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[Ranma][Fanfic] Chasing the Wind - Part 7

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J. Austin Wilde

не прочитано,
9 нояб. 1996 г., 03:00:0009.11.1996

-Chasing the Wind-
By J. Austin Wilde
Fission Park Press

J. Austin Wilde, K.B.C.S.
Minister of Propaganda and
Super Critical Reactor Axe Man,
Fission Park Press


Ranma and Akane are caught in a science experiment in Nerima that
affects their ki. They experience terrible nightmares and lose their
fighting focus. Neither can get any sleep without being in close
proximity with the other. They call upon the scientists to help them
through Ranma's friend from the Second Korean War, Hiro Ohata. Hiro
works for Professor Balthazar McFogg, the leader of the scientists, as
a kind of 'Man Friday'.
Hiro sends them to England where they become embroiled in a
worldwide search for electromagnetic 'events' like the one that
affected them in Nerima. In chasing these events they hope to find a
cure, but what they do find is that there is more going on than they
ever imagined.
Ranma meets a mysterious woman named Anazali, who is following
them. She claims to be their friend, and hints that the end of their
search will not only cure their ki problems, but may also end Ranma's
Jusenkyo curse. They receive a vision during the event in Scotland that
takes them to Granada, Spain. From there they experience the next
event, and a very disturbing vision hinting not only at a world wide
disaster, but of the end of their blossoming relationship as well.
Ukyo, Kuno and Nabiki are kidnapped by agents working for Ivan
Tarchenko, an assistant of a second research group that is studying
these events. They are taken to a dacha outside of Odessa, where Ukyo
is tortured. Kuno breaks them free and they flee across the southern
Ukraine. Tarchenko sends a group of men to pursue them
They are rescued from their pursuer, a vicious man named Fyodor,
by a stranger, who takes them to a ship belonging to his brother. His
brother, named Aerandir, is no less unusual, and he sails them to an
island in the Aegean sea to stay with his uncle.
Aerandir reveals to them that he is an 8000 year old descendant of
an ancient people whose land was destroyed by forces similar to the
event the scientists are looking for. He explains to them the history
of his people and that if steps are not taken, a second disaster will
befall the Earth.

Part Seven:

Chapter One

"Ukyo!" A voice calls. "Ucchan, where are you?"
Ukyo looks up from her cooking.
**It's Ranma-honey!** She thinks happily.
"I'm in here, Ranma-honey!"
Ranma appears. He is wearing his usual Chinese clothes; red blouse
and black trousers with the draw string legs. He grins for her as he
comes in.
"How was school today?" She asks him.
"It was okay. Only had to stand out in the hall twice this
morning. Only changed into a girl once. Fought Kuno as usual, punted
him into orbit."
"Sounds better than usual," Ukyo remarks. She pats him on the
head. He winces as she touches him.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Ran-chan."
"Stupid Akane," Ranma mutters, and rubs his head. "I'm really
getting tired of her hitting me with that damn hammer of hers."
Ukyo offers him a sympathetic look.
"Why do you put up with her?"
Ranma shrugs.
"I gotta."
Ukyo shakes her head slowly. She gathers her willpower and takes a
deep breath.
"You don't have to. There are always alternatives."
Ranma shrugs again. He smiles and the light of his gorgeous blue-
grey eyes makes Ukyo's heart skip a beat.
"Any suggestions?" He asks. There is the slightest hint in his
voice that he is implying something she has longed to hear from him for
so long.
Ukyo is now turning somersaults in her heart.
**I have to say it!** She thinks desperately.
"Sometimes happiness is closer than you think." It takes every
ounce of cool she can muster to say it.
Ranma draws closer to her.
"Really, now. Go on."
Her pulse races like a prize quarterhorse in the final turn at
Churchill Downs.
"Sometimes the person you can give your heart to is right there
next to you," she says softly, fighting to stay cool even as her heart
thunders in her ears. "Sometimes that person is just waiting for you to
realize it."
He drinks in the fire of her luminous trembling green eyes and
leans in close to her. She can see herself reflected in his eyes and
feel the soft breeze of his breath on her skin. She wants him to hold
her so badly that she is about to burst.
"You're right... I've been thinkin' about a lot of stuff lately,"
he says to her. "And the one thing I could kick myself for was for not
noticing how I felt about you Ucchan."
"Really?" Ukyo asks hopefully.
"Yeah," he says. "Truth is I've always loved you, Ucchan. Always.
I'm sorry it took me so long to figure that out for myself. You've
always been there for me, and I've taken that for granted. Never
"Oh Ran-chan..." Her voice trails off.
He takes her into a tender embrace. His kiss sets her on fire from
within. The world brightens around her, and everything gleams with an
inner light.

Muted sunlight streamed in through cream colored drapes and played
across Ukyo's face. Slowly she stirred in her bed and blinked her eyes
open. She felt so peaceful and contented.
She had another Ranma dream. She still had them even after Ranma's
profession of love for Akane, but this was the first time since then
that they hadn't cut her to the quick. This was the first time she had
dreamed of Ranma falling in love with her that didn't leave her weeping
in her bed and soaking the pillows with her tears.
She sighed dreamily and slipped out of bed. Reality would assert
itself soon enough, and she wanted these good feelings to last. That
Ranma at the very least loved her like a sister was some small buffer
against the eventual heartache that always came when she thought of
"Today is a new day," she said to herself. "This isn't Guam, but I
can at least enjoy my stay here like I was on vacation. And to think I
didn't have to spend a single yen to get here!"
She decided on bathing before breakfast. The sound of her humming
cheerfully carried down the hall. A sound which was soon joined by that
of splashing water.

Sarophan nodded to himself outside in the hall.
**Easier than I believed...** He thought with some satisfaction.
**Just a subtle touch here, a gentle prod there, and she responds as
desired... Easy enough I suppose when her heart is already behind the
He walked down the hall to take his breakfast.

* * *

Midmorning found Ukyo, Nabiki, and Kuno on the small beach by the
lagoon. Kelebros stood at anchor in the middle of the lagoon. Aerandir
had decided to remove it from the pier for some reason. Perhaps to
discourage Nabiki from leaving with him tomorrow.
They each wore bathing suits provided by Sarophan's household.
Nabiki had to admire Sarophan's fashion sense. They wore nothing less
than the finest designer labels.
By the same token she had found with no small delight that
Sarophan had a satellite television and received reports from the
world's major stock exchanges via Internet access on his home computer.
He had permitted her to catch up on her investment portfolios by
telephone under the gentle supervision of Yiannis. Her fortunes were
secure, and since she was no longer a hunted refugee, she was feeling
her old self again.
Kuno practiced his strikes in his dark blue swim trunks along the
low breaking waves. Ukyo lay out on a large beach towel sunning herself
in a white one piece bathing suit cut very high or very low in just the
right places. She seemed particularly happy this morning, which made
Nabiki feel much better about her. The last traces of her affliction
had evaporated away.
The three songbirds she had met yesterday had formed an unusual
bond with Nabiki. They serenaded her from a nearby fig tree, something
airy and bright by Claude Debussy. Nabiki found herself growing rather
fond of them.
She sat in the shade of the fig tree, listening to her songbirds,
(it wasn't long before she thought of them as hers), and watching Kuno.
The swordsman moved gracefully through a half-speed form, feeling out
each move of his body and blade, making them one with his mind. Kuno
wasn't very keen on much of anything, but as Nabiki watched him she
knew he was at least a genius when it came to swordplay. His form
complete, he executed it at full speed. The air seemed to shimmer
before the force of his glittering blade whistling through it.
"Mmmm..." Ukyo murmured wistfully. A tropical drink moistened her
lips. "I could do this forever."
Nabiki smiled and looked at her. "I'm inclined to agree with you."
Ukyo looked up from her drink and turned onto her side. "What do
you think about what Aerandir told us last night?"
Nabiki pursed her lips in thought. "It sounds crazy. But given the
light of recent events and the things we've seen, I guess I have to
believe him. Don't ask me what this means for us."
"That _was_ my next question," Ukyo chuckled. "Can you guess my
other one?"
"Do we stay here? I don't really know." Nabiki continued. "I'd
like to go home. Kasumi and my dad are probably just as worried after
hearing from me as they were before. I just don't want to involve them
in this. If those Russians are keeping an eye on the dojo I could end
up endangering them. At least while we're here everyone is safe."
"Everyone but Ranma and Akane," Ukyo observed.
Kuno stopped practicing and leaned an ear towards the two ladies.
"Do you know where they are?" Nabiki asked her.
"Of course not," Ukyo replied.
"Then we can't do anything to help them," Nabiki said. "I don't
like the idea, but that is just how it is. Sarophan probably has his
people looking for them right now as we speak."
"Do you think he can protect them?"
"He'll do a better job of it than we can."
"Speak for thyself Nabiki Tendo," Kuno said. He sheathed his sword
and strode over to them.
"What was that, Kuno-baby?" Nabiki asked archly.
"My martial prowess shall prevail over the foe as it has in
encounters past. I have sworn a vow to repay the debt of my life to the
accursed Ranma Saotome, and even unto the likes of such vermin I shall
not shirk from duty. Any who wouldst harm the slightest hair upon his
head must first answer to my righteous steel." His face darkened. "And
for those who wish ill upon the angelic beauty of Akane Tendo, I shall
split the heavens with my wrath."
"Gee Kuno-baby, you only promised them twenty-fold against what
they did to _me_," Nabiki teased.
Kuno affected a pained look for a moment.
"What's this about a debt?" Ukyo asked him. She tried to think
back to that night in Ucchan's -moments before they were catapulted
into this nightmare. Her memory of that night was sketchy at best.
Kuno took pains to direct all attention from Nabiki and instead
looked upon Ukyo laying on her beach towel. A fetching sight she was.
"I swore to repay the accursed Saotome Ranma and the misdirected
Hibiki Ryoga for saving my life," Kuno told her. "Though Saotome is my
rival in all things, I must not shirk a debt of honor."
"You mean when you were wounded in the war?" Ukyo asked.
Their eyes were drawn to the tattoos that embellished his
washboard stomach. Nabiki knew what she was looking for, and could see
the puckered scars from the bullet wound and of the tubes that had been
inserted into his infected abdominal cavity to drain the virulent
fluids out of his body. It was admirable work, and as Ranma had once
suspected, had been performed using traditional means.
"Precisely," Kuno said quietly. He could see their eyes upon his
stomach and tightened up unconsciously.
"So what's your plan?" Ukyo asked him. It was just idle chatter to
while away the morning hours.
For Tatewaki Kuno, it was anything but trivial. Nabiki took one
look at his stern countenance and knew that he already had a plan. It
was also probably so half-baked and hopelessly optimistic that he was
doomed to failure from the start. **Kuno just takes himself _far_ too
"I shall accompany the esteemed mariner Aerandir when he sails in
the morn. Together we shall find Saotome and the lovely Akane," he
Nabiki knew this was coming, but found her jaw dropping in shock
nonetheless. Ukyo took the news with equal surprise. Kuno bid them good
morning and proceeded to walk down the beach towards the rocky cliffs
to practice away from such lovely distractions.

* * *

Ivan Tarchenko stepped through the door and into a spacious room
at the University of St. Petersburg College of Science filled with
computers, tables with piles of books and hardcopy stacked upon them,
and men scribbling on blackboards. Doctor Casimir was in the corner of
the room with Doctors Yevdokimov, Petrenko, and Gulyaev. The four
scientists were poring over a simulation on a large computer display.
"So this is where you have been spending all your time?" He said
to them.
"Ah Vanya!" Casimir called to him happily. "You are just in time."
"In time for what, Doctor?"
Casimir laughed, and the other scientists laughed with him.
"We are close, Vanya. Very close!"
Tarchenko looked at the display. A toroidal representation of
magnetic flux spun around a grid pattern sphere which Tarchenko
immediately took to be the Earth. Red and violet lines of flux criss-
crossed the surface of the sphere, which at times took on substance and
displayed the land masses above and below sea level. The time scale was
set to one second equals 86,400 seconds, (or one day).
"You have corrected the model?" Tarchenko asked in surprise.
**Perhaps they would not need the two Japanese after all.**
"Yuri and Natalya have been tireless in their calculations,"
Casimir said in reply, gesturing to the middle-aged Doctors Petrenko
and Gulyaev respectively. The two gave modest smiles in response. "And
I've had a stroke of inspiration myself!"
"It works?" Tarchenko asked again.
"Not yet," Casimir cautioned. "But we have never been so close. I
was so blind not to see this before!"
Tarchenko was quite lost. "What is it then?"
"Gravity!" Casimir said triumphantly.
"Gravity?" Tarchenko repeated.
"Gravity," Gulyaev affirmed.
"But we've already factored in the gravitic functions for the
Moon," Tarchenko said desperately. His science background had only ever
been a cover for his work as Zhukerov and the others' spy, and these
people were leagues over his head.
"It wasn't enough!" Casimir hooted. Tarchenko had never seen the
old man so animated before. "Right now we're assessing the effects of
all of the planets in the solar system, and even the Alpha Centauri
trinary system. An acquaintance of mine from the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in California is going to send me a detailed summary of the
event data we've collected thus far; analyzed against these new
parameters. He's even managed to get us computer time for this!"
"In exchange for what?" Tarchenko asked. It was the KGB in him
coming out.
Casimir shrugged. "Some high resolution radar relief mappings of
Mars, our polar cosmic ray survey raw data from last month (they had a
few glitches with their own observatories and they're desperately
behind schedule), and the medical reports of all our brave cosmonauts
upstairs in Mir. You know how desperate the Americans are for long
duration space-flight data."
"Those were privileged data belonging to the Russian Federation,
Doctor!" Tarchenko cried. "You can't just give them away to the
"Hush Vanya, your voice is carrying," Casimir admonished. "And
remember we are scientists first. Leave politics to the
apparatchiks...If I must, how do they say over there in America, 'do a
little horse trading'; then I will gladly part with a few nags that I
may acquire a fine stallion!"
"But Doctor!" Tarchenko hissed. "It wasn't yours to give!"
"I'm surprised at you, Vanya. I would have thought that such a
great leap forward would have made you happy."
"I am happy, Doctor. But not if you had to give away our painfully
and costly collected scientific data to get it. We were nine years
ahead of them with the Mars data alone! And they'll never put that
Freedom of theirs into orbit. They would still be begging us to ride
Mir for years to come to collect their own long term space-flight data
if you hadn't given it to them. We need the hard currency such favors
Casimir shook his head. "What's done is done, and cannot be
undone." He directed his attention back to the display. "So beautiful.
I can almost see the pattern unfolding."
Tarchenko found himself watching as well. He was far enough into
this role to at least appreciate what he was looking at.
"So that's it then," he said at length.
"What was that, Vanya?" The elderly scientist asked absently.
"Gravity. That was what was missing."
"Oh there's more to it than that," Casimir remarked off-handedly.
"But this puts us so close now. So close. I wonder if that was what
Balthazar did to keep their model on track so much better than ours?"
"Why don't you ask him?" Tarchenko said suddenly. It was a lapse
of conduct, but the last several minutes had been very trying for him.
He wished immediately that he could take it back.
"How was that again, Vanya?"
Tarchenko realized that he may as well go all the way.
"You are planning to attend Prince Rainier's Charity Ball. I am
aware that Professor McFogg also attends the event every year. You
could ask him then."
"And how would you know this?" Casimir said tiredly. He didn't
feel like playing such games when there was so much yet to be done.
"I am your Operations Director, am I not?" Tarchenko replied. "It
is my job to know such things." It was a satisfactory recovery, and he
felt pleased with himself.
"Of course, Vanya." Casimir chuckled. "How very silly of me." He
let the matter drop and returned to the simulation.
"You said there was more to the model than the gravitic
corrections," Tarchenko fished. "What did you mean by that?"
"If I had those Wayfinders with me I could probably tell you,"
Casimir answered. "Just a few hours to talk with them. It could mean so
much. I do hope Balthazar brings them to Monaco."
Tarchenko's brow furrowed in thought.
**As do I, Doctor. As do I.**

