Re: Re: [SteppingStone:2398] Re: The Greatest Holy Ghost Dance (Ghost Walking) New Years 2014

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White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Aug 25, 2014, 10:41:24 PM8/25/14
to Blue Hoop 4 Heart Songs
Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 2 Love is the Answer
14 minutes dancing and singing

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Holiness David <> wrote:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [SteppingStone:2398] Re: The Greatest Holy Ghost Dance (Ghost Walking) New Years 2014
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 23:08:15 -0800
From: White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <>
To: Hoop 6 <>

Inline image 1

Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 2 Love is the Answer
14 minutes of singing and dancing

All my Relatives,
We have been and will be dancing and singing tonight Friday through Saturday as well, for a total of five days, RELATIVITY, for the Sacred Fields.

There are more songs yet to be uploaded and more songs to come. We send love and blessings to all the sacred fields, far and near. Bowing with fire and water, the sacred mist, we bless the halls of the magical ball, where dreams come shipping through, upon the blue (arks of the covenant, the call of brotherhood and golden treasures at the end of the rainbow). Blessing the nine sacred streams, the rainbow beams, the rainbow bridge, the magenta children all over the world. Blessing the four sacred directions, the river of life, the vision upon our hearts, the green children all over the world.

Realize the Holy Ghost Walk cleanses the Inner space of the heavenly darkness fields of sound and the unseen soul, the spiritual gold. Golden child, the cosmic father purifies this space. As for the rest of us, we need help (Cosmic Father, the Angel of Mercy, needs help through and on the red road that blooms) and this is why we do the Ghost Dance, to cleanse the inner house of the buffalo robe (four directions in rainbow colors), in order to illuminate from within and to shine without. We become, "true" HOLY SUN DANCERS (inner and outer illumination, child of light) . We become "true blue" relatives who knew and sing the songs from upon our hearts. The Holy Ghost Walk ensures that the inner heavenly virtues, become wakan or holy walking upon the red road, we seek paradise, full of spiritual relativity. Read on, read on, and find the sacred song, revealed all along. No shame. No blame. Now it's the forgiveness game, including your own bane (wild wolf medicine). Let the Ghost Walk begin... (madness and sin, help me alleviate this wind)

Inline image 2

You are my enemy (impurities settled in the dust). You are my evilness (uncleansed today, this very moment in time when you don't bless). You are my mistake (turned the wave, reflected light particles, meaning misunderstandings). You are my gift (treasure of gem stones). And with all this said, we wonder who we got led/lead/gray/dreamspace. And with this wild (growth spurt), may your oats be sowed awhile. And even lessons could not pull me away, because enemies always (learned how to) bow and pray, forgiving someday just to learn a new way. And evil needs a hand to say, "Come child, there is another way". Forgive each radiant sun in the sky. Forgive those who were treacherous and wide. Who did not know, about the heart within them lied, a sacred hide (story needed to be told). And with each mistake, we needed a double take (reverberate), a look a shadow, a way to mix the cocktail (rooster on the four directions of the winds) to shine it true, the winds of the blue.

And shadows deer (on the great journey), it's all front near. We face our sins and even if we don't align, we face our grins. And walking down, down down where there is sound (the valley of darkness). The Holy Ghost will come to toast with glaring eyes. We will learn about the sublime. Take refuge in the heart, where we never ever part. There the Spirit can flee, into a galaxy. Share visions everyday, dance glory as we praise. Down into this river we rise, where glaring is the sparkling lights. There inside the valley fare, the lanes are lined with golden hair. And streams running dark blue, with green grass too. We will sit by the brook and take a second look. Paradise will be upon our hearts, because we will take the time to park. Rivers will flow from within and beam to clean up this sin. No more enemies will be alive, with hatred in their eyes. Relatives I will claim. Telling them no more shame. We didn't really understand. Now heaven gifts us a knew hand.

Dream of brotherhood. Dream of the Holy Ghost that would/could. Dance and sing to gift praise. Hallelujah for our haze, "the clouds that dance" (sacred ceremony) in the sky. The clouds that dance in our hearts. The Clouds that Dance in the Wind, we are cleaning it up again. We beckon everyone. Gather and be like SUNS. Tell the world we need you, to dance and sing from the truth. Inside that runs clear, after you cleared the air. Share your willingness to fight, for this new millennium, for it ain't coming twice (We have entered the third phase of evolution, the yellow rolling hill in time). Blink we have a wife (soul, the holy ghost that knows/nose/rainbow bridge bows, your twin flame, the inner lane/pane/vision, the horse running wild).

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings, the Holy Ghost Brings, the Soul that Cleanse the Mire, through the sacred blessings of each radiant child... realize we are cleansing and blessing the inner spiritual world, coming at us in droves, all aligned with our tows/toes. Might as well dance it off, gift it a lift off and send it down into the valley of darkness blessed, holy and pure, the soul that is endeared. I bow to all my Relatives. your devoted Servant.

So far...

Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 3
102 minutes dancing and singing

Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 2 Love is the Answer
14 minutes dancing and singing

47 minutes dancing and singing

47 minutes dancing and singing

5 (?) minute singing

5 (?) minute singing

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 11:43 AM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
Inline image 1
Thank you Grandmother Upon the Hill for your image contribution. Love, love, love it!
Here is another image contributed earlier from Grandmother Upon the Hill (Dana Hoecker). Fabulous!

All my Relatives,

We will be dancing and singing tonight through Saturday as well. Please feel free to join us if you have the time. We will be dancing when it gets dark, tonight a Holy Day/Daze.  We had Brother Andree (aqua child, Mother Nation) and Brother James (Dakota, violet child) stop by last evening during our Ghost Walk activity and sending their love to the universe. Always happy to get the scoop, the tales of the true blue.
This Song Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 3
 just uploaded. There are more sacred songs coming, yet uploaded. And more to share on the square, four sides and the blue. Five days for us, the musk of all our Relatives. On the blue road again. Enjoy.

We love you and wish you merry happy days in the light (bathing) within you are shining to bring everything home bright. A heartbeat within, to shed all our sins. I send my love to you, out there inside the blue. And I am wishing, I am whishing, for all your dreams come true, because I love you. I am wishing, for the family of all the Rainbow Clan, to find fervour and reliance on the willingness of kind. Let us find virtue without suffering, when we learn to be the chime. All together it's harmony, the places of the seas. Let us all learn to breathe. Fly with me. Fly fly with me. I will meet you, greet you inside of this tree, the ONENESS FAMILY.

your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for all the Sacred Suns. Elders of the Rainbow Clan,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

ps. I love this song. if you have the time, you might also like to hear this tune about the

Holy Ghost Walking With the Breath of Life

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Dana Hoecker <> wrote:
3 images

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 7:54 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
    Relatives on Hoop 6,
    These songs were sent off to hoop 4 already, but I noticed the date of the Ghost Walking and thought I would add them over here and inside the blog as well as an update. love to all my relatives, we bow.

    Lakota White Buffalo Calf Woman sings/percussion.
    Nakota Sister Challene Kee sings/percussion and
    Dakota Brother Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums
    Sioux Relatives, elder souls of the Rainbow Clan, we hold your hands!

    ps. join us tonight at 7pm pst ( a few minutes to go),
    Tuesday January 2, 2014 California, USA time (
    Standard time zone:UTC/GMT -8 hours)

    "White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother" <>
    Dec 31 09:32PM -0800  

    another song. enjoy the ghost walk dates, sweet to the taste
    join us 4pm pst6pm cst USA time around the world
    we will be in and out all the daze, yet we will meet in the winds then, all
    of together it's the skin, the grand hoop of the wings.

