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[Ranma][FanFic][Lemon] Ranma no Hentai!! ...?

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Caroline Ann Seawright

Mar 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/12/97

Ranma nibunnoichi - Ranma no Hentai!! ...? [WARNING : Lemon fanfic!]

All characters portrayed in this fanfic are copyright of Rumiko Takahashi
and Shogakukan Inc, etc, etc, etc.

NB. This has nothing to do with the Ranma Nibun No Ichi series!

[Jyusenkyou, China]

"Akane!! He's found it - the Nanniichuan!"

Ranma threw his arms around Akane and hugged her. She squeezed him tightly
and smiled up at him, her eyes brimming over with tears of joy.

"Now you can be cured, Ranma!"

Ranma smiled broadly and nodded, his pigtail bouncing with vigour as he
nodded his head. "Finally I can be a good husband to you, and I won't ever
have to wear a dress again!"

She giggled, turning to watch the Chinese Guide enter.

He was carrying a bucket of water. Akane knew that it was the water that
would finally put to rest Ranma's curse. It had been years since she'd
first met him - he was a her at the time. But now ... the cure was in
his grasp. At the back of Akane's mind, she wondered how their lives would

After all, it would take away a whole part of the person she'd fallen in
love with and married. Would he change, without that other part of him?
Would she miss Ranma's female form? She pushed her thoughts back and smiled
at him. This was what would make him happy - what he had longed for all these

Ranma let his newly-wed wife go. This had been a stop-over on their way
back from their honeymoon in Hawaii. Well, it had been more of a detour
rather than a stop-over.

The Guide had put them up in his house till Ranma got the water. Plum, his
daughter, had located the map after a few hours of searching. Now sixteen,
she was a pretty young woman, almost ready to find her own husband - after
all, she'd be lonely tending Jyusenkyou once her father got too old to

Plum sat on the edge of the bed and smiled. This would be the first of a
list of shape-changing men who wanted this water. The word had already
gotten out, and there was a queue - Ryouga, Mousse, and Herb to name a few.
If all went well, it would be a good omen. And maybe she and her father
would earn a little more money with all the guests to make their lives a
little more comfortable!

Silently, the Guide handed the bucket to Ranma.

Ranma stepped away from Akane, and lifted the bucked above his head ...

tipped it ...

and felt the cold water splash down over his head...

He was still a he!

Ranma let out a cry of joy and grabbed Akane in another tight hug. Sharing
his happiness, Akane held onto her husband tightly. She didn't care that he
was sopping wet, she was just so happy that he was happy.

The Guide picked up the bucket from where Ranma had dropped it. He smiled,
"Now, okyaku-san, I must go bring some more water for the other guests who
will arrive later." Bowing, he left the room.

Plum smiled. Then blinked. "Okyaku-san...?"


The Guide jumped, his shock causing the unfolded map of Jyusenkyou to fly
out of his hands. It fluttered away in the wind ... landing and subsequently
sinking in one of the pools.

"Aiyaa! Now I can't remember all the pools!" His eyes were wide with shock
at his own stupidity. "At least I put a sign on Nanniichuan..."


Ranma looked over Akane's shoulder, "Hmm?"

"Maybe you should ...." Plum pointed towards them.

Blinking, Akane let go of Ranma and turned to look at Plum.

Ranma looked at Akane, following Plumb's finger. He almost choked.

Akane was rather wet ... and a he.

Ranma sat down heavily on a chair, continuing to stare. He couldn't say
anything; his mouth kept opening and shutting, like a carp in a pond.

Blinking at Ranma, Akane asked, "What?"

Then stopped. Her voice - it was different. Deeper. With a start, she
looked in a mirror. And screamed.

[Nerima, evening, a week later]

Nodoka looked up, towards her son and daughter-in-law's room. Nabiki gave
a small shrug and looked at Genma and Souun. They, seemingly uncaring about
the troubled couple, played shougi. At least they had calmed down, and
Souun had stopped flooding the house with his tears. Genma had stopped
trying to beat up Ranma, after his wife's 'discouragement' with her katana.
Kasumi just hummed softly as she sewed ... though even she was a little

[Ranma and Akane's Room]

Ranma stared at the wall, his expression blank. The only thing that Akane
had heard him say were apologies - over and over and over.

After her shock, she had pounded Ranma into the ground. And then they had
tried to find the Guide to lead them to the Nyanniichuan or even the
Akaneniichuan - but he had gone and lost the only map of the area! And the
Guide only knew the _legends_ about the pool, not which pool was which!
Somehow the legends had been handed down through the family, but the
locations were kept on a map. And Jyusenkyou wasn't known for it's
photocopiers. Akane had pounded him into the ground, too. Well, HE had
pounded Ranma and the Chinese Guide into the ground. Akane hadn't been
capable of thinking about using hot water ... It was only when Plum had
splashed Akane with water from a kettle that she'd calmed down enough to
think more clearly. At least she wasn't a man full time.

She guessed that they were both stupid. That hug without bothering to wait
for Ranma to dry! But ... she hadn't expected that the water could have
possibly been enough to change her. The water had soaked through her clothes,
and dripped down her body - even on her head from Ranma's chin against her
cheek! But, still. They all thought that you had to be "drowned" in the
water, like she herself was "drowned" to make the Spring of Drowned Akane ...

But obviously not.

Akane sighed and sat down next to Ranma, and took one of his hands in her
own. "Come on, Ranma. It's not your fault ... We've been through this

He sighed and his gaze slid down to the floor, "But I was the one who did
that to you... I cursed you!"

She rested her head against his shoulder, "Don't go beating yourself up
about this. I've already done that for you."

Ranma's lips twitched into a smile and he turned and looked at her, full
in the face for the first time since that day.

Not wasting an opportunity, Akane quickly kissed that smile. At first he
didn't respond, but she kissed him a little deeper. Eventually, she felt
him kiss her back.

Ranma let his guilt slide into the back of his mind, and started to accept
his wife's forgiveness. He hadn't been a really good guy to be with over
the last week or so ... and he had seen the hurt looks she quickly hid as
he just sat in stony silence, filled with his own guilt. But he thought
that he really deserved it. But ... maybe he should try to make her happy,
and try to do this for her - after all, if she could forgive him ....

He slipped his arms gently around her, and they continued to kiss...

[Early the next morning]

Ranma held Akane gently in one arm, her head resting against his shoulder.
He felt wonderful, as if somehow all his tension over the last week had
vanished during the night. But he could still feel the nagging sensation
of guilt at the back of his mind. He sighed a little and turned and ran a
fingertip gently over his wife's jaw.

She stirred a little in her sleep, a hand popping up from under the covers
as if to swat away whatever was tickling her face. But after a sleepy
attempt, her hand fell down against Ranma's chest and she drifted back to
sleep again.

He smiled and covered her small hand with his own. Such a pretty woman...
and he'd turned her into a half-man. He gave a sigh, and closed his eyes,
pushing back his thoughts and enjoying the feeling of her soft, warm body
against his.

[Later that morning]

Akane yawned softly and sat up, stretching. The covers tumbled off her bare
breasts, exposing her to the cool morning air. Shivering, she felt an arm
gently wrap around her and a warm chest press up against her back.

"Come back under the covers, it's so much warmer," Ranma whispered.

Smiling, she turned around enough to kiss him lightly on the lips. "Mmm...
Well, I don't really have anything else on my agenda ... but Kasumi will
have the breakfast ready, soon."

