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YAPAP Sadira-Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha

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Christian Bressler

Dec 11, 2001, 11:40:26 PM12/11/01
This is dedicated to patita.

Sadira the orcish female rogue had a bad start, the very first
move was:
The tame little dog called Wuff is hit by a rock, Wuff is killed.
Something deep inside her mind near her control center decided,
well lets try how long a pacifist could survive without any help.

Thus Sadira used her knowledge and her dancing-skills to avoid
any contact with the local population.
Slowly she explored level by level, at level 4 she found the
stairs to the gnomish mines.
Dungeons of Doom level 5 held bones of a failed pacifist rogue,
nothing useful but after 1785 solo turns she aquired two large dogs
as pets, one suprisingly called Wuff ;-)

The former character died next to a chaotic altar and near a general
store(2x2 impressive).
Acompanied by her dogs she descendet further and reached at dlvl9
the oracle.
Dlevel 10 proofed the RNG comes with humor.
Next to a polytrap someone placed a whistle with strange qualities.
Somehow Sadira was now acompanied by two Olog-Hai.

She solved sokoban and received a shiny amulet in return.
Now she visited mine town and bougth some protection.
Sadly minetown had no general store and the tool-shop
stoked only keys and lock-picks next to some mimics.
Itzchak had 7 candles and a magic lamp.

One of the wands found in sokoban was a /oPoly therefore she
collected all tools and armor she could reach.
While she collected armor and tools she grabbed the luckstone
of course.
Polypile resulted in (BoH, (BoOilskin, [GoP, [BoJ, oilskin cloak,
T-Shirt, stethoscope, can of grease, towel, blindfold, leash and
two iron golems.
At this point Sadira had XP1 16HP 2PW and AC-15 t13547.

She returned to level5 in the DoD and price-IDed her loot.
Sadira prayed for holy water, blessed some of her scrolls
and Ided most of her stuff.
With some alchemy and by visiting the oracle she reached XP3
AC-22 and HP70.
Now she emptied some /oCM and a (BoT to no avail.

Sadira climbed further down, passed the big room and ignored
a faint telepathic call at level16 (roguelevel) and reached
medusas isle at dlvl25.

Since a barraks at level23 fitted her with a bugle she tried
to reach the castle fast.
Instead of digging down she hopped from isle to isle.
Because her lack of ESP she checked her way by =owarn/blindfold.
Blindfolded in front of medusa she dropped a /ofire, a /olightning
and a /ocold, kicked medusa and retreaed.
For some reason medusa enjoyed her gifted long range weapons and
her !oFH didn't helped her much.
The statue of perseus came fully equipped.
Sadira replaced her +1 wooden shield with the shield of reflection
and her "oR with a "oMB.

Castle Stronghold was placed at level 27, Sadira opend the
drawbridge in six tries with her bugle.
The two Olog-Hai (XP19 HP152 fast) did the rest.
Sitting on the throne yielded a wish (Archon) and the /oW was
at (0:2). +0 GDSM (wished for +3), a blessed ?oC (wished for 2)
A black and a blue dragon corpse provided sadira's first two

The VoTD wasn't to eventfull but almost wraith free.
Sadira only reached XP7 HP115 AC-25 and she became
fire resistant.
On her way to the altar she passed a purple worm, stop,
eeekk, look again, true a purple worm.
At that time she immidiately corrected her mistake and
genocided ctw, L was genocided previously.

Sadira decided to explore Gehennom first.
She payed some major demon and watched her Archon practising
with demonbane.

One of her Olog-Hai got disintegrated in Vlads Tower and the
other at dlvl48 nothing left to be buried.
The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level
Sadira wished for a b=oTC and gladly found her Archon at dlvl43.
Now she located the VS and marked it with the Candelabrum.
By now she had aquired also sleep and cold resistance.
Somewhere along her way there lay a "oESP.

Since she was only XL8 she visited the graveyard at orcus(39)
and managed to bring 2 wraith and an Archon to dlvl10.
In sokoban she reverse genocided wraith (reached XP14) and
tengu (teleportitis, so what). That took two wishes for (MM.

She emptied a magic trap and six c?oCM at dlvl5 and received
stormbringer eventually.
Stats: 25/18/18/9/13/13 HP178 Pw60 AC-38 Xp14 t39178

Now she sacrificed some orc and summoned Yeenghu in this process,
but it was a wonder Sadira recognized the demon, since he lived
only a part of a turn.