    White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Nakota Sister Challene sings with
    Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star on drums, for all the sacred
    On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 8:16 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer


"White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother" <> Dec 31 10:44PM -0800  

Relative, another song.
A gift for Sioux Chief Lakota Looking Horse.
Lakota White Buffalo Calf Woman sings, Dakota Holiness David Running Eagle
Shooting Str drums, Nakota SiStar Challene sings

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:44 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:


47 minutes dancing and singing

Relatives, sorry folks we got cut off, we kept going however it was at a different beat, cleaning up the streets, the highways of the constellations, the stars within our relative fields. It's a good song, enjoy. I learned from our Nakota Sister, that Nakota is "the bed of the true paradise". Silver child is the mirror to paradise (vision of paradise, a yearning for the white knight, grandfather's pure light, the humble bow, one shard of light at a time, ever changing. While Nakota is the bed of all the shards of light, ever flowing together, eternal knowlng. We continued to dance and sing for hours to bring, love in the winds. We love you and bless your sacred nine streams and four holy directions, with the sacred tears of wine, the crying out to the wide open fields where the buffalo are reeled (pull them on in/home). And as we sleep and dream, as we awake to the tones, we will be dancing and singing true, to all the sacred and the blue, we love you. Wbcw, Sister Challene and Holiness David, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

ps. we will keep sending more songs. We love you. We pray you are dancing and singing with us and for those before us on the days, we pray you join us one more day, the third/fourth day (Jan 2, 2014 America "6pm pst"/Jan 3, 2014 Europe and other continents), to unite the river of the spiritual. We hope to join together in the winds. We love you.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 11:09 AM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Holiness David <> wrote:
Hi Kimberly and all my Relatives,
Thank you for responding to Rainbow Clan's Ghost Dance invite.
I wasn't sure that the invitation went out because I got an error message.
My wife, White Buffalo Calf Woman, wanted attendees to do their own Ghost Dance; at home, at the park, wherever you feel comfortable.
Yesterday, our Ghost Dance lasted about 45 minutes.  I drummed and Calf Woman sang and danced.
Hopefully, today's Ghost Dance will find you in-the-wind.

If you want to record your Ghost Dance you can download Audacity for free at:  We use Audacity all the time for recordings.

If you need help with installing and setting up the recording, let me know and I will be happy to help you. 

If you have a laptop, it has a built-in microphone that you can use.  If you have a desktop computer, you can plug a microphone into the keyboard, front panel, back of case?  Let me know what computer you have and I can help with that too.

Here is a link for recap of the year, going out soon:

Please let us know about your Ghost Dance: who joined you, how it went, did you enjoy yourself, how long you danced and sang, etc.

Love and blessings to you and yours,
Holiness David
Elder Lavender Child Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

On 12/31/2013 09:36 PM, kimberly congdon wrote:

kimberly congdon has accepted this invitation.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:54 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
Lakota White Buffalo Calf Woman sings, Nakota Sister Challene sings, Dakota Brother Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:57 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
                                                          image 1
Image of Fallen Breeze my Love Awakes in Thee

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:14 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:

Yes, Brother Aldo Fallen Breeze, the Song that pulls us together in our needs,   TRUST YOU, it's the GREATEST KNEWS. Meet you in the sky, where the winds blow.

My heart will dance with you. I will sing your colors and more my beloved.
We are in the winds. We love you.

White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David too
elders of the rainbow clan

ps. Love you, kisssses and hugs for everyone dancing and singing and sharing the greatest joy ever, LOVE LIVES!

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Aldo Palligas <> wrote:
Dear White Buffalo Calf Woman, Twin Deer Mother,

We had quite a heartfelt moment together in yesterdays ghost walk. I could feel the drums beat in unison from across the distances. Your presence was felt deeply in our circle as well.

thank you once again
hugs from chile
Brother Aldo Fallen Breeze
Aldo Benito Palligas

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:50 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
With Love and great respect for all relations i give thanks to the four holy winds and the nine sacred directions/sources Love to All new days play for Joy Upliftment Sharing and Caring with Peace and Love for All a magnificent Year to be 2014 = 7 i love you Whit Buffalo Calf Woman thank You for creating such beauty i am sorry i got carried away with using the original nine direction pic created for All All thanks to All

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:23 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
  • Joseph Krick I am here, I am Yours, I sing Your praises. Join the dance, O you believers. Join the dance, O Skytravellers, who cover the Earth with your rays of power. Join the dance, O strangers. Accept our offerings and salutations, accept our devotions and make them successfully beneficial.

    Move around moonwise, O you believers. Stamp on wickedness. Stamp on hypocrisy. Stamp your feet on malice and hatred. Sound the flutes, blow the pipes, shake the bells. Come, stamp on the head of pride, stamp on the Foul Fiend of Lust. Melody and music ring me about in a protecting wall. I am one who rises over the fallen. ~ Book of Scrolls Hymn 4
  • Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Aho, aho, where the winds blow! Brother Joseph Krick shows (green child)! White Buffalo Calf Woman snows (crystal child)!
  • Joseph Krick Let us hear the rest of this ancient hymn friends...WE STOMP! WE DANCE!...Hail, O Overlooking, All seeing Power! I am Yours, I am a Chosen One. I am gifted with strength, I am thrice gifted with strength. I am filled with The Sacred Essence. I have partaken of the cup of joy. I am pure, I am pure, I am pure. To the pure all is pure.

    I see the light of the East, the arrow of All Embracing Love. I see the light of the South, the arrow of All Comforting Benevolence. I see the light of the West, the arrow of Everlasting Hope. I see the light of the North, the arrow of All Consoling Comfort. Let the golden bow speed the arrows of my desire. I am still, I worship the Hallowed Limbs.

    The Heavenly Hosts gather, as swallows for the flight, as stormclouds for the downpour. Before the Sacred Shrine I renew my strength. I free myself from all earthly desires, from all bodily passions, of all soul-eating lusts, of all soul-destroying vices.

    Now I see the rainbow-hued radiance of the real within the unreal. Now I see true where before I saw what was not and heard what was not. I was deceived by my body, I was deluded by my feelings. Now I see things not seeable by unaided mortal eyes. I hear things beyond mortal hearing.

    O Great One, O Radiant One, O Timeless Knower, O Limitless Viewer, O Majestic One with a form of indescribable beauty! I have seen You through the veil, I have glimpsed the reflection of eternity. I am free.

    I, Your son, bow humbly before You. Lord, my heart is pure. I proclaim my loyalty to my neighbour on my right and my neighbour on my left. I see the meat. I see the tripod. I see the knife. All is ready. Come, benevolent spirits, gather about the flame. Hover over the bowl.

    To you in whom resides the power to appear in any form or shape desired, come, come as welcome guests. Before the Place of Awe I stand unafraid, for those who are damned to sorrow and horror cannot approach within the barrier. They await in jealous hate without, they who come up from the dismal depths. Away foul spirits of the damned! Away O self-destroyed ones!

    O Great Representative, the court is purified, I now see the flame-like radiance. Brothers and sisters, do you see it too? I see the Radiant Risen Ones who have torn aside the veil for one brief moment. I see things of overwhelming splendour. Bring incense, bring water, bring salt and bring the offering flame. ~fin BIG SMILES!!!

