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[Ranma][FanFic][Peach] The Right Man

9 مرّات مشاهدة
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة

Nicholas Stone

غير مقروءة،
27‏/08‏/2000، 3:00:00 ص27‏/8‏/2000
It's been a long time,
Okay, okay, I'm sure some of you are waiting for me to finish a few
other stories, but I took a break and wrote this little ditty after seeing
all of the 'Lemons' popping up here on the R.A.A.C.
Now, like I told the good folks over at ff...@fanfic.com, I'm not
into those sort of fics, but thought maybe I could write something along
those same lines but palatable. Thus the moniker 'Peach'.
Something fresh and light, not too tart, but has a certain zing if you
know what I mean. Anyway, I put this together and got some god replies
about it. Wanted to hold back until September when I would have a better
chance for best one-shot in the Ranma 1/2 Archives at www.tass.org/fanfic/,
but I feel it should be read by all now.
So without further adieu:

The Right Man


Nicholas Stone

Kasumi Tendo called Ranma's name loudly through the
Tendo Dojo, walking down the hall in search of him.
"Ranma", she called again, then let out a huff. "Where
could that boy be?"
Going to the Saotome's bedroom, Kasumi opened the door.
There lay Ranma, fast asleep on his futon snoring lightly
with each breath. Kasumi smirked.
"Wouldn't you know it? Sleeping of all things. Don't
men ever think about anything else but food and sleep?"
She knelt down, giving Ranma a rough shake. "Ranma,
wake up, please."
Ranma remained dead to the world, a light utterance of
Akane's name the only sign that he lived. Even though it
was cute to her, Kasumi desperately needed to wake her
fledgling brother-in-law. A harsher shake met with only the
same results.
Kasumi grit her teeth and then drew in a deep breath.
"RANMA!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.
A short start, Ranma's eyes fluttering open. "Huh?" he
muttered, blinking as he looked up.
"Good Morning."
Ranma sat up with a start. "Kasumi!"
"Settle down, Ranma. I need you."
In a flash, Ranma scampered back away from her.
She rolled her eyes. "Not like that, Ranma."
He relaxed, letting out a relieved sigh. "So, so what
can I do for you, Kasumi?"
Kasumi stood up beckoning him to follow her. They went
down the hall into the sauna where Kasumi pointed down at
the large family hot tub. It was empty and that was not
"It seems there is something wrong with the hot water,"
said Kasumi.
Ranma peered into the tub. He turned the valve, but
there came nothing but a light gurgle and quick hiss of
"Hmm? Have you called a plumber yet?"
"It's the weekend, Ranma. All the plumbers are off."
Ranma scratched the back of his head, sneering as he
stood back up. "Gee, I guess this means the public baths
until tomorrow."
"No!" Kasumi curtly replied, startling him. "Fix it."
"Wha--, ho--, who me?"
"Yes, you." Kasumi stepped out, returning with a tool
bag in her hands. "Now then," she continued, setting it
down at his feet with a loud clunk. "You go ahead and work
on this, and when you're done I'll have a nice big lunch all
ready for you. Okay?"
"But, but, Kasumi! I don't know the first thing about
pipes and, and, roto-rootering, and, and--."
"Hmm. I guess Akane will have to feed you after all."
A sharp pain struck Ranma's stomach. He grimaced,
panting hard.
"Oh, that was not fair, Kasumi!" he cried. "Don't do
this to me, please!"
"So you'll do it!" exclaimed Kasumi. She clasped her
hands joyously before her.
Ranma smirked. Snatching up the tool bag, he began
grumbling under his breath as he searched for the access
door that led up under the dojo.
"Thank you, Ranma. Oh, and could you try and be done
before One?"
Ranma's grumbles increased.

* * * * *

"Why are you dragging me into this, Ranma?" asked Ryoga
Hibiki, watching as Ranma pulled away the wooden door
leading up under the dojo.
"Because I'm going to need some help, that's why!"
answered Ranma.
He knelt down, shining a flashlight into the ensuing
darkness. Suddenly, Ryoga tapped him on the shoulder.
"Do you know what you're doing?" he asked.
"No!" snapped Ranma.
"Then why are you even attempting this, Ranma? Geesh,
you figure you could at least tell Kasumi you haven't the
slightest clue about pipes and plumbing."
"I tried, okay?"
Ranma panned the light around, inching his head into
the opening. Another tap on the shoulder startled him.
Ranma clutched his head, grimacing in pain.
"Ranma, if you told Kasumi, then why are you still
trying to do this?"
As the pain subsided, Ranma glared up at his erstwhile
friend holding back his anger with difficulty.
"Because she threatened me with bodily harm.
Stunned, Ryoga wondered what form of harm Kasumi could
even manage to do against anybody. For Ranma to be this
terrified, it had to be something. Meanwhile, Ranma was
peering back up under the dojo again trying to figure out
where they would have to go to find the pipes servicing the
hot tub.
"Ranma," called Ryoga again.
"What, what now, Ryoga! Can't you see we're on a time
Ryoga knelt down. "Even if you manage to find the
right pipe, and by some twist of good fortune you do figure
out what might be wrong, who's going to turn the water on
inside, eh?"
"Don't be silly. Once I get whatever is wrong fixed,
all you have to do is go in and-."
Ranma's words trailed off as he considered what he just
said. It would take Ryoga months to find his way back
inside. No, that wouldn't work.
"Okay. Once I've fixed the problem, I'll go back in
He stopped again, thinking how much of a wrong move
that would be too. Ryoga. Here all alone, up under the
dojo by himself. No, this will not do either, and what if
any adjustments had to be made? The potential disaster
played before Ranma's mind.
"Great, you would have to go and say something like
that," he said.
"Somebody's going to have to handle the light while you
jerk and tug your way into eternal oblivion."
"I'm not going to jerk my way into oblivion!"
As Ryoga snickered, Ranma sighed whishing that today of
all days he could get just one break. It came in a familiar
voice from around the corner of the building.
Both men turned to see Mousse appear calling Shampoo's
name. He spotted them and stopped.
"Hey, Ranma, Ryoga. Have you guys seen Shampoo
Ranma and Ryoga traded smiles.
"Mousse, ol'buddy, ol'pal!" exclaimed Ranma. "You're
just in time!"
Mousse frowned. "I don't like the sound of that,
Ranma. All I want to do is find Shampoo."
"What makes you think she's around here?" asked Ryoga.
"Where else can she be but trying to find a way to
corner her `husband'?"
His mocking tone stung Ranma, but he ignored it. "Well
she's not here, guy. However, we could use your help."
"Ah-uh," replied Mousse, shaking his head. "All I'm
after is Shampoo. She's not going to skip out on chores
Ryoga laughed. "Leaving you with all the hard work
around the restaurant again, eh?"
"Yep. She does this every other weekend, and I've just
about had it with her."
"Yeah, like you can do anything about it anyway,"
replied Ranma. He peered into the darkness for a moment.
"Mousse, I'm going to need somebody to help me fix these
"What's wrong with Ryoga."
Mousse stopped, realizing what he just said.
"Uh, scratch that."
"Hey!" shouted Ryoga.
"Okay, okay, guys. Mousse while I drag Ryoga up under
the dojo, would you mind going into the sauna and wait for
me to get there?"
"Yes! I'm only after Shampoo!"
"It'll only take a minute."
Mousse pressed his lips tight together. His better
half took over and the nearly blind-man conceded to the
"You better help me find Shampoo when this is done," he
said, storming into the dojo.
Ranma grabbed the tool bag. "Ready?" he asked Ryoga.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"No, but this will be interesting. Come `on."
Ryoga let out a sigh. "Why do I let you talk me into
things like this," he said as he crawled after Ranma.