Ranma glanced over at the time and shrugged, "Well, if we must, we must ..."
He reluctantly let go and pulled back the covers. Ranma got out of the bed,
picking up their unused night clothes.

They both dressed, and headed for the bathroom.

[The Bathroom]

The bath tub was filled, and still hot. Ranma stripped and picked up the
little bucket of cold water, and splashed it over himself. Shivering, he
couldn't help but marvel at the fact that he stayed male. Having rinsed the
sweat from his body, he handed the bucket to Akane, and stepped into the

Akane's turn ... and as the water ran down her body, she felt the change
that Ranma had gone through hundreds of times before, in reverse - her body
grew taller ... and her chest flattened and widened. Her hips thinned and
she felt the subtle changes of her muscles, and not too subtle changes in
other areas.

Ranma turned and looked at Akane ... this was the first time that he had
bathed with her since she was cursed. The first time that he'd ever seen
her... him ... naked. Ranma felt all the guilt flooding back. How could he
have done _that_ to her? But he knew that if he continued with the guilt,
it could hurt her badly... He would accept her curse as she had accepted
his. He looked up into her eyes - they were definitely her eyes. The eyes
of his wife, and the woman he loved. He held a hand out to her ...

She let her breath out, and stepped towards him. She didn't really know that
she had been holding it. Watching him, she had only seen a flicker of ...
something in his eyes. But his eyes met hers ... and he held out his hand.
Taking it, the male Akane stepped into the tub ... and turned back into her
normal self.

Ranma gently pulled her into a hug and rested his cheek against hers, "Oh,
Akane ... I do love you."

Akane shivered a little with the feelings that those words created running
through her ... He had not rejected her... he still loved her. She held
onto him tightly and started to silently cry in his arms, the stress slowly
draining out of her ... "I love you, too," was all she could whisper.


The family watched Ranma and Akane, a little uneasily. Yes, they were seeming
to act normally, now ... But they could only hope that this would last. Ranma
seemed almost himself, and Akane looked pretty happy.

Hopefully things would settle down, and life would go on normally.

[A few weeks later]

After dodging Ryouga's last punch, Ranma growled and kicked him, sending him
flying back into the wall.

"Hey, that was NOT my fault! I don't want her as a guy any more than you do,
baka yarou!"

Ryouga narrowed his eyes and staggered to his feet, "Ranma ... kisama!"

He ran at Ranma ... only to trip up before he reached him.

Akane, glowing blue, had thrown a brick in his path. "Ryouga-kun, you should
leave Ranma alone! You've been here every day since you found out, and I've
had enough!"

Ryouga looked up at Akane, his eyes widening at her aura, "A..akane-san!"

"Why don't you go back to Akari, and leave us alone?"


Ranma sighed and shook his head, "You should really stay out of this, Akane.
This is between Ryouga and me."

Akane stomped up to Ranma and grabbed his arm. She started dragging him to
the house, "You haven't sorted anything out yet, so it's my turn! Goodbye,

She dragged the protesting Ranma into the house and slammed the sliding door
shut behind her.

Ryouga lay still, staring at the closed door.

[Inside, Bathroom]

Akane gave a small sigh and took off Ranma's top, "Look at you, you let him
bruise you?"

Ranma looked out the window, moodily, "That was from this morning, when the
others ambushed me."

"Hm?" Akane patiently started cleaning the grazes.

"I was just going down to the park for a jog, and Kunou, Gosunkugi and
Ryouga all jumped me. I flattened them, but it seems Ryouga came back for

Akane sighed, "I really wish Nabiki wouldn't sell this kind of information.
But ...well, I guess she was worried about you not having any real work out.
You have been letting yourself slip since our honeymoon..."

"Hey, I have not!"

Suppressing a smirk, Akane poked him lightly in the belly, "Well, what's all
the practise you've been doing? And look at you! All this fat!"

"Hey! I'm not getting fat!"

Teasing him more, she started to poke his sides, knowing where he was extra
sensitive, "Hm? What's that then?"

Ranma struggled not to laugh, and squirmed as she poked him. She strengthened
her 'attack' and pushed him down on the cold tiled floor, moving to gain the
advantage of pinning him down. But before she could get there, Ranma's hands
got in position and he tickled her, causing giggles to escape from her lips.

Their tickle fight progressed till Ranma pushed up and rolled over on top
of her, about to kiss her ... and knocked a bucket of cool water over the
pair of them. Ranma found his lips pressed softly against Akane-otoko's ...
Akane felt so ... strange underneath him. Her lips were somehow different.
He felt a slight, primal fear welling up inside him. Struggling, he managed
to repress the urge to leap away - this was the woman he loved! He had to
remember that... Closing his eyes, he ever so gingerly started to kiss him.

Akane couldn't help but feel a shudder run through Ranma's body. She felt a
slight stab of pain at her heart ... Was he repulsed? She guessed she could
understand if he was ... but couldn't he at least try? She felt tears
starting to form in her eyes ... then she noticed his tentative kiss ...

They started to explore their 'first' kiss. They had experimented a little
in Hawaii when Ranma had been a girl .... but this was somehow different.
Akane could feel the sensations from a totally different perspective. She
could only thrill to the feeling of the way this kiss was effecting her new
form. Although not totally different ... it was still ... different. She
gave up trying to understand, and lightly stroked his hands over Ranma's
bare back.

In Akane's arms, Ranma could feel what it was like to be held and kissed
by a man. The arms around him were strong ... and the body under him was
firmly muscled - the soft roundness he was used to was no-where to be
found. But the lips were soft and inviting ..... tempting. But being held in
this embrace made him feel uneasy and tense. It just felt ... wrong? No.
Something else ... But he finished the kiss, and slowly pulled back, watching
Akane's male face, and his expressive eyes.

Akane continued to lay there, looking up at him. "Ranma..."


Akane's brow wrinkled a little as she gathered her thoughts, "C...could
you help me with this?" She gestured to himself, "I don't really know
anything about it ... and..."

Ranma gently placed a fingertip to Akane's lips, and nodded, "Yeah, like how
I felt when I was a girl for the first few months. You're my wife, so of
course I'll help you." He smiled.

Sitting up, Akane gave a little smile, "Thank you, Ranma ... I... I'm glad
that you don't hate my curse."

Reaching out, Ranma ruffled Akane's hair, "You're still my Akane, even if
you're even more of a tomboy than normal!"

Winking, Ranma dodged Akane's punch, and continued running out of the room,
with Akane hot on his heels.

[Living Room]

Souun looked over at Genma as Ranma ran passed, chased by Akane. "It seems
some things won't ever change, eh Saotome-kun?"

Genma nodded, "It seems that way, Tendou-kun."

[That Evening]

Ranma sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Akane. She was still in male
form, and had been all day. The water pipe had broken, yet again, and there
was no hot water to change Akane back. Looking over Akane's tall, defined
frame, Ranma couldn't help but wonder how he'd go sleeping next to otoko-

Akane sat down nervously next to Ranma, fidgeting with the boxers she was
wearing. She just didn't know how tonight would go ... and there were
strange feelings that were rather strong assailing her. She guessed that
it was because of this body, but ... being so close to Ranma seemed to
bring the feelings on. It was ... a sensation that she had felt in the
bathroom, but it was stronger... and growing. She could feel her groin
start to heat... She felt a blush spreading over her cheeks and quickly
sat down next to her husband.

Blinking, Ranma looked at him, "Akane...?"