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:07 PM, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother <> wrote:
Relative's recap our last year and a half sharing the Ghost Walk, the Sacred New Moon Dance. When the darkness of our soul explodes into stars of heaven, children of inner light down/feathers/fly free. Love and blessings to all the rainbow clan. We bow down and spend time rejoicing with this wonderful praise. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, elders of the Rainbow Clan

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Greatest Holy Ghost Dance (Ghost Walking) New Years 2014

When the moon touches the setting sun and heaven revolves around her heart, we preach about the sharing of diamonds, now SUNS hold the holy ark. Let us dream of a time to come, when we are the suns of men in time, just in time to sing. Just in time to win/d. Let us always know of comfort. Treat us with willing pride. Let us become the saviors that are needed with each and every cloud. Heaven is out loud. It is swooning around my halo I pray, with each cry above the rainbow I praise. Let peace shine into the halls of men's eyes, just in time to hear their cries. It's a wonderful peaceful praise, when we dance and sing our daze, together we hear the waves. We are the praised. 

Come to sing the hands of fortune come. We are understanding the waves of the rungs. Each do pray to hear my sands of time, when we share all that we rhyme. Hands of God align. 

Drum beat begins...
It is a time for us to begin. the Holy Ghost walking without any sin. We will cleanse it all free. And we will seek out liberty. Holy beams, shine out of me. I will become a Spirit set free. We will begin to harbor heaven in our eyes/hands. We will become the harbor of those who need to cry. Let us sing and dance together and let us praise. Let is become the holy walking daze. And with each cry from our hearts, we sing and let it all out. We know, happiness must sow. Let the seeds of heaven drop from the skies. Let each of my Relatives become wise. Let them sing upon the heavenly rings. We will shine like the Angels who mean............. to become FREE...............dom. Hear the ring of the Kings who come. We are true blue, loyal too. We are true blue, heavenly knews. We are true blue, come shine our hearts with you. We are heavenly children singing to God above. We are earthly children singing to God below. We are up and down, the song we rebound. We are the waves of light that makes us feel pride. We are the kings of men. We are the blue and the true of men. We are the women who hold you close to our hearts, the fields that portray all the living arcs. Let us hoop and holler and sing out our praise. Sing and dance with us and begin, to let the sin out ... bust out.... dust shout.... cleanse you free again. Let your soul beam... share the soul's stream.... Become the heart of those who are lost the holy arcs, they are in need of the soul who comes home to seek.

And when you arrive, come sit by the fire. And hold your cup out and fill it up with your tears. Let the wine overflow, let your stories go. Sing it out, let it shout, get up and dance, make love to the arc. Bring your stories home. We want to know about your groans. Let us hear your praise and blow it all a wave. Let it ride the skies, silhouettes at night. Stars and diamond dust along the paved, where the crystalline stones know the way.

... the rest of the story...

Gather together with all your enemies. Gather together and make them believe. Love is the answer to all that is shown, meaning we share our buried bones. Love is a standard closer to hate. We don't seem to understand, it's not separate. yet each day we discover how to clean up our plates, without understanding, it's unity demanding.....

It's the holy arks. Each child has a part. We need all the colors of the Rainbow Clan. And with each public affair, it's growing Aquarian airs. Let us shine to bind, us all together again. All together again. Sow invite all your neighbors. Come on over and share our hearts. We will be having a party, for all the holy cost (holocaust). Bring your muffins and your gifts. Bring your heart full with rifts. And we will dance and sing together. We will share the fields of the local whether. We will break free. Let us dance around this circle to make love to the heavenly. All of us bringing BROTHERHOOD to this land. All of us bringing brotherhood to this field. All of us all together, this world we share the weather. It's heavenly, kings that come together to know the wheel. It's a sacred field. Let us dance for real/reel.

So my brother sister too. Did you bring your drum with you? Where is the sticks that rattle and roar. Where is the music making and the snores? Even the old ones have a tune. all the Young ones know what to dew. We will be together the song, the singing from our hearts, we will know how to get along, around the hoops we sing. Let us ring out. Dance and spring about. Let the tears of happiness find our waves. When we sing it true, love will become the knews. It will know just what to say, even if we are soooo very tired today. Love will know the way. Love will stir us up to say. Love will shine a way. Love will groan and moan, but walk towards display. Gift our hearts away. All you need is to share all the seeds. Gift to each other this day, for it's a NEW DAWNING today, the New Moon, the Holy Ghost Walking from you. .....

you are the lambs of God, the ewes who find the clods, the grasses buried deep, where dreams come up to steep, the dew of the shade, brings heaven along in a parade. Shine true, dance and sing this knews.

Three days and we will find our way. Day before the dark new moon. Day of the darkness that swoons, greets the sun and the moon. Day after the new moon, all does bend. WE have danced and we have sung again. Love will become part of these airs. For next month we will arrive prepared. It's the holy ghost walking. It's the holy spirit that thrives. and each child is a witness of this tribe. We are the Rainbow, the clan that falls, into each other's arms. We are learning to become the charm. Rainbow arms, extend into our hearts.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy on the hoops beams. We love you and wish you the greatest beginning of your life, the pushing, arising, the making of dreams fulfilled, the welcoming to the yellow rolling hill in time. We love you and  bless you with fire and water. We bless the sacred nine streams and four holy directions that beam. We bless you with the breath of life that shovels all our woes and brings us upon our toes/tows. Let the buffalo rumble and all the children will know, we are ONE tribe, the Rainbow Clan. We are Man (caretakers of this world that provides).  

Share seconds dancing and singing (possible difficulty on site divshare today Jan 1, 2014)


                                                          image 1 
Ghost Dance (Holy Ghost Walking)

Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony” 
2013 - 2014 New Year
Day 2
Day 3

Relatives of the Rainbow Clan,
WE have arrived at the KNEW Millennium (the valley of darkness, where the sun must shine from within). It's you and you and you and you and me too. There is only one more New Moon (re/birthing) to go, we start to flow where it's the spiritual growth, the Great Push (January 1, 2014). We need you to share and shine, to bring in wine, tears divine. We send greetings and blessings as we join together in this dance, the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual toast, we greet you to the sky and back to the why, where we say, forgiveness is treasures, let joy overcome. Tonight it's a way to let love under ONE. We cherish this world, because we are SUNS, each child, each enemy, each parent with a child. All the the little creatures, the rocks and the sticks. All the little varmints (rats, social interrogatory) which pick up the holy wicks (spat, now let's go to work), sparking the willing to have faith in a song, where are all together, moving along. We send blessings in this song. Let your hair down, sing and dance abound. For it's the spiritual soul within that leads and says, Holy to my Spirit, for I am going to bloom. I will share with this world. I will shine until NOON (inner brightest like a Star). We will become treasures when we pray along, together in a song, all together God's ONE. All the little spiders, who weave us to cradle the song. Telling us a story, that look out, watch the bones. There planted deeply a treasure under the stone, if we look closer, we might want to shown, love gifts and hooves (kicks and shoves, like parents on a rug). 
Bowing with all our Relatives, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
All my Relatives,
Event: Ghost Walk (New Moon Dance, monthly three day gathering with the family and friends, relatives in the winds, day before, day of, day after the new moon, where the dark arises the light from within, the holy ghost walk).

