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MiSTing: ABYSS Posts [1/2]

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Chris Mayfield

non lue,
6 avr. 1995, 03:00:0006/04/1995
[General opening antics]


[SOL. Papers, papers everywhere, nor any drop to drink. Mike and
the bots are looking over them]

Mike: Hi, welcome to the Satellite of Love. I=D5m Mike Nelson, and
me and the boys were just helping Dr. Forrester by going over all
the applications for the open position in Deep 13.

Crow: I don=D5t get it Mike. Why would all these people want to
work for Dr. Forrester?

Mike: I don=D5t know. What=D5s the ad say? [picks up newspaper and
reads] Wanted, spineless loser to be flunky and guinea pig.
Must be willing to die. High pain tolerance preferred but not
required. [stops reading] Doesn=D5t sound to appetizing.

Tom: [leans over] Wait, there=D5s more: Science Majors Welcome.

All: Ohhhhhhhhh.

[commercial sign. Comedy Central reminds you, when life gives you
lemons, make O.J.]

[Back on SOL. Applications are gone.]

Crow: So what was your major, Mike?

Mike: I was a music major.

Crow: And that=D5s why you were working for Happy Temps shuffling

Tom: Look, Hans Solo is calling.

[Deep 13. Piles of expensive merchandise everywhere. Dr. F is in
a satin lab coat with fur trim.]

Dr. F: Hello there, Beany Weenie. I=D5ve finally accepted that
Frank is gone and not coming back. But I=D5ve decided to get on
with my life, take Frank=D5s Ascension as a positive thing. In
fact, I decided to buy me something pretty. You see, while Frank
may have expired, his credit cards haven=D5t. And while Valhalla
may not take American Express, Saks does.

As for you, I have a little bit of puss pudding from rec.arts.
comics.xbooks. I=D5ve had to do a little editing, but I think
you=D5ll find it painful. He has worse spelling than Ratliff and
is less intelligible than McElwaine. Gentlemen, prepare to
enter the ABYSS!

[SOL. Chaos.]

All: We=D5ve got post sign!


>From: ABYSS <>
>Date: 27 Mar 1995 18:54:05 GMT
>Organization: University of Houston
>Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.xbooks

Crow: Wow! Finally they send us something good!
Mike: I think they mean xbooks as in X-men comics.

>*STUpid stupid stupid

Tom: What a coincidence. That=D5s what we think.

> Damask is NC's foster mother*
>This is the Dumbest thing I have ever heard!

Mike: What, this post?

>Gabby is NC's mother

Crow: She gave birth to North Carolina? That must have been one
painful labor.

> for Chrissakes Damasks is NC's foster mother
>in the normal timeline. I have already posted this once
>ABYSS: he who reigns forever; Reigns like bad weather! and is
>way tooo

Crow: That=D5s two =D4o=D5s

> big for his britches!
>*Shadow if I reach you I would hurt you*
>Dumb Dumb Dumb!

Mike: And Dumber Dumber Dumber.

>Gabby never had any latent mutant powers

Tom: Someone thinks that Gabby Hayes has mutant powers?
Crow: The implications of that are frightning.

> and for the last time
>Rex is Comcast.

Mike: Wednesdays this fall on NBC! Watch us, please!

>*NIGHTCRAWLERS Father IS ... read this*

Crow: And the Father goes to...Nightcrawler!
Mike and Tom: [cheering and clapping]

>In X-men Unlimited number five I believe. it was revealed that
>night crawlers father was some rich gentelman in Gemmany

Mike: Hey baby, what=D5s your sign? I=D5m a Gemmany.
Tom: [giggly falsetto] I=D5m a Torus.

> a count
>mabe. but I think Mystique killed him. Haven't read it for a
>while. But ther is a rumar that

Tom: Im akshully a colleje studint.

> Mystique and Nightcrawler might
>be brother and sister!
>*Pokky hates telepaths*
>The only thing that I can think

Crow: That=D5s a bit of an overstatement.

> of is that Pokky hates telepaths
>and cut out part of their brains for the brain trust .

Tom: I=D5d like to deposit this corpus callosum.

> As for
>Braddock I'm not sure but i think hes working for someone mabe
>even Pokky? Wheres

Mike: An apostrophe when you need one?

> his sister Psyloke anyway? readon

Tom: If inane posts be the food of love, read read on.

>ABYSS: he who reigns forever reigns like badweather....
>*Re: Pokky hates telepaths*

Tom: Pokky=D5s steamin=D5 mad at psionics.

>Hello Blaze

Mike: Helloooo...
Crow: Helloooo...
Tom: Helloooo...
All: Hello!

> What is Apocalypse always saying "Survival of the fittest"
>He wants a war!

Mike: But hey, who doesn=D5t?
Bots: [singing] You say you want a revolution.

