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[Ranma][FanFic] Without You (exceprt from The Chronicles of the Sekigahara/Book Three)

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Nicholas Stone

18.03.2001, 20:06:5618.03.01
Lo' there folks,
Just thought I'd post up this small snippet from my Crossover
Anime Sci-fi story "Chronicles of the Sekigahara"
This is the second Ranma 1/2 story from it, with the prior
preceding mini-tales cut out. If you wish to view the
entire page, head over to and click on the
crossovers link. And for all of you haranguing me
to finish it... well I'm done.

Enjoy and let the show begin...

Episode Eight
Without You
(Ranma 1/2)

Skewing across the sky above the hills west of Mago, Lieutenant Commander
Tatewaki Kuno pitched his Stingray fighter sharply around in pursuit of a
Proximian Hammerhead fighter. His sights locked down on the elusive
aircraft, and he fired chopping up the broad right wing with blaster fire.
It pitched over in an uncontrolled spiral, but Tatewaki did not have time to
watch the decent as two more fighters rolled up to engage him.
Will this never end? he thought while going evasive. Through out the
morning and early part of the afternoon, the Wild Horses had been up
engaging enemy air strikes all along the front. What respite they received,
and those were few and far between, from what he could make out over the
tacnets the Proximian's were hitting everyone hard this day.
So on it went, engage, regroup, rearm, new tasking, another dogfight in this
continuous battle raging around the city. Tatewaki's ESM alert's screamed
for attention and he banked sharply right avoiding a missile that sped by
into open space. A hard kick with the thrusters brought his fighter up in a
roll, blaster fire from the Hammerheads on his rear barely missing.
Suddenly one of the fighters exploded and its partner broke away. On his
scanner, Tatewaki made out Lieutenant Nabiki Tendo's ID pip move up and he
looked out to his right spotting her fly up.
<Thanks, Nabiki,> he said.
<(Hehehehe, no problem, Tatewaki,> she replied.
Tatewaki frowned, stung by the giggling Nabiki was making. He climbed up
out of the current fray to check their position.
<We seemed to have angered the Proximians today, Nabiki.>
Again she giggled, agreeing with his comment.
<Okay, I'll play. What is so funny, or are you enjoying the fact that I was
having a hard time evading those two Hammerheads?>
<Huh? Oh no, no, no, Tatewaki,> replied Nabiki. <I'm listening to the
'Ranma/Akane' show right now.>
<Who's show?>
<(He, he, he). switch over to HorseNet 14.>
Tatewaki punched up the net and was greeted by a heated argument raging
between two of his pilots.
<Look, Akane! Those Sharks almost dusted my ass because you slipped from
your covering position!> shouted Lieutenant Ranma Saotome.
<I did not slip my position, Ranma!> raged Lieutenant (j.g.) Akane Tendo.
<You took a roll instead of a bank that allowed them to get between us!>
<Hey, don't be knocking my tactics! I did the best thing I could seeing
that I had to fend for myself!>
<Ahuh, and left me to clean out the flock you allowed to get past us!>
Frowning, Tatewaki looked down spotting the two engaged in a sharp
donnybrook with several Proximian fighters. Ranma's Stingray dipped hard
right, banking up before his pursuer could lock down on him. The shots went
wide, and then the enemy plane exploded; Akane's Stingray appearing behind
<See, and if you wouldn't be taking so many chances, you'd not have as many
<I'm not having any problems! You're just not watching my ass like you
should be.>
<What do you call that just now!>
Tatewaki switched back up to Nabiki. <Are they actually bickering in the
middle of a dogfight?>
<Happens all the time,> answered Nabiki. <But don't let it fool you.
Nobodies as good as those two when it comes to picking up strikes.>
Looking down again, he could see what she was referring too. Flying low
beneath the air battle, six Battleaxe strike craft moved in towards the
entrenched ground troops below. <Ranma, leakers, three o'clock low.> he
heard Akane say.
<Got'em,> replied Ranma.
They both rolled coming up behind the planes. Ranma immediately downed two,
breaking up their approach.
<You see. Nothing wrong with my flying,> he told Akane. The ESM alarm on
his panel went off. Three Hammerheads were moving up from behind he could
see on his scanner, no doubt trying to drive them away from their cousins.
<Hey! I thought you were supposed to be covering our rear?>
<I see'em, I see'em.>
<What? Are you waiting for them to shoot us down?>
<Ooo, Ranma! You are so irritating!>
Akane hit her reverse thrusters, going into a tight reverse spin that
surprised the enemy pilots behind her. She steadied out, now on their
tails, missiles sailing away from her wings. All three fighters exploded
and Akane returned to her position off Ranma's left quarter.
<There are you satisfied?>
<Could have been faster!>
<What? Will you stop griping and finish off those Axes!>
Tatewaki could only stare in surprise at the two. <Amazing,> he finally
<Their quite a pair, aren't they?> said Nabiki.
<Maybe we should think about separating the them.>
<Oh, hell no! You can't recreate that charisma being generated by them.>
<Sounds more like a family squabble.>
<If you think about it, it is.>
Nabiki noticed another flight of Battleaxes coming in from the far horizon.
<Uh, Kuno, dear. I think duty calls,> she said, pointing in their
He nodded, giving her a quick thumb up. <You lead,> said Tatewaki.
Nabiki banked around and for a moment Tatewaki paused giving Ranma and Akane
one last look.
It would be a shame if one of them were to be killed, he thought. I wonder
how the other would react to that.