Chapter Two

Aerandir was a little surprised to see Nabiki treading water a few
meters from Kelebros. He leaned over the gunwale and smiled for her.
She waved a hand jauntily at him, but the look of concern on her face
belied any joviality she tried to convey.
"Ahoy Nabiki!" He called to her. "For just a moment I thought you
were a mermaid who wished to chat with me." He looked down at her, a
vision of exotic beauty in a bright red bikini that glowed beneath the
clear green waters of the lagoon. "But then perhaps I am not far from
the mark!" He laughed.
"May I come aboard?" Nabiki asked.
"Of course!" Aerandir replied. "Swim to the fantail and I shall
help you aboard."
Nabiki kicked out a few lazy side strokes and bobbed just aft of
the jackstaff. Aerandir's personal ensign snapped with the breeze above
her. She could make out the silvery letters of 'Kelebros' on the
fantail, along with more of that attractive alien script.
Aerandir leaned over the rail and dropped a short Jacob's ladder
for her over the side. Nabiki pulled herself up, with Aerandir taking
her hand and helping her over the rail. She shook out some of the water
from her bob of mahogany colored hair as Aerandir went below to fetch a
towel for her.
He came back up on deck with the towel, and Nabiki dried herself
"Welcome aboard, Nabiki," he said kindly to her. "Now what seems
to be the trouble?"
"Is it _that_ obvious?" Nabiki lamented. She hated the idea of
being so easy to read.
"I cannot imagine why else you would swim so far from the beach
just to chat with me. Especially as I would be joining you for lunch in
just a short hour."
"I suppose you do have a point," she admitted.
"Would you like something to drink while we talk?" He offered.
Nabiki took a seat on a deck chair. "Anything without alcohol or
too fattening, please."
Aerandir smiled at her and went below again. Nabiki had to admit
that eight-thousand years old or not, he was looking very handsome. And
he did have the warmest smile.
He returned with two tall glasses of iced tea. He set one before
her and sipped idly at the other one.
"You were kidding about the mermaid, right?" She thought to ask
"Of course not!" Aerandir replied. "I speak with mermaids all the
She had to laugh in spite of the absurdity of it. Then again,
knowing a little more about Aerandir, he was probably quite serious.
"I have delayed you long enough I think," he observed dryly. "Now
what is it you wish to speak to of?"
"It's about Tatewaki Kuno," she told him.
"The Blue Thunder? Do go on."
She had the feeling that he was already certain of where she was
going with this, but played on. "He plans to leave with you tomorrow."
"Quite so," Aerandir agreed. "I cautioned him against it, but he
was rather adamant. As none of you are prisoners on this island, I
could not refuse such a request."
"Did he tell you why he wanted to go?"
"He did not," Aerandir replied. "Nor did I feel it was my business
to inquire."
Nabiki thought as much. "He's looking for Ranma and my little
sister. He swore this stupid oath to repay Ranma for saving his life,
and he's just dumb enough to travel to the ends of the Earth to do it!
He can't possibly survive on his own out there, he's just too dimwitted
for something like this!"
"Why Nabiki!" Aerandir said in an amused tone of voice. "I had no
idea you felt so strongly for the Blue Thunder!"
Nabiki's heart just about stopped.
"W-Whatever gave you that idea?" She stammered. She flinched on
the inside for losing her cool so easily. **What was it about Aerandir
that cut to the bone so effortlessly?**
"While I may not be as proficient as my uncle, I can see certain
things within people that mere vision cannot perceive," Aerandir
replied softly. "I see that you have spent a very long time in the Blue
Thunder's company."
"I've practically taken care of him his whole life," Nabiki said
without thinking. **Where is my guard today? Another hidden talent of
Aerandir's? Still, it _is_ good to get this out in the open...** "He
was so hopeless when I first met him in elementary school, I kind of
felt sorry for him... I guess I've been feeling sorry for him all our
lives." **Fourteen years anyway.**
"Surely the protector of Nabiki Tendo and Ukyo Kuonji could not be
so helpless?" Aerandir said in a tone that was very faintly mocking.
"Oh sure. If you give him someone to hack up with his sword, he's
just fine. Any other time and he's totally hopeless. He has no idea
what's going on outside of his little samurai fantasy world!"
She stopped speaking and just sat there looking at the beads of
condensation trickle down the glass of iced tea in her lap. Mostly
because Aerandir's marvelous sea colored eyes were too intense to bear
in her present state of mind. She couldn't believe she was getting so
worked up over Tatewaki Kuno.
Aerandir chuckled. "Correct me if I am mistaken, but I believe you
wish to join me tomorrow when Kelebros sets sail?"
Nabiki looked up at him gratefully. At least she didn't have to
fumble around for some way to justify going with him this way. No
reasons to let anything else slip in front of him either.
"If I can't talk him out of going, then yes, I wish to join you
tomorrow." Her eyes flashed with the glint of sunlight off the waters.
"If I may," she added.
Aerandir raised his glass to her. "Kelebros could do no better
than to have such a fine and fair lady as yourself aboard! You are
always welcome aboard my ship, Nabiki."
Nabiki clinked her glass against his.
"Thank you, Aerandir."
Aerandir bowed. "I am your servant, Nabiki," he said gallantly.
He checked his pocket watch, a veritable antique in 22 karat gold
with a Swiss 12 jeweled movement that dangled from a gold chain. "We
should also be heading for the shore. Lunch will be served shortly, and
I know my uncle is a stickler for punctuality. And you still need to
change out of your bathing suit."
Nabiki looked around for his launch. There was none that she could
see. **Surely he didn't intend to dock the ship with the pier again?**
"It's quite a swim," she remarked.
"Who said anything about a swim?" Aerandir said to her. "You
wouldn't be able to swim back and still be on time."
"What are you saying then?"
Aerandir opened his arms to her. "If I may, I shall carry you."
"Excuse me?"
"Trust in me Nabiki, I shall not lead you astray."
"Carry me across the water?"
"Yes. It's not something I make a habit of, but it _is_ good for
me to stay in practice. Come please."
She gingerly stepped up to him and he cradled her up into his
strong arms. She set an arm around his neck and shoulder and waited. He
stepped up to the rail and jumped over.
At first she cried in surprise, certain he intended to plunge into
the water. They never got that far. He skated atop the surface of the
waves and began singing a bawdy drinking song in Middle Italian. Nabiki
looked down with wide eyes and saw that his feet just avoided the
surface of the water.
"That's some trick," she remarked to him. "Could I do that in say,
eight-thousand years?"
"You could be doing this in just a few years if you were willing
to practice with me," he chuckled. "I sense a great well of power
within you. It makes me glad to know that my cousins are coming of
"You mean more people like you will be coming along?"
"Not like me. But yes, more and more of you are expressing your
potentials than ever before. From what I've heard of your sister's
husband, he seems to be one of the stronger ones."
"Fiance," Nabiki corrected. "So when will this sort of thing
become common place?"
"Oh not for a few more centuries at the very least!" Aerandir
laughed. "But I'm a very patient man!"
"I can imagine," Nabiki sighed, trying to imagine what it would be
like to live for thousands of years. The concept defied any real grasp
she could manage. She was only twenty years old. Aerandir was four
hundred times her age.
Aerandir scooted across the sand and set Nabiki gently on her
"There we are," he said briskly. "Now that was exhilarating,
wasn't it?"
She nodded and looked out across the lagoon. They had crossed two
hundred yards of water in under a minute. They didn't have a drop of
water on them.
"You could say that."

* * *

Tatewaki Kuno was pondering his good-byes to Ukyo and Nabiki when
he heard a light rapping on the door. He got up from his kneeling
position on the floor and started across the room. The rapping sound
returned a little more urgently.
He opened the door to see Nabiki looking up at him.
"Good evening Nabiki Tendo," he offered her politely.
"Let's cut to the chase Kuno-baby," Nabiki replied, and pushed
past him.
"You wish to speak in private?"
Nabiki had by this time sat down on the foot of the bed. "You
could say that."
"I am listening, Nabiki Tendo." Kuno stood across from her.
"I'm here to ask you to stay," Nabiki said to him.
"To stay?" Kuno asked. "For what purpose do you ask this of me?"
"I know this sounds a little awkward, but I'm concerned for you."
Kuno was silent. He had never expected something like this to be
said by Nabiki Tendo. (And certainly not in regards to himself.)
"Concerned?" He asked.
"Yes, concerned. For you." She said with growing impatience. "I
think you are making a big mistake in chasing after Ranma, and I am
trying to keep you from that mistake."
"I realize that should fate turn against me, and I be slain in the
course of fulfilling my oath to Saotome, that you would stand to lose
considerably in a financial sense."
It must have been a Tendo family trait, because a characteristic
Akane snapping sound came from inside Nabiki's head.
"I don't give a damn about your money!" She yelled at him.
Kuno stepped back a bit both in surprise at her ferocity and her
foreswearance of wealth.
"Oh, I should have known better than to try and reason with you,"
she went on in a slightly less intense tone of voice. "Any more than
thinking that you had an ounce of common sense in your head!"
She jumped to her feet and thundered past him. She slammed the
door as hard as she could for effect. Kuno stood there watching her go
with a confused look on his face.
**Perhaps I am mistaken, but I do believe Nabiki Tendo is
concerned for me...**

* * *

Later that evening Nabiki found Ukyo listening to music in the
drawing room. She had cooled off from her bungled encounter with Kuno,
and her next course of action was obvious to her. Her songbirds were
there, and to see them serenading Ukyo made her jealous for an instant
before realizing to herself how silly that was. Ukyo looked up and
waved to her.
"Hey Nabiki," she greeted.
"Hi Ukyo. You look pretty content."
"Oh I am," she replied. "I haven't felt this much at ease with
myself in a long time. It's funny too, because I had a dream about
Ranma last night."
"Yeah. Usually they leave me a wreck in the morning. Not today. I
know that he'll always love Akane, and somehow it just doesn't bother
me like it used to."
Nabiki sat down next to her. "Does this mean you're getting over
"I still love him," Ukyo replied. "I'll always love him. Maybe
this means that I'm ready to move on with my life." She chuckled
softly. "I mean why should I keep beating myself up over it?"
"No regrets?"
"One," Ukyo admitted. "I regret not coming to Nerima sooner. I
think if I had come before he started to fall in love with Akane, he
would have fallen for me instead." She threw back her mane of dark
brown hair. "But you know what? That really doesn't bother me anymore
either. It's like this little voice in my head is telling me not to
worry; that no matter who gets whom, everything will work out for the
Nabiki nodded. She and Ukyo had become rather close in the past
few months, but this was the first time they had ever discussed her
love for Ranma in this way.
"I'm glad to see you feeling better," Nabiki said softly. "Don't
let this get out, but I really care about you."
"Your secret is safe with me," she whispered with a grin. She then
threw her arms around Nabiki and they hugged warmly.
Nabiki started to get a little choked up. Affection didn't come
easy to her, and she had never been this way with her sisters. She
loved Kasumi dearly, but with the death of their mother her older
sister had become so distant from them. Akane would always be the baby
of the family, and Nabiki admitted that perhaps a little jealousy of
her had kept them from ever being close. It was strange and also
wonderful that she could be so close to Ukyo.
She sniffled once, fighting back a tear or two. She was on too
much of an emotional roller-coaster tonight. Ukyo gave her a squeeze
and released their embrace. As the okonomiyaki chef drew back from her,
Nabiki put on her best smile and tried to muster the courage to say
what she had come here for.
"I'm leaving with Aerandir in the morning," she said quickly.
"I kinda guessed that," Ukyo replied. "Take good care of him."
"Aerandir can take care of himself," Nabiki observed.
"That's not who I was talking about," Ukyo grinned. "I was talking
about Kuno."
"Ukyo!" Nabiki cried. "I thought I made things pretty clear to you
about how I felt about him." **Pompous posturing idiot!**
"Relax Nabiki," Ukyo giggled, thoroughly amused with the reaction
she had received from her remark. "I'm not saying that you're in love
with him or anything, but I think you feel for him more than you care
to admit."
"I'm not going to answer that," Nabiki said dryly. "But I am going
to ask you to come with us."
"I can't," Ukyo said softly.
"Why not?"
"I just can't," she replied. "I need some time to think things
through. It's why I wanted to go on vacation in the first place. As
long as I'm here, I'm going to take advantage of it. Besides, it's not
like you'll never see me again. We'll all be back in Japan in a few
Nabiki could see that Ukyo was quite sincere in her desire to stay
behind. She decided that perhaps the okonomiyaki chef she had come to
know as her dearest friend could use a little time alone. She would
miss Ukyo, but she was right; they would all be together again in a few
weeks. That wasn't such a long time to wait.
"I'm going to miss you Ukyo," Nabiki said to her. "But if it's for
the best than I won't argue with you."
"Nabiki not haggle? I'm surprised you would let me off so easy. I
was expecting a fight." Ukyo teased.
"Do you want one?" Nabiki replied with a wicked grin.
"No, but I'll settle for a hug instead."
Nabiki reached out and took Ukyo into another warm embrace. She
felt the warmth of a tear on her cheek, and realized that it belonged
to Ukyo. The songbirds trilled softly for them in the darkness.

