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Now accepting unofficial phase submissions for the George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2022

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PhysioNet Challenge

Feb 22, 2022, 9:40:08 AM2/22/22
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

We are delighted to also announce that we are now accepting submissions to the George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2022: Heart Murmur Detection from Phonocardiogram Recordings. Please see the submission instructions and form for details.

This year’s Challenge aims to identify the presence, absence or unclear cases of murmur waves in heart sound recordings collected from multiple auscultation locations. It includes a new database of 5,658 phonocardiogram (PCG) recordings and a new, cost-based scoring metric that seeks to reflect the costs and benefits of algorithmic pre-screening for murmur detection in a resource-constrained environment. We strongly encourage you to share your feedback, especially about the scoring metric, to help us improve the Challenge:

For more information and rules, see and the previous launch announcement. Please note that you *must* re-register for this Challenge (using the link below) even if you competed last year and have no team changes. Please also note the deadlines. At least one entry must be received before April 9th, and an abstract describing preliminary results must be submitted about one week later. See the website for all key dates and the launch announcement for other details:

Many thanks again for your continued support of this event, and we hope that you enjoy the 2022 Challenge!


Gari, Matt, Ali and all the team at PhysioNet

Quick links for this year's Challenge:
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