Used to the nightly love making since Ranma had forgiven himself, Akane
somehow couldn't control the feelings in this body. She could definitely feel
her manhood start to harden, and she ... wanted Ranma, badly. There was so
much confusion over what she wanted - she needed him in her ... and she
had the feeling for something different ... she wanted to be in Ranma. She
only wished she knew what to do. Akane squirmed a little as the feelings
grew stronger, "Ranma... I ... I'm hard." The blush grew even deeper.

This time a blush over Ranma's face matched Akane's. This, Ranma didn't know
if he could handle. A kiss was one thing ... but? Ranma was a guy. He was
a macho guy. He was no girl any more, and his curse was gone to prove it.

But this was Akane.

He knew exactly how the overwhelming urge felt. Although he'd had so much
time to learn to control himself, and he'd even learned how to give Akane
as much pleasure as he could before letting himself succumb to his own.

But he wasn't ready to ... he looked at Akane-otoko. No, he couldn't say
that he was turned on at the moment. It just weirded him out too much....
But Akane needed his help. And he could never refuse her ... and he was the
one who did this to her.

"Akane, if you undress, I'll help you." He tried not to stammer, but his
voice was a little shaky, "I love you ... Akane-chan..." He finished on
a whisper, and stared into his eyes.

Sliding a hand up to Ranma's cheek, Akane softly whispered, "Are you sure,
Ranma...? I mean-"

Akane was cut off by Ranma placing a finger over her masculine lips.

He ever so gently removed his finger and pressed his lips to Akane's ...
This time as they kissed, Akane didn't feel a shudder. Just a very soft and
tentative kiss. Letting Ranma lead, at his own pace, Akane struggled to
control an urge to pull his husband down on top of him and something.
But she had to let Ranma lead ...

As they kissed, Ranma slowly built up his courage. The kiss was just like
any other. He parted his lips just a little, feeling Akane match his
kiss ... he flicked his tongue between his lips, and felt his tongue
start to lightly play over his own. Their tongues danced around their
mouths and Ranma felt Akane-otoko's strong arms slide around him. He was
starting to enjoy the kiss, and he lightly lowered Akane to the bed. They
continued kissing ... Their chests pressing against each other's, hip to
hip ... Ranma could feel Akane's hardness pressing against his hip. He
almost pulled back, but he couldn't give up his love for Akane, however she
looked or felt. Even if she was permanently a man, she was his woman. He
finally decided and his courage grew strong with his love. This was Akane.
He loved this person he was holding ... and the body wouldn't scare him away.

Breaking the kiss, Ranma moved back and slowly slipped his hands on the
waistband of Akane's boxers ... and slid them off his legs. He paused to look
up at his lover's face, and saw the passion and love in his eyes. Without
wavering, Ranma gently reached out and grasped hold of Akane's shaft. It was
hot in his hand ... the only thing from stopping him letting go was the look
of pleasure that showed over Akane's face.

As Ranma started to stroke, Akane's low, masculine moans escaped his lips...
He felt him start to slowly rock his hips as Ranma's hands slid up and down
his erection. As his lover rocked on the bed, pleasure showing on his face,
Ranma continued to run his hand up and down in a slow, steady motion. He
found that he knew what to do to give him a heightened pleasure, because
Ranma knew the male body as well as he knew his ex-female body. Each time
his hand slid up, he made sure to rub right up to the rim of Akane's shaft.

Akane just rocked his hips to Ranma's hand motion, revelling in the strange
new feelings that spread through him. It was so different, yet so similar,
to how she felt as a woman ... But it was so powerful that she knew that
there was no chance of holding back.

Looking at Akane's face, Ranma knew that his love couldn't hold on. It had
only been a minute or two, but ... A sudden curiosity overwhelmed him. He
knew that Akane was going to come, and ... he wanted to know how his lover
tasted in this form. He knew Akane's female flavour, a slightly tangy taste.
But how would _he_ taste? Without thinking about it, Ranma lowered his head
and took the head of Akane's manhood in his mouth, and started to suck.

Akane's eyes flew open at the feeling of warmth and wetness around the tip
of his shaft... and totally lost control. He started to have his first male
orgasm, and the sensation of the sudden release seemed to explode around
his groin... with the sudden pleasure, he cried out.

Ranma's mouth was suddenly filled with a salty explosion as Akane came. At
first he almost gagged at the taste, but closed his eyes and swallowed. As
soon as Akane had finished, Ranma pulled his head up, letting go of Akane's
limp manhood. The aftertaste lingered in his mouth, but he just watched his
lover laying back on the bed.

Tired out, Akane gazed at Ranma through half closed eyes. He just wanted to
fall asleep. He was breathing heavily, and felt like he could hardly move.
But he gave a smile to Ranma, his mouth shaping the words, 'I love you'.

Ranma undressed to his boxers, and slipped into the bed next to Akane. "And
I love you..." Despite all that had happened, Akane still wanted to be
snuggled in Ranma's arms. Although it felt strange, Ranma held Akane's naked,
masculine body against his, his lover's head resting on his shoulder. He
looked at the sleepy Akane drift off ... and wondered how on earth she could
ever swallow his come when it tasted that icky!

[Next Morning]

Ranma gently woke up the sleeping Akane. He smiled, "Come on, the water
pipe's already fixed. You've been sleeping half the morning!"

Sitting up and stretching, Akane stumbled out of bed. Taking the boxers from
Ranma, Akane slipped them on and took the pile of female clothing that he
handed her. They made their way down to the bathroom, Akane still too sleepy
to greet the others.

As they passed, Nabiki raised an eyebrow. She just hoped that Nodoka didn't
find Ranma's ... love ... of Akane's new body too 'unmanly'. But Nodoka
seemed blissfully unaware of what had happened last night. Nabiki decided
that she wouldn't be the one to tell her.

Genma, while Souun watched Ranma and Akane-otoko walk past, span the shougi
board around.

[Outside, mid-afternoon]

Ranma and Akane sat on the floor and watched the koi in the pond. The fish
swam serenely in the water, undisturbed by someone falling in the water.
They just watched, both trying to figure out their feelings about the night

Their thoughts were interrupted by a sudden blur of a small shape jumping at
them. Water came sailing through the air and splashed all over Ranma. The
small shape glomped onto Ranma's chest and started to fondle.

Ranma just looked down at Happousai. "Having fun, jiji?"

The small figure looked up at Ranma with large eyes, "Pretty gir--" and
gagged. "What have you done with Ranma-chan?!?"

Smirking, Ranma plucked Happousai from his wet chest, and held him by his
collar. "She's gone and isn't ever coming back, jiji. So... STAY AWAY!"

With that, he kicked Happousai into orbit.

Akane turned to watch Happi's flight. "One point to Ranma."

[Nekohanten, Nerima]

Shampoo took a dish and threw it at Mousse. "You idiot, Mousse! You didn't
bother to tell me that that tomboy Akane fell into Nanniichuan till now?!
And that Ranma got cured?!" She had gotten used to insulting Mousse in
Japanese, but this was a special occasion. She wanted him to know _exactly_
how she felt. "Argh! Mousse, you moron!" She threw another dish at him,
which he dodged, and the plate smashed apart against the wall, yet again.

"But, Shampoo! I didn't think about it!" Mousse pleaded in Chinese, dodging
each flying piece of crockery.

They sounds of Chinese yelling and smashing dishes had driven out the last
lot of customers, and scared any new ones from coming in. Cologne was rather
upset by this. She pogoed into the kitchen and glared at the two.

