Off Topic - but... would you care to elaborate what fault you alleged in Protonmail and your source?
Lenovo Carbon 5G X1
Good RAM
Little pricey
Easy install/maintain? Not sure if I can flash these BIOS...
Lenova 400 series
Limited RAM?
Little boxy
Easier to install/maintain
Librem 'what ever" model
NOT Affordable
Limited RAM?
Reasonably easy to install/maintain!
NOT as Available
Limited RAM?
Very boxy?
Tough to install/maintain (Flash BIOS?? Out of my scope...)
200 series
NOT as Available?
Limited RAM?
Very boxy?
Tough to install/maintain! (Flash BIOS?? Out of my scope...)
I don't know, but I suspect Qubes was developeded on Lenovo's yet select models work
Desk Tops
I need a laptop...
Keep in mind I might weigh some of the "Easy to install/maintain" perspective more heavily but I see my best options as:
1)Carbon X1 being the ultimate winner (if I want to invest the $1k)
2)T400+ series for the budget concerned
3)Librem if you want to get the best you can with out the "fuss" and pay some $$
4)G505/200 if you have the technical know-how/experience
What I am struggling to weigh is the security/privacy/trust compromises and implications I have made/would make? I know G505/200 type products are most secure but how can I get one pre-installed and done (Easy) yet still balance trust, security, afford-ability, etc....I fear the open source BIOS are out of my technical scope to install and maintain.
I find Librem intriguing with the easiest "most" open source option for the "reasonable" layman(person)...sure not Intel/AMD/government secure but at least non chip maker collusion secure? Lets assume Librem screwed up initially with their claims....are they clear now? Is their product a good option?
Decisions, Decisions...
However I think your "..Pretty easy to maintain.." would be hell for me.
Librem(and maybe the Majora line) have huge appeal for me as they take care of the BIOS flashing.
I checked out the x230 and you are right they are available and cheap. I would still be interested in finding some company/individual who I can trust to take care of the BIOS flashing for me as a service(I would think others would also want this service as well...). The problem is who?
("-boxy is the new black." Good one and couldn't agree more...very funny!)
I checked out the x230 and you are right they are available and cheap. I would still be interested in finding some company/individual who I can trust to take care of the BIOS flashing for me as a service(I would think others would also want this service as well...). The problem is who?
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Hi Thiery, I wasn't aware the X230 can be freed same way as the X200 can.
As you saw, I am thinking about buying the RYF <> to be able to run with the Qubes 4. The T400s has but unfortunately 8GB RAM max and so the X230 with 16GB seems very interesting.
So my question is if the X230 is really deprived of all ME-AMT, or any non-free dirt?
If this is the case, your offer seems really interesting with all mentioned options available. I also use the RYF X200 for non-Qubes activities, but it would be just excellent if I could have just one machine for Qubes+non-Qubes too.