* * *

The sky was just turning grey in the east. The wind was soft and
cool, promising a gentle summer day. Tatewaki Kuno brought the
inflatable boat alongside Kelebros. Yiannis took over the tiller and
kept the boat steady as Aerandir sent the Jacob's ladder over the side.
Kuno pulled himself up the ladder, carrying only his sword.
"You travel lightly Blue Thunder," Aerandir remarked. "Admirable
for a sailor, but not always wise."
"It would not be proper to take such things as were lent to me by
thine uncle," Kuno replied.
"Well I don't think he was actually _lending_ them to you,"
Aerandir explained. "But it's no matter. I have such clothes as to suit
the both of us. And my larder is stocked. Are you ready to sail with
"Verily, 'tis a fine day to feel the wind at our backs and to hear
the snapping of the canvas."
"Well spoken, Blue Thunder. If you would man the helm please,
whilst I make preparations to get underway."
Kuno bowed crisply and strode to the pilot house. Aerandir waved
to Yiannis, who waved back and turned the boat away from Kelebros and
started back towards the beach. That done, he turned to the mainmast
and narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Weigh anchor," he said in a loud voice.
A bosun's whistle shrilled from nowhere and the ensign was run
down the jackstaff and appeared running up the mainmast. The anchor was
hauled aboard with the crisp clanking of the wildcat. Another whistle
"Very well," Aerandir replied. "You may carry on. Smartly mind
you, please. We have an audience."
Sails billowed open from reef stays. The wind obliged and blew up
to stern, filling the bellies of the canvas with loud cracks. Invisible
hands took turns on the sheets and halyards and trimmed the rigging
smartly. Kelebros began to make headway.
"Steady on the helm, Blue Thunder," Aerandir advised. "Let's see
what the wind is doing."
Kuno kept the rudder steady as Kelebros made for the stony
breakwater. The ship heeled over slightly to starboard, but it was
nothing of much concern. The chop of the seas rolling in through the
channel glittered like quicksilver upon the grey wavetops in the
predawn light.

Ukyo watched Kelebros begin its departure from the lagoon. She
could clearly see a dozen or so sailors clambering around on deck or up
in the rigging. They wore striped shirts and white trousers and straw
hats with yellow ribbon tails. The wind carried the sounds of men
singing as they hauled at the lines.
When the sun broke over the horizon they seemed to fade away from
sight. Like a mirage. She thought she must have been seeing things, but
the last sailor to fade from sight, high up at the top of the mainmast,
blew her a kiss and waved goodbye.
Sarophan snorted next to her.
"Romantics," he said quietly.
"Pardon me?" Ukyo asked him.
"Romantic fools," Sarophan said. "They've been dead hundreds of
years and still they flock to my nephew's banner to sail with him. Some
come all the way from Fiddler's Green."

"Ease your rudder two points to port," Aerandir advised. "Steady
on course 2-4-5." He turned his face up to his phantom crew. "Mind the
skylarking, lads. Plenty of time for that later."
Kuno followed the rudder order. The spar for the mainsail shifted
slightly before him. He checked his compass and held the tiller steady
on course at 2-4-5.
"Well done."
Kuno beamed at the compliment.
Kelebros darted past the breakwater and into the open Aegean.
Aerandir tutored him on the handling of the ship, pleased to find such
an attentive and eager pupil. After awhile he relieved Kuno at the helm
and mentioned that he should go below to have breakfast. The swordsman
felt quite pleased with himself, and hummed tunelessly as he went
He looked about the small galley and dining area scarcely large
enough for four people. There was an arrangement of fruits in a hanging
bag that drifted back and forth slowly with the rocking of the ship in
the waves. Freshly baked bread lay in a basket set in a recess in the
middle of the table to keep it from rolling off. He chose a mango and
began to eat.
On the small stove was a kettle of water put on to boil. The
kettle was held on the griddle-like burner by two metal rods that fit
in holes along the raised edge of the stove. One could shift the rods
around to accommodate larger sized pots, or add more rods and safely
cook with more than one in rough seas.
The water wasn't yet hot, and so he went forward into Aerandir's
stateroom for a change of wardrobe. He felt glad to be away from Ukyo
and Nabiki in a way. At least he didn't have to see to their safety
anymore. He could focus himself upon the task at hand; repaying his
debt as swiftly as possible that he might return home to Japan.
Of course if it should be by way of the fine vessel he now sailed
upon, then so much the better. Aerandir was an excellent teacher of
seamanship, something Kuno had always wanted to learn more of. He was
after all a skilled mariner, but his first passion was always
swordplay, even at the expense of other disciplines. This was his
opportunity to hone his skills and sharpen his instincts. **Let them
try laughing when next I shouldst sail away with my Pig-Tailed
He stepped through the door into Aerandir's stateroom. It was
dimly lit with the drapes pulled over the portholes, and the sun was
yet still struggling on the horizon. He reached for a light switch and
flicked it on.
Nabiki Tendo lay in Aerandir's bed fast asleep. She was wearing
the smallest nightgown that Tatewaki Kuno had ever seen. Her long
coltish legs were bare, the comforter and sheets thrown carelessly
aside her. His eye caught a teasing glimpse of her black lace panties.
Her bosom swelled in the most inspiring way as she drew slow and even
breaths in her sleep.
Sweat beaded on his forehead and heat began to radiate about his
face. As crafty and dangerous as he knew her to be, in repose she
looked so innocent and, well, beautiful. Angelic, the more he thought
about it. He continued to watch her sleep, fascinated with her
loveliness. Even a little unnerved at her transformation.
Finally it became too much for him and he threw up his hands to
the heavens.
**Oh cruel fate!** He lamented in his mind. **Why hast thou passed
this cup to me? Are not my affections divided enough?**
He reigned himself in, asserting his self control with rare
success. He was strong. What he felt were primal urges, to be denied
for the higher finer beauty of True Love. Love for the Pig-Tailed Girl,
love for Akane Tendo. He couldn't possibly feel love for Nabiki.
Respect certainly. Even admiration for her strength, resolve, and
wit. But anything more? Absurd!
"Absurd," he said aloud, and felt better immediately.
There was something very wrong here, but he had yet to determine
what it was.
He tried to ignore her as he searched the wardrobes for something
"Mmmmmm..... Hello Kuno-baby," Nabiki purred luxuriantly behind
He turned around to see her curled suggestively around a large
pillow. Her half-open eyes seemed focused on him. Her mouth was pursed
into a wicked grin.
The badly worn clutch of his mind finally engaged.
"Thou art supposed to be upon the island, woman!" Kuno cried in a
loud voice.
Nabiki was unfazed by his outburst. All of the old cool in her was
back with a vengeance. She yawned casually.
"Now whatever gave you that idea, Kuno-baby?"
Kuno was livid.
"Madness!" he bellowed incoherently. He had no idea where he was
going, and rambled on for several minutes, punctuating his oratory with
various fragments like "Insanity," "Foolishness," and Nabiki's personal
favorite: "Impetuous woman!"
She let him go on like that until he seemed to be reaching some
sort of crescendo. (Although he was making no more sense now than when
he had started his tirade.) Then she pulled the rug out from under him.
"Give it up Kuno-baby," she told him softly. "You're stuck with
me, and it's for your own good."
Kuno stopped in mid-finale. The hard look in her eyes told him
volumes. They told him that she wasn't relenting, and that he was
dashing himself against a wall of iron. His hands sunk down to his
sides and for a moment he seemed like a deflated balloon. It was almost
He sunk down along the bulkhead, sapped of energy. Defeated as
usual by Nabiki Tendo. He wondered what sort of dark powers she
exercised over him to do this with such annoying regularity.
"Might I ask why thou hast chosen to visit this upon me?" He said
wearily from the carpeted deck.
"I told you last night Kuno-baby," she replied with a slight smile
from over the pillow. "I'm concerned about you."
Kuno slumped down upon the carpet in total defeat.