"Can't you two just wait till after closing time to fight?" she demanded.

Shampoo put down the knife she was about to throw and turned to her great
grandmother. "Hiibaa-chan! Mousse didn't tell me that Ranma is now a man and
Akane turns into a boy till now!"

Cologne raised an eyebrow, "On their trip to China, you mean? Yes, I heard
about that."

The purple-headed Chinese amazon stared at her great grandmother, "You know,

Mousse took this opportunity to slip out, escaping more of Shampoo's wrath
that would inevitably follow.

Cologne nodded her head, "And I've been thinking about a plan. You still
want Ranma for your husband?" She had given up calling Ranma 'muko-dono'
after the second wedding - the one that had actually gone right for Akane
and Ranma. But unfortunately they couldn't go back to China. With the lack
of honour over Shampoo's failure to catch her husband, the elders of the
village wouldn't let them return. And neither would their pride. So they
stayed in Japan...

Shampoo nodded quickly, her purple hair bouncing.

"Well, then... maybe 'muko-dono's' love for his 'bride' will not be so
after we turn her into a man, permanently...?"

"How do we do that, Hiibaa-chan?"

Cologne smiled and started outlining her plan to Shampoo....

[Tendou Doujou, evening]

Akane, in her male form, was sparring with Ranma. In this body, although she
was stronger, she was definitely slower... but there was a whole wealth of
power available to her that she'd only ever felt once before - while she was
wearing the dougi.

Ranma threw a punch towards Akane's chest, who tried to dodge ... but the
punch connected with his chest. Ranma pulled the punch, and stopped.

"You really need to work on your martial arts in this form. It's nothing
like normal, is it?"

Akane felt rather frustrated - she'd learned to be able to dodge all of
Ranma's punches and kicks ... but this male body was slower - and shaped
differently. Taller, for one thing, and wider. There was so much more area
to hit, and when she thought that she'd escaped a blow - as she would have
if she'd been female, she felt a soft connection punch or kick. "How did
you ever learn with that girl body of yours?" Akane blew out her breath in

Grinning, Ranma lightly punched her arm, "You get used to it, the more you
practise. So, now who's the one who needs to work out more?"

Akane growled and swung at Ranma ... and felt a poke in her back. The male
Akane blinked and turned around.

"Shampoo, what do you want?" Akane wasn't in the mood for dealing with the
Amazon. She didn't believe that the girl would ever truly give up on Ranma.

Shampoo smirked, "Well, boy-type Akane is no good wife. Shampoo can tell!
Ugly boy-type Akane should give up on Ranma and give to Shampoo!"

Frowning, Ranma stepped forwards, "Leave her alone, Shampoo. What do you
want, anyway?" He placed a hand on Akane's shoulder, preventing her from
attacking Shampoo.

A look of innocence crossed Shampoo's face, "Okay, Shampoo leave _him_ alone.
Besides, Shampoo just come to give Ranma ramen for dinner." She held out a
delivery box, and opened it. Giving the bowl of steaming hot ramen, the
Amazon smiled, "Remember, Shampoo make better wife than boy Akane. She still
cook better, too!"

Before Akane could let out another growl of anger, the Amazon had bounced
off, out of the room.

Ranma shook his head and started slurping down the ramen, "Don't worry.
She's just trying to annoy you, Akane."

Akane turned to watch Ranma eating the Amazon's cooking. He glared at her
husband, "Ranma, you ... you're eating her cooking, you BAKA!!" This time,
Akane's male body worked for her. She booted Ranma, up through the roof of
the doujou into orbit.

Flying into the night sky, Ranma could only yell, "Kawaikuneeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

[Tendou Kitchen]

Ranma, finally returning home, walked to the kitchen. "Yo, Kasumi. You seen

Kasumi took the kettle off the stove and smiled, "I'm just bringing this to
her, Ranma-kun."

He followed Kasumi out to the living room, where the male Akane was watching
TV. Smiling, Kasumi handed the kettle to Akane, "Here, Akane-chan."

Akane's face brightened and he took the kettle. "Thanks, oneechan!" He
poured the contents of the kettle over himself ... and didn't change. There
wasn't even steam rising from Akane's body.

"Kasumi, didn't you just boil the water?" Ranma blinked.

"Maa... I guess it wasn't hot enough." Kasumi smiled apologetically.

Akane scratched his head and shrugged, "Well, let's go boil some more water,
okay?" The three made their way back to the kitchen, and waited for Kasumi
to boil another kettle of water.

Yet again the water was poured on Akane, and yet again he didn't change back
to a female.

Akane looked at Ranma, fright clearly shown in her eyes, "R...ranma?"

Ranma didn't know what was happening, either. The water on Akane was still
cool, yet it had been poured on hot. "Akane ... I... just don't know." He
looked to Kasumi.

She seemed the least concerned of the three. With a slightly wrinkled brow,
she said, "Well ... Remember when Ranma-kun caught the fever from o-jiji,
and he couldn't turn into a girl? Maybe you caught a cold from o-jiji, when
he was here in the morning."

Akane, a worried look still etched on his features, looked at his elder
sister, "But I don't feel sick ...."

Taking Akane's hand, Ranma said, "Thanks, Kasumi. We'd better go talk to
Toufuu-sensei ..." Kasumi's logic seemed to make sense to him, even if the
old man hadn't touched Akane. But it was the only thing that Ranma's mind
could deal with - a cold that turned hot water cool when it touched Akane's
skin. That HAD to be it.

With that, he ran off, dragging Akane behind them.

Kasumi watched them go, "I hope I'm right," she whispered to herself.

[Dr. Toufuu's Clinic]

The doctor examined Akane, poking various tsubo and reading his ki levels.
He frowned a little and examined one of his many books, leaving Ranma and
Akane to exchange worried glances.

Finally Toufuu put down the book and went up to the two men. "Akane, you
don't have a cold, or any sickness that I can find. But somehow, your body
is now changed - instead of sweating, you are now producing a cooling agent
from your skin. And an unfortunate side effect is that any liquid you touch
will automatically cool down to help with the cooling process. The only
tsubo that I've heard about creating such an effect is the Kourimizu Tsubo.
It helped the ice-shavers in Okinawa to make the best snow cones in all of

Ranma blinked, "Kourimizu?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes. But only a very few people outside of Okinawa have
learned that technique, let alone used it on anyone else." He turned Akane
around, and pressed the tsubo.

Frowning, Akane looked at the ground, "Maybe Cologne knows it ... Shampoo
did touch me there, when she came ..."

Growling, Ranma clenched his fist, "I'm going to beat that living mummy to
death if she taught Shampoo that technique!"

The doctor looked a little saddened, "The only known cure is the Kamizu
Tsubo - the fire water point. And only one of my books speaks about it, but
says that it is too dangerous a technique to show in the book. But my book
doesn't mention any school that teach such a technique."

Looking at the ground, Akane sighed, "I think it would have been then ...
Cologne still wants Ranma to marry that bimbo, and _this_ is how they're
going to go about it! With me as a man ... she was right. I'm no good for a

Ranma glared in the direction of the Nekohanten, "There's no _way_ that I'm
going to let them get away with this!" He spun around to face Akane, "I love
you, Akane, and there's no way that I'll give you up, even if you have to be
a man for the rest of your life!"

Akane looked up at Ranma, "H...hontou ni?"

