. At least you wouldn't know for a certainty that a
dumb black b*st*rd and his gang can't even forge a document, and they
are in charge of our country!



2011年4月30日 清晨5:57:122011/4/30

On the run?? You must be dreaming! It's you lot who are on the run!



2011年4月30日 清晨6:00:492011/4/30
All the "research and investigations" seem to have come to naught. If
there were any substance in what you say, Obama wouldn't be presiding!
Since he is, your researchers and investigators obviously have it all wrong!


John Smith

2011年4月30日 上午11:23:542011/4/30
On 4/30/2011 2:57 AM, Krypsis wrote:

> ...

> On the run?? You must be dreaming! It's you lot who are on the run!
> Krypsis

First, something has to be posted, other than a fraudulent birth

Get real moron. ROFLOL



2011年4月30日 上午11:37:132011/4/30
In article <ipdnrr$q6k$>, says...

It isn't a true copy of the birth certificate contemporaneous with
Obama's alleged birth in Hawaii.

Lloyd Parsons

2011年4月30日 上午11:51:242011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:


Not needed, not required and no better than the one you get when you
request proof of birth right now.

But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
are acceptable to a majority of the voters.


William Clark

2011年4月30日 上午11:56:312011/4/30
In article <>,
Lloyd Parsons <> wrote:

You know, the best thing that the Dems can hope for is for nutters like
Trump, Larry, and Bertie to refuse to accept this certificate. That way,
the WH has done its duty, and it becomes even clearer to independents
that the wingnuts have zero interest in the truth, and are only
concerned with finding any way they can to denigrate the POTUS.

Roll on 2012.

harry k

2011年4月30日 上午11:58:372011/4/30
> come down and speak instead of grasping reality!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Your're so far around the bend even reality will have no effect on

Harry K


2011年4月30日 下午1:09:402011/4/30
On Apr 29, 10:18 pm, John Smith <> wrote:

So his saving of America and capitalism from certain Republican
disaster and the Second Great GOP Depression aren't good enough fer


John Smith

2011年4月30日 下午1:10:532011/4/30

I see nothing done differently than bush ... if bush had remained in
office, I think we would be standing in this exact place ...


Bob Casanova

2011年4月30日 下午1:19:102011/4/30
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 13:29:53 -0700 (PDT), the following
appeared in sci.skeptic, posted by george <>:

>On Apr 30, 4:38 am, John Smith <> wrote:
>> We just got them on the run now.  There is much, much more to follow ...
>Oh dear the net kook is a 'we' now.

Maybe he has a tapeworm...

>It's over. You demanded to see the 'long' form birth certificate.
>It has been provided.
>Even Trump admits that...
>Time you took your racist views of the world to a therapist and
>resolved the crap

But that would mean he could no longer practice his favorite
self-abuse. Well, maybe second favorite...

Bob C.

"Evidence confirming an observation is
evidence that the observation is wrong."
- McNameless

Alan Baker

2011年4月30日 下午1:19:562011/4/30

Yes. That is exactly what it is.


2011年4月30日 下午1:24:212011/4/30

"Lloyd Parsons" wrote in message



=== got to love BAR & Larry blathering together in the same thread ---


2011年4月30日 下午1:26:012011/4/30

I am honestly surprised Obama produced the long form birth certificate.
It would have been more to his benefit to let the nutters continue to
poison the dialog from the right for as long as possible. It would have
easily become the main issue going into the election. Since he was born
where and when he said he was, the bitch-slap would have been


2011年4月30日 下午1:30:282011/4/30

Nope. Sorry but you're wrong.

Fact is, you see nothing at all. You merely imagine and self-delude.

John Smith

2011年4月30日 下午1:33:102011/4/30
On 4/30/2011 10:30 AM, Iarnrod wrote:

>> ...

>> I see nothing done differently than bush ... if bush had remained in
>> office, I think we would be standing in this exact place ...
> Nope. Sorry but you're wrong.
> Fact is, you see nothing at all. You merely imagine and self-delude.




2011年4月30日 下午1:59:402011/4/30
In article <>, says...

