Opening Barnraising Travel Stipend Application

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Stevie Lewis

읽지 않음,
2016. 9. 21. 오후 12:51:5816. 9. 21.
Occasionally we are able help people who would not otherwise be able to attend the Barnraising with travel stipends. While we are still on the search for funds to support this (donate here to help!), we are opening up the Travel Stipend Application Form to get the ball rolling!

Preference for stipends is generally given to: 
- First time Barnraisers,
- Community members facing environmental justice issues, 
- Community members who would otherwise not be able to attend, and
- First time attending Public Lab organizers. 

See attached for more information on travel stipends from Public Lab.

Don't forget to register before September 30th for discounted registration(discount code: EARLYBIRD).
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