* * * * *

Operations around the bridge of the Sekigahara were going at a frantic pace.
Up in vultures row, Kasumi and her staff of air coordinators did the best
they could to manage the ever-growing request for support from the ground
forces, counter the air raids striking airfields and the ships in orbit
above the planet. Meanwhile, below in the pit, the scanner teams fed
information to the outlying sites, relaying information to Admiral Happosai
and the rest of the senior officers on the command platform.
Commodore Masaki monitored a growing formation of Proximian planes
marshalling out to the west just past the lj'Pak River. This looked like
impending trouble to him, ordering Kasumi to reassign several of their CAP
stations to greet the threat. Happosai and Cologne scanned over the
tactical screens with growing concern.
"The Proximian's are hitting us all over the front, Happi," said Cologne.
"Yes. They've decided that the Sekigahara is ripe for the taking," added
Captain Soun, pointing to the displays. "Look at the drives they're pushing
along the river."
An alert went off overhead; red icons appeared moving quickly towards their
"We've got a flight of missiles inbound!" reported Ensign Ryooko Mendou.
"All anti-air batteries around the base have been alerted," said Ensign
Sasami, filing the temporarily vacant position of Deck Officer.
Tense moments passed as they watched their defenses engage the missiles.
One by one the red icons disappeared, the last impacting not far from the
docks shaking the ship.
"That was close," said Captain Genma Saotome.
"Too close," replied Happosai. "Yosho, have we been able to locate that
missile site?"
"Not yet, Admiral. Intel suspects the Prox are shooting blind."
"Hoping for a lucky shot that will disable us," suggested Cologne.
Sasami suddenly called up to Happosai. "Sir, incoming signal from Brigadier
General Godchild."
Happosai pointed up to one of the side screens and Goodchild's image
"Admiral. Rough weather we're having right now," he said.
"A storm of hurricane proportions, General. What can I do for you?"
"I've got a serious penetration along the Highway Ten crossings." The tac
screen shifted to a magnified view of the area. "The Proximian's have
forced their way across the lj'Pak and are consolidating their position."
Happosai sneered, noting how much of a threat this was to the entire front.
"How can we help?"
"I have several units moving to close it off, but it will be quite a few
minutes before they arrive. Can I get a concentrated air strike on them
before they push out?"
"Of course, Trevor, of course! We'll get something over there right away!"
"Thank you, Admiral."
The screen went blank and both Happi and Cologne turned around looking up at
Commander Kasumi Tendo up in vulture's row.
"Kasumi, we need-, Kasumi what's wrong?" asked Cologne.
Kasumi stood eyes wide, staring down at the duo. "We don't have anything
available, Admiral."
"What!" exclaimed Cologne.
"Our last ready strike group just launched fifteen minutes ago, and they're
currently engaged."
"Oh no," gasped Genma.
Happosai quickly pivoted around and looked up at the tactical screen again.
"We've got to have someone close by to hit that hole," he said, searching
the display. He found one blue icon amidst a cluster of red just south of
the area.
"Who is that?" he said, pointing.
Ryooko called up the ID tag. "VF288, the Wild Horses, sir."
"Stingrays, Admiral," Soun pointed out to him.
"They can be configured to carry ground ordinance."
"But where in such a short time?" asked Yosho.
Cologne peered at a white icon denoting one of their outer airbases. "Send
them to Gosunkugi," she ordered. "I believe his station is handling
Swallowtail squadrons so they should have the ordinance needed."
As the orders went out, Happosai leaned his tired body against the railing,
sighing deeply.
"Are you alright, Happi?" asked Cologne.
He held his head in his hands. "We're stretched like a balloon, Cologne.
Anymore and things are going to just pop with dire consequences."
"Let's hope not, Happi," she replied.