Yet piously aligned she took on her quest and managed to visit
the nemesis without a =oPC, but the stairs was in the upper left

She owned only one /oTele therefore she polypiled another time.
Sadira obtained 6 /oTele, a /oCancel, 4 /oSD, 3 /oSM, a =oPC,
a =oSD, a =oFA and some other stuff.

Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon
lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.
After Rodney was dispatched Sadira handed her 6 !oGL to her
Archon, but with time he lost those levels again.

Next time Sadira will recall, that there is a graveyard in
the Sanctum. She visited said Sanctum and grabbed a heavy
magical amulet which fell to ground when her Archon stumbled
foolishly into a high priest. Sadira was angry, since she wanted
to play with this unique individual on her own.

The way up was uneventful, Rodney came several times to watch
Sadiras progress and she used his visits to improve her
technique with stormbringer. Sadly the Archon shortend this
enjoying sessions, but the wizard wasn't to displeased.

On the elemental planes she located the portals by reading
a ?oGD whilst confused. On earth she digged her way.
On Air she forced a energy vortex to engulf her and three
zaps with a /oTele and a zap with a /oSM she stand next to
the portal. Whistle, leash and hop. Fire was a joke, the
portal was only few steps away. Water was only boring.

At Astrals Sadira replaced her =oLev with a =oFA, looked
around and decided to visit Famine (right) first.
The combination of /oTele and [BoJ prooved again superior.
Leaving her pets behind she sneaked into the high temple,
only to learn its Issek's.

Ok, return the way you came.

Now lets try the middle altar. It's guarded by Death.
But who cares, it was the correct aligned altar.
Since Sadira was a rouge in total disgrace she decided
to perfect this behaviour by offering the Amulet to
her god Kos.

resulting in:
Sadira the Robber St:25 Dx:18 Co:18 In:10 Wi:16 Ch:14 Chaotic
Astral Plane $:0 HP:254(254) Pw:76(76) AC:-38 Xp:17/640000

The voice of Kos booms out: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

A - a blessed +5 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)
B - an uncursed +5 gray dragon scale mail (being worn)
C - a blessed burnt fireproof +4 oilskin cloak (being worn)
D - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +0 pair of jumping boots (being worn)
E - an uncursed +1 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
F - a blessed +3 shield of reflection (being worn)
G - a cursed +3 orcish helm (being worn)
a - an uncursed fortune cookie (weapon in hand)
g - an uncursed lizard corpse
n - an uncursed potion of full healing
e - a blessed ring of teleport control
h - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand)
y - an uncursed ring of regeneration
L - an uncursed ring of levitation
M - an uncursed ring of free action (on left hand)
i - a wand of digging (0:2)
j - a wand of digging (0:5)
r - a wand of fire (0:8)
v - a blessed wand of teleportation (0:5)
H - a wand of undead turning (0:6)
I - a wand of cancellation (2:3)
K - a wand of sleep (0:3)
N - a wand of slow monster (2:7)
d - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
f - an uncursed blindfold
l - a blessed magic lamp (lit)
m - an uncursed leash
w - an uncursed stethoscope
x - an uncursed magic whistle
T - an uncursed towel

Final Attributes:

You were piously aligned.
You were fire resistant.
You were cold resistant.
You were sleep resistant.
You were disintegration-resistant.
You were shock resistant.
You were poison resistant.
You were magic-protected.
You saw invisible.
You were telepathic.
You had automatic searching.
You had infravision.
You were invisible to others.
You were stealthy.
You could jump.
You could teleport.
You had slower digestion.
You were protected.
You were fast.
You had reflection.
You had free action.
You were extremely lucky.
You survived.

Vanquished creatures:

The Wizard of Yendor (4 times)
a high priest
a mastodon
a purple worm /* aarghl */
The Master Assassin
3 Angels
Vlad the Impaler
3 master mind flayers
4 Olog-hai
5 disenchanters
17 vampire lords
2 shopkeepers
The Oracle
3 lurkers above
2 Aleaxes
2 air elementals /* in Gehennom */
6 earth elementals
3 water elementals
12 tengu /* Hmm */
49 wraiths /* -> 14XP */
a gray unicorn /* only one unicorn, strange */
a mountain nymph
1732 creatures vanquished.

Genocided species:

chickatrices, cockatrices, pyrolisks
lurkers above, trappers
baby long worms, baby purple worms, long worms, purple worms
liches, demiliches, master liches, arch-liches
disenchanters (throne)

14 species genocided.