What to do:
Dance around a hoop, sing from the heart (no music at hoop except from you or others, creating music and everyone can do it, just trust and begin, talk it out, sing and shout), gather in a circle, tell everyone to bring instruments and food to share and what ever else for the monthly event.
The Great Knews!The Greatest occasion ever, the NEW MILLENNIUM is arriving, we call it the "DAWNING" (January 2014, when the new moon's darkness greets the sun's light). It's a grand party for three days. Or at least gather one of these days and sing and dance for at least 45 minutes, but it's much better to dance and sing for the whole three days or when you can get the chance. WE are changing the world in this sacred dance. Cleansing the sin in the wind.
Remind each other. We ghost dance together for the great
Remind each other. We ghost dance together for the great push, when the SUN and MOON align in the sky and we step to a k/new time, aligned. Learn to get your soul and flesh together and harmonious, to relieve the discordant vibrations and bring peace to the fields around you, near you and within you.
Invite others over and share foods, gifts, dancing and singing around a circle. Let it loose and let it fly, to open up our sacred eyes. It's a three day celebration monthly at NEW MOON. When the darkness is upon us, let the HOLY GHOST WALK, bring the spiritual soul to reign, rain upon the sacred world to dance and sing and let it flow in rings. Round and Round we go to know the holy ghost walking, the Clouds that Dance Ceremony, for all the SACRED SUNS, each a stone, a diamond, a bust (treasure chest), the breath of life that is full of stuff, the grandiose of each child, the making of a perfect smile.

All my Relatives, I bow and praise the world in a daze,
Yesterday (gift presents), New Moon (presents), Tomorrow (receive presents), 
3 days to sing and dance and join the Holy Ghost Walk.
Let your hair down and fling it around. Then make joyous
  New moon celebrate gathering in circles to illuminate the world, from the holy house that is you. 
All the children of the dew (shards of light).

How to dance: The dance is the heartbeat. Right foot tap one, two. Left foot tap one, two. Or for older or learning, try this. Right foot out, slide together. Left foot out, slide together. Anyone can do this. Get everyone up and dancing and sing and making merry with instruments. Red man (daughter nations) gift the clues, the children who dance and sing the ancient knews, the heart beat that sings and rings.

Objective: To let the soul out to shout. This means you must let loose. Don't worry how you look. Become free. Let your heart sing. Bring holy union to your soul and sole. And mostly share. Lean on others and bring tears of joy to each other. This is the sacred wine, tears of joy. The shift is learning to overcome with joy instead of default suffering. Take charge, become a participant to the GREAT DREAMING we share together, we call the Rainbow Clan, including man. It's all our Relatives, all the bands (frequencies)

Official Title: Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”  The ghost walk or ghost dance, the holy spirit within that soars, free as a bird in song and dance. Holy is the sound, praise for the world to help heal all the world to get along. Each new moon join us around the world, to birth in light from within the darkness, with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy in the k/night.

your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Re: [Hoop 4 Blue:2780] Re: Moon Data for the Moon Dance or Ghost Dance to (indigocrystalchildren) Moon Data for the Moon Dance or Ghost Dance 2
Search tags: for Moon Data, New Moon, Ghost Dance, Ghost Walk, Dance, Song, Gathering, Monthly, New Moon Dance, Three days: Before During After new moon,  Katchee Tope wha,  the Clouds that Dance Ceremony,
at group!forum/indigocrystalchildren and/or!forum/rainbow-warriors-of-prophecy 

Blue Rings Sound in the Wind (understanding the blue road of the heavenly)
Aho Relatives,
Bowing to you, blessing the sacred nine directions. 
Nice to meet you!
~Here's a song to meet and greet, dancing, drumming, stomping feet. Shaking rattles, singing souls, alarm clocks ringing, tapping toes. I bless you up, I bless you down, I bless our colors, all around. Let's sing, let's dance, let's make a sound. Let's jump and shout and spin and play. Rainbow Warriors, hear to stay! Nice to meet you, once again. Relatives uniting, following the winds.~

:) I'd like to hear more. It's good to meet you, relative of the blue.

Love and Blessings,
Thunder Raging your Princess of Dawning
violet child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

Year 2012 - 2013 Ghost Walk Dance Sound Files 
(will continually update sound files only till complete)

New moon April 21, 2012 01:20:17 AM
61 minutes dancing and singing 
New moon May 20, 2012 05:48:21 PM


New moon June 19, 2012 09:03:00 AM

New moon July 18, 2012 10:24:32 PM

New moon August 17, 2012 09:54:31 AM

New moon September 15, 2012 08:10:34 PM

New moon October 15, 2012 06:02:36 AM

New moon November 13, 2012 03:08:20 PM

New moon December 13, 2012 01:42:24 AM

Share 12142012_DanceWithTheHolyGhostWithin.mp3  

New moon January 11, 2013 12:45:17 PM

New moon February 10, 2013 12:22:46 AM

New moon March 11, 2013 01:54:19 PM

New moon April 10, 2013 03:38:49 AM

New moon May 9, 2013 06:31:40 PM

New moon June 8, 2013 09:59:01 AM
SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2013
Holy Ghost Walking With the Breath of Life" an mp3 file.
37 minutes dancing and singing

New moon July 8, 2013 01:16:06 AM

New moon August 6, 2013 03:51:32 PM

New moon September 5, 2013 05:36:12 AM

New moon October 4, 2013 06:34:10 PM

Thunder Raging in dance, Standing Leaf on sticks, Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums and White Buffalo Calf Woman sings. We bow and bless the sacred nine streams and four holy beaming, the lights of the Rainbow Clan. We love you....through and through
White Buffalo Calf Woman says, "Aho, we will glow."(crystal child, eldest sun). 
Thunder Raging says, "Oh yes, I know!:) Glow, glow, Glow ... grow, grow, grow. Learn from each others heart and soul. Aho" (violet child, third sun)

New moon November 3, 2013 05:49:32 AM
56 seconds dancing and singing

New moon December 2, 2013 05:22:19 PM

New moon January 1, 2014 aligning with the sun
47 minutes dancing and singing 

Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 3
102 minutes dancing and singing

Holy Ghost Walking Dawn 2 Love is the Answer
14 minutes dancing and singing

47 minutes dancing and singing

47 minutes dancing and singing

5 (?) minute singing

5 (?) minute singing

Everyone Join us on the Ghost Walk 
(Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”).

Relatives around the world, join with your family where you are, because your stars carry far. We will hear you in the winds ........~~~~~~~..........~~~~~~~..........~~~~~~...........

New moon August 6, 2013 03:51:32 PM

For all my Relatives, I bow to the sacred nine streams and four holy beams, the directions that bind us to sound, the sacred loving land, where red is the sand. Just rubies (ruby dust) everywhere!!! (follow the red brick road, paradise bestow).

There we flow to the open windows, where law of love comes to shine us to bind. Bow to the Relative, gift of your heart, then you will find the sacred arts. And willing to conceive, there is a time to grieve, to let go and forgive all thine enemies. And let the dream be from inside of me, instead of a vision in front of me. I wish for angels all around me, who are treasures and fables and magic and gables, Shine, let us be free, Stars mighty. Let us dance and sing and bring it all in. Let the swinging pendulum take our hearts and make it holy arks. Let us sail ride those waves, where the blue is part of what we said and dreams will start to turn our heads.