* * * * *

Tink, tink, tink!
"Hey watch where you're turning that thing!"
"If you'd keep the light on the pipe, I wouldn't be
having so much trouble!"
"That's it, I'm outta here!"
"Yeah, which way are you going to go?"
"Oh that was wrong. Just plain wrong, Ranma."
Kneeling next to the drain at the base of the hot tube,
Mousse waited impatiently for Ranma to complete whatever
fixings he was doing.
"Come on, Ranma. Hurry up, will'ya!"
"Hold on too your horses! I'm just about done here."
"Hold on too your horses," mocked Mousse as he stood
back up.
After a few more raps and turns, Ranma called up to
"Okay, try turning it on, Mousse."
"Turn what on?"
"The water! What is this, a Three Stooges Short? Turn
the water on, Mousse!"
Mousse flipped up his glasses squinting to find the hot
water valve. He reached over and turned it on. A rumble
followed, and up from the drain burst forth a solid stream
of hot water that caught Mousse squarely beneath the chin.
He fell back with a surprised yelp to the floor.
"Mousse?" called Ranma.
Mousse sat up, shaking his head clear. He stared at
the geyser of water, and then crawled back over to the edge
of the tub and turned the water back off.
"Mousse! Did it work or not?" shouted Ranma.
Mousse smirked, dropping to his knees. "Ranma, I think
you have your pipes crossed."
Ranma moved back up under the floor. It was quiet for
a second, then a loud curse carried through the air.
"Damn it, Ryoga! I told you too shine the light over
"I did, see?"
"Yeah, you put it on the wrong spot, fool!"
Securing the water again, Ranma rerouted the pipes back
to their original connections. Another test brought
success. A nice steady flow of mildly hot water streamed
out from the spigot into the tub.
"Looks good here, Ranma," Mousse told them.
Ranma was beaming with pride. "Ah, yes, the right man
for the right job every time. And you guys had doubts about
my abilities."
"Nah, just lucky it wasn't anything serious that's
all," answered Ryoga. "But you still have one problem
"What's that?"
"You didn't seal the threads."
"I didn't do what?"
"Seal the threads. You know, that white calking stuff
that's supposed to go around the ends. You didn't do that."
"Ryoga, damn it, if you knew this why didn't you tell
me before I got everything put back together?"
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm only a spotlight here. You're the
plumber, mister `Right Man'."
Ranma bristled with fury, but held back his fist.
Furiously, he turned the water back off again and then began
to remove all of the connections.
"Mousse, can you go out into the shed and see if Mister
Tendo has a can of that `calking stuff' out there?"
"What about Shampoo?"
"We'll get too her, okay. Yeesh! Just go and take a
look out there! Please?"
"Man, I have things too do of my own," grumbled Mousse
as he headed off to the shed out in front. After a brief
search, he found what Ranma was after and was crawling up
under the dojo to deliver it. Ranma quickly applied the
stuff to the ends, enduring Ryoga's random snickers, and
soon had everything back together. He turned the valve back
on and they could hear the water rushing into the tub.
"Ah, again success as due a Saotome," bragged Ranma.
"Great. So now can we get out from under here and go
find Shampoo?" said Mousse.
"Okay. Grab Ryoga and---."
The door to the sauna could be heard opening up,
followed by the distinct pad of feet on the tile floor.
"Oh, look. Ranma fixed the hot tub," they heard Kasumi
"Well it's about time that baka managed too do
something right," Akane Tendo said.
"Ranma can do more that just eat and sleep, Akane,"
Ukyo Kuonji said.
Ryoga's eyes went wide. "Hey, it's the girls," he
whispered to Ranma and Mousse.
Ranma said nothing, listening closer to the ensuing
conversation. A new voice spoke up, one that brought Mousse
up on his elbows.
"Akane never appreciate what Ranma do `round Tendo
Dojo," said Shampoo.
"That's probably because Akane's still in denial,"
drawled Nabiki Tendo.
"I am not!"
"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo," carried Kodachi Kuno's
deviant laugh. "Akane will forever be in denial when it
comes down to my dearest Ranma."
Mousse grabbed a handful of Ryoga's shirt with the
intent of pulling him along back towards the exit. A firm
hand on one shoulder from Ranma stopped him.
"What are you doing?" whispered Mousse. "It's Shampoo.
Let's go get her."
Ranma hushed him to silence, pointing deviously up to
the floor. Mousse frowned then understood.
"Well I guess this is a good place to have our meeting,
wouldn't you agree, madam President?" said Kasumi.
"Right you are, madam Secretary," answered Ukyo.
"Sergeant-at-arms, secure the door!"
"Yes, madam President," replied Akari Unryuu, much to
Ryoga's surprise.
"Hey, Ranma. What is this? Some kind of female get
together?" whispered Ryoga.
"Sounds like we're about to get in on some dirt," he
The sound of the door sliding shut sounded and then a
hand sloshed more of the water around.
"Oh it is perfect," Nabiki said. "Shall we ladies?"
Light thumps could be heard as the women shed their
clothes. Ranma's felt the muscles of his lips stretch wider
unable to control his lurid imagination. Yeah it was wrong,
but chances like this came but once in a lifetime. A tap on
the shoulder broke him from his thoughts.
"Ramphmah wefffs gopts to goobe," said Ryoga,
sputtering words through the torrent of blood oozing from
his nose.
Ranma shook his head. "This is not an opportunity too
miss, Ryoga."
Mousse inched up over Ryoga. "If they find us down
here, no hospital on earth will be able to save us," he
"Will you guys stop worrying!"
Mousse glanced briefly down at Ryoga. Both men
shrugged, lying prone to listen in the pending conversation.
The girls could be heard climbing into the hot tub,
their melodic sighs echoing around the walls in reaction to
the soothing comfort from the warmth.
"An excellent choice I must say again," Kasumi said.
"Well before we all slip into comas, I think it is time
too call this meeting to order," said Nabiki.
Ukyo agreed with her. "Okay, the bi-weekly Nerima
Bacheloretts Society meeting is now called to order. Madame
Secretary, please recite the standing rule to refresh
Kasumi cleared her throat. "There will be no fighting
while the meeting is in progress, physical or otherwise."
She paused to place a stern gaze upon Shampoo and Kodachi.
"Any violation will be met out by. uh, Akari what is today's
punishment tool?"
Akari pulled out a soaking wet terrycloth towel from
the water, wringing it tight. "Five lashes to the bare
bottom with the towel, Madame Secretary," she said.
By the tone of her voice, it sounded like she was
looking forward to dealing out the punishment. Ranma could