> In X-men Alpha

Mike: [hushed tones bespeaking the grandeur of the scene] The
alpha x-male approaches the herd.

> he says "What care I for

Tom: Convoluted sentence structure.

> the
>masses blah blah blah

Mike: [singing] Blah blah blah face, blah blah blah eyes...

> the fittest will survive and form

Tom: Dreamworks SKG!

> the army
>of tomorrow! Holocost doesn't care anything about survival of
>the fittest read Astonishing three

Mike: Amazing five!
Tom: Astounding nine!
Crow: Moderately Interesting four and two thirds!

> and two very closely and
>you'll see what I'm saying! Holocost wants everybody out.

Mike: [Holocaust] C=D5mon guys! My parents are gonna get back any
minute now!

> If
>you don't believe me reRead Stryfes strike file

Crow: What about Stryfe=D5s killfile?

> but you and most
>of the people with ludicrus hypothetsis don't read back issues!!!

Tom: Coming soon, Abyss as Backissue Boy!

>ABYSS: he who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is way
>too big for his britches!
>*Yo Blaze*

Tom: [Rocky] Yo Blaze!

>Blaze why are you constantly criticizing my posts when you know
>that I'm right!
>Get lost! Go! Leave! Get somewhere

Mike: This is what would happen if four year olds took over the
McLaughlin Group.
Crow: Stupid conservative poopie-pants!
Tom: Newt! Newt! Newt! I can=D5t hear you! Newt! Newt! Newt!

>You're just a flea and I'm the big dog! I'll scratch you off my
>balls with my paws!

Tom: [whistles and bells]
Crow: [klaxon]
Mike: [Scottish] Sir, th=D5 immaturity readin=D5s are off th=D5 scale!

>Now get somewhere buster-B!
>*Someone slap whoever started this legion Gabby Rex crap*

Tom: He=D5s a poet and don=D5t know it.
Crow: Wait! He started it! That means we can hit him!

>Are you people on crack Gabby is legions mother of course he
>didn't rape her.

Mike: Let us reflect on the simple beauty of punctuation.

> he just took her out of the picture This is
>marvel for Chrissakes!

Tom: Thou shalt not take the author=D5s name in vain.
Mike: Huh?

> Dumb dumb dumb. Rex is definately not
>there son and legion is not Res

Tom: No, he=D5s Rex
Crow: No. Rex is Comcast.
Mike: So is Legion Comcast?
All: Read the book.

> read the back issues folks!!!!

Tom: Yeah, or that too.

>I am nineteen

Tom: Months.
Mike: [singing] I am nineteen, going on twelve.

> excuse me but I get just a little agravated at
>stupidity and I can't tolerate ignorance!

Tom: Which is why I have decided to take my own life.
Crow: Yea!!
Mike: Stop it you guys!

>Legion did not I repeat DID NOT rape his mother mainly because
>Marvel would not have an incestuos rape in one of their
>mainstream comics!

Tom: What about an incestuous one?

> 'Nuff said!
>ABYSS: He who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is way
>too big for his britches!
>*Re: Well... Abyss had potential....*

Mike: But then he was converted into kinetic energy.
Crow: I see Abyss as pure energy--plucky pure energy.

>KJ : I'm sure you were new to this once too, so kindly quit the
>flea circus that has currently found its way into my pants.

Crow: He=D5s that guy from Wild at Heart!
Mike: Weren=D5t those cockroaches?
Tom: Maybe he=D5s Studebaker Hawk?

>*Re:Yo Merry Mutant*
>What I'm saying is Marvel would not cover the subject of rape in
>one of their mainstream comics

Mike: What about one of their tributary comics?

> especially an incestuous rape in
>their biggest mainstream comic!! The idea of it is ludicrous!
>Yes I AM a feminist too. Plus I AM a strait guy so go figure! I
>am the historian of my Universitys chapter of NOW

Crow: Wow! A staight man *and* a member of NOW! This guy
shatters all my stereotypes!


Tom: I can=D5t spell.

>ABYSS AND CLOAK both have the same powers besides an endless
>dimensional void in their bodies.

Mike: Grocery bills are hell.

> they both can psionically
>torture people who they put into their bodies ie: Cloak tortured
>Screech during Maximum carnage and Abyss tortured some humans in
>Astonishing one and two! I dont't

Tom: Dont=D5t? *Dont=D5t*?
Mike: Maybe he means =D2don=D5t not.=D3

> have to tell you this if you
>read back issues! No offense true believers!
>ABYSS: he who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is way
>too big for his britches!
>*Re: ABYSS: read this. Everyone else read this too.*
>Okay Kate you are correct.

Tom: [laughing] Heh, heh. You are correct Kate!

> Gimme a break so I'm new to posting.

Crow: And the English language.

>I may get a little excited and possesive about the X-books It is
>nice to see that someone reads as many back issues as I do to get
>the whole picture. The only reason that I called someone a moron
>was to call attention to my post. i apoligize to anyone offended
>by it.