Ranma placed an arm around Akane's shoulder and looked into his eyes,
"Really." He leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss on Akane's lips, "And
they're not going to get away with this."

Toufuu smiled to himself. They always did make a good couple, even a yaoi
one. Their love didn't see the bodies, just the person they loved. Although
he had been ready to help them with any problems they may have encountered
with Ranma as a female, he didn't have any warning of Akane being a male.
But he knew some things from his traditional medical training. After all,
he had learned from his grandfather, who had been a doctor to the samurai,
who had been trained by his father, who learned his techniques before the
westerners had come to Japan. He had learned a little about masculine love,
and how to treat and problems arising from it. After all the samurai thought
that yaoi love was better than heterosexual love - only a man could truly
love another man so much that he'd die for him.

The doctor said, "Before you go, and before I start the research for a cure,
I'd better tell you that it may take many months to get Akane back to her
normal self. So I'd better tell you a few things..."


The old woman smiled at the younger one, and spoke in Chinese, "Good, now it
won't be too long before muko-dono is ready to take you as his bride,
Shampoo. Are you sure that it worked?"

Shampoo nodded, "I stayed around to see if she would try some hot water, and
finally she did - but she stayed male."

"Good girl. Soon you will take your husband back to China, and you can be a
proud warrior again!" Cologne smiled. Shampoo started chatting happily about
being a bride.

Mousse skulked in the hallway, eves dropping on their conversation. There
was no way he'd let Ranma dump Akane and take off to China with Shampoo. He
was going to do all he could to keep that couple safely married - even if he
had to use magic to do it. He slipped into the store room, and picked out an
incense steamer, with some of Cologne's trance-inducing incense powder. With
a smirk, he headed towards the Tendou-ke.

[Ranma and Akane's Room, Night]

Mousse silently opened the bedroom window, and slipped in. The couple were
asleep, covered by the sheets. The bishounen Akane slept with his head on
Ranma's shoulder, and Ranma's arms were around him. Mousse was somewhat
surprised at this, but if it made his job that much easier ...

He placed the incense steamer next to the bed, and poured a little of the
magical incense into it. Lighting it, he placed the lid on top, and let the
heady fragrance fill the room. He knelt down and started whispering into
Ranma's ear.

"You will never leave Akane, no matter what. If she is to be a man, so be
it. You will give her manly love for the rest of your life. If she is to be
female, then love her as you please. There is nothing wrong with your love
for Akane. There is nothing wrong with manly love. Enjoy it, Ranma. But
never, ever leave Akane for Shampoo, or else I will have to kill you. Be a
man and love your Saotome Akane, forever."

Hopefully that would fix Shampoo's little plan. Now, for Akane...

"You will never find your love for Saotome Ranma wrong, even if you have to
have such a manly love. Love your Ranma forever, and never let him leave
you. Stay true to your love."

He stood up, took the incense steamer. It had finished, and he had done all
he could do without resorting to violence to stop Shampoo's plan. He left
the room, shutting the window behind him, and leapt to the ground... He had
better replace the items before Cologne found them missing ...

[The Next Morning]

The morning found the Saotome couple refreshed. All their problems really
didn't seem so bad any more. Akane wondered if Toufuu-sensei's talk had
something to do with it. Ranma just shrugged it off, and smiled.

"You know, I think today's going to be a good day."

Akane wrapped his arms around Ranma's waist and kissed his ear, "Mm. I have
the same feeling."


Nodoka looked over at her son and his male wife. She felt rather strange
about the whole thing... He didn't _seem_ to be acting manly by his being
so snuggly with the male Akane. Yet... didn't she forget about Ranma's
female body, and accept it because Ranma acted so masculine all the time?
She would have to watch Akane to be sure ... but if she acted manly, then
her son would be in trouble.


"Yeah, ofukuro?" Ranma asked, between shovelling rice into his mouth.

"You should realise that it is not very manly to be so close to another man,
like that." Nodoka frowned slightly, and ran a hand meaningfully over her
always-ready katana.

"But... I'm really a girl!" Akane protested, even if he didn't look or sound
like one.

Ranma just froze, and looked like a deer stuck in the head-lights of an
oncoming semitrailer.

"But this is not very manly. I think I will have to teach my son a lesson."

The rest of the family stared over at Nodoka, who had picked up her katana.
She stood up, and drew her sword ...

...and pointed it to the sky, "Come son, I'll take you to a hot spring where
you can be manly and peek at girls in their bath!" She smiled brightly down
at her son.

The whole family facefaulted.

[Afternoon, Ucchan's]

Ukyou finished serving her last customer, and sat down, leaving Konatsu to
finish off the work. The day had been pretty boring, especially since Ranma
had gone off and gotten married. She knew that it had been coming, but she
just didn't like the idea. She had gone psychotic the last time they tried
to marry, and had almost blown Akane up. This time Nabiki decided that it
wasn't worth the money to invite her or Shampoo, let alone the Kunous. All
the money that Nabiki had made went straight into fixing the doujou.

Ukyou had been pretty angry when she found that Ranma and Akane had married
without her knowledge, but hadn't managed to find them before they left for
their honeymoon. At least that had given her time to cool off. But she had
heard that they were back, though, understandably, they hadn't visited her
restaurant. She'd even heard that Ranma was fully cured... and that Akane was
the half-man now. She idly wondered if that would be enough of a wedge to
drive them apart ... But she let that thought drop. She didn't really want a
repeat of Ranma's anger, after she tried that exploding okonomiyaki stunt.
She'd let Shampoo try something, and beat her to snagging Ranma.

Smiling, Ukyou relaxed. She'd get Ran-chan for herself, one day... She'd
waited ten years for revenge. Waiting ten years to get him as a husband
since Akane's little 'problem' started wouldn't be so bad. Hopefully it'd be
sooner than that, though. Then she had an idea.

"Ne, Konatsu?"

"Hai, Ukyou-sama?" The pretty male kunoichi walked over to Ukyou - his boss
and the woman he loved.

"I need you to watch Ran-chan and Akane tonight. Do some of that ninja
spying for me. I need to see how Ran-chan and Akane get along, now that
Akane is male. Oh, and find out all you can about Akane's curse. If the
rumours are right, she can't turn back into a girl..."

Konatsu blinked and then bowed, "Hai, Ukyou-sama. I'll do whatever you say."


Mousse finished wiping down the tables, and took off his glasses to polish
them. "So, Shampoo. What do you expect all of this to achieve, what you are
doing to Saotome Akane?" he asked a pot-plant in Chinese.

A tray hit the back of his head, "Shampoo here, stupid Mousse." She enjoyed
tormenting him in Japanese while there were people in the restaurant.

Mousse put on his glasses and sighed, seeing the plant. He turned around to
face Shampoo. "Like I said, what do you expect all that to achieve?" This
time he asked in Japanese.

"Mousse so dumb! Shampoo get Ranma for husband if all goes well. Only very
_stupid_ Mousse no figure that one out!"

She didn't really care if the whole world found out that it was her who made
Akane stay a boy. She was rather proud of that achievement, anyway. At least
Cologne wasn't here to shut her up.

A lone girl in the corner of the restaurant, her hair pulled back into a pony
tail, listened. The other patrons tried to ignore the conversation as much
as possible. They didn't want to give this information to Ranma - he'd go
crazy! But the girl continued to listen.

"You think that Ranma will divorce his wife and marry you?"