Nabiki came up on deck wearing a halter and shorts. She was
barefoot and smiling quite contentedly. Aerandir returned her smile.
"Well I think he took your presence rather well, don't you think?"
He asked with a wink. It was clear he could hear Kuno's tirade up on
"You're sure we're too far away to turn back?"
Aerandir chuckled. "Distance has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't
turn back. You asked to join me on this voyage and I agreed. What the
Blue Thunder may wish of you has nothing to do with our agreement."
"Thanks for letting me stay the night onboard," she said warmly.
"And for keeping him away until we were out to sea."
"I am your servant, Nabiki," Aerandir laughed. "It was no
He looked across the horizon to the sight of distant ships. A
cloud bank loomed far to port -a squall blown up from the warm Egyptian
air in the south. He reached out and caressed the storm; assessing its
intentions, gauging the strength that it hid within its depths.
"Truth be known Nabiki, I would have dearly wished to have seen
him from a closer vantage point. Is he always so passionate?"
Nabiki blushed a little at his remark. "If you mean excitable,
then yes."
"I sensed as much in him. You would do well to take care with
"Oh, I can handle him," she replied without thinking.
The sweet sound of music filled the air. Nabiki's trio of
songbirds settled along the rail and chirped excitedly for her. She
cried out in delight and gathered them up onto her arm. They sang a
bright aria in response.
"Aerandir, look!" She cried.
Aerandir offered her a thin smile.
"I see my uncle's songbirds have taken a fancy to you."
"He won't mind will he?" She was clearly taken with them as well.
Aerandir looked away, pretending to be on the lookout for shipping
traffic. A part of him tugged at the squall, and the winds shifted to
bring it closer. Nabiki hadn't noticed the darkening horizon off their
port beam. It was still very distant.
"No, I don't think he will mind their absence."
Nabiki let the three birds settle on the brass rail that
surrounded the pilot house. They began a slow melody, Handel's
"Wassermusik," the first suite in F. "So where are we bound?"
"Monaco," Aerandir replied. His jovial spirit now seemed quite
"Any particular reason? Not that I mind a trip to the south of
"I have a certain obligation to meet in Monaco. By a happy
coincidence we will likely find your sister and her fiance there as
"Akane and Ranma? That's great!" She was dying to see some family
again. "When do you think we can get there?"
"Perhaps three days," Aerandir replied. "I don't think there is
any urgency to require the expenditure of certain Talents to get there
"Just how far can you travel in a night?" She understood now that
he had used some of his enigmatic powers to take them 400 miles in
twelve hours in order to reach Kalimnos.
"It depends," he said evenly. "It depends on how badly I need to
be somewhere, how much strength I have saved up for the task, and how
much energy I can draw on from the sea. I imagine that I could get us
there by tonight, if it was important enough."
He looked at her. His sea-colored eyes flashed with distant
"But I do not feel that is the case. In any event the process can
be very draining, and I might need to save my strength for other
concerns. We shall have to be patient."
Nabiki walked over to stand close to him.
"What's the matter, Aerandir? Something is bothering you."
"Yes, Nabiki... You are a formidable woman indeed... Something is
bothering me, and I suppose that it would only be fair that I share it
with you."
There was anger veiled in his words. It didn't seem to be directed
at her, but she became wary of him. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear
it anymore.
"My uncle has committed himself to a terrible course of action,"
he began. "I have sworn to him that I would not interfere. That he is
my family and I would not betray him. Yet he sends those," he pointed
to the songbirds, which chirped animatedly. "Because he does not trust
He raised his fist to the sky and a great bolt of lightning
crackled across the mainmast. The thunderclap report deafened Nabiki,
who huddled in the safety of Aerandir's loose fitting tunic. The storm
was building to port, rushing closer.
"Has this obsession so twisted your heart that you would think so
low of your own family!?" He bellowed to the storm.
He brought up his hands again and waved them out to his sides. A
great waterspout spiraled up from the sea and began rampaging in
circles around the ship. Seaspray and wind lashed at Nabiki, who now
ducked down along the pilothouse bulkhead for shelter. Aerandir's hands
crackled with St. Elmo's fire, and more lightning crackled in response
"Aerandir, stop it!" She cried.
Rain began to fall, heavy and cold. Kelebros pitched roughly
against the blackening seas. The swells were swiftly becoming thirty
foot high mountains of icy water. Lines came free from their stays and
whipped mercilessly around the deck.
Aerandir had run forward to stand on the prow, and was shouting at
the sky in his native tongue.
"Aerandir!" Nabiki shouted.
He spun around and whipped up another waterspout with his raised
hands. He sent it spiraling in the opposite direction of the first,
disrupting the waves even more as they crashed against the hull. A wave
broke over the rail and nearly crushed Nabiki against the bulkhead. She
spat out a mouthful of briny water and coughed up what little she had
Kuno stormed up on deck.
"What manner of storm is this?!" He cried.
"It's Aerandir!" Nabiki yelled back to him, still coughing water.
"He's gone crazy!"
Kuno fought to keep his balance on the water logged and pitching
deck. He reached Nabiki, who grabbed onto to him for purchase against
the swells. He put an arm around her and held her fast even as he
looped his other arm around the rail.
"There was no hint of madness in him in the morn," he remarked to
her over the roar of the wind and the furious patter of rain.
"What do you call this?" She shot back from underneath his arm.
He surveyed the blackened skies and the icy swells that raged
around them. Lightning rent the heavens again with its deafening
report. The rain fell in sheets that had soaked the two of them to the
"Perhaps I must speak to him lest we founder."
"You think so?!" Nabiki returned with all the sarcasm she could
muster under the circumstances. **Even in a crisis he's so
"Get thee below, Nabiki Tendo. Thou art ill prepared to face this
"I'm staying right here. There's no way I'm going to try and make
it to the ladder in the middle of this!"
"Very well then," Kuno said to her. "I ask that you hold fast to
the rail and preserve thy most precious life. I shall attempt to parley
with Master Aerandir."
He stood up and walked calmly towards the prow. Now that he
understood what was going on, he turned his attentions to proper
balance and footwork upon the slippery wooden deck. He moved gracefully
over the deck watching the waves as they came in, feeling the subtle
shifts in the ship as it wallowed over the swells, and bracing against
the gusts of wind.
"Master Aerandir," he called in a calm voice.
Aerandir didn't acknowledge him. He was busy raising up a third
Kuno repeated himself, adding, "thou art frightening the lady."
Aerandir turned around. He saw Nabiki soaking wet and huddled in
the open pilothouse. She was trying to stay calm, but he could see into
her heart and knew she was terrified.
The waterspouts flew apart around the ship. The winds died down
and the seas with them. The rain faded to a gentle sprinkle. Without
his direction and efforts, the storm that should never have been now
ceased to exist.
He leaned back against the gunwale and sighed heavily. A wisp of
St. Elmo's fire flickered across his hands and sparkled into
"I suppose I _did_ overdo it a bit," he observed. "But I wanted my
uncle to know exactly what I thought of his gift."
He sighed again.
"It felt good to get that all out of my system. My apologies if I
frightened you."
Nabiki stood up. She tried wringing out her now sopping wet halter
top. Her confusion with him gave her a wary countenance. He seemed very
kind and gentle, yet this rampant display of violent power was stark
contrast to the man she thought she knew.
**I should kick myself for thinking I could figure him out in just
a few days. He's eight thousand years old for gosh sakes. I probably
haven't seen a fraction of his personality. Or his power.**
Aerandir walked aft to the pilothouse. He bowed his head for her.
"Are you injured?"
Nabiki brushed at some of the water that beaded on her from the
drizzling rain.
"Not really. A little bruised maybe, but nothing serious."
"I offer my apologies to you. I am used to traveling alone, where
such outbursts harm no one. They are quite rare I assure you, but when
I do let go it isn't gentle."
She tried to smile for him. "Just warn me next time, okay."
"I shall endeavor not to have a next time around you," he replied.
"Perhaps you should get below and change out of your wet clothes."
Nabiki nodded agreement. Without a word she went below.
Aerandir brushed at his clothes, which dried instantly in wisps of
steam. He looked at Kuno, who now had the helm and kept Kelebros on
course. He knew it wasn't necessary, as the ship looked after itself,
but admired Kuno's instincts. Perhaps in a few years he would be worthy
"I am very sorry Blue Thunder. I never meant for any harm to
befall her."
Kuno nodded in acceptance of Aerandir's apology. "While she may
have the frailties of her gender, she is of strong character and
spirit. I do not believe she will hold this long against thee."
"For that I am glad. I would be sorely wounded to lose the
friendship of Nabiki Tendo."

Chapter Three

Ivan Tarchenko walked down the wide boulevards of the city to his
usual Paris haunt, a sidewalk cafe on the Left Bank of the Seine. He
ordered the usual, and was rewarded with the appearance of his contact
some minutes later. The man sat down across from him.
"<You are given final authorization to proceed with your action,>"
the man said to him in French.
"<But can I count on your support?>" Tarchenko asked with a sharp
edge to his question.
"<We are prepared to accept custody, but be advised that if any
formal proceedings should occur as a result we will not hesitate to
take the appropriate steps to keep ourselves clean.>"
Tarchenko nodded at the old give-and-take. "<I understand, but let
me offer you this in return: your ardent cooperation with me will be
looked upon favorably by the men I represent. I am well aware that the
Paris Section is in decline with the lack of funding in recent times.>"
He left the rest open to speculation.
The man nodded with a grunt. He knew which side his bread was
buttered on.
"<We shall make every effort to support you in Paris.>"
"<You have no idea of the confidence that inspires in me,>"
Tarchenko replied.
The man stood up from his chair and lost himself in the crowds of
commuters spilling up from the Metro station below the street.
Tarchenko reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a cellular
phone. He stabbed a quick encryption key code into the unit and then
dialed. After some minutes he was rewarded with the polyphonic tones of
the unit on the receiving end entering the correct return code.
"<Your orders?>" Crackled Fyodor's voice.
"<You may proceed as planned,>" Tarchenko told him crisply.
The line clicked dead. Tarchenko put the phone back into his
pocket and finished his coffee.

* * *

Nabiki couldn't find it in her heart to stay upset with Aerandir
for very long. They had passed the day at sea in good spirits. Kuno had
gotten over her presence on board, seeing as how Aerandir had no
intentions of returning her to the island.
Her songbirds had fled below when Aerandir began his tantrum. Now
they perched upon the rail of the pilothouse and serenaded her with a
little Mendelssohn. Even Aerandir didn't seem to mind them as much,
especially as how they made her so happy to have them around.
This afternoon found Kuno and Aerandir standing on deck facing off
with swords. It hadn't taken long for the subject of fencing to come up
between them. Nabiki watched them size the other up while sipping iced
Kuno of course had his katana, which was a beautiful family sword.
She didn't doubt its edge one bit, she'd seen its handiwork first hand.
Aerandir's sword however was far more exotic. The metal looked like it
had been woven from several different pieces and hammered flat into a
wavy blade similar to a flamberge. Delicate engravings were etched on
the blade in that gorgeous ancient script, the hilt was ivory and gold
and set with emeralds and aquamarine and lapis lazuli.
"Don't kill yourselves," she called to them as it looked like they
were ready to fight.
"I have faith in the Blue Thunder's skill," Aerandir replied.
They came at each other with lightning swift strokes. Their blades
flashed in the sunlight but never once connected with each other nor
the flesh of their opponents. After the first engagement they backed
off and assessed the other's style.
"You fight rather well, Blue Thunder. However I know you're
holding back from me."
"I may say the same of thee," Kuno replied. "First we must
determine the rhythm of our opponent that we may strike outside of it."
"I find it odd that a man who holds the tenets of Musashi close to
his heart only wields one sword."
"It is the way of the Kuno family."
"I understand."
They came at each other again. Nabiki couldn't even see their
blades moving, just a flashing blur of glinting steel. It ended as
abruptly as it began, with Aerandir stepping back and bowing his head.
"Well done," he said in compliment for Kuno's skill.
Kuno bowed in respectful acknowledgment of the compliment.
"Did I miss something?" Nabiki asked them. "I never even heard
your swords touch each other."
"And mar these fine blades needlessly?" Aerandir replied.
"It is not necessary for two swordsmen of sufficient caliber to
resort to such coarse and vulgar means of sparring," Kuno supplied.
Aerandir nodded his head in agreement.
"So you just wave your swords at each other until someone decides
that he's outmatched?"
"There is more involved, but that is the gist of the argument,"
Aerandir said to her. "It was plainly obvious that the Blue Thunder has
more speed than I. He also practices rigorously every day. I haven't
picked up my sword to spar or otherwise for decades. I think he went
easy on me or he would have defeated me even sooner."
"If I may be so bold as to point out that thy heavier blade is not
as well matched against my lighter swifter blade for such unarmored
combat," Kuno said, pointing to Aerandir's sword with his own.
"Very true, but you are being too modest Blue Thunder. Yours was
clearly the superior skill."
Nabiki had to snicker at that remark. **Kuno modest?**
"Allow me to offer you this in appreciation of a master swordsman
if I may," Aerandir continued. He squinted his eyes for just a moment.
The sword he held in his hand seemed to burst into a silvery flame.
Kuno's eyes widened in wonder. Nabiki had to shade her eyes with
her hand to cut down on the glare from the sword.
"I can teach you this," Aerandir told him. "Your martial focus and
your bond with your blade is already so close that it would take little
effort on your part once I explained the foundations of the technique."
Kuno was flabbergasted.
"I would be honored Master Aerandir," he replied after a few
minutes of envious staring at the sparkling ethereal flames that licked
along the blade.
"Good! We have a few days before we reach Monaco. That should be
time enough to get you started if we work at it. Who knows? You may
master this in only a few years."
Nabiki looked at Kuno, and saw wheels turning in his head that
were unlike any she had ever expected from him. Then again, this was
about sword fighting, his only genius and first passion of anything in
this world. He'd probably have it down pat by the end of the week.

* * *

Professor McFogg took his tea with Mister Clay and the Prince of
Monaco a little earlier than usual. All three were busy men, but had
decided that an old friendship was worth a little sacrifice of decorum.
McFogg raised his teacup to the Prince and thought back to the good old
"Ah Henri, when was the last time we took tea together?"
Prince Rainier III gave him a chuckle. The man was in his early
seventies, still fit and hale despite the weight of age and the hard
times he had lived through.
"I believe it was about this time last year. The last time I held
this charity ball," he replied.
"Quite so," McFogg said quietly. "I have been a little busy to
call on you more often."
"We have both been busy," the Prince added. "How does your little
project fare these days?" He made an aside to Clay, "I remember when he
first told me about it. My daughter was being christened. I almost
laughed out loud right there in the cathedral. I'm sure the Bishop
would have had me excommunicated on the spot, sovereign or not!"
Clay laughed at his anecdote, not at all surprised to hear
something like that in regards to the Professor.
"We've had a bit of a setback recently," McFogg admitted. "But we
are very close."
"You're running out of time, if I remember correctly."
"Henri! Bite your tongue. I haven't spent fifty years of my life
just to lose everything in the last few weeks. In any event, we have
found our Wayfinders. They will set us back on the path."
"So your father was right," the Prince remarked. "I take it these
Wayfinders are the young couple you are bringing with you to the ball?"
"Correct as usual, Henri."
"I shall look forward to meeting them, then."