Mike: I didn=D5t mean to offend you when I insulted your

> Don't take it personally it was just a post.

Tom: And ignore that stuff about your mother and ferrets.

> I still
>firmly believe that Marvel would not have Legion rape his mother!
>And I feel confident that after they clear it up I will stand
>correct. And as childish as it may be I will post a huge freakin'
>I told you so.

Mike: Abyss act childish? That=D5s a bit of a stretch.

> So for now I will sit back and enjoy the ride
>that the writers decide to take us on. I throughly enjoy
>participating in RACX and communicating with all the other X-

Crow: [singing] He=D5s an X-maniac, X-maniac! Oh oh ohhoh.
Mike: And he=D5s typing like he=D5s never typed before.

>ABYSS : he who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is
>way to big for his britches.

Tom: Seen it.
Crow: Done it.
Mike: Loathed it.

>Well Damask may not be a mutant either and she is leader of the
>Pale Riders! Margalli is a sorceress or something in our
>timeline. Shefollows some path to power and enlightenment.

Crow: I think it=D5s Route 66.

> Well
>anyway do you remember the mutant misadventures of Cloak and
>Dagger? They were funcionally mutants;

Mike: They were anatomically correct and everything!

> I guess Marvel wanted to
>write him in. There was also someother guy in the marvel
>universe with similar powers to Cloak. I am currently researching
>his identity.

Tom: This is where our college research funding goes?
Mike: Sad, really.

>*I'm here to stay so fleas quit bitting!*

Crow: How about if they byte?
Tom and Mike: [groan]

>Now will all of you fleas please get off my balls. If you don't
>like my hypotheses then reply to them intelligently if at all
>possible. Don't attack me personally; it is tres childish.

Mike: I already told you that *my* personal attacks weren=D5t

>Yes, I admit to being guilty of this also,but hey thats what
>happens when I get aggravated at the sheer stupidity in some of
>these posts.

Crow: Yeah. Who is this idiot Aby--oops.

> If they are stupid then they are stupid. You can't
>pour syrup on dung and call it pancakes.

Crow: [whistles] No dung.
Tom: I think the school lunch reform has gone too far.

> But just get off of my
>tip. Now I know what it is like to have a case of crabs.

Mike: But I=D5m getting off topic.

> So
>what if I have a high opinion of myself and stand adamant in my

Tom: I don=D5t believe in question marks.

> I could cite any of them but does anyone else bring
>their back issue box to the computer lab?

Mike: No. We have lives.

> Didn't think so.
>Don't even think you have what it takes to put me down. You have
>to be above me to do that and none of you are above me. Equal?

Tom: No thanks. Do you have any Neutrasweet?

>Sure! But noone is above me. Someone can only put you down if
>they are above you ; so you must be trying to pull me down, or
>push me down.

Mike: If they=D5re pushing him down, that means they=D5re above him.
Tom: One celled animals are above this guy.

> You obviously can't handle the latter because I
>push back!

Crow: [Jack Nicholson] You can=D5t handle the latter!

> Now will you just post your comic posts and get out
>of my pants.

Mike: Would it be petty to remark that, after his brilliant
speech about how no one is better than him, he misspelled his own
Crow: Yes.
Mike: Ok. I won=D5t then.

> He who reigns FOREVER; Reigns like bad weather and is way
>too big for his currently flea filled britches

Tom: The itching, the burning. Try napalm.

>*One of the Bedlam Bros. may be in the Helfire Club!!!!!*
>In X-Men #29 we are introduced to an angry black mutant in the
>Helfire club

Crow: I am the god of Hellfire Club, and I bring you...

> who resembles one of the Bedlam brothers. This
>mutant also appears at the Helfires club party in the X-force
>crossover with the New Warriors

Mike: The John Birch Society?

> not to long ago. I think it as in
>the first New Warriors issue of the crossover!
>*Where are Candra and Gidieon and the other Externals?*

Tom: [Norwegian] Oh, der outside playin=D5 in da yard. It=D5s such
a lovely day, ya know.

>In one of the X-books it says that Holocost slew Candra during
>the ascensions. But Candra is an external; she should have
>lived. If so wher is she and the other externals such as Gidieon
>and Saul. Cannonball works in the pens. But that is it.
>ABYSS : he who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is
>way too big for his britches!
>*Death is Selene the Black Queen*

Tom: I thought that was Rupaul.

>Selene is Death in AoA. I figured that out bye

Crow: Bye.
[all get up to leave]
Tom: Uh, wait, I think it goes on.
[all sit down dejectedly]

> checking there
>powers, and the fact that Selene like Apocalypse is an External!
>ABYSS: he who reigns forever; reigns like bad weather; and is
>way too big for his britches!

[continued in part 2]

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