Shampoo flicked her hair back, "Of course! Mousse very stupid. Hiibaa-chan
told Shampoo that this would work. Ranma leave dumb tomboy boy-type Akane
and come with Shampoo to China. Nothing stop this from working, Hiibaa-chan
say! Also, Shampoo watch tonight to see how plan is working."

Mousse hid a smirk. Normally he would have been begging at her feet to not
go to Ranma, and trying to murder Ranma for this whole problem. But all the
years trying to win Shampoo had finally started to get to him. Although he
still loved Shampoo, she couldn't turn his brains to mush, like she had done
for so long ... He'd learned that Shampoo enjoyed tormenting him, that he
was just a play thing to her. But he'd finally taken some initiative of his
own, and had started trying to separate himself from Shampoo. It had been
working, with some success. He could think things through when Shampoo was
concerned. And he was getting sick of being her doormat. He had vowed to
himself never to be her doormat again. That's why he dodged her hits these
days. That's why he would do all he could to throw a wrench into Shampoo's
plans. This time it would be _him_ winning and not her.

Putting on a meek expression, Mousse turned away and wandered into the
kitchen, letting Shampoo feel whatever happiness she felt while driving him
insane. The only difference being that these days he only let her think that
she had won. No one would know that it was him who foiled her plot. Now all
he had to do was make sure that Ranma and Akane were putting into practise
what he put in their subconscious last night...

The girl stood up, leaving money on the table, and snuck out of the

[That Evening]

Mousse closed the window to Ranma and Akane's bedroom. He had left a small
incense steamer under their bed, and had filled it with one of the more
romantic scents. It wasn't particularly noticeable, or particularly magical,
but it was all he could find to make this work. He knew that Shampoo would
come soon, after her shift finished, so he quickly made his way back to the
Nekohanten. All he could do now was to hope that it put the Saotome couple
'in the mood'.

Konatsu hid on the roof, watching Mousse leave. He wondered if he should do
anything about the incense that Mousse put in the room, but Ukyou-sama had
said to watch. He leapt across to the roof opposite the Tendou-ke, bouncing
over the Tendou's wall to get there. He got out a pair of binoculars, and
could clearly see into Ranma and Akane's bedroom ... If they closed the
curtains, he'd have to rethink his plan. But for now, he'd just wait ....
He knew that Shampoo would be coming soon ... after all, they didn't take
any notice of him in the Nekohanten while Shampoo was mouthing off... So he
would hide from her. Then he'd take the information to Ukyou-sama. She'd
know what to do! He settled down to watch, hugging his ragged ninja clothes
tighter to him, in the cool evening air.

[A little later]

Shampoo sneaked her way to the wall of the Tendou-ke. She didn't really have
a good hiding place, but the roof above Ranma and Akane's bedroom would let
her look in and see how things were going. The noise of sparring from the
doujou died down, and Shampoo quickly scurried over the wall and climbed up
to her 'hiding place' on the roof. Now she was set to see Ranma scorn Akane
for being a man. Shampoo grinned to herself, knowing that Ranma would be her
husband very soon...

[Ranma and Akane's Room]

Closing the bedroom door, Ranma moved over to the side of the bed. Akane was
slipping out of his gi. There was a strange fragrance in the room, but Ranma
was too busy undressing himself to ask. He'd ask Akane in a bit... maybe she
had a new perfume or something ...

Akane was about to ask Ranma about the scent, when he looked over at him.
Ranma was dressed only in his black pants, his top discarded on the floor.
The work out had made Ranma sweat, and the beads of water caught in the
light, just so. Akane's heart gave an involuntary leap, and he felt himself
being filled with that strange, powerful passion again. He was so handsome...
Akane watched him step out of his pants... And blushed as Ranma looked over
in his direction, catching him staring at his body.

Ranma blushed a little at the gaze, and he could almost feel the passion in
Akane's look. But the strange thing was that it felt good. And... He looked
at Akane's almost-naked body, as he sat on the bed. His dark hair framed his
face, a few strands wet, sticking to his delicately masculine features. His
shoulders weren't too broad, but his chest was well defined... Ranma felt an
urge to stroke her muscles, and to feel how Akane's sweaty skin felt up
against his. He was very sexy, Ranma thought ... and he could feel himself
starting to get turned on by Akane.

Akane stood up. He was tall, almost Ranma's height. He bit his lower lip,
and stepped forwards. Ranma moved towards him, and they embraced... Their
lips met, in a rather passionate kiss. Holding onto each other, the two men
shared their love in that simple, sensual kiss. Deepening the kiss, their
hands started to roam and explore the other's bodies. Ranma's hands slid up
and down Akane-otoko's back and sides... Akane's hands stroked Ranma's back,
working up and down his back muscles. Their chests pressed together, their
hips meeting... Only their boxer shorts separating them.

Ranma could feel his love's shaft pressing through the material, against his
hip... and his own erection pressed into him. Ranma didn't really stop to
ponder his situation ... all he knew was that he was in love, and that he'd
do anything to make his beloved happy. He wanted Akane ... and it felt so
_right_. He wanted to not only express his love, but to express his need for
his love...

And Akane couldn't help but want Ranma. This was who she fell in love with,
even with the female half missing. She couldn't very well explore that part
of their relationship any more ... but she very much wanted to be able to
love him as she was.

Their passionate kiss grew deeper, into a series of long, deep kisses... and
their mouths started kissing over each other's faces and neck, each set of
lips touching the other man's skin, their arms holding the other tightly...
exploring and kissing. But all too soon, Akane couldn't continue the fore
play any more. As a woman, she could have done that for hours... But this
new body .... His hands slid down to Ranma's boxers, and pushed them down.
Without resistance, Ranma stepped out of his last article of clothing, and
helped Akane from his ...

The two looked into each other's faces for a moment ... Then started kissing
and fondling each other again. Akane's hips started to gently rub against
Ranma's, the rubbing sensation of her shaft against Ranma's skin felt so
good. And Ranma enjoyed the sensation, too ... Their bodies were so close,
Ranma's hot ... Akane's warm. Only Akane's manhood was as hot as Ranma's

Ranma lightly pressed Akane back to the bed. He carefully lowered the male
Akane to the bed, and blushed a little. "Wait... Toufuu-sensei said..."
He went over and drew out the packet of lubricated condoms that the doctor
had given them. Kneeling before Akane-otoko, Ranma opened one of the little
packets, and took one out.

His lips pressed a kiss to the tip of Akane's shaft, then blushed, "Do you
want to go behind, or...?" He was fumbling and embarassed, but he still
wanted Akane badly.

" can ..." Akane trailed off, and rolled onto his side, looking at the
wall. He just wanted to feel Ranma touching him, and didn't really care how.
But ... Ranma was more used to penetration, and she still thought of herself
as a woman. She wanted Ranma inside her body, whatever she looked like.

Ranma carefully rolled the condom over his manhood, and blushed a little
more. This was as nerve wracking as the first time they had made love. He
gently moved up behind Akane, laying down on the bed, spooning him. He
slid an arm around him, and started to gently stroke Akane-otoko's stomach.

Akane shivered and closed his eyes, a soft moan escaping his lips. He
reached up and gently took Ranma's hand, and led it to his manhood. As
Ranma started to stroke his asoko, Akane started to rock his hips to the

Loving to hear happiness from the one he loved, Ranma pressed closer, his
body pressing up tightly against Akane's strong back. Ranma's manhood
rested between Akane's cheeks. "Relax, Akane..." he whispered. He hoped
that he could make Akane feel good... and he wished no pain on him. He
lightly started to kiss the back of Akane's broad shoulders, and his
neck. Akane's hair was still glossy and smelled of Akane's feminine
shampoo. He continued to stroke Akane's length...