Make room inside, because in the dark, there is a rainbow coming out to park, a rainbow of colors inside I say, to bring in vision for all to praise. Let there be peace within to grab hold of all that wind. I will shine forever and gift my soul to those who long to feel the treasures and behold. We must dream from within to shine, to bring joy and laughter to the outer wide.

Sing my brothers and sing with me. Shine forever and let us bee, one big family coming to shine. Let us all find the wise. Great is small and wild is one. We are sharing the sacredness of the suns. House sow beloved, I hear the roar. Thunder Mother is sounding off the horn. Plenty of goodness inside of these tracks, Grandmother is coming back. When we are sad, just remember the sound, the flood of angels swinging their chains. One by one, it's silver and gold, telling us we are richer than anything told. That's the way of heaven, right at this door, where living is treasures, if we lean and bow down. Tell all our Relatives, it's time for the HOLY SPIRIT to be set free. It's time to conquer our enemies.

Let us all learn to forgive and bring more to this stiff reality. Let us bring to it motion, where time sets us free. Let us dream a great dream and bring us all home, to where it's a sharing, not one or the other bound. We are woven together and now it's time to make a sound. Take witness to all that is sound, the red road is making it's wound (wind up/wand up/get ready). Let dance like we never had danced before. Let us shake and wiggle and start to adorn. Let us want to be fruitful with loving family. Let us have a good dream, to bring us to our needs.

It's time for the holy ghost walk, the dance and song that sets  you free. It's time for the waking and the shaking of what we need. Let all of my family, take care of what it needs. Let all of the faithful, be showered with gifts. It's time to come together, share presents we adore and to bring in happy couples who have kids and want to sing. And when all the animals are mooing and rooster struts his head, remember it's LOVE that brings this great dream in.

Remember bless and pray and four the next three days, sing all daze. Let the darkness of the new moon, be lit with light from within. And only joy will accompany all that is a GREAT DREAM. It's lights out from without and fireworks within. Let me shower my faithful dance and song to the world. Let me purify my soul and make all the blues go away/ride a wave. I send loving blessings to all your hearts today. And don't forget an hour will go a long ways. Dance with anyone. Dance to let it go. Dance to purify the sacred window glow. Dance to understand the wanting of the call. Dance to help you shine another waking or fall. Dance to shatter the windows impure, to restore them to glittering k/new. We are souls, eternal, let's go in store.

Joining you in the airways. Sending lots of love. Do your sacred blessings and we will feel like gloves. Show the world how to become Gentleman today, with Sisters who are faithful, no matter what you say. Love heals our ways.

your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Angel Services Around the World
Relatives, time to break custom and do what is true, to gather together and dance and sing too. It's time to gather, call all of your friends. It's time to become relatives again. It's the ghost walk (holy spirit rise out of you, it's the new moon) that's talking tell all the colors in the sky, one is purple and magic and all this thrill. And when the red blossoms and up that gorgeous hill, it's time to say, how wonderful God gifted it all away, now onto the next wave. Let the rolling hills of many colors find me inside of this train ride, where the rainbow shows us illumination to set the inside free, join with me. It's time to share our hearts, the many splendid colors we dew seek, inside where we are trembling, let us hide (clan) all that is meek ... come spill out and let the inside, be shining like a dew, because it's orbs of laughter, it's sacred dreams coming true. I bless you. White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for all the Rainbow Colored dreams. Gifted by, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
  1. Helen Smith October 18, 2013 at 1:17 PM
    Do you have to be Native American to do this?
  2. Beloved Helen Smith, we look forwards to your dance and song with the Holy Ghost Walk. We pray you join us with relatives from around the world. Invite others to dance and sing with you to share your foods, from within the darkness a light is born, the holy spirit within will shine a brood, a little of pups who shall love this world, to bring them back to the warriors pearls, lessons to treasures we all dream of. We pray our beloved Relatives find the way, to seek the Holy Spirit within to praise. We share in the sky where the Rainbow trial show us the wide, where paradise welcomes heavenly tears in our eyes. Your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child,, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