hardly keep his excitement down. He looked over at Ryoga
stunned by the words out of Akari's mouth.
"Is she usually like that?" he asked him.
Ryoga could not believe what he just heard himself.
His eyes were as wide as Ranma's, expression lost.
"She's never been like that with me before," he finally
Suddenly, Mousse let out a brief giggle. "Somebody do
something stupid," he said.
Ranma and Ryoga quickly clasped their hands across his
mouth stiffing his brief loss of self-control.
"What that?" they heard Shampoo say.
"What's what?" asked Nabiki.
Shampoo tipped an ear up to the ceiling listening for a
moment. "Shampoo thought she hear familiar silly laugh."
Akane smirked. "You're imagining things again,
Shampoo. I'd seriously think about changing that hairstyle
so you can hear better."
A dark glower formed on the Amazon's face, but she
pushed it aside and looked over to Ukyo. "What on agenda
before Shampoo get flogged?"
"Right. Okay ladies the first order of business is our
current financial status. Nabiki."
"Figures," muttered Ranma.
Nabiki spoke up. "Well girls, our current gleanings
and savings over the past few years have brought in
substantial dividends despite the countries current economic
A long silence passed.
"What did you just say, Nabiki?" asked Akane.
"Yeah, what did she just say?" whispered Ryoga. Ranma
threatened to smack him if he didn't keep quiet.
"I said, little sister, and for all of those unable to
comprehend basic business, we are more than well off right
The girls let out a yell of excitement, but for Ranma
he wondered what this was all leading too.
"Ranma," whispered Mousse. "We should get out of here!"
"Now, when we know they're up to something?"
"This is just some girls club thing, and besides my
back is starting to hurt."
"Stand your ground, man!"
Ukyo's voice broke them from their conversation.
"Great, that means we can move forward to the next
phase of our lives," she said.
"Lavish and uncontrolled shopping sprees downtown?"
asked Kodachi. The girls all placed incredulous looks upon
"Isn't that what we've been pouring our money into this
club for?"
"No!" snapped Ukyo. "Haven't you been listening to
anything we've said during our last meetings?"
Kodachi shrugged innocently. "I remember some
mutterings, a smitter-smatter of gibberish-."
"Gibberish!" Ukyo ran a frustrated hand through her
hair. "Kodachi, we're talking about our futures here. You
know, homes, families, husbands."
At the mention of that last word, all three men went
into shock, bodies tensing up.
"Husbands?" said Ryoga.
"Families?" muttered Mousse.
"Homes?" gasped Ranma. He cut a sideways glance over
at his friends then began inching his way back for the exit.
A pair of hands caught him by the collar.
"Where are you going?" growled Ryoga.
"Leaving. This is not sounding good," answered Ranma.
Ranma was yanked back into place, Mousse taking him up
by the front of his shirt.
"This was your idea, so like you told me, stand your
Mousse placed his hand over Ranma's mouth and continued
to listen into the conversation.
"If that is all then I'm not worried," continued
Kodachi. "I think I have most of that all ready covered."
Nabiki chuckled deviously. "Including the husband?"
"Why of course." She clasped her hands excitedly before
her gazing dreamily up to the sky. "Ranma is the right man
for me, and I will have him. Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"
"You see it's a trap," whispered Ranma as he franticly
struggled to get away. "And they're trying to pawn me off
to that witch Kodachi!"
Ryoga and Mousse held him tight between them.
"Ranma, don't you think it best to hear what they're
planning so you can avoid it?" said Ryoga.
That stopped him, Ranma slowly thinking about it for a
second. He finally nodded in agreement settling down once
"I think you'd better check your status on that,
Kodachi," said Kasumi. "And speaking of which." She looked
over at Akane. "Akane, what are you doing to corral Ranma?"
Akane started sharply, looking aghast at the mere
mention of the idea.
"What! Ranma and I? Kasumi you-."
"Little sister you are more than of age to be
considering a husband, and Ranma whither he admits it or not
is truly in love with you."
"I am not," grumbled Ranma."
"You are too," countered Mousse.
"What? Why you-."
"Guys!" said Ryoga, breaking the encroaching brawl
between them.
"Kasumi, Ranma is not in love with me, and, and, and
I'm not in love with him!" continued Akane.
"Bull," said Nabiki. She leaned over towards her
reluctant sister, arching a brow deviously at her. "Akane,
you have been harboring lust for Ranma's bod ever since
first laying eyes on him."
"Its true, Akane," added Kasumi. "Even I saw that
twinkle in your eye when Ranma came to live with us."
"So don't deny your emotions," finished Nabiki.
Akane glanced back and forth between her two sisters.
She looked down biting her lower lip nervously, running a
hand gently across the surface of the water.
"He won't admit it," she said sadly.
Nabiki giggled. "Well, you know what you have too do
then, hmm?"
It was Ranma's turn to stop the rush of blood from his
nose. The three men gapped up at the floor in shock.
"They're literally handing Akane to you on a plate,"
said Ryoga.
"Yeah, full buffet and everything," Mousse added.
Ryoga's eyes narrowed. "Letch!" he growled lunging
towards him. A brief tussle ensued, stopped abruptly as
Shampoo's voice called out again.
"There it again," she said.
"There's what? I didn't hear anything?" said Ukyo.
"Familiar voice. I hear familiar voice."
The girls paused, and then very slowly peered around at
the closed door. Carefully, Akari and Kodachi stepped out
of the tub and inched over to it. As Akari twirled her
towel into a tight cord, Kodachi stepped over to one side.
A sharp jerk pushed it aside, Akari poised ready to snap the
unfortunate cretin on the other side.
The hallway was empty and they turned back around
giving the others a shrug.
"Shampoo not hearing things!"
"There's nothing there, Shampoo," said Ukyo.
The Amazon woman let out a huff, crossing her arms in
frustration. Akari and Kodachi stepped back into the hot
tub and the meeting continued.
"Akane, Ranma is all ready too be packaged up and
delivered to the altar," said Nabiki. "If he needs a little
nudging. well then."
"Then what, Nabiki?" asked Akane. He sister said
nothing, smiling to convey her suggestion. She drew in a
sharp gasp realizing what Nabiki meant.
"You don't mean-."
"Give it up? Oh yes I do."
Shampoo suddenly held out a hand. "Hold on minute,"
she said. "Akane Tendo not giving anything up to Ranma."
"Oh really now?" said Nabiki.
"Yes. Not before Shampoo give body up to him."
Both of Mousse's hands were latched firmly around