* * *

Ranma-chan decided that all things considered, it wasn't a bad
looking bikini that she wore. She certainly drew enough appreciative
looks from the men. It was just a little frustrating that she couldn't
enjoy a trip to the beach without becoming a girl. She could have worn
a conservative one-piece, but she figured that as long as she was going
to be playing on the ritzy Larvotto Beach in Monte Carlo, she might as
well look like she belonged. Half the girls here were topless anyway.
**Ryoga would have bled to death by now,** she mused, watching a
pair of French girls saunter by giggling like school children. The two
were wearing something approximating dental floss. Between them they
might have had enough suit material to seal the proverbial aspirin
**And I thought the suit Nabiki made me wear was nonexistent.**
She had a couple bottles of flavored mineral water for herself and
Akane. As she made her way down the stone steps to the beach, she
spotted Hiro and Ferguson coming from across the sand towards her. Hiro
was wearing a tank top and swim trunks, while Ferguson indulged in a
pair of Speedos. The scientist was deathly in need of a tan.
"<Hello there lass,>" Ferguson greeted her. "<You're looking
beautiful today.>"
There was something disturbing about Ferguson's words. Like he
didn't mind that Ranma was really a guy even when he happened to be a
girl at the moment. At least his transformation hadn't completely
freaked him out the first time like it did most people.
"<Hi Ferg,>" Ranma-chan replied. "<You're blinding me with that
lack of a tan.>"
Ferguson laughed. "<Perhaps I _should_ get out more.>"
"That for Akane-chan?" Hiro asked, gesturing to the bottled water.
"Yeah. Do you know where she went off to? I can't see her from
Ferguson waved to the two and started off. "<I'm headed back for
the hotel before I get burnt to a crisp. See you this evening. Ciao.>"
Hiro and Ranma-chan waved good-bye.
"Yeah I know where she is," Hiro said to her when Ferguson had
left. "Follow me."
Ranma-chan followed his lead.
"You know you _are_ looking pretty sassy in that bikini, Saotome."
"Watch it, Hiro."
"Just making an observation."
They continued on down the beach a little ways.
"So you talk to her yet?" Hiro asked.
"You know what I'm talking about."
Ranma-chan was silent a moment. He and Akane had reached an
unspoken agreement wherein they just didn't talk about what had
happened that night in Hiro's hotel room in Spain. About marrying
Akane, and his unreadiness to do so. That didn't mean he hadn't been
thinking about it ever since. He had the sleepless nights to prove it.
"Not yet."
"You're blowing it, Saotome."
Ranma-chan kicked at the sand.
"Who are you supposed to be, my old man?"
"Nah, just your friend."
"Some friend to keep opening up old wounds."
"Better to open them up and let 'em drain than to sit there and
watch them fester," Hiro countered. "But, hey, I'll lay off for now."
They found Akane asleep on her beach towel. She was wearing a
turquoise colored bikini with tiny silver stars embroidered upon it. An
arm was draped over her eyes to keep the Mediterranean sun at bay.
Ranma-chan pressed her finger to her lips and bade Hiro be silent.
Very carefully she crept up to Akane. Hiro started to snigger when he
saw Ranma-chan carefully position the icy bottle of water over Akane's
She slid the cold wet bottle over Akane, who doubled up and
screamed in shock and surprise. Ranma-chan jumped back with a cackling
laugh, and Hiro fell over onto the sand. Akane caught her bearings, saw
Ranma-chan with the offending bottle still in her hand, and began to
steam about the ears.
"Aw whatsa matter Akane?" Ranma-chan mocked. "Was that cold?"
"Run, Saotome! Run!" Hiro cried, nearly in tears at this point.
Ranma-chan decided that Hiro might have a point. She hopped to her
feet and bolted away. Akane jumped up after her and began yelling for
her to stop. Voices of beach goers cried out in a medley of French,
Italian, Monegasque, and English as they weaved through them.
"What? So you can clobber me? No way!" Ranma-chan cried in
She decided to cool her off by heading for the water. Akane
followed after as Ranma-chan ran past the crowds and dove headlong into
a wave. When she came up, Akane was there next to her. She was Not
"Uhh... Hi Akane!" She cried in her sunniest voice.
Akane dropped a fist down on top of her head. Ranma-chan sunk
beneath the waves. Bubbles appeared at the top of the water as a wave
rolled gently over her.
Ranma-chan burst to the surface a moment later waggling her tongue
at Akane.
"You never cease to amaze me Ranma," Akane told her, ignoring the
raspberry she was getting.
Ranma-chan stopped. "Oh yeah?"
"Just when I think you can't be any bigger jerk you always top
"I couldn't help it!" Ranma-chan cried. "You were practically
_begging_ for me to do it!"
"I'm going to kill you now..." Akane replied in a cold blooded
She dunked Ranma-chan in the next instant. She brought her back
out of the water to take a breath, then dunked her back under. This
continued for several cycles before Ranma-chan started laughing when
she should have been concentrating on breathing.
Akane dunked her again, and this time Ranma-chan caught a lungful
of water. When she began struggling in her grasp, Akane let her up.
Ranma-chan burst out of the water coughing and spluttering.
Concern replaced anger in Akane's eyes.
"Are you all right?"
"Fine," Ranma-chan gasped. "Just peachy." She spat out a bit of
water. "For tryin' to breathe in the whole ocean I'm just fine."
"Serves you right you jerk," Akane scolded.
"I'm sorry if you're sorry," Ranma-chan returned.
Akane looked at her for a moment. "I'm sorry, Ranma."
Ranma-chan grinned. "Changed my mind, I'm not sorry!" She pushed
Akane under and then lifted her up and started laughing. It was a
playful laugh, and instead of being set off again, Akane started
laughing and playfully wrestling with her.
"You are such a jerk, Ranma!" She cried merrily.
"I know," she replied with another grin. Without thinking of her
present form, she took Akane up into a hug.
Akane thought nothing of it either at first. She put her arms
around Ranma-chan and kissed her cheek. She was so used to seeing Ranma
as a girl that it didn't click.
It was after they pressed close to each other that they
"Oops," Ranma-chan said softly. "Sorry, wasn't thinking."
"Neither was I," Akane said with a bit of a blush. "Everybody
probably thinks we're lesbians now."
"You crazy kids!" Hiro called to them through the surf. "I can't
leave you two alone for a minute before you're off necking somewhere!"
Akane saw that Hiro was still wearing his tank top in the water.
"Take your shirt off Hiro," she called back to him. "Let's see
what a _real_ man's chest looks like!" At this last bit she cocked her
head towards Ranma-chan, who grunted something inaudible and probably
Hiro looked suddenly very uncomfortable.
"Uh, that's okay. I think I'll keep it on, thanks."
Akane was about to ask what the problem was when Ranma-chan nudged
her beneath the water.
"Drop it," she whispered.
She looked quickly to Ranma-chan, who gave her an equally quick
'trust me on this' look. Then she turned back and smiled for Hiro.
"Okay. Suit yourself!" She said cheerily.
Nothing could have suited Hiro more than to drop the subject. He
came up to them and splashed them both with water. They doused him in
"Enjoying ourselves?" He asked, wiping his wet hair out of his
"Oh yes," Akane replied wistfully. "If it wasn't for this whole
'event' business this would be the most fun I've had in a very long
while. But don't get me wrong, I'm still having a grand time!"
"I think Akane's figured out that she likes to travel," Ranma-chan
"Plenty of that to be had," Hiro replied. "I guess we're heading
back to England tomorrow -since we can't figure out where to go next."
Akane looked downcast.
"I'm really sorry we couldn't help the Professor. I feel like we
let him down."
"We'll think of something. I know we've got some of the smartest
people in the world working on it. Don't let it bother you Akane-chan,
nobody's blaming you for anything."
"If only we could figure out what the 'Crown of Eternity' meant,"
Ranma-chan said. She had been thinking about it off and on ever since
the event in Granada. She'd also been thinking about the vision with
Ukyo, and wondering if it was symbolic or a harbinger of things to
"There's only about three hundred and fifty known geographical
references with the word 'Eternity' in them," Hiro said. "So either
it's a metaphor for something, or we're in for a very long search."
"If Anazali shows up again, we could ask her," Akane offered. "She
might know."
"She'll turn up whenever she has something to say to us,"
Ranma-chan said. "Not before."
"Well enough about that stuff," Hiro said to them. "In my capacity
as majordomo and all around Man Friday for the Professor, it is my duty
to inform you that you still have to get fitted for that tuxedo some
time today. And your gown Akane; it will probably need to have a few
finishing touches put on it that will require your presence."
"Do we have to go tonight?" Ranma-chan asked.
Akane elbowed her stiffly in the ribs. "Of course we have to go,"
she replied. "The Professor has once again gone to a lot of trouble for
us. We're obligated."
"I know nothing about ballroom dancing!" Ranma-chan protested.
"Well you're in luck," Akane said with a wicked grin. "I do."
"So I'll have to lead, I guess. Face it Ranma; you're going to
waltz with me tonight, and you're going to like it."
Ranma-chan groaned pathetically.
The familiar howl of Pratt and Whitney R-1830 supercharged engines
grew in their ears. They looked up to see Bettie's Dare roar overhead
at about three hundred feet. The Catalina pushed over into a turn,
rounded the Fort Antoine Theater in the distant Monaco district, and
came in for a landing just outside the concrete breakwater of the large
La Condamine marina. It taxied into the marina and disappeared from
sight behind the bevy of yachts at anchor there.
"Looks like Durango and D-Day have arrived," Hiro remarked.
"Don't tell me they're going to this ball, too?" Ranma-chan asked.
"Probably not; it's a black tie affair. Heironymous hates to dress
"So why is he here?" Akane asked.
"Beats me. I guess we can ask him later."

* * *

Kelebros reached Monaco about midway through the third afternoon
at sea. Aerandir conversed in French with Monaco Harbor Control via a
small maritime radio. Nabiki watched the yachts and merchant shipping
sailing around them as they neared the marina. Kuno kept a sharp
lookout for any possible collision hazards on the prow.
"<Thank you very much, Monaco Control,>" Aerandir said fondly into
the radio.
"<It is always a pleasure to hear from you, Monsieur Aerandir,>"
Control replied.
Aerandir looked to Nabiki and winked. "It's nice to be well known
in these waters. You should see the trouble I have getting into Rio de
Janeiro sometimes."
"Something tells me you can sweet-talk your way into any harbor
you like," Nabiki returned.
"Perhaps so, but it is nice to have them cooperative from the
start." He looked forward to Kuno, who was scanning the waters ahead of
them with a pair of binoculars.
"Blue Thunder! I intend to make my turn at Buoy Number Three,
marked in red with two white lights. I shall come right to course 2-6-1
and proceed into the marina. Do keep an eye out for that bulk freighter
bearing on our port beam."
"Yes, the contemptible vessel seems bound and determined to
intercept us at every turn," Kuno observed. He scanned the 45,000 ton
container ship with the binoculars. "The MV La Roussa, out of Genoa. We
shall have to report them to the maritime authorities." The container
ship was bound for nearby Nice.
"Perhaps," Aerandir replied, but the tone of his voice suggested
that he was used to inconsiderate ships' masters. "I have advised them
of my intentions, and they have informed me that they will stand off
and allow our turn."
Nabiki watched the interplay between all of the ships around them.
She never imagined that the Mediterranean would be so busy. Today alone
she had seen numerous merchant ships, pleasure yachts, an oil tanker,
an Italian submarine surface bound for Toulon, and a U.S. Navy carrier
battlegroup that Aerandir informed her was bound for the Persian Gulf.
Even with them several thousand yards from the nearest escort ship, the
carrier's size defied belief.
Aerandir wheeled Kelebros around the buoy. As it did so, Kuno
watched as MV La Roussa picked up speed and swept by them with five
hundred yards to spare. Perhaps Nabiki didn't appreciate that five
hundred yards was a very small distance when it came to ships that
required several miles of water to turn or stop in, but she couldn't
understand why Aerandir made such a big deal about it.
Kelebros slipped past the concrete breakwater and into the marina
harbor. The sight of so many beautiful (and ridiculously expensive)
yachts in one place was starting to make Nabiki's mouth water. Aerandir
guided the ship carefully alongside the designated slip. With no
propulsion power other than the wind, it took longer than the Pier
Services crew waiting on the slip were used to. In the end Aerandir
cheated a little to get his favorable winds.
They tied up alongside the slip and Aerandir spoke with the Port
Authority and with Customs in rapid fire French. He handed several
small black books to the man, who looked them over and nodded
approvingly. The Customs man left without another word, while the man
from the Port Authority went through the standard Pier Services and
Harbor fees routine.
When the business was concluded Aerandir returned to Kuno and
"I have arranged entry visas for the two of you," he told them.
"These are your passports. I admit they have dubious origins but will
pass any spot inspection they may be subjected to."
"Where did you get these?" Nabiki asked.
"I had an idea that you would be accompanying me in the future,"
Aerandir told them. "So I had them made before we left the other
morning using my uncle's resources. I had expected Ukyo to join us as
well, so I had one made for her. I'm very sorry she did not."
Nabiki and Kuno took their respective passports. They seemed a
little heavy.
"I have a few more things to take care of, so if you would like to
do a little sight-seeing than you are welcome to do so. Just don't
forget where Kelebros is moored. And remember that you still have to
return in time to get dressed for the ball this evening, so if you
could return by sundown that would probably be best."
"Great!" Nabiki said. "Come on Kuno-baby, let's go shopping."
She took his arm and led him across the brow. He threw Aerandir a
confused look, which the mariner returned with a wink.
"I shall see you this evening!" Aerandir reminded them.

The first thing Nabiki did was find them a taxi. Fortunately she
found one whose driver spoke passable English. She communicated her
desires to do a little sight-seeing and a little shopping at the same
time. The driver understood and drove them into Fontvieille district.
The crowded houses and buildings of Monaco were a comfort to her,
as they reminded her so much of Tokyo. Monaco of course was having a
bit more trouble with the availability of real estate than Japan, but
in contrast none of the residents seemed to mind as much. The first
thing she noticed about the people of this tiny principality was that
while they were very friendly and outgoing, no one was in any kind of
As she suspected, what made their passports so heavy was that
Aerandir had stuffed them with spending money, and a little note from
him telling them to enjoy themselves. She had 5000 French francs or
roughly the equivalent of 100,000 yen. The amount surprised her as much
as it delighted her. Then again having lived as long as he did, he had
ample opportunity to amass the kind of fortune where such generosity
came easy.
She decided to pass on the generosity and tipped the cabbie
handsomely. He nodded thanks and gave them a personal card. If they
ever needed a ride somewhere they could just call, any time day or
night. Nabiki accepted the card with a grin.
**Making connections already. I like this place.**
Kuno was just along for the ride. He followed her lead, and didn't
object when she took his arm in hers. He tried to look as noble and
self-assured as possible given the circumstances. Although it wasn't
proper for a Japanese lady to be so forward in public, he found that he
didn't mind. It was the Nabiki he had always known, and he doubted she
would ever change for anyone. They window shopped and browsed along the
narrow cobblestone streets and watched the people go by. He drew a few
stares for the sword he wore at his side, but no one, not even the
friendly faced police, made any issue of it.
Their first stop was a boutique that offered French and Italian
cosmetics. Tatewaki Kuno stood with incredible patience and self
discipline as Nabiki tried this or that perfume, a few earrings and
other knickknacks that men the world over just can't fathom the
importance of, and a few shades and brands of lipstick. It was mostly
browsing, although she did buy an ounce of a perfume that Kuno found he
rather liked on her. (Of course he was her guinea pig for all of the
scents she sampled.)
They enjoyed cups of espresso at a sidewalk cafe afterwards. Kuno
nibbled at an Italian soft fried pastry but found he had little
appetite. Nabiki finished her cup and ordered another round.
"Something vexes thee, Kuno-baby?" She asked with a sardonic
Kuno raised an eyebrow at her, the most emotional response she'd
received all day from him. It must have been because she had turned the
tables on him again from their conversation in Sarophan's villa five
days earlier.
"Not at all, Nabiki Tendo."
"You're sure?"
"Doesn't seem that way from where I'm sitting." She reached over
and took his mostly untouched pastry and began to break it up with her
fingers. "Since you obviously don't want it," she added in
justification. She popped a piece into her mouth for punctuation.
Kuno sat there in silent reflection. From the look of him he
didn't seem to like whatever conclusion he was reaching. He looked down
at his tepid espresso and tried a sip. He immediately regretted it.
"You aren't supposed to let it get cold Kuno-baby."
A serving girl brought over their second round of espressos.
"Try it now," Nabiki told him.
Kuno did so. He regretted it a second time.
"It appears I have no taste for this beverage."
Nabiki signaled the girl to come over and ordered a cup of tea for
Kuno. He would have to settle for Oolong.
"It might be a bad idea for me to drink three espressos, but I
hate to see yours go to waste."
Kuno handed her the cup and sighed. There was definitely something
bothering him. Nabiki hated to see him like that.
"Oh come on Kuno-baby, what's the matter? You can tell me now or
you can listen to me ask you until doomsday."
Kuno sighed again, knowing that she would make good on her threat.
"It wounds me to admit it."
"Admit it? Admit what?"
He steeled himself. "It wounds me to admit that I was wrong."
Her mind turned in circles for a few seconds trying to figure out
what he was talking about.
"Wrong about what?"
"Wrong to think that I didst not require thy company on this
voyage. Your skills in socialization and intercultural relations far
surpass mine own. I admit that I would not have the slightest idea what
to do in this place were it not for you to guide me. I offer you my
humblest apologies for my outburst aboard the ship."
Nabiki's eyes widened a little. That Kuno would ever own up to
such a thing was remarkable in and of itself. That he would do so to
_her_ was downright amazing. "That's so sweet, Kuno-baby. I didn't
think you had it in you."
"Then you accept my apology?"
"Of course I do."
She reached over and patted his hand. "Tell you what Kuno-baby;
leave everything to me. As soon as I need your sword, I'll be sure to
point you in the right direction and turn you loose."
Kuno wasn't sure just how much of her was being patronizing and
how much was sincere. He decided that she was a little of both. That
was in keeping with her personality. At least she hadn't laughed at
"Finish your tea," she told him. "We don't have much longer until
we have to get back to the marina."