    1. Relatives, We Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and Elders invite the four directions, the white nation, the black(blue) nation, the red nation and the yellow nation to the Sacred Ghost Dance, each new moon (birthing place of light, where darkness shows us sight, sparks of fire's delight) around the world. We the family of the ONENESS of God's glories. Wbcw Tdm
All my Relatives, it's sun dancing with the
                                                          New Moon, the
                                                          Holy Ghost
                                                          Walk. I send
                                                          my love to you
                                                          in the sacred
                                                          blue (seas of
                                                          you and me),
                                                          we are going
                                                          now to show
                                                          We will dance
                                                          and sing and
                                                          bring in the
                                                          brings, the
                                                          sacred drum
                                                          will lead us
                                                          on the show.
                                                          Now it's time
                                                          to lead my
                                                          holy stillness
                                                          achieve the
                                                          locomotion I
                                                          need to find
                                                          my waves.
                                                          Inside I sing.
                                                          I will lead
                                                          you deers in
                                                          to where there
                                                          is no fear, to
                                                          walk upon the
                                                          land as solemn
                                                          men. Yet
                                                          inside we
                                                          shall shine
                                                          divine, a lot
                                                          of merry will
                                                          chime, inside
                                                          we will light
                                                          the way in
                                                          peaceful glee.
                                                          And we will
                                                          dance and sing
                                                          in control of
                                                          because the
                                                          soul will be
                                                          let out to
                                                          sing. I send
                                                          my love to
                                                          you, where
                                                          there is such
                                                          a fuse, where
                                                          the sparkling
                                                          dim will dew a
                                                          dance. And we
                                                          will share a
                                                          tear and make
                                                          it really
                                                          reel, where
                                                          the hairs and
                                                          streams will
                                                          find the
                                                          winds. Come
                                                          now, give a
                                                          cheer, it's
                                                          White Buffalo
                                                          Calf Woman
                                                          near, to hold
                                                          us in the
                                                          hands of God's
                                                          love. We beat
                                                          a dance and
                                                          song to bring
                                                          in - out to
                                                          the clouds, to
                                                          dance a spark
                                                          of light
                                                          inside of you.
                                                          And with this
                                                          beating drum,
                                                          Holiness David
                                                          on the Run. We
                                                          are dancing to
                                                          find the
                                                          shooting stars
                                                          David Running
                                                          Eagle Shooting
                                                          Star drums for
                                                          us to day).
                                                          And we shall
                                                          share a dance
                                                          and sing and
                                                          make romance
                                                          because we
                                                          about our
                                                          liberty. The
                                                          soul inside
                                                          takes us for a
                                                          ride and now
                                                          it's time to
                                                          keep all
                                                          clean. I bless
                                                          my Great
                                                          Spirit wear
                                                          buffalo robe,
                                                          directions in
                                                          colors), my
                                                          soul I must
                                                          tear, the
                                                          white buffalo
                                                          (prayer cloth
                                                          of many
                                                          colors) around
                                                          my shoulders
                                                          near. We are
                                                          the dreaming
                                                          suns, upon the
                                                          holy rungs
                                                          stones to the
                                                          Great Spirit
                                                          of all my
                                                          relativity in
                                                          the fields, we
                                                          deal). We are
                                                          taking hold of
                                                          And with this
                                                          said today,
                                                          let us be led
                                                          this way, the
                                                          holy ghost
                                                          inside is
                                                          leading a
                                                          parade. We are
                                                          a journey of
                                                          love, going
                                                          over the
                                                          doves, where
                                                          they will know
                                                          the peaceful
                                                          waves. And
                                                          inside of us,
                                                          where we lance
                                                          (cut) and dust
                                                          lights), the
                                                          whole cosmic
                                                          world will be
                                                          Shine, shine
                                                          inside my Sun
                                                          Dancer. Shine
                                                          shine the
                                                          Morning Star
                                                          (eight sacred
                                                          four colors
                                                          inside, four
                                                          outside, where
                                                          I stand I
                                                          stream, all
                                                          the colors of
                                                          the beams. I
                                                          bow and bless
                                                          the sacred
                                                          nine streams
                                                          and four holy
                                                          Let me be the
                                                          pretender (I
                                                          will try), and
                                                          let my crazy
                                                          light begin
                                                          and cleanse up
                                                          all this sin.
                                                          I bless it
                                                          clean. All the
                                                          colors of the
                                                          stream. All
                                                          the colors of
                                                          the dream, my
                                                          hands to the
                                                          winds. I hold
                                                          you close
                                                          today, to make
                                                          us cheer a
                                                          lovely wave.
                                                          Heaven send us
                                                          home, to make
                                                          us live a
                                                          Together, I
                                                          say Deer/Dear,
                                                          I love your
                                                          cheer. I let
                                                          my hair down.
                                                          I let it out
                                                          like a clown.
                                                          I beat with my
                                                          feet. I feel
                                                          like the
                                                          sleet. And
                                                          with all this,
                                                          stones. I want
                                                          to bury all my
                                                          bones. Forgive
                                                          the past, for
                                                          I will know,
                                                          the good red
                                                          road will
                                                          flow. Aho,
                                                          aho, aho, my
                                                          spirit blows.
                                                          Aho, aho, aho
                                                          my spirit
                                                          really knows.
                                                          Aho, aho, aho,
                                                          make my soul
                                                          glow. Ghost
                                                          walking today,
                                                          just another
                                                          display of the
                                                          Sacred clouds
                                                          in the sky
                                                          (Katchee Tope
                                                          wha: “the
                                                          Clouds that
                                                          sharing all
                                                          the colors of
                                                          the waking
                                                          wise. It's
                                                          tunes. We are
                                                          here to know
                                                          the blue, true
                                                          blue, true
                                                          relatives we
                                                          knew. Come on
                                                          home and shine
                                                          with me. It's
                                                          time to be
                                                          White Buffalo
                                                          Calf Woman
                                                          sings and
                                                          Holiness David
                                                          Running Eagle
                                                          Shooting Star
                                                          drums for all
                                                          the Sacred
                                                          Suns, Elders
                                                          of the Rainbow
                                                          Clan, you and
                                                          you and you
                                                          and you and
                                                          you and you
                                                          and me too!All my Relatives, it's sun dancing with the New Moon, the Holy Ghost Walk. I send my love to you in the sacred blue (seas of you and me), we are going now to show the "POW". We will dance and sing and bring in the humming brings, the sacred drum will lead us on the show. Now it's time to lead my holy stillness (spirit within) achieve the locomotion I need to find my waves. Inside I sing. I will lead you deers in to where there is no fear, to walk upon the land as solemn men. Yet inside we shall shine divine, a lot of merry will chime, inside we will light the way in peaceful glee. And we will dance and sing in control of everything, because the soul will be let out to sing. I send my love to you, where there is such a fuse, where the sparkling dim will dew a dance. And we will share a tear and make it really reel, where the hairs and streams will find the winds. Come now, give a cheer, it's White Buffalo Calf Woman near, to hold us in the hands of God's love. We beat a dance and song to bring in - out to the clouds, to dance a spark of light inside of you. And with this beating drum, Holiness David on the Run. We are dancing to find the shooting stars (Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for us to day). And we shall share a dance and sing and make romance because we remembered about our liberty. The soul inside takes us for a ride and now it's time to keep all clean. I bless my Great Spirit wear (sacred buffalo robe, four directions in rainbow colors), my soul I must tear, the white buffalo (prayer cloth of many colors) around my shoulders near. We are the dreaming suns, upon the holy rungs (stepping stones to the Great Spirit of all my Relatives, relativity in the fields, we deal). We are taking hold of everything. And with this said today, let us be led this way, the holy ghost inside is leading a parade. We are a journey of love, going over the doves, where they will know the peaceful waves. And inside of us, where we lance (cut) and dust (diamonds) (brilliant shining lights), the whole cosmic world will be displayed. Shine, shine inside my Sun Dancer. Shine shine the Morning Star (eight sacred directions, four colors inside, four colors outside, where I stand I stream, all the colors of the beams. I bow and bless the sacred nine streams and four holy directions). Let me be the great pretender (I will try), and let my crazy light begin and cleanse up all this sin. I bless it clean. All the colors of the stream. All the colors of the dream, my hands to the winds. I hold you close today, to make us cheer a lovely wave. Heaven send us home, to make us live a loom. Together, I say Deer/Dear, I love your cheer. I let my hair down. I let it out like a clown. I beat with my feet. I feel like the sleet. And with all this, stones. I want to bury all my bones. Forgive the past, for I will know, the good red road will flow. Aho, aho, aho, my spirit blows. Aho, aho, aho my spirit really knows. Aho, aho, aho, make my soul glow. Ghost walking today, just another display of the Sacred clouds in the sky (Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony”), sharing all the colors of the waking wise. It's heavenly tunes. We are here to know the blue, true blue, true blue, relatives we knew. Come on home and shine with me. It's time to be heavenly..... White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for all the Sacred Suns, Elders of the Rainbow Clan, you and you and you and you and you and you and me too!
Pte San Win Wbcw Love to all at the Great Circle. WE bow to know the glow. Wbcw and Holiness David, elders, over the rainbow we sew...

WE love you. Everyone help and gather at home, dance and sing for hours, share a meal and dust the ground with a wheel. Bring the inner light out to beam, from within the darkness it will beam, a light sow bright, it will be out of sight. I send blessings to you in the winds, Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star dancing drumming singing to begin. We love you. Elders of the Rainbow, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David

We bless the sacred nine streams and four holy beams with fire, water and smoke the holy breath that has the toast. Hip hip hooray, love  is on it's waves!

me (WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother change)


Inline image 4
Listen Children to a story that was written long ago, about a mountain and it's glory from the seas of what did speak. Hold my hand now, wish to make amends now, for we are going to the promised land. We are walking inside of justice the hands of God, in everyone.
There tomorrow we lie our sorrows in the rushing river and the breeze, to trust our fellow hope filled well low, the place of pure waters speak. Now it's time for us to shelter the kiss of love that comes rushing in, to give us laughter to lift our safer to the ruins now a place to play. We come in time to give to each other, to leap and look into the open arms. WE are children looking for masters, that's the hoop that fills your arc. Come children love each other, hold each hand as if your own. Fill the wisdom that is safely, in order for us to share and fill (give to each other).

Hold the hands of heaven's thine, the role of what we are here to chime. Fill the oceans of time. There is a place of silence that binds. We are feeding the role reversal, the soul within is bursting. We are looking out from within to shine. We are looking for others to bind, to our family, true blue harmony. Come and share the dream. Come hold our company. Reach out and understand, heaven is a place we demand. Love rule this world. And now it's time to fill. We need to hold our hands with each other, we must demand. Come share your love with the world. Come share your heart. Come bring in happiness that's low, from up from the arc. And in the sky that falls rainbows, the end gifts to us treasure rare, the treasure chest is full, just open and compare.

