Wheeled vehicle simulation on deformable terrain?

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2023年1月26日 13:43:092023/1/26
收件人 ProjectChrono

I've been reading the chrono tutorial about deformable surface modeling. I was wondering if there is any way I can use Chrono for simulation of wheeled vehicle on a deformable terrain?  It is mentioned in the tutorials that deformable terrain models only work with tracked vehicles!

I appreciate any feedback !

Thank you

Radu Serban

2023年1月26日 14:12:452023/1/26
收件人 ProjectChrono

Yes, of course you can use wheeled vehicles on deformable terrain.

There are demos in the Chrono distributions that illustrate that. Which particular deformable terrain formulation are you interested in?

Finally, would you please let us know where in the tutorials is mentioned that only tracked vehicles work with deformable terrain?!



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Radu Serban

2023年1月27日 09:14:372023/1/27
收件人 hj、ProjectChrono



First, please keep these conversations on the Chrono user mailing list. 


Well, the statement you quoted is pretty clear.  It doesn’t say that a wheeled vehicle cannot be used with deformable terrain, but just that certain tire models are not compatible with a deformable terrain.  These  tire models (Pacejka, TMeasy, Fiala) were developed and meant for rigid terrain; and in fact, pretty smooth rigid terrain at that.  Note that we didn’t come up with these tire models, but just implemented them in Chrono. They are standard tire models that are widely used for *on-road* vehicle simulations.


As for which Chrono deformable terrain formulation to use, I would not recommend FEA. That is not what we commonly use, it’s a pretty inefficient way of modeling soil deformation, and is quite limiting.  I would certainly start with SCM because it’s simpler and fast.  If you want something higher-fidelity, I suggest looking at the continuum representation of deformable terrain provided through Chrono::FSI (although that will require an NVIDIA GPU).


As I indicated on the tutorial page you linked to, for now you will have to stick with a rigid tire or an FEA tire.  Again, for simplicity and efficiency, I recommend using a rigid tire for now.




From: hj <mhadi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2023 14:57
To: Radu Serban <ser...@wisc.edu>
Subject: Private message regarding: [chrono] Wheeled vehicle simulation on deformable terrain?


Thank you vey much for clarifying Radu. Yes I actually saw the tutorials but the part that confused me was from https://api.projectchrono.org/vehicle_terrain.html that is says :


"Note however that these quantities are relevant only for the interaction with the so-called semi-empirical tire models. As such, they are not used for the case of deformable terrain (SCM, granular, or FEA-based) which can only work in conjunction with rigid or FEA tire models and with tracked vehicles (as they rely on the underlying Chrono collision and contact system)."


So I just wanted t omake sure. I think I'll go with FEA or SCM terrain. 


Thank you


2023年1月27日 09:33:062023/1/27
收件人 ProjectChrono
Thank you very much for clarification and your suggestion Radu!


2023年3月1日 15:51:572023/3/1
收件人 ProjectChrono

I had a question about using deformable terrain in Chrono. Maybe it's not chrono-specific but I aappreciate if I can have a feedback. I have a few research goals that I'd like to use Chrono for. Right now my work is to get data from tire (for now just tire and then the vehicle ) on deformable terrain to train RL or ML models. I started with SCM and rigid tire and my goal is to have data from different "types" of terrain such as soft and hard soil, snow, gravel, mud , etc. My question is for what type of terrain you think SCM would work the best to have the model close to real life? And for what type of terrain, I "have to" use DEM and granular terrain modeling methods?   And for what type of terrian you think it's better to use FEA terrain?  I appologize if my question is too long but I appreciate any feedback!


On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 3:12:45 PM UTC-4 Radu Serban wrote:

Dan Negrut

2023年3月1日 19:24:152023/3/1
收件人 hj、ProjectChrono

Hi hj,

You want to use SCM as much as possible. We used it in the past for mud and almost rigid terrain (small sinkage). It’s pretty much an empirical approach. In general, SCM can run at Real Time Factor close to 1 (that is, real time).

We do not have a FEA model – the Chrono continuum terrain model is solved with SPH and it’s called Continuous Representation Model (CRM). CRM is your next fastest choice, RTF is anywhere from 50 to 200.

If you go to DEM, the RTF probably is going to reach into 1000.

So, if you want to generate training data and need to get tons of data, try, in this order, SCM, CRM, DEM.

See  here, and here, for recent papers on this topic. For DEM, we’ll have a paper out soon, but for an older version, see here.

Good luck.



Bernard A. and Frances M. Weideman Professor


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Computer Science

University of Wisconsin - Madison

4150ME, 1513 University Avenue

Madison, WI 53706-1572

608 772 0914





2023年3月2日 10:43:462023/3/2
收件人 ProjectChrono
Hello Dan  

Thank you very much for your comprehensive reply and sending the papers. The papes are very interesting works.    I will definitely go with the order that you mentioned for using different methods. I just have a couple of follow up question. 

What do you mean by " we don't have FEA model for terrain" ? what is the main limitation of FEADeformableterrain  class ? And is there any paper you guys published for the mud modeling using SCM that I can have a look?

Thank you and Regards

Radu Serban

2023年3月3日 04:33:592023/3/3
收件人 ProjectChrono



Keep in mind that SCM is just a framework that generalizes the semi-empirical Bekker theory to arbitrary terrain topography and impactor geometry.  As such, in terms of modeling a particular type of soil, you will need to look for appropriate parameter values which typically come from bevameter experiments.  Look for example in the book by Wong, or any other source for such parameters.


The FEA deformable soil model in Chrono::Vehicle is not really maintained (it builds and should work, but we have not used it for any relevant simulations).  That modeling approach is computationally quite expensive, relies on parameters that are difficult to come by, and (unlike granular dynamics or the CRM approach that Dan mentioned) cannot capture larger soil deformations.  If you are interested in an FEA-based approach, look also at work by Yamashita and Sugyiama on hybrid FEA-DEM formulation (by the way, their terramechanics code can be coupled to Chrono vehicle simulations through the Chrono::Vehicle co-simulation framework).


But I second Dan’s suggestion to look at the deformable soil formulations available in Chrono, in the order SCM, CRM, DEM.


2023年3月3日 09:15:072023/3/3
收件人 ProjectChrono
Hello Radu

Awesome. That completely makes sense. I will defnitely check out those books for parameters and going more into theory of it.   Thank you!

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