* * * * *

The intensity of the air battle raged with full force around the skies of
the Wild Horses. The pilots fought like madmen, giving no quarter to drive
back the Proximians pressing them. Tatewaki and Nabiki had just bounced
several fighters when they were suddenly called on the tacnet.
<Horse Leader, Control Three.>
Pulling out of the battle, Tatewaki went into an orbit with Nabiki covering
<Horse Leader.>
<Urgent Priority tasking, vector 225, Sierra Sierra Six, Max. Check in
Omega 10, over.>
<Acknowledged, out.>
He returned to their squadron's common circuit.
<Horses, break it off! Follow me.>
The remaining Stingrays of VF288 reluctantly disengaged from the dogfight
forming up on Tatewaki as he headed off on the new course.
<Yo, Boss,> said Lieutenant Ryoga Hibiki. <What's up?>
<I don't know yet, but we have been given orders from the carrier.>
<Doesn't look like we've got a tail,> reported Lieutenant (j.g.) Mousse.
<Why are we going so fast?>
<This was an urgent call. Standby everyone, I'm switching up.>
A quick tap had Tatewaki up on circuit ten. <Sierra Six, this is Horse
Leader, over.>
<Horse Leader, this is Sierra Six,> came the reply. Kuno recognized
Lieutenant (j.g.) Murasaki Suminawa's voice. <Murasaki, can you fill me in
on what we're doing?>
<Not here, Horse Leader. We have you three clicks out. You're cleared for
immediate touchdown.>
<Roger.> He switched back to his squadron. <Whatever it is, it must be
bad. >
<Oh, great. This will be interesting, > commented Nabiki.
The Wild Horses made the last final turn, spotting the four landing ways for
the makeshift base. They could see service vehicles and other carriers at
the far end only adding to their curiosity.
<Wow, an actual runway. Are we rolling in, Commander? > asked Ranma.
<Negative. Grav Touchdown, everyone.> answered Tatewaki.
The Stingrays made a final approach extending their landing gear while
hovering down onto the tarmac.
<Stay in your planes! > Murasaki called before anyone could pop their
canopies. <Repeat, stay in your planes! >
Lieutenant (j.g.) Ukyo Kuonji let out a huff. <Damn it, and I wanted to
stretch my legs too. >
<Dogs up in the tower have it good,> complained Lieutenant (j.g.) Kodachi
Kuno. <Don't they ever think about our comfort? >
<Okay, can it,> ordered Tatewaki.
In the interim, the service vehicles were swiftly pulled around the planes.
Their crews scrambled out and began working on the Stingrays. Ordinance
racks were changed, power cells connected to charging trucks. A
communications van's team pulled out several hardwire connections, attaching
the probes to each of the Stingray's data ports. Murasaki told them to
activate secure links and in milliseconds their tac screens changed.
<Ah, it Gruesome! > said Lieutenant (j.g.) Shampoo.
<Oh this is really bad now, > said Nabiki.
[Horses, this a quick combat brief,] said Lieutenant Hikaru Gosunkugi.
Ryoga cycled through his displays. <Hey, this is a Warhammer loadout we're
getting! What's going on, Gos?>
<You know what that means,> Lieutenant (j.g.) Tsubasa Kurenai said.
<Ground Support,> Nabiki and Ukyo chimed together.
<All right, knock it off! > shouted Tatewaki. [Go ahead, Gosunkugi.]
[We've got a breech along the lj'Pak. The Prox have taken the Highway Ten
bridges and are concentrating for a push. Our ground units moving to plug
the hole are about thirty minutes out, but we all know how fast the Prox can
The screen shifted to a wireframe display of the river and the surrounding
[Orders are to delay the Proximians, and destroy those bridges.]
[Roger, we're on it.]
[Good luck, guys.]
The connection was broken, leaving the pilots at a loss for words.
<Wow, > said Akane.
As the service crews finished their refit of the Stingrays, Tatewaki
reviewed the target area again.
<Saotome, you and Akane have the bridges, > he said.
<Just the two of us? >
<Yes. I think the rest of us will be busy knocking off mechs. >
<Okay. >
The crews were clear and the Wild Horses got the signal for liftoff.
Together, the squadron rose up into the air, flying away with engines
blaring towards their target.

* * * * *

"The Wild Horses are enroute to target, Admiral," Sasami reported.
"That's excellent, excellent!" replied Cologne, gazing up at the tactical
screen. "Ryooko please put the Horse Common up on a speaker for me."
She did, listening as Tatewaki passed out final instructions to his
[Mousse, you will run cover for Ranma. Shampoo; suppress any battlefield
scanners on our approach in. Remember we're not here to stop them, but here
to slow them down. No unnecessary risk, people.]
[What if we get bounced?] asked Ryoga.
[Then we counter appropriately.]
Cologne arched a weathered brow, cutting her eyes over to the large
formation of enemy planes still forming behind the hills west of the
highway. She turned to Happosai, but he anticipated her question.
"Yosho's got a flight ready just in case, Cologne," he told her.
Cologne looked back up at the screen and continued to monitor the attack.

* * * * *

Passing over one of the ground columns moving to intercept the Proximian
force, the Stingrays dropped in low taking up a chevron attack formation.
Mousse and Shampoo immediately went to work, scanning the area, setting
their jamming pods for the upcoming fight. Across the far plain the hills
surrounding the Highway Ten Bridges loomed into view, and they got their
first look at the Proximians.
<Consolidating my ass,> said Tsubasa. <That looks like an advance to me.>
<It certainly is,> answered Tatewaki.
<Shampoo picking up tracscans, type one, multiple emissions.>
<Hey, check out all those rolling flack bunkers,> added Ryoga.
The threatening shapes of multi-barrel tanks and missile units sent alarm
through them all. Taking a mental count of the armored units rumbling down
the highway, Tatewaki adjusted his plan.
<Ranma, break off and come in along the river from the west. There's to
many support units along the highway to chance you or Akane getting shot
<Roger, we're outt'a here.>
The pair banked away. ESM alerts went off in Tatewaki's cotpit warning him
of impending danger.
<Horses, spread out and be careful. The Prox have their eyes and ears on
<Hmmf. Not long they don't,> commented Shampoo. She commenced her
electronic attack gaining a rapid response.
Solid rounds and bolts erupted from the tanks and mechanized carriers,
missiles in-flight towards them. Counter missiles sped away from the two
jamming planes then the rest of the squadron bore down on lead column. In
seconds several tanks exploded scattering the columns. The fighters split
up, banking away with flack nipping precariously around their wings.
<Ryoga, concentrate on that rear column, We'll continue to slow up the
rest.> ordered Tatewaki.
<Got it. Hey, how long are we supposed to go at this anyway?>
<As long as it takes. Why?>
<Somebody's going to get hit with all of this ground fire they're throwing
up at us.>
<Don't be cursing us, Ryoga!> shouted Mousse. Several explosions rocked
Mousse's plane. <Uh, how long are we going to be here?>
<Don't worry about it. Concentrate on the job at hand,> said Tatewaki.
<Right. Crossing my fingers.>
Tatewaki smirked, ignoring Mousse's remark as he dove in for another attack.