Voluntary challenges:

You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */
/* pickaxed a dwarven zombie, eek */
You genocided 14 types of monsters.
You never changed form. /* hehe */
You used 7 wishes. /* one wish left */
You did not wish for any artifacts.

Goodbye Sadira the Demigoddess...

You went to your reward with 25638 points,
and 0 pieces of gold, after 46757 moves.
You were level 17 with a maximum of 254 hit points when you ascended.

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 6470136 Minsk-Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 421 [455]
2 6193776 Poldi-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 393 [393]
3 4049748 Klar-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 159 [242]
99 48247 Laster-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom
on level 14. Killed by an elf-lord. - [62]
100 48227 Hurry-Hea-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 26. Killed by a minotaur. - [120]
25638 Sadira-Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 254 [254]

There is a Screenshot at

In the after tournament-phase Aardvark beat me with the 17th
ascension, I accept my defeat.


Darshan Shaligram

Dec 12, 2001, 12:31:11 AM12/12/01
Christian Bressler <> wrote:

>Thus Sadira used her knowledge and her dancing-skills to avoid
>any contact with the local population.

Hmm... I find that in itself quite difficult. The local population tends to
be so affectionate.

>Dungeons of Doom level 5 held bones of a failed pacifist rogue,
>nothing useful but after 1785 solo turns she aquired two large dogs
>as pets, one suprisingly called Wuff ;-)

1785 solo turns? Wow.

>The former character died next to a chaotic altar and near a general
>store(2x2 impressive).


>Dlevel 10 proofed the RNG comes with humor.
>Next to a polytrap someone placed a whistle with strange qualities.
>Somehow Sadira was now acompanied by two Olog-Hai.

Are they good pets? Wouldn't non-eating pets have been better?

>At this point Sadira had XP1 16HP 2PW and AC-15 t13547.

Ah! The invincible stage!

>Blindfolded in front of medusa she dropped a /ofire, a /olightning
>and a /ocold, kicked medusa and retreaed.
>For some reason medusa enjoyed her gifted long range weapons and
>her !oFH didn't helped her much.

*Grin* Neat idea.

>The statue of perseus came fully equipped.
>Sadira replaced her +1 wooden shield with the shield of reflection
>and her "oR with a "oMB.

Er... Why the "oMB?

>The VoTD wasn't to eventfull but almost wraith free.
>Sadira only reached XP7 HP115 AC-25 and she became
>fire resistant.

Ye gods, fire resistant only in the VotD?

>On her way to the altar she passed a purple worm, stop,
>eeekk, look again, true a purple worm.


>The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level


>Now she sacrificed some orc and summoned Yeenghu in this process,
>but it was a wonder Sadira recognized the demon, since he lived
>only a part of a turn.

The Archon didn't like his face?

>Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon
>lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
>one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.

Ah, so a level-draining weapon is practically mandatory for a pacifist?

>The way up was uneventful, Rodney came several times to watch
>Sadiras progress and she used his visits to improve her
>technique with stormbringer. Sadly the Archon shortend this
>enjoying sessions, but the wizard wasn't to displeased.

The wizard wasn't too displeased? You mean he enjoyed getting whacked about
the head with Demonbane and prodded in the ribs with Stormbringer? :)

>The voice of Kos booms out: "Congratulations, mortal!"

I concur - totally awesome!

>Voluntary challenges:
>You were a pacifist.

Very impressive. Congratulations!



Dec 12, 2001, 4:09:03 AM12/12/01
In article <9v6n3q$6sl$1...@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE>, gas...@cs.tu- says...

> Blindfolded in front of medusa she dropped a /ofire, a /olightning
> and a /ocold, kicked medusa and retreaed.
> For some reason medusa enjoyed her gifted long range weapons and
> her !oFH didn't helped her much.

Better than polying. Mental note for when I some day do a pacifist (not
that far away actually).

> A black and a blue dragon corpse provided sadira's first two
> intrinsics.

This long for intrisics... Damn those eating pets?

> One of her Olog-Hai got disintegrated in Vlads Tower and the
> other at dlvl48 nothing left to be buried.
> The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level
> teleporter.
> Sadira wished for a b=oTC and gladly found her Archon at dlvl43.

If your pet is leashed it wouldn't teleport? Yes, no?

> Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon
> lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
> one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.

Nice. Didn't you do a (true) weaponless pacifist some time back?