The pleasure grew stronger for Akane, and he knew that he still wasn't
ready to control these feelings. But he held tightly onto them, wanting
to make sure that Ranma had some enjoyment from this. With a slight nod of
his head, Akane whispered, "Hai.... Just be gentle..." He relaxed his body
as much as possible for Ranma's entrance...

With a little hesitancy, Ranma finaly positioned himself to press inside
Akane's body. Slowly, he pushed... and he could feel the tightness around
the tip of his asoko, he could feel it slowly expanding to give way for
his shaft... He heard Akane grunt, and stopped. He started to concentrate
on stroking Akane, so that any pain would be washed away with the pleasure.
Whispering over and over, "I love you..." Ranma continued to gently work
his way into Akane's masculine body...

The feeling was so ... it was just so ... Akane didn't know what to think.
There was pain, but she could feel Ranma filling his body. A little like
the pain she had experienced during her first time with Ranma. And then
there was Ranma's hand work. A groan of pleasure with each stroke of
Ranma's hand made him forget the pain... But he could feel Ranma slowly
inching himself into his body...

Finally, Ranma was fully inside Akane. He stopped, and lightly kissed the
back of Akane's neck. It was so strange to not taste the sweat on her
skin. But Ranma continued his kisses, and started to gently rock his
hips against Akane's motions, and started to feel pleasure flood through
him as the tightness rubbed against him.

They continued to move together, Ranma never letting himself go completely,
for fear of hurting Akane. Akane, on the other hand, had to control himself
as much as possible, so that the experience wasn't over so suddenly.

The couple made masculine love to each other, not expertly or with much
flair, but they had love to make up for that. They rocked together until
Akane just couldn't hold on. He groaned out, "I... I'm going to come..."
in a deep, panting voice.

Ranma groaned a little, and pushed towards Akane ... and just let himself
go, "Come, Akane..." he managed to gasp, and then let the orgasm that he
was holding back take him. As he came, he felt Akane's body shuddering,
and a steady splurt of come issued from his manhood, as Ranma stroked once
more ... They came together, then both collapsed, tired out.

Slowly Ranma pulled out, and removed the full condom. He threw it in the
bin, and then curled back up against Akane. Akane blushed somewhat, and
turned away from the wet wall, and buried her head against Ranma's
shoulder. Ranma held him tightly as he began to softly cry from all the
new experiences and feelings assaulting him.

Toufuu-sensei was right. This was only something that you could do with
someone who you trust implicitly.

Ranma gently stroked Akane's hair, and whispered soothing words to his
love, cradling him against his body. He wished that he could tell him
all of the things in his heart, but words were so clumsy... He just kept
holding Akane, and comforting her, till her tears stopped.

Akane looked up at Ranma with tear-streaked eyes, but a soft smile graced
his lips. He looked so sleepy, but before he could sleep, Akane needed to
do two things. He lightly kissed Ranma's lips, and whispered, "I... I love
you, and... you're the only one I'd have ever trusted to make love like
that with..."

He blushed, and Ranma felt a warmth spreading through his body from his
heart. Akane was such a precious person. He held Akane tightly and stroked
his hair. "Oh, Akane..." was all he could say, his voice thick with

Akane rested his head against his shoulder, and felt Ranma's arms around
him. He felt safe in Ranma's arms... and a little euphoric from the love
making. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep.

Ranma fell asleep, with him, his arms holding Akane protectively and ever
so sweetly...

The moon shone in through the window, illuminating the couple.


Konatsu blushed and put down his binoculars. With a cute giggle, he pulled
out a shoujo manga, and started to read his favourite yaoi story.

Shampoo, on the other hand, was so flabbergasted that all she could do was
whimper, "He's not going to be mine..." over and over, her eyes still glued
to the room. The moon shining through the window onto the sleeping men, who
lay naked in each other's arms.


Mousse waited at one of the tables, ready to see what Shampoo's news would
be. Cologne waited, too. She seemed sure of herself, and sure that the plan
would work. Mousse just ignored her. He'd be here for Shampoo, if she came
home in tears.

[Outside the Tendou-ke]

Konatsu finally put away his manga, and looked around. Shampoo had gone, so
it was safe for him to leave. He idly wondered if this information would
help him get closer to Ukyou-sama. He just smiled a pretty smile, re-applied
his lipstick, and leapt over rooftops on the way to Ucchan's.

He wasn't noticed by Shampoo as he moved passed her - she still in shock as
she headed to the Nekohanten.

[The Next Morning]

Ukyou gave a little sigh and opened Ucchan's for the day. She gave a little
shrug and put out the sign. There wasn't much she could offer, if Ran-chan
loved Akane so much that he'd do _that_ with her ... Oh, well. Okonomiyaki
was better than Ran-chan, any day. She gave a little smile and stepped back
into the shop... dodging the damage she'd caused when she'd found out about
Ranma and Akane's little ... adventure.

Konatsu was waiting, wearing a pretty kimono and an apron bearing the word
'Ucchan'. Ukyou smiled - she had her restaurant (once she fixed it up again),
and her friend. She'd gotten along fine without Ran-chan since he married.
Now she had to put all of that behind her.

She looked out the door again, at the early morning sun. It was bright and
pretty. A new start? Yes. Out there was a man who was right for her,
somewhere. It wasn't Ran-chan. But, when he comes into her okonomiyaki-ya,
she'd know it. But right now, she'd concentrate on being an okonomiyaki
cook. She gave a bright smile to Konatsu, finally giving herself freedom
from her self-imposed loneliness and wish for Ran-chan. She looked again at
Konatsu. Maybe the man she needed was right beside her?

The door opened, and Konatsu smiled prettily at a male customer, who blushed
at the pretty 'girl' smiling at him.

Ukyou giggled to herself. But then again, maybe he wasn't.


Shampoo sat at the same table she'd been at all night. Cologne had left for
the night, giving up on trying to console her great grandchild. The old
woman hadn't counted on the fact that Ranma loved Akane _that_ much. She
wondered if she would ever get back to their village. After tonight, Cologne
doubted it. Cologne had to resign herself to the fact that they'd be running
the Nekohanten in Japan for the rest of their lives. She had to think about
their future ... she'd leave Mousse to look after Shampoo. At least that was
the one thing that she COULD count on Mousse for.

Mousse sat with Shampoo. As soon as the old woman had left, Shampoo had let
herself break down. She couldn't show weakness in front of her another
woman from her tribe, not even from her family. But Mousse was just an
insignificant male. It wouldn't matter.... So she let Mousse hold her as she
sobbed in Mousse's arms.

The Chinese man looked at the girl he was holding. It may take time, but
eventually Shampoo would get over her infatuation with Ranma. But however
much time it took, he'd be there for Shampoo. He held her a little closer to
him, and stroked her purple hair with his other hand. Mousse smiled. Yes,
she would be his ... and he would make her happy. He would make her smile,


Akari sat on the couch, waiting for Ryouga to come home. Already, she'd met
his mother and father. Ryouga's mother had stayed for two days, before going
shopping again... But during that time, Akari had made a good impression.
And Mrs. Hibiki was a rather nice woman. She'd only seen Ryouga's father
briefly. He'd entered as Ryouga's mum was leaving - they went to the shops
together. Ryouga's father looked remarkably like Ryouga, except that he was
wearing a business suit, and his hair was shorter. But before they left,
they asked Akari to look after their son. That made her happy.

