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MISTING Slick in: "Off-Road Brawl" (1/3)

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4 apr. 1998 03:00:001998-04-04

This is my second MISTing project, and I think I'mgetting the hang of it
already. This one is based on a comic book that I wrote when I was 14. I hope
that there are many other MISTing projects that I can undertake in the
not-too-distant future.

-Jim Whaley


Turn down your lights(If you want to)

In the not-too-distant future
In fact it was in the past
Some guy from Saratoga Springs
Was makin' a real big mess.

He wrote a really bad story
He decided that it was too gory
He sent it to a woman named Pearl
And now she's gonna use it to take over the world!
(evil laughing)

"I'll send Mike this bad story
It's the worst I've ever seen.
He'll have to sit and read it.
Now, this is why I am mean."

Now keep in mind Mike can't control
which story she'll send him next,
He'll try and suffer through them all
With some help from his robot friends!

CAMBOT(You're on!)
GYPSY(My stars!)
TOM SERVO(Find my eyes, I dare ya!)
CROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!(You know you want me, Baby!)

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
and all those science facts
repeat to yourself it's just a show
and that you really should relax!

For Mystery Sci-Fi Theater One Billion!


Mike and the bots are on the SOL bridge. Gypsy, Crow and Servo are behind the
counter, and Mike is right next to Cambot on the right. Mike turns and sees
the camera.

Mike: Oh, Hi, everyone. Welcome to the Satelite of Love. It's April Fools'
Day on Earth, so I decided to have some fun up here. You see, I've switched
all the 'Bots personallaties, so they all hve different bodies. I put Crow in
Servo, Servo in Gypsy, and Gypsy in Crow. This should really be funny.

Crow[talks like Gypsy]: Hey, guys! I've got to go run the ship before our
orbit decays and we all burn up in Earth's atmosphere!
Gypsy[talks like Servo]: Well, okay, Crow, you do that-Crow? You're supposed
to let Gypsy run the ship and clean up after us and stuff! It won't be fair to
her if you do all her work!
Servo[talks like Crow]: I didn't say anything, Gyps! And why are you talking
like Servo? You're Gypsy!
Crow[Gypsy]: What? I didn't say anything! Servo, I think you're nuts!
Gypsy[Servo]: Why am I nuts? I'm not the one that said you sound like Gypsy!
Servo[Crow]: But you ARE Gypsy!

comercial sign

Mike: We'll be right back.

(a comercial boasting that Titanic is the best and that you should see it for
the three-zillionth time)

SOL-Mike, Servo, and Crow are behind the counter.

Mike: Okay, I've switched you back to normal, are you happy now?
Servo[sounds like cambot]: Yeah, Mike. I feel much better now.
Crow[sounds like Magic Voice]: Incoming call from Castle Forrister.

red light falshes
Mike looks at the bots in confusion as he presses the button.

CASTLE FORRISTER-Pearl and Observer are finishing unpacking and Bobo has fallen
asleep on one of the boxes.

PEARL: Hi, Mike. It's me, the illustrious Pearl Forrister. I don't have time
to chat, we've got to finish unpacking my lab equipment and sepcimine jars.
Your story this week is something called "Off-Road Brawl". It's quite a bad
story. It was bases on a comic that a kid wrote when he was 15, and I think
it's unberarble. So, Brain Guy, send them the story and then help me lift
this thing.

Observer send the story with his mind, then goes over to Pear and a very long

Pearl: Ready? GO!

they both grunt as they lift the box and walk ever-so-slowly with it towards
Bobo, who is still sleeping. Observer, who i walking backwards, trips over
Bobo and drops the box on top of him. Live rats crawl out of the box and
attack Bobo.

Bobo: Oh, no! Not again! AAAAAAAA!

Pearl hits herself on the forehead.

SOL-Mike finishes screwing something onto Servo's neck.

Mike: There, is that better?
Servo[as Servo]: Yeah! Thanks, Mike!

movie sign lights flash

All: We got story sign!


>20-Page Comic

Servo: Oh no! It's 20 pages!

>In the hot desert sun, a shadowy figure with the build of a sumo wreslter,
walks along the flt, endless terain carying >a bomb.

Mike: It blows up and the story's over.

>shadowy figure: "Hah. My plan is going perfectly.
>I'll plant this bomb and blow them all to bits! Hahaha!"

All make that Krankor laugh from Prince of Space

>Suddenly, from out of nowhere, he hears a voice.

Mike[as the voice]: Shh! Big boys don't cry.

>voice: "And just where do you think you're going with that?"
>figure: "What?"

Servo: He said, "And just where do you think you're going with that?"!

>Jim Whaley presents "Off-Road Brawl"

Crow: Suddenly, from out of nowhere, thet title pops up!
Servo: *That's* the name he came up with? "Off-Road Brawl"?

>Slick, our hero

All[deadpan]: Yay.

>jumps on the figure.
>Figure: "Who are you?"
>Slick: "The name's Slick! Gimme the goods!"

Crow[as Slick]: I need that speed, man!
Mike: Crow, No more of that!
Crow: Sorry.

>Figure, who had dropped the bomb, bends down to pick it up.

Servo farts

>figure: "What I'm doing is none of your buiness!"
>Slick: "Oh, really? Where did you get that Idea?"
>figure tosses Slick
>figure: "You should know better than to cross the path of the world's best
sumo >wrestler, Sumdumguy!"

Crow: I'll bet that's Jappaneese.

>Slick lands on the ground and brusheshimself off.

Servo: Just as long as he doesn't lick his wounds, I'll be fine.

>"You sure are fella! Now give me that bomb before you get hurt!"

Mike: That wouldn't be too hard.

>Sumdumguy walks away.
>Sumdumguy: "I don't have time to toy with you!"

Mike[in little kid's voice]: Mommy says to be home before dinner.

>Slick: "Wow. That guy's tough."

Servo: How hard can it be to toss a 25 pound wimp three feet?

>Slick: "Still...I can't give up on him! If he plants that bomb,

Mike: Oh, I see, Sumdumguy's a gardener.

>hundreds of people could get killed!"

Crow: Let's just hope the bomb goes off at a Joe Don Baker convention.

>Slick hops in his Jeep, which is parked at the side of a road.

Servo: I thought it was an "Off-Road Brawl"?

>Slick: "Alright! Let's hit the road!"

Crow: Who's he talking to?

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Complaints?

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