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Vote should be recounted... Nigs count only 3/5 of a whole each

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The Nice Mean Man

5 nov. 2008, 02:48:4905.11.2008
Blacks count only as 3/5 of a person.

That's what the Founders thought. Fuck the perversion of the 14th
'ammendment'. These people knew what they were doing. Who are YOU to
tell them otherwise? Are you BETTER than they? I think not.

Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3
Of the Constitution:

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the
several States which may be included within this Union, according to
their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the
whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a
Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all
other Persons."


5 nov. 2008, 09:34:5805.11.2008

Whine to your heart's content, IBen.


5 nov. 2008, 15:22:4705.11.2008

"The Nice Mean Man" <> wrote in message

Are you still here you toxic cunt? Enjoy Barack. EVERY DAY he's there.
Your nation has spoken and fortunately people like you aren't a part of the
future of your great country.

The Nice Mean Man

6 nov. 2008, 06:30:1606.11.2008
On Nov 5, 9:34 am, "RichL" <> wrote:
> Whine to your heart's content, IBen. Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The Nice Mean Man

6 nov. 2008, 06:49:1606.11.2008
On Nov 5, 3:22 pm, "Gandalf" <> wrote:
> "The Nice Mean Man" <> wrote in

> > Blacks count only as 3/5 of a person.
> > That's what the Founders thought. Fuck the perversion of the 14th
> > 'ammendment'. These people knew what they were doing. Who are YOU to
> > tell them otherwise? Are you BETTER than they? I think not.
> > Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3
> > Of the Constitution:
> > "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the
> > several States which may be included within this Union, according to
> > their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the
> > whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a
> > Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all
> > other Persons."

> Are you still here you toxic cunt? Enjoy Barack. EVERY DAY he's there.

You got nothing to say to me whatsoever. You're just another blind-
assed little idealist fuck with an Afrocoon cock shoved up his ass.
And loving it.
Besides... where would IBe going? To the same place you scurried off
to in November of `00 and `04? No thanks. I know what I believe in and
I ain't going anywhere.

> Your nation has spoken

What?? Half of the people who voted think like me, you asshole. And if
you think that we’re going anywhere any time soon, you’ve got another
think coming.. The blacks didn’t put Obama in office. Sorry rootless
whites did that. Rootless assholes like YOU. But hell… you might be a
nigger yourself. It’s really hard to tell the difference between those
who acquired their stupidity voluntarily and them who had it born-in
without seeing the color of your skin first. At least, that’s the way
stereotyping works here on the web. So sorry if I offend you.

> and fortunately people like you aren't a part of the

> future of your great country.- Hide quoted text -

How would “people like you” know anything about the country’s future?
You don’t even understand the world that you’re living in right now.

The Nice Mean Man


6 nov. 2008, 20:51:2606.11.2008

"The Nice Mean Man" <> wrote in message

> Your nation has spoken

>>The Nice Mean Man

You really are the goods aren't you. As I said. You have no place in the
future of the USA. You were born too late dickhead. You should have been
around when the founding fathers and the rest of the slave owners drafted
the constitution. You are yesterday's person. Enjoy your angst. EVERY DAY
with President Obama.

The Nice Mean Man

7 nov. 2008, 22:57:1507.11.2008

On Nov 6, 8:51 pm, "Psycho" <> wrote:
> "The Nice Mean Man" <> wrote in

Not quite. But I can lay my hands on them in a day or two...

> As I said. You have no place in the
> future of the USA.

You mean me and…….. the other 46 million Americans who didn’t see it
your way? We still don’t, you know.

> You were born too late dickhead.

Yeah... I know. My friends all tell me I would have made a good Beat.

> You should have been
> around when the founding fathers and the rest of the slave owners drafted
> the constitution.

No. YOU should have been around back then. Maybe you could understand
things a bit better without having to pervert their meanings all the
time. Or maybe it was just that your teachers were anti-American
cunts like you....

The fuckers MEANT what they WROTE or they wouldn’t have WROTE it.
Fucking blind assed revisionist. I hate 'em.

> You are yesterday's person. Enjoy your angst. EVERY DAY

> with President Obama.-

Yes.... I *have* seen this 'testerday':

Now.... I'm not saying that your boy Obama here is like the man in the
picture. But the point is, YOU wouldn't recognize it if he was. Blind
devotion. Empty-headed zeal. NO MORAL CONVICTIONS to act as a
foundation. In short, you’re fucking IMMATURE. When are you going to
grow up? Life is more than puffing the crack pipe and giving your
boyfriend an enema every Friday night.

In closing, there is just one more thing I’d like to say…. Remember
this, asshole... WE didn't elect that pencil-necked little African…..
YOU did. So don’t expect us… ANY of us… to jump to your warped little
tune. Ain’t gonna happen. Not now… Not EVER.

The Nice Mean Man

21 nov. 2008, 02:51:3321.11.2008

You are correct, however, in order for the southern states to get a
higher representative number in Congress, they would count blacks as
3/5 human but those blacks had, virtually, no rights. This accomodated
white southerners only. Think of the Electoral College who elects the
president based upon population and other formulas for each state and
districts within those states. It was once in the Consititution but
has now been amended. This was considered a compromise to appease the
Southern States where, at one time, there were more Africans than
whites. Whites wanted their numbers to be represented big, this was a
way to do it without giving blacks rights as "humans".
Have a nice day

The Nice Mean Man

21 nov. 2008, 18:24:1921.11.2008
On Nov 21, 2:51 am, wrote:
> On Nov 5, 12:48 am, The Nice Mean Man <> wrote:
> > Blacks count only as 3/5 of a person.
> > That's what the Founders thought. Fuck the perversion of the 14th
> > 'ammendment'. These people knew what they were doing. Who are YOU to
> > tell them otherwise? Are you BETTER than they? I think not.
> > Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3
> > Of the Constitution:
> > "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the
> > several States which may be included within this Union, according to
> > their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the
> > whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a
> > Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all
> > other Persons."
> You are correct, however, in order for the southern states to get a
> higher representative numb.............................**************


The Founders didn't think they were human either. They wrote lofty
phrases like..." All men are created equal" at the same time that they
were doing the Sally Hemming thing. Ain't it funny how we present-day
foke with our archaically dated PC bullshit and ‘modern sensibilities’
somehow 'know better' than they...?

They're still niggers. They still on average have the IQ of an 8 year
old child. They still commit disproportionate violent crime.

They're STILL niggers. And so are those who make excuses for them with
the sole intention of helping to cover their sins. That being YOU,
more than likely...

The Nice Mean Man


21 nov. 2008, 19:07:3721.11.2008
The Nice Mean Man <> wrote:

<incoherent ramblings>

Wife's out shopping again, I see ;-)

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