Ranma, Akane, and Hiro strolled down the street. Akane had the two
men on either arm and was enjoying how good that felt. They were on
their way to back to their hotel in Monaco district overlooking the La
Condamine marina harbor. Rather than take a cab they decided to walk.
The beautiful summer day was drawing to a close, and they wanted to
enjoy every minute of it.
"This is such a beautiful place," Akane said to them.
"Too bad we can't stay here longer," Ranma replied. He found he
liked Monaco as well.
"Spain was nice," Hiro observed.
"You mean the Spanish women were nice," Ranma amended for him.
"That too."

"Oh-my-God," Nabiki said softly. She couldn't believe her eyes.
Kuno looked up from his cup of tea.
"Nabiki Tendo, thou lookest as if thou hast seen a ghost."
"Not a ghost Kuno-baby, just my little sister." She rose quickly
to her feet.
Kuno nearly spat out his tea.

Akane stopped dead in her tracks. Ranma and Hiro were dragged to a
"Jeez Akane, ya nearly ripped my arm out of its socket," Ranma
Hiro looked at Akane, whose eyes were wide open in shock.
"What is it, Akane-chan?"

"Akane!" Nabiki cried. "Ranma!"
Kuno looked across the street to see Akane Tendo, the accursed
Ranma Saotome, and of all people the radioman for 3rd Platoon, 'A'
Company; Private Ohata if he was not mistaken.

Akane ran across the street heedless of the traffic. Ranma chased
after her, stopping a cab before it could hit her. The driver blared
his horn in protest. Hiro brought up the rear wondering what the hell
was going on.
Nabiki ran out to meet her sister, and the two caught each other
up in a fierce embrace. Tears fell unbidden from her eyes as she beheld
her little sister looking tanned and gorgeous in her arms. Akane
squeezed with all of her prodigious strength, nearly suffocating her.
"Nabiki! How? I-"
"I'll explain in a minute," Nabiki said in her ear. "You're
crushing me, sis."
"Oh!" Akane released her hold on Nabiki.
"I'm so glad I found you two," Nabiki said to them. Kuno joined
them in the middle of the street. The cab continued to honk its horn.
"Kuno? You're here too?" Akane asked. Ranma rolled his eyes,
trying to imagine what stroke of misfortune was being dealt to him now.
"Oh Akane, my heart leaps to behold you!"
Ranma casually planted his foot in Kuno's face before he could
catch Akane in his embrace.
"How's it going, Kuno?" Hiro asked with a chuckle. He hadn't seen
Ranma and Kuno go at it since last autumn on some nameless Korean hill.
It brought a smile to his face to know that some things didn't change.
Kuno peeled himself off of Ranma's foot and glared for a second.
"I am well, Private Ohata."
"Just call me Hiro, now."
The cabbie's horn became quite insistent. A crowd was starting to
gather to see what was the matter.
"We better let this guy get by us," Ranma advised.
They returned to the cafe. Nabiki brought them up to date with the
things that had happened to them since Ranma and Akane had left Japan.
They in turn told them about Anazali and the visions they had received.
"Where's Ukyo?" Ranma asked. "Did she come too?"
"She stayed on the island with Aerandir's uncle," Nabiki supplied.
"So now these Russians are after you?" Hiro asked her.
"Us and probably Ranma and Akane as well."
"That shall never happen," Kuno said firmly. He fingered the sword
at his side.
"We have to tell the Professor about this," Hiro declared. "This
might change everything."
The rest agreed. Even Ranma. Both groups had to return to their
respective lodgings to get changed, and they parted with the
understanding that they would meet at the Prince's ball and talk to the
Professor. Aerandir would be there, and Ranma hoped that perhaps
Anazali herself would put in an appearance. The two of them were
obviously cut from the same cloth; both from Nabiki's description of
Aerandir, and in her retelling of the mariner's historical account.

* * *

"This gets more and more complicated by the minute," Akane said.
She twirled around for Ranma. "How do I look?"
Ranma took in the sight of her in a luminous white ballroom gown
laden with pearls and tiny gold beads. Ribbons and lace flower blossoms
adorned her hair. All she needed were wings and a halo and he would
have been looking at an angel.
"Wow," was the best he could manage.
Akane beamed at the compliment.
"You look very handsome yourself."
Ranma looked down at his tuxedo. "I feel even more like a
Akane straightened his bow tie. "What is it with you and ties?
They never stay straight on you."
Ranma rolled his eyes. "I guess they're trying to tell me
"Don't wear 'em."
Akane stood up on her toes and kissed him on the corner of his
"I like to see you dressed like this."
She then realized that she had smeared lipstick on him. She
giggled a little but wouldn't tell him what was wrong. She went to the
bathroom and wet a washcloth to dabble on his face.
"Aggh!" He cried, figuring it out for himself.
"Don't touch it," she called to him. "You'll just get it all over
your clothes."
"What is it with girls and makeup anyway?"
"It makes us look prettier," she answered.
"You look fine without it," he remarked, still having no idea what
the big deal was.
Akane looked at him softly. "For a jerk you can say the nicest
things at times." She dabbled at his face. "I'd kiss you again for
that, but I'm trying to get this off you."
She flicked his pig-tail back over his shoulder and brushed at his
Ranma shrugged. "I still don't like the idea of dancing with all
those rich people."
"Don't worry about it. I'll lead, remember?"
They walked out the door of the room. Hiro and Clay were standing
there waiting. The Professor and Ferguson stepped out of their rooms.
The Professor had his meerschaum pipe clenched in his teeth and smiled
warmly for Akane.
"<A vision of oriental beauty, is she not?>" He asked the
assembled party.
They quickly agreed. Akane blushed.
"<Shall we be off?>"
Hiro nodded. "<I have the limousine waiting outside.>"
McFogg and the others started for the elevator lobby with Hiro in
the lead. Akane held Ranma back for a minute. She wanted to talk to
him, away from the others.
"I'm going to miss this," she sighed.
"Miss what?"
"Dressing up, going to exotic parties, traveling across Europe.
What are the chances we'll ever get to do this again?"
"I guess never," he admitted ruefully. He had come to enjoy their
time with the Professor's group himself. "Once this is over and we go
home to Nerima that'll be the end of it."
"That's why I want to enjoy the moment while we have it, Ranma.
That's why I want you to enjoy yourself tonight. I want these to be
fond memories we'll share for the rest of our lives."
**Share for the rest of our lives...** Ranma thought as he took
Akane's arm in his. He looked at her as they walked to the elevator
lobby and his heart swelled with love for her. In that moment of
reflection he found a new resolve within him.
**I want to share the rest of my life with you, Akane...**
He clenched his right hand into a fist. His knuckles popped, he
squeezed so hard.
**Now I just gotta bring myself to tell her that!**
"I'm a little worried about what Nabiki told us," Akane said,
oblivious to the turmoil that raged suddenly within him.
"I won't let anything happen to you," Ranma replied. "I swear to
"This is just so crazy. I mean how did we get caught up in the
middle of all this? Now my sister and Kuno and even Ukyo are involved."
"It's my fault. Remember what Anazali told us? She said it was my
ki-blast in North Korea that got all these people's attentions."
"She isn't telling us everything. There's more to it than that. I
saw the lions again in Granada. They told me we both had parts to play
in this. I just want to know what they are!"
"I know," Ranma soothed. "Me too... But until then all we can do
is watch out for these Russians and take this one day at a time."

Chapter Four

"<His Royal Highness, Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand de
Grimaldi the Third, Prince of Monaco!>" The Herald cried in a great
voice for the assembled guests. His announcement was followed by a
bright trumpet fanfare.
Those seated rose to their feet. A great clamor of applause arose
as the Prince entered the Grand Ballroom of the Palace with his
retinue. The band began to play the National Anthem of Monaco,
"Monegasque." A Color Guard, wearing brightly polished breastplates and
morion helms and bearing silvered pikes with red and white pennons tied
to them, brought in the family colors of the House of Grimaldi and the
flag of Monaco; a banner split in half lengthwise with a bar of red
above a bar of white.
Ranma joined Akane in the applause, as did Nabiki, Kuno and Hiro.
The five Japanese stood at their table, which was next to a table
occupied by the Professor, Ferguson, and Clay. That table in turn was
next to the one the Prince would retire to once the formalities were
dispensed. Aerandir was somewhere across the brilliantly polished
marble floor mingling with old acquaintances.
Professor McFogg also had a guest at his table, an old man named
Casimir. They hadn't met him yet, but they assumed it was the same
Doctor Casimir the Professor had mentioned before. If he was the
Professor's friend, they decided he was okay, Russian or not. Casimir
and Ferguson had been carrying on an animated conversation earlier.
Their attentions were drawn back to the Prince as he prepared to
The Prince smiled handsomely for the assembled guests and waved
his hands to beg for quiet.
"<I wish to thank all of you for attending tonight's charity
ball,>" he began. "<I know some of you had better things to do tonight,
but I thank you for remembering me.>"
The crowd began to murmur fond laughter.
"<So at the risk of not boring you to tears->"
Again the crowd laughed. There was a smattering of mirthful
applause. The Prince begged for quiet again with an infectious grin.
"<So at the risk of not boring you to tears I shall keep this
short. Enjoy the evening! Maestro, strike up the band!>"
He waved to the maestro, who raised his baton in salute to the
Prince. The crowd applauded once again, and their voices echoed
throughout the vaulting Grand Ballroom. Akane watched wide eyed as the
music began to play and couples moved out onto the floor. It was like
something out of a romantic dream for her.
The band began to play Johann Strauss' "Emperor Waltz."
Akane tugged at Ranma's arm.
"Come on!" She said happily to him.
"I was kinda hopin' you'd wait a bit," he muttered. "At least let
me watch everyone to get an idea what I'm supposed to do."
"Just follow my lead," she said to him. "You'll learn it in no
"Easy for you to say."
"Just think of it as training!"
She pulled him out onto the dance floor.

Nabiki was radiant in her black silken gown. She wore a diadem
which Aerandir had given to her. It glittered with diamonds atop her
head. She took Kuno by the arm, who was smashing in his turn of the
century tuxedo. (Another gift from Aerandir.) His tall height and his
martial poise lent him a statuesque regality.
"Shall we, Kuno-baby?"
"The pleasure is all mine, Nabiki Tendo."
Kuno was more than willing to prove how acculturated he was.
Particularly upon hearing Ranma's admission that he didn't know how to
waltz. With a brief check to ensure his sword was secure at his side he
followed Nabiki out onto the floor.

Aerandir mingled with the guests, renewing old acquaintances and
meeting new additions to families he hadn't seen in years. He wore a
brilliant saber to match his silvery complexion in contrast to his
black tuxedo, which wasn't unusual considering half the men present
were so armed. Most of them carried ceremonial swords, just for dress
occasions. Aerandir's sword was quite real.
He paid his respects to the Prince, who was happy to see him as
usual, and remarked that he should visit more than just once a year.
The Prince jabbed McFogg in the rib as he did so. The Professor for his
part noted his silvery complexion but said nothing. Doctor Casimir was
busy talking to a younger gentleman about physics.
The Prince was somewhat aware of Aerandir's nature, but in keeping
with a promise made during the Second World War, kept his silence about
the mariner's youthful appearance after fifty years of acquaintance.
Aerandir made pleasant small talk for awhile with him, mindful not to
broach any subject that might reveal his secret. After a bit he excused
himself and continued to mingle.
He was not expecting to run into any of his own kind. So the sight
of Anazali in a ballroom gown and cape came as quite a surprise. She
was similarly surprised to see him.
"I had the feeling there was another one of us here," she said as
she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "But I didn't think it would
be you, Sil Amarn."
He kissed her in return. "I confess that I didn't expect to meet
one of us at all, particularly the lovely Anazali."
"You never pay attention to such things. You spend too much time
alone at sea."
"At sea, yes. But not alone."
"Your ghost sailors don't count," she observed.
"They would be very upset to hear you say that. There are those of
our kind among them you know."
She led him out onto the floor. "Dance with me and we'll talk."