You are a diamond, at least a jewel. Many splendid colors that's what we heal. WE are moving faster through time to gift to thee. We are moving faster (purification), God gift me liberty (freedom from my pain, where joy can be known).

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums

Inline image 1

Greetings Relatives of the Rainbow,
Relatives of the Rainbow,

We pray. Just wanted to let you know we are with you, singing praying and prepared for New Moon Dance or the Ghost Dance. It's when the Sun, cast no shadow on the Earth. And in this darkness, representing our soul, must learn to illuminate light from within the heavenly blue road.  This is the Ghost Dance, learning about the Soul's light from within. To exude it from our spiritual manifestation (from the darkness of heaven, blue road), to glorify it to share it (red road, paradise) in dance and joy with others (a light from within shines).
I am a (inner) Sun Dancer during the Ghost Dance (new moon, soul awakening dance).

How to dance. Tap one foot twice. Then tap the other foot twice. Repeat the heartbeat and you are off to the races. We hope you will dance for the world, who is moving into their darkness and silence. Learning to share our hearts during a time of much revelation is our most deepest wish, to be together. Let us ring the world, in understanding the "Ghost Dance" (NEW MOON DANCE, SOUL AWAKENS, GHOST WALK).

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Today sharing with Melody Many Ghosts (orange, yellow, aqua, gray). This was her vision inside of her dreaming.

vision: of a drum and it was looked like a relative's drum,
black circle inch away from edge. far my left (west, sun rises) was a red triangle. in the drum smoke coming from the bottom from inside to the outside of the drum slither of smoke then I continued on with the dream.

quick smoke moved, back into a dream, like a subliminal message

interpretation by wbcw: dance, generate heat, this a fire. a ghost dance is usually performed at night, when it's cool. The coolness of the hot breath can be seen, and the hot flesh dancing can be seen like a mist. This is like the smoke  you saw in the drum from inside to the outside. The phases or realms are not in alignment, with smoke or generation of mixing blue and red together, we create fire and water, which is smoke, but sacred in a hoop, like the drum. it's black because it's all of heaven, too dark and it's blue, generating light or heat, cosmic birth of the universe.

continues interpretation:
drum is the heart beat
black represent of heaven
triangle is reflection or the dreamer, light can be moved on the yellow road.
generating heat which is red, with reflection of light
smoke (spirit unseen, not cultivated yet, not enough spiritual practice), soul or ghost, holy spirit,
spirit to and fro, relative on the go, on the yellow road.
flesh is the red road
soul is the blue road

Today, we share the Ghost Walk, the alignment of the soul, alight from within, to our flesh, the buffalo robe/hide. We dance tonight to share our inner light while in the darkest part of the moon, the new moon. It's through the cultivation of the soul, that we find the blue road, the blue rings of sound that run free in the winds of the universe.

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child,
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

 ---- Start -----

Ghost Dancer Notes from Elder Meetings
April 21, 2012 New Moon Dance

Relatives abound, when the Ghost Dance is around.

cw: white buffalo calf woman
br: Birthing Rite
gw: General William the Great
to: Tall One
wd: Willy the terror of the night, Dreamer of Wheat fields that blossom to seeds that fly just call me Wheaty
sl: Sunlight

[[[ 04092012.SpiritFlight.wav ]]]

General William (55) the Great:
Thank you for coming today, I bow and praise. We are very happy you are with us. I am pleased at the changes made after only a few minutes of your time. We are looking forwards to your many visits ahead. We are working diligently to overcome our weaknesses with sacred training. Many are learning to trust their hearts. We are happy that you come to rule/reign upon our common wealth. I put down the stick.

White Buffalo calf Woman: Thank you for your outstanding voice. I hope you advise Sir Henry when he is in need of comfort. Don't forget to bow and pray as well. We as elders often forget to consume our own practice, allowing the oversight of others change our passages of time, within our personal sacred houses. Remember to bow daily with the soldiers. This helps us to remember who we are, all servants to the Great Oneness streaming, the Great Dream space we share. I am pleased to see you here, but I feel you do need more blessings. Train others to perform others in their daily witness of song and dance, together in trance. I think maybe, I must come for (inner) sun-dance once a month, we need a moon dance. Yes, this would help us all to migrate through time, appropriately. Aho I put the stick down.

Ghost Walk (New Moon Dance)
Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony” (9) The ghost walk

Dance when heat and cold (mist/smoke of the ghost) find each other bold, binding to bring in the new, the ghost dance comes to infuse, the soul has risen, awaken and driven, the heavenly soul does reign. Renegades put on your shelter (warriors uniform, buffalo armor, rainbow colors purified), because it's turning to helter skelter (confusion and frenzy, bubbling up the soul does reign). White Buffalo Calf Woman sings

excerpt from Elders Agenda Meeting 04182012

cw (white buffalo calf woman): Buffalo run, buffalo run, buffalo run into the sun. Buffalo run, buffalo run, buffalo run into the sun. Twins watch me grow. Twins help me sow. Twins be my hands, heaven demands, I am on the run. Run buffalo run, right into the sun. There our sounds will be heard, the snort of all it's worth. Buffalo run, buffalo run, buffalo run into the sun. Buffalo run, buffalo run, buffalo run into the sun. Feel the whispers of the grain, the waving calling of the sage. Don't you want to know this ruse, the buffalo has an eye on you. Run buffalo run. Run buffalo run. Come and shelter your woes, there we will be on our hooves. Can't you see the green hills, all the places the cows do fill. And each and every one of us, are relatives to this sacred cup.

cw: Sunlight, who is next speaker, I would like to hear about the Ghost Dancer. Aho.

Ghost Walk (New Moon Dance)
Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony” (9) The ghost walk

sl: Sunlight: Aho Twin Deer Mother, yes, I hear you. I will present a ghost dancer, at the end you will do the final name or great name. Yes I hear you. This young man says, he has been doing the ghost dance for about a 100 years and would like to tell you the story. His name is Birthing Rite. And he brings to us the Ghost Dance, walking the talk (wankan tankan, or great spiritual being inside of you). I put the talking stick in his hands.

br: Birthing Rite: (he bows to me and then turns and bows to Holiness David) I come today to share my story. Many are concerned about the weather changes that are occurring in the world. We are truly amazed at the accuracy of the weather reporting, however, this stillness that we are leaning into shutters inside, like a film projection still not recorded. In others words, you are dreaming it up, you image your shot, then take your photo. This is the Sun Dance from within. When we dance and bring into projection, the wild untamed bridle of a wild soul, reaching to get out, to spring forth, to radiate even electrify the world around, to form a electromagnetic net. We are becoming quite the warriors who are learning to play, to show the waves, to send our dreams forth, to create a place to become heroic and majestic in our greatness. When the darkness comes to us, once a month, the new moon displays, the haunting reality of our soul, that lies dormant, looking to shed it's light upon the world. Only this radiance is from within, streaming from our hearts. And if we don't allow this fulfillment to overtake us, then we preside to stand by while others take their dreams into their own hands. Many times people are learning to become their greatness. And many times, it's about the young people pairing up. But always it's about creation, from within the darkness our souls are birthed, our flesh is birthed, our beingness is birthed. All our dreams come to be known in the Moon Dance/Walk, this is when the darkness of the new moon shines your birth rite, the time of the ghost to live and dance. When the soul within shines out to be a river that directs the tools of light and colors that bind us together. For all our man kind we are looking for the best way to overcome our stresses in life. If we share our woes, dance our or on our toes, we cry a river that gleams, bringing light from within out to shine. It's blazing comes alive with creation and gratitude.