* * * * *

By the sound of things coming from the speaker, the Wild Horse's attack was
going well. However, another threat began to raise its head and the senior
officers were watching it with growing alarm.
"That is starting to look extremely ugly," commented Genma.
"The Proximian's are about to attack in force and my suspicions are it's
this repair station that they are eyeing," said Yosho.
Happosai and Cologne came over also watching the impending raid.
"Goodness! Yosho, how many fighters do we have to meet that mess?" asked
"Not very many, Admiral." A tap on a display called up the fighters flying
on CAP stations between them and the Proximians. "Three squadrons in
position, no reserves to counter leakers."
"Hardly the situation we want to be in," said Happosai. "Yosho, I am a firm
believer that a good defense is a sound offense."
"In this situation I would have to agree," replied Yosho, activating his
mic. [Kasumi, order CAP stations seven through twelve to engage that
pending strike.]
Kasumi acknowledged, but before her orders were barely out the Proximians
made their play, surging over the mountain range into Federation airspace.
"Damn! Just a bit too slow," grumbled Yosho.
What few blue and green icons rushing to intercept met the hordes of red
triangles. It became obvious that they would need more help to stem this
"We can strip the southwestern stations covering the departure fields,"
suggested Soun.
"Do it," replied Cologne. "And take the inner CAP stations over Mago as
Happosai grimaced. "Cleaning out what cover Trevor has over the city,
Cologne?" he questioned.
"The Marine squadrons can fill the gaps for now, Happi."
"We're taking a big chance here, Cologne." Happosai clicked his tongue,
head shaking faced with the fact there was really no other options.
"If you object, Happi-."
"No, no. Let's do it."
Kasumi issued the orders, and they watched as more blue icons entered the
Kasumi!" called Cologne.
"Yes, Admiral?"
Cologne did not answer at first, staring up at the tactical screen again.
"Pull the Horses too."
"Ma'am?" said Kasumi, stunned by her order.
"Do it child before things get out of hand."
The firmness of her voice conveyed the urgency of their situation. Kasumi
switched circuits.