> In article <>,
> BAR <> wrote:
> > In article <ipdnrr$q6k$>, says...
> > >
> > > "Larry Whitaker" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >
> > > > You might as well drop it. The only way anyone anywhere would do
> > > > anything about the usurping of the US Presidency is if the US Media
> > > > were to turn their attention to it--like they did to the Monica
> > > > Sowinski scandal. That is not going to happen. I learned that in the
> > > > last few days as Trump nailed him with the facts--and was ignored and
> > > > ridiculed.
> > > >
> > > > They desperately want Obama to remain in office and be reelected. The
> > > > media is heavily invested in him; they created him and their studious
> > > > ignoring of glaring problems with his eligibility and qualifications
> > > > during the election campaign proves their outrageous bias.
> > >
> > > <snip>
> > >
> > >
> > > The State of Hawaii says it's a valid certificate of live birth.
> > >
> > > The State of Hawaii is the authority on this issue, not the media.
> >
> > It isn't a true copy of the birth certificate contemporaneous with
> > Obama's alleged birth in Hawaii.
> So?
> Not needed, not required and no better than the one you get when you
> request proof of birth right now.

I am not satisfied with what has been foisted upon the citizens of the

> But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
> the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
> mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
> blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
> are acceptable to a majority of the voters.

It is still an issue.

Alan Baker

2011年4月30日 下午2:01:312011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

In what way? Have you ever been dissatisfied before? What's different
this time that you should be dissatisfied?


2011年4月30日 下午2:01:402011/4/30
In article <>, says...

It all plays into the Obama is not one of US, where US is an American.
The more people see that Obama doesn't care about the people of the US
the more they will doubt his sincerity when he opens his mouth at
campaign stops.

Even the left is in revolt.


2011年4月30日 下午2:09:592011/4/30


2011年4月30日 下午2:25:282011/4/30
In article <iphh9k$fcq$>, says...

Links to a kooksite just make it more obvious, as if there was any
doubt, you're a kook.

BDK- Top of the government shill heap for over 10 years running!


2011年4月30日 下午2:26:182011/4/30
In article <4dbbdcfd$0$2444$>, says...

Hopefully the men with the net and nice tight jacket will catch them.

Lloyd Parsons

2011年4月30日 下午2:30:362011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

Tough shit! :)

Hopefully Obama won't even talk about this any more. That way all you
right-wing nutters can keep blabbering among yourselves about this BS
while others can try to get a word in edgewise about things that need
fixed and how to do it.

> > But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
> > the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
> > mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
> > blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
> > are acceptable to a majority of the voters.
> It is still an issue.

Not at all. Well, except for nutters of course.


William Clark

2011年4月30日 下午2:43:262011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

Sorry, but the birther constituency is shrinking by the day. You may
claim it is 70% of Rethuglicans, but it is getting closer and closer to
zero % of everyone else, and that will kill the GoP.

William Clark

2011年4月30日 下午2:44:512011/4/30
In article <>,
Carbon <> wrote:

Or maybe he just knew that they were not going to accept it anyway, and
so made themselves more and more obviously foolish going forward. It
still may be a main issue in the election - I am sure the WH hopes it
still is.

William Clark

2011年4月30日 下午2:45:232011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

Good - I hope so.


2011年4月30日 下午2:47:322011/4/30
In article <>,

Obama doesn't have to talk about it. However, he has to worry about the
seeds of discontent that are growing.

"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

> > > But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
> > > the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
> > > mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
> > > blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
> > > are acceptable to a majority of the voters.
> >
> > It is still an issue.
> Not at all. Well, except for nutters of course.

Except for those who doubt that Obama is the right man for the job.


2011年4月30日 下午2:49:122011/4/30

Lloyd Parsons

2011年4月30日 下午3:24:202011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

And THAT is the question that is being ignored by the majority because
of this birther bullshit. It is beyond me how anyone can not see that.

Sadly for those that are ignoring this birther bullshit, but are not
happy with Obama and his policies, the Republicans are not floating any
candidates at this point that can beat him.