Ranma's throat, Ryoga desperately trying to pull the enraged
blind man off.
"Shampoo, you have got to face facts," said Kasumi.
"Ranma wants no one but Akane."
"That not true! He always fight with tomboy-Akane-."
"Who are you calling a tomboy?" shouted Akane.
"You! And since threat of Akane high again, Shampoo
kill you here and now!"
The Amazon started to surge, rising up out of the
water. A sharp snap by the end of a towel smacked against
the bare side of her butt.
"YIIIEEEE!" cried Shampoo, howling in pain.
"No fighting," Akari reminded her, readying for another
"Oh, to have been able to see that," whispered Ryoga.
Mousse's head turned sharply around at him, and in the flash
of an instant his hands were locked around his throat.
Grimacing, Shampoo reluctantly sat back down. "(Oyii,
Oyii), Shampoo sorry. Forget (oyii) forget rule."
"Thank you, Akari," said Ukyo. Pausing, Ukyo looked at
Shampoo. "I was going to wait until after we settled with
Akane, but since you have such a rant against her, I'll
bring this up now."
"Bring what up?"
"Why you continue to deny your feelings towards
The beating of Mousse abruptly stopped; all three men
looking up at the floor.
"Shampoo not have feelings for silly Mousse!"
"C'mon Shampoo," exclaimed Nabiki. "You tease the boy
everyday at your restaurant!"
"Wearing all those skimpy dresses, and literally
sticking your ass into his face while he cleans," said
Shampoo bristled with fury. She tossed her head back,
letting out another humph. "Stupid blind-man not see
Shampoo's body even if I was right up in face."
"Wanna bet," muttered Mousse.
"And that pisses you off, doesn't it, Shampoo?" asked
"Yes, I mean No!"
The girls laughed.
"Busted!" cried Kodachi.
A red flush colored Shampoo's cheeks, lips pursed tight
together. "Mousse not mean anything to Shampoo!" she
exclaimed, fist splashing repeatedly in the water.
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Shampoo," Ukyo said to her.
Shampoo settled down, but her dark look remained. Ukyo
"There's nothing wrong with loving Mousse. Personally,
I'd be flattered if I've had a man chasing after me like
Mousse has been."
"He's never even had another girlfriend, so that alone
should tell you how sincere his feeling for you are," said
That seemed to lighten Shampoo's mood a bit, and she
laughed. "I'll bet only girlfriend he ever have named
Rosie," she said.
Muted snickers from both Ranma and Ryoga made Mousse
sneer at them.
"Yeah, like you two are just as innocent as I am," he
"But really, Shampoo," continued Ukyo. "I don't see
anything wrong with Mousse at all."
"That just it!"
"What, that he's almost perfect?" asked Kasumi.
"No! He blind as bat."
The guys waited intensely as a long pause followed.
"Is that it?" said Kodachi.
Shampoo shrugged. "Yes."
Loud burst of cackles and laughter erupted around the
room. Shampoo sat bewildered wondering why they were
laughing at her.
Ukyo leaned forwards barely able to maintain a straight
face. "You know, Shampoo, what we're talking about does not
require twenty-twenty vision."
"I think it takes up about five percent. Once you get
going I mean," added Akari.
"But Mousse incapable of anything without coke-bottles
on," countered Shampoo. "He be just as lost as Ryoga on one-
way street."
"Tch, tch, tch, tch," sounded Nabiki, shaking her head
at the girl. "Shampoo, didn't you have any sex-ed during
your schooling?"
"No, but Shampoo read." Slowly, she looked down into
the water realizing that she had said a bit too much.
"Books. Magazines. things."
"Ah-ha!" exclaimed Ukyo. She pointed an accusing
finger at Shampoo. "So you're not so innocent after all!"
Shampoo's head snapped up. "And you not innocent girl
either," she said.
"What do you mean by that?"
Now it was Shampoo's turn to chuckle. "How you go day
by day with both Konatsu and Tsubasa virtually living with
Ryoga snickered. "Touche, touche," he whispered.
"You think she's doing one of them?" asked Ranma.
"Don't know, but we'll find out in a moment," said
Ukyo's mouth gapped open in shock, startled by the
accusation. "Shampoo! I'm not-."
"Oh, you not fool Shampoo," Shampoo said, waving her
off. "Having two men chasing after you, keep them lingering
on while chanting `Ranma, Ranma man for me'. Phony"
Ukyo started to rise, but a brief glance at Akari and
her deadly towel made her sit back down. "Humph, phony
indeed," she grumbled, crossing her arms in a huff.
"Well it is kind `a true, Ukyo," said Akari. "What
girl wouldn't want to be in a, in a, what's it called, a
`Lemon Meringue'?"
The girls turned towards Akari, lost expressions on
their faces, but only briefly before bursting out into
another uproar of laughter. Ranma, Mousse, and Ryoga too
barely held down their chuckles.
"Did you hear what this girl just said?" said Nabiki,
laughing fitfully against the edge of the tub.
"W-what, what?" asked Akari.
Kasumi settled down enough to speak again. "I think
its menage-a-trois, Akari."
"Really? Ooo, well I wouldn't know. Usually its just
Akari's gasp was to late to prevent her secret from
leaking out. Below, Ranma and Mousse both stared shocked at
each other, and then looked around at Ryoga. He lay gazing
down at the ground with a light, almost bemused smile on his
face. Feeling their stares, he cut his eyes over at them
then shrugged.
"Isn't it terrible that women can't keep secrets at
all?" he said.
Ranma grinned. "Ryoga, you slick dog you," he teased
giving him a light swat on one arm.
Back up in the hot tub, mixed expressions beamed at
Akari, as she suddenly became the center of attention.
"Oooooo!" let out Akane, pointing at her.
"Akari?" said Kasumi.
"Well, it, it just kind' a happened to happen that's
Shampoo let out a breath, sitting back and gazed up at
the ceiling. "Woo, lost boy actually find treasure," she
"Makes one reconsider Ryoga's inability to find his way
around," said Nabiki.
Akari shook her head. "No, no, he gets lost."
"(Hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh) I'll bet you enjoyed that,"
said Kodachi.
A warm flush rushed through Akari, and she closed her
eyes rocking gently with fist clutched close to her breast.
"Mmmnnn, you better believe it."
"But you let Ryoga take you!" cried Akane.
Akari's eyes opened. "So? I love Ryoga, and, and I'm
going make him mine no matter what."
"So you see, little sister, it works," said Nabiki.
Akane splashed around to face her sister, missing Akari
sticking her tongue out at her.
"Nabiki, I am not going to get Ranma by giving myself
up to him!"
"No, `cause Shampoo do it first!" said Shampoo.
Ukyo let out a sigh. "You just don't give up do you,
"Mousse not man for me!"
"Hold on, Ukyo," Nabiki said. "Let me try to clear the
blinders from this girls eyes." Cracking her knuckles,