* * * * *

The Proximians advance column crawled slowly along the highway, some of the
armored units falling back for the safety of the hills. The Wild Horses
pressed home their attack scattering more mechanized units into the open
Tatewaki drew up from a run peering out beyond the lj'Pak River. He could
see more Proximian ground units approaching, knowing that even if this delay
lasted the numbers crossing would probably force their way through any
<Ranma!> he called.
<Where the hell are you and Akane? There's a swarm of Proximians heading
for the bridges.>
Flying along the run of the river, Akane and Ranma weaved through the narrow
hills trying to keep from being discovered.
<Hey, we're just about there, okay!>
<Stop joyriding and hit those bridges!>
Ranma smirked, switching back over to Akane's net. She was currently
singing another verse of 'Just the Two of Us'.
<Okay, you can knock off that humor,> he told her.
<Don't like my singing?>
<Nah, Tatewaki just chewed on my butt.>
<Why'd he do that? He's the one who sent us out here in the first place.>
<There's more Prox coming. Must'a heard the bridges are up.>
Ranma's scanners picked up the three bridges ahead along with several
targeting sensors. He drew in a breath, knowing this was going to be risky.
<I got it. Moving up to position.>
Akane's Stingray moved up beside Ranma. They traded looks before making the
final turn towards their targets. The three bridges came into view, long
metal and steel constructions that loomed high over the raging river. More
alerts went off, followed by the traces of blaster fire from the tanks on
the northern shore.
Ranma's targeting scanner continuously beeped as the computer searched for
the best location to fire at. Finally it locked down on the nearest bridge,
centering a red crosshair on his HUD display.
<I'm hot!> he told Akane.
<So am I,> she replied.
<Good, stay that way!>
Guided bombs sped away from their wings following the feed coming from the
planes. Some of them were spoofed by jamming, but several explosions
registered across the first bridge.
<Yes!> cried Ranma as he and Akane shot over the top. They climbed, rolling
around to set up for another run. Akane could see part of the bridge
buckled in several places, tanks and infantry dashing for the safety of the
land on either side.
<Ranma, were going to have to do better than that if we're going to bring
those down,> she said.
Ranma looked down. <Yeah, you're right. Its going to take a lot more
<We need to suppress some of that jamming.>
<Right.> Ranma switched over to the common circuit, telling Akane to
follow. <Mousse!>
<What, Ranma?>
<Where the hell are you, man? I thought you were supposed to be supporting
<Things happen, guy.>
<Things happen, hell! We need one of your blanket specials over here.>
Mousse perked up, pulling his fighter away from the current engagement. He
searched the area picking up Ranma and Akane's fighters rushing down the
river towards the bridges.
<Oh-Ho! Lot of opposition I see there,> he said.
<Blanket, please Mousse,> replied Akane. <And maybe a few Mustangs with
Mousse launched a flight of missiles from his pods, directing a blinding
screen against the Proximian sensors. In flew Ranma and Akane resetting
their targeting sights again. Flashes dotted the north bank as the Mustang
anti-tank missiles found their mark.
<Akane work that center bridge, I'll get the first one we hit.>
Akane dropped low center her sights, ready to fire when a hail of solid
rounds detonated around her plane. She shrieked dipping lower to the river.
<Akane, break it off!> shouted Ranma.
<No way!> she shouted.
In a startling move, Akane turned her plane over until she flew upside down.
Her missiles shot away arching up under the nearest bridge into the center
of the middle one. Explosions shook the air, but Akane sped on flying under
the expansions out the other side. Ranma delivered his package, joining her
as she climbed back up into the air.
<What the hell was that!> he shouted at her.
<Creative improvising,> replied Akane.
<That was kind of neat, Akane,> said Mousse.
<I don't care if it was the award wining flight of the century. Don't be
taking risk like that again!>
<Oh, pooh on you!>
Ranma held back his anger, surveying their latest attack. Thanks to Mousse'
s support two of the three bridges were twisted masses of metal sagging down
into the water. That left only the third, but the Proximian's were
determined to keep it up. Flack tanks were gathering along both sides of
the banks daring them to try another attack.
<So, they want to play, eh?> he said. <Akane, let's try something
<Like what I just did wasn't enough?>
<Alright all ready! We're going to cut back around the hills and drop in
along the highway.>
<Talk about not taking risk, pal! That's going to take us right over their
main column!>
<And they won't expect it. Mousse, you got any decoys left?>
<Nope, but I can gen up some false targets on their scanners. Will that
<Do what you can.>
They turned away, arching over the hills back into the fight raging along
the highway. The rest of the squadron heard Ranma's plan and did their best
to cover them as they came out along the road. Blaster fire followed them
as they flew over, Ranma and Akane weaving around to disrupt their aim.
<Okay, do it now, Mousse!> called Ranma.