> Voluntary challenges:
> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */

Do you do anything else these days? :-)

> /* pickaxed a dwarven zombie, eek */


Congratulations! You aren't intending of doing all classes pacifist,
are you?


//Remove absolutelynospam to mail directly.
//In progress:No idea

Nathaniel Rounds

Dec 12, 2001, 11:51:18 AM12/12/01
Christian Bressler <> wrote in message news:<9v6n3q$6sl$1...@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE>...


> Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon
> lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
> one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.

How do you keep pacifist conduct hitting Rodney with Stormbringer?
Come to think of it, how did Patita keep pacficist hitting Pestlilence
with the Staff?
(If anyone remembers that YAAP....)
- Nathaniel

Kate Nepveu

Dec 12, 2001, 11:40:06 PM12/12/01
Christian Bressler <> wrote:

> This is dedicated to patita.



> Dungeons of Doom level 5 held bones of a failed pacifist rogue,
> nothing useful but after 1785 solo turns she aquired two large dogs
> as pets, one suprisingly called Wuff ;-)

That's almost as impressive as the rest...


> Blindfolded in front of medusa she dropped a /ofire, a /olightning
> and a /ocold, kicked medusa and retreaed.
> For some reason medusa enjoyed her gifted long range weapons and
> her !oFH didn't helped her much.

Good trick!


> The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level
> teleporter.

> Sadira wished for a b=oTC and gladly found her Archon at dlvl43.

Will they wear body armor? You'd think I know this. I know they'll wear


> Now she sacrificed some orc and summoned Yeenghu in this process,
> but it was a wonder Sadira recognized the demon, since he lived
> only a part of a turn.

Did you give your Archon a unicorn horn?


> At Astrals Sadira replaced her =oLev with a =oFA, looked
> around and decided to visit Famine (right) first.

Really? Why?


> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */
> /* pickaxed a dwarven zombie, eek */

Eek indeed. I loose more weaponless that way...


Nethack Spoilers; The Paired Reading Page; Book Reviews; Book Log
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Christian Bressler

Dec 13, 2001, 4:17:57 PM12/13/01
lmfback <> wrote:
: In article <9v6n3q$6sl$1...@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE>, gas...@cs.tu-
: says...

:> A black and a blue dragon corpse provided sadira's first two

:> intrinsics.
: This long for intrisics... Damn those eating pets?

Plus the RNG loved Sadira, not much corpses anyway.

:> The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level

:> teleporter.
:> Sadira wished for a b=oTC and gladly found her Archon at dlvl43.
: If your pet is leashed it wouldn't teleport? Yes, no?

Sadiras leash went slack, at that point.

:> Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon

:> lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
:> one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.
: Nice. Didn't you do a (true) weaponless pacifist some time back?

Yes, Halt Arc.

:> Voluntary challenges:

:> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */
: Do you do anything else these days? :-)

No, my fingers are rooted into the keybord.

: Congratulations! You aren't intending of doing all classes pacifist,
: are you?

Thanks, neat idea.

: Eskimo

Christian Bressler

Dec 13, 2001, 4:29:09 PM12/13/01
Kate Nepveu <> wrote:

: Christian Bressler <> wrote:

:> This is dedicated to patita.
: Heh.

He suggested this ascension.

: [...]

:> Dungeons of Doom level 5 held bones of a failed pacifist rogue,
:> nothing useful but after 1785 solo turns she aquired two large dogs
:> as pets, one suprisingly called Wuff ;-)
: That's almost as impressive as the rest...

Hmm, a former pacifist Rogue lost her three pets in two moves around
t15k at Lvl11 in the mines. She searched hard for new pets, including
magic trap sitting. But the RNG was upset with her, on one trap the
very first sit gave her charisma and then only fire and a magical
explosion. Eventually she died in minetown due to a bolt of lightning
at t28k.

: [...]

:> The bottom was at dlvl50 where the Archon stumbled into a level
:> teleporter.
:> Sadira wished for a b=oTC and gladly found her Archon at dlvl43.
: Will they wear body armor? You'd think I know this. I know they'll wear
: shields.

No body armor, they're large.

: [...]

:> Now she sacrificed some orc and summoned Yeenghu in this process,
:> but it was a wonder Sadira recognized the demon, since he lived
:> only a part of a turn.
: Did you give your Archon a unicorn horn?

There was only one unicorn in the entrie game.

: [...]