Nabiki rubbed her hands together as she gathered her words.
"Okay, Shampoo. Picture this; a strapping young buck
named Mousse. Big, strong."
"Not as strong as Ranma," Shampoo cut in.
Mousse was up in Ranma's face with an angry scowl ready
to tear into him. Ranma gulped, grimacing with fear.
"Hey, hey, I'm on your side, Mousse," he pleaded to
Meanwhile, Nabiki had paused, hanging her head for a
moment. "Okay," she said looking back up. "Let's start
again. Mousse-."
"Blind as bat, can't see."
Ryoga pinned Mousse's body as Ranma kept him from
reaching for the floorboards.
"What's that got too do with anything?" he growled in a
strained voice.
Nabiki smirked. "Hm. I see another approach is needed
here. Shampoo, Mousse is-,"
"- still blind, not good for love making."
"Right, but nature has a way of balancing out
"What you mean?" asked Shampoo, arching a brow.
"Well. if you take away a persons hearing for example,
one of the other senses picks up the slack for lack of
better terms, and compensates."
"So what that have to do with Mousse?"
Nabiki smiled deviously. "He certainly can't see past
his eyelids without glasses and even that is questionable.
So what do you think the rest of his body is doing to adjust
for it, hmm?"
Ukyo giggled lightly. "I'll bet he can tell what color
dress you're wearing by touch alone."
Mousse frowned. "How did she know that?" he whispered
much to the astonishment of Ranma and Ryoga.
"Ooo, I'll bet that would be a great time to find out
what brail feels like when it's being read," said Kasumi.
"And just think what other `abilities' Mousse might
have just waiting to be discovered," finished Nabiki.
Shampoo grew silent pondering Nabiki's subtle hint.
They all waited, wondering what kind of reaction she would
give then without warning, Shampoo drew in a sharp gasp.
Her eyes went wide and she stared out into empty space
frozen in place.
The girls traded confused looks, Akari waving a hand
before her face.
"Hello. Earth to Shampoo?" she said, but gained no
Nabiki snapped her fingers in her face, but Shampoo
remained still.
"This, girls, is a classic example of a runaway
imagination," she said, sitting back.
"Runaway? I'd say warped," said Kasumi, gaining a
laugh from the others. They settled back and continued on.
"Now, while our esteemed Amazon is testing future
scenarios, let us return back to Ranma's plight." Ukyo said.
"Why? Looks like the way is clear for Akane to make her
move," said Kasumi.
"I'm not making any moves," muttered Akane.
"Tch, tch, tch. Such denial," Nabiki teased her.
"I am not in denial!"
"Well you better start thinking about it," Kodachi cut
A stern look fell on Akane from her. Nabiki let out a
sigh, smacking her forehead with a hand in false
frustration. "Oh yes. You," she said with a long drawl.
"Oh yes, me," countered Kodachi. "You may have brushed
Shampoo aside for the moment, but I Kodachi Kuno do not have
any of the horrid little distractions she has. Ranma
Saotome is still fair game, and I intend to be the victor of
the prize."
"He is not!" exclaimed Akane, unable to control
herself. "Uh, I mean. he's, uh-,"
"We know what you mean, sis," said Nabiki.
Nabiki squared off with Kodachi. "I don't think you
will be winning anything, Kodachi. Not only is Ranma
terrified of you, but like it is known he has the hots for
Ranma raised a fist in the air cheering Nabiki on.
"Yeah, you go girl, huh? What a minute-."
"What's wrong, Ranma?" said Ryoga. "Afraid to also
admit you want Akane too?"
"I do not want Akane!"
"Keep lying to yourself," Mousse said. "One day you
might wake up and find it too be true." He inched closer to
Ranma's face. "Then what are you going to do, hm?"
Ranma said nothing as a cold sensation flowed through
his body. He gave Mousse a brief look then nervously chewed
on his bottom lip returning his attention back to the
"I can break Akane's evil spell on Ranma," continued
"I am not a witch, harpy, or any of those other vile
things you accuse me of," said Akane.
"Yes, well I still can take Ranma from you."
Kodachi tensed, leaning menacingly towards Akane ready
to pounce. A quick cut of the eyes towards Akari found the
dreaded towel of discipline being wound into a tight strand
ready for action. Kodachi grinned as she sat back.
"But not at the present moment," she finished.
"Kodachi," said Kasumi. "You really should give up and
try to find another man."
"But Ranma is fair game, and I have much more abilities
than Akane does."
"Oh yeah? Name'em," said Ukyo.
"I can cook."
Ukyo held up a finger. "One."
"Yeah, but that's only if your cooking is laced with
drugs or poison," muttered Ranma.
"I can sew and do household chores."
"Like setting booby traps and other niceties," said
"Two," counted Ukyo.
"And I'm financially well off so I can take better care
of Ranma."
"Only while Tatewaki's managing things," said Mousse.
"Three. That's enough. Okay Akane your turn."
They waited intensely for Akane to say something. She
thought, taping the tips of her fingers together while
staring sadly down at the water. Kodachi did have her on a
number of things, but there was one thing she did lack,
something that Akane felt was more important than what was
Akane looked up, and in a low voice said, "I can be
"Ow!" whispered Ranma, making short counter-punches
through the air.
"Yes, that was it!" whispered Ryoga, muffling his
chuckles with his hands.
In the hot tub, the girls were quiet. Ukyo held up a
finger on her other hand and looked back and forth between
"Mmm, Kodachi, I'm going to have to toss out all of
your options," she said. "That be one powerful ability
Akane possesses."
"But, but, but."
"And as for that financial stuff you threw out there,
Kodachi," added Nabiki. "Akane and Ranma will be more than
capable of providing for themselves. Especially since you
might become part of the family anyway."
Kodachi jerked around in surprise. "What!" she
Nabiki calmly leaned back, a smug expressing on her
face. "Oh yes. Tatewaki and I have more than made inroads
together in our relationship."
Kodachi's fist came up shaking with fury as she fought
to restrain her anger. "Never. Never! Tatewaki may be
naive, but he would not allow such common blood to mix with
"Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh such lack of perspective, Kodachi.
The trap has been already laid and sprung, if you know what
I mean."
"Wha-." Kodachi's eyes narrowed. "My brother will
never, ever, enter your foul brush, Nabiki Tendo. Never!"
"You mean, again?"
Kodachi continued to scream as she sank down into the
depths of the water.
"Wow. Another dog in the pack," said Ranma.
Akari burst out laughing at the sight. "That reminds
me of the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz. You know, when
she melted when hit by water!"