Mousse sent out a stream of false signals at the waiting Proximian tanks
filling their screens with targets that confused their computers. Quickly,
they tried to cut though the deception, but it was too late as the duo
appeared with sights ready.
<We better make this good, Ranma,> said Akane, firing.
Their bombs and missiles sped away tearing into the last remaining bridge
with a resounding roar. Ranma laughed.
<Yo, Commander. Mission accomplished!> he reported.
<Excellent! Get back across-.>
Tatewaki was interrupted by Kasumi.
<Horse Leader, Command One, over.>
<Horse Leader,>
<New tasking, intercept in sector four-four, acknowledge.>
He called up the location, arching a brow at the display. <Roger, Command.
Okay, Horses we have new tasking.>
<Yeah we heard,> commented Nabiki. <Out of the Frying pan into the fryer.>
<Another fight? Commander we need to reconfigure first.>
<No time for that, now form up and zip it! Saotome where are you?>
<We're coming. Go ahead, we'll catch up.>
Forming up on their leader, the squadron headed off towards their next
assignment. Meanwhile Akane and Ranma made a wide circuit around the
Proximian columns as they neared the lj'Pak River. A veil of smoke hung
over the bridges, both of them pleased by the success of their mission.
<Creep?> Ranma suddenly said to Akane.
She thought back a moment. <Yes, Creep!> she answered.
<And where was your mind when I said I was hot?>
Akane could feel her cheeks flush. <Ah-ha, I assumed you were being lurid.>
<Not a chance.>
<Oh. Disregard!>
<No, no, no, no, no. I want to hear what you were thinking about-.>
Suddenly, every alarm went off in their cotpits, aft scanners locking on a
flight of missiles streaming towards them. Both planes went evasive,
popping flares and scramblers in their wake. Ranma evaded successfully, but
the cry in his ears made his blood run cold.
<RANMA!> cried Akane as her Stingray was hit.
Ranma looked back and saw Akane's fighter arcing away down towards the other
side of the river trailing smoke and flames.
<Akane, AKANE!> he cried, but there came no reply.
<Ranma, what's going on back there?> said Tatewaki.
<Akane got hit! She went down across the river!>
Back at the Sekigahara, several sharp gasp cut the air. Soun rushed
forwards, clutching the railing as he stared up at the screen in shock.
Kasumi stood motionless, fearing for her sister's life.
[I'm going back for her!] they heard Ranma say.
Cologne cut her eyes over at the current raid moving down towards them. She
let out a growl and activated her mic.
<Commander, stay on your assignment!> she ordered Tatewaki.
Tatewaki sat stunned by Cologne's command. <Did-you-copy, Horse Leader,>
she said.
<Uh, yes. yes I did. Orders acknowledged.>
<What!> exclaimed Ryoga.
<We have our orders!> shouted Tatewaki. <Ranma, rejoin the formation.>
<DO IT!>
Ranma looked frantically back and forth between them and Akane's trail of
smoke before turning away to rejoin his squadron.
<Tatewaki! We can't just leave her like this!> shouted Ranma.
From his desperate plea, Tatewaki could tell the man was about to wig out on
him. <Settle down, Saotome,> he replied. <We'll get a Combat SAR in there
to retrieve her.>
<CSAR!> exclaimed Mousse. <Commander, she's behind enemy lines and it will
take them forever to get out here.>
<Not to mention the Proximians probably saw her go down!> added Ranma.
<We have orders, Saotome. Now rejoin the formation!>
Ranma's grip on his control stick tightened, a long shudder racing though
his body. He looked back again at the river but he was to far away to see
it. The image of an injured Akane lying helpless at the feet of the
Proximians loomed into mind, tears slowly forming in his eyes. The last
desperate cries from Akane filled his ears and he drew in a tight breath.
"No," muttered Ranma, banking his fighter around.
<Saotome, get back here!> shouted Tatewaki.
<No way! I'm not leaving Akane behind!>
Ryoga started to turn, but Tatewaki stopped him. <Everyone stay in
formation!> he shouted.
<But he'll be killed!> replied Ryoga.
<Stay-in-formation! Saotome get back here!>
But Ranma sped on ignoring the order. <I can't do it, Tatewaki. Akane's
dead if we wait. I'm not leaving without her!>
Another voice came up, one he would have rather not heard.
<Saotome!> Cologne said angrily. <Get you ass back to your squadron, NOW!>
Ranma grit his teeth, refusing to reply.
<Did you hear me, Lieutenant? Return to your squadron!>
Ranma reached over to the communications button. <I'm sorry,> he told them
before shutting it off.
Cologne stood stunned, not believing what Ranma just did. She seethed with
rage, slowly pulling her headset off. A tense silence formed, then Cologne
sneered angrily up at the lone blue icon on the tac screen.
"I will have his head for that," she said.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Wild Horses flew up around Tatewaki. They all
stared at him from their canopies with varied expressions.
<Commander we can't let Ranma go back there alone,> said Ukyo.
<Tatewaki, it will be murder,> added Nabiki.
<We. we have our orders,> Tatewaki reluctantly told them.
<But its not right, Brother,> said Kodachi.
<Both of them are going to be killed, Commander,> Tsubasa said.
<We not let Ranma and Akane die, do we?> asked Shampoo.
Tatewaki could not answer, staring at the troubled face around him.