She knew that Ryouga wouldn't be too far away. His dog was getting rather
playful and jumpy, knowing her master was in the area. Even his puppies
seemed to sense him, too. She smiled and opened the front door. Shirokuro
would bring Ryouga home, today. She was certain.

Shirokuro padded away, down the street. Akari's sumo pig, Katsu-nishiki,
looked after Shirokuro's puppies while she was away. Akari closed the door,
and sat down. Yes, she and Ryouga would be together soon. Akari smiled.

Ranma nibunnoichi - Ranma no Hentai!! ...? [Epilogue]

[Two Months Later]

Nabiki hung up the phone and walked over to Akane, who was sitting by Ranma,
both arm wrestling. Akane had gotten rather more tomboy-like than normal...
which was to be expected because of her masculine body. At least having this
body made it a much more even match ...

Nabiki rolled her eyes and tapped her foot. "As much as I've _loved_ having
a little brother, I think you'll be interested in the news."

This startled Akane long enough for Ranma to push her arm to the floor. "I
win!" A smug look crossed Ranma's face.

That look was wiped out due to Akane slamming his fist into Ranma's face,
"Be quiet, Ranma! What is it, Akane?"

"Toufuu-sensei has been studying, and he just came back from his trip to
India. He's finally found that pressure point to get you back to normal."

Ranma and Akane started at her, hardly daring to believe that what she said
was true.

"Well, thanks for all the acclamation, guys. You'd better get over to see
the doctor." She winked, "You can pay me later for the info. It won't cost
_too_ much, considering you're family and all." She slapped Akane on the
shoulder, "Get going, sis."

This brought Akane back into reality. He jumped up and grinned, pulling
Ranma up with him. "Ikimashou!!"

The couple ran off down the road to Toufuu-sensei's clinic.

[Dr. Toufuu's Clinic]

The doctor put away his suitcase just as Ranma and Akane ran into his room.
He turned around, a broad smile on his face, "Akane, it took a while, but I
finally learned the technique to negate the Kourimizu Tsubo."

Akane gripped Ranma's hand. He was excited, yet also apprehensive. What if
it didn't work? Although Akane didn't mind this body, too much ... she
really wished to be a woman again. She wanted to have children, and to be
a good wife, and to do all the things that a woman did with her husband.
And she wanted to have a _hot_ bath again. A really, REALLY hot bath.

Ranma squeezed Akane's hand gently. He hoped the best, for Akane's sake.

The doctor turned Akane around, and pressed a few different points on his
back and shoulders. He smiled, "How do you feel?"

He didn't want to worry them, but the special technique was so dangerous
because it caused the ki in the human body to heat up, and it was quite
possible to even focus it and throw fireballs, if one knew the proper
kata. But he was sure that the cooling effect of the tsubo would be
totally negated by the fire water point, and it would balance things out
to make Akane's ki normal again. But the only way to tell would be to see
if hot water was evaporated by Akane's adjusted ki... Although after a
quick check, she _seemed_ fine. He hoped things went well - the strange
school had forbidden him to discuss the special attributes gained by the
tsubo technique.

Akane shrugged, "Not much different, sensei. Though have you got any hot
water on you?" She was getting more and more apprehensive ... she almost
didn't want to have the water ... What if...? She stopped that thought
right there.

Toufuu-sensei nodded and picked up an already-heated kettle. He knew that
they'd be here as soon as they heard, so he had prepared.

He held out the kettle to Akane.

Akane bit his lip and stared at the kettle. He didn't move.

The doctor smiled gently and handed the kettle to Ranma, "You should do it,
Ranma." He knew that Akane was too nervous.

Ranma quivered just a little as he took the kettle in his hands... and he
opened it.

Steam was rising from the water in the kettle...

He splashed the water at Akane ...

...who shivered for a moment...

...then the change took hold of him.

He was now a she.

Ranma drew Akane into a tight hug, once again feeling the small, soft and
curvy woman against him. "Akane, it worked!"

Akane looked up at Ranma, her eyes wide, "S...sugoi! Oh, Ranma!" She hugged
him tightly, so overcome with happiness that she was crying. They held each
other for a long time, until Akane's tears stopped.

The doctor just stood back and watched, happy that he could help people this
much. Being a doctor was his life...

Finally, Ranma let Akane go. He turned and bowed to the doctor, and Akane
ran up and gave him an impulsive hug.

"Oh, sensei. Thank you so much!"

Ranma smiled, "Thanks, sensei - you've done so much for us ..."

Akane stepped back and smiled at her family doctor, "Is there anything that
we can do for you?"

The doctor shook his head and smiled, "It's alright, Akane. It was my

"Well, I think that you should come around tonight for a celebration," Akane
smiled, "It would be our pleasure if you could be there."

Toufuu scratched his chin, and smiled, "I'd be honoured."

Akane bowed, "Sensei, come over at seven tonight, okay?"

The doctor nodded, "Hai. Well, I should go clean up around here for a while,
and maybe have a rest. But I'll be there for sure. Maybe I'll even get to
see Kasumi for a little while." A silly smile crossed his face.

Akane giggled, and then took Ranma's hand, "See you soon, sensei!"

With that, the couple ran off home.

[In Nerima]

As they went, a light sun-shower sprinkled the couple.

Ranma held onto Akane-otoko's hand as they ran home in the rain.

Due to all that talk about 'gay Ranma 'fics' and stuff, I decided to try my
hand at a yaoi 'fic, a semi-serious one. (And since I got stuck in writing
my other 'fics, this will hopefully fill in a gap of no fics coming from me.)

The 'fics that I've read where Ranma goes after a guy have all had Ranma in
female form. Although they're gay 'fics, because Ranma is a guy, and was
raised as one, and thinks of himself as one (no matter what the body is, and
how long he's stuck in female form), it's just ... like the writers wimped
out on writing true male-male. So I decided to see if I could write a 'real'
male-male one, where the characters are both male in the love scenes.

I'm sure a lot of you who usually read my 'fics'll probably be totally
grossed out by this, but it wasn't made to gross people out ... more like to
see if I could write yaoi without blanching like the rest of the 'gay Ranma
'fics' seemed to have done.

And since I really know smeg all about homosexual stuff, the style is more
romanticised than what it probably is like. (But the, the same goes for all
the rest of my lemons, too!) So, don't laugh too hard if you know all about
that kind of thing - I just read shoujo manga.

Oh, well. I guess the tone is a little more realistic than my other 'fics,
too, with less humour. But that's what I meant by 'semi-serious'. And it's
got a plot in there, too ... although since this 'fic was written in two
days, it may be rather rough although I've tidied it up a bit since.

Ah, well ... off to post this and see if the reaction on raas is as good as
the reaction from the FFML readers.

And thanks to all the people who have commented and who've given me C&C on
this 'fic -

Ben Kosse, Kirpal Sukumar, Chris Willmore, Scott Jamison, Marc Wang,
Thomas R Jefferys, White Wolf, Sean Gaffney, Salomon Farin, Dave Eddy,
Jussi Nikander, J. D. Farber, Suds-kun, Chris Jones, Martin Bennett,
Ian Donaldson, Patrick Vera, Shuuichi Minamino, and anyone else I may
have missed.

Ja, mata!


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