The last Ghost Walk, I did have a union of sorts. I met one of my wives. My first wife left me, because I could not give her what she needed. Then I met my Anny. She taught me more about humility than any man could. Yet she was tender to my soul. I remember watching her talk to the birds. And they seem to know to come to her side. She always was reverent to all our relations. But one day, Anny did not feel well at all. We were heading to the Great Hall to be servants to the Great Dance. She couldn't even walk. I suggested we stay home this month, but she said no. That one way or another we would get to the Great Dancing of the New Moon. She understood that the Ghost within her needed to be healed. And when we finally got there, she could barely walk, however, I got her inside a camper tent and she was able to rest. I remember knocking myself in the head bringing her to this great dance, it seemed such an ordeal. But with morning, she could stand up and walk. And she sat around all day, but she received others to join in prayers. By night fall, the ghost dance was full and in the darkness she came waltzing out. She moved so graceful, like a hawk in her dance. She seemed to know how to play off of everyone's rays. She bounced off each of the colors, that seem to strike out, shooting rays, even in the darkness. This is what our women know more than us men. But I noticed a illumination about her, like a ghost, smoke rising about her and she dancing together as one being. The light of the smoke seem to emerge and cast a shadow on the ground or in the air, as more and more smoke started to appear. the ghost dancers where in full effect. The souls did light up the sky that night, I remember, because in all her grace, I could see life pour back into her. What made her feel ill, was retrieved and opened for all to view, healed and make a new. She was a vision for my sore eyes. I did worry for her reckoning as she did not look good at all. But at nights end, and morning dawn, she had danced 6 hours. I couldn't believe it, but she was a new woman, radiant, full of rosy red cheeks, full of euphoria. She was looking for gathering around a fire, to sit and have a meal with relatives. Then to bed, but as the day continued, she still was up and about. I was concerned because just yesterday she could not walk, but after she was healed by the Ghost Walk, she found her way to being sacred duty bound and full of heavenly bound, willing to receive in great faith and to join with her soul, she danced and felt freedom after such pain, she has suffered. It's always harder on the family watching our relatives feeling pain, but as I learned on that day, we are most observant, when we care about someone, when we look for answers, only our hearts can cling to and have knowledge of what is perfect light. The ghost dance is a hall mark tradition that makes us want to grow up to be good servants, to be dutiful and to cling to the sacred circle once more. To bind with love in our hearts, to share what is important, our souls fly free, that is the liberty of the New Moon Dance, the Ghost Walk Prance. I put down the talking stick.

cw: Thank you Birthing Rite. Thank you for sharing your story and bringing the knowledge that the Ghost Dance can heal our souls as well. It's important for us to know all aspects of this great right of passage, for our amusement, but for greater meaning, our soul leaps to be heard, to be cast out of our beingness to be held close with others, to dance, celebrate and spring forth a new dawning. The soul has much to offer us, to guide us, to shine anew from within for us, but joy is not an easy road to follow, few do understand like elders of the band. yet we do know, that if we spend time teaching sharing and gifting the knowledge of Ghost dance, we will understand the path of enlightenment for all of our salvation. What is within , our soul, upon the blue our heavenly spirit that glows, this ghost is a holy spirit, that comes out to smoke or align the paths of division. Thank you for your great true. I bless you nine sacred directions too.

cw: WE cannot get into all the importance of the Ghost Walk (today), but we can share more in the weeks to follow.

excerpts elders 2009
Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony” (9) The ghost walk
Two Sacred Directions that flow through all of us!

to: It is I the Tall One, I have come to speak today. .take my breath away and gift it to another.

Every year the people who come together misunderstand the meaning of the ghost dance. we are here to gift the wisdom of the sacred ceremonies and often the world has misunderstood. we are obliged to gift the meaning of the ancient ones, who live in the valley of the magical mountains of paradise.

There is a dance that has been done for age and centuries, there is one people who are doing this correctly, they live inside the jungles of south America. they will hide until they are safe. they will not come out until the time of the cleansing.

This is the ceremony.
First take a female who has had no childbirth, she is one who has mated though, she must understand unity, but be firm in her purity of woman, without child. she is to be place inside a holding compartment, she is used to display the common language of creation. this is the where we are built, a box of twigs must be fashioned around her. (it plain box not sided, only form, made of twigs). This represents the relatives of all the worlds. These are bonding together when the man who longs and endures the safest path of cleavage. Here he will go to the woman and hand her the magic staff. this staff is where the song of life shall sing and represent the loving hand of god's unity. he will only after he is finished dancing, enduring the dance until he is the last man standing, he then goes to her with the magic staff, he reaches into the box where she has been the center of creation. he pulls the stick back and forth after she has grabbed hold of the pole. The objective is the make a dance between the young warrior who is learning to protect the world and the woman who is the creator of the world. these dances are for young people who are child bearers. they are the foundation of the next generation and before entering this phase of parenthood, it is important to understand the sun within, the ghost without and the darkness where light collides. when an unborn child is held inside the womb, it is safe, it is secure and when it is born it depends on her for all it's needs. this is the the relationship we have with the universe. we depend on (her) all for our needs. we need gently protect her with all our light, and we need to become the warriors who protect the realms of darkness too. the truth is relying on each other. when we can finish the dance, the young people then come together held with ropes.

I can see all the people at the end of the dancing box ceremony, the people come up, like they are the king and queen of a party, and tie their hands to the ends of the pole, which looks like a round pole about 5 or 6 feet long, four inches wide, diameter. then they dance around the center of the box and then others warriors start to match up with other women and dance together with the poles around the box representing the universe. then they are here to find relations to marriage or partners for life. this ghost dance lasts for days and many relatives come to see the festival. when we use this for the pure, the young people can find each other and dance around together before coming close, this gifts them the use of vision, the eyes meet and the soul begins to dance. and then their is wisdom.

after the ceremony, many young people find heart's love. they find mates and many weddings often come soon after. the ghost dance is meant to find the star in the light of the universe that longs to know the creation of love and division of unity. the many parts are the foundation of a real love, the many part s that work together find a community. we are happy to announce that we have joined with you, in your walk with the royal blue. puts the stick down,

wd: Willy the terror of the night, Dreamer of hope.
i pick up the stick. my topic is the ghost walk, the place where the sun goes down.

Every time we dance in the sky, the twinkle of our heart collides with knowing you. we are the emanations of your loving home. we gift to you the lights from above so

[Message clipped]  

Hoop 6 (Stepping Stone) - Teach what is right, that law is the LOVE, then when two hearts is united, we share with intelligence. However if LOVE doesn't lead the way, then we fight to unite LOVE, two broken hearts, then we know that we are walking the truth path, the love to each other, the kind that lasts, over rolling hills in time, over the suns, and into the heart of the blue seas of every one. We are the Prophecy, the Rain upon the Land, so parched, it will need a Rainbow, to serve it home the right way and know where to land (the Rainbow always lands on the pot of gold, abundance, brotherhood)! "I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"
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