* * * * *

Dull pain throbbed through Akane's head, her mind slowly returning to
consciousness. Letting out a moan, she tapped the side of her helmet
opening the visor to allow some fresh air into her lungs.
"Ooo, where the hell am I?" wondered Akane as she opened her eyes.
From what she could see, her Stingray had made an emergency automated
landing on the side of a low hill. Akane could see the prow was slightly
buried into the earth and she sighed.
"Damn, I got shot down," she said. "There goes my rating."
Making a quick check over her body, Akane did not find any thing broken or
out of place. She knew she would be bruised up for several weeks, but at
least she was alive. The emergency power systems still worked, Akane
popping the canopy open. She undid her straps and stood up.
"Where the hell?" she thought again, then much to her horror she spotted the
lj'Pak river a ways behind where she had crashed. It definitely was not the
south side judging from the flashes of heavy gunfire along the horizon.
"I'm behind enemy lines!" Akane thought frantically.
Her training took over, Akane hopping out onto the right wing. From a panel
behind her seat she pulled out the emergency survival pack opening it up.
There were several packets of rations inside, thermal equipment for cold
weather, but more importantly a combat rifle, which she rapidly put
together. Beside the pistol at her side, this might be the only thing that
would keep her alive until help arrived.
"Now how do I cross that river?" she wondered.
A low whine caught her ears and Akane went prone. Carefully, she crawled up
to the edge of the plane and peered out across the open fields. Three wedge
shaped Proximian personnel carriers made their way through the high grass
towards the crash site. Akane moaned lightly, powering up her rifle as they
came to a stop several kilometers away. From the back, Proximian soldiers
emerged forming up into two skirmish lines in front of the APC's.
"Ohh, now the Proximian Army's coming to get me," whined Akane. She leveled
her sights on them and prepared to fight for her life. At least hitting
them would not be a problem, their 2.5 meters tall frames easy targets. A
short wave by the officer in charge moved the two lines forward.
"This isn't going to work, girl," Akane said to herself. "Better try and
slow them up and run for it."
She picked a solider at random and fired hitting him in the chest. As he
pitched back, Akane grabbed her pack and rolled down the hill, scrambling to
her feet in a dash for the next one over. It was a wise move, blaster fire
ripping into the fighter. Several burst from the guns on the APC's hit and
it burst into flames.
The gunfire ceased and cautiously the Proximians moved up. There was no
sign of their quarry and they exchanged looks, gazing around. Suddenly
there came the hiss of gunfire, two more soldiers falling to the ground.
One of the Proximians called out the alarm pointing at the next hill and
they proceeded to pour gunfire at it.
Akane was already on the move, hustling down the side. When she reached the
bottom, she stopped realizing that there was a good distance between her and
the next rise. No time to cry about it, she sprinted through the grass.
"STOP!" she heard in broken Federation English, but that only spurred her
on. A shot zipped by her head and Akane dived for cover into an open
shallow rift.
"Well, how fortunate," said Akane, trying to find some humor in this
situation. The rift extended around to the side of the next hill and she
followed it. A short scramble found her at the crest peering down at the
figures beating the grass in search of her.
"Danm I'm good," she said firing into them. Their return fire drove her
back and she rolled down to the base of the hill again. "Yeah, I'm real
Something landed in the grass next to her, a dark oblong object that made
Akane squeal in fright. She dived away as the grenade exploded, launching
her through the air. Hitting the ground, Akane rolled to a stop dazed for a
second; fortunate that most of the concussion was deflected by her helmet.
"Now I'm in trouble," she said.
The voices from her pursuers could be heard and Akane snatched up her rifle
hustling across another open field. Unexpectedly, one of the APC's burst
out into view around the far side, turning towards her. Akane let out a
yell knowing there was no way she could evade it, and dropped to the ground.
Something fast flew through the air above her, and then the APC exploded. A
Stingray shot by, banking sharply around.
[Ranma?] called Akane over the helmets communications set.
[I'm here Akane,] he answered.
Akane stood up, excited by his appearance.
[Ranma, you came back for me.]
[Yeah, and I'm not leaving without you either! Get down!]
Akane went prone as Ranma fired into the Proximian soldiers cresting the
hill behind her, driving them back. A scattered shot from the remaining APC
's streaked by, but he ignored it coming around once again.
[Akane, listen up! There's a flat run just past the next rise ahead of you.
I think it will be wide enough for me to get in there and pick you up.]
[But what about-.]
[There's no but in this! I'm coming down to get you so start running your
pretty little ass off and get out there!]
Akane grinned, cheered by Ranma's concern for her. She began running as
Ranma made another strafing run. The soldiers' attentions were now focused
on him and they fired up at the Stingray hoping for a lucky hit. Ranma
locked his sights down on one of the APC's launching his last two remaining
missiles at it. They hit square dead center and he rolled up into the sky,
checking on Akane's progress. She was just reaching the base of the last
hill, scrambling with all of her might up the side.
"Climb your ass, Akane," he said then a sharp blast shuddered the fighter.
[We've been hit,] reported his computer. [Left vertical wing surface and
mid thrusters damaged.]
Ranma looked back to see several flack tanks rolling across the fields along
with more personnel carriers. Another blast exploded close by and his
Stingray dipped towards the ground.
At the top of the hill, Akane stopped watching fearfully as Ranma headed
[Ranma!] she cried.
At the last moment, Ranma regained control, pulling his plane up. Light
smoke streamed from his wings, the tail bent in to one side. She could see
that controlling the Stingray would be difficult.
[Ranma, go home!] she said.
Ranma maintained a steady grip on the controls. [No, Akane,] he answered
turning back around. [I'm not leaving without you!]
[You can't keep flying like that. Go home, I can take care of myself!]
[No, Akane! Will you stop yapping and get down to that run!]
Akane smiled, admiring his stubbornness. It was a mistake to stop, and a
costly one as a tight narrow beam of energy lanced her clean through the
hips. She screamed from the burning pain, crumpled to the ground, rolling
uncontrollably down the side of the hill.
Ranma heard Akane's cry, coming around in search of her. "Akane," he gasped
when he saw her lying inert in the grass. [Akane!]
[.go.go, Ranma,] she replied weakly over the circuit. [I'm hit, and I'm in
so much pain!]
She began to cry and Ranma's fury increased. He dived, letting go with a
continuous burst of fire ripping into the Proximians. More flack bracketed
his plane, another hit to the wing staggering the Stingray. He fought with
everything he had to maintain control of the craft, but as he flew up his
ESM alert went off. Somebody had him in their sights and there was no way
he could avoid whatever they fired at him. He could see the tanks below
tracking his plane, waited for the killing shots.
They never came, two of the tanks erupting in a bright explosion.
<Ranma! Get in there and get Akane!> Mousse said over the net.
<Don't talk. Get down there!>
Another tank exploded, Shampoo's plane running in strafing the scattering
infantry. <We keep enemy soldiers away from you, now go!> she said.
It was a reprieve Ranma thanked the stars for giving him. He turned making
a difficult approach towards the hard dirt surface, praying that his
grav-panels were still in working order. The Stingray shook kicking up a
flurry of dust as it set down, dipping unsteadily as he popped open his
canopy. A round exploded not far away, the shooter swiftly silenced by a
pass from Mousse.
Ranma hopped out and sprinted across the ground into the field. When he
reached the spot where Akane lay, the bittersweet smell of burnt flesh
greeted him. He found Akane lying face down and knelt taking her by the
shoulders, fearing she was dead. Instinctively the woman began to fight
thinking it was the enemy, but when she looked up their eyes met and Akane
stopped. No words were needed the two trading relieved looks. Akane pulled
herself up, hugging Ranma tight.
"This is going to hurt," he said, gently scooping her into his arms.
She grimaced, hugging him tighter, but held back her cries of pain. Every
step Ranma took was agony to Akane as he ran back towards his fighter.
Blaster fire ricocheted around them and he laid Akane on the wing pulling
himself up, climbing swiftly back into the cotpit with her in his lap.
<Mousse, I got Akane! Give me some cover so I can get out of here!>
Mousse and Shampoo formed up, diving in to cover Ranma as he turned his
fighter around. It was a tight fit, but Ranma managed to take the joystick
and kicked the throttles wide open. The damaged Stingray whined in protest,
shaking as it fought to gain altitude.
"Come on baby, you can do it," he said.
Finally, the fighter picked up speed shooting away leaving an angry mob of
Proximians in its wake. Ranma guided the stricken craft across the lj'Pak
River to safety. Mousse and Shampoo flew up on either side off him.
<Ranma, you going to make it back?> asked Mousse.
<Probably not to our base. Mousse, find the nearest base and guide me to
Mousse flew up in front of Ranma.
<Shampoo, get on the net and have a med unit standing by. Akane's hurt
A light moan came from Akane and Ranma pulled her closer to him.
"Hold on, Akane. Please hold on," he said.