"Fits too," said Ukyo.
Nabiki watched the bubbles rising up from Kodachi's
spot humored by the sight as well. She felt the stunned
looks coming from her two sisters, and smiled.
"What?" she asked.
"Ooooo!" Akane cried, pointing accusingly at her.
"Oh stop it, Akane," said Nabiki, swatting her hand
aside. "You sound like an air raid siren."
"Nabiki?" said Kasumi.
"Don't act like you're innocent, big sister," said
Nabiki. She placed a knowing look on her face, beetling her
brows at Kasumi. "I know you and Doc Tofu have been doing
more than just grocery shopping lately."
"Nabiki! I don't believe you'd-." A blush flushed
Kasumi's cheeks. Her hands pressed up against them, and a
timid grin formed. "Oh my. This is so embarrassing," she
Akane's jaw latterly dropped to the bottom of the tub.
"Ooooo!" she let out again, pointing at her sister.
"Akane, will you stop that!" said Nabiki.
Akane glanced repeatedly between her sisters. "Daddy
is just going to have fits when he finds out what you've
done!" she shouted.
Nabiki shook her head. "No, I think he might dance
around the dojo a few times thinking about his new
retirement home in the country."
"There is nothing wrong with our promiscuity," said
Kasumi. "We all are of age, and, well like Akari said, we
love the men we are with, right Nabiki?"
"Neah, yeah that is partial factor in my case."
"And who said you Tendo girls are innocent," commented
A burst of water erupted, Kodachi gasping heavily for
breath. She heaved and panted trying to settle down.
Nabiki waited until she was just about done, then grinned
"Feeling better. sis?"
Kodachi moaned, sinking back down below the surface of
the water.
"Man, can she hold her breath," said Ukyo. She paused,
waving a hand again before Shampoo's face. Still no
response, Ukyo looked back at the others.
"You think we should call Doc Tofu?"
"Nah, but I'd be checking that water around Shampoo if
she's got that much to imagine," replied Nabiki.
Ukyo sat back. "Well, it looks like Akane's path is
now wide open."
"No it's not," said Akari.
"Why? What's left?"
"You," she replied.
Ukyo frowned.
"She's got you there, Ukyo," said Akane.
"I'll admit I am still interested in Ranma," replied.
"I'm just-."
"Waiting for the right time to strike?" suggested
Kasumi. "You're a shrewd one, madam President. Waiting for
the dust to settle and all parties are lying bloodied and
battered on the ground. All it will take then is a short
hop, skip, and okonomiyaki to snare Ranma and drag him off
helpless into your clutches."
"Just like reeling in a fish," added Nabiki. "Let him
fight until he's tired, then net him."
"Zzzzzzzzz!" sounded Akari, simulating the pulling
motions of a rod and reel.
Ukyo eyed her friends nervously. She knew she had been
busted flat, realizing it would be senseless to lie.
"Okay. I still have feelings for Ranma, yes. But I am
not going to fight Akane outright for him."
"So what do you call all those times you were slinging
exploding okonomiyaki at me, huh?" questioned Akane.
"Opportunity," answered Ukyo with a light chuckle.
"Well I think you're greedy," said Akari.
"Yes, greedy. You have Konatsu and Tsubasa. Why don't
you pick one and leave these two alone?"
Ukyo was about to speak when Shampoo let out a sharp
squeak that startled them all.
"Oyii!" she gasped, goose bumps forming briefly across
the surface of her skin. She wiped the sweat from her brow
and looked around. "What I miss?"
"Welcome back," Nabiki greeted her with a leering
The Amazon panted heavily for a moment. "Ooo,
Shampoo's mind full of ideas and mischief."
"And I take it Mousse was involved?" asked Kasumi.
She grinned, a fire lit bright in her eyes. "Oyii,"
was all she could say.
Ukyo cleared her throat. "As I was about to say, Akari
Unryuu. I am not greedy."
"But you are. You have two handsome guys, despite
their little thing for women's clothes, ready to service you
and now you want more."
"Akari!" the girls exclaimed together.
"It's true! You've got this great menagerie-of-toys
laid out before you and can't make up your mind which one to
partake first."
The girls burst out laughing, clutching their sides in
uncontrolled fits.
"Oh, Akari, you are such a joy too be around!"
exclaimed Nabiki between breaths.
Kodachi surfaced again, bringing their chuckles to a
halt. Her eyes panned around, finally coming to a halt on
Nabiki. Shampoo leaned aside, inching away from her.
"Why Evil Kuno seem so upset?" she asked.
"It's a long story, Shampoo," answered Akane.
"Yes," said Kodachi. "A story that needs to be
rectified once this little meeting is over."
Nabiki crossed her arms. "Just try, Kodachi, but
Tatewaki is firmly in my grasp."
"Not after I get done with him."
"Ladies," Kasumi warned. They glared at each other for
a moment before finally turning away.
Ukyo continued.
"Akari what did you mean by `which one to partake
"Come on, Ukyo. You're a manager so you should be able
to come up with a simple schedule that allows for you to
share Tsubasa and Konatsu equally."
"But I don't want them!"
"Yes you do. Otherwise they'd have been gone long
"You know, Ryoga, your woman is not as dense as I
thought she was," Ranma whispered.
"Yeah, she does have a trap door-."
Ryoga reared up, eyes narrowing angrily at Ranma.
"Uh, I didn't me it that way," apologized Ranma. He
hunkered down besides Mousse pressing as close to the ground
as he could go.
"Now here's what you can do," continued Akari.
"Monday, Tuesday; Konatsu. Wednesday, you rest. Thursday,
Friday; Tsubasa."
"Wha-, and Sunday?"
"Free time. Girls got to go shopping sometime in the
Ukyo pondered Akari's plan. "Hm. Just like that,
huh?" she said conclusively.
"Yep. Now if it becomes too much for you to handle,
you could always loan one of them out to Kodachi."
"Yeah, she's going to need to find herself a man here
really soon," added Nabiki.
Ukyo smirked. "You guys make me sound like a pimp."
Suddenly rubbing her chin, Ukyo gazed thoughtfully up
at the ceiling. She looked at Kodachi, a question forming
on her lips, but the Kuno cut her off.
"Nnnnooo," she said.
"Oh well, more for me."
With that settled, all attentions were now refocused
back upon Akane.
"So what are you going to do, little sister?" asked
Akane could not answer, partially embarrassed by the
situation, partially confused by her feeling towards Ranma.
A gentle hand on the shoulder made her look up to find
Kasumi kneeling before her.
"Akane, I know it's a hard decision to make, but there
is nothing wrong with feeling the way you feel for Ranma."
"But, but I don't want too have to give myself to him
to make him want me."
"You don't have to."
A pout formed, Akane sadly looking down at the water
again. Kasumi reached out and lifted her chin back up
towards her.