Akane showed Ranma how to stand and where to put his hands. She
began to slowly walk him through the steps. He found it wasn't so
tough, as long as he looked at it as training. When he started to look
at Akane and how beautiful she was in her gown and combined it with the
lively yet stately music of the waltz, he began to get a little excited
and just a little clumsy. She steadied him gently and giggled softly.
"What's the matter? This too hard for you?"
"You're distracting me," he admitted.
She laughed breathily in his ear. "There you go again, Ranma.
Saying all these sweet things has me confused. I'm not used to it yet."
"No, please keep it up!"
He was starting to figure it out by the end of the "Emperor
Waltz." The band launched into "Vienna Blood," also by Strauss, without
pause. Akane let him take the lead, and together they whirled across
the floor.
They met Nabiki and Kuno in the middle of the dance floor, and the
two sisters exchanged happy smiles. Ranma and Kuno glared at each
other, but for the sake of decorum kept it at that. Akane steered Ranma
away, and they danced on.
"Seeing Nabiki dancing with Kuno is a little weird," Ranma
"I don't know," Akane replied. "I guess it's a little strange that
they're getting along so well. Kuno actually looks kind of happy with
"Yeah. You'd think he was actually doing it of his own free will."
"Ranma!" She cried petulantly. "My sister isn't half as bad as you
make her out to be."
"How often have you been on the receiving end of her schemes?" He
replied. "But seriously, I think you're right. Maybe that time they
spent together on the run brought them closer to each other."
"Could be. Although that is a little weird in itself."
"Vienna Blood" faded into a third waltz by Strauss, "Roses from
the South." Ranma by now had grown comfortable with dancing, mostly
because Akane was always there to keep him on track when he started to
get confused. **We really do work well together,** he thought suddenly.
**And Akane isn't the klutz she used to be.**
The waltz ended and the band took a brief rest. The guests
applauded mightily for them and retired to their tables. Ranma didn't
realize it at first, but he had been dancing with Akane for thirty
minutes without pause.
They returned to their table. The Professor, Doctor Casimir, and
the Prince of Monaco bade the two to join them. A little shyly, they
walked over to the table.
Akane curtsied and Ranma bowed for the Prince.
"<You two look as if you're having a fine time!>" Rainier said to
them in English.
"<We are, your Highness!>" Akane enthused.
"<Henri is fine,>" the Prince amended gently. "<I am glad I could
meet you. Balthazar has told me so much about you.>"
"<None of it good I assure you,>" McFogg quipped. He puffed at his
pipe as the Prince threw up his hands and berated him good- naturedly
in French for his rudeness.
They chatted with the Prince and with Doctor Casimir for about
forty-five minutes, and Akane found the Prince to be as charismatic and
adorable as the Professor, if somewhat better mannered and chivalrous.
Doctor Casimir was mostly curious about their experiences with the
Professor's group, but Akane didn't sense anything threatening about
him. All in all she found that she rather liked the doctor. Ranma,
never much of a conversationalist, decided to sit back and watch the
couples move across the floor.
When the band began to play the lively strains of Tchaikovsky's
"Capriccio Italien," Akane was drawn to the dance floor almost by
magnetism. Ranma of course was drawn by Akane's firm grip. The Prince
laughed so hard at the sight of Ranma struggling in Akane's grasp that
tears streamed down his face and his men wondered what could possibly
be wrong with him.
"<They are wonderful, Balthazar.>" He managed at last. "<You have
made my whole evening by bringing them.>"
"<Happy to oblige you Henri,>" McFogg said with a puff on his
pipe. "<They are quite infectious, aren't they?>"
"<I envy you Balthazar,>" Casimir said. "<You really have done
The Professor chose his words carefully.
"<Ferguson was telling me some time ago that he wished you were
part of the group,>" McFogg said to his old friend. "<I know you can
help us Grigory, whether we have the Wayfinders or not. Why don't you
join us?>"
Casimir looked away for a moment.
"<Let me think about it, old friend.>"
"<I'll give you as long as I can, but you know time is running
"<Yes Balthazar, I know.>"
He watched the young couple glide out onto the marble floor.
"<It's just that simple, isn't it?>"
McFogg and Prince Rainier leaned forward in their chairs.
"<What is, Grigory?>" The Prince asked him.
"<Love? What do you mean?>" McFogg asked.
"<It's their bond, their link... I can feel it in my bones...
That's why there are two Wayfinders this time.>"

"What is it with you and dancing?" Ranma asked her. "This ain't
even a waltz!"
"Just follow me," Akane told him. She turned her back to him,
pressed close against his chest, and set one of his hands on her
stomach as she took the other in hers. Her head seemed to lay against
his shoulder for a moment before she took off across the floor.
Ranma followed after, trying to stay with the rhythm of the music
for his cues. "Capriccio" was a little too free-flowing for any such
help in that line of thought, and in the end he just tried to keep up
with her. She whispered prompts to him to turn her around or to dip,
and even though they looked a little foolish at times nobody seemed to
mind, and Akane loved every minute of it.
Tchaikovsky's "Capriccio" ended, and was followed by Maurice
Ravel's "Valses Nobles et Sentimentales." It was a waltz, and Ranma was
happy to be back in roughly familiar territory. He took Akane up into
his arms and began to lead.
"That wasn't so bad," she said to him.
"I still don't know why you like this so much."
"Aren't you having fun?"
"Well... Just a little I suppose."
"I'm glad, Ranma."

Tatewaki Kuno and Nabiki Tendo were dancing a little closer than
they were before. The swordsman was beginning to find that the woman in
his arms was perhaps more than he had thought of before. Nabiki looked
at him fondly, though there was no doe-eyed worship in those languid
orbs. Far from it.
That fact was what perhaps had drawn him closer to her after all.
He appreciated strength and resolve as a martial artist. That was why
he loved Akane and the Pig-Tailed Girl so much. There was great
strength in Nabiki Tendo. Not physical strength, but it manifested in
her indomitable spirit.
Perhaps he did consider her just a bit more than a friend?
But if he did, and she was of a similar frame of mind concerning
him, (there were indications that this was so), where did that leave
the other objects of his affections? Nabiki Tendo was not the sort of
person who would brook the divided attentions that he gave to Akane and
the Pig-Tailed Girl.
_If_ she wanted him, she wanted _all_ of him.
It was quite a dilemma for him, and every time he looked into her
eyes his heart quailed for an instant in indecision. **What am I to
do?** He thought to himself. **This cup will not pass from me, I must
choose! Oh the tragedy of it all!**
Nabiki could almost feel the turmoil raging within Tatewaki Kuno.
She was fairly certain that she was one of the principles involved.
Ravel's "Bolero" began to play, and while it was not a waltz (it was a
ballet), many couples continued to dance to it. She loved "Bolero," and
stepped in just a little closer to Tatewaki Kuno as they danced.

Ranma and Akane stayed out on the floor as "Bolero" began.
"It's not just the music and the dancing," she said as they
whirled across the floor. "It's you, Ranma."
"You're such a rock sometimes," she told him as she stuck her
tongue out at him slightly. "Being with you like this really makes me
feel good. It's so romantic..." She let her words drift away softly and
looked up into his eyes.
"You mean girl stuff," he remarked.
Her eyes suddenly crossed in ire.
"But that's okay," he was quick to add with a smirk. "'Cause I do
kinda like this. It makes it easy to remember why I feel the way I do
about you."

The erotic playfulness of the music inspired Nabiki. She had made
up her own mind, even if the man before her struggled on. She leaned up
against him, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Tate-chan, if you don't kiss me right this instant I'm going to
scream," she whispered in a silky voice.
Her invocation of such an intimate pet name for him suddenly
inflamed him. That and the fact that she was quite capable of carrying
out her threat. He took her up into his arms and kissed her with
everything he had. She circled her arms around his neck and they moved
slowly to the music in a deepening embrace.

Ranma had said just the right thing, because Akane lay her head
upon his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. The rich strings and stirring
woodwinds swelled around them.
"I love you, Ranma."
Ranma nuzzled against her sweet smelling hair. "And I love you,
In that moment he knew he had to do it. The time was right and his
heart was open and he knew he could say it. He just wanted a place a
little more private.
Akane gasped in surprise as she saw Nabiki and Kuno kissing
passionately in the middle of the dance floor. Ranma turned to see what
had elicited such a response from her and nearly died of shock himself.
"Oh-my-God," Akane breathed.
"I don't believe it either," Ranma agreed.
Akane smiled as the two parted and Nabiki's eye caught hers for a
brief instant. Her older sister winked at her and then turned back to
"Maybe it isn't so bad after all," Akane whispered. "Maybe they
_do_ make a good couple."
Ranma steered her away. "Come on. Let's go outside for awhile."
"Oh? What for?"
"I have something to ask you." He continued on, heart racing as he
took her hand in his. Akane's pulse quickened as well. She had an idea
what this was about.
He led her off the dance floor. They ran into Hiro who had just
finished dancing with a young Austrian debutante and was feeling quite
worn out. (But very pleased with himself.)
"Hello you two," Hiro said to them. "You look like you're going
somewhere." He gestured to the coat and cape that Ranma was gathering
up from their chairs.
"We're going to take a walk for awhile. Talk about some things."
Ranma supplied.
"May I recommend?" Hiro asked.
"Please do!" Akane said sprightly.
"The west end of the Palace is bordered by a nice romantic park,"
he told them. He pointed to a door across the ballroom. "Take that door
and turn right. Go all the way down the hall and you'll come out in the
park. I'm sure it would be the perfect place to 'talk about some
things.'" He winked for them.
"Hiro, did anyone tell you that you were absolutely wonderful?"
Akane asked him with a grateful smile.
"Not in the last five minutes," he grinned.
"Well you're absolutely wonderful!"
"My pleasure Akane-chan. You kids have fun."
He got up from his seat to get a little liquid refreshment,
winking once more at them as he did so.
Ranma looked at Akane, who took his hand and led him out.

Aerandir enjoyed dancing with Anazali. He couldn't remember the
last time they'd been together. Neither could she.
"So tell me why you're really here," she said to him in their own
"I told you once, dearest. I am a guest of the Prince, and have
been ever since he ascended the throne in '49. Perhaps if you mingled a
bit more you'd have seen me at this charity ball one of those years."
"I mingle in different circles than you I'm afraid."
"So I've noticed. Now would you mind telling me why you are here?"
"You know why I'm here."
"I'd like to hear it from you."
"I'm looking after a young couple for Nimatar."
"Their names wouldn't happen to be Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo,
would they?"
Anazali gave him a fierce look.
"For someone who makes an effort to avoid the rest of us, you seem
to know a great deal about current events."
"Rest easy my lady. I know this because I ended up caring for the
sister of Akane Tendo. I learned everything I know from her."
"So convince me that you're not about your uncle's business."
"I have never supported his irresponsible dreams. You know this."
"But you won't help us stop him either."
"He is my only family next to a brother who wants little to do
with me."
Anazali sighed.
"Sil Amarn, when will you realize that you have to put the fate of
this world before your estranged family ties?"
Aerandir was silent a moment.
"Until almost ninety years ago I didn't think he was serious. But
with the industrialization of the world and population boom in the last
century I think he saw what was coming before any of the rest of us
did. I think it galvanized him into action. When he failed the first
time I thought he had given it up..."
"But he hasn't," Anazali said for him.
"No he hasn't," Aerandir confirmed. "I saw the Prism in his Aegean
villa. The damned thing survived the blast unscathed. How many
thousands of acres of forest were leveled?"
"Too many," Anazali replied. "The blast was heard as far away as
London and Beijing. And then there was the death of Jubal to think
"He was a fool to think he could have stopped it."
"He _did_ stop it," she corrected.
"He postponed it," Aerandir countered. "The Prism, as I said, is
unscathed. And now my uncle will try again."
"We're going to stop him."
"Short of killing him, which I know none of you will do even if
you were strong enough, I don't see how."
"That my dear Sil Amarn, is why we have Ranma and Akane."

"Hello Hiro," Nabiki said cordially to him. She dangled a dazed
and confused Tatewaki Kuno on her arm.
"Hello Nabiki," Hiro replied. He wasn't sure what to make of Kuno,
as he had missed their tender moment.
"Have you seen Akane and Ranma?" She asked him.
"I sent them out into the park," Hiro replied. "I think they
wanted to be alone for awhile."
"I guess it can wait," Nabiki smiled.
Tatewaki Kuno tensed at her arm.
"What is it Tate-chan?" She asked him.
**Tate-chan?** Hiro thought in wonder. **The Kuno I know would
never suffer a pet name like that. Or _any_ pet name for that matter.
These two must be serious.** He looked at Nabiki, who was quite
entrancing in her gown. **Lucky bastard.**
Kuno pointed across the ballroom. A large man with dark forelocks
and an equally dark countenance ducked through a door. Fyodor.
He reached for his katana.
"Mine eyes beheld the foul and contemptible lackey of our captor,"
he said, and tried to surge forward out of Nabiki's grasp. She caught
him up and held him fast.
"What?" Nabiki cried. "Here?"
"I would not make such words in jest, Nabiki. Now release me at
"What's going on?" Hiro asked.
"The Russians are here!" Nabiki cried. "The same ones who
kidnapped us!"
Hiro reached into his tuxedo jacket. The Sig was there and ready.
"The park! Follow me!"
"Lead the way, Ohata!" Kuno snarled.
Nabiki followed after them.