But the bigger picture is that the Republicans and the right aren't
coming up with any solutions that might make a difference. Trickle down
has failed, because the trickling is all going on overseas. The job
market is dismal yet Wall Street and the bankers are making money hand
over fist with all their money playing while Joe Sixpack is not making
enough money to pay the bills. The healthcare industry, including the
insurance companies, continue to screw us with rapidly increasing
healthcare costs, and in the case of the insurance companies, looking
for more and more ways to not have to pay out anything.

All your old ideas aren't going to cut it.

BTW, in the midst of all this 'budget cutting' that the Republicans are
so enamored with is the fact that Boehner is trying to stop the shutdown
of the tank refurb company in his home state, a thing that the Army says
they don't need anymore.


William Clark

2011年4月30日 下午3:54:242011/4/30
In article <>,
BAR <> wrote:

And how many of these believe the birther crap?

Please stick to the topic in hand.

William Clark

2011年4月30日 下午3:57:032011/4/30
In article <>,
Lloyd Parsons <> wrote:

Yes, well Boehner (and his soul-mate Kasich) already lost the fighter
engine project for GE Aviation in his own home town.


2011年4月30日 下午4:06:412011/4/30
On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 13:59:40 -0400, BAR <> wrote:

>I am not satisfied with what has been foisted upon the citizens of the

By foisted you mean elected fair and square?

>> But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
>> the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
>> mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
>> blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
>> are acceptable to a majority of the voters.
>It is still an issue.

Only to a moron. Please Bert, don't keep making a fool of yourself.

/ \
“Someone likes every shot”

2011年4月30日 下午4:15:282011/4/30
On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:49:12 -0400, BAR <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...

>> Sorry, but the birther constituency is shrinking by the day. You may
>> claim it is 70% of Rethuglicans, but it is getting closer and closer to
>> zero % of everyone else, and that will kill the GoP.
>You are too narrow minded in your outlook.

The irony bell is ringing.

Don Kirkman

2011年4月30日 下午4:35:342011/4/30

Are you better off than if any other candidate had been elected?

>> > > But keep talking about this non-issue so you don't have to talk about
>> > > the real issues that neither party seems to know how to solve or
>> > > mitigate. Hell, it might even cloak the fact that for all the
>> > > blathering from the right, they have no candidates for President that
>> > > are acceptable to a majority of the voters.
>> >
>> > It is still an issue.
>> Not at all. Well, except for nutters of course.
>Except for those who doubt that Obama is the right man for the job.

Is Obama a better man for the job than any of the final candidates?
Don Kirkman


2011年4月30日 下午5:47:082011/4/30
Carbon <> wrote:
> I am honestly surprised Obama produced the long form birth certificate.
> It would have been more to his benefit to let the nutters continue to
> poison the dialog from the right for as long as possible. It would have
> easily become the main issue going into the election. Since he was born
> where and when he said he was, the bitch-slap would have been
> devastating.

Obama is easily intimidated.

Don Kirkman

2011年4月30日 晚上7:33:462011/4/30
On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 21:47:08 +0000 (UTC), Moderate <>

There's a difference between patience and long-suffering and
Don Kirkman

2011年4月30日 晚上8:04:022011/4/30
On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 21:47:08 +0000 (UTC), Moderate <>

>Carbon <> wrote:

Yeah, it only took three years to intimidate him on this.


2011年4月30日 晚上8:10:372011/4/30
On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:47:32 -0400, BAR wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> In article <>, BAR
>> <> wrote:
>>> In article
>>> <>,
>>> says...
>>>> In article <>, BAR
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> It isn't a true copy of the birth certificate contemporaneous with
>>>>> Obama's alleged birth in Hawaii.
>>>> So?
>>>> Not needed, not required and no better than the one you get when
>>>> you request proof of birth right now.
>>> I am not satisfied with what has been foisted upon the citizens of
>>> the USA.
>> Tough shit! :)
>> Hopefully Obama won't even talk about this any more. That way all
>> you right-wing nutters can keep blabbering among yourselves about
>> this BS while others can try to get a word in edgewise about things
>> that need fixed and how to do it.
> Obama doesn't have to talk about it. However, he has to worry about
> the seeds of discontent that are growing.

What you and your soulmates on the far right see as "seeds of
discontent" will be seen as ignorant, racist bullshit by a majority of
voters in 2012. You would be concerned about that if you had any sense.
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