"Look, when I shared my passions with Ono, we already
confessed out love for each other. It's a natural thing
that happens between a man and woman. Some of us do think
love is an important part of a relationship."
She cut her eyes over at Nabiki, making her glance
quickly off to the other side of the room.
"And there is nothing wrong with taking that first step
of admission, either," she concluded.
"But what if I'm all wrong? What if Ranma really does
not care for me like he claims?"
"Doubtful and he's playing to his ego if he does claim
that," Kasumi replied.
"I don't know."
"Stop thinking like that."
"Yeah, stop," said Ranma.
"What, are you afraid you're not going to get any?"
teased Ryoga.
"Watch it."
Kasumi stood up. "Ladies, I think our meeting is just
about over. Don't you?"
"Yes, I think it is time to go," said Nabiki. "My toes
are starting too wrinkle up."
"Matches your harpy features," growled Kodachi, as she
pulled herself out of the tub.
"Keep it up," threatened Nabiki. "Your future
inheritance is shortly to be under my control, soon to be
Kasumi laughed as the rest of the girls climbed out.
Akane remained in the tub pondering her future with Ranma,
and of the decision she now had too make. Sitting back
down, Kasumi hugged her forlorned sister trying to sooth her
"Things will work out, Akane. You'll see."
"I hope so, Kasumi. I don't want to be the only single
girl in the Nerima Wives Club."
That brought a smile to Kasumi's face. "Come on, let's
get dressed."
Already, Shampoo and Akari had dried themselves, and
were rapidly putting their clothes back on.
"Where's the fire, girls?" asked Ukyo.
"Inside, and I know just the cure," answered Akari.
"I've got too find him that's all."
"Shampoo need to get ready for tonight."
"Where, at the Nekohanten?" said Nabiki.
"Nekohanten? Ha! Shampoo need to be ready for date
with Mousse."
"Is he dead?" Ryoga asked Ranma, staring at the now
catatonic Mousse lying face up, clutching his heart.
"If he is, he died happy judging by that grin on his
face," replied Ranma.
"Are we going to get a post-action report on this?"
Nabiki asked her.
Shampoo stopped in mid-buttoning of her cheongsam,
looking over at her. She slowly smiled, and said, "In words
of great Chief Engineer, Montgomery Scott. `I'll let ye'
Ukyo finished dry herself. Suddenly she rounded on
Akane, edging eye to eye with her. "I'm not out of the
running, Akane," she said. Tipping her head slightly to one
side, Ukyo glanced briefly around.
"But I think I'm going to test a few other waters
first," she finished.
"Oh, that reminds me. I have to make Ranma lunch for
fixing the hot tub," said Kasumi.
"Let me do it," Akane said.
Kasumi nodded. "And I won't even tell him until after
he's eaten," she said.
Imaginary pains shot through Ranma's stomach. He
grabbed hold of Mousse's collar and signaled to Ryoga that
it was time to leave. Together, they dragged the still
inert Mousse back out from under the dojo.
"Sounds like Nerima's going to be a hot place tonight!"
declared Ryoga.
Ranma propped Mousse up against the side of the dojo.
Replacing the door, he briefly checked for a pulse, found
one, and let out a sigh.
"Well at least Mousse is about to get lucky," he said.
"Mousse? From the way the girls sounded, us guys
better eat plenty of rice. You know, charge up the
"Get your mind out the gutter!" shouted Ranma.
"Nope. Akari's after some loving, and I'm not passing
this up." Ryoga looked around for a moment.
"Uh, Ranma. Do you think you can point me in the right
direction to Akari's farm?"
"I'll save you the trouble and leave you at the gate.
Akari will be searching for you, remember?"
"Ooo, are we in a suddenly snitty mood."
Ranma ignored him. He went back over to Mousse and
started to look him over. Ryoga sensed he hit a nerve and
followed close behind.
"What is it, Ranma? Huh, huh? Come on, what's got
your skivvies all drawn up, eh?"
"Lay off, will'ya, Ryoga!"
"No way. It's Akane, isn't it? That's why you're all
snotty and defensive all of a sudden."
Ranma smirked but continued to look Mousse over. He
tipped Mousse's head over to one side and raised two fingers
"I am not in a `snotty' mood," he said, smacking Mousse
hard on the side of his neck. The man jerked forwards with
a start, chest heaving as he regained his breath.
Mousse let out a short gasp and began running off
towards the far side of the dojo, Ranma and Ryoga watching
him close. Before he could hit the wall, Ranma called his
name and he stopped, looking around. Another gasp, Mousse
charged back, passing them in route for the other side.
Ryoga's call stopped him and Mousse went into a frantic
"My glasses! Where are my glasses?" he cried.
Ranma took hold of Mousse by the shoulders. A quick
tap knocked his thick frames down before his eyes from his
"I gotta go!" he said and lit out across the lawn.
"Mousse, I thought you wanted to get Shampoo!" Ranma
called out after him.
Mousse stopped and turned around. "You heard her. I've
got a date with her tonight (BWAHAHAHA!) and I've got to get
back down to the Nekohanten before she does and get ready!"
With arms stretched wide, Mousse chortled victoriously
up towards the sky. "See you guys later!" he said. But
before he turned, Mousse suddenly paused. In a flash he was
before Ranma, pumping his arm repeatedly up and down.
"Thanks buddy, and good luck to you." he said.
Mousse bounded off, skipping up over the wall with a
light hop. If Ranma did not know any better it appeared to
him that Mousse had actually kicked up his heels before
disappearing from their view.
A tap on one shoulder broke him from his stare. Ryoga
was looking at him, but there was a serious expression
written on his face, one Ranma had never seen from him
before. He did not know what to make of it then Ryoga
"Ranma. are you serious about Akane?" he asked.
"Do you care about her?"
"Well that's a silly question, Ryoga. Of course I care
about her!"
Ryoga looked briefly down at the ground before
continuing. "Don't hurt her, okay?"
"She's really going through a lot now, and I don't want
to see her get hurt. There are some feelings left in me for
her, but I've got Akari now and that leaves you to fill my
"Oh like you were ever a factor in the first place."
Ryoga's eyes narrowed. "I'm serious, Ranma. Don't you
hurt her, or I'll be back to pound you good."
The slight brandishing of his fangs conveyed the
seriousness of Ryoga's threat. Ranma started to shift into
a defensive stance, then realized that Ryoga was merely
looking out for Akane's well being. He smiled, thankful to
have such a friend like him.
"Not a worry, Ryoga," he said.
"Good. Now, help me find the front gate, okay?"
Laughing lightly to himself, Ranma took Ryoga by one
arm and led him away.