Doctor Casimir couldn't believe his eyes. He had just seen the
Ukrainian spy and assassin Fyodor and some of his men through a crowd
of guests. It all became so clear to him.
"<Oh dear God,>" he whispered.
"<What is it?>" McFogg asked.
"<Ranma and Akane are in great danger!>" He said quickly. "<We
must find them at once! Oh Vanya, how I underestimated your
McFogg looked to Clay and Ferguson who rose to their feet.
"<Where is Hiro?>"
Ferguson pointed across the ballroom to where Hiro, Kuno, and
Nabiki made haste to follow after the Ukrainian.
"<There he goes! Looks like he's already on to them!>"
"<I think they're headed for the park,>" Clay added.
Prince Rainier looked away from his conversation with the French
attache and turned to the scientists.
"<Is something the matter?>"
"<Alert your security force your Highness!>" The Professor cried
in a hushed voice. "<Something terrible may be happening to Ranma and
The Prince gave quick and discreet orders to his men. Bodyguards
and plainclothes security men began to fan out from the Ballroom
without any of the guests being the wiser.
"<You can inform me along the way,>" the Prince told them as he
and his personal bodyguards joined them in leaving the Ballroom. Again
no one was yet the wiser that anything was amiss. Once out of the hall
the Prince's men pulled suppressed Uzis and MP-5s from underneath

Chapter Five

Hiro was right. The park was the perfect place for what Ranma had
in mind. It was quiet and shady without being too dark. Trees sighed
with the cool summer breeze. The sea air was crisp and clean smelling,
invigorating even. The moon shone down brightly upon them.
He brushed at Akane's hair. She seemed to glow from within. Her
eyes glittered and she held him in a loose but loving embrace.
"I didn't mean to hurt you when we were in Spain," he began.
"You didn't hurt me," she replied.
"Yeah I did. And I'm sorry. I was only thinking about me."
She leaned close and lay her head against his chest.
"What do you mean?" She asked quietly.
"I shoulda been thinking about _us._"
She looked up at him, remaining quiet, watching him with eyes that
couldn't have been more loving.
Ranma swallowed hard. Now the butterflies were gathering in swarms
"Hiro told me what you talked about together that night," he said,
still fighting for the resolve that was so easy to come by until he
actually put himself on the spot. "I just wanted to say that I never
stood by our parents' arrangment."
Akane tensed in his embrace.
"If we were to be married, it would have to be an agreement
between you and me. Not between our interfering fathers. Not some
stupid promise that was made when we were just babies."
Now she looked at him in desperate confusion.
"Our engagement should be between _us,_ Akane."
Ranma got down on one knee and looked up at her. He held her hands
in his. All at once the butterflies were gone and the knots in his
stomach came undone. That clarity and resolve he had felt while dancing
with her returned. He knew the right thing to do now, the words he had
to say. Nothing mattered more than sharing what he felt with her right
this minute.
Akane's heart began racing. All the emotions she had flooded
through her at once. Tears welled at her eyes against her will. This
was supposed to be one of the happiest moments of her life and she was
ready to start bawling.
Ranma looked up into her eyes and drew breath to speak.
"Will you marry me, Akane?"
She closed her eyes, still hearing his voice in her heart. Even
when he had confessed his love to her a winter's night and an eternity
ago she had never felt more joy, more fulfillment than she did now. The
tears spilled down the soft skin of her face and were caught in tiny
crystalline beads of light by the wind, salty droplets mingling with
the seaspray of the Monaco night.
She pulled him to his feet and threw her arms around him. He
gathered her up into a fierce embrace that left their hearts beating
swiftly and in harmony. Her lips brushed against his cheek and down
against the side of his neck. The moisture on her face ran down upon
his in warm streams.
"Of course I'll marry you," she cried softly. "You've kept me
waiting to hear that long enough."
He rocked her in his arms.
"I didn't know if I was going to be able to ask you tonight," he
whispered. "I don't have a ring for you right now or anything like
that. But I promise to always love you...I'm just sorry I couldn't have
done this the right way."
She laughed in spite of her tears.
"I don't care about the ring, Ranma. Your promise means everything
to me."
She gave him a crushing squeeze.
"Oh I love you so much," she whispered.

Fyodor knew a tender moment when he saw one. So he let the lovers
have theirs before he acted. As they broke from a heartbreakingly
intimate kiss he gave the signal.
Ranma panted for breath as he moved forward to kiss Akane again.
The icy jet of water that struck him in the face wasn't enough to
effect his transformation, but seemed to knock him off his feet. He
stumbled off balance and slurred a drunken curse as his world warped
around him.
Akane gasped in fright and alarm as she stumbled back with growing
dizziness. She tried to call Ranma's name, to warn him about the darkly
dressed men who grabbed at him. Her voice wouldn't come.
Ranma saw them and knew instantly that it was the Russians Nabiki
had warned them about. With all of his fighting focus he lashed out his
foot in a roundhouse kick that spun the closest of them around like a
top. The man staggered back choking on blood and not so surgically
extracted teeth.
"Nanosyiet padyez snova!" Fyodor barked. He couldn't believe the
man was still standing, let alone able to fight.
Another jet of icy liquid splashed across Ranma's face. The world
crushed down upon him. His knees buckled and the overwhelming flavor of
garlic flooded into his mouth. He saw Akane laying on the sidewalk
through tearing eyes and grit his teeth against the vertigo to stand.
Another man grappled with him from behind. He reached over his
shoulder, grabbed the man by his ears and flipped him onto the ground
with a guttural snarl. A hand slashed down to the man's throat and
crushed his larynx.
"Snova!" Fyodor bellowed.
Ranma just dodged clear of the sparkling line of fluid, catching a
bit more across the ear before ripping into another man with a flurry
of blows. The man staggered back breathless. The others kept their
distance, completely amazed.
Ranma stumbled to Akane and tried to pick her up. He couldn't tell
if she was alive or dead, and doubtless his addled brain wouldn't have
known the difference. Tears spilled down his face as he fought the
blackness that threatened with all his might.
"SNOVA!" Fyodor yelled a second time.
"Ihzkutcheno! Tabl blyiet padyez!" The man with the DMSO cocktail
bottle protested.
The man gave Ranma another jet of the drug.
Ranma sunk to his knees. His brain seemed ready to implode. The
blackness clawed its way into his mind, consuming him. The sight of
Akane lying before him was the last thing he saw before he slumped over
her still form.
"Eto zakon'chyelez," Fyodor grumbled.
"Uhzye vreemya," the DMSO man agreed.
A black four door Mercedes pulled up a few yards away. Fyodor got
inside as a man gathered up Ranma's body. The others picked up their
fallen comrades. The last of them went to get Akane.

"HOLD, VILLAINS!!!" Tatewaki Kuno cried, his sword gleaming in the
moonlight. Hiro had his Sig Sauer P-220 locked and loaded in his hand
as he leaped over a hedgerow to get to them. Nabiki followed up behind,
directing the Prince's security men who lagged far behind with her
The Russians got Ranma's body inside the car before Hiro could get
a shot or Kuno get close enough to strike. The man reaching hurriedly
for Akane wasn't so fortunate. He looked up in time to see Hiro level
the Sig at him from a distance of ten yards.
"Don't you touch her!" He screamed in heartsick rage.
The Sig barked seven times in rapid succession.
Seven .45 caliber 230-grain hydrashoks slammed into the man as he
tried to dodge clear. He was wearing kevlar armor panels beneath his
tuxedo, but two rounds caught him in the armpit and a third slammed
into the side of his skull. What was left of his head lolled
sickeningly onto a bloody shoulder as he fell to his knees and then
pitched over face first with a burbling grunt.
Hiro jacked his spare magazine into the Sig on the run as he fell
over Akane's body to protect her. Kuno leaped over the twitching corpse
of the fallen Russian and charged the Mercedes. The gunfire had
galvanized the security force into action, and whistles shrilled and
flashlight beams bobbed furiously as men came at the run.
Fyodor couldn't believe he was seeing the very same samurai
lunatic he had chased clear across the southern Ukraine now coming at
his car with his sword on high. He would have loved to have stayed and
killed him, but the Prince's men were almost on top of them. He barked
out stern orders, and a man leaned out of the window with an AK-74. The
Mercedes began to accelerate away.
"Cowards!" Tatewaki Kuno raged.
"Kuno, look out!" Hiro shouted. He began firing at the Mercedes to
spoil the rifleman's aim. Orange sparks flashed along the body panels
as his bullets smashed into armor.
The rifleman cut loose with the full magazine. Between the bucking
car and Hiro's gunfire his burst went wide. Bullets chewed through
trees, sent storms of grass and dirt flying around Kuno, and geysered a
shower of sparks as the remainder of the burst ripped into the sidewalk
around Nabiki. Kuno kept up the futile chase until he heard her cry
out. Then he spun on his heels and ran to her side.
The Mercedes sped off into the night.
Nabiki lay on the grass in tears. Kuno lifted her up into his arms
to see if she was hurt. She fell into his embrace sobbing bitterly.
"Nabiki, art thou injured?" He asked her worriedly.
"No I'm not!" She replied with another halting series of sobs.
"Ranma's gone!" She fell back into his chest. "Oh Akane..."
Hiro wiped away a tear of his own. He holstered the pistol and
picked up Akane as gently as he could. She was alive, but so deeply
unconscious that he couldn't rouse her.
"Bastards..." he said bitterly.
Professor McFogg, Clay, Ferguson, Doctor Casimir, Prince Rainier
and his men arrived not a minute later. Anazali and Aerandir were hot
on their heels. The Prince's men began searching the area for more
intruders. There was only the man Hiro had shot to death.
Hiro explained to them what had happened. Nabiki was inconsolate,
crying in Kuno's arms. Akane was being tended to by EMT trained
bodyguards until additional medical help could arrive. Attempts were
being made to seal off the borders, but Monaco was such a small country
that it was more than likely that the kidnappers were already in France
or out to sea.
"<This is an outrage!>" Prince Rainier bellowed. "<There will be
hell to pay for this!>"
"<You can't do that your Highness,>" Doctor Casimir said calmly.
"<And why not, Grigory?!>" He shot back angrily.
"<I know who did this your Highness,>" he replied. "<This was not
sanctioned by the Russian Government. It was a private concern. They
will be likely hiding under some diplomatic umbrella, but if you go
into the open with this, they will kill the boy and deny everything to
protect themselves.>"
"<What are you saying, Grigory?>" McFogg asked him.
"<I can find out where they are taking the boy,>" Casimir said.
"<It may be possible to affect a rescue, but only if we don't make an
official protest of this. As I said, they will kill the boy and deny
everything. Even if we prove them responsible, Ranma will still be
dead... Balthazar, I divorce myself from my organization. I wish to
join yours. I cannot be party to such actions.>"
"<It's not the way I wanted this to happen, but your support is
welcomed.>" McFogg offered his hand, and Doctor Casimir shook it
"<I too pledge whatever support I can offer in this. This
insulting heinous crime goes beyond all bounds.>" The Prince of Monaco
declared. "<It sickens me.>"
Hiro looked up to them. "<If you go after him, you can count me
"<Myself as well,>" Kuno declared. "<Tatewaki Kuno repays his
McFogg turned to Ferguson. "<Get Durango over here at once. I feel
we shall need to enlist his services.>"

The assembled party began to make their way slowly and sadly back
to the palace. A kind of numbing cold bit into their hearts which even
in their anger and rage they could not burn away. Hiro looked to Akane,
who was still asleep and tensed for the blow she would receive when she
learned Ranma was gone. Nabiki was still weeping softly, both for Ranma
and for Akane. Kuno held her close to him, but could not comfort her
more than in the offering of his warmth.

Anazali cast a hateful glance to Aerandir. Even she had shed tears
over the disaster that had befallen them.
"Very clever," she told him bitterly.
"What are you talking about?"
"Keeping me occupied while your uncle's lackeys made their move.
Very clever."
Aerandir glared back at her. "Nothing could be farther from the
truth! I did no such thing!"
"Then I suggest you do everything in your power to get Ranma
Saotome back safe and sound to his fiancee, or you will become the
enemy of us all."
Aerandir looked away from her.
"Very well..."
**And damn my uncle to hell...**

End of Part Seven

Yes, I am a vicious heartless bastard. I freely admit it.

Author's notes:

1) Fiddler's Green is a legendary sailor's paradise. Think of it as a
mariner's Shangri La. Most of Aerandir's crew is from Fiddler's Green
via Davey Jones' Locker. My thanks to Toby for sending me a great .wav
file with the song "Fiddler's Green."

(Speaking of which, are there any crusty Shellbacks out there?)

2) If Rainier III would please excuse the liberties I've taken with
him, I would be eternally grateful.

3) I had a great deal of fun writing the Ballroom sequence, and I hoped
you had as much fun reading it. Don't go getting yourselves worked up
about receiving any invitations to Tatewaki and Nabiki's wedding

4) I've read a lot of 'fics where Ranma pops the question to Akane and
then gives her the ring that her mother wore. (Courtesy of the always
helpful Soun Tendo.) While I think that is a very romantic notion, I
wanted Ranma to ask her with nothing more to give to her than himself.
(Again, don't expect any invitations to their wedding either... At
least not in _this_ fanfic story.)

5) Yes I had to be a bastard and kidnap Ranma after he proposed. It
could have been worse. I originally planned to have Fyodor attack just
before he can ask, but at just the point where Akane knows what he's
going to say. (How's _that_ for mean?)

6) Thanks to Jen and Bridget for their detailed C&C.

Free The Nukes!

// ======= \\
|| J. Austin Wilde <>-** // ||
|| Head Ranger: Fission Park Press-------** //======\ ||
|| Hired Gun: P-P-P-Chan Productions-----** // // // ||
|| Knight Bachelor of the Crimson Sword--**// //====/ ||
|| "Those who have fought to preserve----** // Fission ||
|| freedom find that it has a flavor----** // Park ||
|| the protected will never know."------** Press ||

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