:> At Astrals Sadira replaced her =oLev with a =oFA, looked
:> around and decided to visit Famine (right) first.
: Really? Why?

Personal preference, I always vistit the right altar first.
But in fact with death's drain-resistance famine is
the weakest rider.

: [...]

:> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */
:> /* pickaxed a dwarven zombie, eek */
: Eek indeed. I loose more weaponless that way...

Weaponless lost Sadira by concept, with stormbringer.

: Congratulations!


: Kate

Christian Bressler

Dec 13, 2001, 4:13:53 PM12/13/01
Darshan Shaligram <> wrote:
: Christian Bressler <> wrote:

:>Thus Sadira used her knowledge and her dancing-skills to avoid
:>any contact with the local population.
: Hmm... I find that in itself quite difficult. The local population tends to
: be so affectionate.

:> ...
: 1785 solo turns? Wow.

It's not that hard it sounds. Engulfer are a pain, but with patience ...

:>Somehow Sadira was now acompanied by two Olog-Hai.

: Are they good pets? Wouldn't non-eating pets have been better?

Yes, but at some point Sadira lost patience.

:>At this point Sadira had XP1 16HP 2PW and AC-15 t13547.
: Ah! The invincible stage!

Lost too many charcters to a bolt of foo in that stage.

:>Blindfolded in front of medusa she dropped a /ofire, a /olightning

:>and a /ocold, kicked medusa and retreaed.
:>For some reason medusa enjoyed her gifted long range weapons and
:>her !oFH didn't helped her much.
: *Grin* Neat idea.

It's from patita I think, look at the story at

:>... replaced her "oR with a "oMB.
: Er... Why the "oMB?

Lack of options ("oR, "oStr and "oMB).

:>The VoTD wasn't to eventfull but almost wraith free.

:>Sadira only reached XP7 HP115 AC-25 and she became
:>fire resistant.
: Ye gods, fire resistant only in the VotD?

Sadira was more concerned about not being sleep resistant.

:>... Yeenghu lived only a part of a turn.

: The Archon didn't like his face?

Don't know, the Archon didn't talked much.

:>Now she levelteleported to meet the wizard in time. The Archon

:>lost some levels to vampires and wraith, but with XP28 only
:>one hit with stormbringer brougth Rodney into his range.
: Ah, so a level-draining weapon is practically mandatory for a pacifist?

level-draining, yes (at least in my opinion) but a weapon isn't needed.
(See Halt-Arc pacifist)

:>The way up was uneventful, Rodney came several times to watch

:>Sadiras progress and she used his visits to improve her
:>technique with stormbringer. Sadly the Archon shortend this
:>enjoying sessions, but the wizard wasn't to displeased.
: The wizard wasn't too displeased? You mean he enjoyed getting whacked about
: the head with Demonbane and prodded in the ribs with Stormbringer? :)

At least he came back for more ;-)

:>The voice of Kos booms out: "Congratulations, mortal!"

: I concur - totally awesome!
:>Voluntary challenges:
:>You were a pacifist.
: Very impressive. Congratulations!


: Darshan

Andreas Dorn

Dec 15, 2001, 3:06:21 PM12/15/01
Christian Bressler wrote:
> This is dedicated to patita.

> Sadira climbed further down, passed the big room and ignored
> a faint telepathic call at level16 (roguelevel)

A rogue in a roguelike in the rogue-level at the entrance of the
rogue-quest - she was thoroughly on the right path!

> You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */


> Goodbye Sadira the Demigoddess...
> You went to your reward with 25638 points,

She repaired a squeaky boead, I guess?



Christian Bressler

Dec 16, 2001, 11:13:28 PM12/16/01
Andreas Dorn <> wrote:
: Christian Bressler wrote:
:> You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

:> You were a pacifist. /* Not really, actually */
: Congratulations...


:> Goodbye Sadira the Demigoddess...

:> You went to your reward with 25638 points,
: She repaired a squeaky boead, I guess?

Yes, mear medusa.

:> There is a Screenshot at
: Tiles!!!

Switchable, but the picture looked better with tiles.

: Andreas

Christian Bressler

Dec 20, 2001, 12:13:43 AM12/20/01
Nathaniel Rounds <> wrote:
: Christian Bressler <> wrote in message news:<9v6n3q$6sl$1...@mamenchi.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE>...

By not killing the opponent, just stabbing is ok with the conduct.

: - Nathaniel

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