Sending image data between C++ and Python websockets

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Mar 25, 2021, 8:17:30 AM3/25/21
to Protocol Buffers
Hi Group

I want to send image data between C++ and Python websockets. I use in both cases QtWebSockets and protobuf. My message looks like that: 
message Image {
  bytes data = 1;
  int32 width = 2;
  int32 height = 3;
  int32 channels = 4;

In the C++ side I use the following code to create the stream:
byteArray.resize(proto_image.ByteSize()); ret = proto_image.SerializeToArray(, byteArray.size());
and use the sendBinaryMessage of the websockets to send the message.

In the Python side I use the following out of QtPy5: 
def processBinaryMessage(self, message):
  image = projectname_pb2.Image()

which works fine. If I print image.width I get the correct width. However I am not sure how to further process the image data, for example to put it into a np.array or show it with matplotlib. Any Hints? 

Thank you for your help
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