* * * * *

By nightfall most of the fighting died down with both sides pausing to
regroup and lick their wounds. Ranma, Mousse, and Shampoo arrived back at
their base before sunset exhausted after the days ordeal, but their troubles
were not over yet. By midnight Cologne arrived and she was hopping mad.
In Tatewaki's temporary office, he, Ranma, Shampoo and Mousse stood at
ridged attention while Cologne balanced on the end of her staff with her
face up in Ranma's, yelling at the top of her lungs.
"How dare you, Lieutenant Ranma Saotome, how dare you disobey direct orders,
Swallowing, Ranma struggled for a response.
"I went back to rescue my wingmate, ma'am."
"Your wingmate! When it comes to battle, there is more to it than saving
your wingmate!"
"Akane went-."
Ranma went rigid, enduring Cologne's deadly glare.
"You, Lieutenant, are not the one to be making those decisions! That is my
job and I say where and when you are to fly in this wing! Do you know that
because of your jaunt the Wild Horses barely were able to cover the
intercept I ordered them to?"
"Uh, no ma'am."
"You also stripped them, and our carrier mind you, of the support Shampoo
and Mousse were supposed to provide!"
Ranma stared out into space, taking his ass-chewing as calmly as he could
"I will not have your insubordinate hide running around blatantly
disregarding orders and jeopardizing the lives of others! We have people
whose sole job is to go and retrieve downed pilots. You have not only
risked your life needlessly, but you also sustained damage to your plane,
part of the weapons system for our defense!"
"Akane's life was in danger, Admiral and I-."
"Don't you interrupt me while I'm talking!"
Ranma went silent.
"Oh no, Lieutenant Saotome," continued Cologne, backing away from him. "You
are not going to get out of this easy! Demotion is too good for you. I
think a court-martial is in order here!"
Mousse and Shampoo both gasped, staring over at Cologne. Her eyes cut over
to them and they snapped back to attention.
"And as for you two!" she said hopping over. "Stupidity must run rampant
through the Wild Horses! Why in great gods name would you two disobey
direct orders?"
"They did not disobey direct orders, Admiral," said Tatewaki.
"They didn't?"
"No. They were following my orders."
Cologne reacted as if she'd just been stung by a bee. She was up on the end
of her staff again in his face. "Your orders?" she said.
"Yes. My orders."
"I was listening to your circuit, Commander. I heard no such orders come
from you."
"That's because I gave them a hand signal, Admiral."
Cologne slid down to the floor with her mouth gaping open in mild surprise.
"Tatewaki, you would dare disobey orders. no, no don't answer that. You
will not like the response."
A tense silence followed, Cologne rubbing her chin in deep thought for a
moment. She began pacing, muttering incoherently to herself then stopped.
Ranma, Shampoo, and Mousse looked down, but her narrowed eyes cut over and
they returned to attention. Finally, she spoke.
"In light of the fact that you managed to rescue Akane, Lieutenant Saotome,
I will forgo court-martialing you."
Ranma breathed a light sigh of relief, but the end of her staff came up into
his face.
"For now," she finished. "In the interim, you are restricted to your
quarters. Is that clear?"
"Y-Yes ma'am."
The end of the staff shifted over towards Mousse and Shampoo.
"As for you two. Since you decided to join the lieutenant in his folly, you
have now become his personal keepers."
"His what?" they both said.
"Silence!" shouted Cologne snapping them back to attention. "Outside of
daily assignments and combat, there are only three places Saotome will be
allowed to go. To eat, to clean up, and I don't think I have to mention the
last one. If I so much as get even a hint that Ranma is outside his
quarters unauthorized, it will not be him suffering my wrath, it will be you
two and I will not be merciful in any regard. Is that clear?"
"Yes, maam!"
Cologne lowed her staff walking back over to Tatewaki.
"You three are dismissed," she said. "Commander Kuno and I have several
things to discuss."
The trio paused; casting worried looks at their commander.
"I said DISMISSED!" roared Cologne.
They immediately did an about face, exiting quickly out the door.

* * * * *

A short time later, Ranma and Mousse were heading back to their new
quarters, now forced roommates. They carried what was left of Mousse's gear
in their arms, a somber silence between them. Reaching the door, Ranma
stopped abruptly turning around.
"You know you guys did not have to come back for me," he said.
"Save it, Ranma. We wanted to, okay?"
Ranma smiled. "Thanks."
"You can thank me by opening that door. This stuff is starting to get
Ranma opened the door but before he could turn on the light, his desk lamp
came on startling them. In his desk chair sat Captain Tendo, Kasumi
standing just behind him.
"Uh-oh," muttered Mousse. "Another ass chewing."
Soun cleared his throat. "Mousse, will you excuse us for a moment."
Mousse placed his things on the table and gingerly stepped out, closing the
door behind him. Ranma put down the bundle in his hands and came to
"Sir, there's not much of a backside left of me. The Admiral laid claim to
Soun chuckled then stood up.
"I'm not here to chew your ass, Ranma," he said.
"You're not?"
"No. I really should not be here, but I had to come and thank you for
saving my daughters life."
Ranma's eyes blinked in disbelief.
"Why, thank you, sir."
"Don't take it that I'm condoning your disobedience, Lieutenant." Soun
paused, crossing his arms, drawing in a deep breath. "It would have been
devastating to us if Akane had fallen into Proximian hands. I would not
know what I would have done if that had happened."
"Have you seen Akane since I brought her back, sir?"
"Yes. She's going to be fine." That drew relief from Ranma. "But she will
not be flying for a long time."
Ranma wavered making his way over to a chair and sat down. "That bad?" he
"I'm sorry, son," answered Soun.
"That's okay. At least she's still alive."
Soun nodded. "So what did Admiral Cologne do to you?"
"She wants to court-martial me, but for right now I've been placed on
restriction with Mousse and Shampoo as my watchdogs so to speak."
"Hm. I'll talk to her and see what I can do."
"Thank you, sir."
"No, thank you Ranma," replied Soun. He placed a hand on his shoulder,
giving it a firm squeeze in gratitude. "Thank you for caring for Akane."
Soun headed for the door as Kasumi walked over. She knelt down and gave
Ranma a firm hug, kissing him lightly on the lips before joining her father.
"One other question, Ranma," said Soun.
"Yes, sir?"
"If it had been somebody else, let's say Ryoga or Kodachi, would you still
have gone back?"
Ranma regarded him for a moment. "Yes, sir. I still would have gone."
Soun paused then walked out. Mousse came in looking back and forth in
"So I see you're still alive," he said as he closed the door.
"They weren't here to kill me, Mousse."
"That's good to hear. Wouldn't want you to miss out on the ready alert we
both just picked up in the morning."
Ranma frowned. "Figures," he said.
Mousse pulled up a chair next to him "Hey, you even got a replacement
fighter straight out of the repair shop."
Mousse could see Ranma's mind was not there and that nothing he said or did
would cheer him up. "I guess we should, ah, turn in then, eah?"
"I'm not tired right now. You go ahead."
"Now I can't go and leave my new partner up all alone."
Ranma turned casting him a strange look. Mousse reached up into his top
pocket and pulled out a deck of playing cards.
"Poker? Straight up, no wilds, and no antes," he said.
Thinking about the offer, Ranma chuckled. He pulled over the table in the
room and flexed his hands.
"Deal'em," he said.

(Short question here: Anyone think Ranma should get court-martialed, or is
Cologne overreacting? Drop me a note
at I and my few cohorts are interested by the

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