Get llvm::value from isl::set

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29. des. 2021, 00:13:2229.12.2021
til Polly Development
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to get llvm::value from isl::set (accessedMem) and getting the below error message(marked in red). What am I doing wrong? I have added the dump in the comments.

      Function: _pocl_kernel_matvec_mult_ceWork
      Region: %pregion_for_entry.entry.i---%polly.merge_new_and_old
      Max Loop Depth:  1
      Invariant Accesses: {
      [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> {  : -2147483648 <= p_0 <= 2147483647 and -2147483648 <= p_1 <= 2147483647 and -2147483648 <= p_2 <= 2147483647 }
      Assumed Context:
      [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> {  :  }
      Invalid Context:
      [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> {  : 4p_2 <= -134217729 - p_0 or p_0 <= -134217729 or p_0 >= 134217728 or 4p_2 >= 134217728 - p_0 or p_2 <= -33554433 or p_2 >= 33554432 or p_1 < 0 or (p_0 >= -1 and p_1 >= 134217729 + p_0) or (p_0 >= -1 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0 and 4p_2 >= 134217729 - p_1) }
      p0: %6
      p1: %9
      p2: %13
      Arrays {
          <2 x i64> MemRef0[*]; // Element size 16
          <2 x i64> MemRef1[*]; // Element size 16
          float MemRef2[*]; // Element size 4
      Arrays (Bounds as pw_affs) {
          <2 x i64> MemRef0[*]; // Element size 16
          <2 x i64> MemRef1[*]; // Element size 16
          float MemRef2[*]; // Element size 4
      Alias Groups (2):
          [[ <[p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef0[(p_0 + 4p_2)] }, [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef0[(p_1 + 4p_2)] : p_0 >= -1 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0; MemRef0[(1 + p_0 + 4p_2)] : p_1 <= 1 + p_0 or (p_0 <= -2 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0) }> <[p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef2[(p_0 + 4p_2)] }, [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef2[(p_1 + 4p_2)] : p_0 >= -1 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0; MemRef2[(1 + p_0 + 4p_2)] : p_1 <= 1 + p_0 or (p_0 <= -2 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0) }> ]]
          [[ <[p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef1[(0)] }, [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef1[(1)] }> <[p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef2[(p_0 + 4p_2)] }, [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef2[(p_1 + 4p_2)] : p_0 >= -1 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0; MemRef2[(1 + p_0 + 4p_2)] : p_1 <= 1 + p_0 or (p_0 <= -2 and p_1 >= 2 + p_0) }> ]]
      Statements {
              Domain :=
                  [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { Stmt0[i0] : p_0 >= -1 and 0 < i0 < -p_0 + p_1; Stmt0[0] : p_0 <= -2 or p_0 >= -1 };
              Schedule :=
                  [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { Stmt0[i0] -> [i0] : p_0 >= -1 and 0 < i0 < -p_0 + p_1; Stmt0[0] -> [0] };
              ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
                  [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { Stmt0[i0] -> MemRef0[p_0 + 4p_2 + i0] };
              ReadAccess := [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
                  [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { Stmt0[i0] -> MemRef1[0] };
              MustWriteAccess :=  [Reduction Type: NONE] [Scalar: 0]
                  [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { Stmt0[i0] -> MemRef2[p_0 + 4p_2 + i0] };
              Instructions {
    for (const ScopStmt &Stmt : S) {
      isl::set domain = Stmt.getDomain();
      for (MemoryAccess *MA : Stmt) {
        if (!MA->isScalarKind()) {
          isl::set accessedMem;
          accessedMem = MA->getAccessRelation().intersect_domain(domain).range();
          // [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { MemRef0[i0] : (p_0 >= -1 and i0 > p_0 + 4p_2 and i0 < p_1 + 4p_2) or i0 = p_0 + 4p_2 }
          isl::pw_multi_aff MinPMA, MaxPMA;
          isl::pw_aff MinPA, MaxPA;
          MinPMA = accessedMem.lexmin_pw_multi_aff();
          MinPA = MinPMA.get_pw_aff(0);
          // [p_0, p_1, p_2] -> { [(p_0 + 4p_2)] }
          isl_ast_build *build = isl_ast_build_alloc(S.getIslCtx().get());
          isl_ast_expr *minExpr = isl_ast_build_expr_from_pw_aff(build, MinPA.get());
          llvm::Value *V = NodeBuilder.getExprBuilder().create(minExpr);
// /home/harry/llvm-project/polly/lib/CodeGen/IslExprBuilder.cpp:723: llvm::Value* polly::IslExprBuilder::createId(isl_ast_expr*): Assertion `IDToValue.count(Id) && "Identifier not found"' failed. } } }

Michael Kruse

29. des. 2021, 15:32:2629.12.2021
til Harish,Polly Development
To get the llvm::Value pointer of the address represented by a
MemoryAccess, consider using BlockGenerator::generateLocationAccessed.
To codegen a generic isl::pw_aff as LLVM IR, the IslBuilder must be
properly initialized. In your case it seems that the mapping from p_0,
p_1 and p_2 to their corresponding llvm::Value is missing. These would
normally be added by IslNodeBuilder::materializeParameters().

Note this only should be done within the CodeGeneration pass which
will call these initialization functions; before that the LLVM IR
should not be changed.

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30. des. 2021, 06:21:0330.12.2021
til,Polly Development
I am able to get llvm::value now. Thanks a lot.
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