* * * * *

Later that evening;

A warm breeze flowed across the top of the Tendo Dojo,
Ranma; now clad in his evening robe, sitting quietly
watching the stars. Thoughts about events earlier that
afternoon drifted aimlessly through his mind, everything he
felt for Akane causing both his confusion and worry to grow.
Could life with Akane be all that bad?
Why did I feel so lost when Mousse asked what I would
do without her?
There was only one answer, one explanation that Ranma
finally had to admit. Akane had become more than just a
passing fling in his life. No, she had become a part of
him, his proverbial soulmate, the only person he wanted to
share the rest of his life with.
Letting out a sigh, Ranma drew his knees up, resting
his head on them. "Damn, I guess I should find a way to
tell her I love her," he said.
It seemed so hard though. Romance was not one of his
stronger skills, but it was now or never and there was not a
challenge he could not overcome.
"I'll do it!" he said, smacking a fist into his palm.
Something warm and soft suddenly pressed up against his
back. Ranma froze surprised by the pair of arms that
wrapped themselves firmly around his waist. Akane's
familiar scent caught him and is slowly looked back over one
shoulder. Dressed in her evening kimono, she grinned up at
"Boo," whispered Akane.
"I don't believe it. You actually snuck up on me."
"You seemed to be in deep thoughts about something, I
couldn't pass up the opportunity."
They both were quiet for a moment; Ranma nervously
waiting for Akane to make her move, Akane just enjoying
their time together. Finally, she laid her head down
against his back and sighed.
"So what were you going to do?" she asked him.
"I heard you say something about doing it. What are we
Oh great, thought Ranma. He must have been thinking
aloud when she stole up on him. Better think of something
quick to tell her.
Ryoga's words abruptly flashed through his mind and
Ranma paused. No, this was the time to resolve their
feelings without anyone else there to spoil things. He
turned around, placing his arms around Akane much to her
surprise. They stared at each other for a long time then
Ranma smiled.
"Akane, what do you see in me?"
She arched a brow, confused for a second. "I see a man
who's sometimes caught up with himself, afraid to be what he
really wants to be, and a scoundrel."
"What?" cried Ranma, leaning back in total shock.
Akane chuckled, humored by his reaction. "Calm down,
calm down," she said.
"Well that's a fine way to be talking about me.
Especially after all of the things we've been through!"
He laughter increased, Akane pulling Ranma close again.
"I'm not insulting you, Ranma."
"Sounds like it."
Akane's giggles subsided. "On the other hand, I also
see a strong, brave, caring, and compassionate man who is
afraid to admit his true feelings about things."
"Now that's more like it- oh, really now?"
Akane pulled away from Ranma, shifting into her
familiar nervous finger tapping position, staring down at
the roof. "You never have admitted any affections for me,"
she mumbled in a timid voice.
She expected to hear Ranma's usual mocking laugh, his
normal reaction whenever Akane admitted to things she tried
to hide. Instead, he called gently too her and she looked
up. There was a twinkle in his eyes. Not a reflection from
the stars, but a genuine feeling that seemed to burn from
inside. Akane relaxed smiling at him.
"Akane. I'm not very comfortable saying mushy things
like I love you, or admitting them out right." He paused,
pursing his lips together as he fought to gather up the
right words to say.
"Okay, I will admit I do. I do feel very. very strongly
about you. And I'll admit I did say. I said I loved you
that day I thought you had died after I defeated Saffron."
Akane could barely hold back her urge to jump Ranma
then and there. It seemed to be getting hotter, and she
inched closer, opening her kimono a bit to cool off. Ranma
caught the move, swallowing the fear lump in his throat.
"Uh, Akane-."
"Hush," she whispered, leaning up against him.
Akane's hand began drifting playfully across the front
of his robe, finally sliding inside feeling his warm skin.
A shudder coursed through Ranma, and he expected a
torrent of blood to gush forth from every open pour of his
body. But nothing like that happened, and he found himself
hugging her closer to him.
"Does, does this mean we're officially an item now?" he
Akane nestled her head up under his chin, hugging Ranma
tight. "You can say that."
"That means no more hammers then?"
"Only if you don't say or do anything stupid from here
on out."
Not what he wanted, but it certainly was a step in the
right direction.
"Gee, I hope I can live up to expectations. I'm not
used to being an official fiancee. Hell, I've no experience
in anything like this."
"Stop worrying, Ranma. There will be time for `other'
things that come along with this."
He smirked, looking down at her. "But will you be
happy. I'm not-."
"Shh!" said Akane, placing a finger to Ranma's lips.
She gazed lovingly into his eyes and then looked him over
"I'm happy now. As for experience, I'm not worried
about that at all."
"You're not?"
"No. Let's just say I think I finally found the right
man for the job."
Kissing Ranma lightly on the lips, Akane rested up
against him again, holding him tight. He wrapped his arms
around her, and together they laid back to stare up at the
stars and enjoy each others company...

[Comments and critiques can be directed to bns...@ix.netcom.com]

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